Paper 08-05-15 - The Gunnison Country Shopper
f ree Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Gunnison, CO USA Permit #49 postal patron local happy 20th anniversary mary and matt burt 42nd year, volume 20 august 5, 2015 TODAY Realty of Gunnison, Inc. 5200 County Road 887 Prestigious Custom Log Home on apx 20 acres of pristine property adjoined by the huge Double Heart Ranch & BLM with Hot Springs Creek in front of property on Waunita Hot Springs Road! No covenants! $795,000! 281 Rockey River Lane Custom-built log home on the Gunnison River! Main floor features an open living room, dining room and kitchen, two bedrooms, a full bath. Upper level features a master bedroom and bathroom and a deck for enjoying the River. $598,000! 289 Fairway Lane Gerald Lain Bonnie Wilson Kay Flint Broker Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Jason Lain Joe O’Connell Steve Moorhouse Owner / Broker Broker Associate Broker Associate 341 Meadowlark Trail Home is in excellent condition & ready to move into! A must to see if you are looking for a super nice 3 br home. Also has wood burner fireplace, covered front deck landscaped yard with mature aspen trees & much, much more! $335,000! Beautiful newer cabin with detached Large 4 bdrm home features wrap around deck, granite countertops, quality construction, kitchen island, hickory cabinets & floors, corner lot, 2 car insulated garage, huge bedrooms! $469,000! Over 120 years of Real Estate Experience! 905 CR 744 - Spring Creek Awesome location up Spring Creek Road just off Taylor Canyon! Live in this home and manage the other three homes! Cabins rent for $125 per night min of 3 nights or 700 per week. Very close to fishing! $337,000! 89 Fossil View Drive An exclusive mountain retreat property with expansive views on 10 acres. Off the grid efficiency with all the comforts of home. All furnishings included. Sleeps 15 plus pull out couches. 4 Bedrooms 2.5 Baths! $641,000! MOTIVATED 175 Monte Vista Beautiful 2 story home with pond in back plus Gunnison River Fishing Rights! 3 or 4 bedroom with 20x32 master upstairs w/deck & bedroom or Officedown. Home is in the beautiful Dos Rios Subdivision $274,500! 100 Wildriver 73 Columbine Road Beautiful townhome on west side with two bedrooms & bath on the main level plus a 3rd b/ r suite with full bath on 2nd level. Small stream in back during summer time. Fully Furnished complete with appliances! $174,500! 4 br 2 1/2 bath, 2 living areas with huge barn & outbuildings as an extra including you own chicken coop w/laying hens! Located across the road east of the famous Hartman Rocks Recreation Area + great views of the valley & "W" mountain. $439,000! 712 Main Street - Pitkin Meticulously handcrafted cottage conveniently located in the new Van Tuyl Village close to down town, parks, schools, and the Gunnison Rec Center. This home features an open floor plan with high ceilings $279,000! 1560 Goose Creek Road (Powderhorn) 5630 County Road 771 Spectacular park-like setting on Gold Creek 5 1/2 miles west of Ohio City. Private but modern hideaway for the most discriminating owner. Relax on the huge deck while enjoying the sounds of the creek and views of the surrounding forest. $345,000! Airport Storage Excellent storage units, location &opportunity to own your own business and manage Doesn't seem like there are ever enough of these type storage units available! 24 Large units on the ground level 32 smaller units on the 2nd level. $499,000! 714, 716, & 718 N 11th Perfect investment opportunity located by the Gunnison schools. 3, 2 bedroom 1 bath rental homes recently updated and in great condition. Excellant rental history! Make an Offer! $355,000! 1122 N. Colorado Very nice 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, 2 living areas, large fully applianced kitchen just off the WSCU campus! Gunnison Recreation Center with swimming pool just across the s t r e e t . $ 199, 50 0 ! BEAUTIFUL 200 ACRE RANCH WITH HUGE 5 BEDROOM 2 BATH home plus huge barns. Private well for home and commercial well for barns. Awesome 3 level home with fully applianced kitchen. Home is finished to the point where all you have to to is decorate it just how you want it to be. Awesome property which you can ranch or use it for a vacation or hunting camp. Gunnison County Rural Electric services this property. Big game hunting for Elk, Mule Deer, A true Rocky Mountain Paradise property. $895,000! 420 S. Wisconsin Unit 1 Private fenced yard, lands c a p e d , H o t T u b , Wo o d b u r n i n g stove, wood doors & trim, Custom alder cabinets, custom tile floors in kit & bath. 2 Bedrooms and 2 Baths. $174,900! 144 Curecanti Drive - Water Wheel 12 Very nice 2 bedroom condo just off the ponds and Dos Rios Golf Club only about a mile west of Gunnison River & the Jet airport! Partially furnished with all kitchen appliances. Both bedrooms are upstairs with a full bath.$99,500! 117 Shavano Drive Unit 204A Cute 2 bedroom top floor condo in a peaceful setting on the Dos Rios Country club. A perfect starter unit, rental investment, or second home for the golfing family. Common area laundry, low utilities, and the HOA pays for hot water. $109,000! Riverwalk Estates (Gunnison River) There is a place of matchless beauty etched in your memory. Beautiful trees, ponds and miles of walking paths. Includes the use of a guest cabin! River Lots Starting @ $120,000! Interior Lots starting @ $80,000! 1116 Vulcan Street Meticulously handcrafted cottage conveniently located in the new Van Tuyl Village close to down town, parks, schools, and the Gunnison Rec Center. This home features an open floor plan with high ceilings $279,000! 1313 W. Ohio #22 Beautiful Huge 4 bedroom home very well maintained, very clean a n d s h o w s j u s t G R E AT ! ! A l l large rooms throughout plus very large back deck! Lawn area & backs up to pond. $68,900! Perennial Sale! at 2 locations LOC HERATED E! WE “GNOME” YOU’VE BEEN WAITING... Plants Yard Art Pottery Seeds Bagged Products 35-70% off 40% off 40% off 25-50% off 25% off Cement Creek Crested Butte South Alpengardener 193 Gillaspey Ave Crested Butte South 9AM6PM MSat; 10AM5PM Sun 800 W San Juan Gunnison 25:30 Daily EVERYTHING (except the employees!!) is officially ALPENGARDENER.COM ON SALE This sale happens “perennially” but only lasts through Sunday, August 16th A LOC TE ER DH E! OPEN EVERYDAY august 5, 2015 page 2 222 1/2 north main, gunnison, colorado 81230 SENIOR CITIZENS CALENDAR THE YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TAKES PLACE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 200 E. SPENCER, GUNNISON Thursday, August 6, 2015 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Friday, August 7 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Soup & Salad Monday, August 10 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Meat Loaf Tuesday, August 11 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Wednesday, August 12 11 - 12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, BBQ Pork Meals All seniors, 60 or older, $4 .00 59 and under, $5.00 Children 7-12 years, $4.00 Children 6 and under are free Come and enjoy a reasonable and delicious meal and socialize Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 noon. Bring a friend. Walking in the GYM is FREE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Association with the YAH luncheon. ANY HOME BOUND SENIOR IN NEED OF MEALS, please call 641-2107 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 10:00 a.m. with your request; it will be delivered that day. NEED A RIDE TO THE LUNCHES - Just a phone call away. The Senior Bus is available in a 5 mile radius of town 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for persons needing a ride to and from YAH Senior Meals. Please Call 970-596-6700 to arrange for a ride before 9:00 a.m. THANK YOU, GUNNISON Thank you, Gunnison for a wonderful morning shared by all who came to honor Carol Friedman Barton at the Hospice Garden. Family, Coworkers and friends gathered from Alaska, Oregon, Santa Fe, Paonia, Denver, Colorado Springs and Lake City to share memories and stories of Carol. Wonderful music in the program was provided by the Crested Butte UCC Bell Choir with Marilyn Mears, Lynn Jagiechowski, Linda Rau and Mary Toole. Chris Coady and Sean McCormick entertained and led us in song with their guitars and beautiful voices. Thank you Dr. Tarr and Wade Baker for reminding us of Carol's legacy with her important part in establishing the Hospice of the Gunnison Valley. We have a beautiful bench of picture stone where we can sit and relax thanks to Gunnison Valley Hospital, Daren of Morrison Tile and Stone and the base, designed and made by Randy Melton. The accompanying plaque was made by Carmen at Rocky Mountain Frames and Trophies. Thanks to Jerry Kowal for setting the bench. Sign Guys and Gal made a new sign as one enters the garden. Julie Friedman offered wonderful memorial bookmarks for the guests. Dennis Aspey from the Senior Health Center asssisted in the set up and Kathleen Cortner had the garden in tip top shape with help from Arlene and Kathy Seitz. Nancy from The Paper Clip, Kevin from City Market, Paula Swensen, and City Glass all helped out as well. A lovely reception, Avalon Benell hostess, was organized by Avalon, Therese Trantow and many who provided tasty treats. If we have missed anyone please forgive us...we appreciate everyone who made this possible! The Garden is there for you...for the community. Please visit often, be inspired and feel at peace.Thank you, Gunnison With Gratitude, Arlene Kowal and Patty Bishop CRESTED BUTTE LAND TRUST HIKES AND EVENTS This summer, we are offering several opportunities to explore Crested Butte Land Trust properties with our board members. These unique trips will get you behind the scenes of Land Trust operations, and leave you with an understanding of the history of our properties and the stewardship work involved in preserving the land forever. • Snodgrass Trail Hike August 13th, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. President Bill Reimer will lead a small group of hikers through rolling hillsides replete with wildflowers, impressive aspen stands, and a beautiful fir forest. The trail traverses conserved property and Forest Service land, as well as privately owned ranch land, and stands as an example of our unique relationship between recreation and ranching. hiking, biking, horseback riding, and skiing opportunities abound for most of the year, but the trail closes seasonally to allow the land owners to graze their cattle. • Slate River Mountain Bike Ride - September 5th, 1:00 p.m. On this small group ride led by board member John Simmons, a shuttle will drop you off at the top of the Lupine Trail. We will ride Lupine I and Lupine II, as well as the Lower Loop, while learning the preservation stories of these awesome Land Trust trails. And no ride would be complete without some beers afterwards. • Cloud City Hike September 18th, 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Just steps from town, coal piles from the closed Smith Hill Mine were exposed and leaching into the Slate River wetlands below. Thanks to a large restoration effort, the wetlands have been restored and the coal piles on Smith Hill have been stabilized. As an extra bonus, the hike will finish down the brand new Gunsight Connector Trail. Sign up online: /boardmemberexplore/ or call Claire at the Crested Butte Land Trust: 970-3491206 the Senior Scoop Your source for current local happenings… TODAY, TODAY, TODAY, ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: You are cordially invited to a1end a senior apprecia0on picnic on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 to be held in the outdoor hockey rink located in Jorgensen Park. Since some of the food will be prepared in the recrea0on center in their kitchen, you are encouraged to come before noon to guarantee ample food will be available. We are preparing more food than usual hoping no one will be le! out. If you have never a1ended one of our meals on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, this will give you a chance to get acquainted with our regular guests. This event will be free thanks to Gunnison Savings and Loan and the Board of Directors of Young at Heart! SUBALPINE WILDFLOWER WALK: Under the auspicious of Boomers and Beyond Keith Longpre, Professor Emeritus of Colorado Western State University is offering a wildflower walk to anyone interested in knowing about subalpine and alpine wildflowers near Co1onwood Pass on Saturday, August 8, 2015. There is no climbing mostly level ground. The group will meet at 8am at the Community Center parking lot to carpool and will finish around 12:30pm, and is limited to 12 people. One can sign up at the desk at the Community Center between 8am and 5pm through Friday, August 7th. GUNNISON ART CENTER HAPPENINGS: Kipori Woods or "Baby Wolf" as he is known, will be entertaining at the Gunnison Arts Center during the First Friday Art Walk on Friday August 7th. He is an award winning blues, funk and jazz solo ar0st from New Orleans who puts on an electric and energe0c show. SUNDAYS AT 6: August 2nd, The Sisters Sweet from Faye1eville, Arkansas, reminiscent of the Andrew Sisters and Billie Holiday will be playing. REMINDER: SENIORS DAY The Gunnison Country Food Pantry is open from 10:00 a.m.2:00 p.m. every THURSDAY to help meet the needs of seniors! If you are 65+, please come in and allow the friendly staff to help you stretch your food budget. 321 N Main St, Suite C (corner of Main St & W. Ohio) 9706414156. Senior Transporta0on is now available on Thursday’s if you are in need of a ride, call 5966700, 24 hours in advance. SENIOR TRANSPORTATION IS AVAILABLE 5 DAYS A WEEK! The Senior Bus is in ac0on MF between 9am4pm for local errands, shopping and doctor appointments. Please call 5966700 24 hours in advance with your request. The suggested dona0on is $2.00 per one way trip. The Two Bu1es Senior Ci0zen Van makes a trip to Gunnison and back every Wednesday, weather permi2ng. Call 2754768 24 hours in advance with your request. THE SENIOR SCOOP is brought to you by: The Gunnison Home Association & Local*Natural*Non-GMO*Organic For One Stop Shopping NO Chemicals, Antibiotics, Hormones REAL FOOD! Always Have Been, Always Will Be! Hours: 8am to 7:30pm 804 N. Main, Gunnison (970) 641-5928 FLY FISHING 52 RIVERS with Shelley Walchak. Wednesday, August 5th at 6:30pm at the Gunnison Library. Join us for a slide show and presentation of this adventure. This event is free and open to the public. (8/5). published weekly by the gunnison country shopper, inc. gary rogers - executive, sales, etc, etc... joellen fonken - production head, manager, etc... kadie graham - want ad specialist, filemaker pro, etc... nicki anderson - email expert, phones, phones, etc... fre e p erso nal wa n t- ad s d e a d l i n e 1 0 : 0 0 a m tu e s d a y s f or sa le non-business; automotive, household, sporting equipment, miscellaneous • l ost & f oun d h e l p w a n te d • w a n te d to b uy ya rd sa les • ann ou nc emen ts non-profit ra nc hin g • mo tori zed c a r s & t r uc k s phone 970.641.3148 222 1/2 n. main, gunnison fax 970.641.3101 office hours mondays & tuesdays 8:00 to 5:30, closed wednesdays - delivery day, thursdays by appointment, fridays 8:00 to 4:30. subscriptions 1 year $55 • 6 months $28 • 3 months $14 • 1 month $5 l oc a l bu s in e ss w a n t -a ds d e a d l i n e 2: 0 0 p m t u es d a ys 30 ¢ w o r d / $ 5 . 4 0 m i n i m u m re al e stat e f or sale o r ren t • ser vi ce s o ff e r e d • f i r e w o o d f o r s a l e • b u s i n e s s o pp o r t u n i t i e s • c o m m e r c i a l b u s i n e s s our business want ad rate is 30¢ per word with a $5.40 minimum per issue and payment in advance is required. please proof your ad the first time it appears. in house credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. correction deadline is the same as insertion deadline. (In Mountain Meadows Mall) TALK TO A LAWYER FOR FREE: Thursday Night Bar first Thursday of each month at the Family Services Building, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison, 5:30 p.m. Call Ellen for more information 6417999 (8/5). THE GUNNISON HIGH SCHOOL BAND IS HAVING A CAR WASH this Friday, August 7 from 1:30pm to 5pm at the Power Stop. Support your band and get your car cleaned. Car washes are by donation. (8/5). T ay l o r H al l , R o o m 3 0 3 e x t en d e d st u d i es @ w e st er n. ed u 9 70 - 9 4 3- 2 8 8 5 WE D N E S D A YS A T W E S T E R N p r o g r a m s c o nt i n ue t hr o ug h A u gu s t 1 9 S e e f ul l c a ta lo g a n d r e gi s te r o nl i n e a t w e s t e r n . e d u/ e s Garf ie ld Peak Summi t Hi ke . Karen Immerso, 8/5/15, 7:00am to 4:00pm, $30 lunch included Bl ack Ca nyon Roa d B icyc le Rid e, Blue Mesa Dam. Jennifer Smith, 8/19/15, 8:00am to 2:00pm, $25 U p c o m in g i n F a l l C o ur s e C a t a l o g Soci al Movemen ts beginning 8/24/15, Monday evenings. Dan Cress, for syllabus W a tc h f o r t he F a ll C o u r s e C a ta lo g @ A v a il a b le e a r l y A ug us t ! courtesy of the gunnison country shoppper gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 3 WILDFLOWER & SCIENCE EXTRAVAGANZA WITH 1% FOR OPEN SPACE AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY Discover what world class scientists are studying in our high altitude environments in this full-day, fantastic, educational hiking opportunity, “Wildflowers & Science Extravaganza” with 1% for Open Space and scientists of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Our July hike completely sold out so don’t miss your chance to join us on Saturday, August 15 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. RMBL scientists use wildflowers to understand a range of topics, including pollination dynamics; how complex traits like diabetes are controlled by genes; and how organisms will respond to a changing climate. Join RMBL scientists and 1% for Open Space Executive Director Molly Murfee in this full day immersion to roam through the three separate permanently protected lands of North Pole Basin, Schofield Park and Maxfield (or Gothic) Meadows. Learn about: current research being conducted live on these lands; open space preservation as a key to understanding our physical world; and how these two organizations work together on land conservation for scientific research. Enjoy a gourmet sack lunch in the Gothic townsite followed by a historic tour of the research laboratory grounds with some time to peruse the gift shop. A portion of this workshop’s tuition helps support the work of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory and 1% for Open Space. Held in conjunction with the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival. Register at or (970)349-2571. $110 includes gourmet lunch. For more information on 1% for Open Space, visit; for the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory see Registration is $55 for either workshop. Held in conjunction with the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival. To register visit For more information on 1% for Open Space visit For more information on other wildflower art classes at the Art Studio visit CONNECT WITH NATURE: VISIT THE GRAND MESA, UNCOMPAHGRE & GUNNISON NATIONAL FORESTS The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest is vibrant with colorful fields of alpine wildflowers – this is peak season for nature viewing, photography, hiking, riding and learning more about the amazing natural features that surrounding us. Interested in experiencing a nature connection? Start with a “summer intensive” – a one hour interpretive program offered for all ages at the Grand Mesa Visitor Center every Saturday night. Throughout the summer, guest speakers with expertise in specific natural resources provide an engaging presentation on topics from mushrooms, to birds of the Mesa. The August 1 program features Forest Service Hydrologist, Ben Stratton explaining the West Salt Creek Landslide, and monitoring data on the slide to date. Subsequent programs include Smokey’s Birthday Celebration (August 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.), Fantastic Fungi (August 15 at 3:00 p.m.), wildlife (August 22 at 6:00 p.m.), birds (August 29 at 6:00 p.m.) star gazing (August 5 at 8:30 p.m.), Ute Indians and Edible plants (September 12 at 6:00 p.m.), culminating with Color Sunday (September 27 from 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.). Interested in photography? Grab your camera and experiment with color pallets and scenic backdrops. The mountain passes (Ophir, Imogene, Engineer and Cinnamon) are outstanding routes to get up high and enjoy the lush alpine landscapes contrasted with jagged mountain ridgelines. For the more ambitious and hardier visitor, there are many miles of hiking or biking trails that lead alongside some breathtaking meadows full of columbine, paintbrush, lupine, penstemon, mountain bluebells and more. Check out our popular wildflower viewing areas and suggested hikes. ( Need to escape the heat or enjoy a family gathering? The GMUG National Forest offers 56 campgrounds, eight cabins for rent, day use/picnic sites and many areas for dispersed camping (outside of developed campgrounds). Set up a convenient base camp to enjoy miles of mountain bike, OHV, horseback riding or hiking trails or just stroll down to the lake and throw a line in. There are currently no fire restrictions on the GMUG – so start the campfire and make those tasty s’mores. ( Summer is waning quickly - make the time to go outside! Kick back and relax, or challenge yourself to a new physical endeavor– either way your National Forest is the place with opportunities just waiting for you! YOGA FOR EVERYONE: Thursday, 9-10am. $10/class. Take advantage of the beautiful summer weather with yoga classes on the Center’s Outdoor Stage. Yoga for the Peaceful instructors teach this relaxing and rejuvenating all levels class. Just drop in! Your full class tuition goes to benefit the Center for the Arts in Crested. Bring your own mat. Class meets every Thursday thru August 6., (8/5). TIERNEY M. MILLER - NEW WORKS: “Moments Between” Opening recetion Thursday, August 6th, 5-7pm at the Piper Gallery, center for the Arts, Crested Butte., 970-596-1034. (8/5). CENTER STAGE IN CRESTED BUTTE: Amy Speace - Heralded singer songwriter poet. Opening Act: Tyler Hansen. Thursday, August 6, 8 p.m. $20. (8/5). YOUR VACATION FROM INTEREST. For qualified buyers. 0% APR for 72 Months. 1. Monthly payment is $13.89 for every $1,000 you finance. Example down payment: 2015 Silverado 1500 9.3%, 2015 Cruze 6.9%, 2015 Malibu 6.4%, 2015 Equinox 7.1%, 2015 Traverse 6.4%, 2015 Impala 7%, 2015 Camaro 7.1%, 2015 Sonic 5.8%, 2015 Spark 5.2%, 2015 Trax 5.7%, 2015 Volt 9%, 2015 SS 6% and 2015 City Express 6.6%. Must finance through GM Financial or Wells Fargo. Some customers will not qualify. Not compatible with lease and some other offers. Excludes Cruze and Equinox L models, Corvette, Colorado, Suburban and Tahoe. Take delivery by 8/10/15. See dealer for details. (970)641-0920 or (888)292-8915 212 W. HWY 50 • Gunnison CRESTED BUTTE MUSIC FESTIVAL CONCLUDES SEASON WITH GYPSY JAZZ IN PARADISE. Crested Butte Music Festival (CBMF) wraps up its 19th season with the upbeat Gypsy Jazz In Paradise from Aug. 6 -9. To view the entire 2015 Crested Butte Music Festival schedule and purchase tickets, visit, stop by the CBMF ticket office at 326 Elk Ave in Crested Butte or call 970.349.0619. (8/5). DISTINCT IMPRESSIONS BY VILAS TONAPE: Visiting artist Vilas Tonape is an internationally recognized artist and professor and will be exhibiting his pastel portraits at the Gunnison Arts Center this August. The exhibit titled “Distinct Impressions,” will be in the Main Gallery and will be on display starting August 7th. This is an exhibit that you will not want to miss! Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK: LIVE MUSIC WITH KIPORI WOODS, or “Baby Wolf” as he is known, will be entertaining at the Gunnison Arts Center during the First Friday Art Walk on Friday August 7th. He is an award winning blues, funk and jazz solo artist from New Orleans who puts on an electric and energetic show. This amazing singer and musician has shared the stage with greats such as the Neville Brothers, Kermit Ruffins and has honed his skills from his grandfather, the great Big Easy bass player “Luscious” Lloyd Lambert. Be sure to stop by the Arts Center during the Art Walk to check out brand new exhibits and listen to some incredible unique music. Gunnison Arts Center, 970641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). TRAP SHOOTING FOR LADIES AND YOUTH: Thursdays at 5:30 Gunnison Sportsmen’s Assoc through September. Come join the fun every Thursday! Call Annette for information. 970-209-9089 (8/5). GALLERY SHOWS - CRESTED BUTTE CENTER FOR THE ARTS: Tierney Miller Artist Reception: Artist Reception: Thursday, August 6, 5-7pm, At the Piper Gallery. Show runs August 318; Judith Cassel-Mamet & Laura Elm Artist Reception: Saturday, August 8. 5-8pm., Art Studio Gallery, Show runs through August 16. for more info. (8/5). BOW HUNTER EDUCATION COURSE offered by Colorado Parks and Wildlife August 7 and 8. Classroom on the August 7, to be determined and the practical at the Gunnison State Wildlife Area. Classes are 6-10pm on Friday. Field Day will be at the Gunnison State Wildlife Archery Range on August 8. Fees: $10. Pre-registrations are required at or call Parks and Wildlife at 970-6417060. Space is limited to 30 students. (8/5). WINE TASTING AT THE GUNNISON PUBLIC LIBRARY. August 6, 7pm. High Mountain Liquor presents wines of Oregon and Washington while Mike Ritchey features literature from the area. Tickets are limited, $20/person. Appetizers included. (8/5). CARPE NOCTEM - SEIZE THE NIGHT: When we look into the vast night sky, we are not only looking deeply into space, but we are also looking back deeply in time. Examine celestial objects we are now seeing as they appeared long ago, at times corresponding with events in Western Colorado’s amazing geologic past. On Friday, August 7th join Special Guest Speaker Art Trevena for “Deep Space/Deep Time” at the Gunnison Valley Observatory. Each second we can be sitting, walking, or running all why we are rotating, revolving, expanding and traveling at amazing speeds. Can you feel it? On Saturday, August 8th, join GVO Vice-President Stu Ferguson and find out “How Fast Are We Going?” You’ll be amazed. The Gunnison Valley Observatory is located at 2804 County Road 38 across from Hartman Rocks Recreation Area. The facility opens at sunset. Programs start at 8:30pm and are followed by viewing weather permitting - of the amazing night sky through a variety of telescopes. Admission is by donation and reservations aren’t required. Go to for more information. (8/12). Certified Service Genuine GM Parts Collision Center BACK TO SCHOOL SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER LITER SALE! 641-6436 • 520 N. Main SAMPLE SUMMER’S TAST Y BOUNT Y! FIND ARTS AND CRAFTS .. FOR EVERYONE! ENTERTAINMENT: ALAN AND ISSA KIDS ACTIVIT Y: TBA Corner of Main St. and Virginia Ave., Do wnto wn Gunnison w w w. g u n n i s o n f a r m e r s m a r ke m TINY TREASURES: Discover over 70 tiny works of art created by more than 30 local artists that fit in your budget and on your walls! Tiny Treasures features over 70 tiny works of art created by more than 30 local artists and will be showing in the Upper Gallery for the month of August. The art, priced at only $25 each, may be purchased at the opening event and throughout the month and picked up at the end of the month. The Tiny Treasures opening event is August 7th from 5-8 p.m. during the First Fridays Art Walk. In addition to the Tiny Treasures, the event will feature tiny tastes, live tiny gallery concerts, and BIG raffle prizes. Raffle tickets will be sold for $5 each, 5 for $20, or 10 for $40 at the event on August 7th and the drawing will be held at the end of the event. Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). PRECISION AUTOMOTIVE, celebrating 30 years in business. Servicing all makes & models. Call 641-4040 for an appointment. (8/5/16). AUGUST 8 & 9 GUNNISON TERRIER TRIALS, seeking youth volunteers. Need helpers to run the race lure Saturday and Sunday mornings 8am to noon. Pays $20 per person plus tips. Need to be athletic, like to run 150 feet, over and over!! lots of fun, and action around people and dogs. email: or text 602-448-7046. (8/5). The Opportunity Shop at 304 South 10th Street Hours Tuesday 12-4 Thursday 12-4 gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 4 Nepalese,Tibetan & Indian Restaurant 323 E. Tomichi (970) 641-7480 Reservations & Takeout Everyday is Happy Hour 4-7PM $2.00 PBR’s LIVE MUSIC Tuesday Evenings OPEN 7 Days a Week Lunch: 11AM - 2:30PM Dinner: 5 - 9:30PM Saturday Evening Worship with Rick Barton Trinity Bapst 523 N. Pine 6PM Downstairs “Verse by Verse through the Bible” BARNWOOD 4 SALE Largest Inventory in Colorado 2X Rough Sawn Doug Fir 1X Barn Siding Hand Hewn Barn Beams. Rough Sawn Timbers. 