REBOOT. REFRESH. RENEW. - Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors
REBOOT. REFRESH. RENEW. - Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors
SPRING / SUMMER | PRINTEMPS / ÉTÉ 2013 EXCLUSIVE OFFER Join now for only 20 $ Inscrivez-vous maintenant OFFRE EXCLUSIVE REBOOT. REFRESH. RENEW. REDÉMARREZ. ACTUALISEZ. RENOUVELEZ. PROGRAMS VOLUNTEER l SOCIAL SERVICES l ADAPTED PROGRAMS l FOUNDATION l AT THE CENTRE OF IT ALL | AU CENTRE DE VOTRE VIE PROGRAMMES l BÉNÉVOLAT l SERVICES SOCIAUX l PROGRAMMES ADAPTÉS l FONDATION That’s using your noodle! 3-part Brain Health Series Sponsored in part by the Caplan - Finkelberg Endowment Fund Part 1 Meditation & Brain Health Symposium Wednesday May 22, 2013 Gelber Centre, Noon-3pm (Registration 11:45 am) $25 member / $35 non-member Dr. Andrew Newberg (Keynote Speaker) Dr. Andrew Newberg is the Director of Research for Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital as well as Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on how brain function is associated with various meditative and spiritual states. He is the author of How God Changes Your Brain and he will address the important findings of several landmark studies and the positive effects of meditation on the brain. Dr. Newberg’s address and Q & A will be preceded by your choice of interactive workshops followed by a light lunch. Our series continues this fall with Part 2 Dr. Tiffany Chow Part 3 Dr. Martha Burns Sign up for the entire 3-part series and SAVE $10 October 21, 2013 November 13, 2013 Cognitive Reserve Associate Professor of Neurology and Geriatric Psychiatry, University of Toronto and Senior Researcher, Baycrest Author of The Memory Clinic Cognitive Development across the Continuum: Neuroplasticity at any age Director, Scientific Learning Corporation Associate Professor at Northwestern University $15 member / $20 non-member $15 member / $20 non-member TO REGISTER CALL STEFANI NOVICK 514.342.1234 (7201) VISIT US ON AT THE CENTRE OF IT ALL Table of Contents / Table des matières 1 What's your story? Quelle est votre histoire ?....................................................................2 Membership / Abonnement.............................................................................................. 3 Information & Policies / Information & Politiques............................................................. 4 Registration Information / Information concernant l’inscription....................................... 5 OFF CAMPUS PROGRAMS / MINI CENTRES Beth Ora Seniors Mini Centre – Saint-Laurent ............................................................... 38 Chomedey Cummings Centre ......................................................................................... 36 Prime Time – West Island ........................................................................................ 37–38 Westmount Mini Centre – In the City ....................................................................... 39–41 DÉPARTEMENT FRANCOPHONE Cercle Sépharade ..................................................................................................... 42–43 Centre de Bien-être / Programmes et voyages adaptés............................................ 44–50 FOUNDATION / Fondation ........................................................................................ 51–53 SOCIAL ACTION / Action sociale ..................................................................................... 55 SOCIAL SERVICES / Services sociaux ............................................................................. 56 VOLUNTEER SERVICES / Service du bénévolat ........................................................ 54–55 Cummings Centre / Centre Cummings 5700, av. Westbury Ave., Montréal (Québec) H3W 3E8 Tel./Tél. 514.342.1234 Fax/Téléc. 514.739.6899 • © 2013 ISSN 1488-9536 · Vol. 14 Issue 3 Like us on Facebook Suivez-nous sur Facebook President / Présidente ............................................................................................................................ Barbara Solomon Executive Director / Directeur général............................................................................................. Herb Finkelberg, MSW Director of Volunteer Services / Directrice des Services du bénévolat .................................................. Lynn Gordon, BSW Director of Social Services / Directrice des Services sociaux .............................................................. Rebecca Levy, MSW Director of Program Services / Directrice des Services des programmes .............................................. Keren Ludvig, MEd Director of Finance and Administration / Directrice des Finances et d’administration ............................ Roberta Ross, CA Foundation President / Président de la Fondation .......................................................................................... Mike Wagen Foundation Director / Directrice de la Fondation ................................................................................ Cathy Simons, MSW Editorial Board / Comité de rédaction Bram Besner.................... Rina Friedman.................. Irv Gubitz Frances Bokser................ Pearl Grubert.................... Myriam Moatti Communications, Marketing and Membership Manager / Responable des Communications, du marketing et de l’adhésion ................................................................ Janice Besner Communications and Marketing Supervisor / Responsable des communications et du marketing .Michael Beigleman, MBA Administrative Support / Soutien administratif .......................................................................... Melinda Pardillo-Castillo Cummings Centre Table of Contents / Table des matières ENRICHED LEARNING Books and Writing ........................................................................................................... 5 Bridge ............................................................................................................................. 6 Computers and Photography ....................................................................................... 7–8 Craft Centre ............................................................................................................... 9–11 Fine Arts .................................................................................................................. 12–15 Art & Music Appreciation ......................................................................................... 16–17 Film / Talkumentaries .................................................................................................... 18 Global Affairs ................................................................................................................ 19 Hobbies and Leisure ...................................................................................................... 20 Jewish Studies .............................................................................................................. 21 Languages ..................................................................................................................... 21 Lectures ........................................................................................................................ 22 Performing Arts ............................................................................................................. 23 Social Groups and Clubs ................................................................................................ 24 Trips and Special Events ................................................................................................ 25 Wellness Centre / Adapted Programs & Travel ......................................................... 26–35 1 What's Your Story? / Quelle est votre histoire ? 2 What's Your Story? Are you a member of the Cummings Centre? We want to know how the Cummings Centre has transformed your life. Share your story with us! Here's how: Click: Fill out the online questionnaire at Email: Write us: Cummings Centre, Janice Besner 5700 Westbury Ave., Montreal, QC H3W 3E8 Be sure to include your full name, telephone number, a brief description of how the Cummings Centre has impacted your life. We can't wait to hear from you! Quelle est votre histoire ? Êtes-vous membre du Centre Cummings ? Nous aimerions savoir comment le Centre Cummings a influé sur votre vie. Voici comment faire partager votre histoire : Remplissez le questionnaire en ligne à Envoyez-nous un courriel à Écrivez-nous au Centre Cummings à l’attention de Janice Besner 5700, av. Westbury, Montréal, QC H3W 3E8 Veuillez vous assurer d’avoir bien indiqué vos nom et prénom, adresse, numéro de téléphone et une brève description de la façon dont le Centre Cummings a eu un impact sur votre vie. Nous avons hâte d’avoir de vos nouvelles ! YOM HASHOAH COMMEMORATION A Holocaust commemorative service will be conducted by members of the Drop-in Centre for Holocaust Survivors. Monday, April 8 11 a.m. Gelber Conference Centre, 5700 Westbury Avenue COMMÉMORATION DE YOM HASHOAH Un service commémoratif de l’Holocauste sera dirigé par les membres du Centre de dépannage pour les survivants de l’Holocauste. Lundi 8 avril 11h Centre de conférence Gelber 5700, avenue Westbury Cummings Centre Reboot, refresh, renew! Redémarrez, actualisez, renouvelez ! Le printemps est enfin là ! Alors, enfilez vos espadrilles et profitez de cette belle saison en participant à nos programmes qui vous raviveront. En plus de vos activités préférées, nous en avons ajouté de nombreuses autres dont « Rencontres et randonnées à bicyclette », un groupe de marche sur le Mont Royal, une clinique d’exercices de golf présaisonnier, et même un groupe de danse en ligne, ainsi que de nouvelles excursions d’une journée. Prenez donc un moment pour feuilleter le Guide et pour trouver les activités qui vous conviennent. Looking to join as a new member? Or, renew your membership? Êtes-vous interessé à devenir membre ou à renouvelez votre adhésion ? Now you can join for only $20, so bring a friend and enjoy all the season has to offer. For quick & easy steps on how to register, see page 5. Vous pouvez maintenant vous abonner pour seulement 20 $. Faites-le avec un ami et profitez de cette belle saison. Pour s'incrire voir page 5. Gift Certificates Make someone happ y Buy a Cummings Centre gift certificate for a friend or loved one and share the gift of health, fulfillment and lifelong learning. You choose the amou , they choose the experient nc e. Cummings Centre gift certificates can be used towards membership and any program. To learn more, call Jud y 514.342.1234 local 7209. HOLIDAY CLOSURES Monday. March 25......... Erev Passover (Close at noon) Tuesday, March 26......... Passover Wednesday, March 27.... Passover Monday, April 1.............. Passover Tuesday, April 2............. Passover Tuesday, May 14............ Erev Shavuot (Close at 2 p.m.) Wednesday, May 15....... Shavuot Thursday, May 16........... Shavuot Monday, May 20............. Victoria Day Monday, June 24............ St. Jean Baptiste Day Monday, July 1............... Canada Day Note: The cafeteria will be closed throughout Passover. *Join from March 18 through to July 31 for 50% off the $40 annual membership fee for the main campus site. Off campus site is $20 for the year. Cummings Centre Certificats-cadeaux Rendre quelqu’un heur eux Quoi de mieux que d’offrir en même temps du bien-être, de l’épanouissement et de l’apprentissage continu à un proche ou à un ami. Le Centre Cummings vous offre la possibilité d’acheter un cert ificat-cadeau. Vous choisissez le montant , le récipiendaire chois it les expériences. Les certificats-cadeaux du Centre Cum mings peuvent être appliqués pour un abonnement et pour toute participation à un programme. Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez joindre Judy au 514 .342.1234, poste 7209. FERMETURE DES FÊTES Lundi 25 mars......... Veille de Pessah (fermeture à midi) Mardi 26 mars......... Pessah Mercredi 27 mars.... Pessah Lundi 1 avril............. Pessah Mardi 2 avril............ Pessah Mardi 14 mai........... Veille de Shavouoth (fermeture à 14h) Mercredi 15 mai...... Shavouoth Jeudi 16 mai............ Shavouoth Lundi 20 mai............ Fête de la Reine Lundi 24 juin........... Fête de la Saint-Jean Baptiste Lundi 1 juillet.......... Fête du Canada Noter: La cafétéria sera fermée durant les fêtes de Pessah *Devenez membre du campus principal du 18 mars au 31 juillet pour une réduction de 50% de la cotisation annuelle de 40$. Le coût annuel est de seulement 20$ pour le site hors campus. Membership / Abonnement Spring is finally here so grab your running shoes and join us for a great season of programs to help you reconnect with nature, get moving and exercise your brain. In addition to your favourites, we’ve got a terrific lineup of new activities including a ‘Meet & Ride’ Bike trip, a social walking group on Mount Royal, a pre-golf season exercise clinic, an assortment of day trips, even a Shake Your Bootie Line Dancing Group. So, take a moment, flip through the Guide and find the right blend of activities for you. 3 4 Information & Policies Information & Politiques Comments and questions? Commentaires et questions ? Information & Policies / Information et Politiques Please call local 7209. Judy Cooner 514.342.1234 Veuillez téléphoner à 514.342.1234 poste 7209. Judy Cooner au Registration policies Politique d’inscription Course refunds Remboursement des cours Withdrawing from a course Se retirer d’un cours Check your receipt Vérifier son reçu Please check your receipt after registering to ensure that the information is correct. Advise us if there are any errors. Après l’inscription, veuillez vérifier votre reçu afin de vous assurer que toutes les informations sont correctement transcrites. Il est important de nous aviser de toute omission ou erreur. Financial Aid Aide financière The membership year is September 2012 to August 2013. All participants are required to register for programs in advance. Should you decide to join a course on the day it begins, please call ahead to confirm that the course is running and there is space available. Register by phone or in person before the class begins. The Cummings Centre occasionally cancels a course due to insufficient registration. Register early to avoid disappointment. Full refunds will be given only if a program is cancelled by the Cummings Centre. No refunds or credits are given on one-time events or workshops, on courses of two sessions or less, on class extensions or after the course has started. A $5 administrative fee is charged if a refund is requested for a course at least five business days before the course begins. No administration fee is charged if you retain your fees in the system as a credit. If you withdraw within four business days of the first session, you will receive a 50% refund or 50% credit of your fees. Credits left in the system can be applied to any course, workshop or event at any time within a 12-month period, as long as your membership is current. We will not turn anyone away because of an inability to pay. For more information call 514.342.1234 and ask for the Intake Worker. The Cummings Centre reserves the right to make changes to any information contained in this publication. L’année d’adhésion couvre la période de septembre 2012 à août 2013. Tous les participants doivent s’inscrire aux programmes à l’avance. Si vous décidez de vous abonner à un cours le jour même où il débute, veuillez appeler à l'avance pour confirmer si le cours a bien lieu et s’il reste de la place. Inscrivez-vous par téléphone ou arrivez tôt pour vous inscrire avant que le cours commence. Il arrive que le Centre Cummings annule un cours par manque d’inscription. Veuillez-vous inscrire le plus tôt possible afin d’éviter toute déception. Le remboursement complet sera accordé seulement si le programme est annulé par le Centre Cummings. Lorsqu’il s’agit d’événements ou d’ateliers occasionnels, de cours de 2 séances ou moins, ou de cours prolongés, aucun remboursement ou crédit ne sera accordé. Si vous annulez un cours au moins cinq jours ouvrables avant la première séance, des frais d’administration de 5 $ seront appliqués. Si vous laissez le crédit « en banque » dans nos dossiers, les frais d’administration de 5 $ seront annulés. Si vous vous retirez quatre jours ouvrables ou moins avant la première séance, vous recevrez un remboursement de 50 % ou un crédit du montant que vous avez payé. Les crédits laissés dans le système peuvent être appliqués à n'importe quel cours, atelier ou un événement à tout moment dans un délai de 12 mois, aussi longtemps que votre adhésion est en cours. Aucune personne ne sera refusée pour des raisons monétaires. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez téléphoner au 514.342.1234 et demandez à parler à un professionnel de l’Accueil. Le Centre Cummings se réserve le droit de faire des modifications sur les informations contenues dans cette publication, dans le changement des différents honoraires, horaires et la révision ou l’annulation des cours, programmes et services. Cummings Centre 50+ Programs / Programmes des 50 ans et plus Keren Ludvig, MEd Director of Program Services Directrice des Services des programmes 514.342.1234 local / poste 7247 Joyce Tobenstein, BA Coordinator of Program Services Coordonnatrice des Services des programmes 514.342.1234 local / poste 7318 Claude Elbaz Coordonnateur des programmes français 514.342.1234 poste 7325 5 Stefani Novick, BA Coordinator of Program Services Coordonnatrice des Services des programmes 514.342.1234 local / poste 7201 Information concernant l’inscription Key Registration Dates Dates importantes concernant les inscriptions All course registration requires an updated 2013 Membership. Exclusive spring / summer membership offer is $20. Membership / Wellness: Ongoing All other courses: Starts Monday, March 18 Une adhésion 2013 à jour est requise pour toute inscription aux cours. Exclusivité – l’offre d’adhésion printemps / été est de 20 $. Adhésion / Centre de bien-être : En tout temps Tous les autres cours : à partir du lundi 18 mars Want to join? Renew your membership? Êtes-vous interessé à devenir membre ou à renouvelez votre adhésion ? 