KatNews - Katoomba Public School
KatNews - Katoomba Public School
Newsletter The officialDate newsletter of Katoomba Public School KatNews Volume 2015 No: 7 Term 1 Week 7: 12th March 2015 Merriwa Street, Katoomba NSW 2780 Tel: 4782 1226 Fax: 4782 2996 Email: katoomba-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website: www.katoomba-p.schools.nsw.edu.au School Expectations Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect the Environment Uniform Shop opens on Tuesday mornings from 9am-9.30am. Assembly tomorrow will be led by 2/3O The canteen is closed until further notice. Each Friday “School Lunchbox” available online. Refer to page 2 article about temporary closure of Myschoollunchbox site after 27 March. Will resume again in Week 3 Term 2. The Virtue this week is Love From the Principal Fathers/uncles/grandfathers can make a difference in getting boys to read. Engaging boys in reading can be tough. Many parents find that their boys either aren’t interested in sitting still long enough, or they often perceive reading as a “girl thing”. The consequences of boys not reading as frequently or as copiously as girls can be dire. National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data shows that girls have consistently outperformed boys in reading across the last six years of assessments. Research also indicates that boys are three to five times more likely than girls to have a reading or learning disability. Experts agree that when it comes to engaging boys with books, the key is reading with dads, uncles and grandfathers. When fathers/uncles/grandfathers engage with their boys in reading, the level of boys’ engagement, interest and participation are known to change. Dads/uncles/ grandfathers are able to engage their boys in different ways with books, usually by hooking into shared interests and developing sustainable reading habits. The following tips are easy ways for dads/uncles/grandfathers to start or further develop quality reading relationships with their boys. *Dads/uncles/grandfathers are frequently seen as an untapped resource when assisting their boys with reading. When boys see their fathers as frequent and resourceful readers, this sets the scene for their future reading lives. Dads/uncles/grandfathers who share quality reading time with their sons are role-modelling effective reading behaviours. *Reading at home together is an excellent way to build quality reading time, though also consider making time to head into the classroom for reading when you are available. Make a special time together on weekends to venture to the local library or bookstores. *Read about shared interests *Encourage boys to choose what they are interested in reading. If they want to frequently read non-fiction texts about animals or dinosaurs, this is okay. Don’t restrict your boys’ choice in reading – when choices are restricted, a huge disincentive to read is created. *Dads/uncles/grandfathers need to share their favourite texts with their boys – talk about the types of authors, what happens in the story and what the characters are like. If you generally read only magazines or the sport pages in the paper, talk about these too. This sharing builds strong relationships around reading and demonstrates that reading takes on many different forms. * When considering books to suggest to your boys, try to think of a broad range of different types of texts. Comics, or graphic novels as they are now frequently known, are engaging, fast-paced, detailed and are usually tailored to boys’ interests. *Laugh and have fun. Boys love humour, and the plethora of humorous books that are in print makes these a popular choice. Allowing boys the opportunities to see the men in their lives as strong, resourceful and avid readers helps to demonstrate the importance of reading. Take the time to read, discuss and enjoy books with your son, grandson or nephew to help set them up for reading success. Fiona Paine Upcoming Events ………… Thursday 19th March Friday 20th March Cross Country Discos and Harmony Day - Wear Orange Volume 2015 KatNews No: 7 Page 2 School Cross Country Students in years 3 to 6 and any child turning 8 years old this year in year 2 will be participating in our school cross country on Thursday 19th March 2015 starting at approximately 11am. Children will need to bring lunch, drinks, some fruit and snacks for this event. They will need to wear joggers, shorts and either a school shirt or t-shirt in house colours as well as a hat. It is also wise to pack sunscreen, tracksuits, jackets and an extra jumper depending on the weather. It should be a great day. If you are able to help on the day please contact me on 47821226. Thank you for your support Solly Wallace Ride to School Day Ride2School Day is on Wednesday 1st April We are looking forward to lots of riders with helmets for our fantastic group photo during the day. Students with bikes will also participate in some riding on a track designed by Mr Nicholson after lunch. Our students will be joining other students across the country in walking or riding to school. National Ride2School Day is a chance for our students to come together and be active on the way to and from school. An event like this can give all of us at Katoomba Public School a taste of the benefits, ease and fun involved in walking and riding to school! Thank you for support. Andrew Nicholson Change of Date for AECG Meeting Please be advised that the next Blue Mountains AECG meeting will be on Thursday 19th March at Winmalee High School. Please be there by 4pm for a 4.30pm start. Please note this is a change of date. Charmaine Tully AECG Secretary My School Lunchbox - Temporary Changes My School Lunch Box will be closing for the period 31st March until 11th May as the business is being relocated and renovated. The last order for this term will therefore be Friday 27th March, and the service will resume again on Friday 15th May in Week 3 of Term 2. The company appreciates your understanding and is sorry for any inconvenience. For further information, please see their website or email Rae at Info@myschoollunchbox.com.au Volume 2015 KatNews No: 7 Page 3 Congratulations to the following students who received awards in Week 6: Principal Book Awards: Ella Wallace, Tara Hughes, Jaya Doloswala, Finn Cousins, Joseph Fliegner. Academic Awards K/B: Ada Blaxland, Talyn Dodd K/1G: Olivia Laws 1C: Layla Roberts 1S: Aife Haigh 2W: Tabitha Sheppard, Robert Corlett 2/30: Natalie Johnson, Silas Finn 3/4D: Ivy Jayne-O’Connor 4/5M: Luca Gabardi, Tobey Shyne 5/6A: Jim Schoeler 5/6K: Braedon Holzmann Friday Morning Tea with the Principal This Friday morning after Assembly parents/carers are invited to stay in the canteen area for a cup of tea or coffee with the Principal to chat and share P&C news. KatNews Volume 2015 No: 7 Page 4 5/6K and the CARES Bike Program Last Thursday year 6 and some year 5 students participated in the CARES bike program at St Marys. CARES stands for Community and Road Education Scheme. Constable Pritchard taught us about road safety, communicating on the road including the use of hand signals, road signs and the importance of wearing a helmet. After learning about the road rules, we did bike training. If we passed the test we got a bike licence which allowed us to ride on the main track. They had made the track to look like a real road with traffic lights, a roundabout and pedestrian crossings. If you made unsafe decisions and broke the laws then you lost points from your licence. It was a great day, we learned a lot about road safety and at the end we were rewarded with a nice cold ice-block! By the 5/6K licenced cyclists!