3x8 - 18x18 970-596-2407 (8/5/26) MOUNTAIN ROOTS FOOD PROJECT presents “U-Pick Tuesdays.” Pick, wash, and weigh your own local organic produce, available on a sliding scale. The first Gunnison event will be Tuesday, Aug. 11, from 5-7 p.m. at the Gunnison Community School Garden. Proceeds support sustainable agriculture, Farm to School programming, and food security projects. Call Al Smith at 724-388-5449 for more information. (8/5). PYOP: ALL SUMMER LONG! Join us on Fridays from 1-5pm throughout the summer (thru August 28th) for Paint Your Own Pottery sessions! We have an extensive selection of bisque ware items to choose from including plates, bowls, mugs, serving trays, to-go mugs with lids, kid’s items, sushi sets, piggy-banks, home-décor pieces and more. This is a fun activity for kids and families. No need to pre-register or reserve a spot, just come on in. Prices vary from $5 - $45 depending on the piece you choose. We can ship finished pieces for an additional shipping charge. (8/26). THE GUNNISON MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR LUNCH, Noon-1pm, on Tuesdays & Thursdays, till our new employee is fully trained. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. (8/5). CRESTED BUTTE MUSIC FESTIVAL CONCLUDES SEASON WITH GYPSY JAZZ IN PARADISE BEN POWELL, FRANK VIGNOLA, VINNY RANIOLO, OLLI SOIKKELI, BRIAN NETZLEY & CYRILLE AIMÉE Crested Butte Music Festival (CBMF) wraps up its 19th season with the upbeat Gypsy Jazz In Paradise from August 6 – 9. The Gypsy Jazz In Paradise All Star Band, led by Frank Vignola and Ben Powell, kicks off the events on August 6 at 8:00 p.m. Olli Soikkeli, Brian Netzley and Vinny Raniolo join this gypsy jazz super ensemble that will be on stage together for the first time ever. The music will focus on Django Reinhardt, Stéphane Grappelli and their immortal Hot Club of France. Tickets cost $50. Back by popular demand for a Home Soirée on August 7, Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniolo inject comedy and showmanship to deliver an eclectic set of popular tunes crossing all sorts of barriers. Since “Frank and Vinny” teamed up in 2008, they have performed more than 1,000 shows at some of the most prestigious concert halls and festivals in the world. This is CBMF’s final Home Soirée for the season, offering the opportunity to enjoy an intimate concert, libations and appetizers in a beautiful mountain home. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. and costs $155. Primarily raised in France by a French father and Dominican mother, Cyrille Aimée snuck out of her bedroom window as a child to wander into nearby gypsy encampments for the annual Django Reinhardt Festival. She quickly fell in love with gypsy music and now tours the world with her band and also performs in a duo with Brazilian guitarist Diego Figueiredo. The Cyrille Aimée Band performs on August 8 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are available for $50. A limited number of free SoundTrack tickets for ages 7 to 18 are available, with one youth ticket available per each paying adult. Start Sunday morning right with a delicious brunch, a spectacular view of Gothic Mountain, and violinist Ben Powell’s and bassist Brian Netzley’s musical tribute to Stéphane Grappelli. The Gypsy Jazz In Paradise Brunch on August 9 begins at 10:30 a.m. and costs $76. The August 6, 8 and 9 performances take place at Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory’s new Community Center in Gothic, with bus transfer to and from RMBL included in the ticket cost. Free late-night jams are planned for August 7 at 9:00 p.m. and August 8 at 10:00 p.m. at Elevation Hotel and Spa, where the new Frank Vignola’s Gypsy Jazz Guitar Camp is being held August 6 – 9. To view the entire 2015 Crested Butte Music Festival schedule and purchase tickets, visit, stop by the CBMF ticket office at 326 Elk Ave in Crested Butte or call 970.349.0619. UPCOMING AT THE ART STUDIO IN CRESTED BUTTE: 111 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970349-7044; Paint Your Own Pottery: Wednesday Sunday. 15pm, thru August 21; Open Wheel Throwing: Friday, August 7. 9am12pm, $75/session; A Crash Course in Portrait Painting: Saturday, August 8 & Sunday, August 9. 10am-3pm; Metalworking - Create a Sterling Silver Necklace from Sheet Metal: Tuesday, August 11. 9am-2pm; Surface Design on Clay: Saturday, August 15 & Sunday, August 16. Times vary. $115 + $15 supply fee. (8/5). SUBALPINE WILDFLOWER WALK: Under the auspicious of Boomer and Beyond Keith Longpre, Professor Emeritus of Colorado Western State University is offering a wildflower walk to anyone interested in knowing about subalpine and alpine wildflowers near Cottonwood Pass on Saturday, August 8, 2015. There is no climbing- mostly level ground. The group will meet at 8am at the Community Center parking lot to carpool and will finish around 12:30pm, and is limited to 12 people. One can sign up at the desk at the Community Center between 8am and 5pm through Friday, August 7th. (8/5). CENTER STAGE IN CRESTED BUTTE: Comedy Night featuring Troy Baxley, HBO Comedy Festival Finalist, Saturday, August 8, 9 p.m. $18 (8/5). Wedding Registry Rory Black & Carter Murphy August 15, 2015 Hope & Glory 147 N Main Street Gunnison CO 641-1638 (8/5/18) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL at First Baptist Church! WACKY WORLD of WATER VBS for preschool & elementary. MondayThursday, August 10-14 from 9:30 AM - Noon. Virginia & Pine St. 641-2240. (8/12). RAPUNZEL: MISSOULA CHILDREN’S THEATRE (MCT) will visit the Gunnison Valley again this year with a team of directors and everything it takes to put on a play except the cast. Approximately 45 roles will cast for local students ages 6 - 18 at auditions held Monday morning. The show is rehearsed throughout the week. A culminating performance will be presented on Saturday the 15th open to the community, friends and family. The camp will take place Monday - Friday, August 1014 from 10am-2:30pm. Check-in will be at 9:30am. and auditions will begin promptly at 10am, Monday, August 10th. All MCT shows are original adaptations of classic children’s stories a twist on the fairy tales you know and love. This year, MCT brings Rapunzel and all the rest of the characters, to tell a silly tale of personal triumph and friendship through the French countryside. Space is limited in this week-long theatre camp. No advance preparation is necessary. Pre-registering guarantees a spot in the camp, auditions will be to assign characters. Tuition is $70 and tickets to performances are $10/adults, $7/kids (12-). Performances are Saturday, August 15th at 1:00, 3:00 & 5:00 p.m. Gunnison Arts Center, 970641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). CENTER STAGE IN CRESTED BUTTE: Tinariwen, “Best World Music” Grammy-winning blues from Mali, West Africa. Tuesday, August 11, 8 p.m. $2. (8/12). BICYCLE LAWS: When you’re riding a bike you are NOT a pedestrian! For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8200. (8/5). Gunnison Recreation & Community Center Gunnison Parks and Recreation are looking to fill some part time coaching positions for this fall: Gymnastics, Volleyball, After School Program, Football, and Swim Instructor. All coaching positions require experience in the specific sport as well as experience working with children. Pick up an application at 200 East Spencer Avenue or call 641-8060 for more information. More information at 200 East Spencer Avenue 970-641-8060 COLORADO DIVISION OF SECURITIES RELEASES CROWDFUNDING RULES In preparation for the August 5 date when the Colorado Crowdfunding Act will go into effect, the Colorado Division of Securities, part of the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), has released a set of rules that will govern the actions of those seeking to take advantage of this new legal investment option. The Division has spent the last several months crafting these rules with help from industry experts and the general public. “We made sure to carefully outline the rules for the implementation of equity crowdfunding in Colorado to both instruct and make the option as clear and easy as possible for potential issuers, but with an eye toward ensuring that consumers who may want to invest are protected,” stated Securities Commissioner Gerald Rome. “Our focus was to keep the paperwork and ‘red tape’ requirements to a minimum while imposing strict disclosure and record-keeping rules in order to limit fraudulent offerings.” Equity crowdfunding differs from current crowdfunding enterprises such as Kickstarter and Indigogo. With equity crowdfunding, businesses that choose to solicit money from the general public will now be able to offer equity or a stake in the company. Previously, individuals who contributed to crowdfunding campaigns were not allowed shares in the company, and their contributions were considered donations to an effort. Colorado joins a handful of other states in legalizing this method of capital acquisition in response to a delay in federal crowdfunding rules that were made legal through the 2012 Jump-Start Our Business Start-Ups (JOBS) Act. The new crowdfunding rules, which can be found in full at, both clarify as well as expand the regulations outlined in the initial Colorado Crowdfunding Act, approved by the state legislature this spring and signed by Governor Hickenlooper on April 13. Included in the new rules are specifications on the role of the required online intermediary, further description of required escrow accounts, a more detailed list of prohibited activities, and clarification on how issuers and intermediaries are to keep the offerings “within Colorado.” “There has been a lot of excitement and interest surrounding the equity crowdfunding option,” continued Rome. “We are excited to help facilitate a way in which start-up businesses — such a hallmark of Colorado’s economy — can get up and running through community support.” The Crowdfunding Act officially goes into effect August 5. GUNNISON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL will hold New Student Registration for Preschool 5th grade for the 2015-16 school year on Thursday, August 13, 2015 from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Gunnison Community School, 1099 North 11th Street. Documents needed are the child’s birth certificate and immunization records. If you have any questions, please call 970-641-7710. (8/12). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 (8/26/20) COLORADO’S WESTERN SLOPE CELEBRATES 47TH ANNUAL PALISADE PEACH FESTIVAL, AUG. 13-15. Worldfamous peaches stir up fresh fun at this long-adored agricultural festival. Each year, August brings a juicy harvest of fuzzy fruit to the small town of Palisade, east of Grand Junction. This season’s festivities at Riverbend Park promise to be as peachy as always with great food, entertainment, tours, contests, kids’ activities and, of course, a plethora of peach products! For more information and a complete schedule for this year’s event, visit (8/12). ESTATE PLANNING FOR SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS: The Rick Nelson Agency/American Family Insurance, Law of The Rockies, and Hegeman & Drewnowski CPAs, invite you to join us Thursday August 13th for our seminar, Estate Planning for Small Business Owners. We’ll meet at the Crested Butte Town Hall from 5:30-7:30pm. This is a FREE seminar! This is a great opportunity to discuss your questions and concerns with a team of professional advisors in a fun (and FREE!), informal setting. Light refreshments provided. (8/12). POTTER/CLAY ARTIST Opening in small cooperative downtown studio. If interested, call Karen @ 970-641-3875. (8/5). WILDFLOWER & SCIENCE EXTRAVAGANZA with 1% For Open Space and Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Discover what world class scientists are studying in our high altitude environments in this full-day, fantastic, educational hiking opportunity, “Wildflowers & Science Extravaganza” with 1% for Open Space and scientists of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. Our July hike completely sold out so don’t miss your chance to join us on Saturday, August 15 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration is $55 for either workshop. Held in conjunction with the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival. To register visit For more information on 1% for Open Space visit For more information on other wildflower art classes at the Art Studio visit (8/12). gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 C.A. West Bookkeeping Complete Sole-proprietor, Partnership, Corporate, Business Accounting & Tax Preparation A Registered Tax Return Preparer NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 641-5644 234 N. Main Street Suite 3D AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE & THE NELSON FAMILY AGENCY can provide local protection for your auto, home, business, health, and condo association, and provide life insurance for your family. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of professionals to compare at 641-3481, or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. 25TH ANNUAL BANQUET for the World Record Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is August 15, 2-15. Call Les 5960215 or Roberta 596-7655 for tickets of information. (8/12). ATTENTION! All 9th-12th grade boys interested in playing high school football. The official start date is August 17th at 7:45am at Gunnison High School. We look forward to seeing you there. Please have all forms filled out and ready to go. Contact Shane Zimmerman at 970-641-7700 for more information. (8/12). ATTENTION PLAYERS/PARENTS/GUARDIANS FOR THOSE WISHING TO TRYOUT FOR GHS VOLLEYBALL: Tryouts/practice will begin August 17, 2015 at 8am at GHS. This is the mandatory report date. Players must have all paperwork and a current physical in order to tryout and make the team. Paperwork can be picked up at the GHS office between 8am3pm. If athletes make the team, practice will continue that week 8am-Noon. The week of the 24th, practice will be 3:45-6pm. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email Coach Benson. Contact info is: or 970.596.1314 (8/12). GUNNISON MIDDLE SCHOOL 7/8 grade Volleyball mandatory practice starts Wednesday, Aug. 19th. Practice is from 3:30-5:30. Meet at the GMS gym. Physical is mandatory. Stacie Dowis at or 641-7710. (8/12). WESTERN EXTENDED STUDIES is offering a class to explore the ancient/contemporary traditions & celebrations of Mexico’s Hallowe’en, 10/27-11/3. Informational meeting on 8/20, 12-1pm in Taylor Hall 105. FMI contact Art professor, Dr. Orr ( (8/19). PROFESSIONAL DETAILING: Carpet, upholstery shampoo, buff, wax, complete interior and exterior. Call Precision Automotive for a appointment. 641-4040, (8/5/19). PAINT YOUR OWN POTTERY: Every Wednesday-Sunday thru August 21. 1-5pm, at the Art Studio in Crested Butte, 111 Elk Ave. Pay only for what you paint. Prices range from $5 to $55. Paint by Appointment is also available for private painting parties for $50 per group for a two hour session at The Art Studio, plus the cost of what you choose to paint. Paint by Appointment also available at a location of your choice where costs are determined on a case-by-case basis. 349-7044; (8/19). SAFE HARBOR RANCH KIDS DAY August 16th from 11-1pm visit for more information (8/12). CARVIN’ UP COLORADO CHAINSAW CARVING EXPO: August 22-23. Reserve a personal carving for your home or business. Price levels to fit any budget. Contact Andy at or call 970-2101777 (8/5). 8X10 PLAY FESTIVAL: The GAC is excited to present the first A annual 8x10 Play Festival coming this September. This increasingly popular format offers eight, 10 minute plays in one show. Taking place September 10th-12th, it provides an opportunity for local aspiring and established playwrights to share their creative efforts, a chance for new directors to get their feet wet, and the break through moment for a new actor to get an experience in the spotlight. Doors open at 6:30 and the play will start at 7pm, Tickets are $10. Gunnison Arts Center, 970-641-4029, 102 S. Main St., (8/5). CALL FOR ARTISTS! Join The Art Studio of the Center for the Arts First Annual Iron Pour this September 2015. We still have a few spaces available for artists to make molds and pour work! Registration is $300 and includes a one week residency with iron artist Jesse Blumenthal which also includes all instruction. Pour date is September 15. Residency begins September 8. Visit for more info or to register. (8/12). CELEBRATE RECOVERY MEETINGS: Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-596-3846 or go to for more detailed information. (8/5). PROJECT HOPE IS LOOKING FOR INDIVIDUALS FOR OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS to help expand awareness for relationship violence and sexual assault. For more information, contact or call 641-8886. (8/12). Every Day's a Great Day for Fresh Flowers, Green and Flowering Plants, Gift Baskets, Balloons and More MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 "Your Downtown Main Street Florist” CRESTED BUTTE LAND TRUST SUMMER HIKE: Snodgrass Trail Hike, August 13th, from 810:30am. President Bill Reimer will lead a small group of hikers through rolling hillsides replete with wildflowers, impressive aspen stands, and a beautiful fir forest. The trail traverses conserved property and Forest Service land, as well as privately owned ranch land. Sign up online: rdmemberexplore/ or call Claire at the Crested Butte Land Trust: 970.349.1206 (8/12). KBUT IS LOCATED AT 88.7 FM IN GUNNISON. Our signal strength has increased from 40 watts to 6500 watts this past year. Tune us in loud and clear. (8/5). TREATING OTHERS WITH KINDNESS & COMPASSION LIVING ONES LIFE’S WITH PURPOSE BEING HUMBLE AND UNDERSTANDING BEING OF SERVICE TO OTHERS M.A.P.I. MINISTERIO APOSTOLICO PROFETICO INTERNACIONAL: Iglesia Cristiana EMANUEL. Anuncia que se traslado de sede. Informes en los telefonos: 970-258-2046, 970-2343041, 970-964-8545, 970-9648519. ¡Los Esperamos! (8/5). BEING A STEWARD OF THE PLANET BEING ETHICAL AND TRUTHFUL Share with us your “hero”, by emailing THE MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE SERVICES, 225 N. Pine St., Suite B, now has full time funding thanks to a grant from Caring for Colorado, El Pomar, and Mentor’s Program. We share the office with CAFÉ (Center for Adult and Family Education). Come by of call Ellen 641-7999. If I’m not in, it’s because I often have to be in meetings or trainings. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 (8/5). Send your free submission of the name and story of the person(s) making a difference in Gunnison County. If you have a photo - send it along. We’ll acknowledge these people in our POSITIVE LIVING ACTING THINKING space. DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (8/5). GUNNISON VALLEY EDIBLE FRUIT INVENTORY NEEDS YOUR INPUT! CSU Master Gardeners are compiling an inventory of successes and failures growing apples, cherries, plums, currants... Go to to complete the survey. (8/12). (8/5/31) A CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD has opened in Gunnison at Country Meadows Trailer Park #10. Our worship service is on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m., followed by a meal of Thanks to God on his Sabbath day ending with communion in remembrance of Christ Jesus thru the bread and the wine as the new covenant thru his blood shed on the cross for us. We are true Christian Followers of Christ Jesus and true believers in God’s word, and take nothing away from his scriptures and add nothing to them. Our minister Larry Clemenson was chosen by God to minister and help his children. We honor and celebrate only the seven festivals of God listed in his Holy Bible. Malaahi 3:6 God said, for I am the Lord, I do not change. Hebrews 13:8 Christ Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. God said to me, “Larry I want you to truly give me back my Sabbath and honor and obey all I have commanded, I will restore fully all the promises, blessings, gifts and graces to all that come back to me with you.” In Christ Jesus name we pray. Amen. (8/5). would like to acknowledge those individuals that bring positivity to our community. RENTAL CARS JUST $20 PER DAY with any automotive service at Precision Automotive 6414040 (8/5/14). ATTENTION: Citizens of the Gunnison Basin and surrounding area. Every Monday morning at 8:05 am, Jim Kirshner from 580 KUBC in Montrose is talking to area residents from Montrose, Delta & Gunnison Counties on Agriculture related topics. Leaders in their respected fields give their input & advise on water, livestock, renewable energy, crops, endangered species, youth in agriculture, BLM & Forest road closures, etc. Gunnison Farm Bureau invites you to listen in! (8/5). GOT KINDERGARTEN? Have you registered your child for kindergarten yet? It’s not too late! Stop by Lake School today to get your registration packet or Contact: Jennifer Kennedy 6417770 (8/12). VETERANS: Could you use some help in your home? Visiting Angels of Gunnison is able to provide some FREE assistance through the VA. We can help with shopping, errands, cooking, light housekeeping, personal care and more. (8/5). Summer is in Full Swing... And So Are We with Great Gifts and Home Decor! New Inventory Arriving Daily Decorative Pillows and Throws Wall Art, Candles, Floral, Table Linens, Seasonal Decor And So Much More! Stop on Today and See What’s New! HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 Sales: (888) 292-9915 | Service: (888) 285-6632 212 West Highway 50 Gunnison, CO 81230 John Roberts Motor Company would like to announce that we are now carrying a full line of Mobil Oil products for sale over the counter here in Gunnison. We have 6 and 12 quart cases, 5 gallon pails, tubes of grease, and 55 gallon drums to fit all you lubricant needs. We can take care of a broad base of customers from the rancher to the home mechanic. Please call or better yet come in and see our staff for all your lubricant needs. THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR: Keep it Short, Keep it Sweet.... submit your Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to A Salon for Personal Service. (8/5). Tired of the Straight Look? Put Texture in your hair! GOT PRESCHOOL? Lake School still has limited slots available for this fall! Stop by today to pick up a registration packet or contact Jennifer Kennedy 641-7770 or Specializing in Customer Service! Evening Hours Also Available... (8/12). Sue Mundell, Owner 641-3610 DO WHAT YOU CAN FOR OTHERS. Donate to Gunnison Country Food Pantry (GCFP), PO Box 7077, Gunnison, CO 81230 or online at Bring food and produce to 321-C N. Main Street in Gunnison (go north on Main, then west on Ohio) on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. (9/30). See us at: HABLE CON UN ABOGADO GRATIS: Clínica de consulta legal gratis el primer jueves de cada mes en edificio de Servicios Familiares, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison a las 5:30 de la tarde. Llame a Ellen para obtener más información 970-641-7999. (8/5). DOUBLE SHOT CYCLERY GROUP ROAD RIDES every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of Double Shot Cyclery. Rides will continue through summer every Wednesday. (8/5). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (8/5/17) (8/5/50) page 5 PEACE IS PATRIOTIC! Fifteen minutes for peace every Friday at noon, Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (8/5). LAS EXPERIENCIAS POSITIVAS tempranas son esenciales para un éxito futuro en la escuela, trabajo, y la comunidad. Los servicios a los niños pequeños que tienen riesgo de retrasos en el desarrollo han demostrado un impacto positivo en el desarrollo del lenguaje y la comunicación. Si quiere una lista de los establecimientos locales con licencia, pase por la oficina de Servicios Familiares ECC 641-7913; (en español: 641-7999) o (8/5). KEY WEBSITES FOR WARRIORS AND FAMILIES: Information on facilities, services and benefits: www.woundedwarr i o r r e s o u r c e c e n t e r. c o m . Directory of medical and nonmedical resources: Information on Defense Centers of Excellence: Servicespecific information and resources: Information and resources for after-deployment concerns: Returning service members (OEF/OIF): gov. - Al Falsetto, Veterans Service Office, 641-7919. (8/5). gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 6 FREE: cut up cottonwood, come and get it, call 209-5415. (8/12). BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS! INSTANT LIBRARY! ALL MUST GO! Almost 300 hard cover/soft cover books FOR SALE! Every genre, includes cooking books/magazines, too! Asking $300 OBO! Call 970-209-5594 today! (8/12). WELL PRESSURE TANK: 40 gallon, nearly new. $175. 970-2097669. (8/12). FOR SALE: RACK-A-TIER WIRE DISPENSERS. Easy to set up wire spools in many sizes. Waterproof and rustproof. 2 pairs available. $40 per pair. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/12). AJAX ARCADE VIDEO GAME: works great, $100. 970-6410859. (8/12). FOR SALE: 35x12.50x15 new tires, BFG TA, mud terrain KM2. New. never touched the ground. $150 OBO. 641-4951. (8/12). PORTABLE DIRECT TV SATELLITE DISH: Direct TV satellite dish on stand to take with you wherever you go, travelling, camping, cabin, home. $75, 970-6410711. (8/5). FOR SALE: Poplar trim. 11/16” x 3 1/4” beaded edge profile. 17 pieces 10’ long. Dry. $150. 970209-0485 (8/12). MAPEX BELL SET with stand, sticks, practice pad and backpack bag. Slightly used. Perfect for a beginning or intermediate percussionist. $189. Please call 970349-6638 if interested. (8/5). RESTAURANT AND STORE EQUIPMENT: Stainless two door freezer, three door glass cooler, frozen drink maker, Slurpee machine, some booths, small duct hood. More 970-596-0280 (8/5). 1800 SQUARE FT WEATHERPORT FOR SALE: White canopy. 30’ X 60’ with 12” galvanized steel trusses. $14,500. Call 970596-5000 to see. (8/5). Hours: - New Hours -- Sunday Open Wednesday New Hours: 7AM - 4PM Tuesday - Saturday 7AM - 3PM Sunday Tuesday - Sunday 3,Closed Closed Mondays Open Everyday 77-Mondays Mondays 7AM --3,3PM Closed FOR SALE: Two Paint Guns. Picked up for a project but never used. Both appear to be in good working order. $10 a piece or $18 for both. 970-596-8813 (8/12). YES! We have AMBER NECKLACES for Babies at Circus Train 125 North Main St. Gunnison 641-0635 (8/5/16) DO YOU HAVE A WELL? Well water naturally has differing levels of fluoride in the water. Find out your levels by testing your water. Talk to your dentist about what your water’s fluoride level means to your family. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. Public Health 6410209. (8/5). KNITTERS! Variety of yarns, some very nice; assortment of needles, mostly bamboo; how-to guides; “Knitting for Anarchists” book; with a large, very nice Longaberger magazine basket. All/$75. Will separate basket only, $50. 970-596-2216 (8/12). TODOS LOS LUNES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (8/5). BEST BOTTOM TRAINING PANTS SYSTEM: for toddlers, 2 prs. pants size small (blue & green), 1 pr. medium (green), 16 inserts from new to used cond. Set (1 pant & 3 inserts) retail $23 new. Asking $40/all. May find another pant as we pack... See at 970-596-2216 (8/12). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at (8/5/10). FOR SALE: commercial 5-well steam table with sneeze guard, $600 OBO. 641-2340. (8/5). GUNNISON GALLERY First Fridays Art Walk FRIDAY, AUG 7th 5-8pm 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY! Yes, that is the Free Ad Deadline. Always has been, always will be. That means we must have your free ad at our office by 10am. But you don’t have to wait until 10am to call, email or fax. Please account for delays in cyberspace, as well as busy phones on Tuesdays. Thanks - The Gunnison Country Shopper. (8/5). FOR SALE: CZ 20ga. side by side double triggers, $600. 2092449. (8/5). Summer is in Full Swing... And So Are We with Great Gifts and Home Decor! New Inventory Arriving Daily Decorative Pillows and Throws Wall Art, Candles, Floral, Table Linens, Seasonal Decor And So Much More! Stop on Today and See What’s New! HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 (8/5/50) FOR SALE: 2 - 8x10ft. heavy galvanized elk panels, $150/both. 275-4852. (8/5). Paintings by YOLIE BROWN Live Music by DREW MURDZA 124 N. Main St. (970) 641-6111 (8/5/26) TRAILER FOR SALE: 5X10 tilt bed, 3 ft side walls, good tires. $700. 641-1599 (8/12). WE BUY USED motorcycles, ATVs and side by sides. 970641-0883, days. (8/5/11). ¿SABÍA USTED QUE LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA de Gunnison tiene libros en español para niños y adultos? También tienen películas, música y acceso a computadoras. Los miembros de nuestra biblioteca pueden pedir libros de otras bibliotecas, lo que aumenta muchísimo la cantidad de títulos que podemos leer. Visite o llame a la biblioteca al 641-3485, 349-6535 (CB), o Ellen 641 7999 para obtener información en español. (8/5). TIRES: Goodyear Wrangler SR-A. 265/65R20. Took them off after 19k miles on new truck. Still plenty of tread left. Set of 4 for $120. 