from the Principal... - St Augustine`s College
from the Principal... - St Augustine`s College
Term 3 Volume 28 11 September 2013 College Newsletter from the Principal... Dear Members of the College community Further to last week’s newsletter, it is with great delight that we announce the election of Fr Alejandro Moral Anton as the 97th Prior General of the Order of Saint Augustine. The appointment was made on September 4, the Feast of Our Mother of Consolation, Patroness of the Augustinian Order, during the Augustinian Chapter Meeting in Rome. Fr Alejandro Moral Anton OSA Fr Anton was born in La Vid (Burgos), Spain in 1955 and entered the novitiate of the Augustinian Province of Spain in 1972. He professed his religious vows in 1973 and made his Solemn Profession in 1980. Fr Anton was ordained to the priesthood in 1981. In 1995, he was elected Prior Provincial and in 2001 was elected as Vicar General of the Order. From that time until his election as Prior General, he has been a member of the Order’s General Curia and has held various responsibilities as President of the Commission, President of the Economic Commission and President of the Order’s Secretariat for Justice and Peace. Fr Alejandro has worked extensively with the Order’s international commissions of Laity, Education, Finances and Spirituality. We join with the Augustinians in praying to Our Mother of Good Counsel and Saint Augustine that the Augustinian Order under his leadership may increase in unity and holiness. Pope Francis and the Augustinians in the Basilica of Sant’ Agostino, Rome From left to right: Fr Tony Banks OSA (Prior Provincial Australasia), Fr Robert Prevost, OSA (Past Prior General), Fr Alejandro Anton OSA (new Prior General) Fr Peter Jones OSA (Provincial House Brookvale) COLLEGE WALKATHON The monies raised from this year’s Walkathon will again support our Social Justice SEA Programme which this year includes projects carried out in Nepal, Cambodia and India. It will also assist the Augustinian Formation house as they educate the next generation of priests to support the College. We ask that all Walkathon sponsorship money is returned by this Friday, September 13 – thank you. RIP Please keep Adam and Kym Gray and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Cooper Gray’s funeral will be held at St Kieran’s Church, Manly Vale at 11am on Monday, September 16. We ask that you keep Tony O’Shea and his family in your prayers – Tony’s mother Gwen O’Shea died over the weekend. Her funeral will be held in Canberra this Wednesday. May Cooper and Gwen be at peace with the Risen Lord. Prayers Please continue to pray for David Gilbert and Tony O’Shea as they recover from their illnesses. Reflection The Feast of St Nicholas of Tolentine was celebrated this morning at our community Mass in St Monica’s Chapel. St Nicholas fostered a profound devotion of prayer for the faithful departed; so much so that he has merited, by the Church, the title “Patron Saint of the Faithfully Departed”. He strongly encouraged the practice of having Masses offered for the souls of the departed. Prayer for Strength Lord, I come before you today knowing that all power is in your hands. I know that you are the Lord and that you care for your people. Right now, friends in our community are struggling with a difficult trial. Lord, you have all of the strength that they need. I pray that you will let your presence fill the room where they are and let them feel an extra portion of your strength that can help them to get through this time. Amen. Tim Cleary Principal from the Head of School... Economic rationalism has Australia by the throat Economic rationalism has Australia by the throat; both major political parties embrace it wholeheartedly, as does the bureaucracy. This is the notion that the market, free of restraint, is the arbiter of all things; values, attachments, ethics and relationships. Former Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, said economic rationalism is now a religion is this country; it is the altar both political parties worship. It is hard to hear a voice of significant opposition to this notion, perhaps a few Independents and the Democrats, but minorities with no real power. Communism might be dead but e-communism seems to have hijacked politics and there seems to be no public space to be talking about good and bad. I certainly do not want to comment on political matters other than to say the entire political campaign over the past few weeks solely concentrated on how policies were going to affect an individual’s hip pocket! Whilst this is important, as a strong economy improves the quality of life for all, the debate never