3 Quick & Easy Ways to Register: 3 moyens rapides et faciles de vous inscrire : 1. 2. 3. On-line: Call Registration 514.342.1234 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Friday In person – Stop by our Westbury campus 1. En ligne : 2. Appelez le service d’inscription au 514.342.1234 de 8h30 à 15h30 du lundi au jeudi de 8h30 à 12h30 vendredi 3. En personne : Passez à notre campus Westbury Registration / inscription Registration Information Questions? We're always happy to hear from you. Questions? Nous sommes toujours ravis d’avoir de vos nouvelles : E-mail Books and Writing Full Monday BOOK CLUB LIT 114 Go where reading can take you. Enjoy stimulating discussions on a special selection of books. The club meets the third Monday of the month. Sept. 10 – Aug. 19 2–3:30 p.m. $50 annually Louise Wall WRITER’S CIRCLE LIT 107-02 Share your writing in a stimulating, creative and intimate environment with others who write – be it poetry, short novel, diary or autobiography. The Writer’s Circle is a wonderful opportunity for you. April 9 – Aug. 27 1–3 p.m. Ongoing $22 Irv Gubitz Tuesday Full Wednesday Cummings Centre CREATIVE WRITERS LIT 106 Stimulate your creative juices through writing exercises as well as home-grown poetry and prose. The focus is to motivate, critique and enjoy the experience. Sept. 5 – Aug. 28 1–3 p.m. Ongoing $50 annually Peer-led Books and Writing Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 6 Bridge Bridge for all levels Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS PART I BRI 300 Learn the basic mechanics of the game of bridge, the play of the cards, the principles of bidding and opening the bidding. Photocopy charge included in fee. sessions Tue / Thurs April 16 – May 9 10 – noon 8 $90 Dorothy Marcus En INITIATION AU BRIDGE BRI 337 Français Apprenez ce jeu de cartes qui vous stimulera, captivera par sa discipline et vous Mardi / Jeudi Tues / Thurs Bridge Tues / Thurs ouvrira un monde amical. 30 avril au 13 juin 15h à 17h 12 130 $ Gilbert Starosta BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS PART II BRI 301 BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS PART III BRI 302 PHASE ll: COMPETITIVE BIDDING BRI 304 BEGINNERS BRIDGE GAME BRI 339 Enhance your knowledge of bridge by learning responses to opening bids, one no trump bids and beginning responses to one of a major. Photocopy charge included in fee. May 21 – June 20 10 – noon 10 $110 Dorothy Marcus Learn how to respond to one of a major and one of a minor openings. Photocopy charge included in fee. June 25 – July 11 10 – noon 6 $70 Dorothy Marcus The opponents have bid and you want to compete for the contract. Learn what to do. April 15 – May 27 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. 6 $65 Fred Hoffer Monday New Monday Geared specifically to those individuals who are taking bridge lessons. Put into practice the basic mechanics of bridge with preset hands. The hands will be linked to the material covered in class. Minimum level: Bridge part I. May 13 – June 17 10 – noon 5 $60 Dorothy Marcus SUPERVISED BRIDGE Held at Shaare Zedek Congregation, 5305 Rosedale. Light refreshments are served. Tuesday Ongoing 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. $7 Norm Cohen pay as you play Fred Hoffer DUPLICATE BRIDGE Light refreshments are served. Wednesday Resumes April 17 1 – 4 p.m. PLAY OF THE HAND Wednesday $7 pay as you play Fred Hoffer BRI 314 Hone your declaring skills with this intermediate course on dummy play. May 1 – 29 10 – noon 4 $45 Fred Hoffer SUPERVISED BRIDGE Held at the Cummings Centre, 5700 Westbury. Light refreshments are served. Thursday Ongoing 1 – 4 p.m. $7 Norm Cohen pay as you play Cummings Centre Nina and Harry Hart Computer Learning Centre New classes New laptops Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 WINDOWS LEVEL l 7 COMP 300 / COMP 301/ COMP 400 Become comfortable and familiar with the basic functions of Windows. Course includes e-mail / Gmail, Internet and file management. sessions Mon & Wed Thursday Mon & Wed April 29 – May 29 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 8 April 25 – June 20 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 8 July 8 – 31 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 8 $100 $100 $100 Sol Levinson Tammy Halpern Charles Schulman WINDOWS LEVEL II Mon & Wed COMP 306 A continuation of the beginner course. Review file management techniques, copy, cut and paste, create shortcuts and computer maintenance. Prerequisite: Windows Level I June 3 – 19 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 6 $78 Sol Levinson COURS D’ORDINATEUR POUR DÉBUTANTS COMP 378 En Ce cours répondra à vos questions et interrogations. Vous ferez connaissance Français TIPS AND TRICKS TO USING YOUR iPAD Monday Tuesday Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Cummings Centre COMP 369/COMP 369-01 Discover some of the features, shortcuts and tips to using your iPad. Get the most out of your device with this how-to session for downloading “apps” from iTunes, managing photos and e-mails, as well as some quick tricks. Bring your iPad. April 15, 22 10 – noon 2 $35 Carol Shattner May 7, 14 10 – noon 2 $35 Carol Shattner SKYPE WORKSHOP COMP 358 SOCIAL NETWORKING COMP 361 DOWNLOADING & INSTALLING PROGRAMS COMP 371 Learn how to Skype for free calls, video calls and instant messaging over the Internet. Prerquisite: Internet savvy, Hi-speed Internet access. April 22 1:30 – 4 p.m. 1 $22 Sol Levinson Learn how to stay in touch with family and friends using the popular social networking site – Facebook – a great method for communication! Create a Facebook account, use its fundamental features, download photos and adjust the privacy settings. April 29, May 6 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 2 $35 Marla Veres Learn how to download, install and uninstall software. May 13 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 1 $25 Sol Levinson SHORTCUTS WORKSHOP COMP 372 DOWNLOADING AND SAVING FILES FROM THE INTERNET AND E-MAIL TO WORD COMP 343 This workshop will make your computing experience faster and more efficient by showing you shortcuts to typical tasks, how to insert special characters and how to make the most of your keyboard. April 16 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 1 $18 Tammy Halpern Save great recipes, interesting articles you find on the Internet or jokes you receive by e-mail. Learn how to copy part of a website or e-mail into a Word document, then edit, format and save it. April 23 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 1 $18 Tammy Halpern COMPUTER LEARNING continued on next page Computer Learning Mardi avec Windows et découvrirez l'Internet. Vous apprendrez à naviguer sur les sites et télécharger des fichiers. 7 mai au 18 juin 15h à 17h 6 75 $ Charles Schulman 8 COMPUTER LEARNING continued from previous page iPAD ADVANCED WORKSHOP COMP 379 Carol will answer specific questions that iPad users have as well as cover apps related to photos, calendars and contacts. sessions Tuesday April 30 Wednesday Computer Learning Wednesday New Wednesday New Wednesday Wednesday Thursday $18 Carol Shattner YOUTUBE / TV BROADCASTS / LIVE STREAMING WORKSHOP COMP 367 TIPS AND TRICKS TO USING YOUR iPHONE COMP 366 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP COMP 338 GOOGLE TOOLS COMP 380 iPhones are great for doing basic things like making calls, sending text messages and checking emails but they can do much more to automate our lives and make tasks easier. Learn some essential tips and tricks to get you started. Bring your iPhone. April 17, 24 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 2 $35 Marla Veres Keep your computer safe and clean. Learn to scan for and remove viruses and spyware, block pop ups and clean out old files. Bring your questions. April 24 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 1 $25 Sol Levinson An overview of Google tools and their functions. May 1 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 1 $18 Marc Bohbot SELLING ONLINE COMP 347 MONTAGE WORKSHOP COMP 376 E-MAIL WORKSHOP COMP 342 COPY, CUT & PASTE COMP 368 Want to sell online? We will teach you how to list your item or service on popular local Montreal sites. Learn to write descriptions, upload pictures, choose categories and manage the ad. May 8 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. 1 $25 Marc Bohbot It's your family reunion and you want to create a special montage. Learn how to put pictures and captions together to produce a slideshow that will delight all. May 22 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. 1 $25 Tammy Halpern Learn how to send, reply and forward e-mails and how to send attachments. April 11 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 1 $25 Tammy Halpern Learn how to copy, cut and paste folders, files and text. April 18 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 1 $22 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP Thursday 1 Take your Internet knowledge to the next level. Learn how to access YouTube (search, play, save, send), download podcasts and stream television shows and videos on the Internet. April 30 1 – 4 p.m. 1 $25 Marc Bohbot Tuesday Thursday 10 – noon Sol Levinson COMP 314 Adobe Photoshop is the most widely used digital imaging program for manipulating photos, illustrations, type and web images. Learn the basics: edit and colour images, retouch proofs, create original and composite artwork and add text to images. Prerequisite: Windows April 25 – June 20 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 8 $100 Sol Levinson Photography MANAGING YOUR DIGITAL PHOTOS Tuesday COMP 363 From taking a picture to editing it and all steps in between. Learn how to use Picassa to organize and view your photos, remove red eye and make adjustments. Bring your camera with its attachments. April 9 – 23 10 – noon 3 $53 Sol Levinson Cummings Centre Craft Centre Contact Riva Fenster 514.342.1234 local 7269 You may register for more than one session at the beginning of registration to guarantee your place. JEWELLERY DESIGN – INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED 9 CRA 342-01 / CRA 342-02 Create jewellery in mixed media. Wire wrapping, weaving, chain making, assembling and finishing will be taught. Personal expression will be emphasized. Materials not included. sessions Monday April 22 – May 13 May 27 – June 17 1 – 4 p.m. 1 – 4 p.m. 4 4 3-D ASSEMBLAGE Wednesday CRA 314 CRA 302-01 / CRA 302-02 / CRA 302-03 / CRA 302-04 CRA 378-01 / CRA 378-02 Take a step-by-step approach to tole painting. Learn basic brush strokes and tole techniques. Decorate an object made of wood, metal or clay. Project pieces available for purchase at first class or bring your own. Most other materials included. May 1 – 29 12:30 – 3 p.m. 4 $70 Sandra Baertschi June 5 – 26 12:30 – 3 p.m. 4 $70 Sandra Baertschi WOOD CARVING WITH MICHAEL COSSEVER CRA 344 Learn to sculpt strips of wood into 3D art forms such as menorahs, wall hangings or birds. Patterns and forms will be supplied. Scroll saw experience helpful, but not necessary. Kit fee of $50 for softwood plus fee for candle holders. April 18 – May 30 noon – 4 p.m. 6 $85 Michael Cossever Thursday New POLYMER CLAY - PRECIOUS STONE PENDANTS CRA 308-09 New POLYMER CLAY – BEZELS AND CABAUCHONS CRA 308-11 Thursday Thursday Incorporate precious stones into decorated polymer bezels to create unique pendants. Materials included. May 2 – 30 9 – noon 4 $80 Gaby Orbach, BA Experiment with colours, patterns, canes and inks to create jewel-like cabauchons. May 2 – 30 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4 $80 Gaby Orbach, BA CRAFT CENTRE continued on next page Cummings Centre Craft Centre Paint patterns on project piece of your choice: floorcloths, footstools, boxes or children’s toys. Project pieces are available for sale at first class, or bring your own. Most other materials included. May 1 – 29 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. 4 $70 Joyce Reinblatt May 1 – 29 1 – 3 p.m. 4 $70 Joyce Reinblatt June 5 – 26 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. 4 $70 Joyce Reinblatt June 5 – 26 1 – 3 p.m. 4 $70 Joyce Reinblatt TOLE PAINTING Wednesday Anne Nishmas Anne Nishmas Build a thematic 3D sculpture or shadow box with recycled and found objects. Materials not included. May 1 – 29 9 – noon 4 $65 Nicole Landy DECORATIVE PAINTING Wednesday $75 $75 10 CRAFT CENTRE continued from previous page JEWELLERY DESIGN – ALL LEVELS CRA 336-01 / CRA 336-02 / CRA 336-03 / CRA 336-04 POLYMER CLAY – TILED BRACELET CRA 308-12 POLYMER CLAY – ANCIENT MODERN CRA 308-10 Create jewellery in mixed media. Wire wrapping, weaving, chain making, assembling and finishing will be taught. Personal expression will be emphasized. Materials not included. sessions May 2 – 30 9 – noon 4 $75 Anne Nishmas May 2 – 30 1 – 4 p.m. 4 $75 Anne Nishmas June 6 – 20 9 – noon 3 $60 Anne Nishmas June 6 – 20 1 – 4 p.m. 3 $60 Anne Nishmas Thursday New Thursday Use texture and various new techniques to achieve a fashionable bracelet. June 6 – 27 9 – noon 4 $80 Gaby Orbach, BA Use black, white and translucent clay to create spectacular jewellery of different shapes, textures and embellishments. June 6 – 27 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4 $80 Gaby Orbach, BA Thursday Craft Centre CHINA MOSAICS CRA 420 Using broken bits of china from your own collection if possible, create works of art on trays, trivets, or mirrors. These will be available for sale at first class, or bring your own. Grout included. All other materials not included. July 11 - 25 1 – 4 p.m. 3 $65 Gaby Orbach, BA Cafe Craft & Fine Arts Open House Thursday CRA 3000 Wednesday, April 24 1 – 3 p.m. Be our guest and join fellow artists and artisans in the art room/craft centre. Meet the teachers and view spring/summer programs and projects. “ Opening the door to the Cummings Centre is opening a myriad of possibilities in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Whatever courses you choose to take, you are bound to learn and expand your interests, pleasure and satisfaction. Personally, I experienced a ‘light bulb moment' in the Fine Arts and Craft Centre, which culminated in the publication of two books entitled Honourable Menschen. I met the most incredible people who planted the seed for this project which was a collection of tributes and interviews. Thanks to the Cummings Centre, I have reached fulfillment beyond my dreams. Make a plan to visit and take a tour with a staff member. You’ll be glad you did. Doreen Glazer ” CRAFT CENTRE continued on next page Cummings Centre CRAFT CENTRE continued from previous page New 11 One Day Workshops COLOUR HARMONY BEADING CRA 390 Create your own unique jewellery. Materials not included. Wednesday, April 17 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $53 Carol Dimentberg POLYMER CLAY – PENDANT WITH POLYMER – RIVETED METAL BAIL CRA 308-08 Construct a pendant with a metal bail using polymer rivets as decorative design elements. Materials included. Thursday, April 18 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $55 Gaby Orbach, BA UNCHAIN YOUR LOVE OF GEMS CRA 315 Monday, May 6 9 – noon $22 Chris & Alix CRA 355 Kumihimo is the ancient Japanese technique of braiding, using cord, thread, or wool on a round disc form. Disc included in price. Other materials not included. Beads and wire will be incorporated in the technique. Some experience suggested. Thursday, April 25 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $58 Anne Nishmas CRA 317 Janie is back at the Centre for a unique two day workshop to inspire and explore your creativity and unleash the artist within. Inspiration will be drawn from music, writings, found objects, a blank canvas and basic materials. The experienced artist and even the non-artist will enjoy every moment and be truly inspired. Materials included except canvas. MEXICAN INFLUENCED JEWELLERY CRA 396 Specific techniques based on Anne’s travels. Materials not included. Thursday, June 27 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $55 Anne Nishmas Wednesday, June 5 and 12 9 – noon $60 Janie Reisler TOLE PAINTING PROJECT CRA 424 Complete a special project in two full workshops. Materials included except project piece. Wednesday, July 3 and 10 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $100 Sandra Baertschi CRACKLE CANE CRA 429 Layer metal leaf beneath a surface of translucent crackle cane and other additions to achieve a unique piece of jewellery. Materials included. Thursday, July 4 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $55 Gaby Orbach, BA DECORATING TIPS AND TRICKS: See page 20 Cummings Centre STORIES FROM THE BLOCK CRA 441 Every picture tells a story. Commemorate family, friends or an admired figure using photos and mixed media collage techniques. Wood blocks, provided in class, will be embellished to create a unique “3D album.” Blocks can then be stacked in different dynamic ways. See samples in Craft Centre. Wednesday, July 17 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $55 Nicole Landy Craft Centre Join Chris and Alix from Bijoux Couture to mix and match gemstones and chain while learning and reviewing the jewelry basics. Kit fee $15. All levels. INSPIRATION KUMIHIMO JEWELLERY Intermediate/Advanced 12 Fine Arts To register for courses call 514.342.1234 local 7365 Contact Patricia Kehler or Dorothy Finkelberg 514.342.1234 local 7250 Workshops and Lectures PAINTING WITH MEDITATION FINE 332 Take part in a journey to the