970-596-3471 (8/5). WANTED: BOWLING BALLS, any condition, will pay cash. Dan 641-5054, will pick up. (8/5). AUNQUE SUS HIJOS NO ESTÉN ENFERMOS, es importante que visiten a los médicos periódicamente. Se recomienda que las visitas se hagan a los 2 meses, 4 meses, 6 meses, 9 meses, 1 año, 15 meses, 18 meses, 2 años, 3 años, 4 años, 5 años, 6 años, 8 años, 10 años, y cada año hasta los 21 años. Llame a la Oficina Multicultural si necesita ayuda para hacer una cita o si tiene preguntas. 6417999 (8/5). WOMEN’S WELLNESS CONNECTION - FREE MAMMOGRAMS & PAP TESTS ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES: 1. No insurance or deductible high enough to delay or prevent screening; 2. Doesn’t exceed income guidelines; 3. 40-64 years of age (women 40-49 will receive a mammogram at discretion of provider; 4. Not had a mammogram or Pap test in the past 12 months (some exceptions apply); 5. Meet Colorado identity or citizenship verification criteria. Please contact Gunnison County Public Health with any questions, 970641-0209. (8/5). BE A PART OF JACK RUSSELL TERRIER RACING! August 8 & 9 at Jorgensen park. Need volunteers to catch dogs (supervision and instruction provided, dogs muzzled) and run the lure (150 feet over and over- great for a pair of kids). $20 + tips per person per day, commit to one or both days. Email: or text: 602-448-7046 (8/5). ROCK COLLECTION FOR SALE: includes dinosaur bones, petrified wood, call for more info. 275-4852 (8/5). FOR SALE: 60 watt amp with inbox sub play audio brand, $200, 970-707-4042. (8/5). Like Us On Facebook Gunnison Country Food Pantry (8/5) HEY! Anyone driving a truck or UHaul to NYC in August? Have room for a queen size bed frame? Will pay $200 for gas money. Liz 5968204. (8/5). FOR SALE: GREENLEE LITTLE KICKER 1/2” EMT OFFSET BENDER. Like new. Minimal usage. Model 1810. $180. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/12). SWIVEL/ROCKER/RECLINER FOR SALE: great cond., no pets, no damage, just too big for the room it is in. Brown weave fabric. $75. Call for pic to see. 970-2092058 D, 970-641-4007 E. (8/5). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Taylor’s Firewood Summer Prices Until 1st of September 596-0110 (8/19/pd/12) DEWALT 7 1/4” WORM DRIVE CIRCULAR SAW for sale. Brand new, still in box. $175. 275-8910. (8/5). FOR SALE: Aluma scaffolding 24ft plank, 16ft plank poles to 30 ft. Braces and two pump jacks with back rest, all for $500, call Doug 349-2893 or cell 970-3061346 (8/12). BRITAX BOULEVARD CS CAR SEAT FOR SALE: Clean, no accidents, no smoking. Tan and black. Use forward and rear facing. $100, OBO. 303-884-6107. (8/12). LOOKING FOR: used metal Tposts, 275-4852. (8/5). LEGO BIONICLES FOR SALE: $5 each plus a few other small kits, 10 total sets. Box of Lego parts, $30. Take them all for $75. Call 349-6337 in Crested Butte. (8/12). ALMOST 75 DVD’S & MAGNAVOX 19” TV W/SONY DVD PLAYER 4 SALE! ALL MUST GO! All popular titles! New value OVER $1500. Asking $300 OBO! Call 970-209-5594 today! (8/12). TRY THE NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT IN TOWN! Chinese Restaurant Dine In - Take Out Tel: (970) 642-6363 113 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, CO 81230 Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: Noon - 9:30 p.m. SURLY LONG HAUL TRUCKER touring bicycle, 56cm, brand new, paid $1700, sell for $900. 970964-7488. (8/5). AUTO DETAILING by ROLANDO Wash, Wax, Carpet Cleaning, Interior Steam Cleaning Call John Roberts Motor Works for an appointment 970-641-0920 (8/5/20) TURQUOISE BRACELET: Renowned Artist TOMMY MOORE! Single 5 cluster row blue/black stones accent the solid sterling silver bracelet very beautifully! Asking $500 OBO for this handmade 1 of a kind masterpiece! 970-209-5594 (8/12). FOR SALE: 5 pc Drum Set with cymbals Sonor Force 505 (Black). Slightly used. Perfect for a beginning or intermediate percussionist. $299. Please call 970-3496638 if interested. (8/5). GATES ON TRAILS & ROADS: Please respect all gate closures and follow any posted signs. Thanks for Staying the Trail and Treading Lightly out there! (8/5). TOWNIE BIKE: 20yr. Research Dynamics Coyote MTB, sz. M. Good cond., everything works. New tires & rear deraileur. $75. 970-964-7488. (8/5). SET OF 4 BRIDGESTONE TIRES: from Toyota Tacoma, plenty of tread, P265/65r17, $200. 970-707-4025. (8/12). Wedding Registry Rory Black & Carter Murphy FOR SALE: HP Pavilion laptop computer, almost new. Bought for $560, sell $150. Windows 8.1, 648-4406. (8/5). August 15, 2015 Hope & Glory 147 N Main Street Gunnison CO 641-1638 FOR SALE: 20-30, 10’ long tposts. $2 each, 641-4265 (8/12). LADDER RACK & TOOL BOX: heavy duty lumber/ladder rack, and a diamond plate truck tool box. $400 OBO/trade? Please call Kirk 970-596-2666. (8/5). FOR SALE: 425 gallon green pickup bed water hauling/storage tank. $250. 641-4265 (8/12). FOX FORK: 26” 150 RLC. FIT. 15mm TA. Tapered. Like new. In C.B. $150 OBO. 970-209-6861 (8/5). FOR SALE: FUN KEEN SANDALS - size 8.5 women’s. Barely worn, great shape. $15. 970-2753516 (8/12). COCA COLA MEMORABILIA: Rare Coke cooler glass front and very desirable ‘Coke Bottle’ handle. Compressor runs, but unit doesn’t cool. $60 or best offer for this unique bit of Coke history. 970 596-6238 (8/12). FOR SALE: cedar gable vents, 8/12 pitch, 4 lefts, 4 rights, $10 OBO; cedar gable vent, 8/12 pitch, center style, 1 @ $10 OBO. Bob 970-349-5159, 970-9017277. (8/5). PARA LAS PERSONAS MAYORES DE 65 AÑOS—TODOS LOS JUEVES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 10am to 2pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-6414156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (8/5). FOR SALE: MILWAUKEE MAGNUM HOLESHOOTER DRILL. 1/2” Chuck. Variable speed. 850 RPM. Model 0234-1. Works great but has cosmetic wear. $45. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/12). FOR SALE: fluorescent light fixtures, no covers, 11 @ 4ft, $15 ea.; 2 @ 8ft, $15 ea.; 15 - 4ft bulbs, $5 ea. Call Bob 970-9017277. (8/5). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (8/5) FOR SALE: HOT ONE ELECTRIC UNIT HEATER. 4000 watt. Ceiling mount. $175. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/12). (8/5/18) CLASSIC, STURDY, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING TABLE with tilt mechanism. $450 obo. 2754852 (8/5). LA OFICINA MULTICULTURAL 225 N. Pine St, B ahora tiene fondos para operar a tiempo completo gracias a nuevos subsidios. Ubicada en la misma oficina que CAFÉ (clases de inglés para adultos y la familia). Pase por la Oficina o llame a Ellen 641-7999 (deje mensaje con su número telefónico). Debido a que muchas veces tengo que ir a juntas o entrenamientos, a veces no estoy en mi oficina, y lamento el inconveniente. Si tiene una emergencia médica, llame al 911. (8/5). PROFESSIONAL STYLE DESKS: two available. $30 OBO, stop by NuVista at 243. N Main to view. You haul. (8/12). FOR SALE: 10” Delta contractor table saw, $300 obo. 209-2449. (8/5). INDUSTRIAL FLOOR FRYER: Two basket large fryer. Call Liz 497-0787. (8/5). FOR SALE: Clark brand 2000 Elite exerciser, just lay down & wiggle. Top of the line, commercial quality. Hardly ever used. Paid $360, I’ll settle for $200. Mike 970-641-2315 (8/5). COMPUTERS FIXED RIGHT THE FIRST TIME KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC Computer Professionals 970-642-3040 (8/5/12) FOR SALE: old Casey’s bar piano, vintage Epworth Grand Piano, $100 OBO. Will deliver. Bob 970-901-7277. (8/5). FOR SALE: 6’ T-posts, $2.20 each, most like new, 30-40 available. 209-7262. (8/5). CHRISTMAS IN JULY! Entire Christmas Village featuring 27 different American Landmarks, Wellington Square and Home Town America buildings for a magical Christmas scene. Bonus 7 tiny houses! $150 Gunnison: 303653-4178 (8/5). KHS SOFT-TAIL MTN BIKE: brand new condition, all XTR parts, lightest bike in town, 20lbs. Size M. $750. 970-964-7488. (8/5). gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 ARE YOU RENTING? You can feel safe and secure for as little as $8/mo with a Renters Policy that provides protection for your personal belongings, personal liability, and even identity theft. Find out for yourself why American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. IF D YOU NEED FIREWOOD, we have rails from our fence that we need to get rid of. Please call 641-0962. We can bring them into town if need be. (8/12). DELTA 10” compound miter saw. $115. 10” TABLE SAW, with stand and cover. $120. 641-5599. (8/5). FOR SALE: Sears Carousel slide projector & screen in box, $25. 349-5190. (8/5). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 Firestone Winterforce UV P215/70R16 99S, like new; 2 Mastercraft 215/70R16 Snow Groove Courser MSR. Mountain 16” rim; 1 Tigerpaw Uniroyal P215/70R16 radial; $75 per tire. Call 970-5960978 (8/5). FREE THINNING: For mountain properties, call for details. 2754852 (8/5). CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE. Search for any ad in our regular weekly paper. (8/5) COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE SKILLS that they would like to share with you. Need some help? Babysitters, tutors, laborers? Look at the end of the employment section to find an able-bodied and minded student to do what you need done. (8/5). DVD’S DVD’S DVD’S! INSTANT LIBRAY! ALL MUST GO! Over 100 very popular titles FOR SALE! Every genre includes comedy, action, love, adventure!! Asking $300 OBO! Call 970-209-5594 today! (8/12). BEST PRICES, TECHNOLOGIES AND LARGEST SELECTION FOR WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS, WATER HEATERS, TOILETS, AND MUCH MUCH MORE. IF SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SELL YOU A SALT BASED WATER SOFTENER, NO WAY! CALL A-1 PLUMBING AND HEATING APPLIANCES, (970) 901-0874 (8/5/pd/39). FOR SALE: HP Officejet 6500. Print, scan, fax, copy. Works great. Small line in scans, ink cartridges included. $50, OBO. 303884-6107. (8/12). SHOPPER SPECIALS! Want to find out about our advertising specials? Go to our website at for all the details! (8/5). We Sell WeatherPorts, We Repair WeatherPorts, We Buy WeatherPorts, We Rent WeatherPorts! Contact Global Shelters today for all your WeatherPort needs. Serving the Gunnison/ Crested Butte valley for over 45 years! Sharbel @ 970-209-9711 SMOKER FOR SALE: Southern Pride DH-65 industrial electric wood chip smoker. 120/208 voltage, 27 amps, 60 hertz, phase 1, NSF certified. 25 1/4” wide, 31 3/4” deep, 48 1/4” high. On wheels, works great and in great condition. Call Liz 497-0787. YOUR FREE ADS RUN FOR TWO WEEKS automatically (unless date restricted, i.e. yard sales, events) when you call, fax, email, or bring them in yourself. Really! Two weeks on renewal ads as well. It’s amazing!, 641-3148. (8/5). NIMBLE FINGERS SEWING SERVICES From Revamping to Costumes Experienced Seamstress Call Andrea 596-4972 WE SPEAK EURO! Volvo, Audi, VW, BMW, Mercedes serviced by Master Technicians. Precision Automotive, since “1984”. 641-4040 (8/5/17). FOR SALE: file cabinets, pair, 1 2 drawer, the other 1 file drawer plus 2 supply drawers. Techline black laminate, excellent shape. Desk chair included $25. 970641-4638 (8/5). WEDDING DRESS: J.Crew Silk Chiffon. Beautiful and simple. Google “J. Crew Sophia dress” for images. Size 2 (petite). Worn once and dry cleaned. Retails for $425, yours for $100, call or text 596-8954 (8/12). FOR SALE: IGLOO ROLLING COOLER. Large capacity. Minimal usage. $15. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/12). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Motorcycle Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (8/5/13) BEING OVER RUN BY PRAIRIE DOGS?! Rodenator for sale. In great condition. $300 641-4265. (8/12). 10’X20’ CAR CANOPY in box, 641-4836. (8/5). PSA = PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: that means it is a service to the public, and it is our pleasure. Let all of the Gunnison Country know what you have in store for them. FOR FREE!,, 6413148. (8/5). STAIRMASTER: commercial free climber 4200PT. Sports/medical products, L.P. Paid $2400, asking $650 OBO. 719-251-3644. (8/5). WATER METER: $150; 2754852. (8/5). METAL GATES FOR SALE: I have two 4’ steel, one 13’8” steel and one approx. 15-16’ tubular around the outside with wire fencing in the middle. $100 for all, or will sell individually. Please call, leave message or text 596-4324. (8/5). FOR SALE: Child’s wooden wagon $15; basketball set up, pole, hoop,and net for $75 OBO; Motorcycle leather chaps and jacket and helmet $100 OBO. Call Kathleen 970-275-9538. (8/5). (8/5/13) FOR SALE: rollout keyboard trays, (7) bamboo, 20”x16”, $25 OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277 (8/5). FOR SALE: older gas Lincoln welder on small wheeled cart, $300 OBO. 641-2340. (8/5). FOR SALE: Audiovox stereo w/5disc changer & speakers, $25 OBO. 642-1279. (8/5). FOR SALE: 5 service station island cans. Good shape, retail for over $200, $250 takes them all. 596-0280 (8/5). FREE: gift boxes all shapes and sizes from jewelry to boot. Pick up on the front porch at 100 Vulcan. (8/12). FOR SALE: HBO’s 6-season DVD collection of the Sopranos. Soundtracks & bonus features included. Hrs. of entertainment! $25. 641-2318 (8/12). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (8/5). (8/5/pd/33) DID YOU KNOW WHEN YOU DIAL 9-1-1 in Gunnison County you reach a Dispatch Center in Gunnison? (8/5). ¡USTED PUEDE AYUDAR A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD! Puede donar alimentos no perecederos y ponerlos en los cubos rojos que la Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) ha puesto en varios sitios de Gunnison (Safeway y City Market y más lugares). ¿Preguntas? 970-6414156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (8/5). FOR SALE: 800-900ft. of 3/8” cable for sale, call for details, 275-4852. (8/5). FOR SALE: Dansko tall boots (about knee height), size 38, in great shape. Can send pics. $100. 596-2802 (8/5). FOR SALE: Kumbo radial tires, Solus HP4 plus, 135/65R14 M&S, 3 @ $25 OBO. Call Bob 970-901-7277. (8/5). (8/5) TORK MOTION SENSOR PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS: Three total, easy wall mount. Call Liz 497-0787. (8/5). LADIES CARHARTT JACKET: sz medium, $30. 641-6963. (8/12). 300 GAL. FUEL TANK: 6414836. (8/5). FOR SALE: Remington 700 custom 375 ultra mag, 2 boxes of ammo, $2200 firm. 209-2449. (8/5). TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (8/5). SHOPPER DEADLINES: News/Press Releases, Community Calendar items, Mondays 10am; Free Ads & Notices, Tuesdays, 10am; All paid ads/business ads, including free ad late fees Tuesdays, 2pm. Thank you for your cooperation., 6413148. (8/5). FOR SALE: hip waders, 2-ply, youth 55, worn once, purchased from Gene Taylor’s $50 OBO. 642-1279. (8/5). Great Selection of SOUVENIRS and T-SHIRTS New Shipments Arriving Daily Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi 641-5007 (8/5/16) FOR SALE: Roadmaster Tow Bar, Falcon All-Terrain, like new, all cables, brackets, cover, etc. included. Over $1000 new, now save a bunch, $500 for all. Call or text 417-365-0915 Located in Gunnison. (8/12). NO FEE TV. Information about how to receive the over-the-air television signals provided by the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District is available on the web at or by contacting the District at 6419148. (8/5). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 (8/26/20) DESK with medium stained top, antique white sides 29-1/2’ x 65”, very good condition. $50. 3499364. (8/5). 7’ POOL TABLE: 3/4” thick slate, from the Coachlight. 641-4836. (8/5). FOR SALE: Celestron telescope and hide-a-bed couch, $40 each or best offer. Wooden end table and kitchen table, $20 each or best offer. Large tube TV, free. Call 641-2417. (8/5). FOR SALE: large quantity of carpentry tools: air nailers, air staplers, large variety or tools all priced to sell, 209-6041 (8/12). IN NEED OF A DOG WALKER OR PET OR HOUSE SITTER? Former college instructor available. Lots of references. 20+ year resident. Call to discuss rates, 970-401-3651. (8/12). HAVING TROUBLE PAYING FOR YOUR BIRTH CONTROL? Have you been thinking of getting tested for an STD but didn’t know where to go? The Gunnison County Public Health Family Planning Program is here to help with these and other services! Call 641-0209 to make a confidential appointment today. Fees dependent on income, no person is turned away for inability to pay. (8/5). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Free Delivery of 3 or More Cords I have a mountain to sell! 209-6101 (8/5/17) FOR SALE: organ with bench, good condition, $500, call 6413283. (8/5). FOR SALE: Two, 3 foot long pieces of galvanized culvert 30” diameter. $20 each, $30 for both OBO. 641-4265 (8/12). WINDOW MOUNT SWAMP COOLER: will cool 1000sf. Used very little, $150. 970-275-3543. page 7 RECYCLERS Thank you for your continued use of the Gunnison County Recycle Center we appreciate your support and efforts to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The Recycle Center is receiving a lot of product that is not considered recyclable and therefore is trash. In an effort to keep our costs down we are reaching out to our users to ask you to NOT bring the following items to the Recycle Center. PLEASE DO NOT BRING: Compressed cardboards tubes (see examples below) • toilet paper rolls • paper towel rolls • mailing tubes • carpet tubes • plastic sheeting tubes #3 - #7 Plastics (see examples below) • most yogurt containers • most cottage cheese containers • vehicle parts • kiddie swimming pools and sand boxes We thank you for your continued efforts in recycling and for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 641-0044. Wine Tastin Tasting ng FFundraiser undrais undraiser Gunnison Public Library THURSDAY, AUGUST ST T6 FROM 7 - 9PM Purchase tickets @ Gunnison Public Library $20 Tickets are Limited – Purchase Early (8/12). Join the Gunnison Friends of the Library to learn about wines and literature of Oregon and Washington. Wines from High Mtn Liquor and Words from Mike Ritchey. FOR SALE: tempered glass panels, single pane, (4) 43”x83”, $50 ea. OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277. (8/5). MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS PAD: 1 1/4”, $25 OBO. 6421279. (8/5). Sponsored by High Mountain Liquor and The Sanctuarryy BOOK OF MORMON TICKET: Saturday, September 12, 7:30pm in Denver. Fabulous Orchestra seating. Paid $135, will sacrifice for $95 or Best Offer. 970-6410560 or 970-209-9611. (8/5). DINING TABLE & BENCHES FOR SALE: table seats 6, no leaf, solid wood, good cond. All light oak color, coordinate, don’t match. $80/all. 970-596-2216. (8/12). Well established, successful Parking Lot Sweeping Business For Sale. Strong, year-round, client base with room to grow. $39,500. Call, 970-596-5239 for more information. (8/26/23) IF YOU HIT AN ANIMAL WHILE DRIVING WITHIN GUNNISON, please call 641-8000 and report the accident. The animal involved will be safely transported to a veterinarian for treatment. Thanks! (8/5). 195R60/15 TIRES: First $50 takes the pair. 349-1007 (8/5). BICYCLE PANNIERS: for touring, good cond., $90. 970-9647488. (8/5). FOR SALE: women’s Tony Llama buckaroo boots, size 7, turquoise upper. Excellent condition $50; women’s size 7.5 Georgia lace up boots $10. 641-4265 (8/12). FOR SALE: walker $25. 970623-6282. (8/12). SIX POINTS DONATION HOURS: at our new location 9am-4pm Monday - Friday; 10am4pm Saturday; Closed on Sunday. Please call Six Points at 970-6413081 for furniture donations or large donations of household items. (8/5). FOR SALE: lodge pole pine fence, 641-5071. (8/5). Do Not Be Cold or Hungry Furnace Service Special $89.00* Includes: Filter Change, Motor Oiling, Carbon Monoxide Test, General Cleaning and Maintenance In Gunnison City Limits or $89/hour outlying Areas * $10 OFF with your Donation to the Food Pantry $10 of each Service fee goes to Project Hope Horizontal Furnace & Pellet Stove add $20 To The People From The People Since we travel throughout the Valley we will distribute Food - Clothing - etc. confidentially to our neighbors in need MODULAR HOUSE & MOBILE HOME SPECIALIST RADON DETECTION, INSPECTIONS AND REMEDIATION 642-0399 * We want to Help! gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 8 This is how you OPEN AT 6AM MONDAY - SATURDAY • BREAKFAST TOASTER , Med. Tots, Coffee $4.86 • Jr. Breakfast Burrito, Sm. Tots, Coffee $3.27 • Morning Drink StopSM. .99¢ Large Drinks Until 10AM ® Please Yield to Pedestrians in Crosswalks It’s the right thing to do and the law DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (8/5). QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS w/box spring 4 SALE! In GREAT condition! Asking $100 OBO! Call 970209-5594 Today! (8/12). FOR SALE: Reclaimed rusty corrugated metal roofing. RCM50. Approximately 1,000 square feet. 20’ and 24’ pan lengths. Make an offer. 970-209-0485 (8/12). 120 GAL. PROPANE TANK FOR SALE: $125. 641-3140 eves. (8/5). TWO SEA KAYAKS: handmade cedar strip wrapped w/fiberglass, furniture quality construction, $1000 each. Tough enough for Alaska; other equipment available as well. 970-964-7488. (8/5). FREE: flashing metal. Dark gray 40” x 22’. Call 349 6337 (8/12). CUT AND CARRY FREE FIREWOOD in Quartz Creek, Pitkin. Wood along sides of roads FREE to haul off. Bring your trailer! 214460-2947 (8/5). FOR SALE: Stihl 14” diamond saw Ts-460 and two new blades. Call 307-751-4151 in Creede. (8/12). Nugget Cafe at Taylor park Come on u p an d en joy a mea l wit h u s! Summer Hours 8AM - 8P M Daily 970-642-0454 GLASSWARE: Some specialty beer glasses, lots of water glasses. All great condition. Call Liz 497-0787 (8/5). SNOW PLOW FOR SALE: was on a 1994 Jeep Wrangler. All paper work included, electric winch to raise and lower included. $275, call 209-2912 (8/5). FLUTE BY SELMAR: $125 OBO. 641-6963. (8/12). Great Selection of SOUVENIRS and T-SHIRTS New Shipments Arriving Daily Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi 641-5007 2 SEATER CHAISE SOFA: Light tan, good condition. $40. 970275-8910. (8/5). DUMP TRUCK and LOADER FOR HIRE 275-4852. (8/12/7) FOR SALE: Used metal roofing. Different kinds and colors. Plus some corrugated galvanized. Please call, leave message or text 596-4324. (8/5). FOR SALE: Horton crossbow, 160 pound, 360ft. per sec. Shot 5 times. Paid $900, asking $800. 209-2449. (8/5). FOR SALE: 16 ft. Werner aluminum extension ladder. It’s not pretty but it works. $20 OBO. 596-1389. (8/5). (8/5/16) FOR SALE: Weil-McLain hot water boiler. 90% efficiency, 175K BTU, capacity 3,000 sq. ft. home. Used only 6 years. New $4,300, will sell for $1,100. 275-4852 (8/5). FOR SALE: “Presto” hydraulic material lift. $1,250 Features 18 ft height and 1,000 lb weight capacity (14 shts 4x8x1/2” drywall per lift) The oversized lifting base is 32”x30”. Call 970-5070788 for additional details. (8/5). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Hard & Soft Woods 970-424-2936 (8/5/7) FOR SALE: HILTI POWDER-ACTUATED TOOL DX 460-MX. NEW used once. Fully automatic. Includes 2 cases full of fasteners and cartridges. $750. Voice or text message 970.215.0347. (8/12). FOR SALE: CRAFTMAN WET/DRY SHOP VAC. 16 gallon. 6.25 HP. $50. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. (8/12). COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS KNIGHT TECHNOLOGIES LLC we fix computers full time Pickup/Delivery Available Gunnison/Crested Butte 970-642-3040 FOR SALE: 2 pair crutches, $8 ea. 642-1279. (8/5). FOR SALE: Conair pet grooming set, $25. 642-1279. (8/5). FOR SALE: tent trailer, $3000, see at 216 S. 14th St., 970-9648513. (8/5). FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in stock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY. 50, Gunnison. 970-6410883. (8/5/34). GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT: Quieres ropas? Nececitas ropas? Somos abiertos todos los Martes y Sabados 10am- 2pm oeste del avenida 10 entre calles Tomich y Virginia! Benga a buscar! Todo esta GRATIS! (8/5). FOR SALE: 2 PWO 250 gal. fuel tanks on stands with new hoses & filters, $250 ea. 641-8897. (8/5). FOR SALE: Stella Harmony model H912 12 string acoustic flattop guitar, manufactured 6468, birch sunburst, in case, $100. Call 641-3567 (8/12). FOR SALE: wood casement window WC 4457-2. Insulated with storms, $50 OBO. Bob 970-9017277. (8/5). USED TEE POSTS: Various sizes and condition. $2.00 ea. Please call, leave message or text. 5964324. (8/5). CD’S CD’S CD’S! INSTANT LIBRARY! ALL MUST GO! ALMOST 75 very popular titles FOR SALE! Every genre includes rock, jazz, classical, pop! Asking $100. OBO! Call 970-209-5594 tToday! (8/12). (8/5/17) FOR SALE: Petmate Classic travel dog kennel, large size (26”x19”x17”) $40; small dog/cat travel car carrier (19”x12”x10”), $25; 13ft tanned python snake skin, $225; Bushnell 50mm rubber armored prismatic spotting scope, $100. Call 6414854. (8/5). TWO FLAGSTONE COFFEE TABLES: 3x2’ $115; 2x2’, $90. 275-4852. (8/5). TELEVISION SIGNALS. To report an issue with the over-the-air television signals or to inquire about the television translator system, please contact the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District at 641-9148. (8/5). SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 (8/5/43). Every Day's a Great Day for Fresh Flowers, Green and Flowering Plants, Gift Baskets, Balloons and More MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 "Your Downtown Main Street Florist” (8/5/31) BICYCLE LAWS: Follow all traffic laws: ride on the RIGHT side of the road; STOP for stop signs. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department 6418200. (8/5). FREE: Hot Tub 970-641-3445 (8/12). DO YOU NEED CARPET OR VINYL INSTALLATION OR REPAIR? I have my certification and 26 years experience, I will bid your job for free! So please call Mike at 970-759-2815 for all your carpet and vinyl needs. WORRIED ABOUT DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS IN YOUR YOUNG CHILD? Call Public Health for referral information @ 641-0209. (8/5). (8/19/pd/37) GUNNISON SAGE GROUSE TSHIRTS are available at Pat’s Screen Printing. Sponsor local conservation efforts with beautiful local artwork. (8/5). TAKE THE H&R BLOCK INCOME TAX COURSE to learn how to prepare taxes like a pro. Not only will you learn a new skill, you could earn extra income as a tax professional. Enroll now! For i n f o : (9/9/40). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (8/5/17). ¿SABÍA QUE RECOMIENDAN QUE LOS NIÑOS visiten al dentista por primera vez cuando tienen 1 año de edad? Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. ECC 641-7913; (en español: 641-7999) (8/5). PLEASE HELP US MAKE THE GUNNISON COUNTY RECYCLE CENTER A SUCCESS! Bring us your #1 and #2 plastics, corrugated cardboard, newspaper, office pack & shred, glass, tin, aluminum, and batteries. For more info 641-0044. (8/5). PEACE IS PATRIOTIC! Fifteen minutes for peace every Friday at noon, Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (8/5). DOO THE RIGHT THING! The GVAWL asks all dog owners to please clean up after your critters! Doggie poo is not only disgusting, it contaminates water and soil. It also gives dogs and their owners a bad rap. Please pick up the poo, people! (8/5). LAS EXPERIENCIAS POSITIVAS tempranas son esenciales para un éxito futuro en la escuela, trabajo, y la comunidad. Los servicios a los niños pequeños que tienen riesgo de retrasos en el desarrollo han demostrado un impacto positivo en el desarrollo del lenguaje y la comunicación. Si quiere una lista de los establecimientos locales con licencia, pase por la oficina de Servicios Familiares ECC 641-7913; (en español: 641-7999) o (8/5). SALE RACK IS BACK! Savings up to 65% (new items added weekly) BASICS FOR MEN 100 North Main St. 642-4223 DID YOU LOSE SOMETHING? Please search our Lost & Found Section in the Gunnison Country Shopper. The good people of Gunnison County want you to get your stuff back! (8/5). DID YOU KNOW that children are recommended to have their first dental visit by age 1? Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. Public Health 6410209 (8/5). REMINDER: Do not let your motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, buses & smm’s registrations expire! There is a late fee applied after the one month grace period. This applies even if your vehicle is not running temporarily or just parked. Gunnison Office is open Monday-Friday from 8am-4:30pm and the Crested Butte Branch is open Tuesday & Thursday from 9am-3pm in Old Town Hall. You can reach us at 641-1602 option 1. You can now pay your registration on line! Go to (8/5). BICYCLE LAWS: When you’re riding a bike you are NOT a pedestrian! For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8200. (8/5). KEY WEBSITES FOR WARRIORS AND FAMILIES: Information on facilities, services and benefits: Directory of medical and non-medical resources: Information on Defense Centers of Excellence: Service-specific information and resources: Information and resources for after-deployment concerns: Returning service members (OEF/OIF): - Al Falsetto, Veterans Service Office, 6417919. America is free thanks to our veterans. (8/5). STUDIO ART EASEL WANTED: 970-417-7794 or 970-349-6586. (8/12). WANTED TO BUY: Apple MacBook in excellent condition. 