wavered to issues of social justice and compassion. It is true, at times, the right choice costs more. Complicated policies dealing with refugees were framed simply within the economic framework rather than through the prism of our responsibilities to care for a human being (often referred to as illegal aliens) while foreign aid, climate issues and the value of the Arts were also sadly neglected. Saint Augustine was a man of passion. He urged us to always seek the margins; the greater good, the better choice, the more influential outcome, the more virtuous act. We hope to fashion a restlessness in our boys’ character here at the College; a restlessness that extends them intellectually; a restlessness that points them to the margins; a restlessness that will never let them be settled while they see justice denied. We hope our boys will never be content to simply drift quietly in the occurrence of culture, without making ripples; never settle cosily into a comfort zone, satisfied with their status quo. Rather, we hope we develop young men of competence, conscience and compassion who view issues beyond their own hip pocket, through the prism of the ‘greater good’. “What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.” Saint Augustine Reading for pleasure An OECD study found that one of the most important indicators for the future academic success of a child is his/ her willingness to read for pleasure in the critical years in lower secondary. The research suggests that those who read for pleasure demonstrate an intrinsic desire to engage with stories, texts and learning. Aligned with reading is the natural progression towards writing. Reading invites us to delve into times, places and people that we would never experience for ourselves. This, in turn, assists the novice writer in their expression, turn of phrase, creativity and imagination; all important ingredients for successful writing. The cry, too often, of today’s youth should never be that, ‘I cannot find anything interesting to read’ or ‘I do not have enough time to read’. Reading, like all forms of artistic expression, is a deeply personal thing. Might I encourage parents to take up the conversation with their son and urge them to take the time to enjoy the habit and pleasure of reading and to persist with it all through their adolescent and adult years. Congratulations Congratulations to the following students who received Academic Awards at a recent College Assembly: Haobo ChangYear 12 Japanese – Language Perfect Award Charlie WangYear 12 Japanese – Language Perfect Award Tobias BrocklehurstYear 10 Photography & Digital Media Connor McMorranYear 10 Photography & Digital Media Joseph AzzolinaYear 9 English Nicholas BobisYear 9 English Edward CheckettsYear 9 English Riley KiehneYear 9 English Michael MeteYear 9 English Benjamin WigneyYear 9 English Flynn MartinYear 6 Chinese Fletcher GreenYear 5 Chinese Congratulations to the following Science winners who received a High Distinction: Year 10 Matthew Armstrong Nicholas Chivers Henry Turner Year 9 Lachlan Hodgins Jack McNaughton Year 8 Mark Bourke Jake Burgman Jack Campbell Rupert Canning Jack Edwards Finlay Harris Julien Horrocks Bradley Jackson Angus Simpson Rhys Thompson Year 7 Connor Hopkins Joshua McMenamin Cole Pittar Congratulations to Daniel Pitcher on his selection in the 2013 New South Wales Institute of Sport Basketball Squad. Nathan Watkins and Matthew Tilley with their Queen’s Scout Awards As mentioned in Tolle Lege recently, Matthew Tilley (Year 11) and Nathan Watkins (Year 12) were presented with the Queen’s Scout Award at an official ceremony at Government House. The photograph below is from the formal presentation. On Friday 20th September, a Gold Coin Mufti day has been organised. The funds raised will enable our community to honour Danny Hasler through the provision of a Memorial Park Bench, nostalgically positioned at Long Reef where Danny so often walked enjoying both the exercise and the beauty of his heartland. This initiative has been largely driven by a committed group of Year 11 parents. As a community we are proud to be involved in this well deserved and fitting memorial of Danny’s life. Year 12 Mother and Son Mass Year 12 mothers gathered with their sons last Sunday for a celebration of the Eucharist. Celebrant, Father FrTan, shared a story of his relationship with his mother who left Vietnam obtaining refugee status in Australia in the late 70s. Will Shaw gave a wonderful reflection on the important role of mothers in a son’s life and thanked them for their forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love while Harrison Blake, Sam Barrett, Josh Tyler and Dylan