creative self! Fine Arts No experience necessary. Put hand to brush and the magic will follow. Discover the healing power of art through the sheer joy of painting. Find and express your creativity, give voice to your inner artist and let your imagination dance! Materials included. Monday, April 29 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. $40 Margaret Benzacar, BA, BEd JEWISH ART WALKING TOUR FINE 346 This tour will highlight some of the collections of Jewish art in the Montreal Jewish Community Campus: Gelber Centre, Jewish Public Library and Jewish Community Centre (YM-YWHA). From Jewish philosophy and history to Yiddish culture, supported by layers of memory, the works under discussion will serve as a source of inspiration, contemplation and pure aesthetic joy. Wednesday, June 26 1 – 4 p.m. $20 includes coffee and refreshments Barbara Weiser, MA MODERN ART SPRING INTO FAUVISM IMAGE TRANSFER FINE 380 Explore the exciting world of modern acrylics! FINE 325 Art History Lecture and Workshop Celebrate the coming of spring with a colourful introduction to Modern Art's wild child: Fauvism! A lecture on the origins of the genre will explore the styles and portfolios of featured artists such as Henri Matisse, Andre Derain, Alice Bailly and more! Following the lecture, there will be an art activity during which we will exercise the techniques and colour palettes used by featured artists to produce a Fauvist creation of our own. Materials included. Transform a black-and-white photograph into your own original artwork using the image transfer technique. Play with texture and colour, and go home with a finished piece. No drawing skills necessary. Materials included. Monday, May 13 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. $65 Linda Beck-Sidel Monday, April 29 1 – 4:30 p.m. $35 Erin McCarthy, BFA PAINT WITH PASTELS ON SANDPAPER FINE 492 From a watercolor underpainting create a vibrant landscape or still life with soft pastels on a sanded surface. Hold the date! THE ART OF TEA Taste…Discover…Learn Explore the ceremony, history and art of this ancient ritual. Wednesday, August 28 1 – 3 p.m. Intermediate to Advanced levels Thursday, August 29 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. $40 Harvey Segal FINE ARTS continued on next page Cummings Centre Fine Arts 13 To register for courses call 514.342.1234 local 7365 Contact Patricia Kehler or Dorothy Finkelberg 514.342.1234 local 7250 JEWELLERY WORKSHOP FINE 300 / FINE 400 Create new designs in copper, silver and semi-precious stones. Materials included. sessions Monday May 6 – June 17 July 8 – August 12 PASTEL Monday May 13 – June 17 July 8 – August 19 9 – noon 9 – noon 6 6 $65 $65 Esther Krupp & Morris Seidman 9 – noon 9 – noon 5 7 $80 Margaret Mankin, BFA $110 Margaret Mankin, BFA FINE 331 / FINE 431 PORTRAITS INTERMEDIATE Live models. Some materials included. May 6 – June 17 1 – 3 p.m. July 8 – August 12 1 – 3 p.m. Monday New Monday 6 6 $70 $70 Renée Grad Renée Grad TRADITIONAL DRAWING AND PAINTING TECHNIQUES – All levels FINE 342 WATERCOLOURS PLUS! FINE 458 This is a how-to class. Learn the basics of drawing and painting. Explore, experiment and discover your inner artist. May 6 – June 17 1 – 3 p.m. 6 $70 Rebekah Maccow, BA Push the limits of watercolour painting in this mixed media class based on watercolour. An experimental approach for beginners and advanced watercolourists alike. July 8 – August 19 1 – 4 p.m. 7 $110 Shushana Caplan, BFA, BEd En Français DESSIN ET PASTEL A L'HUILE SUR TOILE Lundi soir 27 mai au 15 juillet Monday Eve New Monday Eve Monday Eve COLLAGE May 27 – June 17 6 70 $ Rebecca Logan, BFA 4 – 6 p.m. 4 $55 Olga Maksimova FINE 311 HANDBUILDING TECHNIQUES IN CLAY – Beginner and Intermediate levels Clay available for purchase in class. July 8 – August 12 4 – 6 p.m. 6 DRAWING WITH IVAN MARKOVIC – All levels May 27 – June 17 July 8 – August 12 STONE SCULPTURE Monday Tuesday FINE 339 16h à 18h 5 – 7 p.m. 5 – 7 p.m. 4 6 $70 FINE 456 Esther Ross FINE 368 / FINE 468 $50 Ivan Markovic, BFA, MFA $75 Ivan Markovic, BFA, MFA FINE 303 / FINE 403 / FINE 304 / FINE 404 Create a design in stone in 3 dimensions while developing techniques and skills of sculpting. A mask must be worn over the mouth and nose when stone carving. Power tools are not permitted. April 15 – June 17 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 9 $160 Anne-Ingrid Helik July 8 – August 12 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 6 $107 Anne-Ingrid Helik April 16 – June 18 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 9 $160 Anne-Ingrid Helik June 25 – July 30 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 6 $107 Anne-Ingrid Helik FINE ARTS continued on next page Cummings Centre Fine Arts Monday FINE 301 / FINE 401 14 FINE ARTS continued from previous page PAINTING WITH RITA BRIANSKY – Intermediate and Advanced levels Tuesday April 30 – July 16 9 – noon sessions ACRYLIC PAINTING WITH SOL LEVINSON Tuesday May 7 – July 2 1 – 4 p.m. 12 $210 Rita Briansky 8 $125 Sol Levinson FINE 343 UNCONVENTIONAL WATERCOLOUR FINE 363 / FINE 463 See magic happen when watercolour is manipulated, combined with other materials and explored in unique ways. Individual expression is encouraged. May 7 – June 25 1 – 4 p.m. 7 $105 Marilyn Green, BFA July 2 – August 13 1 – 4 p.m. 7 $105 Marilyn Green, BFA Tuesday Tuesday Eve Wednesday Wednesday Fine Arts FINE 353 New Wednesday ACRYLIC PAINTING TECHNIQUES May 7 – July 16 5 – 7:30 p.m. 10 $115 FINE 340 Rebecca Logan, BFA INTRODUCTION TO STAINED GLASS FINE 396 / FINE 496 STAINED GLASS WORKSHOP FINE 322 / FINE 422 DRAWING IN CHARCOAL – All levels FINE 361 / FINE 461 This course will teach you how to cut glass and create small projects. Kit fee $50. May 1 – June 26 9 – noon 8 $125 Nora Golic July 3 – August 21 9 – noon 8 $125 Nora Golic Develop your personal projects under the guidance of the instructor. May 1 – June 26 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 8 $125 Nora Golic July 3 – August 21 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 8 $125 Nora Golic Work from still life and other subjects to develop skill with the charcoal medium. Guidance will also be provided by the instructor for established students in acrylic, watercolour and charcoal. May 22 – June 26 9 – noon 6 $75 Pietro Piunno July 3 – August 7 9 – noon 6 $75 Pietro Piunno HANDBUILDING TECHNIQUES IN CLAY – Beginner and Intermediate levels Clay available for purchase in class. Wednesday Eve May 22 – June 26 4 – 6 p.m. New 6 ABSTRACT PAINTING WITH ERIN McCARTHY May 8 – June 12 Wednesday Eve June 26 – July 24 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 5 5 $66 Esther Ross $80 $80 Erin McCarthy, BFA Erin McCarthy, BFA FINE 359 / FINE 459 CLAY SCULPTURE - All levels Clay available for purchase in class. April 25 – July 11 9 – noon Thursday FINE 398 11 $175 RELIEF SCULPTURE - All levels Olga Maksimova FINE 488 Develop a relief sculpture by using the basic techniques and materials that characterize this craft. Gain skills in modeling and develop a sense for elements of design. Clay available for purchase in class. July 26 – August 23 9 – noon 5 $75 Ivan Markovic, BFA, MA Thursday New Thursday FINE 356 ADAPTED ART CLASSES (Parkinson’s, MS, Post Stroke/Post Rehab) ADP 306 / ADP 406 An opportunity to discover and explore various art media such as paint, pastel and mixed media to encourage creative expression as part of the recovery process. Adapted equipment available. Materials included. May 9 – June 27 10 – noon 8 $100 Elena Guseva July 4 – August 22 10 – noon 8 $100 Elena Guseva FINE ARTS continued on next page Cummings Centre FINE ARTS continued from previous page 15 PAINTING WITH PASTELS sessions Thursday April 25 – June 27 July 4 – August 22 Thursday Eve 1 – 4 p.m. 1 – 4 p.m. PAINTING WITH PASTELS April 25 – June 27 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. July 4 – August 22 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 9 8 FINE 327 / FINE 427 $158 $140 Harvey Segal Harvey Segal FINE 327-01 / FINE 427-01 9 8 $158 $140 FLOWER CARD WORKSHOP Thursday Friday En plein air ! FINE 326 / FINE 426 Design and create greeting cards using dried flowers. Materials included. May 2 – June 27 1 – 3 p.m. 8 $30 Joan Barriere July 4 – August 22 1 – 3 p.m. 8 $30 Joan Barriere DRAWING WITH MARGARET MANKIN May 17 – June 21 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. July 12 – Aug 23 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. FINE 314 / FINE 414 6 7 ACRYLIC PAINTING STUDIO WITH DAVID MAURICE Friday Harvey Segal Harvey Segal May 10 – June 7 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. June 21 – July 19 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 5 5 $95 Margaret Mankin, BFA $110 Margaret Mankin, BFA FINE 389 / FINE 489 $75 $75 David Maurice David Maurice Materials not included except where indicated. FINE ARTS EXHIBITION & SALE by the students of the Fine Arts Department and Craft Centre Are you an art collector or are you looking for a special gift? Outstanding student art works, including framed paintings, drawings, sculptures, jewellery, greeting cards and more, will be on display and available for purchase. Vernissage Monday, April 15, 4:30–6:30 p.m. Exhibition | Sale Tuesday, April 16, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Contact Patricia Kehler 514.342.1234 local 7250 Cummings Centre Fine Arts CANADIAN ARTIST TOM THOMPSON lecture – April 16 & 23, 1- 3 p.m. See page 16 16 Art and Music Appreciation Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 New ART AND CINEMA OF THE 20th CENTURY MART 328 Learn about the beginning of the Modern Art Movement, dating from the end of the 19 th century, with French artist Courbet and its link to the birth of photography and cinema. Follow the avant-garde art movements and discover how cinema and visual art influenced each other. sessions Art and Music Appreciation Monday April 15 – June 10 8 $85 Teresa Maglietta, BFA New CANADIAN ARTIST TOM THOMPSON MART 329 New CHANGING THE COURSE OF AMERICAN POPULAR MUSIC MART 330 Tuesday Tuesday 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Thomas John "Tom" Thomson (1877 – 1917) was an influential Canadian artist of the early 20th century. He directly influenced a group of Canadian painters who would come to be known as the Group of Seven. Although he died before the group was formally formed, he is sometimes incorrectly credited as being a member of the group itself. This course will examine his life and his paintings. April 16, 23 1 – 3 p.m. 2 $22 Joan Ruth Felvinci, MA A comparative handful of songwriters, many immigrants or children of Jewish immigrants, transformed the course of American popular music during the first half of the 20 th century. These lectures, highlighted by movie clips of some of their most beloved songs, will look at the careers of eight of the greatest: Irving Berlin, Jerome Kern, Oscar Hammerstein, George Gershwin, Ira Gershwin, Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart and Cole Porter. May 7 – June 11 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 5 $55 David Novek JEWISH ART WALKING TOUR FINE 346 This tour will highlight some of the collections of Jewish art in the Montreal Jewish Community Campus: Gelber Centre, Jewish Public Library and Jewish Community Centre (YM-YWHA). North America’s most important contemporary Jewish artists and studios have contributed to the myriad of incarnations of the visual arts in this collection. From Jewish philosophy and history to Yiddish culture, supported by layers of memory, the works under discussion will serve as a source of inspiration, contemplation and pure aesthetic joy. Wednesday, June 26 1 – 4 p.m. $20 includes coffee and refreshments Barbara Weiser, MA ART AND MUSIC APPRECIATION continued on next page Cummings Centre ART AND MUSIC APPRECIATION continued from previous page 17 Music Appreciation Series with Robert Markow Three lectures that will enhance your appreciation of classical music Wednesdays, 1 – 3 p.m. $16 per lecture April 10 THE SOUNDS OF SPAIN MART 331 May 8 THE MUSICAL WORLD OF LEONARD BERNSTEIN MART 332 May 22 WHAT IS CHAMBER MUSIC? MART 333 June 5 THE SHOCK OF THE NEW MART 334 June 12 MUSICAL TALES OF LONG AGO AND FAR AWAY MART 335 Spain is an alluring land of passionate spirits, flamboyant dance rhythms, dazzling colours and an aura all its own, one slightly tinged with exoticism. It is a land celebrated in music not only by its many native composers like de Falla and Albeniz, but equally by foreigners: Bizet in Carmen, Ravel in Bolero, Rimsky-Korsakov in Capriccio espagnol and many others. Then there’s an enormous repertory of music for Spain’s national instrument, the guitar, and its indigenous form of operetta, the zarzuela. It all adds up to an enthralling two hours of music. Chamber music is one of the fastest-growing areas of interest today in audiences for classical music. This is music for a small number of musicians, each with his or her own part to play. Enjoy listening to, or watching on video, a duet by Bach, a trio by Mozart, a quartet by Dvorak, a quintet by Brahms, a sextet by Poulenc, a septet by Beethoven, an octet by Mendelssohn . . . and on we go! From Beethoven to Berio, new music has often shaken, stunned and bemused the first audiences to hear it. Discover some of the epochal works that began life amidst scathing criticism but which today are regarded as masterpieces. Listen to passages from Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony, Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto, Strauss’s opera Salome and Stravinsky’s ballet score The Rite of Spring as if they were brand new. In addition, you will be challenged with a few additional works that might really surprise and shock modern ears. Maybe even yours! Let your imagination run wild with some of the fantastic and colourful tales that have been set to music. We’ll sample episodes from the Arabian Nights, Russian folklore, Norse mythology, German legends and Flemish fiction. Never a dull moment! Robert Markow’s musical career began as a horn player with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra. He has taught music appreciation at McGill University and has written program notes for the Montreal Symphony, the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa as well as for events at New York’s Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall. Cummings Centre Art and Music Appreciation Diminutive in physical size but gigantic in stature and impact, Leonard Bernstein was unquestionably one of the most incredibly talented, popular and dynamic personalities in the entire history of music. In his 72 years he played the roles of conductor, composer, pianist, author, lecturer, philosopher and overall champion of music – and he played them all superbly well. Listen to some of his music written for film, for the Broadway stage and for the concert hall as well as observe him in action as a conductor, pianist and lecturer. Film / Talkumentaries Contact Stefani Novick 514.342.1234 local 7201 Film / TalkumentAries 18 Cummings Centre Global Affairs 19 Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 TRUMAN’S AMERICA GLOB 350 This course will review political and cultural events in the United States during Truman’s presidency. We will cover foreign policy from the atomic bomb through the Cold War and Marshall Plan to the Korean War. Internal politics will include the McCarthy era and the spy trials. We will also survey the American cultural scene including literature, art, film, music and architecture. sessions Monday April 8 – 29 1 – 3 p.m. 4 $52 John Felvinci ETHICAL ISSUES IN WAR AND PEACE: INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT GLOB 351 CATHERINE THE GREAT GLOB 352 War is so prevalent in human history that International Relations is a tale of continuous warfare punctuated by brief periods of peace. The course will explore ethical issues in relation to war and peace: the Arab Spring, Iraq, Afghanistan, Obama versus Iran, Jihad versus MacWorld and Syria’s chemical and biological warfare. Finally we will explore the 9/11 decade and beyond. April 29 – June 10 10 – noon 6 $90 Marvin Hershorn, MA Monday Monday NEWS AND VIEWS GLOB 302 / GLOB 302-01 An analysis of international and national events of the day. April 23 – May 28 10 – noon 6 $96 Stan Nachfolger, MA June 11 – 25 10 – noon 3 $48 Stan Nachfolger, MA Tuesday New Tuesday Wednesday WHEN GREAT ART MEETS GREAT EVIL GLOB 353 SCIENTISTS AND THE GREAT WARS OF THE 20th CENTURY GLOB 354 The words ‘Jewish’, ‘Degenerate’ and ‘Bolshevik’ were used by the Nazis to describe any art or music not acceptable to the Third Reich. What constituted degenerate music was the content, the political views of the composer, the composer’s religion or music described as African-American or modern in derivation. Many Jewish composers escaped to Britain or America in the 1930’s and were most successful in exile. Learn how the Nazis utilized the idea of degenerate [entartete] music, who was involved and how people coped with this barbarism. April 30 1 – 2:30 p.m. 1 $8 Joseph Gilbert, MD Learn how a few 20th Century scientists changed war and society. Lectures will focus on Fritz Haber: The Synthesis of Nitrogen and the Creation of Poison Gas, Henry Tizard and Frederick Lindemann: Aerial Defence in the 1930s, Robert Oppenheimer: The Manhattan Project and Allan Turing: The Computer and Computerization in War and Peace. April 17 – May 8 10:30 – noon 4 $50 Neil Cameron, MA GLOBAL AFFAIRS continued on next page Cummings Centre GLOBAL AFFAIRS Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia [1729 – 1796], was the most renowned and longest ruling female leader of Russia, reigning from 1762 until her death. She was born a German princess in Prussia and came to power following a coup d’état and the assassination of her husband Peter lll. Russia was revitalized