970-596-2216 (8/12). WANTED TO BUY: baby swing for newly adopted baby. 6412433, 252-8076. (8/5). WANTED TO BUY: bear proof garbage can. 349-5639 (8/12). WANTED TO BUY: landowner voucher, 67 or 551 archery elk. 596-9994 or 641-0658. (8/5). WANTED TO BUY: Nice, wooden play set with swings, slide, etc... If your kids have outgrown it, mine would love to have it! Willing to pay reasonable price. 596-0748. (8/5). WANTED: used bush hog, 6410818, 641-2420 (8/5). WANTED: log splitter. 970-9018485 (8/5). WANTED: love seat or small couch. Pet and smoke free. 5968954 (8/12). KEY NUMBERS FOR WARRIORS AND FAMILIES: If you are a wounded, ill or injured Warrior: 1-800-342-9647. If you are experiencing domestic violence: 1800-799-SAFE (7233). If you have experienced sexual assault, 1800-656-HOPE (4673). If you are thinking about suicide: 1-800-273TALK (8255). If you have any questions about Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury: 1-866-966-1020. - Al Falsetto, Veterans Service Office, 6417919. America is free thanks to our veterans. (8/5). WOULD YOU LEAVE MONEY, CASH, OUTSIDE ON THE SIDEWALK UNATTENDED? That’s what you’re doing when you leave your bike unlocked. Bicycle thefts can be stopped by using a bicycle lock. The average bike lock costs $20, much cheaper than a new bike. Isn’t your bicycle worth it? (8/5). GOT A WORKING TUBE-STYLE TV TO GET RID OF? If the screen’s no bigger 26 inches, please call 641-9588. Save the cost of disposal and help my older friend whose TV has died. (8/5). FOR SALE: Audiovox stereo w/5disc changer & speakers, $25 OBO. 642-1279. (8/5). NEW CLASSIFIED CATEGORY HOUSEHOLD/FURNITURE: All the things you could want or need for your home. Furniture, appliances, linens, fixtures. Don’t forget to check out the new website (8/5). FOR SALE: tobacco leaf pattern ceramic lamp, very unusual, $60. 641-2095. (8/12). ANTLERS WANTED TO BUY Deer, Elk, Moose. All Kinds Shed or Racks. White or Brown. Traders Rendezvous Gunnison 641-5077 or 641-6999 (8/5/21) FOR SALE: Two cast iron tubs. One has cast iron pedestal $150. One without $100 OBO. 6414265 (8/12). (8/26/20) FULLMER’S ACE HARDWARE AND THE AMERICAN LEGION have teamed up by having a box (by the front door) where you can drop off all unserviceable US Flags. (8/5). NEW CLASSIFIED CATEGORY WANTED: in need of... in search of... looking for... wanted to buy... look here to see if you have something somebody else needs! And look out for the new website... (8/5). ISO: 10’x10’ or 12’x12’ outdoor canopy w/stakes or bracing, 6414245. (8/5). ISO: Scrap Plywood and 2x4s. The Art Studio of the Center for the Arts is looking for scrap plywood and 2x4s for our upcoming Iron Pour in September. Please email or text Jesse Blumenthal at 603-380-6496 or if you have some to donate. Will pick up. (8/12). LOOKING FOR 2 CHAIN LINK PANELS for my kennel. 6’ x 10’. 970-275-2035 and leave a message. (8/12). FOR SALE: Two matching oak bookcases, ideal for paperbacks, CDs, DVDs, knickknacks or toys at $25 each. One dark wood bookcase with wider shelves for bigger book at $20. 970-9012780 (8/5). FOR SALE: Very nice Southwestern style Sofa Sleeper, mostly Forest Green. Bed needs TLC $50. 970-641-2209 (8/5). FOR SALE: Whirlpool electric stove, great conditon. $75 Call 641-3283. (8/5). FOR SALE: Whirlpool Gold top loading water dispenser. Great for home or office. Like new, hot and cold dispensing. Black and silver. Digital thermostat and settings. $100, OBO. 303-884-6107 (8/12). (8/12). FOR SALE: wood burner stove 6” pipe; 3 plastic 55 gal. barrels; 3 steel 55 gal. barrels; misc. lumber. 641-4836. (8/5). LOOKING TO BUY: Unit #67 3rd rifle season cow elk tags.. unit wide preferred but will consider private land only. Ask for Tom, 970-261-3904 (8/12). FREE: 34” flat screen TV. Older body style with the tube, but a very clear flat screen picture you can view from any angle. 970641-6434 Leave message (8/5). WANTED TO BUY: car top carrier, hard shell, 349-5639 (8/12). FOR SALE: Wooden book shelf. $20. 765-4270 (8/12). ISO: cow tag, unit 66, 4th season. Please call 940-839-5831. gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 FOR SALE: York GF9S furnace, 120,000 btu, 92% efficient, natural gas. Brand new, never installed. Wanted to use for my garage, but it will not work for me. $800. 641-6761 (8/12). page 9 POOL TABLE: 3/4” slate, $500. 970-641-0859 (8/12). PROPANE REFRIGERATOR: dual power source, electric or propane, Servel in excellent shape, top freezer works great, refrig holds steady temperature, white color. $500. 303-882-3222 FREE FOR THE HAULING! Sleeper sofa, 79” long, 37” wide. Good cond., red Native American design. Call Charlie or Anita Kerr at 740-507-2473 or 740-5077629. (8/12). (8/5). SOFA BED: (like new) $100 . 415730-7706 (8/5). FREE QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS: 33B Riverland Dr., Crested Butte. Call 970-209-9086 (8/12). STUDENT DESK: brown wood, 4 drawers with matching chair. $50 set. Call 641-3567 (8/12). FREE: furniture, good condition, pick up and haul away. 2 couches, 1 loveseat, 1 rocker, 1 chair, 1 coffee table, 1 end table & 1 lamp. 641-0808 - ask for Bonnie. WHEELCHAIR RAMP: aluminum, adjustable, $3500 new, sell for $500, you take it down, 435-6329061. (8/12). (8/12). WHITE OAK FLOORING: Character grade. 4”, 5”, and 6” widths. 100 square feet. Still banded in bundles from mill. Dry and ready to install. $550. 970209-0485. (8/12). FREE! Two 28”-48” bronze look curtain rods, 641-4265. (8/12). FREEZER: large, $50, 435-6329061. (8/12). FRENCH DOOR & WINDOWS: very high quality wood with thick glass. Call for prices and measurements. 970-275-0733. (8/5). WOOD STOVE: Earth Stove, 8’ chimney, large capacity, 4150. 970-417-6177. (8/5). FURNITURE TO SELL OR GIVE AWAY: Need to clean out storage. For appointment to see, call Joe. 641-3935 (8/12). PLEASE: do not ride your bike on sidewalks and remember to ride on the right hand side of the road and to stop at stop signs. (8/5). HONDA EU2000I GENERATOR FOR SALE: Very little use, fresh oil and ready to go for $700. 970596-5000 (8/5). FOR AN UPDATED LIST OF LICENSED CHILDCARE PROVIDERS, look on the Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council website,, or come by Public Health for a copy. 641-0209 KITCHENWARE: moving from small apt. and need to sell my FARBERWARE stainless steel pots and pans plus TEMPERWARE dishes/plates. Nice kitchen towels, various knives, random glassware. Please call 970-209-4249 (8/5). (8/12). LA Z BOY DUAL RECLINER LEATHER SOFA: $2,200 new. Sell for $1299. Exc. cond. 970596-4747. (8/5). STAINLESS SINK: 2-bay kitchen sink. Brand new, never installed, $25. 970-596-2216. (8/12). OUTDOOR SECURITY LIGHT: large, heavy duty mercury vapor light. Comes with arm to attach to building or pole. Call for more details, 970-275-0733. (8/5). TABLE AND 4 ROLLING CHAIRS FOR SALE: In very good condition. $125 obo; 970-2752035 and leave me a message. I will return your call. (8/12). VA C A T I O N BI BL E S C HO OL ! First Baptist Church Corner of Virginia & Pine St. M o n d ay - T h u rs d ay Aug ust 10 - 14 9:30AM – Noon Pre-school & Elementary Ages 970-641-2240 Pastor Jonathan Jones COLLECTORS PLATE: Arctic Majesty collection “Song to the Wilderness”, with wolves and full moon. Mint condition with all certificates. $25. 596-2216 (8/12). PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: use crosswalks to cross the street don’t cross the street mid block in traffic. Gunnison Police Department 641-8200. (8/5). WANTED ANTLERS SHEDS & RACKS Pay Top Dollar Berfield’s Stage Stop 970-641-5782 (3/30/pd/11) continued on page 13... gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 10 page 11 Parents and Friends Voice Their Support! Dear Jackie and the staff of Orsch, We want to thank you for the enriching, loving, supportive, empowering experience you have provided for our son over the past 5 years. Orsch offered an experience that nurtured and allowed our son to be confident in his authentic self. Recently our son was invited to attend the World Peace Game in Virginia. In order to attend he had to submit a paper answering questions regarding conflict resolution, leadership and perception. I was so moved and inspired by what he wrote. I want to thank Orsch for creating a school where his insightfulness was nurtured. Our children have amazing insight and beautiful minds. It is truly a gift you have given to the Gunnison community and our family will always be grateful for Orsch. Sincerely, Michael Greene Do you remember the moment your child first smiled at you? I remember it like it was yesterday. My heart was going to burst out of my chest and give her a hug. My daughter Emma has been attending Orsch the last year. The moment Emma walked into Orsch her soul glowed. She has gone to school everyday with such joy and enthusiasm, I get sad when she would rather go to school than hang out with me. Knowing that my daughter walks through those magical doors to learn, grow, love, play makes my soul glow also. She loves Orsch. What Orsch had been able to provide for our small community is amazing. Everday I pick Emma up I receive that first smile all over again. What the teachers and volunteers do shines through in every child that attends Orsch. Emma has thrived in the environment that Orsch provides. I'm so incredibly grateful for Miss Jackie and all the humans involved in making Orsch what it is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. -Krista Bogart To Whom It May ConcernWe are writing this letter first and foremost as parents but also as business owners. We have been made aware of allegations against both Jackie Burt and another teacher at Orsch. It seems that charges have been filed of failure to report abuse or neglect. Let us say that we find these charges difficult if not impossible to believe. Our two children have attended Orsch for the last four years. It has been a wonderful experience for us all. Our children have grown in both their education and personal confidence. They have gained important social skills in a warm and caring environment. We cannot say enough about how happy we have been with our experience. Jackie has personally gone out of her way to do whatever she can to help our kids. She has gathered a staff of people deeply committed to improving not only the education but the lives of children. Our high school son has struggled with finding his path and Jackie has literally been there every step of the way for him. We have been made aware of what has been going on by other parents who have been interviewed and even threatened throughout this investigation. We are fearful that the tactics of intimidation that have been used represent a gross abuse of power by our local Department of Health and Human Services. We are strongly asking for anyone who is able to investigate what has been going on. It appears that the law is being misused in such a manner that it has become an attack on an educator and business owner. It does not seem to any of us parents that any of these charges are valid in any way. Living in a small town there are very often political and personal agendas. We believe that all of us who have children attending Orsch have been subject to a large amount of animosity over the years regarding Orsch's mere existence. There are many people who believe it is in their best interest to continually criticize a school that they simply do not understand. Those of us who have kids at Orsch have simply chosen a different journey for our children and do not go around speaking negatively about the public school system. We wish the same was true on our side. Many public school parents have nothing positive to say about Orsch. It is simply something we have learned to live with. What makes this whole situation so concerning is that it seems as if the motivation to destroy Orsch with unfounded charges may be a huge factor in all of this. The fact that the people at the Department of Health and Human Services have not been fans of Orsch for quite some time is not a secret. We have personally heard some of the people who work in that building complain about the students and express their dismay over having Orsch move in as neighbors. It is not out of the realm of possibility that personal negativity is a motivating factor for these people. Finally as business owners it is gravely concerning to us what the effect of all these allegations will have on Orsch as a business. A private school operates by attracting students each year to pay tuition to at- I am deeply saddened by the events that have unfolded in our community lately. As I read recently in the times the articles involving Orsch and it’s teacher’s. This is an attack against, not only two outstanding citizen’s in our community, but against a school who is doing nothing but good for children who would otherwise fall through the cracks of our educational system. Our daughter is one of those children. I shudder to think where our daughter would be today would it not be for having a choice in her education. By the end of second grade she was so stressed by bullying and feeling inferior to other children who could whiz right through math facts, or grasp science facts, that she began to dread going to school. She would cry and cling to my leg and it would take hours somedays to get her to stay at the school. She began experiencing migraines and severe stomachaches, due to the stress. We debated whether we should even finish the school year or, just pull her out in April and finish homeschooling her. We decided to finish the school year and search for an alternative the following year. Jackie Burt was a godsend as that fall she opened up this beautiful school called Orsch. Of course, for our daughter it was well… SCHOOL! But as the year progressed she began to open up and become much less clingy. Where I was walking her into the school everyday and waiting with her for awhile, by the end of the year, she would most days walk in on her own with just a hug and a “have a nice day mom”! We slowly have seen the light come back in our daughter’s eyes! Math facts have always stumped her, but with Jackie’s patience and constant looking for a creative way to approach the issue and allowing our daughter the freedom to explore those options as well, our daughter has been able to at last even master Algebra I. Jackie has taken this approach to learning on every level. She is this beautiful person who sees the potential of each child and desires to see them achieve that potential. Today our child is a beautiful individual, strong in her beliefs and well rounded in her education. She is excited to head back into the school system this fall as a high-schooler. She will take with her all of the core values that have been laid by Orsch. Jackie Burt – because of her vision for an alternative, creative education – saved our daughter. We owe her everything! Jon & Amy Vincent tend. In such a small town with all this negative publicity it may be difficult for Orsch to continue to thrive. The two newspaper articles have not been a positive reflection about what is supposedly going on. This alone detracts seriously from Orsch's reputation. That is something that will be difficult to repair. Please consider all the actual evidence in this matter. Please hold those accountable who have taken this all too far. There needs to be supervision of the Department of Health and Human Services in this matter. They cannot be allowed to continue unsupervised in this case. Sincerely, Traci and Michael Busse I am writing to you today to express my support for Erica Bendixen, Jackie Burt, and Orsch as a whole. For the last 5 years my children have attended Orsch. I have the utmost confidence that my children are safe and appropriately supervised when in the care of Orsch faculty, staff, and volunteers. Erica Bendixen has been my son's teacher for 5 years and I am continually amazed by her patience, ability to get the group focused, and the individual attention she is able to give each of her students. Erica rises WAY above the bar in her professionalism in interacting with the students and parents alike. It should be apparent to anyone who spends any time with Orsch, Jackie Burt always has the children's well being and safety first and foremost on her mind. From the meticulous effort she has made over the past 6 years to assure that three different locations for the school were safe for all who enter, to long distance field trips, to community wide LARGE gatherings for performances, Jackie Burt has always ensured appropriate supervision for students and families alike. In my experience any 'disciplinary' issues at Orsch were approached as a learning opportunity. Erica and Jackie and all the teachers at Orsch make the extra effort on a daily basis to teach and guide all students in a positive manner. I personally have spent countless hours over the years volunteering at Orsch. I have been in classrooms, on field trips, ski days, and organized a lunch program last year. I have worked closely with Erica and Jackie in all of these situations. It seems impossible to me that either Erica or Jackie could ever be found to be neglectful or abusive to children. I request that the proper actions are taken by those in elected and appointed positions in our local government to clear the names and records of Gunnison's two finest educators. Thanks for your time and attention to this very important issue. Your friend and neighbor, Barbra Carroll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oem About Orsch I found that I love school because it is something that I have complete control over. I love the fact that Orsch has allowed me to become more independent in my life. Create a new destiny. That I finally have found a place that allows me the time I need to work at my own pace. Sometimes I need gentle persuasion to keep focused - not daydream. Freedom to figure out what kind of learner I am. Sometimes I need gentle persuasion to keep focused - not daydream. I think this is going to take some time but I know my education and how I am perceived in the world are completely up to me. I have to say that the thing I love most is the independence to show the world I can do this. I can do this!! Sometimes I need gentle persuasion to keep focused -not daydream. - Orsch student The other day my dad told my mom that he had to hold her while she cried in her sleep in an attempt to calm her down. That is something I never thought I would hear nor ever wanted to hear. I have not been able to get the thought out of my mind. Over the last six years, I have watched my mother, Jackie Burt, spend every ounce of her energy developing Orsch. Her passion for change and children is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Orsch changed the lives of hundreds of children, including myself. Orsch started small but grew into a wonderful and large community. There had always been some opposition but the love and passion within the school was too great to let negativity make a dent. This spring my mother was attacked by opposition. I watched her passion and joy quickly be replaced by fear. She cried almost every day. At home, rather than discussing what happened in Sam’s art class or if I got accepted to a new college, we discussed mandatory reporting or who had come to Orsch to interview a child. We began to talk about “the case” daily and there was always another problem to solve. This became her life focus. My mother is the most optimistic person I know and she was crushed. Anyone who knows Jackie Burt knows how caring she is. She would go to the ends of the earth to protect, stand up for, or simply teach a child. Her whole existence is devoted to bettering children. If there were something she felt was wrong, she would take steps to fix it in an instant. There was no doubt in my mother’s mind that every child she worked with last spring was safe and happy. She saw the joy in their faces as they learned to read, figured out the next math problem and socialized at lunch. She is an attentive teacher and person. She genuinely cares about these children as if they are her own. I cannot fathom how someone could take anything my mother does and see it as negative. She is a hardworking, dedicated, and loving teacher, person, and mother. She truly wants the best for any child who steps through the doors of her school. Her intentions are pure. Thank you, Emma Burt To The Gunnison Community, My name is Bob Teitler, and my twelve year-old daughter Sophie has been a student at Orsch since she began school as a first grader. During the past six years I have had the opportunity to spend a substantial amount of time at Orsch, and have an intimate understanding of what an amazing community of young people thrive at this school. These children are guided by their dedicated, loving, and gifted teachers with the goal of developing self-confident, responsible, free thinking and knowledgeable young men and women. I have total faith and trust in Jackie Burt, who is the director and co-founder of Orsch, as well as the entire teaching staff at this remarkable school. I have never doubted that any decision made regarding Sophie’s wellbeing wasn’t well thought out and made with her best interests in mind. Whenever I have passed Orsch over the years, whether at Webster Hall, The Gunnison Arts Center, or the present location, my heart always smiles knowing that Sophie is there and is a part of this safe, loving, and secure environment. I write this letter today because I believe there is a certain element in the Gunnison community that doesn’t understand the magic that is happening at Orsch, and are feeling challenged by what they see as they look outside their windows. Rather than making any effort to communicate and attempt to understand what is happening, they have chosen to try and discredit, intimidate, and overpower our school. However, in the end I truly believe the magic of Orsch will prevail. I respectfully submit these thoughts to the people of Gunnison with the hope that you will all pay attention to what is happening right here in our town. Thank you, Bob Teitler I am writing to you to express major concerns I have with regards to the department of health and human services in Gunnison county, and their approach to child welfare. I am an emergency physician at Gunnison Valley Hospital. As such, I have an important legal and ethical obligation to identify possible child abuse and to report it to state authorities. Due to recent events in Gunnison surrounding an alleged event at Orsch, our local private K-8 school, I feel my capacity to ensure the safety of our children has been compromised. I know that both you and numerous local, county, and state authorities have been contacted regarding these recent issues, as well as our local press. Thus I am not going to here recapitulate the specific events which have transpired in our community, but I will give a synopsis as I understand it. A local employee of health and human services child protective welfare department initiated an investigation of supposed events at the school, Orsch, and a possible lack of reporting unsafe events and situations of the children which attend that school. As I understand it, two teachers are being charged with a failure to report. My 12 year old son attends this school. I have been continually impressed by the professionalism exhibited by the administration and teachers at this school. I have spoken with parents who themselves and who's children have been interviewed by HHS employees and local law enforcement. What I have heard is deeply disturbing. I believe the local authorities who are charged with investigating possible abuse and neglect have acted unprofessionally at best, and illegally at worst. Moreover, I believe their conduct in this instance has been damaging to some of our local children, the very same individuals whom they are charged with protecting. I also believe that the parents of these children and the teachers and administrators of this fine school have also been damaged, psychologically and professionally. While we have been reassured by our county officials that everything has transpired legally and appropriately, the consensus of our community seems to indicate that it has not. I understand that departmental investigations into performance of HHS employees has to be done in a due process manner. However, I believe that immediate action needs to be taken by HHS and the state government to ensure the safety of our children and the legal and ethical treatment of our local population by HHS child welfare. Although I will of course in my professional capacity as an ER physician comply with laws regarding reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect, I will do so with great trepidation. I fear for the well being and legal and ethical treatment of any families I must report, and I will feel ethically obligated by the standards under which we physicians operate to warn parents about possible unprofessional and damaging treatment by our local HHS child welfare department. I don't believe that there is time to follow usual departmental policy in investigating this. I think that immediate executive action is needed to ensure the safety of our children, be it paid leave for the HHS employees in question, or transfer to a location where the public's trust of them has not been devastatingly eroded. I trust that my appeal to your office as a direct physician caregiver in our hospital to immediately remedy this situation will be respected. As a community we must ensure child welfare. I believe the state office most directly responsible for this has a duty to immediately prevent further child and community harm from occurring. Many of my physician colleagues are prepared to immediately take this to the local, state, and nationalpress, as well as to the governor's office if we feel this situation is not immediately corrected. Sincerely, William Gattis, MD Chair, department of Emergency Medicine at Gunnison Valley Hospital Want to share your support? Contact our group via email: Check out Orsch on Facebook or visit the website to learn more about our school. See even more support letters at: Continued on the next page... gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 12 Parents and Friends Voice Their Support! Continued from previous page To Whom it May Concern, As a 16 year citizen of the Gunnison community, a parent, a previous foster care provider,and a 10 year employee of a school for at-risk youth, I feel the need to address recent actions taken by the Gunnison Department of Human Services against a private school and it's staff. My daughter has been attending the One Room School House (Orsch) in Gunnison since the school opened in 2009. During this time I have watched her blossom as a student and as a human being. I did not choose to send my daughter to Orsch because I was unhappy with the public school system but because I believed in the vision of Jackie Burt (Orsch founder). Jackie's approach to education is innovative and inspiring, not just to my daughter but to me as parent, and the Gunnison community. Over the years I have watched as Jackie has built, from the ground up, a school where students can be themselves, find what inspires them, and learn without limits. Since the school's opening, Jackie Burt and her staff have exhibited nothing but sound judgment, integrity, and incredible regard for the well being of students. I couldn't be happier with Orsch or trust Jackie or her staff more. I am concerned about the actions of the Gunnison Department of Human Services (DHS). While I understand the need to vigilantly defend children unable to defend themselves, I question how charges of "Failure to Report Child Abuse or Neglect" can be filed against Jackie Burt when it has not been determined that there was an actual and verifiable case of "abuse or neglect" to begin with. I have been made aware that certain Orsch parents and students have been pressured to provide information regarding this case in a manner perceived as threatening. This overzealous approach is completely unnecessary, unprofessional and, quite possibly, unethical. These allegations and aggressive tactics are needlessly tarnishing the reputation of an educator who's dream has been to create a school for students that promotes a positive, safe, and healthy learning environment. The tactics and allegations brought forth by DHS warrant an investigation by an outside entity. No one