Chant selected music of appreciation. Many thanks to Year 12 mothers Donna Blake and Sharon Porter for their coordination of this special celebration. Matthew Hutchison Head of School from the Dean of Senior School... Year 12 Graduation 2013 Uniform and Grooming It is with much excitement that the College is awaiting the Year 12 Graduation tomorrow. A significant amount of preparation has occurred to ensure that our students enjoy a full and interactive day. The standard of student uniform and grooming has been generally satisfactory this term. However, I have been personally disappointed that some students have required some follow up from Student Formation Leaders or myself. Students have a very clear understanding of the College expectations in regards to uniform and grooming. As such, the College will enforce these very fair expectations, when required. The College has organized substantial celebrations for tomorrow including a farewell breakfast, graduation assembly, morning tea, Mass and dinner. As our Year 12 boys fast approach the conclusion of their formal schooling, I kindly ask our community to keep our graduating students and their families in their prayers. As a College community, we wish our Year 12 students the very best, as they continue their journey beyond the school gates of St Augustine’s College. Year 11 Retreat Preparations are well underway for the upcoming Year 11 Retreat, Merroo, Kurrajong. It will be held early Term 4 on Thursday 10 October and Friday 11 October, 2013. The theme of the Retreat is Seeds of Growth. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our students to nourish their spirituality and be reflective about their life journey. Term 4 Commencement Please be aware that classes will resume on Tuesday 8 October, 2013. It is an expectation that students return to school with the correct summer uniform and that they are groomed according to the expectations of the College. As I will be on long service leave during Term 4, I wish all families the very best for the rest of this year. Peter Nolan (Dean of Middle School) will be the Acting Dean of Senior School during my absence. God bless Classroom Visits I have recently been visiting some classes in the Senior School. I have been most impressed with the quality of the work produced and the level of student engagement. I urge to parents to regularly encourage their sons to have a strong work ethic in class, as this will contribute to increased student motivation. Frank Chiment Dean of Senior School from the Dean of Primary School... Laptop programme It is close to three years ago that we introduced the 1-1 Laptop programme in the Primary School and by in large, the implementation has been very successful. The purpose of such a programme was to encourage the boys to be responsible, discerning and critical users of technology. To be able to use technology to present information in a variety of mediums has been a major success. Boys are not just presenting using PowerPoint, they are able to freely choose their mode of delivery to suit a desired purpose and audience. Multi modal delivery of information is now the norm and is something I am enormously proud of. Classes are programing robots to perform complicated tasks; they are using logo to invent their own games and programs, as well as being able to creatively present using diverse ranges of software. Being critical users of technology is the most important aspect of our Laptop programme. Boys need to be able to ascertain the validity of information researched and determine whether this information is objective and not slanted to represent the views of the author. Technology is to be embraced and not feared, however recent cases of inappropriate use of technology, has caused me to question whether all boys are responsible and discerning users of technology. There are clear guidelines set out in the boys’ diaries and on the College website regarding the appropriate use of technology. It is timely to remind boys of their responsibility when using their devices and in particular downloading inappropriate games and images and bringing them to the College. Social media is a concern as it allows boys to hide behind the safety of their computer to denigrate and make harmful comments about others. We are all acutely aware of cyber bullying and the emotional and physical damage it can cause to the victims of such verbal abuse. I urge all parents to supervise or place the appropriate safety functions on computers, so that boys are not exposed to inappropriate material. I also advise parents to discuss with their sons the importance of only posting positive messages, and if in