The Crested Butte Land Trust
Crested Butte Land Trust PROTECTING & PRESERVING natural lands, scenic vistas, wildlife habitat, trails and working ranches INSIDE: • 10th Anniversary of the Lower Loop • 2nd Annual Wine & Food Festival • Conservationists of the Year C R E S T E D B U T T E L A N D T R U S T S U M M E R 2 0 0 9 N E W S L E T T E R president’s letter Photo by For the benefit and the enjoyment of us all. O pen space has the unique ability to benefit everyone in the community, and that makes the successful preservation of our valley’s rugged beauty very satisfying. For ranchers, it is the preservation of a hard-earned lifestyle; for environmentalists, it is the feelings of serenity and appreciation that spending time in nature brings; for business people, open space is a priceless amenity for a self-sustaining economy. The Crested Butte Land Trust celebrates a successful organization that values diversity in its Board of Directors. By reaching out to all segments of our community of residents and visitors alike, by remaining politically neutral, and by utilizing a variety of land preservation tools, our work can be more effective, broad based, and beneficial to a wide range of people. While biking along the Woods Walk, traversing through the aspens to Peanut Lake, the Slate River and the Lower Loop, please think of the Crested Butte Land Trust. We have preserved these trails for all to enjoy. When you admire the fledgling grasses, willows and spruce trees now growing almost a foot high at the reclaimed Peanut Mine, please think of the Crested Butte Land Trust. We have reclaimed the contaminated and dangerous tailings ponds for the benefit of everyone. When you drive through the East River Valley, and see the hardworking ranchers irrigating their lush hay meadows, and the magnificent views of Paradise Divide, please think of the Crested Butte Land Trust. We have assisted these families who steward our agricultural heritage. Passing by the pristine Slate River Wetland Preserve on the drive up to Mt. Crested Butte, please think of the Crested Butte Land Trust. We have protected these extraordinary waters as they are critical to wildlife habitat. We have had tremendous supporters and collaborators along the way, and thank you all for your contributions to our successes. Working together, the Land Trust can encourage a sustainable community enjoyed by all. Jeff Hermanson, President CRESTED BUTTE LAND TRUST Preserving the present for the future STAFF Ann Johnston, Executive Director Heather Duryea, Stewardship Coordinator Liz Vehlow, Events Coordinator Kim Carroll Bosler, Development Director BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jeff Hermanson, President Keith Bauer, Vice-President Tim Mueller, Treasurer Jim Starr, Secretary David Baxter Joe Currier Beverly Griffith John Hess Fred Holbrook Dan McElroy Linda Powers EXECUTIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Bill Abraham Norm Bardeen Peter Bogardus Tim Clark Glo Cunningham Marcia Hegeman Jackie Ingham Dan Jones Robert Kerr Paula Lehr Sandra Allen Leinsdorf Jennifer Rose Lowry Smith John Spencer Scott Truex CONTACT CBLT PO Box 2224 Crested Butte, CO 81224 P: 970.349.1206 F: 970.349.1210 Cover Photographer, Kevin Krill Editor & Designer, Kim Carroll Bosler Founded in 1991, CBLT is an IRS designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the protection and preservation of the Gunnison Valley’s natural lands, scenic vistas, wildlife habitat, trails and working ranches. All gifts, grants and contributions are tax deductible. Photo by Chad Martens C Kids for Conservation Photo by Kelly Winner onservation of our local lands would not be possible lands and helping the environment by reducing waste. without the support and participation of the people Also last spring, CBCS third grade students worked to in this community. We recognize that everyone has preserve a rain forest as well as our own beautiful back yard. something valuable to conThese students raised money tribute, and individuals can through a very successful bake and do make a difference. sale, held at four locations The Crested Butte Land around town. The kids Trust owes part of its success exceeded their fundraising in 2009 to some inspirational goal, and proceeds were students who are enrolled at used to preserve three acres the Crested Butte Commuof rain forest land through nity School. the organization Cool Earth All three classes of and to support local land kindergartners from CBCS preservation through CBLT. participated in a project last In addition, CBCS spring to benefit the Land fourth grade students recently Trust. As part of their Earth helped the Land Trust while Day celebration, the children honing their literary skills. hand painted reusable canvas Students contributed to the Kindergartners at the Crested Butte Community School. shopping bags, sold them, 2010 Land Trust calendars by and donated the money they raised to CBLT. A letter received composing original haikus to accompany the twelve months of by CBLT and signed by all the children said in part, “We would photographs of local landscapes. like to donate the money to the Land Trust so that we can CBLT thanks all of these students and their dedicated help preserve the beautiful land around our valley. Thank you teachers for their creative support! These kids are making a for making such a difference in the world we live in.” Thanks direct, positive impact in our community and the world we live to these kids for protecting our local open spaces and natural in. Our future is in good hands. 