under her reign, becoming recognized as one of the great powers of Europe. May 6 – 27 1 – 3 p.m. 3 $38 John Felvinci 20 GLOBAL AFFAIRS continued from previous page WONDERS OF THE WORLD GLOB 355 GLOBAL AFFAIRS Explore some of our world’s most fascinating natural and manmade wonders, as well as rediscovered sites from earlier civilizations. Interesting videos will accompany each lecture. sessions Wednesday April 24 – June 5 10 – noon 6 $90 Harvey Levinson, MA Includes refreshments New AFRICA: ITS HISTORY AND CULTURES GLOB 357 DECORATING TIPS AND TRICKS GLOB 356 Africa has a rich, ancient, and varied history, with a variety of climates and cultures. The archeological record indicates that it is the likely birthplace of the human race and has an unbroken continuity of tribal life in small and larger scale societies that constitute civilizations in their own right. It is also a region of the world that was subject to Western colonization and exploitation but is now poised to emerge as an assembly of nations whose role in the world is of increasing importance. Thursday April 18 – May 30 1 – 3 p.m. 6 $100 Francis Charet, PhD Includes coffee New Wednesday Create the look you want to achieve, whether you are updating or downsizing. Discussions will focus on room layouts, storage solutions, use of colour, accessorizing, window treatments and trends. May 22 – June 5 1:30 – 3 p.m. 3 $25 Sherry Ellen Hobbies and Leisure Hobbies and Leisure Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 MAH JONGG INSTRUCTION HOB 301 / HOB 301-01 Learn this ancient game in an enjoyable social atmosphere. Mah Jongg cards are sold in the Cummings Centre Boutique. sessions Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday April 16 – June 11 June 5 – July 24 1 – 3 p.m. 1 – 3 p.m. MAH JONGG SUPERVISED June 18 – July 9 August 7 – 28 WOODWORK SHOP Monday – Thursday 9 – 11:30 a.m. $53 $53 4 4 $26 $26 Bryna Frankel Bryna Frankel HOB 402 / HOB 402-01 1 – 3 p.m. 1 – 3 p.m. Contact Riva Fenster 514.342.1234 local 7269 8 8 Bryna Frankel Bryna Frankel SOCIAL GAMES AND CARDS Drop by and play your social game of choice, from Mah Jongg to Chess to Cards Monday – Friday Varied Schedule Cummings Centre Jewish Studies and History 21 Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 JPRO 375 Join us for an historical overview of the Jewish presence in Lower Canada. Examine the struggle for civil rights, the waves of immigration and the evolution of the organized Jewish community. sessions Tuesday May 21, 28 1 – 3 p.m. 2 $28 Prof. David Bensoussan PIONEERS OF MODERN HEBREW LITERATURE JPRO 376 TWO GIANTS IN THE WORLD OF JEWISH PHILANTHROPY JPRO 477 Examine the biographies of great Jewish intellectuals who aligned themselves with the early Zionist Movement and against all odds expressed themselves in a newly evolving modern Hebrew. Some of the writers we will discuss include: Ahad Ha’am, Kh.N Bialik, Shaul Tchernikhovsky, Y.Kh. Brenner and Sh.Y. Agnon. April 25 – May 30 10 – noon 5 $50 Janie Respitz, MA Thursday Examine the lives and outstanding works of Sir Moses Montefiore and Baron Maurice de Hirsch, two 19th century Jewish philanthropists who dedicated their lives and fortunes to helping the less fortunate. July 25 – Aug. 15 10 – noon 4 $40 Janie Respitz, MA Thursday Jewish Studies and History HISTORY OF JEWS IN QUEBEC Languages Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 BASIC ENGLISH CONVERSATION sessions Monday April 15 – June 10 9 – 11:30 a.m. BASIC FRENCH CONVERSATION Monday April 22 – June 17 10 – 11:30 a.m. Tuesday April 23 – June 18 New Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Cummings Centre 9:30 – 11 a.m. 8 $33 Vera Titiyevsky 8 $55 Ho Diep Therien, MA LAN 310 LAN 314 8 $55 SING AND LEARN YIDDISH THROUGH SONG Ho Diep Therien, MA LAN 327 Whether or not you speak Yiddish, there is so much about the language, culture and folklore you can learn through song. Join Janie Respitz in a musical journey, uncovering the richness of the past. April 24 – June 5 10 – noon 6 $60 Janie Respitz, MA SPANISH – BEGINNER April 18 – June 13 LAN 311 1:30 – 3 p.m. SPANISH – ADVANCED BEGINNER April 18 – June 13 9 – 10:30 a.m. SPANISH – INTERMEDIATE April 18 – June 13 10:40 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. 8 $55 Guillermo Glujovsky 8 $55 Guillermo Glujovsky 8 $55 Guillermo Glujovsky LAN 315 LAN 318 Languages FRENCH – INTERMEDIATE LAN 302 22 Lectures Contact Stefani Novick 514.342.1234 local 7201 $12 member $18 non-member The Next BIG Thing Sponsored in part by the Caplan - Finkelberg Endowment Fund The Power of Forgiveness presents Lectures Monday, April 22 7 p.m. To forgive someone can be simple, but the effects can be transformative. Over the past 20 years, researchers have been examining the psychological and physical effects of forgiveness under a wide variety of conditions, ranging from petty insults to abuse and trauma. Join us for the screening of the film The Power of Forgiveness which looks at the important work of Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh and others. Explore Northern Ireland, Ground Zero and the Amish Countryside as examples of journeys from trauma to forgiveness. Anne Marie Hagan, a storyteller from the Forgiveness Project will introduce the film by Skype from Newfoundland and share her own story. The film will be followed by a panel discussion with Rabbi Lisa Grushcow of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom and Anne Marie Hagen. LCT 312 Contact Stefani Novick 514.342.1234 local 7201 Just Joshin’ Join us for an evening of humour with Josh Freed, award-winning filmmaker, writer and journalist. Celebrate Josh's new book He Who Laughs, Lasts Monday, June 3 7 p.m. Gelber Conference Centre Book signing to follow Contact Joyce Tobenstein 514.342.1234 local 7318 Free lectures for members $12 member / $16 non-member LCT 313 PROVOCATIVE TOPICS – ENGAGING SPEAKERS Each Friday 10 – 11 a.m. Guests present topics in their areas of expertise or interest, followed by lively discussions. Topics and speakers are announced monthly and are also available at Contact Joyce Tobenstein 514.342.1234 local 7318 Cummings Centre Performing Arts 23 Contact Joyce Tobenstein 514.342.1234 local 7318 Play Sing BAND CHOIR PER 101 Join the Cummings Centre Band as a budding or accomplished musician for the opportunity to meet others and perform in concerts. Leader: Joelle Selby Wednesday, 2 – 3 p.m. Dance Audience welcome at rehearsals $25 annually PER 100 The Cummings Centre Choir performs in English, Yiddish, Hebrew, French and Russian. Performances include concerts throughout the city. Conductor: Lou Levitt Friday, 10 – noon $20 annually BALLROOM DANCING Time to put on your dancing shoes and have fun while staying fit. Join us on the dance floor for a little Cha Cha, Tango, Salsa, Rumba, Swing and more. Great exercise and lots of fun. No partner necessary. 8 sessions $80 PER 303 PER 302 New Let the music move your body and feet to the different beats. Learn new dance movements to a great variety of familiar tunes from Disco, Rock and Roll, Cha-Cha, Israeli, Two Step and lots more. Come on your own or bring a friend. Tuesday, April 16 – June 11 8 sessions 1 – 2 p.m. $80 Angela Chepurnoy, Champion Teacher PER 304 Cummings Centre Love to sing? Join our new Rock ‘n Soul Choir Perform hit songs from the 60’s and 70’s, under professional musical direction. Learn to sing melodies and harmonies that made rock ‘n roll history. No experience required but energy and enthusiasm definitely are! Wednesday April 24 - June 26 7 - 9 pm Chris Barillaro, Musical Director 9 sessions $70 Contact Keren Ludvig 514.342.1234 local 7247 Performing Arts Thursday, April 18 – June 13 1 - 2 p.m. Angela Chepurnoy, Champion Teacher 24 Social Groups Registration is ongoing throughout the year. Contact Luni Bendayan 514.342.1234 local 7348 SOCIAL GROUPS AND CLUBS CIRCLE OF FRIENDS 50+ ACTIVE SINGLE WOMEN Tuesday 6:30 – 9 p.m. An exciting group of young-at-heart widowed, divorced and single women. Within the Circle of Friends you will find a warm place to develop new and meaningful female friendships through social networking, interesting lectures, theatre and special events. Circle of Friends is a road to new relationships and experiences. Leader: Sheila Esar SHOLEM SHTERN YIDDISH CULTURAL AND SOCIAL GROUP Tuesday 10 – noon Discuss Yiddish culture and literature in an informal group atmosphere. Leader: Boris Sela Have you recently lost a spouse? You are not alone. New WIDOWS’ AND WIDOWERS’ SUPPORT GROUP A new Widows’ and Widowers’ Support Group is being launched this spring. Facilitator: Corrie Sirota-Frankel, M.S.W., P.S.W., an experienced grief counselor and support group facilitator. DOLLARD DES ORMEAUX SENIORS Wednesday 136 Westpark Boulevard, D.D.O. Wednesday 1:30 – 3 p.m. Leader: Doris Leibovitch April 17 – June 12 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. $90 Contact Keren Ludvig 514.342.1234 local 7247 Clubs Contact Joyce Tobenstein 514.342.1234 local 7318 GEVURAH Tuesday 1 p.m. Young Israel of Chomedey 1025 Elizabeth Boulevard, Chomedey Leader: Claire Nudel •Free gift wrapping Emballage-cadeau gratuit •Ask us about our monthly member special Demandez notre spécial mensuel pour les membres • Gift certificates Certificats cadeaux SHALOM CIRCLE Tuesday 1 p.m. 5700 Westbury Avenue Leader: Marge Cracower RUSSIAN SENIORS Thursday 3 p.m. 5700 Westbury Avenue Leader: Ella Bazlov 5700, av. Westbury Ave. Mon-Thurs: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Fri: 9:30 – noon Lun-Jeu: 9h30 – 16h Ven: 9h30 – 12h Cummings Centre Trips and Special Events 25 Contact Claude Elbaz 514.342.1234 local 7325 Join us this spring and summer for these exciting trips and special events Day Trips Enjoy the weather: New daytrips & outings Details to be announced. Drinks and snacks included, lunch extra OTTAWA, ONTARIO Wednesday, April 17 JEWISH ART WALKING TOUR • Byward Market • Canadian War Museum Special Exhibition: Eleven Women Facing War This tour will highlight some of the collections of Jewish art in the Montreal Jewish Community Campus: Gelber Centre, Jewish Public Library and Jewish Community Centre (YM-YWHA). From Jewish philosophy and history to Yiddish culture, supported by layers of memory, the works under discussion will serve as a source of inspiration, contemplation and pure aesthetic joy. FINE 346 • Tulip Festival – Dows Lake • Asinabka National Indigenous Centre Enjoy an invigorating 40–50 km ride on a scenic Montreal bike path. Thursday, June 6 $10 Register with Annette Vezina 514.342.1234 local 7305 1 – 4 p.m. $20 includes coffee and refreshments Barbara Weiser, MA MEET ‘N RIDE’ BIKE TRIP Calling all seasoned cyclists! Location to be determined. Wednesday, June 26 KLEZKANADA LAURENTIAN RETREAT @ CAMP B’NAI BRITH Wednesday, August 21 HUDSON VILLAGE THEATRE Further details to follow Special Events BBQ @ CUMMINGS CENTRE Wednesday, May 8 and June 19 CANADA DAY CELEBRATION featuring the Cummings Centre Choir Thursday, June 27 $5 1 p.m. Contact Joyce Tobenstein 514.342.1234 local 7318 Cummings Centre Trips and Special Events TULIP FESTIVAL, OTTAWA Monday, May 6 26 Wellness Centre Sponsored by the Maurice Gross Family Foundation Contact Annette Vezina 514.342.1234 local 7305 or Maria Fragapane local 7246 Personal attention and small classes Our top notch Wellness Centre specializes in providing safe and effective fitness programs to help you stay healthy, keep fit and reduce stress. We offer a state-of-the-art Workout Studio, Adapted Fitness Clinic and a wide range of classes and workshops supervised by exercise physiologists and taught by highly qualified fitness instructors. A fitness consultation is mandatory for anyone who wishes to participate in programs and activities. Call to book an appointment. There is a $15 fee for the fitness consultation. Enjoy the fresh air! Club Activities If you like fresh air and enjoy the sounds & sights of nature, these activities are for you! SOCIAL WALKING GROUP Wellness Centre HIKING CLUB Strong walkers meet every Friday for invigorating walks through various regional parks, such as Mont St-Bruno, Ste. Agathe, Mont St. Hilaire, Val David and Mont Tremblant. Hiking outings will begin May 10, 2013 (no outing on May 17). The registration fee does not include entrance fees to various parks. Join us for casual walks on Mount Royal. The social walking group will meet at the mountain and will walk for up to two hours. Bring your energy and water! There is no cost for this program. Registration is required. Wednesdays, May 22 - July 10 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. No charge Fridays 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. $110 for 6 outings (transportation included) New OUTDOOR CARDIO & PUMP This `breezy` class will provide you with all the benefits of mainstream indoor muscular conditioning and cardio training classes, but with the added benefit of the fresh spring air! Dress according to weather! Wednesday, June 5 - 19 X 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. $25 New ‘MEET ‘N RIDE’ BIKE TRIP Calling all seasoned cyclists! Enjoy the fun of cycling with a group and sign up for this invigorating bike ride on one of Montreal’s many bike paths. Cyclists will meet with their bikes at the chosen location. Distance cycled will be approximately 40 – 50 km. Register with Annette Vezina 514.342.1234 local 7305 Thursday, June 6 $10 WELLNESS CENTRE continued on next page Cummings Centre WELLNESS CENTRE continued from previous page 27 THE M.E.L.T. METHOD IS BACK! The M.E.L.T. Method is a simple self-treatment technique that reduces chronic pain and helps maintain a healthy active lifestyle. The M.E.L.T. technique reduces the effects of accumulated tension and stress caused by daily living. This “stuck stress” accumulates and causes dehydration in the connective tissue, which interferes with the nervous system’s ability to regulate itself and slows the body’s natural healing process. THE M.E.L.T. METHOD: “FOAM ROLLER” THE M.E.L.T. METHOD: “BALLS" M.E.L.T. uses a foam roller to stimulate the effects of hands-on bodywork. Learn techniques for the decompression of the lower back and neck, lengthening of the ribs as well as other movements for hips and shoulders. You will learn to stabilize the core part of your body as you move arms and legs in small controlled movements as you lie on the foam roller. You must be able to exercise on the floor. The Hand & Foot Treatment is an innovative self-treatment technique that can leave your whole body feeling better in just minutes. By stimulating the hands and feet, this easy-tolearn treatment can help you alleviate common hand and foot problems, as well as neck and back tension. Using specialized techniques and three small balls, M.E.L.T. rehydrates the connective tissue, rebalances the nervous system and restores space to compressed joints. Thursday, April 18 – May 9 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. $78 6 sessions (foam rollers provided at the Centre) Facilitator: Davida Shragge 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. $40 4 sessions (additional $20 for M.E.L.T. balls, payable to instructor) Facilitator: Davida Shragge Health & Fitness Workshops Registration required for all workshops. Contact Annette Vezina 514.342.1234 local 7305 New Golf Exercise Clinic Memory Training Feeling the effects of the long winter months on your golf game? One way to prepare your body after any break is to incorporate a golf fitness program into your spring schedule. Execution of the golf swing requires a certain level of flexibility, balance, strength and power. These components will be addressed in this 4 part clinic. A hands-on training session that will teach you strategies to help improve memory function. The sessions will focus on exercises that stimulate processing speed, attention, concentration, short and long-term memory. Handouts will be provided. Tuesday, April 16 – May 7 2 – 3:30 p.m. 2 – 3:15 p.m. $40 4 sessions Tuesday, May 21 – June 4 $30 3 sessions Brain Training Monthly Nutrition Lectures A fun-filled and challenging session that will stimulate your neurons and show you how to keep your brain fit and functional! Put your memory, logical reasoning, vocabulary and spatial orientation skills to the test! Join us the last Thursday of every month for informative lectures on various nutrition topics. These interactive sessions will provide you with valuable information and allow you to ask questions to our nutrition educator, Sharyn Katsof. Tuesday, June 11 2 – 3:30 p.m. $10 Thursday, April 25, May 30 & June 27 1 – 2:30 p.m. No charge WELLNESS CENTRE continued on next page Cummings Centre Wellness Centre Tuesday, April 16 – May 21 28 WELLNESS CENTRE continued from previous page Workout Studio Total Body Fitness Improve your cardiovascular and bone health, muscle strength, balance and posture while you work out on various cardiovascular machines, including the Nu-Step and our state of the art selectorized muscular conditioning equipment. Each participant is evaluated and given an exercise program suited to his/her needs and ability. This program is supervised by staff and trained volunteers. Our Workout Studio now features a Balance Corner, complete with a step-by-step instructional exercise DVD. Programs for sports training are also provided. You can purchase our exercise DVD and enjoy Perfect Balance wherever you go. Now available for only $10 at the Boutique and Wellness Centre. Hours of Operation Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday 8 – noon Days and times by appointment Wellness Centre New this Spring! Fees $230 annual fee, pro-rated at time of registration A multiple use card is available for the workout studio allowing you 15 sessions for $72. Valid for one year from the purchase date. Kit Racette, an Alexander Technique teacher will be in the Workout Studio on Wednesday mornings, helping participants go beyond their self-imposed limitations and facilitating their journey towards living pain free in both mind and body. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Boxing The primary goal of this specialized cardiovascular/ strength/flexibility program is to maintain or to restore the highest possible level of physical fitness and independent function allowing participants to live better with their chronic illness. Additional goals include: education, socialization and motivation for a healthy lifestyle. This high energy class focuses on coordination, balance, and includes integration of both upper and lower body exercises. Proper warm-up, breathing technique and body awareness training will be emphasized. Education lectures on various topics such as diet and nutrition, smoking cessation, coping skills and strategies will be coordinated by our health care partners (Mount Sinai and Jewish General Hospitals). 10:30 – noon 10 sessions $135 Jeremy Rubin Monday, April 8 – June 17 Takes place at Tristar Boxing, 5275 Ferrier (corner Decarie) Wellness Clinics BLOOD PRESSURE FOOT CARE Tuesday 10:30 – noon Monday and Tuesday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Our nurse, Gwyn,will be on duty to take your blood pressure and answer your questions. FREE! No appointment necessary. $44 member / $55 non-member For information and appointments call 514.342.1234 and ask for Foot Care Clinic. WELLNESS CENTRE continued on next page Cummings Centre WELLNESS CENTRE continued from previous page 29 Fitness Session Dates A Spring 2013: April 8 – June 21 11 weeks B Summer 2013: June 25 – August 23 9 weeks Aerobic Classes These fun-filled aerobic classes will leave you energized for the day while improving strength, endurance, posture, balance, core stability and brain function. ZUMBA MORNING ENERGY GENTLE GYM EARLY BIRD FITNESS An aerobic dance class that feels like a party! Experience a very dynamic, exotic and powerful feeling as you flow and move through Latin and world music! All exercises are performed seated in a chair and include movements that improve coordination, flexibility and mobility. Simple yet stimulating cardiovascular exercises are followed by balance training, strength and posture exercises, as well as relaxing stretches that are done seated. CARDIO DANCE This class will feature dance components taken from NIA, Zumba, and Jazz. Balance training, strength and posture exercises follow the 30 minute cardio segment. Stretches are done seated. COURSE Zumba Drum & Dance Gentle Gym B Rhythmic Aerobics A Cardio Dance Rhythmic Aerobics D Early Bird Fitness Morning Energy DAY ♥♥ Beginner Tue / Thur ♥♥♥ Intermediate Keep the mind sharp and help manage stress. Includes mat work. Exercise ball used on occasion as well as weighted balls, bars and balance pads. SWIM / AQUA FITNESS This vigorous workout challenges all muscle groups using water as resistance and water dumbbells. Ideal for overweight participants and arthritis sufferers. YM-YWHA, 5400 Westbury Avenue. DRUM & DANCE Combine aerobic dance movement with rhythmical drumming on a stability ball which has been shown to stimulate the alpha waves in your brain! Come join the fun! TIME ♥♥♥♥ Monday ♥♥♥ Monday ♥♥ Tue / Thur ♥♥♥ Mon / Wed ♥♥♥ Mon / Wed ♥♥♥ Tue / Thur ♥♥♥♥♥ Tue / Thur ♥♥♥♥ Tue / Thur Swim / Aqua Fitness Improve posture, balance and whole body strength. Includes mat work. Exercise ball used on occasion as well as weighted balls, bars and balance pads. A 9:20–10:20 a.m. $54 1–2 p.m.$48 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.$78 10:30–11:30 a.m.$70 10:30–11:30 a.m.$70 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.$78 8–9 a.m.$78 9:10–10:10 a.m.$78 8–9 a.m. ♥♥♥♥ Intermediate / Advanced B $38 N/A $64 $58 $58 $64 $64 $64 $58 until the end of August 2013 ♥♥♥♥♥ Advanced WELLNESS CENTRE continued on next page Cummings Centre Wellness Centre RHYTHMIC AEROBICS For the love of your heart 30 WELLNESS CENTRE continued from previous page Fitness Session Dates A Spring 2013: April 8 – June 21 11 weeks B Summer 2013: June 25 – August 23 9 weeks For bone and muscle health Muscular Conditioning Muscular Conditioning is essential to maintain muscle mass and strength, improve bone health, posture and balance. COURSEDAY Wellness Centre Strength + Stretch A Includes mat work; intermediate level Strength + Stretch D No mat work Strength + Stretch E TIME A B Mon / Wed 8:10–9:10 a.m. $76 $62 Tue / Thu 10:20–11:20 a.m. $80 $69 $44 $36 New Friday 9–10 a.m. Yoga, Pilates, Stretch YOGA PILATES MAT CLASS BODY BALANCE AND STRETCH MEDITATION FOR BRAIN HEALTH Combine slow body stretches, breathing and relaxation techniques and help reduce stress and improve circulation and flexibility. Exercise the mind, body and soul. Excellent for balance and posture. This class has just the right blend of full-body stretches to help ease stiff muscles, as well as specific balance training exercises to challenge your sense of stability. Excellent for relieving tension and stress. Mat work is involved. COURSE Body Balance & Stretch Yoga A (Intermediate) Pilates A Pilates B Pilates C Pilates Evening Meditation for Brain Health DAY Wednesday Tue / Thu Mon / Wed Tue / Thu Tue / Thu Mon / Wed Tuesday Focus on strengthening the abdominal, shoulder girdle and back muscles to improve core strength, stability and posture, while lengthening the muscles and increasing range of motion. Part of our Brain Health series. Think you can’t be taught how to meditate? Don’t know all the health benefits? Join this class and find out just how much meditation has to offer! Meditation is effective for stress reduction and offers a variety of benefits including exercise for your brain. It encourages brain synchronization which enhances brain performance. Start each session with a gentle stretch and learn strategies for deep relaxation, stress management and brain health. B A TIME 9:20–10:20 a.m.$45 10:20–11:20 a.m.$99 9:25–10:25 a.m.$179 9:10–10:10 a.m.$188 * 8–9 a.m.$188 5–6 p.m.$179 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. $145 $40 $84 $144 $162 N/A N/A N/A WELLNESS CENTRE continued on next page Cummings Centre WELLNESS CENTRE continued from previous page 31 Fitness Session Dates A Spring 2013: April 8 – June 21 11 weeks B Summer 2013: June 25 – August 23 9 weeks Fall Prevention BALANCE TRAINING Improve your overall strength, coordination, mobility, agility and balance through exercises that work all muscle groups. Equipment used includes stability mats, dyna discs, tubing, weights and steps. COURSE Balance Training Balance Training B Balance Training C Tai Chi Develop strength, balance and coordination. Improve neuromuscular function and increase mental focus. Movements flow with grace and subtlety. DAYTIME Mon / Wed Mon / Wed Friday Thursday New “ TAI CHI FOR BALANCE & MOBILITY 11:40 a.m.–12:40 p.m. 11:40 a.m.–12:40 p.m. 10:10–11:10 a.m. 10–11 a.m. A $76 $76 $44 $110 B $58 $58 $32 $90 I have been taking Pilates for 13 years at the Cummings Centre. It is part of my life. No matter how I feel going into a class, I feel great coming out. The teacher is wonderful and the instructions are easy to follow. ” Frankie Rubinger Système personnel de réponse d’urgence Personal Emergency Response System u Service de surveillance 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 bidirectionnelle immédiate auprès d’un intervenant professionnel de l’équipe d’urgence u 24/7 monitoring u Live 2-way voice connection to trained emergency response agents u Communication 1.877.4.911.SOS(767) •pWWW.DIRECTALERT.CA 1.877.4.911.SOS(767) WWW.DIRECTALERT.CA Assistance votrebouton bouton secours. Assistanceimmédiate immédiate avec avec votre dede secours. Immediate help at the touch of a button. Immediate help at the touch of a button. For For a monthly feefeegetgeta aFREE Direct GRATUITEMENT enenvous par paiement paiementmensuel mensuel a monthly FREE DirectAlert AlertSystem System•pRecevez Recevezununsystème systèmeDirect DirectAlert Alert GRATUITEMENT vousabonnant abonnant et et par Cummings Centre Wellness Centre Improve your balance and mobility! 32 Adapted Programs Contact Stefani Novick 514.342.1234 local 7201 Cummings Centre offers a broad selection of exercise classes, activities, educational experiences and volunteer opportunities adapted to specific needs. Our goal is to reintegrate participants into community life in a social and supportive environment. Unless otherwise indicated, these programs are appropriate for individuals with Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Dystonia, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Post-Stroke and those who are post-surgery, post-rehab or have any reduced mobility. BROADWAY (réservé aux personnes ayant la maladie de Parkinson) ADP 303-01 En Français Améliorez la souplesse et la portée de votre voix grâce à ce programme novateur mis au point ici, au Centre Cummings. Inspiré de la science du « BIG & LOUD », ce programme offre de la vocalisation et des exercices de respiration de chant et danse sur la musique de Broadway. sessions Adapted Programs Lundi Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday 8 avril au 17 juin 13h à 14h30 11 150 $ Andrea Connors, MIT PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP ADP 318 SUPPORT GROUP FOR STROKE ADP 317 SING ME YOUR STORY ADP 300 MEDITATION FOR BRAIN HEALTH ADP 305 BOXING FOR PARKINSON’S ADP 319 Explore issues seminal to individuals with Parkinson’s disease. The group takes part in discussions and activities in a supportive and relaxed environment. Open to men and women. April 8 – June 17 10:30 – noon 10 $88 Laura Campobassi Join this relaxed and supportive group for discussion and activities which deal with issues common to all stroke survivors. Both men and women are welcome in this group which offers strategies for post-stroke wellness. Appropriate for those with good verbal skills to mild aphasia. April 8 – June 17 1 – 2:30 p.m. 10 $88 Laura Campobassi Designed for individuals with a loss or reduction of language skills (aphasia). The class consists of a music and vocal program to encourage personal expression and communication which includes basic movement. This program also targets issues of sequencing and short term-memory. An optional half-hour aerobic work-out is available to those who wish to use the Wellness Centre after the class. April 8 – June 17 3 – 4 p.m. 10 $83 Andrea Connors, MIT Part of our Brain Health series. Think you can’t learn to Meditate? Don’t know all the health benefits? Join this class and find out just how much Meditation has to offer! Meditation is effective for stress reduction and offers a variety of benefits including exercise for your brain. It encourages brain synchronization which enhances brain performance. Start each session with a gentle stretch and learn strategies for deep relaxation, stress management and brain health. April 9 – June 18 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 11 $145 Sandra Avendano This high energy class focuses on coordination, balance and includes integration of both upper and lower body exercises. Proper warm up, breathing technique and proprioceptive training will be emphasized. This class takes place at Tristar Boxing 5275 Ferrier (corner Decarie). Transportation from Cummings Centre is included. April 9 – June 18 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. 10 $130 Jeremy Rubin ADAPTED PROGRAMS continued on next page Cummings Centre ADAPTED PROGRAMS continued from previous page 33 BROADWAY (designed for individuals with Parkinson’s disease) ADP 303 Improve voice projection and flexibility in this innovative program developed at the Cummings Centre. Vocal, breathing, swallowing and percussive exercises are incorporated with singing and dance movements which improve balance and coordination in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Songs and choreography are chosen to complement each other within a musical theme with diverse styles such as Broadway, Big Band, Classic Folk, Flamenco and Argentine Tango among others. Wednesday Thursday Thursday April 10 – June 26 1:45 – 3:45 p.m. 11 $150 AQUA FITNESS ADP 301 TAI CHI ADP 304 Focus on basic aerobics and build resistance, stamina and weight bearing. Promotes balance and strength. Join us in a friendly and accessible environment. This class takes place at the Cote St. Luc Aquatic Centre, 5794 Parkhaven Ave. April 11 – June 20 11 – noon 10 $125 Susan Ungar Develop strength, balance and coordination. Improve neuromuscular function and increased mental focus. Movements flow with grace and subtlety. April 11 – June 20 10 – 11 a.m. 10 $110 Andrew Dearlove Master Tai Chi Instructor ART CLASSES (Parkinson’s, MS, Post Stroke/Post Rehab) Thursday Andrea Connors, MIT ADP 306 / ADP 406 An opportunity to discover and explore various art media such as paint, pastel and mixed media to encourage creative expression as part of the recovery process. Adapted equipment available. Materials included. May 9 – June 27 10 – noon 8 $100 Elena Guseva July 4 – August 22 10 – noon 8 $100 Elena Guseva ADAPTED PROGRAMS continued on next page Cummings Centre Adapted Programs sessions 34 ADAPTED PROGRAMS continued from previous page Adapted Day Trips and Outings Contact Stefani Novick 514.342.1234 local 7201 Don’t miss the bus...on these great trips! ADAPTED DAY TRIPS AND OUTINGS NATIVE FRIENDSHIP CENTRE OF MONTREAL An unforgettable afternoon of Native and First Nations song and dance at The Native Friendship Centre of Montreal. Don’t miss the experience of drum, dance and song! Wednesday April 24 Departure from Cummings Centre at 1 p.m. sharp $10 includes transportation and snack. Free for participants of Sing Me Your Story and Broadway programs. VICTORIA ISLAND, OTTAWA ADAPTED SAILING Enjoy a fully interactive day trip to the Aboriginal Experiences Arts and Culture Centre, Victoria Island, minutes from Parliament Hill. Experience a traditional welcome, Native and First Nations dance in full regalia and a guided tour. Thursday, May 30 Departure from Cummings Centre at 9:15 a.m. sharp $45 includes transportation, lunch and entrance fee. JAPANESE TEA SERVICE AT THE BOTANICAL GARDENS Reserve early Limited registration Join us at the Association québécoise de voile adaptée (AQVA) in Pointe Claire. Open to all individuals who require an adaptation, including those who are wheelchair bound. Dates in July and August TBA $40 per session or $150 for all 4 sessions. Includes 1.5 hours sailing lesson with trained instructor, lunch and transportation to and from Cummings Centre. KLEZKANADA LAURENTIAN RETREAT @ CAMP B’NAI BRITH Enjoy a traditional tea service in the Japanese pavilion, based on techniques and rules developed over hundreds of years. Relax in the quiet of the tea house and enjoy the age-old tradition of the ceremony. It’s old world entertainment at its best! Join us for an afternoon of authentic klezmer music at Camp B’nai Brith. Date TBA $50 includes transportation, boxed lunch and concert. $35 includes transportation and entrance fee. Wednesday, August 21 ADAPTED EXERCISE CLINIC continued on next page Cummings Centre ADAPTED PROGRAMS continued from previous page Adapted Exercise Clinic 35 Contact Maria Fragapane 514.342.1234 local 7246 Our expanded adapted exercise clinic features a cardiovascular conditioning facility and a specialized training room. Fitness Session Dates Spring / Summer 2013: April 8 – August 23 (20 weeks) POST STROKE ORTHOPEDIC CLASS Designed for the frailer senior who wants a total body workout in a small, supervised class setting. Orthopedic A Monday / Wednesday 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. $234 Orthopedic B Monday / Wednesday 1:30 – 2 :30 p.m. $234 Orthopedic C Monday / Wednesday 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. $234 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Focus on improving fitness and function by incorporating cardiovascular training with core strengthening and overall body conditioning. Multiple Sclerosis Tuesday / Thursday 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. $254 PARKINSON’S DISEASE EXERCISE CLASS Designed to improve the quality of life of individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Combine cardiovascular training with boxing, balance and task specific exercises. Parkinson’s A Monday / Wednesday 12:25 – 1:25 p.m. $234 Parkinson’s B Tuesday / Thursday 12:25 – 1:25 p.m. $254 Tuesday / Thursday 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. $254 Parkinson’s C Parkinson’s D Monday / Wednesday 12:25 – 1:25 p.m. $234 Parkinson’s E Tuesday / Thursday 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. $254 Parkinson’s F Tuesday / Thursday 4 – 5 p.m. $254 Parkinson’s G Monday / Wednesday 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. $234 DRUM, DANCE & SING FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE A class that combines rhythmical drumming and movement, postural exercises and singing to improve voice projection. Drum & Dance & Sing Friday Noon – 1 p.m. $ 65 LYMPHEDEMA The PALS for Life Protocol, developed and based on research at the University of Pennsylvania, is an evidence based, detailed exercise program specifically for breast cancer survivors. Strength training exercises must be performed correctly and with the proper guidelines in order to be safe and beneficial for breast cancer survivors. Once participants complete this 12 week protocol (phase 1), they are safely integrated into our Workout Studio (phase 2). Lymphedema Wednesday / Friday 9 – 10 a.m. $128 Cummings Centre ADAPTED Programs A post-rehab class to provide a functional type of workout focused on retraining the weakened side of the body. Post – Stroke A Monday / Wednesday 11:20 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. $234 Post – Stroke B Monday / Wednesday 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. $234 Tuesday /Thursday 11:20 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. $254 Post – Stroke C Post – Stroke D Tuesday / Thursday 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. $254 Post – Stroke E Tuesday / Thursday 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. $254 Monday / Wednesday 11:20 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. $234 Post – Stroke F Post – Stroke G Tuesday / Thursday 12:25 – 1:25 p.m. $254 Post – Stroke H Tuesday / Thursday 11:20 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. $254 Post – Stroke I Monday / Wednesday 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. $234 36 Off Campus Programs Chomedey Cummings Centre Contact Claire Nudel at 450.978.7056 or All courses take place at the Young Israel of Chomedey Synagogue, 1025 Elizabeth Blvd., Chomedey, Laval Monday DROP IN CENTRE CHOM 341 WATERCOLOURS / ACRYLICS CHOM 339 Enjoy Mah Jongg, bridge, scrabble and more with friends in a social environment. April 8 1 – 4 p.m. Ongoing No Charge Explore your creativity using watercolours or acrylics in a relaxed atmosphere. Materials not included. sessions Chomedey Off Campus Monday Monday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday April 8 – May 6 1 - 4 p.m. 5 $95 Evelyn Bass SOCIAL NETWORKING CHOM 184 MONTAGE WORKSHOP CHOM 367 MOVIE MAKER CHOM 388 GENTLE YOGA CHOM 385 THE DYBBUK AND THE GOLEM CHOM 386 ZUMBA CHOM 346 STITCH ‘N’ BITCH CHOM 337 Explore the world of social networking. Find out what blogging and texting are all about. Learn how to set up a Facebook account, how to use YouTube and much more. April 8 1 – 3 p.m. 1 $22 Tammy Halpern It’s your family reunion and you want to create a special montage. Learn how to put pictures and captions together to produce a slideshow that will delight all. April 15 1 – 4 p.m. 1 $24 Tammy Halpern Why not impress everyone by showing them a movie you created yourself. Take your vacation photos and video clips and put them all together into a movie with titles, captions, background music and credits at the end. Bring your photos and video clips. April 22 1 – 4 p.m. 1 $24 Tammy Halpern Multi-level yoga class using chairs and other props. Ideal for those looking for a gentler class or anyone with balance or mobility issues. Have fun while increasing flexibility and stability, enhancing stress-management skills and well-being. No previous yoga experience necessary. April 9 – June 11 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. 