person or department should have the power to destroy the reputation of a respected educator and her staff. Sincerely, Stacie Murray My family would like to write in support of Orsch School and the wonderful teachers and staff that have been involved over the years. Our Orsch journey began when the school was just beginning and our son was 10 years old. Later our daughter joined the Orsch family. Little did we know that the alternative environment we were seeking would turn out to be so much more than we had ever dreamed. Through Orsch we found community, expression, academic excellence and a magical and safe environment for our children to spread their wings without judgement and without fear. My children discovered their musical passion, felt confident in their academic abilities , felt a sense of community and belonging, were empowered to explore their uniqueness in the world and were inspired to learn without the stress of being tested . One of the most valuable lessons taught at Orsch was that of conflict resolution where students were given the opportunity to constructively “work out” problems and lay them on the table for discussion . My children, now teenagers, still use those skills to navigate their world . Orsch has been a great gift to my children and to our family and we’d like to publicly thank Jackie Burt and all the teachers and staff for their devotion to this amazing school and it’s students. Sincerely, The Emmitt Family We all have dreams, and I have had my full share, but my road to Gunnison was paved with broken dreams leading me here. With a divorce looming in my rearview mirror, I was praying for a fresh start to life. Then suddenly… years down the road, my dream was to be a stay at home mom, raise White German Shepherds, and homeschool my two young boys. Things were going good. I am a certified elementary teacher and the thought of having two of “my very own” students was exhilarating. But dreams started shattering for our small community as times got so hard, people started losing jobs, taking two or three jobs, moving away, families falling apart… remember those times, just a few short years ago! Well, my dreams started breaking once again too. As Jason needed help I was looking at leaving the home myself in order to help him with the financing. Jason and I first met with Jackie when our oldest was 6 years old. Tears swelled within me and overflowed as we spoke. Another dream broken, but with Jackie’s calm reassurance, and my parent’s help in sending our son to Orsch, I turned over yet another dream. Now 6 years later, I am in love! Sometimes, I thank God for broken dreams that lead me down roads I never knew existed. And this one has been the best dream yet! As we have traveled with Orsch, we have loved watching our children fall in love with their school. Mrs. Jackie and Miss. Erin were their first stable entrance into school life. They became part of our family and have been vital in helping us inspire adventure and strength in our children. Miss Erica has been a steady and patient developmental resource as our son is all too quickly approaching those teen years. Mrs. Stacy has inspired curiosity as she leads our children down the scientific world of discovery. Mr. Fred, Miss Stephanie… the list goes on and on with the wonderful influences in our boys lives, from parents helping out on a regular basis and other teachers who come in for only a short specific time. This school is not only providing book knowledge, which I knew they could get elsewhere very well, but it inspires life and adventure within our boys providing them with a secure foundation in becoming men. Jason and I are so thankful for Jackie and all of the teachers in ORSCH. We never have to wonder how our boys are doing and if we have any concerns, they are quickly resolved with one on one, embraced visits within the Orsch family. I have even found myself texting teachers to find out if I should allow our children to go on play days, because let’s face it, I can’t know everyone, but I trust my ORSCH support through all areas in our lives. Thank you Orsch, for allowing Jason and I the security and freedom to go on yet another adventure together as we embrace a long felt dream of his. We love this life. We love this community. We love this family we call Orsch! -‐Jenny Lain I am the director for GOAL Academy and Rocky Mountain Digital Academy in the Gunnison Valley. I have worked in the education field for over 14 years. I have a master’s degree in education and am currently a doctoral candidate in education leadership. I was recently selected for a Colorado Educator Voice fellowship and will be speaking and working on education policies throughout the state. Most importantly, I am the mother of two amazing children, one of whom is a precocious and curious child who attends Orsch. Given my background and experience in education, I conducted detailed research on the education options in the Gunnison Valley for my children. I chose Orsch for its focus on the whole child. All children who attend Orsch are first and foremost given a lot of love and caring. The most basic principle of education concerns Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. If children are not loved and cared for, they cannot learn the academics. Orsch and its entire staff, led by Jackie Burt, understand this and put it into practice every single day. I feel 100% confident placing my daughter in the care of the Orsch staff every day. She feels loved and cared for and has flourished academically and emotionally. It is obvious that Orsch, Jackie Burt and Erica Bendixen are being targeted unfairly by Gunnison County HHS. Had HHS actually interviewed the Orsch staff before lobbing accusations, they would have found that Jackie and Erica performed their due diligence regarding the incident in question and clearly did what they do best: ensured that all kids were safe, protected and taken care of. Instead, they are now using (and abusing) their power and endangering livelihoods and reputations. In the fall of 2014, I was also unfairly targeted by Gunnison County HHS. I learned of the accusations against me not through HHS, but through my child’s school director. Within 24 hours, the accusations against me were considered “founded” without any input from me. In the process, my child was aggressively interviewed at school with little consideration for her emotional well-being or her young age. As a result, she was afraid to go to school and participated in therapy to alleviate her fears. I did not receive the final typed report for three weeks and every time I requested it, I was told the report had not been entered into the computer. Instead of approaching me and working collaboratively to get to the heart of the issue, it was immediately assumed that I was guilty. Not only did this have possible implications for my career as an educator, I felt shamed and belittled by the process and specifically by the individuals who work for Gunnison County HHS. In my discussions with social workers from HHS in other parts of the state, I have since learned that other counties do not operate their HHS departments like Gunnison County. Instead, they focus on collaboration amongst families and the community, with incredibly positive results- for families and communities. Gunnison County, instead of negatively targeting individuals and families, could focus on collaboration and creating positive outcomes for all. Livelihoods and individual lives- especially those who work for and attend Orsch- would benefit. Sincerely, Eryn Barker We are so thankful for the choice that Orsch offers our community in education. All of the Gunnison schools are filled with gifted and wonderful teachers and administrators, yet their freedom in the classroom becomes more and more limited. Orsch offers our family a flexible, differentiated education that allows our children to move at their own pace and allows each child to be celebrated for their own, unique genius. Jackie and her amazing teachers never fail to put educating the WHOLE child first, with the child's self worth, confidence, and trust in themselves always taking the spotlight. We have been very blessed by Jackie and her school and we look forward to many more years of education for our children under Jackie's gifted and professional guidance. about Warmly, u like o y o d Bill and Kelli Parker "What ch?"- mom , it is fun, Ors h esome re aw before lunc a s r e h k c c a a e "The t to eat a sn t to learn" o t we ge there is a l Olivia nd a and a l e Ang rs old -8 yea I am so grateful we have such a dynamic choice of schooling in this community. I have friends whose kids would not have come as far as they have without this amazing school. If it would have been feasible for my family I would have sent my son in a heartbeat. Jackie Burt has been so creative in helping at risk children succeed. My son had her as a teacher in 1st grade and absolutely adored her. Let's support ORSCH and the children it serves. It has changed the lives of children for the better! Hope is a wonderful thing for the children in our crazy world today. Let's give hope to those kids who need it. Thanks Jackie and Orsch for all you do! -‐Brooke Ash I have the great pleasure of being part of the vibrant Orsch community as a parent and volunteer teacher. I love working with every one of my amazing little poets and being part of such a joyful learning environment. Orsch is a place where individual genius is discovered and cultivated, where learning is relevant and spirited, and where happiness reins. Jackie has changed so many lives with her brave vision of an education where all children are equally cherished and celebrated. My deep gratitude and respect go to Jackie, Ashley, Erica, Steph, Erin, Stacy and all the other dedicated teachers, volunteers, parents, and fabulous students who make Orsch such a magical place! -Shelley Read Over the past year, I have had the privilege to intern and volunteer at Orsch. Every time I walked through the door, I could feel a smile spread across my face. Children would run to greet me, telling me how much they have missed me, the cool things they've been up to, and giving me hugs. The teachers would ask with genuine interest how I am doing and how my day was going, and, if it wasn't going so well, they would offer an ear or advice. Orsch is a community of loving, caring teachers, students, and volunteers. We watch out for each other, take care of each other, and support and love one another. Orsch has changed my life in so many ways and solidified for me that I want to be a teacher someday, just like the ones at Orsch. -Avery Forsythe Want to share your support? Contact our group via email: Check out Orsch on Facebook or visit the website to learn more about our school. See even more support letters at: gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE? It’s ok if you don’t know, because American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency is here to help. You can feel safe and secure with plans starting as low as $10/mo. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. ANTIQUE OAK DRESSER: 32”x48”H, $250; ANIQUE MAHOGANY DRESSER, 30”x30”H, $150. Both in exc. cond. with orig. hardware. 970275-0733. (8/5). COFFEE TABLE: big, sturdy, kid friendly, $15. 970-596-2216. (8/5). CUISINART WINE FRIDGE: holds 8 bottles, paid over $100, asking $45. 648-4406. (8/5). DINING TABLE: with Antique Tuscany finish, 72” long x 42” wide, 2x24” end leaves, excellent condition with 5 antique oak chairs price reduced to $1500. 615-584-9402. (8/5). DISHWASHER FOR SALE: hardly used, $250, 641-3553 (8/5). continued from page 9... FOR SALE: 10ft very old row boat, does not float, great for book shelf, planter, light, or other decoration. $75. 642-0337. (8/12). FOR SALE: 2 bookcases $10-20; entertainment center $40; LazyBoy chair $25; end table $10; fridge $90; cupboard $15; 4 dressers $5-50; 2 microwaves $25-40. 970-901-5985 (8/5). FOR SALE: 2 each JBL, non powered, 15 inch EON speakers with tweeter. 5 years old, not used much. $400 for both. 641-2102. (8/12). FOR SALE: 3 new in box copper walkway lights, $25 for all 3. 6414265 (8/12). FOR SALE: antique copper lined humidor end table, $40. 6484406. (8/5). FOR SALE: Antique Oak showcase with old glass. 59 inches across-19 inches wide-41 inches up and down. $450. Beautiful case. 970-641-0687 (8/12). FOR SALE: Antique Victorian wire yard fencing material. 3’ tall, approx 33’ long. $50 OBO. 6414265 (8/12). FOR SALE: antique wooden 2drawer thread cabinet w/brass pulls, $35. 648-4406. (8/5). FOR SALE: area rug, 5’x8 1/2’ in block pattern with shades of brown, $25. Not a scrap. 6421279. (8/5). FOR SALE: blue 4-section couch, $50. 435-632-9061. (8/12). FOR SALE: Champion Household Juicer, black model, used approximately 25 times. Was $275, new. Very good condition, instruction booklet with recipes. $150. Call 970-275-5088. (8/12). FOR SALE: coffee table, glass and brass top, bamboo shaped wood base, one of a kind, $50. 641-2095. (8/12). FOR SALE: Computer desk $20. 765-427 (8/12). FOR SALE: DESK - SOLID OAK. Drawer and lower storage shelf. Great condition. No scratches. 48” wide x 24” deep. $60. Voice or text message 970-215-0347. FOR SALE - STOVE: Free standing, white, LP Victorian style, 25,000 BTU with fan thermostat, fake logs. Pics available, very good condition, $300. 512-5418677 (8/12). FOR SALE: 2’0” x 6’8” Dutch panel door, prehung, $350 OBO. Please call Bob 970-901-7277. (8/5). FOR SALE: 2’6”x6’8” flush oak door; 6” steel jambs, $100 OBO, will deliver. Call Bob 970-3495159, 970-901-7277 (8/5). FOR SALE: antique humpback trunk, $50. 648-4406. (8/5). FOR SALE: cast iron bathtub, 641-4836. (8/5). FOR SALE: futon, double, solid beige microfiber, very good cond., nice looking pine frame. Used only on occasion. $75. 6414245. (8/5). FOR SALE: Kenmore electric range, white, $25, one burner out, rest works great. 641-1034. (8/5). (8/5). FOR SALE: Oak shelf 4 adjustable shelves $75. Queen size headboard with matching nightstand $125. Trundle daybed with mattresses. 970-596-3007 (8/5). FOR SALE: Older queen mattress, box springs and frame in good condition $25. Call cell phone 785-299-0270 and leave message. Located west of Gunnison at Gunnison Lakeside Resorts #107. (8/12). FOR SALE: Original vintage G.Whitman oil painting $500, Original J.Hardy oil painting $400, Original Goodwin oil painting $300 or all three for $800 beautiful paintings! 970-707-4042. (8/5). FOR SALE: Radio Shack cordless phone/base station. $5; DURAWARE 20 qt. heavy duty cook pot. Great for canning. $8. 349-5190. (8/5). AMMO: 218 Bee 127 factory rounds, 13 empties and dies, $125 cash. 209-0075 Montrose. (8/5). BACKPACK: almost new external frame Jansport, Peak stove, extras: two man Kelty tent, Slumberjack & ThermaRest air mattresses, Ceramic water pump. Call 307-751-4151 in Creede. BRAND NEW: 2015 Giant Glory 2. 27.5 / 650b down hill mountain bike. Wife rode this around town: too big for her. $2800. (new ones retail $3200 +tax) 970-275-6471 (8/12). DOWNHILL BIKE: 2014 Norco Aurum 2. Size M. Like new, 2-3 rides. In C.B. $1800 OBO, 970209-6861 (8/5). DRYTOP FOR SALE: All gaskets in tack, great shape. $30 Size M. 970-641-6642 (8/12). FOR SALE: 2015 56cm Felt road bike, saddle bag, Continental tires, front & rear lights, bottle holders, paid $2400, asking $1700. 970-707-4025. (8/12). FOR SALE: Raichle All Degree Gore-Tex hiking boots, women’s 6/6.5, in box, $40. 349-5190. (8/5). FOR SALE: Ruger SR22, like new, $300, 602-317-9040. (8/12). FOR SALE: slide in camper, 6414836. (8/5). FOR SALE: TREK 420 from 85. Needs some work, as is $150. 970-596-8813 (8/12). (8/12). FOR SALE: Winchester model 12, extremely rare tournament grade. 12ga., made in 1924, 91 years old and in excellent condition. $2250. 641-3140 eves. 11’ OF FLUE: (1-36” triple wall, 2-48” single wall) trim kit, and a spark arrester. $225 OBO. 970275-1580 (8/5). FOR SALE: corner freestanding cabinet, knotty pine, lower doors wooden, top doors clear glass inserts, $25. 209-7262. (8/5). 6-7 PERSON HOT TUB: Vita Spa, 6 yrs. old, new $9000, hardly used, sell $3050 OBO. 2754852 (8/5). FOR SALE: HAMMERPLAST 4 loaf bread making kit. In box. $8. 349-5190. (8/5). FOR SALE: Vizio brand Blu-Ray player, never used, $40. 6484406. (8/5). NEW CATEGORY - SPORTING GOODS: Here you will find ads for all the gear you need for all your sporting activities. Camping, fishing hunting. Biking, skiing, climbing, boating, horseback riding. Boots, helmets, saddles, packs, campers. Running, yoga, Pilates, weight lifting. Don’t forget to check out the new website w w w. g u n n i s o n s h o p p e r. c o m . (8/5). Reaching the Gunnison Country from Sargents to Cimarron, Lake City to Crested Butte with papers 4 seasons, 52 wednesdays a year! 7,9 7,000 AIRE PUMA RAFT FOR SALE: earlier model with foam floor, 11 Ft. 6 in., in good condition. Frame with oar locks, 2 oars with oar rights, 3 paddles, pump and battery pump. Straps, dry bag and rescue rope. $2,000. Call 970275-2017. (8/5). FOR SALE: ROASTING PAN/SERVING. Used one holiday and been taking up space ever since. $20. 970-596-8813 (8/12). FOR SALE: Surround Sound System, B&W speakers model DM603 $500 per pair, B&W center speaker $100, Solid indooroutdoor rear speakers $100 per pair. Dennon receiver $50. Entire system $550 641-4638. (8/12). 2005 KEYSTONE SPRINGDALE TRAVEL TRAILER: 29’ XL slide-in kitchen/living room, large back kitchen, separate bedroom/bath, exc. cond., lightweight/easy to pull, 2”x2” receiver for bike carrier, electric tongue jack, sway bar, hitch & mirrors included. $10,500 OBO. 6419518. (8/5). (8/12). FOR SALE: like new, decorator shower curtain, $8, with toothbrush holder, $3. 642-1279. FOR SALE: Shop-Vac Pro, 12 gallon, 5.0 HP. Runs great, has only been used about 3 times. $50 OBO. 596-2802 (8/5). ANTIQUE DINING TABLE W/4 MATCHING CHAIRS 4 SALE! 1930’40’s in EXCELLENT condition! Chairs are upholstered. Table has extending ends! Made in USA! Asking $600 OBO! Call 970-2095594 today! (8/12). 1991 SUN LITE POPUP CAMPER: Sleeps 5-6, ice-block refrigerator, propane stove, everything works. Good condition with title, canvas velcro is a little tired, but still works. $350. 2090864 (8/12). page 13 (8/5). FOR SALE: 10’ sit-on-top fishing kayak by Sun Dolphin, 2015 Journey, brand new, on the lake twice, $300 with lifetime warranty. 970-234-4701 lv. msg. (8/12). FOR SALE: 125ft. x 9mm climbing rope. Excellent condition. No frays,nicks, falls. Includes a LOT of web slings caribiners, etc. $50. 349-5190. (8/5). FOR SALE: 2 muzzle loaders, 50 cal., 1 bolt action, 1 break open. $350/all. Jim 641-2340. (8/5). FOR SALE: 26” Specialized Demo 8 large down hill mountain bike. Marzocchi 888 EVO with fresh seals service. Saint brakes. $2400. 970-275-6471 (8/12). FOR SALE: Never Summer long board. $125. 970-596-8813. (8/12). FOR SALE: Atec Power Streak Pitching Machine. Pitches both baseballs (60mph) and softballs (55mph). Comes with 21 baseballs, 3 softballs and cover. Fun for all ages. $250. Call or text Jen 275-2876 (8/5). FOR SALE: BAUER EP300 elbow pads. New. $8; 1 pair Jumar ascenders for climbing. $20; RCBS Model 5-10 Reloading scale. Weighs in grams. $20. 349-5190. (8/5). FOR SALE: Crazy Creek Power Lounger camp seat/cushion. $8. 349-5190. (8/5). FOR SALE: Gheenoe canoe 15’X44”, swivel seats, electric trolling motor, paddles, life jackets, anchor and rope. Call 307751-4151 in Creede. (8/12). FOR SALE: Giant Trance x2 26” mountain bike, full suspension. Small. Mavic wheels, Fox fork, new tires, disc brakes. Lightly ridden. $1000. 970-275-6471 FOR SALE: YAKIMA roof rack cross bar. With bike attachments. Near new. $20. 349-5190. (8/5). GHEENOE CANOE: 15’X44”, swivel seats, electric trolling motor, paddles, life jackets, anchor and rope. Stihl 14” diamond saw Ts-460 and two new blades. Call 3077514151 in Creede. (8/5). GOLF BALL RETRIEVER: 18’, $15. 970-596-4747 (8/5). GOLF CLUBS: Complete set of Wilson Prostaff Men’s. New Delux bag. $150. 970-596-4747 (8/5). GOLF CLUBS: set of Callaway X18, bag, putter, driver, 2 rescue clubs and 56deg. wedge, 4150. 970-707-4025. (8/12). GOLF PUTTER - ODYSSEY WHITE STEEL: $65. 970-5964747 (8/5). GOLF SHOES: Men’s FOOTJOY 10 1/2 M. $25. 970-596-4747 (8/5). (8/12). FOR SALE: JAMIS MEN’S CRUISER $150, nice townie with baskets, in great shape with good tires. No kickstand. 970-5968813 (8/12). FOR SALE: JP Sauer 12 ga. shotgun, double BBL. Cocking indicators, engraved. Made in Germany. Pre war. $1295. Excellent. 6413140 eves. (8/5). FOR SALE: Lance Squire 4000 cab-over camper 1992 9ft 4in. extended cab in good condition. $2500 OBO. 970-641-3659. (8/5). FOR SALE: men’s (or women’s) Banana Republic Goretex shell, good for summer or winter, size M, color blue, good condition $30 Call 641-3567 (8/12). FOR SALE: Motorcycle modular helmet w/ sunshield. Like new. Size M. $30. 641-2318 (8/12). FOR SALE: Single hiking/trekking pole. Adjustable length. $7; large Nautica golf umbrella. $7. 349-5190. (8/5). FOR SALE: used Titleist Pro VI golf balls in good shape, $12 per dozen; used Callaway golf balls in good shape, $6 per dozen; box of 100 used variety mix golf balls $20. Call 641-4854. (8/5). FOR SALE: Yakima car top bike racks with cross round bars and locks, $25 OBO. Call Bob 970901-7277. (8/5). MSR FUEL BOTTLES: $5, 3495190. (8/5). HMK SNOWMOBILE JACKET FOR SALE: $25. 970-596-2216 (8/12). INFLATABLE KAYAK: Tributary Tomcat Solo, new bladder, $400. 642-1279. (8/5). LADIES CANNONDALE MTN BIKE 4 SALE! In BRAND NEW condition! Hard tail, size small, includes helmet, pump, lights, lock, seat bag! New $1400. Asking $1000 OBO! Call 970-2095594 today! (8/12). MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR SALE: 2015 Trek Slash 8 with Race Face Atlas stem and bars, and wtb i25 rims. 19.5”/large size, shock just serviced, $3200 OBO. 480-2898468 (8/5). POPUP CAMPER: Beautiful condition! 2008 Viking Epic 1906 STModified springs for mountain roads. Sleeps 6. Enjoy for summer camping. Call for more details, 641-2910 (8/5). RAFT FOR SALE: 15ft Star Waterbug. Older boat that wil need some minor seam repairs on front. Newer thwarts. Comes with decking for floor. $300 OBO Call/text 970-765-6904 (8/12). RAFTS FOR SALE: Aire Puma raft w/fishing frame, oars, pumps & trailer, $2400; Star Wonderbug 13.5’ w/frame, $2400; Rocky Mtn raft 10.5’, like new, $1450 single & tandem duckies. 2098035. (8/12). SEVERAL VINTAGE SCHWINN TOWNIES FOR SALE: Some other brands as well. $100 to $200 depending on vintage/condition. Nice pink girls Schwinn 60’s gas tank bike $300. 970275-6471 (8/12). SKATEBOARD for sale: World Industries, 53mm wheels, Like new, $50, call 349-633 (8/12). TRAVEL TRAILER 2011 KEYSTONE OUTBACK SUPERLITE 295RE 30 ft., 2 slides, fully equipped kitchen, full shower pristine condition, electric tongue jack, sway bar, rarely used $19,000 349-0410 (8/5). TRUCK CAMPER: 2005 Palomino Bronco 1251 SB. Short or long bed. Popup. Fully loaded Stove, 3-way fridge, hot water sink, shower, awning, bathroom heat, AC! Queen bed w/memory foam top. Dinette turns into smal bed. Outside shower. New battery, full propane tank. LED lights Stable lift. In C.B. $6500. 970209-6861 (8/5). SUMMER LONG $125, 970-596-8813 VINTAGE SCHWINN TOWNIE FOR SALE: All original with new tires. $150. 765-4270 (8/12). NEW MOTORCYCLE HELMET: Large black helmet in original package includes face shield and cloth cover. Retails for $150 asking $110. 970-641-4967. (8/5). WILDERNEST CAMPER for sale 2nd generation tent camper in good, clean, dry and ready to use condition. 72” truck bed size fits Tacoma, Ranger, Frontier etc Located Gunnison/Salida $1,000 719-250-8112 (8/5). NEVER BOARD: (8/12). POPUP CAMPER FOR SALE: 1973 Jayco. Has good tires, gas bottle, clean title. Heater and stove work. Needs work. $300. Please call, leave message or text 596-4324. (8/5). POPUP CAMPER FOR SALE: 96 Coleman Shenandoah, sleeps the whole family, heat, light, cooktop (inside & outside), water, shower, toilet, awning; all systems work; good condition, set up and ready to check out; $3000. Dan 641-0401 (8/5). LANCE SQUIRE 4000, cabover camper, 1992 - 9’4” extended cab, good condition. Stove, oven fridge, toilet, shower, queen bed $2200 OBO. 970-641-3659 eve Must sell. (8/5). BICYCLE LAWS: Try to ride single file; You can ride 2 abreast but you can’t impede traffic. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8200. (8/5). gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 14 F EFEA ATTURED U R E D PROPER P R O P ETRYT Y FEATURED PROPERTY THE MARKET IS HAPPENING R E A L E S TAT E I S M O V I N G , D O N ’ T B E L E F T O U T. RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL G I TIN LIS NEW EXPERIENCE RESULTS SERVICE • RESUL LTTS ING LIST NEW CATHIE ATHIE ELLLIOTT LIOTT Broker/Owner/G.R.I (970) 641-0511 23 Sage Lane $85,750 MLS 39481 RESIDENTIAL T RAC ONT ER C UND 315 N. 12th St. $224,900 MLS 39583 RESIDENTIAL D SOL 8617 CR 76 $275,000 MLS 37724 NESBIT T & COMPANY, LLC Bill Nesbitt 970-641-2235 Lucinda Lull 104 E. Tomichi Ave• Teresa Anderson, Broker Associate Real Estate LLC. 970-209-9105 MLS 38868 215 Regent Circle, Gunnison, building site Thornton Meadows, sewer/water avail. $49,900 MLS 38847 354 Tomichi Trail, Gunnison, vacant land, Dos Rios Golf Course 16th hole, sewer, water avail. $120,000 LOOKING FOR PLACE TO RENT: 22 year old male, no pets. Currently employed. Contact: 913-375-2451 (8/12). WANT TO RENT: single, middle age male w/one 15 yr. old med/small dog want to rent 1 or 2 bedroom in Gunnison area. $500 to $700. ASAP. Shawn 970260-0010. (8/5). 28 YEAR OLD MALE returning to Western to finish degree. Looking for studio or small one bedroom apt for rent. Have small dog. Contact Luke 914-548-4155 (8/12). IN SEARCH OF A ROOM TO RENT: 23 y.o. male looking for a room to rent September-May in Gunnison. I am low-maintenance, easy-going, and outdoors involved. Email me at m a t t h e w. h a u g @ w e s t e r n . e d u (8/5). MLS 38771 113 Shavano Dr 209C, 1 bed condo, golf course $96,000 MLS 38960 130 Cty Rd 742 #20 Riverfront Cabin, condo investment/second home $249,000 MLS 38848 3776 W Hwy 50, vacant land, 2.33 acres $319,000 MLS 38799 12 Meadowlark, custom home, 1.77 acres $394,000 MLS 39114 326 Tomichi ractTr, ntcourse, o C custom home, golf er Und$545,000 MLS 38963 690 Sierra Vista, custom home, 10 acres, Sr water rights, 900 ft+ Ohio Creek frontage, views Ohio Peaks, Carbon, McIntosh Furnished, turnkey $750,000 MLS 37765 101 Cty Rd 742, custom home, Taylor River frontage, Almont $825,000 MLS 38862 101 N 10th #3 Townhome 2 bed/2 bath new remodel, garage $174,000 MLS 39063 295 First St, Sargents, 3 bed/1 bath, oversized garage/workshop with 2 storage sheds $169,350 MLS (970) 209-4479 (970) 209-6208 Broker Associate Broker Associate CLARKE LARKE AGENCY GENCY REEAL AL ESTATE STATE BLUE RIVER TOWNHOMES NOW AVAILABLE! search my website for all Gunnison MLS listings updated every 15 minutes: AUDRIE UDRIE TO OWNSEND WNSEND 241 N. Main St. Gunnison, CO 81230 641 0511 Office: (970) 641-0511 413 N. Taylor St. $195,000 MLS 39264 Buying, Selling, Investing, JOSH OSH TOWNSEND OWNSEND RESPONSIBLE 40 Y/O MALE LOOKING for a House to rent in or around Gunni ASAP. Rent from $1000-1500 would be ideal. First, last, security ready. Call Chris 970-218-0000. THANKS. (8/12). 18 Y/O IN SEARCH OF studio or 1 bed apartment to rent ASAP. $450-550 a month. Please text 720-238-0575 (8/12). ISO: Rental, 1 bedroom house, apartment, or studio beginning end of August. For Western Student/CPW State Employee. References available. 719-4803243 (8/5). ISO: room to rent, or roommate to look for 2 bedroom housing Sept-May. Easy going 20 year old female. Call or text 720-301-297 (8/12). SUNNY COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE: Over 3,000 sq ft home with 3 car garage on 1 country acre bordering ranch lands with great views. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, large sunroom & windows passive solar all day, open beams and vaulted ceilings, recent hardwood floors, tile and carpet. NEW HOT TUB AND PELLET STOVE. No covenants, room for animals, fenced yards, chicken coop & other storage sheds. Much more! PRICE JUST REDUCED AGAIN TO $359,000! 