1 0th T Anniversary of the Lower Loop Photo submitted by John Hess Photo submitted by John Hess Photo by Melizza Belkin his summer is the 10th anniversary of Crested Butte’s Lower Loop trail and recreation area. From the inception of the Crested Butte Land Trust in 1991, the Lower Loop parcel was a top priority for preservation. Comprised of 193 acres, the Lower Loop provides opportunities for hiking, biking, fishing and skiing, as well as offering physical and spiritual connections with nature. The trail begins in the Town of Crested Butte and meanders through National Forest lands on its way to Oh-Be-Joyful in the Raggeds Wilderness. The Slate River runs through the property, creating wetlands and wildlife habitat that is home to a diverse community of plants, mammals, birds and fish. Here, one can hear an elk bugling or discover mountain lion tracks in the mud. Great Blue Herons nest on the island in Peanut Lake, wildflowers beckon hummingbirds, and hawks fly overhead. In 1999, a local Crested Butte couple offered to provide a $100,000 Challenge Grant if CBLT could raise an additional $100,000 for the Lower Loop. CBLT continues to be extremely grateful to these anonymous donors for their generosity ten years ago. Their gift, combined with additional donations and grants, resulted in the Lower Loop trail, which is the most utilized trail system in the Gunnison Valley. Surveys indicate that over 500 hikers, bikers and horseback riders use the Lower Loop on any given summer day. CBLT won an Award for Excellence for the Lower Loop project from the Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts. The Lower Loop project stood out because of the many private and public partners that collaborated with CBLT, including the Town of Crested Butte, Gunnison County Land Preservation Board, Great Outdoors Colorado, Adaptive Sports, the State Trails Commission, International Mountain Bike Association, the Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association, and many individual donors. In addition, the wider track portion of the trail made the Lower Loop the first trail in the Slate River Valley to accommodate those with wheelchairs and special needs. The project was also unique because the trail starts in Mark Reaman loads up his young helpers, while David Baxter, Jim Gebhart and John Hess build a bridge during one of the trail building days for the Lower Loop in the summer of 1999. town and connects users to a wilderness area, without the need or use of motorized vehicles. We are so fortunate to know that this trail system and recreational area will remain natural and accessible now and forever. The Lower Loop remains one of CBLT’s proudest achievements. Celebrate the 10th anniversary by getting out and enjoying the Lower Loop. Photo by T In Praise of Trail Easements rails provide a meaningful and satisfying outdoor experience. By maintaining access to our magnificent forests, meadows and wetlands, trails offer a unique way to reaffirm our sense of connection with the natural world. They also provide physical activity for a diverse range of people, including persons with disabilities, children and the elderly. Local trails afford a myriad of opportunities to appreciate Crested Butte’s natural heritage. Trails often cross lands which are environmentally sensitive. By leading hikers and bikers along well-worn paths, delicate wetlands and high alpine meadows are protected, while allowing recreationalists to experience varied plant and animal life. People come to the Gunnison Valley to escape the city and enjoy a pristine mountain environment rich in recreational lands. Recreation provides a stable, lasting income to our valley, and trails are a valuable amenity to our local recreational lands. Placing a trail easement on private property can benefit both the property owner and the public simultaneously. In surveys across the nation, trails are the most popular amenity preferred by home buyers. They usually consume very little buildable land because trails are often constructed on slopes where homes are not usually built, so little land is lost. There are also state and federal tax incentives available for trail easements. CBLT collaborates with many partners, including developers and landowners, to provide trails and protect our access points to public lands. If you would like to discuss the possibility of