10 $90 Traci Williams This course will explore these two fascinating concepts as treated in Jewish literature and theatre. April 16 – May 7 7 - 9 p.m. 4 $40 Janie Respitz, MA Zumba is like no other fitness class. It’s easy to do, effective, totally exhilarating and fun! April 3 - June 12 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. 10 $90 Marie France Royer Learn how to knit or crochet. Work on your own personal item or be part of a community project where completed items are donated to worthy causes. All this while enjoying a friendly, relaxed afternoon. April 3 1 – 4 p.m. Ongoing No Charge Louise Troyansky Cummings Centre OFF CAMPUS Off Campus Programs Prime Time on the West Island 37 Prime Time, a West Island Division of the Cummings Centre, is committed to providing the West Island 50+ community with quality educational, social and cultural programs. We offer meaningful volunteer opportunities to enrich the lives of our members, and we are committed to responding to the evolving needs of the 50+ community. All programs take place at 96 Roger Pilon, D.D.O., unless otherwise stated. REGISTRATION ongoing until all programs and courses are full. Contact Ellen Tock 514.624.5005 local 230 or THE RISE OF ANTI-SEMITISM sessions Monday TBA Wednesday Wednesday 1 $5 Rabbi Mark Fishman WALKING GROUP PRIME 307 BRIDGE ADVANCED PRIME 385 Meet at the Centennial Park chalet in Dollard. Ongoing 8:30 a.m. No charge Denise Zunenshine, weather dependent Eddy Cohen Notes and photocopying included. March 6 – May 1 9:15 – 11:15 a.m. BRIDGE BEGINNERS PART 2 March 6 – May 22 No class April 24 10 $110 Nancy Koffler PRIME 301-01 7 – 9 p.m. 10 $100 Dorothy Marcus INTRODUCTION TO WATERCOLOURS PART 2 PRIME 353 TIPS AND TRICKS TO USING YOUR iPAD PRIME 343 WALKING TOUR OF JEWISH MONTREAL PRIME 334 Learn the basics of watercolour painting in a fun and enriching environment. Materials not included. April 4 – 25 1 – 3 p.m. 4 $60 Ann Kruzelecky Thursday Discover some of the features, shortcuts and tips to using your iPad. Get the most out of your device with this how-to session for downloading “Apps” from iTunes, managing photos and emails, as well as some quick tips. Bring your iPad. April 11 7 – 9 p.m. 1 $20 Carol Shattner Thursday Meet at 96 Roger Pilon. Return bus transportation included. May 5 9:30 – noon $15 Sunday DAYTIME LECTURES PRIME 356 Pearl Grubert ENGAGING SPEAKERS Thursday afternoons, 1 – 3 p.m. $3 Contact Ellen Tock 514.624.5005 local 230 for upcoming speakers and topics PRIME TIME OFF CAMPUS continued on next page Cummings Centre OFF CAMPUS Prime Time Off Campus Mon & Wed 7:30 p.m. PRIME 346 38 PRIME TIME OFF CAMPUS continued from previous page VOLUNTEER SERVICES PROJECTS Prime Time Off Campus • Experience personal growth • Gain a sense of satisfaction in helping others • Meet old friends and make new ones Volunteers are needed to help with the following projects: PRIME 374 TEA AND TALK Join us for an afternoon of friendly discussion and enjoyable programs. Monday afternoon 1 – 3 p.m. Boutique Night Wednesday, May 1 5 – 9 p.m. Part of the proceeds will be donated to Auberge Shalom Bake Sale Tuesday, May 7 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. In partnership with the Montreal Children’s Hospital Nominal fee Membership required PRIME 375 YIDDISH SOCIAL GROUP Join us for an afternoon of Yiddish Culture with Boris Sela first Monday of each month 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Nominal fee To join our team contact Ellen Tock 514.624.5005 local 230 Beth Ora Mini Centre Off Campus Programs Beth Ora Seniors Mini Centre Saint-Laurent Contact Joyce Tobenstein 514.342.1234 local 7318 or Registration and all activities take place at Congregation Beth Ora, 2600 Badeaux Street, Saint-Laurent. For course information and to register call Mary Boeko 514.332.9038 Mon, Wed & Fri LIGHT AEROBICS 8:50 – 9:50 a.m. Monday CURRENT EVENTS 1:30–2:30 p.m. Hershey Dwoskin Tuesday DISCUSSION OF NEWSWORTHY TOPICS Tuesday LECTURE SERIES Wednesday BEGINNER AND INTERMEDIATE MAH JONGG Wednesday MAH JONGG AND DUPLICATE BRIDGE Thursday TAI CHI 10 – 11:30 a.m. Ruth Dranov Min Kofman 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Various Speakers 9 – 11:30 a.m. 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 10–11 a.m. Mary Boeko Ann Lutsky David Young Cummings Centre OFF CAMPUS Off Campus Programs Westmount Mini Centre 39 Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom, 395 Elm Ave., Westmount Contact Michelle Lander 514.342.1234 local 7216 or CONTEMPORARY MORAL ISSUES – NEW TOPICS TEMP 336 Examine your moral beliefs with Dr. Michael Schleifer, ethics professor and psychologist, as he explores six disputed moral issues. Topics include: Paternalism: Should the Government be Protecting Us? Free Speech: What are the Limits? Capital Punishment: Arguments for and Against, Morality in War: Terrorism and Torture, Religion: Ethics, Politics and Education and Free Choice: Is it an Illusion? See Michael’s website: sessions Monday April 22 – June 3 1 – 3 p.m. 6 $90 Michael Schliefer, PhD TEMP 341 FELIX MENDELSSOHN: HIS MUSIC AND HIS JEWISH HERITAGE TEMP 344 OBAMA, THE 9/11 DECADE AND BEYOND: THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS TEMP 338 Join us for The Aron Museum of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom trip to the Musée des Religions du Monde in Nicolet, Quebec, guided by Dr. Victor Goldbloom and Barbara Weiser. Over the years the Musée has proudly displayed many artifacts on loan from the Aron Museum. The Musée boasts the world’s largest exhibit of world religions and a sculpture garden dedicated to our Quebec heroes. Weather permitting, we will visit the Marine Wildlife Habitat renowned as the feeding grounds of the snow goose, native to the area. Registration is limited. Includes transportation, entrance to venues, boxed lunch and snacks. Monday May 6 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. $60 Dr. Victor Goldbloom Barbara Weiser Tuesday Wednesday Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847), child prodigy and musical genius, was the grandson of philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. Born into a prominent Jewish family, he was raised without religion and baptized as a Lutheran Christian at age 7. He was a prolific composer, musician and a conductor. His music was later banned by the Nazis as he was considered a Jew and re-emerged to great acclaim after the war. Audio and visual material will be used to explore the Mendelssohn family, the music of Felix and his legacy. April 30 10 – 11:30 a.m. 1 $8 Joseph Gilbert, MD Explore the socio-political environment offered by a changing international political landscape. Probe the unique opportunities, challenges, themes and debates impacted by these "real world events" in both national and international arenas. How will President Obama face the challenges of foreign policy, international conflict, security, global political economy and multilateralism? April 24 – June 5 10 – noon 6 $90 Marvin Hershorn, MA NEWS & VIEWS Thursday TEMP 335 / TEMP 335-01 An analysis of national and international news of the day. April 18 – June 3 10 – noon 6 $96 June 13 – 27 10 – noon 3 $48 Stan Nachfolger, MA Stan Nachfolger, MA WESTMOUNT OFF CAMPUS continued on next page Cummings Centre OFF CAMPUS Westmount Off Campus ARON MUSEUM DAY TRIP TO MUSÉE DES RELIGIONS DU MONDE 40 WESTMOUNT OFF CAMPUS continued from previous page In the City R i go l etto All programs take place at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom, 395 Elm Ave., Westmount Contact Michelle Lander 514.342.1234 local 7216 Innovative evening and day programs about unique people and places… in the city! NOT YOUR PARENTS’ OPERA – RIGOLETTO TEMP 351-01 / TEMP 351-02 LECTURE, SOUPER LÉGER AND THE METROPOLITAN OPERA LIVE IN HD Start with a new edgy interactive lecture with Jonathan Patterson as he details the music and story of the opera *Rigoletto. Following a souper léger, we will then meet at the Cinema Banque Scotia Montreal, 977 Sainte-Catherine Street West, to watch Director Michael Mayer’s modern production of Rigoletto (inspired by the antics of the Rat Pack in Las Vegas in the 1960’s). Westmount Off Campus *Rigoletto (Verdi) in Italian with English sub-titles MONDAY April 8 3 – 10 p.m. $48 Entire Program (lecture, souper léger & Rigoletto screening) $30 Rigoletto screening only (6:30 p.m.) Please register by Wednesday, April 3 $4 Parking rate with theatre ticket available at Place Ville Marie (Vinci Parking, entrance Cathcart Street) Jonathan Patterson has a diverse background in opera, theatre and dance. He teaches both the Acting and Movement classes at McGill University and is stage director for their Opera Excerpts class. Jonathan was most recently seen on-stage as Society Max in Guys and Dolls, Mr. Mell in The Play’s the Thing and played Harry Y. Esterbrook in Segal Centre’s Inherit the Wind. Mot hers’ and Ot hers’ Day Tea What better way to say thanks to that special someone in your life! Lecture and book signing by Deirdre Kelly TEMP 353 Grab your mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, partner, in-law, or anyone with an interest in ballet, to attend a lecture and book signing by Deirdre Kelly, Globe and Mail journalist and author of Ballerina: Sex, Scandal and Suffering: Behind the Symbol of Perfection. Her revealing exposé paints an accurate portrait of the behind-the-scenes world of ballet. Add special cakes and tea on fine china and you have all the ingredients for an exceptional afternoon. Door prizes and a special gift for everyone. Thursday, May 9 2 p.m. $36 WESTMOUNT OFF CAMPUS continued on next page Cummings Centre OFF CAMPUS WESTMOUNT OFF CAMPUS continued from previous page 41 Movies & Munchies THE MATCHMAKER TEMP 386 Tuesday, May 28$10 7 p.m. refreshments included Film and Discussion “LITTLE JERUSALEM” brought to you by the Temple Centre for Culture and Learning, the Samuels Family and Vermont Public Television; followed by a discussion with Dorothy Dickie, Little Jerusalem’s Program Producer at Vermont Public Television. April 24 – 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Cost: $8 for Temple and Cummings Centre members RSVP Rosie 514.937.3575 local 213 or by April 17. Le Café Provides members of the Jewish community, in particular seniors and families who are struggling to cope during these tough economic times, with an opportunity to get free, hot, nutritional, kosher meals in a welcoming and comfortable environment. Le Café serves hot meals at no charge Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 – 6:30 p.m. at Cummings Centre 5700 Westbury Avenue. For further information call 514.342.1234 Cummings Centre OFF CAMPUS Fournit aux membres de la communauté juive, en particulier les aînés et les familles aux prises avec la situation économique difficile, la possibilité d’obtenir des repas cacher chauds et nutritifs gratuits dans un environnement chaleureux et confortable. Le Café sert des repas chauds gratuits les mardis et jeudis de 17h à 18h30, au Centre Cummings 5700, avenue Westbury. Pour plus d’information appelez au 514.342.1234 Westmount Off Campus Avi Nesher's latest film mixes comedy with drama as it tells a unique coming-of-age story. Arik, a teenage boy growing up in Haifa in 1968, gets a job working for Yankele Bride, a matchmaker. Yankele works in a movie theatre run by a family of seven Romanian dwarves. As Arik begins to learn the mysteries of the human heart through his work with Yankele, he falls in love with Tamara, who has just returned from America full of talk of women's rights, free love and rock and roll. The disparate parts of Arik's life collide in unexpected, often funny and very moving ways as he lives through a summer that changes him forever. 42 Cercle sépharade francophone Contactez Claude Elbaz 514.342.1234 poste 7325 DESSIN ET PASTEL A L'HUILE SUR TOILE sessions Lundi soir 27 mai au 15 juillet 16h à 18h 6 FINE 339 70 $ Rebecca Logan, BFA COURS D’ORDINATEUR POUR DÉBUTANTS COMP 378 Ce cours répondra à vos questions et interrogations. Vous ferez connaissance avec Windows et découvrirez l'Internet. Vous apprendrez à naviguer sur les sites et télécharger des fichiers. 7 mai au 18 juin 15h à 17h 6 75 $ Charles Schulman Mardi INITIATION AU BRIDGE Cercle sÉpharade francophone Mardi et Jeudi BRI 337 Apprenez ce jeu de cartes qui vous stimulera, captivera par sa discipline et vous ouvrira un monde social. 30 avril au 13 juin 15h à 17h 12 130 $ Gilbert Starosta VENEZ FÊTER AVEC NOUS YOM YEROUSHALAIM BBQ au Jardin de la Fédération CJA avec Daniel Ouaknine Mercredi 8 mai 15 $ SYMPOSIUM Vivre heureux et pourquoi pas Dimanche 19 mai de 10h à 15h « Je suis bénévole au Centre Cummings et je participe depuis plusieurs années aux programmes et à leurs préparations. Les programmes sont intéressants et agréables. Je rencontre des connaissances et on se fait des amis. C’est le seul centre juif à Montreal pour les 50 ans et plus. » BBQ CLUB SOCIAL ET JEUX Mercredi 19 juin Bridge social, cartes, Kaluki, Mah Jongg, Échecs et Scrabble CÉLÉBRATION DE LA FÊTE DU CANADA du lundi au vendredi selon un horaire variable au Jardin de la Fédération CJA Prestation de la chorale du Centre Cummings Jeudi 27 juin à 13h Billets: 5 $ Contactez Joyce Tobenstein 514.342.1234 poste 7318 Léon Berros Clubs FOYER DE L’AMITIÉ Tous les mardis et mercredis de 11h30 à 17h FOYER DU DIMANCHE Tous les dimanches de 9h30 à 14h ATELIER DE MENUISERIE du lundi au jeudi 9h à 11h30 CLUB DU LIVRE Un lundi par mois au foyer de l’amitié CERCLE SÉPHARADE voir la page suivante Centre CUMMINGS CERCLE SÉPHARADE suite NOS PROGRAMMES DU MARDI Café, thé, pâtisseries – 12h30 4$ Bingo Mardi 9 avril 43 GROUPE DE MUSICIENS Devenez membre du groupe des musiciens du Centre Cummings que vous soyez débutant ou musicien accompli. Vous aurez l’occasion de jouer avec d’autres musiciens et en concert. Mercredi de 14h à 15h Projection de film Mardi 23 avril Conférence Mardi 30 avril Bingo Vendredi de 10h à midi Mercredi 17 avril • Marché Byward • Exposition spéciale au Musée canadien de la guerre: Onze femmes face à la guerre Festival des Tulipes, Ottawa Lundi 6 mai • Festival des tulipes, lac Dow • Centre Autochtone National Asinabka Théâtre du Village Hudson • Information et date à venir Festival KlezKanada aux Laurentides Camp B’nai Brith Mercredi 21 août Centre CUMMINGS SALLE DE DANSE PER 303 Il est temps de mettre vos chaussures de danse et de vous amuser tout en restant en forme. Rendez-vous sur la piste de danse pour un peu de Cha Cha, Tango, Salsa, Rumba, Swing et plus encore. C’est un excellent exercice qui vous procurera beaucoup de plaisir. PAS BESOIN de partenaire. Jeudi, 18 avril au 13 juin 8 sessions 80 $ 13h à 14hAngela Chepurnoy PER 302 CHORALE ROCK Aimez-vous chanter? Joignez-vous à notre Chorale Rock. Améliorez votre chant des succès des années 60 et 70 sous une direction musicale professionnelle. Apprenez à chanter des mélodies et des harmonies qui ont fait l'histoire du rock n 'roll. Aucune expérience n’est requise mais par contre, l'énergie et l'enthousiasme le sont certainement! Contactez Keren Ludvig au 514.342.1234 poste 7247 Mercredi, 24 avril au 26 juin 9 sessions 70 $ 19h à 21h Chris Barillaro, directeur musical Nouveau! PER 304 DANSE EN LIGNE Laissez la musique vous transporter sur différents rythmes. Apprenez les mouvements de nouvelles danses sur une variété d’airs de musique familiers : Disco, Rock and Roll, Cha-Cha, danses israeliennes, Two Step