270 County Road 8, Gunnison, CO. 8.html Or call Cathie at The Clarke Agency - 970-641-0511. (8/5). NEW LISTING: Creek front home features 2 bdrm/1 bath, no covenants, super condition, 2 decks, 2 car attached garage, large weatherport, 2 storage sheds, pasture, trees, all with Steuben Creek meandering through the property; 1181 CR 20; $280,000 N E A R LYNEW 7 2 AC R TING: ES LIS LISTING: with topNICELY notchYviews, Quonset NICEL CARED FOR HOME with new pelletbuilding stove & hot hut garage/shop withtub, large deck, plenty of windows off generator and solar panels, off the sunroom, trees, fenced yard, no COUNTRY HOME just 1 mile east borders BLM/public covenants orlands, HOA dues, dnearly1 acre,of3town at 107 Tomichi Ln for $239,900. This 3 bdrm/2 bath home 2,000sf home/barn/shop bdrm/2 bath, 3 carbuilding. garage, central includes 2 additional rooms that can sound, chicken metal roof, Off the grid location, buthouse, presently be converted into bedrooms with superb views, oak hardwood floors, installation of egress windows. used as a year-round residence. large utility/mud room; 270 CRCedar 8; siding, large 2 car heated garage with workshop, large south Motivated seller! $359,000 $137,000 facing deck. FISHING & GOLFING OUT YOUR DOOR! This Tomichi Condo at 18 Wild Goose Lane is just a chip shot from the golf course & Tomichi Creek. Hartman Rock’s hiking is close by, too! This freshly remodeled 3 bdrm/3 bath, 2371sf condo features 2 car garage with room for a golf cart, NEW LISTING: Commercial building in the Central appliances, updated deck & front door entry system, paved Business District at 107 N. Tomichi for $398,000. Also driveway, newer E rated windows, vaulted ceiling, & natural known as the Rainbow Building, this over 4,000sf building gas fireplace. $382,250 Take an online virtual tour at includes 3 apartments, and 2 other retail/commercial spaces that can be sectioned off into additional spaces. Off street parking, too! SELLERS HAVE JUST INSTALLED NEW CARPET in the HAVING A TOUGH TIME FINDING A PLACE TO RENT? garden level of this 2 bdrm/2 bath Hallmark Townhome with Duplex at 404/406 S. 11th St features 2 bdrm/1 bath on additional 1 bdrm/1 bath apartment, fenced yard, & off street each side, plus a fenced yard. Call Cathie for details; parking, all for $135,000; 512 N. 14th A $119,900 INVESTMENT PROPERTY at 700 W. Ruby includes 4 rental units plus fenced yard & garage, All appliances included, hardwood floors, laundry area, & convenient in-town location; $385,000 IN-TOWN HOME at 414 N. Taylor. Seller will entertain offers. Neat, clean, & move-in ready. Fenced yard, attached garage, carport, gardens, 3 bdrm/3 bath, gas log fireplace, hardwood floors, sun porch; $349,000 AVAIL SEPT. 1ST: 3 bedroom, 1 bath house on Main Street in Gunnison. Large kitchen and living room. 2 car attached garage. No smoking, no pets. $1,350/month. Call/text 970-596-7823 for info or for showing (8/5/pd/36). FOR RENT: 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo on Dos Rios Golf Course. Newly remodeled: new carpet, tile. rock work and paint. W/D, sewer, trash, and water included. Tenant pays electric. $700/month, serious inquiries only, 970-209-0182. (8/5/37). BUILDING FOR SALE: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice commercial space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (8/5/13). 7 WILLOW LANE LOT FOR SALE CHEAP, .21 acres, taps paid, $0 down w/pymts of $350/mo, or $25k cash. 10 year or newer mobile or modular allowed/own for cheaper than rent! 209-5308 (8/5/35). DOWNTOWN GUNNISON office building in the Central Business District just west of the courthouse. This 2392sf commercial/office building features hardwood floors throughout, kitchen, restrooms, basement storage, garage, and 8 office spaces plus common reception area; 211 N. Iowa; $460,000 FOR RENT: nice 2 bedroom, 2 bath home, attached 1-car garage. Completely furnished house. 711 North Boulevard. $700/month plus deposit and utilities. No pets, no smokers. For appointment to see, call 2093527. (8/5/33). CONDO FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 1 and 1/2 bathroom. Freshly updated with new dishwasher, stove, new carpet and flooring throughout. In Gunnison. $1200/month. Call for details. 970-209-4575. (8/12/pd/28). Mountaineer Village Apartments Now leasing. 12mo. leases receive a FREE Monarch Season Pass Pet friendly housing Come in and take a tour and start your living experience with Mountaineer! Give us a call at 970-641-1688 FOR SALE: 5 bedroom log home, see at 212 Columbine Road. Call 641-2780 or 596-1577. (8/5/pd/15). FOR RENT: Small older 2 bedroom duplex. Pets accepted with additional deposit. Available September 1st. $650 per month plus utilities. First, last and $650 damage deposit. Call 970-5961608 (8/12/pd/28). FOR RENT: small 1 bedroom apartment in duplex near downtown. Pets negotiable. No smokers of anything. $475 plus some utilities. 209-9398. (8/5/21). LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Gunnison Real Estate and Rentals has several available rentals in and out of town. Give us a call at 641-4880 M-F 9am-5pm or stop by our office at 129 East Tomichi and check out our rental list posted on the door. www.GunnisonRealEstateandRent (8/5/46). EFFICIENCY APARTMENT upstairs over business. No pets, parties, smoking. 1 year lease, $395 includes utilities. First last deposit. 970-641-2014 (8/5/19). FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath West Haven Condo. Very nice, large 1-car garge. All appliances. No pets, or smokers of anything. $1000/month. 2099398. (8/5/26). LAND FOR SALE: 35 Acres 5 miles west of Gunnison by Neversink and Blue Mesa. Great views, great solar potential, private and quiet. Small spring on property. Mitigated for Sage Grouse, etc. $59,000, will consider owner financing. Call Cathie at The Clarke Agency. 970-6410511 (8/5). FREE HOUSE, with the purchase of this 36 acre resort property overlooking Blue Mesa Lake. Includes 6 modern and furnished cabins, nearly 2,000sf home, large warehouse/recreation building, coin-op laundry mat, and multiple RV hook-ups. Burnin’ Daylight Resort, 940 Cove Rd; $575,000 BUILDING SITE on the Gunnison River at 47 Ponderosa Ln for $98,000. Trees, pedestrian bridge, surveyed, bushes, grasses, 1.032 acres just 5 minutes north of town. NEW LISTING: 5 acre homesite close to Iola Boat Dock on Chisholm Trail off Hwy 149 for $62,500. Well, fencing, and septic are in place. Phone and utilities to lot lines. GUNNISON RIVERFRONT HOMESITE, 1.11 acre lot just 2 miles North of Gunnison at 461 CR 11 for $170,000. Sewer and power available. IN-TOWN BUILDING SITE at 1110 Vulcan Street, level, some landscaping, great neighborhood, ready for your new home; $59,500 Visit other realtor listings at: www FURNISHED VACATION HOMES: available Nov 20-May 31 or month to month, no pets, no smoking, please call 970-6411663 (8/5/18). (8/5/35) FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY REALTY’S AVAILABLE RENTALS please visit our website or call Joe 970-641-0077. (8/5/18). ON CLARK STREAM and just a stone’s throw from the Gunnison River, nestled in the trees is this nearly 3,000sf house with hardwood floors throughout, large rooms, game/rec room, 4 bdrm/3 bath, 2 car attached garage plus huge detached garage/shop building 330 Apache Rd; $495,000 GUNNISONHOMEVALUES.COM Find out what your home is worth in today’s market 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT: $695 plus 1/2 electric. Includes WiFi & rest of utilities. Separate entrance, private yard, good light, newly remodeled. No smokers or pets. 970-209-8146. (8/5/26). STUDIO APARTMENT FOR RENT: clean, quiet, no pets. Utilities and Wifi included. Clare 970-209-8770. (8/5/14). commercial realestate 2400 SQ FT OF SPACE FOR LEASE starting in September. Reasonable lease options starting at $800 per month not including utilities. Please call 641-0962 Apartments For Rent Palisades Apartments Affordable Housing 970-641-5429 Apply in person at 600 North Colorado Gunnison, CO HUD Section 8 Apartments 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath. Rent based on income & assets. Example: Gross annal household income $12,000, your rent would be approximately $281 per month. Equal Opportunity Housing COMMERCIAL SPACE NEAR CITY MARKET: 596-0848. (8/5/6). (8/12/24). ...continued on page 15 Gunnison Airport. Nellie 782 Enclosed Mosquitowith Trail Gray Mountain home with chain-link fence. Condo, custom quality finishes, Small shed on Lake City 3 Bed/2.5 Bath, Vermont property. Nice Castings wood$150,000 burning Call Tom upstairs stove, unparalleled views. Located 0 high end unit above the Lake Fork ail$485,000 with fantastic views of of the Gunnison River. Call Jay (Text To: 67299 Message: 2780968) Lake San Cristobal and the 110 S.Open Main 304-306 W. Tomichi San Juan mountains. Floor plan, gas fireplace, Office Building in a great Great investment property location with in a prime Highway 50 CBD 2downtown Bed/2 Bath. ample street parking. Large location. This two story Com muni ty Brok ers $194,900 reception area,Call 5 office spaces, professional office building Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte Erich To: copy (Text room, restrooms. has many recent upgrades & 131 North Main, Gunnison, CO 81230 Motivated seller, possible 67299 Message: includes an attached 3 car owner financing. $245,000 Call Now! (970)641-1188 2765322) garage. Upstairs can be Call Erich (Text To: 67299 converted to residential. Message: 2392134) $549,000 Call Tom 8506 CR 76, Ohio City Commercial 0.98 acre & 1.28 acre lots located onOn E Tomichi Ave (Highway 50) near WSCU, McDonalds & Holiday Inn. Call Erich for details. Gold Creek! Massive Brook Pl Drive, Almont - 0.66 acre Building site, corner fishing rights on the Gunnisonframe River. $80,000 Call Joey (Text To: 67299 Message: 2950151) logslot,& huge timbers Beautiful 6+ Acre home site with Pass Creek frontage inthis Wilderness Streams. Fishing access. $190,000 Call Tom (Text To: 67299 Message: 2443775) 3 Bed/3 Bath& Forest home, both historic & beautiful. SEE ALL LISTINGS AT: w w w. g un n i s o n f o r sa l e . c o m Erich Ferchau 596-0848 Enjoy the creek from Tom your back deck Jay& Courtney Miller manicured back yard. 596-2681 209-2864 $470,750 Call Tom Denise Baker 209-5828 Joey Micucci 901-6405 gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 FINE HAND CRAFTED HOME near the end of the county road. Nice quiet location with Gunnison River Fishing Rights, and bordering some ranch land. This 3 bedroom 2.5 bath home has many custom features such as wide plank wood floors, hand built cabinets and doors, super-efficient on demand water heater and woodstove, hand hewn reclaimed wood beams, great appliances. Custom lighting and glass package and more. Easy access to Gunnison and priced right. Call Matt to arrange your appointment. $449,500. Matt Robbins CRS, GRI Broker 998 County Road 730 Gunnison, CO 81230 970 -641-1900 Search other Gunnison County listings at email: MISSING: Snowmobile was left on side of road just above Lake Irwin. Silver Polaris RMK with yellow accents. Never had a chance to grab it and Gunnison County Road & Bridge didn’t pick it up. It’s really important to me and I’d really like it back! Any info appreciated! Please call Dave at 970769-1990. (8/12). es lost&found LOST: my good pair of Sunreader sunglasses with brownish frames two weeks ago Saturday while out at garage sales. If found please call my cell and leave a message. 785-299-0270. (8/12). THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are at the Gunnison Police Department. To claim an item listed below please contact a Neighborhood Services Officer at 641-8242: 151112 Subaru key with fob, three other keys; 15-1115 Apple iPod; 15-1118 wallet owner Thomas Marshall; 15-1164 Tony Hawk BMX bike; 15-1169 Sprint LG cell phone; 15-1170 Two silver keys on a NHL key chain; 15-1174 One silver key on a blue shark key chain; 15-1175 Chevy key, three other gold keys; 15-1176 three keys on a yellow key chain; 151177 Motorola cell phone; 151177 keys and jewelry from City Market; 15-1177 Lifemaster door opener 15-1177 Visa card owner Clay Hodges; 15-1181 Roadmaster mtn. bike; 15-1223 wallet owner Caleb Jackson; 151223 Husky tool; 15-1223 Apple iPhone; 15-1235 Wallet owner Jameson E. Thomas; 15-1236 Three keys on a silver ring; 151237 Black LG cell phone; 151262 Trek mt. bike; 15-1298 MGX mt. bike; 15-1314 debit card owner John Hafner; 15-1305 Northrock mt. bike; 15-1327 License plate owner David Tafoya; 15-1334 Visa debit card (8/5). LOST: Spinning rod with Shimano reel on the Gunnison River between Almont and Camp Gunnison. Reward. Call 970-2090496. (8/12). LOST: Leki hiking poles at West Maroon Trail Head. Would love to have them back. 641-3971, pls. lv. msg. (8/5). FOUND CAT: black with white spot on chest. Meows sound like baby angels, very nice and does not hate being picked up. Obviously a house pet, will not leave my apartment, and comes by every once in a while if I let her. Looking for owner, if any, or someone who wants a cat and is willing to take her. 970-2700631. (8/5). FOUND: at Wilson’s Landing last Wednesday, 3 nice pieces of fishing equipment, call 409-2012955. (8/12). LOST: iPhone on Gunsight Connector Trail in CB. Please find it ! Reward. 303-912-9523. (8/5). garagesales GARAGE SALE: multifamily, Saturday & Sunday, 9am, no early birds. 109 Spring Meadows Trail (near North Elk Meadows). (8/5). MOVING/GARAGE SALE! FriSun Aug 7-9 8am-4pm. 653 Pashuta, Upper Castle Mountain. Clothing, accessories, décor, furniture. Many new with tags! Home will be listed for sale! (8/5). AFTER-MOVE SALE: Furniture, household, linens, pot rack, tile saw, coins, LittleGiant ladder, tools, refrigerator, portable DirectTV dish, all good stuff. Sat., 8/8, 8-2, 355 Riverwalk, 2 1/2 mi. north of Gunnison, west side Hwy 135. (8/5). continued from page 14... FOR SALE OR LEASE: 4 OR 8 industrial fenced lots. In Green Zone. Across from airport, corner of 12th & Rio Grande. 619-7346422. (8/5/pd/22). BUILDING FOR RENT: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (8/5/13). SHOP SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT 20’x23’ or 460 sq. ft. heated shop space with bathroom and large sink area. Includes overhead door, office entrance, WiFi, water, electric and sewer. $375.00/month Please call 970641-5626 serious inquires only. (8/5/38). HELP WANTED: Yard work and assorted tasks around the house. Call Neil at 641-4020. (8/12). GET A JUMP START ON YOUR WINTER JOB! CBMR is hiring Mailroom Clerks, I & II for the 15/16 winter season! Perks include a winter season pass, prodeals, free lift tickets to other CO resorts & culinary/retail discounts resort wide. Visit to view full job description & APPLY! (8/5). MIKEY’S PIZZA is hiring cook, front of the house, and delivery positions. Must have experience and thrive in a fast paced environment. Bring resume to our Gunnison or Crested Butte locations, or call Mary at 970-2095984. (8/5). LOOKING FOR a part time bather at a busy pet grooming spa and dog wash in Gunnison. Experience with handling dogs and cats preferred,must be a quick learner, and able to adapt in a fast paced environment. Will train the right person. Call 5963998 or bring resume to 218 N. Main St. (8/12). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Bus DriverDistrict. Requires Class B P2S CDL license. Random drug testing and CBI record check. Hours are approximately 7-8:30am and 34:30pm. $12.59 per hour. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (8/5). page 15 FOR RENT: commercial/light industrial shop available, attached private office, in-floor heat, high ceilings, and garage door into shop. Great location in town. Sign space available. Available September 1st. $850/month 641-2827 evenings. (8/26/33). SHOP SPACE FOR LEASE: Signal Peak Industrial Park, 2 units at 1000 sq.ft. Can be combined. 970-988-9795. (8/5/17). RESTAURANT, PUB OR COMMERCIAL POSSIBILITIES BUILDING FOR SALE OR LEASE: 3400sf, ADA bathrooms, parking, landscaping, restaurant infrastructure. Located on N. Main St. in Gunnison. 970-5969999 (8/5/25). QUALITY INN NOW HIRING: housekeepers; part-time front desk. Inquire at the front desk, 400 East Tomichi. (8/12). FULL TIME POSITION: Gunnison Valley Aviation. Nights/Weekends. Line Crew/Fueler- Must be 21. Clean Driving Record. PreEmployment Drug Screening. Stop by for Application behind Days Inn (8/5). HELP WANTED: barb wire fence building. Part time or full time. August through October. $17/hour. 970-275-4915. (8/12). DOG CATCHERS NEEDED! August 8 & 9, 8am- noon Jack Russell Terrier racing, fast action, must be strong, willing to get dirty, load and fast! Must be at least 13 and strong enough to catch a 15 pound dog going 35 miles an hour. Instruction and adult supervision, adults welcome too! $20 a person per day plus tips. email:, text: 602-448-7046. (8/5). GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Airport Lead Duty Officer, F/T, $46,300$65,490 + Benefits; Airport Duty Officer, F/T, $34,931-$49,410 + Benefits. For more information, please visit (8/12). WE ARE LOOKING FOR BIDS to clear weeds on our Habitat for Humanity land. 1.5 acres of vacant land needs to be mowed. Office number 970-641-1245 (8/5). HELP WANTED: Part-time permanent furniture delivery and receiving person. Monday thru Friday. Valid drivers license required, CDL preferred. Must be able to lift 100 pounds. Nonsmoking environment. $912/hour depending on experience. 641-0727 (8/12). HELP WANTED! Waffle Cabin Mt. Crested Butte is looking for two individuals to work part time. Responsibilities include making waffles, running the cash drawer, and inventory management. We are looking for self starters that are motivated and excited to be at work. Pay starts at $10/hour with opportunity to move into management position that will pay better. Call 918-964-1966. (8/5). SEASONS NEEDS a part time afternoon aide, would prefer a Western Student, job is open to all. Applicant needs to love children & cleaning,fun! Email or call 970-641-4511. (8/12). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head Girls Basketball Coach-CBHS. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association Season runs mid November through February. Experience pre ferred. Please contact Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard 970-641-7760, jklingsmith@gun, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/5). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Cook CBCS. High School diploma Background in food preparation preferred. 3.5 to 4 hours per day Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N Boulevard, 970-641-7760, jkling, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641 0031. (8/5). ...continued on page 16 ESTATE SALE: Sat., Aug 8. 8am3pm & Sun., Aug 9. 8am-12pm. Everything must go. 92 Bambi Lane, Gunnison. (8/5). YARD SALE! Saturday and Sunday, 229 County Road 11 #4, 10-5 furniture, dishes and knickknacks. (8/5). YARD SALE AT PLOTTS MINI STORAGE: August 8th, doors open at 8am. (8/5/13). YARD SALE: 410 N. Wisconsin St., Sat., Aug. 8, 8:30-11:30. (8/5). LEMONADE & BIKE SALE: plus random clothes from my mom’s closet, size small. Free box, $1 and $5 parts bins, fresh lemonade and sweet popcorn for your refreshment while you tour town’s sales. Saturday only mid-morning ‘till noon’ish. Just south of Love’s on 12th street. (8/5). employment Beautiful, Sunny Home North of Gunnison! Over 3,000 sq ft home with 3 car garage on 1 country acre bordering ranch lands with great views. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, large sunroom & windows - passive solar all day in winter, shade in summer, open beams and vaulted ceilings, new hardwood floors, tile and carpet. Room for animals, fenced yards, chicken coop & other storage sheds. NEW PELLET STOVE - NEW HOT TUB. REDUCED TO $359,000. See at 270 County Road 8. Call Cathie to see at (970) 641-0511 241 N. Main - gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 employment page 16 continued from page 15... MANAGEMENT POSITION with small property management company in Crested Butte, CO. The successful candidate will need to have exceptional people skills, be able to oversee and manage a broad spectrum of employees and sub-contractors, be a “multitasker”, and not be afraid to get your hands dirty. Responsibilities include; overseeing/performing maintenance and upkeep of properties, overseeing cleaning of properties, reservations, and liaison with owners. Salary $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 per month depending on experience. Your work hours are flexible and abnormal. You can mostly set your own schedule. If interested please send resume and contact information to: (8/5/98). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head MS Girls’ Basketball Coach-CBMS. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general hours are after school Monday through Friday. The season starts in Mid-October. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (8/5). WRANGLER/RANCH HAND WANTED IMMEDIATELY for trail rides and other horse related duties, incl. care of at Blue Mesa Reservoir. Must have good horse knowledge, outgoing personality with customers, dependable, honest. Good tips + salary and lodging. John or Kay @ 970-6414671. (8/12). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Assistant Boys’ MS Basketball Coach, CBMS.Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general hours are after school Monday through Friday. Mid November until early March. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/5). CARING AND FUN CAREGIVER NEEDED in Crested Butte. I am very independent but still need help with some things. 15 hours/week. Please email me for further details. Would prefer over 25 and mature Thanks. (8/5). HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED for remainder of summer season and possibly into fall. Flexible schedule. Mt. Crested Butte. $9.50/hour 349-5150 (8/12). H&R BLOCK IS NOW HIRING TAX PROFESSIONALS! Experience preferred. Work with the world leader in tax preparation. Send resume to (9/30). GUNNISON COFFEE COMPANY: Looking for a responsible and hardworking individual to fill a part time barista position. Mail resume to P.O. Box 33, Gunnison, CO or drop at 901 W Tomichi. (8/12). TOMICHI PET CARE CENTER is accepting applications for a parttime receptionist position. We are seeking a qualified applicant who is able to multitask with attention to detail. Applicant should possess good typing and computer skills. Responsibilities include answering phones, scheduling appointments, checking animals in and out, filing and pharmacy assistance. Approximately 20 hours per week, M 8:00-1:00, Th 10:00-1:00, F 8:00-5:30 & Sat. 9:00-2:00. Pay DOE. Drop resume off at 106 S. 11th St., or fax to 641-0817. Inquiries, call Dr. Jacobson with questions, 6412460. (8/12/84). P/T HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED at Lake City lodging property for 6-7 weeks. $14/hour. Housing provided to non-smoker (no pets). Call Nikki, manager 970-9442210 (8/12). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head Wrestling Coach-GHS. The position is located at Gunnison High School, coaching wrestling. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Experience is preferred. In general, hours are after school Monday through Friday, and meets Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Season runs MidNovember and continuing through February. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/5/74). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Substitute Teachers-DISTRICT. Interested individuals must hold a valid teaching license, or a state substitute authorization license Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (8/5). HELP WANTED: Furniture delivery and warehouse person needed for home furnishings store. Monday through Friday, 10-6pm. Valid drivers license required. Apply at Back at the Ranch, 100 Spencer Ave., Gunnison, 970641-0727 (8/5). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Spirit Coach. This position is located at the Gunnison High School. Season starts August 17th through end of May. Practice daily with occasional weekend competition. Must be or willing to become a registered coach with the Colorado High School Activities Association. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031. (8/5). DRAGON SHEET METAL SEEKS HVAC SERVICE TECHNICIAN to install, maintain & repair residential & some commercial HVAC systems. HVAC Service Experience Preferred (3 years minimum) & knowledge of heating, ventilation, AC & electrical systems. Requirements: Valid drivers license, clean MVR, great attitude; strong oral & written communication skills & excellent customer service. Benefits: ski pass, cell phone, insurance assistance, retirement. 349-6231 or email resume (8/12). SONIC GUNNISON, is seeking three motivated crew members for kitchen and guest service. Advancement opportunities available. Apply at Store 4061. (8/5). THE INN AT CRESTED BUTTE is seeking a part time housekeeper for week days and weekends. Must have experience and must speak English. Questions, please call 970-765-6407 (8/5). GUNNISON SAVINGS AND LOAN is accepting applications for a full time teller. Duties include performing varied functions including processing checking, savings and certificates of deposit. Strong communication and customer service skills required. Typing, 10-key and computer experience also required. Position will cover Gunnison and Crested Butte branches. Competitive salary based on experience with health insurance and vacation benefits. Submit resume and letter of application to Imbra Taramarcaz, Vice President, 303 N Main St., Gunnison, CO 81230. Equal opportunity employer. (8/19/79). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Secondary Science-GHS. Position is one year only and will start in 2015-16 school year. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in secondary Science. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/5). SODEXO’S RARE AIR CAFE @ WSCU: Deli Prep - Full-time (Mon. 9am-7:15, Tues.-Thurs. 10am7:15, Fri. 10am-1:45pm), Job Responsibilities: Preparing all deli items and making sandwiches to guest’s specifications while upholding Sodexo policy and standards and maintaining a clean and sanitary station. Job Requirements: Basic knife skills, experience with deli slicers is a plus. Perks: Job benefits/free meal (8/5). THE CITY OF GUNNISON has an immediate opening for an electric lineman. Experience in overhead and underground electric distribution line work is required as well as a minimum Class B CDL. Rotating weekend and holiday stand-by is also required. Salary range is $52,700$61,900 depending on experience and qualifications plus benefits. This position will remain open until filled. For further information contact Will Dowis, Electric Superintendent at 970-641-8329 or email . Resumes and letters of interest may be emailed or sent to City of Gunnison, 1100 W. Virginia Ave, Gunnison, CO 81230, Attn: Will Dowis. (8/5/96). DRAGON SHEET METAL SEEKS ENTRY LEVEL INSTALLER/SHEET METAL WORKER to perform wide variety of HVAC & Sheet Metal Services. Construction Experience Preferred & HVAC experience a plus. Requirements: Valid drivers license & clean MVR, great attitude & excellent customer service skills. Benefits: ski pass, cell phone, insurance assistance, retirement. Call 349-6231 or email resume to (8/12). THE COMFORT INN is now accepting applications for an overnight, desk clerk. This position requires excellent customer service and computer skills. Must be able to work 11pm - 7am, 4 nights a week including weekends. Please submit a resume in person. (8/5). $15-$20 /HOUR: CB - Hiring mature, reliable person for cleaning 20-25 Hours per week. Steady work Most the year. Call Ken 512-947-7797 (8/12). PATIENT FINANCIAL SERVICES at Gunnison Valley Hospital has a variety of opportunities available within their department from Admissions Representatives in outpatient registration, Receptionist at the Hospital main entrance and Insurance Counselor for our patients. This department has great opportunity for advancement, excellent training, and provides wonderful service to the community. Please visit our website for more in-depth position descriptions, specific qualification requirements and to apply online, or call HR for questions 970-641-1456. All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a negative 10 panel drug screen test, criminal background check, reference checks, infection prevention procedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immunization records, etc.), physical capacity profile and acknowledgement of policies. (8/5/113). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J: SPED Educational Assistant-Lake. Position is half- time mornings Monday-Friday. Starting at $11.53 per hour. Experience working with young children preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (8/5). FULL TIME, YEAR ROUND POSITION with benefits including: health, dental, vision, 401(k) and numerous other perks! CBMR is hiring a Vehicle Mechanic III, who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all resort vehicles & heavy equipment, among other related tasks. 5-10 years previous professional experience required. Visit to view full job description and APPLY! (8/5). GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Public Health Nurse II, P/T 20hrs/wk $25,761/yr; Health EducatorTobacco & CCPD, P/T 20hrs/wk $18,513/yr: Detention Deputy, F/T, $37,026/yr + Benefits. For more information, please visit (8/12). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Physical Therapist. Applicants must be licensed in the state of Colorado with an endorsement in Physical Therapy and also have/or be willing to obtain a CDE Special Services Provider License. 