donating a trail easement on your property, or donating financially to our trail easement program, please call the CBLT office at 970.349.1206. Trails provide what residents and visitors to our community seek – access to natural landscapes. PERM sa- EVENT SCHEDULE MIT NO. 27 GRAND TASTING Features more than 250 different varietals, giving guests the opportunity to try an intriguing array of wine options. Appetizers will be served from great local restaurants. EVENING ON ELK AVENUE New for 2009! Enjoy historic downtown Crested Butte and taste wines featured at the Grand Tasting. With hundreds of wines at the Festival, this gives you more opportunity to sip and savor! Purchase the Grand Tasting and Evening on Elk Avenue together for $100 ($10 savings.) WINE SEMINARS Learn from winemakers and master sommeliers in classroom format. Each class will elevate your inner oenophile curiosities and desires! $35 to $50 per person. More seminars added all the time – check our website for updates. CHEF DINNERS The most prestigious event of the weekend at which acclaimed chefs create multi-course dinners paired with premium wines. Held in private homes in Crested Butte, seating is limited for each of these four special events. WINEMAKER TRAILS New for 2009! Cyclists will head out on a variety of the amazing mountain biking trails found in Crested Butte. Each cyclist can choose between beginner/intermediate and intermediate/advanced trails. All rides will be guided by professional local guides and will include invited winemakers. After the rides, cyclists will converge in a beautiful mountain meadow where they will be treated to gourmet picnics as prepared by talented local chefs and wines presented by these prestigious winemakers. All riders receive an official Crested Butte Wine cycling jersey! For tickets and more information call 303-809-0404, or visit Proceeds from the Festival benefit the Crested Butte Land Trust. Lodging and ticket packages available via our partnership with the Crested Butte Mountain Resort with room nights starting as low as $143 per night. Visit or call CB Vacations at 888-280-5724. * Events subject to change. Check website for updated SUPPORT THE CRESTED BUTTE LAND TRUST IN 2009 We are grateful to the following for supporting the Crested Butte Land Trust from May 15, 2008 to May 15, 2009. Thank you for helping to “Preserve the present for the future.” We also wish to thank those donors who have chosen to remain anonymous. TRUSTEES OF THE LAND Kevin J. and Susan W. Beltz Russell and Dorothy Budd Gene and Shirley Cordes Crested Butte Mountain Resort Dr. and Mrs. John Haley Jeff Hermanson SUSTAINING DONORS Alpine Acupuncture William and Jill Angel Bacchanale Clif and Kathy Barnhart Wayne Batwin and Sandy Huffman Keith and Jodi Bauer Dan Bench Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berry, Jr. Rose-Marie Bollier Richard and Martha Burr Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Cook, Jr. Joe and Liz Currier Cristiana Guesthaus Melissa Cunningham Alice and Robbin Dawson Carole Dobbie David D. and Carole J. Ebner Xavier Fane Jacob and Martha Geller Melissa Giacchino Bob, Mandy, Ben and Mo Gillie Balie and Beverly Griffith Alan G. and Gloria M. Heath Brian Inouye and Nora Underwood Linda A. Jennings David and Ann Johnston Peter and Margaret Kennel Fred and Robin Koval David and Kathryn Larsen Don G. and Josephine L. Lebrasse David and Sandra Leinsdorf Jack and Bettye Lemon-Gilmour David A. and Mary D. Lind Wendy and Woody Lindenmyer Kenny Marks Charles and Susan McKee Randall and Shirley Pogue Linda Powers Sandra L. Polson Trust Jay and Daphne Shipowitz Lowry and LeIla Smith Jim and Annie Starr Richard and Kim Sweitzer Wally Trepp David and Corinne Tyler Wouter and Jill Van Tiel Nickolas M. Waser and Mary V. Price Jim Watson Robert and Susan Youker GOLD CONSERVATIONISTS Phyllis Cowell Sidney and Janet Farmer John and Margarita Hennessy Terry and Ginger Rathert Diane Ross John and Carson Taylor, Jr. Bruce and Susanne Wilkinson SILVER CONSERVATIONISTS David and Chris Baxter Ed and Judy Ligon Marcy Long Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meginnis Tim and Diane Mueller Bert Phillips and Happy Fowler George and Bobbie Reinhardt Dr. and Mrs. John Soucheray Bill and Anita Vallett Tim and Wren Wirth BRONZE CONSERVATIONISTS Richard and Mary Allen Bruce and Deborah Alpern Bank of the West Robert J. and Tina M. Bishop Roy and Toni Bliss Bob and Judith Brust Phillip and Austin Coombs Crested Butte Bank Joe Cruz and Jane Kuenzel Chuck Ferrell Frank and Linda Fialkoff Tim and Christe Fretthold John M. and Shannon Fudge Ingrid Gebavi Fran and Wendy Guy Lash Hansborough Anne A. Hickman Holbrook & Smith General Contractors David and Lezlie Hudiburg John and Jackie Ingham Richard Kimball and Mary Louise Skinner Paul and Jacquelyn Kingsbury Bill Langley and Sue Rouse John and Debra Lucas Withrow Meeker David and Patricia Miller Kenneth and Barbara Moffitt John and Christy