et beaucoup plus. Venez seul(e) ou invitez un ami / une amie Mardi, 16 avril au 11 juin 8 sessions 80 $ 13h à 14hAngela Chepurnoy Cercle sÉpharade francophone Ottawa, Ontario 20 $ annuellement Chef : Lou Levitt Le public est bienvenu Mardi 4 juin Nos sorties PER 100 La chorale du Centre Cummings a le plaisir de chanter en anglais, yiddish, hébreu, français et russe. Des concerts auront lieu dans divers endroits de la ville. Projection de film Mardi 25 juin 25 $ annuellement Chef : Joelle Selby CHORALE Mardi 21 mai Bingo PER 101 44 Centre de bien-être Parrainé par la Fondation de la Famille Maurice Gross Contactez Annette Vezina 514.342.1234 poste 7305 ou Maria Fragapane poste 7246 Notre Centre de bien-être de haute qualité se spécialise dans des programmes de remise en forme en toute sécurité. Ils sont efficaces et vous aideront à rester en bonne santé, à garder la forme et à réduire le stress. Une attention individuelle grâce à des petites classes ! Nous mettons à votre disposition un studio d'entraînement ultramoderne et un large éventail de classes et d’ateliers encadrés par des kinésiologues et par des instructeurs de conditionnement physique qualifiés. Une évaluation physique est obligatoire pour toute personne intéressée à participer aux cours de conditionnement physique. Veuillez appeler pour prendre un rendez-vous. Il y a un coût de 15 $ pour l'évaluation physique. Prenez l’air avec nous ! Activités de plein air Centre de bien-être CLUB D’EXCURSION Les membres de ce club d’excursion se rencontrent tous les vendredis matins pour des marches vigoureuses de santé dans plusieurs parcs régionaux (Mont St.Bruno, Ste-Agathe, Val-David, Mont Tremblant). Les sorties débuteront le 10 mai (aucune sortie le 17 mai). Les frais d’inscription n’incluent pas les frais d’entrée aux parcs. Vendredi CLUB DE MARCHE Joignez-vous à nous pour des randonnées de marche sur la montagne. Le groupe se rencontrera sur la montagne et marchera pendant environ 2 heures. Il n’y a aucun frais mais l’inscription est obligatoire. Les sorties commenceront le 22 mai jusqu’au 10 juillet. Mercredi 9h30 à 11h30 Aucun frais CLUB DE VELO Appel à tous les cyclistes! Joignez-vous à nous pour cette belle randonnée sur une de nos pistes cyclables. Les cyclistes se rencontrent sur la piste cyclable avec leur vélo pour une randonnée de 40 – 50 km. Appelez Annette Vezina pour plus d’information et pour vous inscrire 514.342.1234 poste 7305. jeudi le 6 juin 8h à 16h 110 $ pour 6 sorties transport inclus 10 $ En primeur ce printemps COURS DE MISE EN FORME : MUSCULATION & PRÉVENTION DES CHUTES Ce cours vise à améliorer l`endurance musculaire et la force physique en pratiquant des exercices pour le dos, bras, jambes et torse. L`équilibre sera aussi travaillé et amélioré. Le cours se terminera avec des étirements pour améliorer la flexibilité et la mobilité. Cours en Français Jeudi, 11 avril au 20 juin 13h30 à 14h30 45 $ pour 10 sessions CENTRE DE BIEN-ÊTRE voir la page suivante Centre CUMMINGS CENTRE DE BIEN-ÊTRE suite 45 Le Centre de conditionnement physique Ce programme offre au participant un entraînement complet, en faisant appel à des appareils cardiovasculaires, tels que le tapis roulant, l’entraîneur elliptique, le NU STEP et la bicyclette stationnaire, ainsi que des appareils de musculation à poids sélectifs. Chaque participant est évalué et un programme d’exercices est conçu en fonction de ses besoins. Ce programme est supervisé par un personnel spécialisé et des bénévoles bien formés. Le coin Équilibre a été conçu pour améliorer votre équilibre grâce à un DVD d'exercices. Un programme pour l’entrainement sportif spécifique est offert. Vous pouvez aussi acheter notre DVD d'exercice et incorporez l'Équilibre Parfaite chez vous tous les jours. Seulement 10 $ et disponible à la Boutique et au Centre de Bien-Être. Horaire Du lundi au jeudi de 8h à 17h de 8h à midi vendredi Jours et heures sur rendez-vous Coût 230 $ coût annuel, prorata au moment de l'inscription Une carte d’usage multiple est disponible : 72 $ pour 15 visites au Centre de conditionnement Valide pendant un an après la date d’achat Ce cours de haute énergie se focalise sur la coordination, l’équilibre et la concentration et comprend à la fois des exercices pour le bas et le haut du corps. Il met l’emphase sur le réchauffement adéquat, la bonne technique respiratoire et la formation proprioceptive. Lundi, 8 avril au 17 juin 10h30 à midi 10 sessions 135 $ Jeremy Rubin Le but de ce programme d’exercices spécialisés cardiovasculaires, musculaires et de flexibilité est de maintenir les participants à un niveau de conditionnement physique le plus élevé possible. Des sujets comme la nutrition, la tabagisme, les stratégies d’adaptation seront abordés lors de conférences organisées par nos partenaires (des Hôpitaux Mont Sinaï et Général juif). Le cours aura lieu au gymnase Tristar Boxing, 5275 Ferrier (coin Décarie). Nos cliniques de santé CLINIQUE DE PRISE DE TENSION ARTÉRIELLE CLINIQUE DU SOIN DES PIEDS Notre infirmière, Gwyn, sera disponible pour prendre votre tension artérielle et répondre à vos questions. 44 $ membres / 55 $ non membres mardi de 10h30 à midi GRATUITEMENT ! Aucun rendez-vous n’est nécessaire. lundi et mardi de 9h à 17h Pour prendre un rendez-vous appelez le 514.342.1234 et demandez la clinique du soin des pieds CENTRE DE BIEN-ÊTRE voir la page suivante Centre CUMMINGS Centre de bien-être Maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC) Boxe 46 CENTRE DE BIEN-ÊTRE suite Calendrier des sessions de conditionnement A Printemps 2013 : 8 avril au 21 juin 11 semaines B Été 2013: 25 juin au 23 août 9 semaines Pour l’amour de votre coeur Cours d’aérobie Faites du bien à votre corps et à votre coeur en participant à un des cours énergétiques suivants! Les chorégraphies stimulent aussi le cerveau ! ZUMBA Voici un cours de danse aérobique qui vous offre une expérience dynamique au son de la musique au rythme latin. Centre de bien-être GENTLE GYM Les cours se donnent assis sur une chaise et incluent des exercices qui améliorent la coordination, la flexibilité, la mobilité et les fonctions cognitives. AEROBIE RYTHMIQUE Ce cours offre des exercices cardiovasculaires simples mais efficaces, ainsi que des exercices qui améliorent l’équilibre, la posture et la force musculaire. CARDIO DANSE Ce cours présentera différents styles de danse tels le NIA, le Jazz et le Zumba. Des exercices pour améliorer la force musculaire, l`équilibre et la posture suivront. Les étirements sont pratiqués assis sur une chaise. MORNING ENERGY Cette classe est idéale pour améliorer l’équilibre et la posture. Les participants doivent pouvoir exécuter des exercices au sol. Le ballon d’exercice est parfois utilisé. EARLY BIRD FITNESS (notre cours le plus intense!) Cette classe est idéale pour améliorer l’équilibre et la posture. Les participants doivent pouvoir exécuter des exercices au sol. Le ballon d’exercice est parfois utilisé. SWIM (AQUA FORME) Voici un cours qui offre un entraînement intense, mais doux pour les articulations! On utilise des haltères aquatiques. Excellent pour ceux qui souffrent d’embonpoint et de douleurs arthritiques. YM-YWHA, 5400, avenue Westbury. TAMBOUR & DANSE Les mouvements de danse aérobique et les battements de tambour fusionnent pour livrer toute une séance d’exercices, le tout stimulant les ondes alpha du cerveau! COURSJOUR Zumba ! ♥♥♥♥ Lundi Tambour & Danse ♥♥♥ Lundi Gentle Gym B ♥♥ Mardi /Jeudi Aérobie Rythmique A ♥♥♥ Lundi /Mercredi Cardio Danse ♥♥♥ Lundi / Mercredi Aérobie Rythmique D ♥♥♥ Mardi / Jeudi Early Bird Fitness ♥♥♥♥♥ Mardi / Jeudi Morning Energy ♥♥♥♥ Mardi / Jeudi Swim (Aqua Forme) Mardi / Jeudi ♥♥ Débutant ♥♥♥ Intermédiaire HEURE 9h20 à 10h20 13h à 14h 11h30 à 12h30 10h30 à 11h30 10h30 à 11h30 11h30 à 12h30 8h à 9h 9h10 à 10h10 8h à 9h ♥♥♥♥ Intermédiaire / Avancé A B 54 $ 38 $ 48 $ N/A 78$ 64 $ 70 $ 58 $ 70 $ 58 $ 78 $ 64 $ 78 $ 64 $ 78 $ 64 $ 58 $ jusqu`à la fin aout 2013 ♥♥♥♥♥ Avancé CENTRE DE BIEN-ÊTRE voir la page suivante Centre CUMMINGS CENTRE DE BIEN-ÊTRE suite 47 Calendrier des sessions de conditionnement A Printemps 2013 : 8 avril au 21 juin 11 semaines B Été 2013: 25 juin au 23 août 9 semaines Musculation Les programmes de musculation qui suivent visent à améliorer la force et l’endurance musculaire, l`équilibre et la posture ainsi que la flexibilité. Tout pour améliorer votre bien-être, ainsi que votre densité osseuse! A B COURS JOURHEURE Strength + Stretch A : Intermédiaire; au sol Lundi /Mercredi 8h10 à 9h10 76 $ 62 $ Strength + Stretch D : Pas au sol Mardi / Jeudi 10h20 à 11h20 80 $ 69 $ Strength + Stretch E Vendredi 9h à 10h 44 $ 36 $ Nouveau! Pilates, Yoga et Étirements YOGA MEDITATION Prévention des chutes BALANCE TRAINING Le but de ce cours est d’améliorer votre endurance et votre force physique, ainsi que votre coordination et équilibre avec des exercices qui travaillent tous les groupes de muscles. On utilise des haltères, des élastiques et des coussins de stabilité. COURS TAI CHI (POUR L’ÉQUILIBRE ET LA MOBILITÉ) Cette forme unique d’exercice vous montre des positions et des mouvements simples, mais excellents pour la bonne posture, l’équilibre et la bonne coordination des mouvements. Réduit la tension. Également excellent pour améliorer la mémoire A B JOURHEURE Balance Training Lundi / Mercredi Balance Training B Lundi / Mercredi Balance Training C Nouveau! Vendredi Tai Chi Jeudi Note: Tous ces cours se donnent en anglais Centre CUMMINGS 11h40 à 11h40 à 10h10 à 10h à 12h40 76 $ 12h40 76 $ 11h10 44 $ 11h 110 $ 58 $ 58 $ 32 $ 90 $ Centre de bien-être Vous cherchez un cours pour vous détendre et vous (POUR UN CERVEAU EN SANTÉ) donner ‘le plein d’énergie en même temps? Le Yoga offre Il est bien connu que la méditation est de la méditation, des étirements et des positions de yoga. efficace pour la réduction du stress et qu’elle offre une variété d'avantages, et saviez-vous que la méditation est un PILATES MAT CLASS Ces cours ont pour but de renforcer et d'étirer les muscles exercice pour votre cerveau ? méditation encourage la abdominaux et ceux du dos. Ces exercices sont excellents La synchronisation du cerveau, ce qui pour améliorer la forme, la posture et l’équilibre. améliore ses performances. Commencez chaque séance par un léger étirement BODY BALANCE & STRETCH Ce cours comprend un mélange d’étirements pour soulager et apprenez les stratégies pour une les muscles tendus et des exercices qui vont stimuler et relaxation profonde, pour la gestion du stress et pour un cerveau en santé. améliorer votre sens d’équilibre. Exercices au sol. COURS JOURHEURE A B Body Balance & Stretch Mercredi 9h20 à 10h20 45 $ 40 $ Yoga A (Intermédiaire) Mardi / Jeudi 10h20 à 11h20 99 $ 84 $ Pilates A Lundi / Mercredi 9h25 à 10h25 179 $ 144 $ Pilates B Mardi / Jeudi 9h10 à 10h10 188 $ 162 $ Pilates C Mardi / Jeudi 8h à 9h 188 $ N/A Pilates soirée Lundi / Mercredi 17h à 18h 179 $ N/A Méditation pour un cerveau en santé Mardi 11h à 12h30 145 $ N/A 48 Programmes adaptés Contactez Stefani Novick 514.342.1234 poste 7201 Le Centre Cummings offre une variété de programmes adaptés pour des besoins spécifiques. Notre but est d’intégrer les participants dans un milieu de vie, ceci à travers des cours d’art et de mise en forme spécialisés. À moins d’indication contraire, ces programmes conviennent aux personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson, de sclérose en plaques, de dystonie, de fibromyalgie ou d’arthrose, ainsi qu’aux personnes ayant subi un accident cérébrovasculaire ou une chirurgie et également aux personnes à mobilité réduite. BROADWAY (exclusivement pour les personnes atteintes du Parkinson) ADP 303-01 Améliore la souplesse et la projection de la voix grâce à ce tout nouveau programme développé ici, au Centre Cummings. Basé sur la science du « Big & Loud », ce programme propose des exercices vocaux et de respiration, le chant, des mouvements de danse et des exercices de percussion. Chansons et chorégraphies sont soigneusement choisies pour se compléter mutuellement dans un thème musical, avec des styles variés comme le Big Band, Broadway, le Folk classique, le Flamenco et le tango argentin, entre autres. sessions Programmes adaptés Lundi Lundi Lundi Lundi Mardi Mardi 8 avril au 17 juin 13h à 14h30 11 150 $ Andrea Connors, MIT GROUPE DE SOUTIEN POUR LES PERSONNES ATTEINTES DE LA MALADIE DE PARKINSON ADP 318 GROUPE DE SOUTIEN DES SURVIVANTS DES AVC ADP 317 CHANTE – MOI TON HISTOIRE ADP 300 MÉDITATION POUR UN CERVEAU EN SANTÉ ADP 305 COMBATTRE LA MALADIE DE PARKINSON PAR LA BOXE ADP 319 Explorez les questions communes aux atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson. Le groupe prendra part à des discussions et à des activités dans un environnement détendu et de soutien. Offert aux femmes et aux hommes. 8 avril au 17 juin 10h30 à midi 10 88 $ Laura Campobassi Joignez-vous à ce groupe détendu et qui joue un rôle de soutien actif, pour discuter et participer à des activités qui traitent de questions communes aux survivants d’un AVC. Les hommes et les femmes sont les bienvenues dans ce groupe qui proposera des stratégies relatives au bien-être suite aux accidents vasculaires cérébraux. C’est approprié autant pour ceux et celles qui ont de bonnes aptitudes verbales que pour les personnes qui ont une légère aphasie. 8 avril au 17 juin 13h à 14h30 10 88 $ Laura Campobassi Conçus pour des individus qui ont une perte ou une diminution de langage (Aphasie). Ce programme comprend de la musique et vocalisation pour encourager l’expression personnelle et la communication. Pour ceux qui le désirent, une demi-heure optionnelle d’exercices aérobique est disponible après le cours dans le Centre de conditionnement. 8 avril au 17 juin 15h à 16h 10 83 $ Andrea Connors, MIT Il est bien connu que la méditation est efficace pour la réduction du stress et qu’elle offre une variété d'avantages. La méditation encourage la synchronisation du cerveau, ce qui améliore ses performances. Commencez chaque séance par un léger étirement et apprenez les stratégies pour une relaxation profonde, pour la gestion du stress et pour un cerveau en santé. 9 avril au 18 juin 11h à 12h30 11 145 $ Sandra Avendano Ce cours de haute énergie se focalise sur la coordination, l'équilibre et la concentration et comprend à la fois, des exercices pour le bas et le haut du corps. Il met l’emphase sur le bon échauffement, la technique de respiration et la formation proprioceptive. Ce cours aura lieu au Tristar Boxing, 5275 Ferrier (coin Décarie). Transport à partir du Centre Cummings est inclus. 9 avril au 18 juin 11h45 à 13h 10 130 $ Jeremy Rubin PROGRAMMES ADAPTÉS voir la page suivante Centre CUMMINGS PROGRAMMES ADAPTÉS suite 49 AQUA FORME ADP 301 sessions Jeudi 11 avril au 20 juin 11h à midi 10 125 $ Susan Ungar TAI CHI Jeudi ADP 304 Améliorez votre force, votre équilibre et votre coordination. Ces exercices rehaussent la fonction neuromusculaire et la capacité de concentration mentale. Les mouvements sont gracieux et subtils. La participation de la personne aidante ou du conjoint est bienvenue. 11 avril au 20 juin 10h à 11h 10 110 $ Andrew Dearlove Maître en Tai Chi COURS D’ART (Maladie de Parkinson, Sclérose en plaques, Accident vasculaire cérébral, Réadaptation) Jeudi ADP 306 / ADP 406 Une occasion de découvrir et d’explorer diverses techniques artistiques dont l’argile, la peinture et le pastel qui encouragent la créativité dans le cadre des mesures de réadaptation. Équipement adapté disponible. Matériaux compris. 9 mai au 27 juin 10h à midi 8 100 $ Elena Guseva 4 juillet au 22 août 10h à midi 8 100 $ Elena Guseva Contactez Stefani Novick 514.342.1234 poste 7201 CENTRE D'AMITIÉ AUTOCHTONE DE MONTRÉAL Un après-midi inoubliable de chansons et de danses des Premières Nations au Centre d'amitié autochtone de Montréal. Ne manquez pas cet après-midi où résonneront tambours et chants. Mercredi 24 avril – 13 h 10 $ incluant le transport et une collation. Gratuit pour les participants des programmes « Sing Me Your Story » et « Broadway. » FESTIVAL KLEZKANADA AUX LAURENTIDES, CAMP B’NAI BRITH Mercredi, 21 août 50 $ incluant le transport, une boîte à lunch et l’entrée. Centre CUMMINGS L’ÎLE DE VICTORIA, OTTAWA Juste derrière les édifices du Parlement à Ottawa, passez une belle journée où les danses et les chants autochtones vous enchanteront. Jeudi 30 mai - 9h15 45 $ incluant le transport, une boîte à lunch et l’entrée. THÉ JAPONAIS AU JARDIN BOTANIQUE Savourez un délicieux thé traditionnel au pavillon japonais, basé sur des techniques et des règles élaborées au cours des siècles. Détendez-vous dans le calme de la maison de thé et jouissez de la tradition ancienne de la cérémonie. Date : à déterminer 35 $ incluant le transport et l’entrée au jardin. VOILE ADAPTÉE Soyez des nôtres à l’Association québécoise de voile adaptée (AQVA) de Pointe-Claire. Offert à toutes les personnes en situation de handicap (y compris celles qui se déplacent en fauteuil roulant). Dates à déterminer en juillet et août 40 $ par session ou 150 $ pour 4 sessions Comprenant une leçon de voile de 1,5 heures avec un instructeur qualifié, le déjeuner et le transport aller-retour à partir du Centre Cummings. Ne ratez pas le bus... pour ces belles excursions ! Veuillez réserver à l’avance, les places étant limitées. Excursions et sorties adaptées d'un jour Excursions et sorties adaptées d’un jour Programmes adaptés Exercices aérobiques de base dans l’eau visant à rehausser la résistance, l’endurance et le port de poids de même qu’à favoriser l’équilibre et la force. Le tout se passe dans un environnement convivial et a lieu au Centre aquatique de Côte Saint-Luc, 5794, av. Parkhaven. 