8 hours per month. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/5). PERSONAL TRAINER & GROUP EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR Western State Colorado University seeks certified Personal Trainers and Group Exercise Instructors to train/teach members of the Mountaineer Field House. Hourly rate based on experience. To apply, please email your resume and certifications to Jessica Thomas, Fitness Center Manager, at Western is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. (8/12). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: CustodianCBCS. Experience preferred. Pay is based on experience. Position is full-time with benefits. Must have a High School Diploma or equivalent. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/5). SAFEWAY NOW HIRING: all positions available. please call Michelle, 970-275-1199. (8/12). SODEXO’S ARE AIR CAFE @ WSCU: Grill Cook - Full-time (Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm), Job Responsibilities: prepare and cook lunch and dinner grill options, prep for the next day, follow menu standards, and maintain a clean and sanitary station. Job Requirements: Some grill experience in a commercial kitchen and basic knife skills. Perks: Job benefits and free meal per shift. (8/5). IF YOU HIT AN ANIMAL WHILE DRIVING WITHIN GUNNISON, please call 641-8000 and report the accident. The animal involved will be safely transported to a veterinarian for treatment. Thanks! (8/5). GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 17 Arts.Sports.Food.Festivals.Dances.LiveMusic.Exercise.SeniorsEvent s.School.Libraries.VolunteerOpportunities.WHO?Plays.Work shops.F u n d r a i s e r s . Races.Clubs.Yoga.To ur s .Education.Bingo.Observatory.WHAT?Museums.Rodeos.Ci r cu se s. Ma r k ets . F ai r s. W e l l n e s s . WH EN ?R ec ov e r y . R e c r e a t i o n . C hu r c he s. V e t e r a n s . L i b r a r i e s .F a m ilies. A r tOpe ni ng s . P a r a d e s . W H E R E ? S p o r t s . F o o d . F e s t i v a l s . D a n c e s . C o n v o v c a t i o n s . E xerc ise. S y m p o s i u m s . S c h o o l . R a l l i e s . V o l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i ties.Kids.Plays .Workshops.Fundraisers.Races.Clubs.WHY?Tours .Education.Bingo.Observatory.Galleries.Museums.R odeo s . C ir c u s es . M a r Wednesday, August 5 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Spin, and Just Move; 9am, 12pm Stretch; 4pm, 5pm group fitness. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary! 7am Sunrise yoga, 9am Prana Vinyasa, 10:30 Kids Yoga, 12:15 Lunchtime, 5:30 Vinyasa flow. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am; Meditation Sanga (no charge) 5pm; Yoga All Levels 5:30pm. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • All Seniors are cordially invited to attend a senior appreciation picnic to be held in the outdoor hockey rink located in Jorgensen Park. • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Paint Your Own Pottery, every Wednesday-Sunday thru August 21. 1-5pm, at the Art Studio in Crested Butte, 111 Elk Ave. 349-7044; • Double Shot Cyclery Group Road Rides every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of 222 N. Main St., Gunnison. Continue through summer. • Trapshooting, Gunnison Sportsman’s Association, Wednesday nights at 5:45pm. County Road 18. 6412032, 641-6567, or 970-964-7952. • Community leisure bicycle ride around town, meet at All Sports Replay, 115 W Georgia, Gunnison, 6pm. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • 6:30pm”Fly Fishing 52 River”s with Shelley Walchak at the Gunnison Library. This event is free and open to the public. • Roller Derby! In Crested Butte Wednesdays at the CB school gym, 6:45-8:45pm. Everyone welcome. • Community Taizé Service: Open to all. Come & enjoy this time of quiet & music. Held the 1st Wednesday of every month, 7pm, at Good Samaritan, 307 W Virginia, Gunnison. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • GriefShare meets at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 711 N. Main, Gunnison, Wednesday 7 to 9pm. Rodney Morrill 970-349-7769. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Thursday, August 6 • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 7am, 9am (Yoga) & 12pm, 4pm, open boxing 5:30pm. Childcare avail. 8:30-10:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7:30 Beginners, 9am Alignment, 10:15 Restorative, 12:15 Lunch mix, 6pm Restorative; 7:15pm Women’s Kudalini (thru 7/30). 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Yoga for Everyone, 9-10am. $10/class. At the Crested Butte Center for the Art’s Outdoor Stage. Bring your mat. • Living Journeys Cancer support group meets the 1st Thursday of every month, at noon, downstairs at the Community Church. This is an uplifting gathering. Virginia at 970-641-2530 • Every Thursday (excluding Holidays): Senior's Day 65+, Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 10am-2pm, 321 N. Main St., #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Talk to a Lawyer for Free, Thursday Night Bar (legal advice clinic), first Thursday of each month, at the Family Services Building, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison, 5:30pm. Ellen 641-7999 • Tierney M. Miller - New Works: "Moments Between" Opening reception at the Piper Gallery, Center for the Arts, Crested Butte., 970-596-1034. • Thursdays 6:30-8 Lamaze at Colorado Fitness. Call Ariel for details 970-275-3749. • Wine Tasting at the Gunnison Public Library. 7pm. High Mountain Liquor presents wines of Oregon and Washington while Mike Ritchey features literature from the area. Tickets are limited, $20/person. • Today's Modern Square Dance Lessons. Gunnison Community Center Thursdays 7-9pm, 970-596-4252 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Center Stage, Crseetd Butte Center for the Arts, Amy Speace, Heralded singer songwriter poet. Opening Act: Tyler Hansen. 8pm. $20. 349-7487, Friday, August 7 • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 8:45am Spin; 9:30am, 4pm Group Fitness. Childcare avail. 8:30-10:30am, 11:30-1:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Yin; 9pm High School Outreach. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, W H O ? W H AT ? W H E N ? W H E R E ? W H Y ? H O W ? • Paint Your Own Pottery! Gunnison Arts Center, Fridays from 1-5pm. $5 - $45. 641-4029 • The Gunnison High School Band is having a car wash 1:30-5pm at the PowerStop. Support your band and get your car cleaned. Car washes are by donation. • The Jack Russell Terrier Trials August 7-9. Good times, lots of Fun!! Come Join in! Details: • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, • The Tiny Treasures opening event, 5-8pm, during the First Fridays Art Walk. Feature tiny tastes, live tiny gallery concerts, and BIG raffle prizes. Gunnison Arts Center, 102 S. Main St., • Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:45pm presentation, “Deep Space/Deep Time” then viewing through the telescopes! Opens at sunset. Saturday, August 8 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Subalpine wildflower walk, led by Keith Longpre, , for anyone interested in knowing about subalpine and alpine wildflowers near Cottonwood Pass. Sgn up at the Community Center, 641-8060. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Clothing Project Now open 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Shaman's Corner presents Holistic Healing Day the 2nd Saturday from 10am-4pm. Offering $15 acupuncture, energy work and chair massage. • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise and Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, 970-209-7911 or 970-234-2336 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:45pm presentation, “How Fast Are We Going?”, then viewing through the telescopes! Opens at sunset. • Center Stage, Crseetd Butte Center for the Arts, Comedy Night featuring Troy Baxley, HBO Comedy Festival Finalist. 9pm. $18. 349-7487, Sunday, August 9 • Tennis Social Mixer: Come meet new people and enjoy tennis. All levels. Sundays, Aug. 9, 23. Bring balls. Sign up: • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary. Check website for morning workshops; Restorative, 5-6pm with Dave. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Sundays@6! At Legion Park on the corner of Tomichi Avenue and Teller Street! 6-8pm for FREE live music. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Monday, August 10 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am, 8:45am Spin; 12pm, 4pm Group Fitness. Childcare avail. 8:3010:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise, 10:30am Chair Yoga, 12:30pm Aerial, 1:45pm Spine Strengthening, 5:15 Yoga in the Yard, 6:30 Yoga for Athletes. 513 S. Main St., • Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church! WACKY WORLD of WATER VBS for pre-school & elementary. Monday-Thursday, August 10-14 from 9:30am-Noon. Virginia & Pine St. 641-2240. • 10am Socrates Cafe "To what extent do you shape your own destiny?" at the Gunnison Library. This event is free and open to the public. • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • Every Monday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Roller Derby! In Gunnison on Mondays at the Fred Field House from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required. Tuesday, August 11 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Open Boxing; 7am, 12pm Group Fitness; 9:30am Just Move; 5pm Stretch. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Kundalini, 9am Aerial Conditioning,12:15pm Yoga Mix, 5:15pm Restorative, 6:30 Earth & Sky Yoga. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Morning English Classes, 8:30am at the Family Services Center, 225 N. Pine. Center for Adult Education, Ellen 641-7999, Marsha 641-7647. • Gunnison Clothing Project Now open 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Mountain Roots Food Project presents "U-Pick Tuesdays." Pick, wash, and weigh your own local organic produce; sliding scale. 5-7pm, Gunnison Community School Garden. 724-388-5449 for info. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. 970-596-3846 or go to • BINGO Tuesdays at the Elks Lodge, Gunnison, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays. The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. • Center Stage, Crseetd Butte Center for the Arts, Tinariwen “Best World Music” Grammy-winning blues from Mali, West Africa, 8pm. $25. 349-7487, Wednesday, August 12 • Attention All 3rd-8th Grade Football Players! GHS is hosting the Gunnison FUTURES football camp August 12th-14th from 3:30-5pm. • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Spin, and Just Move; 9am, 12pm Stretch; 4pm, 5pm group fitness. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary! 7am Sunrise yoga, 9am Prana Vinyasa, 10:30 Kids Yoga, 12:15 Lunchtime, 5:30 Vinyasa flow. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am; Meditation Sanga (no charge) 5pm; Yoga All Levels 5:30pm. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Free Meditation class every Wednesday 5-5:20pm at Main Street Clinic, Gunnison, on the alley. • Double Shot Cyclery Group Road Rides every Wednesday at 5:30pm. Meet in front of 222 N. Main St., Gunnison. • Community leisure bicycle ride around town, meet at All Sports Replay, 115 W Georgia, Gunnison, 6pm. • The American Legion, 501 E. Virginia Ave., meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6pm. Claire 209-6042, Ed 596-7883, or Larry 641-0172 • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 641-7684. • Roller Derby! In Crested Butte Wednesdays at the CB school gym from 6:45-8:45pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • GriefShare meets at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 711 N. Main, Gunnison, Wednesday 7 to 9pm. Rodney Morrill 970-349-7769. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. Thursday, August 13 • Colorado's Western Slope Celebrates 47th Annual Palisade Peach Festival, Aug. 13-15. • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 7am, 9am (Yoga) & 12pm, 4pm, open boxing 5:30pm. Childcare avail. 8:30-10:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7:30 Beginners, 9am Alignment, 10:15 Restorative, 12:15 Lunch mix, 6pm Restorative; 7:15pm Women’s Kudalini (thru 7/30). 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Crested Butte Land Trust Summer Hike, Snodgrass Trail 8-10:30am. Sign up:, or call Claire at the Crested Butte Land Trust 349-1206 • Mothering Support Group, last Thursday of every month, 10am, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Julie, 275-5088 • Trap Shooting for Ladies and Youth Thursdays at 5:30 Gunnison Sportsmen's Assoc., through September. Annette 970-209-9089 • Estate Planning for Small Business Owners, Crested Butte Town Hall from 5:30-7:30pm. FREE seminar! Informal setting. Light refreshments provided. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Friday, August 14 • Group fitness classes at Colorado Fitness: 8:45am Spin; 9:30am, 4pm Group Fitness. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Yin; 9pm High School Outreach. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, T he Deadline for THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR is MONDAY at 10:00 a.m. • FreeCycle Friday, Ute Hall on WSCU campus, donate or browse FREE items. 720-878-2537. • Paint Your Own Pottery! A the Gunnison Arts Center, Fridays from 1-5pm. $5 - $45. 641-4029 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, • The Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:45pm, presentation, then viewing through the telescopes! Saturday, August 15 • Wildflower and Science Extravaganza Hike, Saturday, August 15 from 8am-5pm. Registration is $55. Info. & registration: • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Gunnison Farmers Market! Main St. & Virginia, 9:30am-1:30pm, • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Clothing Project open 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise & Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, Gunnison. 970-209-7911, 970234-2336 • 25th Annual Banquet for the World Record Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Call Les 5960215 or Roberta 596-7655 for tickets of information. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, • Gunnison Valley Observatory, 8:50pm presentation - then viewing through the telescopes! Opens at sunset. Sunday, August 16 • Safe Harbor Ranch Kids Day from 11-1pm visit for more information. • 4pm “Soldier Girls” - a reading and author visit with Helen Thorpe, at the Gunnison Library. This event is free and open to the public. • Yoga at The Sanctuary. Restorative w/Dave, 5-6pm. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • Sundays@6! At Legion Park on the corner of Tomichi Avenue and Teller Street! 6-8pm for FREE live music and family fun. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Monday, August 17 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am, 8:45am Spin; 12pm, 4pm Group Fitness. Childcare avail. 8:3010:30am, 11:30-1:30pm, 4:30-6:30pm. 405 W. Tomichi, • Summer Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise, 9am Mat Pilates, 12:30pm Aerial with Kate, 6:30 Yoga for Athletes. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, • ATTENTION! All 9th-12th grade boys interested in playing high school football. The official start date is 7:45am at Gunnison High School. Shane Zimmerman at 970-641-7700 for more information. • Jai Om Yoga and Meditation: Gentle Therapy Yoga 10am. 320 ½ N. Main St., Gunnison. 970-275-5987 • Every Monday (excluding Holidays), Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, 970641-4156. 970-641-4156. • English classes Monday & Wednesday, 6-8pm, at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10 fee. Bring your children. CAFE 970-641-7684. • Roller Derby! In Gunnison on Mondays at the Fred Field House from 7-9pm. Everyone is welcome and no previous skills required • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, Tuesday, August 18 • Classes at Colorado Fitness: 6am Open Boxing; 7am, 12pm Group Fitness; 9:30am Just Move; 5pm Stretch. Childcare hours available. 405 W. Tomichi, • Gunnison Clothing Project open 10am-2pm! In the alley West of N. 10th St. between Virginia & W Tomichi. Donations welcome. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-596-3846 or go to • BINGO every Tuesday at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays-The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. Daily Happenings • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, A Look Ahead... • Carvin' Up Colorado Chainsaw Carving Expo: August 22-23. Reserve a personal carving for your home or business. Price levels to fit any budget. Andy at or call 970-210-1777 email kadie@gunnisonshopper .com Help Western Difference Makers Make Their Mark Western students like Bob Maddox make a special mark in our communities. Bob plans to make her own mark through her studies in Exercise and Sports Science combined with the unique life experience provided by attending Western. Today’s Western students face daunting challenges and pressures as they go forward as Mountaineers. It takes all members of the Western Nation to step up to give these special Mountaineers an opportunity to pursue their dreams! Meet Samantha “Bob” Maddox, A Western Difference Maker Make a difference and make a donation, call 970-641-2237 or go to gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 18 MET REC TELEVISION TRANSLATOR SYSTEM – CHANNEL GUIDE METRECTELEVISIONTRANSLATORSYSTEM–CHANNELGUIDE Almont CableSystem SiteName/Location Comstock (North Highway 135) Crested ButteSouth Crested Butte (Sunlight Ridge) Gunnison(W Mountain) Monarch Pass (Tomichi Valley) 2.1 KWGNͲCW2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 KWGNͲTHIS 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Pitkin/Ohio PowderͲhorn City PowderͲhorn /LakeCity (Waunita (Gateview) Pass) Parlin Pitkin(Town Site) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 4.1 4.1 Sapinero Sargents 2.1 2.1 2.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KCNCͲCBS4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KTVDͲMEͲTV 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 KPXCͲIonLife 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 KPXCͲQubo KPXC Qubo 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 ALJAZEERA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 KMGHͲABC7 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 KTSCͲRMPBS 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 RMPBSͲVͲMe 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 RMPBSͲCreate RMPBS Create 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 KUSAͲNBC9 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 CBͲTV10 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 TVGUIDE 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 LOCAL 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 DISCOVER 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 NASA 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 KTVDͲMy20 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 KDVRͲFOX31 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Head Custodian-CBCS. Hiring, training, supervising, and evaluating custodial staff. Performs daily cleaning duties. Assists with snow removal. Serves “on call” for building emergencies and other duties. Deals with students, staff and the general public in a positive and friendly manner. Must have a High School Diploma or equivalent. Knowledge of custodial operations. Pay based on experience. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, jklingLOOKING FOR Dedicated,, OR Professional, OFFICE person to Colorado Workforce, 970-641efficiently execute multiple tasks 0031. (8/5/76). in a busy, growing business environment. Competent applicants FOR SALE: 2004 Jeep Grand must be available for 40 hr Cherokee 4WD, 172,361 miles. weeks. Send resume and refer- $4500 OBO. Call 970-901-7253 if ences to interested or want to take a look! Pay depends on experience. (8/5). (8/12). employment continued from page 17... GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Permanent Substitute Teacher. Assume duties of the regular classroom teacher or educational asst. as GHS-CBCS-GCS needed. Assumes responsibilities of overseeing pupil behavior in classes, between classes and during lunch. Colorado Teaching License or Colorado 5 Year Substitute Authorization. Experience working with children. Full time position with benefits. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/5). CHILDCARE AND LIGHT CLEANING HELP NEEDED for the upcoming fall. If you can work a 2 hour shift (per week) in the childcare or 2 hours of general cleaning or maintenance in exchange for a full gym pass, please call 641-3375. (8/12). 4.1 NorthValley Sub.Cable System EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any over the 60 word limit will be charged a paid ad fee dependent on the number of words. Please see the website for details at, or call 641-3148. - Thank you, The Gunnison Country Shopper. (8/5). GUNNISON PARKS AND RECREATION is looking to fill some part time coaching positions for this fall: Gymnastics, Volleyball, After School Program, Football, and Swim Instructor. All coaching positions require experience in the specific sport as well as experience working with children. Pick up an application at 200 East Spencer Avenue or call 641-8060 for more information. LOCAL CHURCHES (8/12). AS SEM BLI ES O F GO D “The River” 92 Co unt y Ro ad 17 • 6 41 -086 4 P as t or M ik e D ar n e ll S u n d a y Wo r s h i p 1 0 : 0 0 a m We d n e s d a y 7 : 0 0 p m w w w. r i v e r o f l i f e g u n n i s o n . o r g BLU E MESA BAPTI ST 7 24 N o rt h Ma in • 97 0- 6 40- 8 49 4 • Pa s to r Bry o n Ro be rt s S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 a m S u n d a y S e r v i c e 11 a m S u n d a y E ve n i n g 5 p m T h u r s d a y Di s c ip l es h i p 7 : 3 0 p m w w w. b l u e m e s a b a p t i s t @ g m a i l . c o m TRIN ITY BAPTIST CHURCH T RIN IT Y BAP TIS T CHU R CH 523 N o r t h P in e S t r e et - ( 9 70 ) 641 - 18 13 S u n d a y Wo r s h i p : 8 a m Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 3 0 a m B l e n d e d F a m ily B ib l e St u dy : 9 :1 5 a m S u n da y M o rn in g Sa t u r d a y E v en i n g Wor sh i p : 6 p m H i sp a n i c Wo r s h i p : S at u r d ay 6 p m , B i b l e S t u d y : T h u r s d a y 7 p m We d n e s d a y S e r v i c e s : B . L . A . S . T. & Yo u t h & P r a y e r M e e t i n g - 6 : 3 0 p m w w w. T B C g u n n i s o n . c o m SODEXO’S RARE AIR CAFE @ WSCU: Salad Prep - Full-time (Mon.-Fri. 6:30am-2:30pm), Job Responsibilities: Preparing salad bar items for breakfast/lunch/dinner, operating salad bar station, and maintaining a clean and sanitary station. Job Requirements: Kitchen/prep experience, strong knife skills, punctuality and the ability to multitask. Perk: Job benefits and free meal per shift. (8/5). ARGUS EVENT STAFFING is looking for exceptional customer service team members to help provide various services for the Mumford and Sons concert in Salida- August 20, 21 and 22. Pay will be $165 a day, meals will be provided and camping for employees is free. Please call 303-7991140 for application information. Must be a minimum of 18 years old. (8/5). M U S E U M COORDINATOR/LEAD ART INSTRUCTOR: The Trailhead Children’s Museum is seeking a creative and organized person for a 3/4-time position with both administrative and artistic requirements. This position would oversee museum exhibits and daily museum activities, mange a small retail store, greet visitors, and organize memberships and class registrations. Skills in social media and graphic design are desirable. Additionally this position would design curriculum and teach a variety of art-based classes for ages 0-11. Experience in visual art and teaching children required. Please email resume and references to (8/5/pd/90). CABIN CREEK CONSTRUCTION, LLC has an opening for a full time carpenter. Successful applicant must have a valid drivers license and be 18 years or older. Interested applicants should be dependable, professional and drug free. Duties may include framing, painting, finish carpentry, cabinet installation Applicants need knowledge of basic carpentry and power tools Pay DOE Send resume to: (8/5). % ( !, ! !* " )! $ ") /%+ -!"" $ * " ,!)!%$ * * &*) ! !* " )! $ " %( ! !* " %# , (* ( %. $ $ %+* %%( $* $$ %( !, "" ! !* " )! $ ") !$ /%+( ( /%+ # / $ *% ) $ %( $$ ") %$ /%+( ! !* " * " ,! )!%$ %( ! !* " %$, (* ( %. + "! !% !) , !" " %$ $$ " !$ #%)* ( ) " ) %$* * * & ( *!%$) $ ( * -!* '+ ) *!%$) %( %( #%( !$ %(# *!%$ %+ # / ) * +& +)*%#!0 %$ "!$ $$ " !)*!$ ) * !* $ %# %( /%+( %$, $ ! $ ) )* & / )* & !$)*(+ *!%$) %$ %- *% ) * +& /%+( %-$ !* $ %+$* * * --- # *( %# HENRY’S RADIO & TV GUNNISON HEALTH VALLEY has the at the following openings, HOSPITAL: 1 FT Receptionist, Sales, Service and Installation 1 FT Nurse Aide, 1 FT & 1 PT Unit TVs, Stereos, Satellite Systems Coordinator/C.N.A., 1 FT Environmental Services Director, 1 FT Insurance Counselor, 2 FT & N o w s t o c k i n g S h a r p , P h i l ip s , 1 PRN Admissions Rep, 1 PRN J V C & T os h iba L E D T V s Cook, 1 FT Paramedic, 1 PRN Physical Therapist, 1 PRN Labor/Delivery RN. At CB PHYSICAL THERAPY: 1 PT Receptionist. At FAMILY MEDISERVING GUNNISON AREA SINCE 1961 CINE CLINIC: 1 FT Medical 1 1/2 miles North of Gunnison on Highway 135 Assistant. At HOME MEDICAL SERVICES: 1 PRN Certified Nurse Aide. At ASSISTED LIVING: 1 PRN Personal Care Provider. At TELLER/LOAN PROCESSOR SODEXO’S RARE AIR CAFE @ Crested Butte WSCU: Salad Prep - Part-time SENIOR CARE CENTER: 1 FT POSITION: Cook, 2 FT C.N.A.’s, Certified Savings and Loan is seeking appli- (Sat./Sun. 9:30am-2pm), Job Nurse Aide Training Class. (PRN = cations from hard working ener- Responsibilities: Preparing salad as needed) Please visit our web- getic team members with a pro- bar items for brunch/dinner, opersite for more in-depth position fessional attitude to join our loan ating salad bar station, and maindescriptions, specific qualification origination team. Qualified candi- taining a clean and sanitary staJob Requirements: requirements and to apply online dates will possess strong commu- tion. http://jobs.gunnisonvalleyhealth.o nication skills, demonstrated Kitchen/prep experience, strong rg, or call HR for questions 970- attention to detail and a basic knife skills, punctuality and the 641-1456. All offers of employ- understanding of mortgage lend- ability to multitask. Perk: free ment are contingent upon the suc- ing. Duties will also include per- meal per shift. (8/5). cessful completion of a negative forming varied functions including GUNNISON COUNTY EMPLOY10 panel drug screen test, crimi- deposit and withdrawal transac- MENT OPPORTUNITY: Airport nal background check, reference tions, opening of checking, sav- Lead Duty Officer, Full time, checks, infection prevention pro- ings, certificates of deposit and $46,300-$65,490 benefits; cedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immu- IRA accounts. Successful appli- Airport Duty Officer, Full time, nization records, etc.), physical cants will receive a competitive $34,931-$49,410 benefits; capacity profile and acknowledg- salary, paid vacation and opportu- Detention Deputy, Full time, nities for future advancement. ment of policies. (8/5/169). benefits; Health Submit letter of application, $37,026 GUNNISON WATERSHED resume and references to: Janice Educator Tobacco and CCPD, 20 hrs/week, $18,513/yr. For more SCHOOL DISTRICT: English English, Sr. Vice President 303 N. information, including complete Language Learners/GES Main Gunnison, CO 81230 or job descriptions, required Equal Educational Assistant. Work cations and application instrucdirectly with ELL students, Opportunity Employer. (8/5/107). tions, please visit Experience with interpreting and COURT JUDICIAL ASSISTANT translation required. Fluency in (DEPUTY CLERK): The (8/5). Spanish required. Requires asso- Gunnison Combined Court is seekciates degree or 24 hours college ing applications to fill the 1.00 WORKER NEEDED: to move furcredit or demonstrated proficien- FTE (40 hours per week) position niture, do yard chores, carry cy in the work-keys assessment. of Court Judicial Assistant. items from place to place, etc., as Please contact: Superintendent’s Position is responsible for techni- needed. Prefer college student. Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. cal clerical work in the processing Must have own transportation and Boulevard, 970-641-7760, jkling- of court cases. The monthly be reliable. Call 641-9588. (8/12)., OR salary is $2,925. Applications WATERSHED Colorado Workforce, 970-641- shall be filed electronically. To GUNNISON SCHOOL DISTRICT: (2) 0031. (8/5). apply go to Preschool Educational Assistants Lake Early childhood experience HELP WANTED @ The Boom-aunder the Careers/Career Rang. Must be able to work most Opportunities tab and follow preferred. Full-time. Please conweekends, afternoon closings and instructions to apply for this posi- tact: Superintendent’s Office, 1-2 days a week. Starting pay tion. Failure to complete the JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. $9/hr., flexible scheduling. Must application and follow the Boulevard, 970-641-7760, jklinglike people, enjoy organizing and instructions completely may, OR staying very busy, have a great result in disqualification from Colorado Workforce, 970-641fashion sense with a broad knowl- consideration for the position. 0031. (8/5). edge about clothing brands. Applications must be filed elec- GUNNISON WATERSHED e m a i l tronically on or before August 7, SCHOOL DISTRICT: Preschool or 2015. (8/5/pd/99). Group Leader-Lake, 3 year old come by the Boom-a-Rang, 221 N classroom in the am, 4 year old P/T CLERK/STOCKER POSI- classroom in the pm. Must be Main St., Gunnison. (8/5). TION available at High Mountain Group Leader Qualified with expeMULTI-LINE DEALERSHIP IN Liquor, must be 21 yrs old, selfTHE BEAUTIFUL SAN JUAN motivated, must work well with rience teaching in early childhood MOUNTAINS in Lake City, CO others and possess great cus- classrooms. Full time with benefits. Please contact: looking for a talented and self- tomer skills. Nights and weekSuperintendent’s Office, JoAnn motivated Service Tech and Parts ends, wage DOE. Bring your aweKlingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, help. Experience with Polaris, some resume to 901 N. Main St., 970-641-7760, jklingsmith@gunBombardier, ATV’s, Side X Sides, Gunnison, or call Shawn, OR Colorado Snowmobiles, and Trailers. 6304 for interview appointment. Workforce, 970-641-0031. (8/5). (8/12). General Automotive knowledge would be very helpful . Full time HELP WANTED: for housework position with vacation pay and dis- ALMONT RESORT IS HIRING: 1 day a week, 641-2801. (8/5). counts to employees. full time food servers, housekeepCompensation is based on experi- ers and line cook. Call 641-4009. MONTY’S AUTO PARTS is looking for an in-town delivery driver. ence and willingness to learn. If (8/5). interested contact Jeff at 970- BOOKWORM IS TAKING APPLI- Clean driving record is required. 944-2311 or email resume to lca- CATIONS for part time weekend Position is full time and or fax to 970- person. Inquire at the store. nent. Apply in person at 223 W. Hwy 50. (8/12). 944-2813. RELOCATION is Position starts immediately! required (8/12/79). (8/12). ...continued on page 19 641-1453 gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 THE JOB HOTLINE 109 East Georgia Gunnison 970-641-0031 TELLER LOAN PROCESSOR Duties will also include performing varied functions including deposit and withdrawal transactions, opening of checking, savings, certificates of deposit and IRA accounts. Qualified candidates will possess strong communication skills, demonstrated attention to detail and a basic understanding of mortgage lending. #CO6234365 RETAIL MANAGER Maintains food quality and customer service. May assume General Manager's (GM) responsibilities and authority in his/her absence. Assists in maintenance of cash control and payroll records. Assists in supporting the financial/Human Resources (HR) functions. Maintains customer satisfaction and good public relations. #CO6232851 CASHIER & SERVICE DESK Receive and disburse money in establishments other than financial institutions. May use electronic scanners, cash registers, or related equipment. May process credit or debit card transactions and validate checks. #CO6211931 Been laid off from a job recently? You may qualify for personalized assistance with job search, career guidance, resume development, interviewing, job skills development, relocation assistance and MORE. CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available upon request. For information on these or other jobs, call 641-0031. Member Service Representative - Gunnison Branch We are looking for enthusiastic, customer centered team members to fill a Full Time Member Service Rep II, Teller duties, handling new accounts and other member financial needs; and a Part-Time Teller position, 25-30 hours per week. Ideal candidates will have great customer service, communication and cash handling skills. Prior teller experience is a plus. Both positions will require working closely with our membership and staff. Performs other duties as requested. To apply please send your resume to, apply online at or in person at NuVista 243 N. Main, Gunnison, CO. For more information please call (970)497-5378. EOE/MFDV employment ...continued from page 18 Now Hiring Counter Help for the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Crested Butte. Provide excellent customer service, stock cases, dip apples, make fudge and serve ice cream. FUN JOB! Can earn $12 or more per hour with tips during the summer. Part time. Year round. Flexible schedules. Apply in person to Andi at 314 Elk Avenue, Crested Butte. EOE M/F Hiring Full and Part-Time CREW POSITIONS AND MAINTENANCE PEOPLE Experience Preferred Apply on-line at or at the store - 800 E. Tomichi, 641-5050 E.O.E. NOW HIRING • Shift Managers - 3 months of restaurant management experience preferred. • Cooks. • Servers - Can earn $15 or more per hour with tips. • Delivery Drivers - Can earn $15 or more per hr with tips. Must be a licensed, insured driver, age 18 or older with a clean driving record. Excellent training and advancement opportunities, flexible work hours, meal discounts. Apply online at E.O.E. M/F GET A JUMP ON YOUR WINTER JOB and get a FREE CBMR Ski pass! CBMR is beginning to hire for the 2015/16 winter season, don’t miss out on your perfect winter job! All employees receive a lift pass, friends/family discounted lift tickets, free lift tickets at partner resorts & much more! Visit to view positions and APPLY! (8/12). NURSE AIDE AND UNIT COORDINATOR opportunities at Gunnison Valley Hospital. GVH currently has full time and part time opportunities available. The Unit Coordinator is the first person most patients encounter when entering the Emergency Department. They function as the hub of the nursing department through order entry, transfer arrangements, admissions, discharges and their overall function as a liaison between the nursing department and all other departments/contract services at GVH. Nursing Aides assist in the performance of a variety of duties directly and indirectly related to patient care delivery always under the direction and supervision of the professional nurse. Please visit our website for more in-depth position descriptions, specific qualification requirements and to apply online, or call HR for questions 970-641-1456. All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a negative 10 panel drug screen test, criminal background check, reference checks, infection prevention procedures (TB test, Flu Shot, immunization records, etc.), physical capacity profile and acknowledgement of policies. (8/5/162). LINE COOKS: $14/hr. Call 970349-6645, 970-349-6645 (8/12). LABORERS NEEDED: pay DOE. Stucco work, 970-275-2863. (8/5). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Preschool Group Leader-Lake 4-6 year old classroom (FRIDAY’S ONLY) Must be Group Leader Qualified with experience teaching in early childhood classrooms. Run Friday child care program with emphasis on physical fitness, nutrition and FUN. Part time no benefits. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760,, OR B Colorado Workforce, 970-641a 0031. (8/5). FOR SALE: heated water bowl $5; heater small animal water bottle, $5; small animal heated pad (9”x12”) $5. 641-4254. (8/12). AQUARIUM: 30 gal. with stand , CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary lighted cover,aids/services heater, airavailable pump, WATERSHED u foods and more. Best offer , call GUNNISON SCHOOL DISTRICT: Library 641-3276, and leave message. Educational Assistant-GHS. Duties (8/12). include, but are not limited to: Staffing the circulation desk; GUINEA PIG free to good home, Check in/out library materials; sweet reddish female, 2 years Shelving information center mate- old, comes with free cage, bedrials; Updating library database; ding, food, water bottle. Ginger Cataloging information materials; loves kids, strawberries, waterAssisting staff with AV equipment; melon and lots of love. Call 349Other clerical duties as needed. 7395. (8/12). Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, JoAnn Klingsmith, 800 N. SUDAN PLEATED LIZARD in You He has a Boulevard, 970-641-7760, jkling- need of another home. m, OR kinked tail (prior to owning) and Colorado Workforce, 970-641- comes with a set up. However he CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary will need a larger tank. VERY shy. 0031. (8/5). a Setup and lizard for $45. 970RELIEF MAIL DRIVER NEEDED: 817-3270 (8/5). Saturdays plus. Clean driving record a must. Paid $75 a day. FOR SALE: dog house, $15. Call Includes our vehicle and gas. Call 641 3283. (8/5). 641-8708. (8/12). THE WESTERN STATE COLORADO CLUB SPORTS DEPARTMENT is looking to hire several coaches for various programs for in-season Coaching. Includes presences at all practices, away, and home games. Feel free to contact if you’re interested. Western is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. The Clubs are: Women’s Soccer, Men’s Soccer, Men’s Lacrosse, Women’s Dance, Men’s Ice Hockey, Women’s Ice Hockey, Men’s Lacrosse. (8/5/pd/64). SALES ASSOCIATE WANTED at Studio West. Must be organized, have good sales experience and must be able to work weekends. Send resume to (8/12). KIDS & STUDENTS WILL WORK Look below for that Neighborhood Kid or Eager College Student To Do What You Need Done... (8/5) RECENT GRADUATE looking for odd jobs. Babysitting, pet sitting, and house sitting. I am available morning, afternoons, nights and weekends. If interested; Call 970417-2013. (8/5). 13 YEARS OLD LOOKING FOR ANY WORK TO DO: Trying to save money so I can go to Taylor Challenge with my school this year I need to have $111 by the first week of school. Please contact me if you have work for me. 970-596-5299 (8/12). pet MINI SCHNAUZER PUPPIES FOR SALE! 8 weeks old, ready to go. $500 price includes crate, first shots, and de-worming. Lovable and so adorable. Going FAST so HURRY! Contact Chelsea 719-250-1641 (8/5). 5 SUGAR GLIDERS w/ cage and all accessories for sale. 1 n/m, 4 females. Very sweet. Asking $1000, willing to negotiate. Please call/text 970-376-1264 for more info. (8/12). FOR SALE: large dog kennel with door. 3 panels and door. $125. Call 641-3283. (8/5). brysen & remi Remi is a 3-4 year old Dachshund/Italian Greyhound mix. Remi is shy when she first meets new people and dogs, but within a week she'll be following you around the house, cuddling, playing, and giving kisses to other dogs in the home. AQUARIUM: 10.5”W X 20”L X 12.5”H, w/internal filter and green & white rocks, $60 OBO. 6421279. (8/5). FREE TO A GOOD HOME: Billie our 2 yr old border collie needs a new home where he can roam. Good dog, just needs more space to run. (8/5). You970-497-9540 may qualify for personalized page 19 Brysen, a handsome dark orange tabby, is an 11-month-old love bug who desperately needs a family. His adopter will need to be willing to let him settle in slowly; your patience will be worth it! See all of our adoptable animals at,, or on facebook. S H E LT E R H O U R S Wednesdays 5-7pm Saturdays 10am-1pm Sundays 10am-1pm And by appointment All animals are current on vaccinations and spayed or neutered. 970.641.1173 I N FO @ GV AW L . O R G 9 8 B AS I N P A R K D R I V E WANTED: Large galvanized chicken waterer. 275-3516. (8/5). HORSE HAY FOR SALE: Timothy, Brome, Clover, Mt. Mix, small squares/ $4 a bale, contact Dana & Larry Allison at 972-824-4328 (8/5/pd/20). FOR SALE: Easy-going experienced trail horse for relaxed riding. 14 yr 15H black mare. Arab cross. $1,000. 641-6280. (8/5). PREMIUM BARN STORED HAY: Grass; Grass/Alfalfa; Alfalfa. Small squares, large squares and rounds. And, also have straw. 970-872-3141. B e t s y Fo l k e r t h , MSPT 970-641-2118 COLD LASER - MASSAGE HERBAL REMEDIES & MORE FOR SALE: DRAFT CROSS TRAIL HORSE. 16H, 8 yr gelding. Bright sorrel. Brave and energetic on trails. Fun to ride. Needs experienced rider. Comes with adoption contract. 641-6280. (8/12). (8/5/19) 2 MARKET WETHER GOATS FOR SALE: $150 each. 970-6413395. (8/5). FOR SALE: wheelbarrow $30; post hole digger $30. Call 6411224. (8/5). FOR SALE: Worm composter, 3 tier with spigot at bottom. $35. Call 970-275-5088 (8/12). NEW CLASSIFIED CATEGORY FARM/GARDEN: For all the backyard gardeners, chicken farmers, landscapers... buy and sell your stuff here! Fencing, tools, supplies, rocks, dirt, eggs... Don’t forget to check out the new website (8/5). GUNNISON VALLEY EDIBLE FRUIT INVENTORY NEEDS YOUR INPUT! CSU Master Gardeners are compiling an inventory of successes and failures growing apples, cherries, plums, currants... Go to to complete the survey. (8/12). FOR SALE: Wheelbarrow, light weight, 8 cu ft w/2 wheels NEW COST $120, ASKING $85 OBO. 596-5301 (8/5). FOR SALE: metal garden hose reel, holds 200’ hose. $20 Also 2 fiberglass garden hose hangers $2 each. 641-4265 (8/12). MOUNTAIN ROOTS FOOD PROJECT PRESENTS “U-Pick Tuesdays.” Pick, wash, and weigh your own local organic produce, available on a sliding scale. The first Gunnison event will be Tuesday, Aug. 11, from 5-7 p.m. at the Gunnison Community School Garden. Proceeds support sustainable agriculture, Farm to School programming, and food security projects. Call Al Smith at (724) 388-5449 for more information. (8/12). FOR SALE: Wheelbarrow, light weight, 8 cu ft w/2 wheels. NEW COST $120, ASKING $85 OBO. 596-5301 (8/12). ranching FREE HAY: last year’s cutting, call Tim 209-7262 or Linda 2754611. (8/5). FOR SALE: two rolls of antique barbed wire (November 21, 1876 Watkins Lazy H). One roll approx 114’ long $350. The other is approx 84’ long $275. Or $500 for both. 641-4265 (8/12). NEED TO TRANSPORT MY HORSE from Gunnison to Park City. Need to have horse trailer. Will pay for gas plus fee. More info 720-233-4251. (8/5). DRAFT CROSS TRAIL HORSE FOR SALE: 16H, 8 yr gelding. Bright sorrel. Brave and energetic on trails. Fun to ride. Needs experienced rider. Comes with adoption contract. 641-6280. (8/12). WANTED: Someone with equipment to cut and bale hay on approximately 4 acres in Upper Castle Mountain. Please call: 6410246. (8/12). BARN STORED TIMOTHY HAY $3.00 to $6.00 per bale for 2014 hay. Special pricing for 2015 hay loaded out of the field. motorized 97 YZ 125: runs great ‘New’ top end sprockets chain n grips, good tires, $1500, 970-901-0622. (8/5). FOR SALE: 2004 Honda VTX 1300 Retro in mint condition. 7,300 original miles. Perfectly Maintained and always garage kept. $1,500 in extras included. $3999 OBO. Call 349-1119 for more details. (8/5). 2001 HONDA XR 400: Runs great, starts 1st kick. Tires 75%. Registered for 2015. $1600. Text 970-901-7648 (8/12). 1ST $4900 TAKES THIS: 1989 Mercury Invader boat w/470 engine I-O; custom cover, 11’ Bimini top, trailer, extra reel supports, extra props, fish finder, GPS, marine radio & speakers, nice vinyl seats, captain chair. 641-5644. Or trade for 28’ - 30’ tandem axle with duals gooseneck flatbed trailer. (8/5). 303-808-5688 2 ATVS FOR SALE: 350 Yamaha, 125 Honda. 641-4836. (8/5). (8/5/25) HAY TARP: 40’ X 60’ Heavy Duty. Brand new, open package. Appropriate twine included. $500. Call 970-641-3131. (8/12). 8 FOOT ELK FENCE FOR SALE: call for information! 275-4852. (8/5). BLOCKING CHUTE: for show steers. Folding/portable. $75. Call for pic or to see, 970-2092058 (D), 970-641-4007 (E). (8/5). SHOW SADDLE FOR SALE! Seat size is 16” tree size is medium, tooled, rawhide covered with silver on it too! $450 970-7074042. (8/5). QUARTERHORSE FOR SALE: 7 year old mare. Quiet sweet disposition. Good trail and mountain horse. Has worked cattle. Loads and shoes easily. Very sound and healthy. Has been in the arena a few times. $1500. Call for pics or to see, 970-209-2058 (D), 970641-4007 (E). (8/5). YZ 125: runs well, new parts & top end, $1300, 970-901-0622. (8/12). 2 ATV LOADING RAMPS: all aluminum, like new, used 4 times, paid $500, asking $250. 970209-6677. (8/5). FOR SALE: 4 ATV tires front AT26x8-12, rear AT26x11-12 good shape, $100 for all 4. 6414104 (8/5). 2007 YAMAHA VINO YJ125W SCOOTER: Only (approximately) 690 miles. Light Gray color. 65 to 70 miles per gallon. $1,595. ($2,499, New). Handles 2 people with no problem. Scott 970-9010874. (8/26). FOR SALE: 20’ Hudson beaver tail flat bed trailer with ramps and front tool box, $5000 OBO. 6415644 (8/5). WE BUY USED motorcycles, ATVs and side by sides. 970641-0883, days. (8/5/11). ...continued on page 20 gunnison country shopper, august 5, 2015 page 20 Cattlemen’s Days Appreciates our sponsors a n d a l l t h e p e o p l e a n d b u s i n e ss e s t h a t h e l p u s p u t o n t h i s g r e a t e v e n t . T h a n k s! CR LIGHT DIRT WORK CRESTED BUTTE MOUNTAIN RESORT CRESTED BUTTE MUSIC FESTIVAL CROSS BAR RANCH ABBIE PATTON PHOTOGRAPHY DAVE COVINGTON HORSESHOE DESIGNS ACME LIQUOR D&J PERFORMANCE HORSES AGAVE MEXICAN RESTAURANT DAN AND MICHELLE ZADRA ALPENGARDENER, LTD DAYS INN ALTA CONVENIENCE DOUBLE HEART RANCH AKA PESTER MARKETING CO. DOVE GRAPHICS AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE EAST TOMICHI CORPORATION DBA: AUTO CORRAL WET GROCER B&B PRINTING EMBROIDERED SPORTSWEAR BANK OF THE WEST ENGINEERED DIMENSIONS, INC. (ZADRA) BASICS FOR MEN ESTY RANCH, INC BENSON SOUTHBY’S, INC REALTY FERRELL GAS BEAR CREEK LIQUOR FIRST GUNNISON TITLE & ESCROW BILL MATHEWS FINANCIAL FULLMER’S ACE HARDWARE CO. BLUEBIRD BOUTIQUE GARLIC MIKES-TRE AMICI CORP. BOOKWORM GENE TAYLOR’S SPORTING GOODS BOOM-A-RANG GENTLE DENTAL CARE BUCKHANAN HORSEMANSHIP GL COMPUTER SERVICE, INC CAFÉ SILVESTRE GOAL ACADEMY CASTLETON RANCH GOATIQUE C/O ANN BERTSCHY CENTENNIAL STATE ROOFING GREG ZOELLICK CHAMBERLAND ORTHOPAEDICS, PC GRIGGS ORTHOPEDICS CHANGES HAIR SALON GUNNISACK CHICKEN SHACK/SLOGARS GUNNISON COUNTRY CHRISTOPHER KLEIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS COLDWELL BANKER BIGHORN REALTY GUNNISON COUNTRY SHOPPER COLORADO ADVENTURE RENTALS GUNNISON COUNTRY TIMES COMMUNITY BANKS OF COLORADO GUNNISON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE GUNNISON FAMILY DENISTRY GUNNISON VALLEY GUNNISON GLASS CONCRETE SYSTEMS, INC. (CSI) GUNNISON LAKESIDE RESORT motorized continued from page 19... 1990 HONDA VTR IMPORT SPEC BIKE: 30HP with 250cc insurance rates! NEW CARBURETORS! 12,000 miles. $1200 OBO. Need to sell before returning to school. Excellent condition. 832421-7566. (8/12). 2014 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE T100 Black. 700 miles, custom Roland sands seat. New retail price over 12K with taxes, will sell for $9,000 firm. Still have warranty and did purchase new, perfect condition. Ask for Mark 970-2758827 (8/5). REESE 16K 5th wheel, railmount, hitch. Excellent condition, $200. 505-660-3523 (8/12). MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE: 50 Mpg! Save money on gas 2001 Suzuki Volusia V twin cruiser, new battery, new tires, low mileage, maroon/black, $2300 OBO. 970401-3578 (8/5). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Motorcycle Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (8/5/13) FOR SALE: 1974 Ridge Guide 14’ aluminum boat (actual length 15’8”) 45hp Chrysler motor (might need starter) and 40hp Johnson motor, and boat trailer. $700 OBO. 970-581-8310 or 505-307-2715. (8/5). 15’ LARSON SKI BOAT: motor needs work, $950. 275-4852. (8/5). 2007 SCHWINN SPORT LX150 SCOOTER: approximately 475 miles. 65 to 70 miles per gallon. Plenty of room for 2 riders. $1,595, ($2,399 new). Red color. Great fun! Scott 970-901-0874. (8/26). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 SNOWMOBILE & TRAILER: 1992 Arctic Cat 5500 EXT, Spartan snowmobile trailer, $1500/both. Lake City, 970-9017842. (8/5). FOR SALE: TRAILERS... NEW AND USED. ATV, UTV, motorcycle, snowmobile and utility models in striock. Come and check out the new Vault Cargo Trailer by Triton. Sun Sports Unlimited, West HWY 50, Gunnison. 970641-0883. (8/5/34). 1981 SCORPION CHRIS CRAFT 17 ft ski boat. 350 inboard, bench seats with new upholstery, 3 blade stainless steal prop. Runs great! Trailer included with current tags. $3200 OBO. 970-596-3007 (8/5). VERY RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION! PONTIAC GRAND AM SE 2000: -122K miles, 4cyl 40/25hwy/city. New tires/brakes/tuneup. A GREAT VEHICLE for college student NADA $3,200. Asking $2,900 OBO. Please call 970-209-5594. (8/12). 2007 SUBARU OUTBACK: automatic, 123K miles, new timing belt and water pump at 106K miles, power everything, heated seats and mirrors, tinted windows, tires in great condition, silver with graphite interior, great condition, $8995, 970-275-6471 (8/12). CHEVROLET VENTURE MINIVAN: Brand new tires. 160,000 miles. $1500 OBO. Call Juan 970773-4460. (8/12). 1984 FORD FIRE ENGINE FOR SALE: 40K miles, 1000 gal holding tank, runs great., $5000 OBO. 970-209-1316 (8/12). 2007 CHRYSLER PACIFICA: loaded, well maintained, 157K, call for more details, $7000 OBO. Kirk 970-596-2216. (8/5). 1997 F150 LARIAT: 4.6L V8, auto, power seats/locks/windows. Needs head gasket. Cold A/C $500. Lake City, 970-9017842. (8/5). FOR SALE: 2011 Suzuki CRX sports car, $11,000. 970-5966491. (8/12). 1993 ACURA INTEGRA: $700. 165,000 mi., Needs new head gasket! Nice car that needs a big fix. Sound system. Sun roof. New tires. 303-589-2196 (8/12). 1995 MERCURY SABLE WAGON: 92K, V6, brand new trans, good tires & brakes, power steering and brakes, ice cold A/C, moon roof, $3500. 641-4060. FOR SALE: 272c Cat skidsteer with several attachments, power broom, blade, bucket, forks, $57,000. 970-209-6041. (8/12). FOR SALE: 2013 MotorGuide trolling motor. 46 lb thrust; 12volt; Foot control. Only used 56 times. $175 (paid $350 new) OBO. Call 970-901-9849 or leave message at 970-641-0832. (8/5). KBUT KEJJ/KPKE KELLY HILDRETH HORSESHOEING KT GEOSERVICES, INC. LACY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LAST CHANCE LAW OF THE ROCKIES LAW OFFICES OF LUKE DANIELSON, PC LEE AND POLLY SPANN LEGACY ELECTRICAL LOST MINER RANCH LYNN SHORE PHOTOGRAPHIST MESA RV MILL CREEK RANCH MILLER FURNITURE STORE MONARCH REALTY, INC MONTY’S AUTO PARTS, INC MOUNTAIN CORRAL MOUNTAIN FIREPLACE SPECIALISTS MOUNTAIN SURFACES MOUNTAIN WEST INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES MOUNTAINEER ELECTRIC MW VAN DYKE II NUVISTA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION O’HAYRE, DAWSON & NORRIS, PC OFF CENTER DESIGNS OPEN YOUR EYES GALLERY O’REILLY’S AUTO PARTS PALISADES MANAGEMENT LLC PAPER CLIP PARAGON COMPUTER/GUNNISON TELEVSION PAT’S SCREEN PRINTING PIKE BUILDERS, INC PIZZA MOUNTAIN PLOTTS MINI STORAGE/ GUNNISON COLLISION PLUMBLINE MECHANICAL POWER STOP PRECISION ALIGNMENT & AUTO REPAIR PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORS, INC (PCI) RAY TRUCKING & BACKHOE RAYMOND JAMES FINANCIAL SERVICES RED MOUNTAIN LIQUORS, INC/ SLO DOWN RANCH RI VADER & SONS, INC RICHARD ALMGREN INS. AGENCY ROARING JUDY MECHANICAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN FRAMES &TROPHIES ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIVESTOCK SALES ROCKY MOUNTAIN VETERINARY/ CREATIVE DESIGNS ROTARY CLUB OF GUNNISON RUGGED HORIZON, LLC S.T. TILE, INC SCHMALTZCONSTRUCTION/ GUNNISON CONSTRUCTION SCHMUESER GORDON MEYER SCENIC RIVER TOURS SEARS HOMETOWN STORE SHARPE EQUIPMENT SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SIGN GUYS & GAL SLOGAR RESTAURANT SOUTHERN LIVESTOCK AUCTION SPALLONE CONSTRUCTION SPORTSMAN'S LIQUOR S.T. TILE, INC SUN SPORTS UNLIMITED, INC. TAKE FIVE CHAIR MASSAGE TEAM MURPHY REALTY, LLC THE BOOKIE THE GREENHOUSE THE INN AT TOMICHI VILLAGE THE STORM THE WOODEN SPOOL THREE RIVERS RESORT TIM REYNOLDS PHOTOGRAPHY TIMBERLINE MECHANICAL TIME WARNER CABLE SERVICES TODAY REALTY OF GUNNISON THOMAS STOEBER, PC TOMICHI TIRE & TOWING TRACTOR SUPPLY TRADERS RENDEZVOUS TREASURY LIQUORS TRUE VALUE HARDWARE TURQUOISE JUNCTION VILLA BEAUTE/EDDIES BARBER SHOP WATER WHEEL INN WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS WEST SLOPE AG CENTER, INC WEST ELK INVESTMENTS WESTERN LUMBER WESTERN SLOPE CONNECTION WILD RAGS BY KATY WILDERSON, LOCK & HILL LLC WILLIAMS ENGINEERING WISE MECHANICAL, INC WLM EXCHANGE WOODEN SPOOL WSCU FOUNDATION ZAABADICK CONSTRUCTION And Thanks to our National Sponsors - COOR’S LIGHT (HIGH COUNTRY BEVERAGE) • DODGE RAM (FLOWER MOTOR CO.) • PENDLETON WHISKY • WRANGLER (8/5/17) 2009 JOINTER COMMANDO UTV: new seats & tires, $5500 OBO. 970-641-2333. (8/5). GUNNISON LIQUORS GUNNISON MOTORSPORTS GUNNISON REAL ESTATE & RENTALS GUNNISON RIVER FLY SHOP GUNNISON SAVINGS & LOAN GUNNISON SHIPPING, LLC GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH GUNNISON VALLEY TELEVISON GUNNISON VETERINARY CLINIC, INC GUNNISON VITAMIN & HEALTH GUNNY LUBE GYDESEN CONSTRUCTION H&R BLOCK HAIR REPAIR II, INC. HEAVY EQUIPMENT TRAINING ADVANTAGES HEGEMAN & DREWNOWSKI, PC HEIGHTS PHYSICAL THERAPY AND PERFORMANCE HENKEL PERFORMANCE HORSES HENRY’S RADIO & TV LLC HI COUNTRY CARPET & TILE HIGH MOUNTAIN LIQUOR HIGH MOUNTAIN WATER HOLDEN VILLAGE HOLLENBECK RANCHES HOSKIN, FARINA AND KAMPF I BAR RANCH IM SILVER INTERNET COLORADO, LLC JAMES FERRARO JAMES R. MCDONALD, P.C. JC PROPANE JOHN ROBERTS MOTOR WORKS KAYV THE CAVE RADIO (8/5). cars&trucks 1996 SUBURBAN: 4WD, white exterior, blue leather interior, 168K miles. Runs well. Great snow tires, seats 8, yours for only $2900! Won’t last! Call 970-3497395. (8/12). HONDA CIVIC WAGOVAN: “Hank the Crank” from 1989. Well maintained, lots of new parts. Good gas mileage. $2000. Jan 641-5303. (8/12). 2009 SUBARU IMPREZA OUTBACK SPORT: only 50K miles, in great condition, up-to-date with all recommended services, professionally cleaned, asking blue book price of $12,500, call Kirsten: 641-2539. (8/12). FOR SALE: 2012 VW JETTA Sportwagen TDI. Diesel engine, averages 40 mpg. Great condition and regular maintenance done with 60,000 miles. Black exterior with black leather interior. $16,500. Roof rack and Thule box not included. Call 970-8462655. (8/12). 1992 GULF STREAM SUN CLIPPER DIESEL MOTOR HOME: 30’, remodeled inside. $15,000 OBO. 970-641-2333. (8/5). CHECK OUT OUR CARS on the web (8/5/8) SUBARU BAJA (2003), everything in good working order. 2527 mpg. Classic, good looking vehicle. Call Kim: 970-349-0785. (8/5). 2005 GRAND CARAVAN: Between Good $6477 & Very Good $6867 in KBB. No mechanical issues; small cosmetic issues. V6 3.8L, FWD, auto sliding doors & tailgate, DVD system, tow pkg. leather, stow and go seats fold flat. Will hold full sheet of plywood inside with seats down. 20-24 mpg. Great mom rig or road trip/camping van. 87700 miles. Bought new. $6200 OBO. 970209-9902 (8/12). 2000 SUBARU OUTBACK: Timing belt broke. Needs to be rebuilt or parted out. $850 OBO. Call 970-497-3720 or text 970596-6939. Located near Gunnison. (8/5). FOR SALE: 1990 Dodge 1-ton 4WD flatbed truck, exc. cond., 160K mi., w/plow & good tires, $7800. 641-1662. (8/12). 2003 JEEP RUBICON: 108K miles. 3” lift, 33” tires. Runs great! Needs a new top. $12,500 970209-5587 (8/12). 1993 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO: In-line 6cyl. Auto, 258,000 miles, engine runs well, 4x4 still good. $800 as is, OBO. Must sell ASAP. Call for more details. 603-345-0201 (8/12). 1993 JEEP WRANGLER: 5spd., 150K mi., good shape, $3950. 641-0818. (8/5). 2001 CHEVY SUBURBAN: 154K, 4WD, leather heated seats, new brakes, new Goodyear Wrangler tires, 5.3 liter Vortec engine, plenty of power. $6000. 641-2184. (8/5). FOR SALE: 1999 late model Red Tahoe LT, 350 engine, heated leather seats, rear barn doors, 99k miles $5000 OBO, 641-5644 (8/5). OLDIE BUT GOODIE if you need to haul wood , horses or a work truck. Ford 250 1982, low miles, $600. 970-275-9538. (8/5). 1996 F150 4X4 PICKUP TRUCK: (Lariat package) 6.5ft bed, extended cab, 194K miles runs great. $3K 349-5005. (8/5). FOR SALE: 1951 M-37 Dodge military vehicle, 3/4-ton, 4 wheel drive, runs well, 642-0337. (8/12). ‘03 SUBARU OUTBACK: 189k miles, $4,000. Call 970-9648122 if interested (8/5). DRIVING TO DENVER? Audio books on tape, CD, even MP3! Come by the Ann Zugelder library, 307 N. Wisconsin before you drive out of town. Popular authors, classics, business and self-help, whatever your taste is! (8/5). 2003 FORD F-250 4X4: The last/best year of the 7.3 diesel. Low miles. Green, long bed, quad cab. 6 speed manual. Tons of new parts. 719-360-5683. (8/5). 1992 S-10 PICKUP TRUCK: 641-4836. (8/5). ‘87 TOYOTA 22R 4 speed, good cond. Needs timing chain. $1200 OBO. May trade.? 719-480-4516 Saguache. (8/5). ‘05 FORD ESCAPE: 4WD, clean, everything works, 30+mpg, near new tires, 145K. Clean, dependable transportation. $2500. 970209-8035. (8/5). 1955 CHEVY PICKUP: rebuilt, call for info. $7500. 641-6908. (8/5). ½ $1000 off list price of any black car or SUV in stock.
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