Murchison, Jr. Prescor, Inc. Mike and Cille Ribaudo Michael and Nancy Roach William and Anne Ronai Thomas W. and Cathy Scoville Jeffrey Serra Anthony and Randi Stroh Larry and Chris Tanning Graham Ullrich and Sue Schappert Beth and Ben Wegbreit Peter and Mary Winants INDIVIDUAL DONORS Jerry Abeles Gary and Carolyn Achenbach Mr. and Mrs. James Akers William H. Alexander Trent and Linda Anderson Brenda Archer Monica Ariowitsch James D. and Joanne W. Arnott Lou R. and Nell F. Baeten, DDS, MS Robin Baither Priscila Banks Leah Banford Larry Gregory and Carol Cronin Barbour Tery L. and Mary C. Baskin Harry and Nancy Beaudry Robert Behr and Nancy Graham John and Melissa Belkin Elizabeth and David Bell James and Catherine Benedict Charles Bennett, PhD Ralph Benson Tony Benson Richard C. Berg Walker and Ruth Berkshire Chuck and Jennifer Bess Thomas Bielefeld Glee Biery Thomas and Linda Biery Joan Binkow Lyle Blanden Bonnie Boatwright Jules Bohnn, MD Candis Bond Janet Bowman and Laurie Bolard Sarah Boynton Robert J. and Malla T. Brandenberger Richard and Donna Bratton John and Kay Braziel Robert and Carol Foster Breeze, MD Grant and Julie Bremer Peter and Mary Jane Bridges Eric Bridgford and Kathryn Tippie Robert H. and Laura A. Brodie Frank Brookins William and Susan Brooks Andrew Brown Andy and Jerry Brown Dwight and Patsy Brown Fred Brown Mike Brown Roger and Linda Brown Michael A. Brummer Dr. and Mrs. John Bruno Bill and Carolyn Brusman Bernard E. and Martha A. Bryson Jeff and Beth Buehler Gail Burford and Pete Lawson Matt Capritto J. Christopher and Ruth Carey E. Hugh and Linda H. Chappell, Jr. David Charnack Zia Charnack Jeffrey W. and Loretta J. Clarke David and Terry Clayton James R. Cobb Jack and Peggy Colby Kenneth W. and Mabeth Coleman Mark and Emily Collins Karen and Gus Comiskey Nancy and Mark Conant Gary and Kirsten Cook Ray and Maria Cook Reagan and Susan Coon John Copp Diane Cornwall Thomas and Alaine Cosgrove Robert Couchman Marla Covey Shaun and Michelle Cox Patricia L. Crader Winfield Craven, MD Richard and Eva Critchfield John Todd and Caroline Crocker William Crocker Martin and Karen Cude Mike and Sherri Cummings Annamarie Daane Mark Daily and Lynn Cudlip Mr and Mrs William D’Armond Brian and Carol Dale Bart and Eileen Dalton Kathy Darrow Paul and Robbie Davis Taylor Davis Joseph De Compiegne Peter Dea and Cathy Carpenter Dea Chris Degner David and Barbara Dehaemers Jeffrey Delaney and Dana Beardslee Delaney Terry and Laura Detlefsen Joyel Dhieux Caroline and Jack Diani Randy Dietrich Rick Divine Richard and Ellen Dobbin Neil and Linda Dorrel Curtis and Margaret Dorris Sterling and Melinda Doster Robin E. Dreyfuss Bruce Driver and Char Dougherty Brittany Drendel and Ross MacLean Scott and Debra Duncan Larry and Karen Dunn William and Susan Duryea Margaret Easly Scott W. and Pamela F. Eaton Ernest Eck and Patricia Karlin Dr. Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich David and Lois Einsidler Pam Ellis John R. and Sandra Kipp Emery Marty and Kay Evans Mrs. Theodora L. Feldberg Pierre and Kathleen Felli Wayne Felton Thomas and Cindy Filchner Robert Fine and Marsha Goldstein Steven Finkel Jay and Ginny Fitzgerald Ray and Elizabeth Fitzgerald Joseph and Janice Foerch Daniel and Marilyn Foster Gil and Lynn Friedlander Gilbert L. and Alice Fuld Scott and Casandra Fulkerson Scott and Connie Funk Charles K. & Stephanie R. Gailey, III Carlo Gaines Andrew and Laura Gall Jim Garot Gary Gellin and Holly Harris Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbs Steven and Joyce Gibson Jack Gilmour Roger A. Glasgow David and Sharon Gleeson Jason Goldman and Emily Hazan Jeff and Shannon Graham Bill and Susan Grana Milton and Jennie Graves David Gray and Carolyn Blanchard Walter and Sherron Green Charles J. Gries Andrew Grimes, MD Barry and Rena Grossman Andrew and Suzanne Hadley Scott and Heidi Hahn Dr. and Mrs. Arvel Haley Denis B. Hall Richard and Wendy Hall J. Marshall Hamilton Ralph and Carol Hamner John and Judith Hansen Scott and Kristi Hargrove Julia Hamilton Harms, TTEE Kelly B. and Tanja Harrison Kevin and Rosemary Harvey Andrew Haverkampf Marc and Nancy Hazan Betsy Heartfield Lucy Hecker Andrew and Lynn Hedesh Alan and Marcia Hegeman Joan Heinz Louise Heller Casady Henry Sandra C. Henry Mary Hense John Hess and Tracy Wickland Clay Hicks Karen Hickey Hinds-Bilton Family Martha Hodgden Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hogue Christine P. Holbrook Paul and Kathy Hooge Robert Howard Mr. and Mrs. Don Humphreys Grant and Jenifer Humphreys David and Bonnie Inouye John and Simone Irwin Geoff and Jennifer Isringhausen Randa Jacobs Lynn Jagaciewski and Craig Williams Mindaugas and Linnea Jatulis Tom and Karen Jensen Carol M. Johnson David and Candace Johnson John and Mary Jones Erin Kahler Gregg and Kristine Kampf Robert and Barbara Kauffman James and Ruth Keene, III Gary Keiser and Elizabeth Shell Keiser William and Daisette Kellett Wendy and Mavis Kelsey, Jr. Nicholas and Tina Kempin Sue and