50 PROGRAMMES ADAPTÉS suite Clinique d’exercices adaptés Contactez Maria Fragapane 514.342.1234 poste 7246 Notre clinique d’exercices adaptés comprend maintenant des installations pour l’entraînement cardiovasculaire et un centre d’entraînement spécialisé. Calendrier des sessions de conditionnement Printemps / Été 2013 : 8 avril au 23 août (20 semaines) Clinique d’exercices adaptés POST-STROKE L’objectif de ce cours neuromusculaire est de réadapter le côté du corps affecté par un AVC. Post – Stroke A Lundi / Mercredi 11h20 à 12h20 234 $ Lundi / Mercredi 14h45 à 15h45 234 $ Post – Stroke B Post – Stroke C Mardi / Jeudi 11h20 à 12h20 254 $ Mardi /Jeudi 13h30 à 14h30 254 $ Post – Stroke D Post – Stroke E Mardi / Jeudi 14h45 à 15h45 254 $ Post – Stroke F Lundi / Mercredi 11h20 à 12h20 234 $ Mardi /Jeudi 12h25 à 13h25 254 $ Post – Stroke G Post – Stroke H Mardi / Jeudi 11h20 à 12h20 254 $ Lundi / Mercredi 14h45 à 15h45 234 $ Post – Stroke I COURS ORTHOPÉDIQUE Ce cours vise les personnes âgées qui souhaitent un entraînement complet, dans un environnement de groupe et en toute sécurité. Le cours comprend un entraînement cardiovasculaire, musculaire pour le bas et le haut du corps, ainsi que des exercices pour l’équilibre. Orthopédique A Lundi / Mercredi 10h15 à 11h15 234 $ Orthopédique B Lundi / Mercredi 13h30 à 14h30 234 $ Orthopédique C Lundi / Mercredi 10h15 à 11h15 234 $ SCLÉROSE EN PLAQUES On se concentre sur les exercices pour la ceinture abdominale ainsi que sur l’entraînement cardiovasculaire pour améliorer la force physique et la mobilité. Mardi /Jeudi 10h15 à 11h15 254 $ EXERCICE POUR LA MALADIE DE PARKINSON Comprend un entraînement cardiovasculaire, ainsi que des exercices de boxe et d’équilibre, dans le but d’améliorer la qualité de vie de ces personnes. Parkinson A Lundi / Mercredi 12h25 à 13h25 234 $ Parkinson B Mardi /Jeudi 12h25 à 13h25 254 $ Parkinson C Mardi / Jeudi 10h15 à 11h15 254 $ Parkinson D Lundi / Mercredi 12h25 à 1h25 234 $ Parkinson E Mardi /Jeudi 13h30 à 14h30 254 $ Parkinson F Mardi / Jeudi 16h à 17h 254 $ Parkinson G Lundi / Mercredi 13h30 à 14h30 234 $ TAMBOUR & DANSE & CHANT POUR LA MALADIE DE PARKINSON Ce cours combine des mouvements et battements sur tambour et des exercices posturaux. On pratique également le chant pour améliorer la projection de la voix. Vendredi Midi à 13h 65 $ LYMPHOEDEME Le programme PALS for LIFE, développé et basé sur la recherche à l’Université de Pennsylvanie, est un programme d’exercices détaillé et conçu spécifiquement pour les survivantes du cancer du sein. Les exercices de musculation doivent être pratiqués selon des normes spécifiques pour assurer la sécurité et les bienfaits pour les participantes. Une fois les 12 semaines de ce programme complétées (phase 1), les participantes sont intégrées dans notre studio de conditionnement (phase 2). Mercredi / Vendredi 9h à 10h 128 $ PROGRAMMES ADAPTÉS voir la page suivante Centre CUMMINGS Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors (CJCS) Foundation For more information contact Cathy Simons, Foundation Director 514.343.3529 local 7229 You can now donate on-line through 51 It’s hard to believe – but 1 in 5 Montreal Jewish seniors lives below the poverty line. We need your help to continue meeting our seniors’ needs. By giving, you can create a lasting legacy. We will work with you, your family and your financial advisors to create a meaningful gift, ensuring that your wishes are respected and carried out exactly as you envision. Governors BE INSPIRED AND GIVE Donations are fully tax receiptable. To become a Governor call 514.343.3529 local 7319 or 7373 Life Governor Gold Governor Governor Golda Meir Governor Young Adult Governor $5,400 $1,000 $300 $300 $180 Your gift to the Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors Foundation can provide important tax benefits and help you to defer capital gains from long-term investments. Talk to us about this and other ways your gift can help to build a strong foundation for the future, including our annual Governors Program, Tribute Cards and Mitzvah Meals program. For more information, contact Cathy Simons, Foundation Director at 514.343.3529 local 7229 or Say it with a Tribute Card One simple phone call to us to mark a simcha, birthday or just to say thank-you and we will send a beautiful card indicating that a donation has been made by you in the person’s honour. Call the Foundation at 514.343.3529 local 7373 to send your Tribute Card FOUNDATION continued on next page Cummings Centre FoUndation Join the many dedicated supporters and make a difference in the lives of seniors today and tomorrow by becoming a Governor of the Centre. Our planned giving options include: • Gifts of Bequests • Endowment Funds • Gifts of Marketable Securities • Charitable Gift Annuities 52 FONDATION continued from previous page W Mitzvah Meals ith a newly designed picture for Passover this year, we are again offering Mitzvah Meals as a meaningful way to mark this holiday. By sending a Mitzvah Meals card to friends and family in lieu of flowers or chocolates, you will be supporting the Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors Meals on Wheels program. We will send a beautiful card acknowledging the donation made in the recipient’s honour and that as a result, a senior in need will benefit. FoUndation To ensure your cards are delivered on time, please order them by Monday, March 18. Call 514.343.3529 extension 7316 or visit our website at A Repas Mitzvah vec un tout nouveau design de la carte de Pessah, nous offrons encore cette année, le programme Repas Mitzvah qui souligne d’une manière très spéciale cette fête. En envoyant une carte Repas Mitzvah à des amis et à la famille au lieu de fleurs ou des chocolats, vous contribuez au soutien financier de la Popote roulante du Centre juif Cummings pour aînés. Nous enverrons une belle carte en mentionnant qu’une donation a été faite en l’honneur du récipiendaire et, par ce geste, un aîné dans le besoin en bénéficiera. Afin de vous assurer que vos cartes sont reçues à temps, veuillez les commander au plus tard le lundi 18 mars. Téléphonez au 514.343.3529 poste 7316 ou visitez notre site Web à Ninth Annual Sports Celebrity Breakfast Neuvième déjeuner annuel des célébrités sportives Guest of honour Roy Salomon Co-honourary President, 2013 Maccabiah Games Sports Personality of the Year Donald Fehr Executive Director, NHL Players Association Featuring high profile personalities from the world of sports Sunday, April 14, 2013 9:30 – 11:30 am Invité d’honneur Roy Salomon Coprésident honoraire Maccabiades 2013 Personnalité sportive de l'année Donald Fehr Directeur général, L'Association des joueurs du la LNH En présence de personnalités de renom du monde des sports Dimanche 14 avril 2013 De 9h30 à 11h30 Honouring the 1993 Stanley Cup Champion Montreal Canadiens Pour honorer les Canadiens de Montréal, champions de la Coupe Stanley 1993 Contact / Contactez Susan Rozansky 514.342.1234 local/poste 7234 FOUNDATION continued on next page Centre CUMMINGS FONDATION continued from previous page Fondation Centre juif Cummings pour aînés (CJCA) 53 Pour plus d’information, contactez Cathy Simons, Directrice de la Fondation 514.343.3529 poste 7229 Vous pouvez faire un don en ligne à C’est difficile à croire – mais 1 aîné juif montréalais sur 5 vit sous le seuil de la pauvreté Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour continuer à répondre aux besoins de nos aînés. En donnant, vous créez un héritage durable. Nous travaillons avec vous, votre famille et vos conseillers financiers pour créer un don significatif en nous assurant qu’il soit le mieux adapté à vos valeurs et à vos priorités. Gouverneurs INSPIREZ-VOUS ET DONNEZ Nous donnons des reçus d’impôts pour les dons. Pour devenir gouverneur appelez 514.343.3529 poste 7319 ou 7373 le 5 400 $ Gouverneurs or 1 000 $ Gouverneurs 300 $ Gouverneurs Golda Meir 300 $ Jeunes gouverneurs adultes 180 $ Gouverneurs à vie Votre don à la Fondation Centre juif Cummings pour aînés permet des avantages fiscaux importants et vous aide à reporter les gains en capital provenant de placements à long terme. Nous sommes là pour vous renseigner et vous éclairer sur les façons dont votre don va permettre de bâtir une fondation solide pour l'avenir. A ce sujet, informez-vous sur notre programme annuel des Gouverneurs, les Cartes personnalisées et le programme Repas Mitzvah. Pour plus d’information, contacter Cathy Simons, Directrice de la Fondation au 514.343.3529 poste 7229 ou Dites-le avec une Carte hommage Un simple appel téléphonique pour marquer une célébration, un anniversaire ou pour juste dire merci et nous ferons parvenir une belle carte à la personne que vous aurez choisie, en mentionnant que vous avez fait un don en son honneur. Il suffit de contacter la Fondation CJCA au 514.343.3529 poste 7373 pour faire envoyer votre Carte hommage. Centre CUMMINGS Fondation Joignez-vous à de nombreuses personnes et familles qui contribuent tous les ans au soutien de nos services et programmes essentiels. Nos options de dons planifiés comprennent : • Cadeaux de legs • Les fonds de dotation • Les dons de titres négociables • Les Rentes de bienfaisance 54 Volunteer Services / Service du bénévolat Contact / Contactez Lynn Gordon 514.342.1234 local / poste 7240 Exclusive for Cummings Centre volunteers Pour les bénévoles du Centre Cummings seulement It’s Not What You Say; It’s How You Say It Volunteer Services / Service du bénévolat How communicating effectively can strengthen your relationships with guest speaker Glynis E. Devine, Lecturer at McGill University Wednesday, May 1 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. RSVP to Marcie Klinger 514.342.1234 local 7225 by Monday, April 22 Ce n’est pas ce que vous dites; c’est comment vous le dites La façon de communiquer peut renforcer vos relations avec la conférencier invité Glynis E. Devine professeur à l’Université McGill Mercredi 1 mai de 13h30 à 15h30 RSVP avec Marcie Klinger au 514.342.1234 poste 7225 avant lundi 22 avril Le présentation se fera en anglais VOLUNTEER EVENTS Open House for New Volunteers Tuesday, April 16 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. National Volunteer Week April 22 - 25 Free Bingo for Volunteers Monday, April 22 12:30 p.m. Volunteer Enrichment Workshop Wednesday, May 1 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Volunteer Recognition Party Wednesday, June 5 Noon – 3 p.m. Sponsored by Volunteer Honoree Tea Wednesday, October 9 ÉVÉNEMENTS DE BÉNÉVOLAT Portes ouvertes pour les nouveaux bénévoles Mardi 16 avril 10h à 15h Semaine de l’action bénévole 22 au 25 avril Bingo gratuit pour les bénévoles lundi 22 avril 12h30 Atelier d’enrichissement pour les bénévoles mercredi 1 mai 13h30 à 15h30 Reconnaissance annuelle des bénévoles mercredi 5 juin midi à 15h parrainé par Thé annuel des bénévoles mercredi 9 octobre Cummings Centre Volunteer Services / Service du bénévolat 55 Contact / Contactez Lynn Gordon 514.342.1234 local / poste 7240 Tuesday, April 16, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 5700 Westbury Avenue, Montréal To learn more 514.342.1234 local 7240 CONNECT AND GET INVOLVED JOIN US PORTES OUVERTES POUR LES NOUVEAUX BÉNÉVOLES mardi 16 avril de 10h à 15h 5700, av. Westbury, Montréal Pour en savoir plus 514.342.1234 poste 7240énévolat IMPLIQUEZ-VOUS AUPRÈS D’AUTRUI We look forward to meeting you "Volunteering at the Cummings Centre has allowed us to share our expertise and learn new skills while making a contribution to the community. With so many choices, you too can find the perfect volunteer opportunity." S O Y E Z DE S N Ô T RE S Au plaisir de vous rencontrer « Le bénévolat au Centre Cummings nous a permis de partager notre expertise et d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences tout en apportant une contribution à la communauté. Avec tant de choix, vous pouvez aussi trouver le genre de bénévolat qui vous convient parfaitement. » Alice et Jerry Contact / Contactez Carole Klein 514.342.1234 local / poste 7207 Ask not what your Centre can do for you, Ask what you can do for seniors!! • If you believe in social justice and that all seniors deserve to live in dignity... • If you think a small group of dedicated people can make a difference... • Help us effectively defend the rights of seniors... Join the Social Action Committee at the Cummings Centre Centre CUMMINGS Ne vous demandez pas ce que votre Centre peut faire pour vous, demandez-vous plutôt ce que vous pouvez faire pour les aînés. • Si vous croyez en la justice sociale... • Si vous pensez que tous les aînés méritent de vivre dans la dignité... • Aidez-nous à défendre efficacement les droits des aînés... Joignez-vous au Comité d'action sociale du Centre Cummings Social ACTION sociaLE Social Action sociale Volunteer Services / Service du bénévolat OPEN HOUSE FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS 56 Social Services TRANSPORTATION Need help getting to your appointments? We provide door-to-door transportation and assisted transportation with accompaniment service to medical appointments and treatment ENCHANCE YOUR INDEPENDENCE CALL INTAKE TO LEARN MORE Social Services Sociaux 514.342.1234 A word from our clients “I would like to thank you for always going out of your way to accommodate my last minute requests to get the services of a driver for my mother. I live out of the country and it is wonderful to know that my mother is well taken care of. Each driver is caring, punctual, polite and respectful. They do relieve a lot of the stress of going to her doctor’s appointments.” Corinne N. Quelques mots de nos clients « Je ne peux trouver aucun mot adéquat pour décrire à quel point les services de transport assisté et d’accompagnement sont importants. S'ils n’étaient pas disponibles, ma mère n’aurait pu bénéficier du merveilleux service d’un chauffeur attentionné qui la conduit à ses rendezvous médicaux. C'est vraiment un service extrêmement précieux car il améliore la qualité de vie des personnes qui en ont besoin et, en même temps, il donne un certain répit aux membres de la famille qui sont occupés. » Joseph E. OUR SERVICES: Intake Services Sociaux TRANSPORT Besoin d’assistance pour aller à vos rendez-vous? Nous offrons un service de transport porte à porte ainsi que du transport assisté et de l'accompagnement pour les rendez-vous et les traitements médicaux. RENFORCEZ VOTRE INDÉPENDANCE POUR EN SAVOIR PLUS, COMPOSEZ LE 514.342.1234 *All services require an evaluation. Eligibility and cost are based on specific criteria. *Tous les services exigent une évaluation au préalable. L'admissibilité et les coûts sont déterminés en fonction de critéres précis. Homecare Day Program Meals on Wheels Services for Holocaust Survivors Community Mental Health Program NOS SERVICES : Accueil Soins à domicile Programme de jour Popote Roulante Services aux survivants de l’holocauste Programme communautaire de santé mentale Cummings Centre EXPOSITION ET VENTE D’ART par les étudiants du Département des Beaux-arts et du Centre d’artisanat FINE ARTS EXHIBITION & SALE by the students of the Fine Arts Department and Craft Centre Vernissage Lundi 15 avril 16h30 – 18h30 Monday, April 15, 4:30–6:30pm L’exposition | vente Exhibition | Sale April 16 avril 9h30–16h30 April 17 avril 9h30 – 14h30 Art Centre d’Art Le Centre Cummings Centre 5700, av. Westbury Ave. 514.342.1234 SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR VISIT US ON AT THE CENTRE OF IT ALL AU CENTRE DE VOTRE VIE MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS PRIVILEGES! L’ABONNEMENT A SES PRIVILÈGES! JOIN NOW ONLY DEVENEZ MEMBRE POUR SEULEMENT 20 $ WHAT OUR MEMBERS ARE SAYING... UN MOT DE NOS MEMBRES... I’m involved at the Centre as both a volunteer and program taker. I serve on several committees including Service Excellence, Training and Development and the Board of Directors. I find it particularly rewarding to see the results of my involvement on the functioning of the Agency. I enjoy fabulous programs such as book reviews, lectures and the film- talkumentary series, I’m interested in the topics, love learning and the quality of the programs continues to impress me. -Beverly Klein Je viens au Centre Cummings pour voir du monde, pour parler et communiquer. Je travaille comme bénévole au Cercle Sépharade et je participe à plusieurs programmes du « foyer ». Le Centre offre des conférences très intéressantes, des sorties et des célébrations des fêtes. Je suis ici le plus que je peux. – Fanny Cohen The Cummings Cente Guide, which we receive at home by mail and online, displays the incredible diversity of activities available for our community. But it was during a mid-morning tour of the bustling facility recently, what struck me was the warmth and attentiveness of the staff and volunteers, and the enthusiasm of the engaged participants going through their “paces.” The Centre is a jewel of our community and our family is proud to help support it! PROGRAMS | PROGRAMMES Get energized with activities that will move you to your personal best. Gagnez en énergie avec des activités qui vous feront vous dépasser. VOLUNTEER | BÉNÉVOLAT Connect and get involved with flexible volunteer opportunities that meet your needs. Connectez-vous et impliquez-vous dans du bénévolat qui répond à vos besoins. SOCIAL SERVICES SERVICES SOCIAUX Enhance your independence with services that meet your unique challenges. Améliorez votre indépendance grâce aux services prodigués qui répondent à vos défis particuliers. ADAPTED PROGRAMS PROGRAMMES ADAPTÉS Benefit from specialized art, fitness and social programs designed to help with any form of reduced mobility. Bénéficiez de programmes spécialisés en art, en conditionnement physique et sociaux, conçus pour aider les personnes à mobilité réduite et ce, peu importe le degré. FOUNDATION | FONDATION Be inspired and give Enrich the lives of seniors Inspirez-vous et donnez Enrichissez la vie des ainés – David Martz 5700, av. Westbury Ave., Montréal (Québec) H3W 3E8 Tél. : 514.342.1234 SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR VISIT US ON *See page 3 for details. Voir page 3 pour plus de détails. !"#$%&!
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