Herb Kessner Anita King Michael J. and Amanda Knoll Key and Catherine Kolb Nathaniel Kolb, III Carla Kramer and Josh Granof Christina and Brian Kuhlmann Allison Kuhne and Michael Butcher Bill and Catherine Lacy William and Marjorie Laduke Timothy and Andrea Ruth Lee Clarke and Charmon Lehew Edwin Lehrburger Brett and Jenny Lessley Joel Levey Iris Levin Michael and Ellen Levitt Margot Levy Perry J. Lewis Melissa C. Lewis Michael and Perdita Linehan Peter Litton Eric and Bette Long Robert Lyman Paul L. Mack Gerard and Constance Mackey Ronald and Patricia Martin Laura and Tyler Martineau Ross Matsumoto Timothy and Margaret McCandless Dan and Janice McElroy Charles and Cathy McGinnis Uwe Meissner John and Kathleen Meyer Allan and Diane Miller Melynda Hogue and Russell Miller Sarah Miller Mr. and Mrs. William H. Miller, Jr. Molly Minneman Richard and Lisa Moody Detty Moore and Linda Hebert James D. and Alyce Moore James R. and Linda Morton Lawrence F. Mosher Barry and Lynne Muirhead John Murphy Honeydew Murray Mr and Mrs Scott Murray Ted and Caroline Murray Courtney Myers and Theron Graham Gary and Rochelle Needham Georg Nevole Seth Novatt and Priscilla Natkins Patrick and Jordan O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. David O’Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Oliphant Karen Oritz Lawrence C. and Verin Paddock Mrs. Maren Palmer Ginny Passoth Gerry and Lois Pate John and Caryn Patton Mike and Keyhe Pearce Bill and Cynthia Peatross Dan and Harriet Peavy Ron and Vicky Pelinski Thomas H. Perkins Jeanette Peter Eric Peterson and Cathy Steinberger Steve Porter Garland Porterfield, MD James and Joan Prentice Greg Price Heather Prouty Wm. K. and Mary Jane Pryor William and Margaret Puckett Robert and Barbara Pyle Gary and Frances Rainwater George and Elaine Rau Melanie Rees Donald and Susan Reithel Joseph Rhone and Tom Pritchard Lee Riciputi and Claudia Mora Miriam Ricketts and James Willis H. Grant and Jill Robbins, II Gareth and Linda H. Roberts James Robertson Douglas Robotham David Rose and Ceil Murray Brent and Betty Rosenthal Eric and Kathleen Ross Dr. Sandra G. Rosswork Rudolph and Lois Rozman Scott and Margaret Sanders Ronda Sandquist and David Ladd Ralph Savarese and Roberta McMorrow Jacob Scherr and Carole Dickert- Scherr Dave and Betty Schneider Gary and Nancy Schultz Daniel Semegen and Susan Firestone Semegen Peter and Deborah Sershon Ronald J. and Donna Seuferling Elisabeth Sherratt Carol Sidell James and Delrena Sides Randall P. and Marsha Singleton Bill Smith and Jennifer Rose Al and Wythina Smith Skip and Karen Smith Cathy Sporcich Margaret A. Sporcich Raymond Sprague and Kathleen J. Turner Bo and Jamie Stambaugh Franklin Stern and Caroline McLean Richard E. Stiefler Juliet Stillman Jerry and Virginia Stone Leland and Elizabeth Stone Michael A. and Carolyn W. Stone Phillip B. and Lisa Stranahan, Jr. Rebecca Suazo Kelly Sudderth Robert Sundstrom Dennis and Yolanda Tafi Larry Tate Terry Toole Linda Trifone Mark Tye Michelle U’Ren Silvia Unterkreuter Ms. Elizabeth Vehlow Theodore and Martha Violett Albert V. and Kathryn G. Vogel Deborah Voorhees Mercedes Voorhees Joe and Ellen Walker Laird and Chris Walker Kim Walter Martha C. and Tom Warner Neil Watko Ward B. Watt and Carol Boggs Ron Welborn Nancy Wellborn-David David White and Heather Duryea Marco White Roy and Susan Widjeskog Helen L. Wilke C.M. Williams Claire Williams Joe and Becky Williams Dr. and Mrs. Lacy Williams, MD Devon and Grayce Wilson William and Diana Winkler, MD Klaus and Karin Wisiol Dr. Jay Wolkov Terry Woodrow Dr. Roy Wright and Barbara Wright Mary Jane Wurster Ms. Loraine Yeatts Barry and Janet Young Robert and Betsy Zakely Rick and Annie Zander Lucy Zavala Michele Zembal CODICIL CLUB Frank Brookins Richard Kimball and Mary Louise Skinner Margaret Mead Melanie Rees Phil Roy IN MEMORY David and Chris Baxter in memory of Nina Scripps William and Elaine Brandt in memory of Sarah Brandt Brandt Foundation in memory of Sarah Brandt Carlson Family Foundation in memory of Tom Norton Richard and Ellen Dobbin in memory of J. Christopher Dobbie Jack, Irene and Jessie Dudas in memory of J. Christopher Dobbie Christopher and Shelia Green in memory of Sarah Brandt Balie J. and Beverly Griffith in memory of Don Norgard Ethan Hicks in memory of his mother, Peggy Jeanette Geyer Hicks Jackie and John Ingham in memory of Peggy Jeanette Geyer Hicks in memory of Nina Scripps in memory of Dianne White David and Elizabeth Johnston in memory of Cassi Wimmingham Don G. and Josephine L. Labrasse in memory of Albert Kang in memory of Jheryl Busby in memory of Loretta Saint-Louis in memory of Bernice Groh in memory of Thomas Leary in memory of Fern Kanive in memory of Forest Trojanovich William and Karen Mueller in memory of J. Christopher Dobbie Leslie C. Perrot-Friedkin in memory of David Friedkin Catherine Rodriguez in memory of Nina Scripps Robert Scripps in memory of Nina Scripps Judge Ross A. and Mariann Sears and Jessica Jensen in memory of Peggy Jeanette Geyer Hicks Gilbert and Barbara Smith in memory of J. Christopher Dobbie Graham Ullrich and Sue Schappert in memory of David Reynolds Nancy N. Welch in memory of Rudy and Esther Verzuh IN HONOR Clifford T. and Susan D. Beckman in honor of Lou Beckman & Pete Davis Robert J. and Malla T. Brandenberger in honor of Bill Powell and Patti Gast Gail Burford and Pete Lawson in honor of Edwina Lawson Dr. Clifford Colwell in honor of Chris and Carolyn Beall Colwell David Cook and Carolyn Young in honor of Jim Campbell Crested Butte / Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce in honor of Denis Hall Richard and Anne Dougherty in honor of Ruth and Skip Berkshire David and Holly Grainger in honor of Tim Clark Raul and Alexis Hernandez in honor of Nick Hernandez Daniel and Edwina Lawson in honor of Gail Burford Margot Levy in honor of Glo Cunningham in honor of Linda Powers Ted and Caroline Murray in honor of Lou Beckman Laurence and Elzbieta Nolan in honor of Jim Campbell Catherine and Daniel Piergentili in honor of Jim Campbell Thomas M. & Leewood Woodell, II in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ingraham in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Biery in honor of Mr. & Mrs. William Manuel Alexandra Zasimova in honor of Jim Campbell IN HONOR OF JOHN & MARGIE HALEY Hardy Family Gallery Gordon and Nicole Keehn Michael Repka, MD Jeffrey Whitman GRANTORS 1% for Open Space Great Outdoors of Colorado The Gunnison County Land Preservation Board Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley Gates Family Foundation FOUNDATIONS & CHARITABLE TRUSTS Akers Foundation American Express Foundation Bailey Family Foundation Becky and Joe Williams Family Fund of the Houston Jewish Community Foundation Boettcher Foundation Carlson Family Foundation Colwell Family Fund of the San Diego Foundation Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley, with thanks to the donorsEd and Judy Ligon Gil and Lynn Friedlander Anne Hickman, donor advisor of the Hickman Fund Tim and Christe Fretthold, donor advisors of the Aerie Fund Gus and Karen Comiskey David and Sharon Gleeson Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Greater Houston Community Foundation with support from Wendy and Mavis Kelsey, Jr. Fund Houston Jewish Community Foundation I Do Foundation Jewish Communal Fund Oppenheimer Funds Legacy Matching Gifts Program Pine Tree Foundation Poor Richard’s Charitable Trust Pritchard Family Foundation Richard Goldstein Private Foundation Sandra L. Polson Trust Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving United Way of Central New Mexico Winslow Foundation STEWARDS OF THE LAND CBLT thanks the following families and organizations for their generous land contributions and preservation efforts: Allen, Anders, Beitner, Bench, Betz, Biery, Burstein, Cavalli, Conroad Associates LP, Cosentino, De Pasquale, Divine, Eccher, Gallin, Gebhart, Gronk LLC, Hidden Mine Homeowners Association, Huckeby, Jucha, Kapushion, Kennel, Kroft, Kubricht, McElroy, McGill, Mead, Meredith, Miller, Niccoli, Ochs, Oso & Luna LLC, Passow, Perry, Pitkin Iron Co., Ranch Reserve, Riverbend Homeowners Association, Robbins, Robinson, RMBL, Rolling River LLC, Rozman, Silka, Smith, Stratman, Stroh, Trout Ranch LLC, Trust for Public Land, Trout Ranch LLC, US Energy, US Forest Service, Utley, Zeligman BUSINESSES & ORGANIZATIONS Acme Liquor All Action Maintenance Arrangements Catering Bluestone Builders City Market Cares Program Colorado Mountain Events, LLC Conservation Solutions Mgmt CO, LLC Crested Butte Community School Kindergarteners Third Graders Fourth Graders Crested Butte / Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce Dragon Sheet Metal Eastside Bistro Farley Custom Carpentry & Renovation, LLC Gears, Inc. Ice Mountain Jewelry Marr Corp. McAfee Enterprises, LP Noreen Construction, Inc Rocky Mountain Trees & Landscaping Shondeck Financial Services and Insurance Sterling Valley Systems, Inc Storage One / Crested Butte, LLC Tomichi Tire-Towing Service Wildrose Appraisal, Inc GIFTS IN KIND Alpineer Artisan Rug Gallery Avalanche Bar and Grill Bacchanale David and Chris Baxter Tony Benson Big Al’s Bicycle Heaven Nathan Bilow Photography Bit ‘n Spur Restaurant Blue Moon Books Box Canyon Lodge and Hot Springs Brick Oven Pizzeria Buckaroo Beanery Leanne Canty Casa Bella CB Hand and Foot Care Clear Rivers Skin Care and Waxing The Club at Crested Butte Colorado Rapids Gene and Shirley Cordes Creative Catering Crested Butte Angler Crested Butte Cookie Company Crested Butte Mountain Resort Crested Butte Music Festival Crested Butte Nordic Council Crested Butte Sports Joe and Liz Currier Denver Art Museum Denver Center for Performing Arts Django’s Dogwood Cocktail Cabin Donita’s Cantina Eastside Bistro Fantasy Ranch Finca Bellavista Kiley Flint Four Eighteen Paul Gallaher Ginger Cafe Go West Peter J. Hagen and Lindsay Faulkner Hagen Hair of the Dawg Jeff Hermanson Joe and Tracy Hollister Hotel Teatro Ice Mountain Jewelry John Fielder Photography David and Ann Johnston Kroenke Sports Enterprises Larimer Square Last Steep Lavish Le Bosquet Lil’s Sushi Bar & Grill Lobar Majestic Theatre Marc Piscotty Photography, LLC Marchitelli’s Gourmet Noodle Matchstick Productions Maxwell’s MCA Denver Michelle and Co. Salon and Boutique Misty Mountain Mountain Colors Painting Mountain Earth Whole Foods Mountain Tails Tim and Diane Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Scott Murray Nomadic Spirit Oh Be Dogful Pet Ranch Oh Be Joyful Therapeutic Massage Orvis Hotsprings Pitas in Paradise Pooh’s Corner Linda Powers Princess Wine Bar Red Mountain Logworks Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory Rocky Mountain Trees & Landscaping John and Haden Spencer Studio West The Slogar The Inn at Crested Butte The Secret Stash Timberline Restaurant Tony Hawk, Inc. Wiesbaden Hot Springs, Spa, and Lodging Wildrose Appraisal The Wooden Nickel Zion Cycles Zion Park Inn If we have inadvertently not recognized you on this list, or if you prefer to be acknowledged differently, please let us know. We apologize for any oversights and thank you for your gift. crested butte land trust news The Peanut Mine Reclamation Project won a National Award for Excellence in 2008 from the U.S. Dept. of the Interior. This project shows how community involvement, innovative partnering between public, private and government groups, and careful planning can combine to produce exemplary reclamation. As a result, sixteen acres of mine and mill wastes are reclaimed and three new acres of wetlands have been established at the entrance to the Lower Loop Trail system. CBLT thanks all of those who have contributed to the project, including students and staff at the Crested Butte Community School, and the 75 volunteers who planted over 4,500 trees. Caddis Cup Fly Fishing Tournament Mark your calendar for the 8th annual Caddis Cup Fly Fishing Tournament. Join angler enthusiasts from all over the country for an unforgettable two days in the heart of the majestic Colorado Rockies participating in this exciting, non-competitive fly fishing experience. Participants are paired with experienced local anglers. A dinner party and guide selection will be held on Thursday, July 16 at Cement Creek Ranch. Friday, July 17 will be the fishing tournament and awards ceremony. For questions or to register, contact Liz Vehlow at 970.349.1206 or email Explore Schofield In the high elevations just north of Crested Butte is the old mining town site of Schofield. Schofield is bordered by National Forest, and CBLT owns acreage here that is open for public access. This access provides recreational opportunities from the town site through the High Elk Corridor. A rough summer-only road, perfect for hiking or biking, goes from Crested Butte through the High Elk Corridor linking Gothic, Crystal and Marble. The sub-alpine valley system of the High Elk Corridor provides important wildlife habitat, an unpolluted water source, and a unique outdoor laboratory for experiments performed by the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab. Farewell Jennifer Rose Jennifer Rose moved to Crested Butte almost 30 years ago from Middleburg, Virginia. An avid hiker, mushroom hunter and wildflower enthusiast, Jennifer shared her appreciation for natural areas by organizing hikes and hunts through Land Trust preserved properties. She travels frequently with her husband and son, and operates the Massage Studio. Jennifer volunteered on CBLT’s Board of Directors from 2002 through 2008, serving as Vice President and Fundraising Chair. Her energy, laughter and creative ideas are greatly missed. Welcome Fred Holbrook Fred Holbrook is the newest volunteer member of CBLT’s Board of Directors. Fred arrived in Crested Butte for the winter season of 1975-1976. He started his own business building both commercial and residential projects. Fred has previously served on the Boards of the Chamber of Commerce and the Crested Butte Mountain Theater, as well as the Gunnison County Planning Commission. In his free time, Fred likes to take full advantage of the biking, hiking and Nordic ski trails that the Land Trust provides around Crested Butte. Photo by John Miller Peanut Mine Reclamation Award New Staff Members Liz Vehlow joined the CBLT staff in October 2008 as Events Coordinator. Liz was previously an Income Development Representative at the American Cancer Society in Chicago before moving to Crested Butte to pursue a life in the mountains. Liz has planned a summer of CBLT events you won’t want to miss. Kim Carroll Bosler was hired as the Developmet Director in March 2009. She was previously with KBUT Community Radio for 13 years, serving as General Manager and Development Director. Kim has also served on the Board of Directors for two media related non-profit organizations. 2010 Calendars Available We are pleased to announce that 2010 CBLT calendars are on sale now. The calendar features the work of local photographers whose stunning images reflect the unique beauty of the Gunnison Valley. Well-versed fourth graders from the Crested Butte Community School contributed original haikus to accompany the photos. Calendars can be purchased online at, at CBLT’s office located at 308 Third St. in Crested Butte, or from local retailers. Proceeds benefit the ongoing conservation efforts of CBLT. Photo by JC Leacock Land Steward Volunteers Needed Land stewards monitor CBLT properties at least once every year. The volunteer commitment is minimal, requiring only a few hours of time each year. Training is provided, and new stewards are paired with veteran volunteers. The main requirement is keen observation skills. Knowing your flora and fauna is especially helpful. This is a great opportunity to access CBLT properties that may otherwise be closed to the public. For more information or to volunteer, contact Heather Duryea at 970.349.1206 or email 1% for open space update Since its inception in 1997, the 1% for Open Space program has donated over 1.2 million dollars towards the preservation of over 4,000 acres throughout Gunnison County. In 2008, 1% for Open Space raised $129,312 for land preservation projects and pledged $100,000 to the Crested Butte Land Trust. In concert with CBLT, 1% for Open Space launched a campaign for the Crested Butte/Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce to include open space as one of their core values as an economic driver in our communities. The 1% program for the preservation of open space exists thanks to participating businesses. Please support and thank the following businesses: Karyn Adelman Acupuncture Alpengardener Alpine Mortgage Group Alpineer Audrey Anderson, Butte Books Susie Attaway Bacchanale Big Al’s Bicycle Heaven Black Tie Ski Rentals CB Card Company Crested Butte Property Management Crested Butte Wild Mushroom Festival Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum Crested Butte Mountain Resort The General Store 9380 Prime Rustica The Ice Bar Paradise Warming House Base Area Basics On Mountain Basics Butte 66 Woodstone Grill Woodstone Deli Slopemates Elevation Station Crested Butte News Crested Butte Medical Center Crested Butte Nordic Council Cement Creek Ranch Clear Rivers Skin Care & Waxing Coldwell Banker Bighorn Realty Dragonfly Anglers Dragon Sheet Metal Donita’s Cantina Elk Mountain Lodge Evans Contracting Flying Petito Sisters Video Store Gunnison Brewery Gunnison Country Times Heather Elliot, Graphic Designer Interior Visions Le Bosquet Lucille Lucas Gallery Lynn Moore, Moore for Your Money Marchitelli’s Gourmet Noodle Mountain Colors Decorating Center Mountain Spirits Liquors The Mountain Store Munchkin’s Music and Dance Nathan Bilow Photography Paragon Gallery Pema Dawa Pioneer Guest Cabins Pitas in Paradise Pooh’s Corner Red Lady Realty Rocky Mountain Biological Lab / Gothic Store Rocky Mountain Trees and Landscaping Ruben’s New Mexican Restaurant The Secret Stash Spellbound Furniture Works Timberline Mechanical Town of Mt. Crested Butte Why Cook?! T Conservationists of the Year “We support the Crested Butte Land Trust for its efforts to keep our valley special for future generations. We enjoy using the trails and resting our eyes on the pristine views that make Crested Butte so unique.” -Gene & Shirley Cordes An avid photographer himself, Gene’s portrait was taken last summer on CBLT protected property in Schofield Park. Professional photographer Nathan Bilow, also a generous supporter of CBLT, donated this photographic day trip to help raise funds for CBLT’s annual Adventure Auction. Bilow has lived in the Crested Butte area since the late 1970’s. His work has appreared in numerous national and international publications. Although he has traveled extensively in Europe and around the world, Bilow maintains that the best CRESTED BUTTE LAND TRUST PO Box 2224 Crested Butte, CO 81224 Gene Cordes in Schofield Park. Photo by his year, the Crested Butte Land Trust would like to recognize and honor Gene and Shirley Cordes as Conservationists of the Year. Their continuing generous philanthropy benefits all of us. Supporters of CBLT since 1999, Gene and Shirley have helped fund critical projects including the permanent protection of the Lower Loop trail system, preservation of the Rozman Ranch, and protection of wildlife habitat on Kebler Pass. CBLT is indebted to them for their active support and participation over many years. place for him and his family is Crested Butte. Bilow supports several nonprofit organizations in the local community, but says that every year he especially looks forward to donating a photographic day trip for the Land Trust. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 27 CRESTED BUTTE, CO 81224 w w w. c b l a n d t r u s t . o r g VISIT CBLT ONLINE FOR PROJECT UPDATES, AN EVENTS CALENDAR, TO VOLUNTEER OR TO MAKE A DONATION
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