fact they need to belong to social media sites at all while in Primary School. Pink Breakfast The P&F’s Annual Pink Breakfast is on again next term. All mothers’ (mother figure/grandmother/aunty etc.) are invited, along with their sons to this lovely breakfast held at the front of the College on Tuesday October 22nd, 7:30am – 8:45am. An invitation and online booking form will be in Tolle Lege next week. I hope you can join me at this really special morning, with a gourmet breakfast included as well as live music performances, P&F stalls selling different items and a raffle. All monies raised goes to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, as part of the College’s Social Justice programme. Terry Walsh Dean of Primary School Coming Events . . . Thursday 12 September Year 12 Graduation Assembly, Mass and Dinner Friday 13 September North Harbour Parish, Sacrament of Confirmation, Brimson Centre (7.00 pm) Saturday 14 September The Triumph of the Cross Sunday 15 September Brass Ensemble Performance, St Mary’s Church, Manly (2.00 pm) Monday 16 September Year 12 Post-Trial Programme commences College Board Meeting Year 12 2014 Parent Information Evening, Brimson Centre (7.30 pm) Tuesday 17 September Manly Corso Music Performance (12.30 pm – 2.30 pm) Opens Rugby Presentation Dinner, Brimson Centre (6.30 pm) Wednesday 18 September CIS Athletics Carnival 2014 New Parents Information Evening, Brimson Centre (7.30 pm) Wednesday 18 September & Thursday 19 September Year 5 & 6 Life Education visit Thursday 19 September St Alonso de Orozco OSA Football Presentation 11 – 16 Years, Brimson Centre (7.00 pm) Friday 20 September College Mufti Day Mark Taylor Shield Primary Cricket Term Three concludes Saturday 21 September – Monday 7 October 2013 Nepal SEA Programme Trip Last Sunday, Year 12 boys and their mums joined in the Eucharist with Fr Minh-Tan Hoang OSA . It was a moving celebration as the boys approach the final days of their formal schooling at Saints. Many thanks to the mums, the boys, Matt Hutchison, Frank Chiment and Kirsty Begg who attended and Cheryl Howell for all her wonderful work in making this such a moving evening. This morning the College community celebrated our annual Mass of St Nicholas of Tolentine. This special Mass is for the families of ex-students and staff who have contributed to the growth of our Augustinian community and now share in eternal life. The student body was proudly represented by 7.2 and we welcomed Fr Paul Maloney OSA back to the College. Many thanks to all who made the Mass and morning tea possible. Margaret McElhone – Mission Advisor Ph: 9938-8297 Boys in all years are encouraged to become involved with the SEA Programme. Meetings are held Monday 2 Lunch 1 in A2.1 Community Connect Gardening: A gardening service for the elderly, sick and injured. All students and parents welcome. Saturday 14th September: 8.30am – 12.30pm. Please email for further information or to register as a volunteer. Now winter sport commitments are complete this is a great way to spend a Saturday morning and help people in the community that need it. 2013 Overseas Immersions: Staff and students are currently in the process of preparing themselves for the 2013 Overseas Immersions to Nepal, Cambodia and India. In the lead up to these trips the groups work together to prepare themselves both mentally and physically for the experience. The students travelling to Nepal have commenced training in preparation for the trek of the Annapurna region and all groups have begun discussions about the history, culture and traditions of each of the countries, general travel advice and also about the details of the work they will be doing whilst away. Staff and students will depart for Nepal next Saturday 21st September. We wish them safe travels. 2014 Philippines Immersion: Thank you to the staff, parents, students and old boys who expressed interest in being involved in the 2014 Philippines Immersion. We have had over 85 people say they are interested in attending. Further information regarding this immersion will be made available in Week One next term. Kate Donnellan – SEA Coordinator: Year 5 Jackson Poolan Year 6 Sebastian Cooper For his determination and fighting spirit. For his polite and courteous attitude. Year 7 Tom Baum For his enthusiasm and participation in the recent ISA athletics carnival. Year 8 Lachlan Vella Showing kindness and compassion to a fellow member of the school community. Year 9 Cameron Prince Year 10 Jack Williams For representing the College with distinction at three recent athletics carnivals. For showing leadership during the College Rugby season and presentation evening. Year 11 Sione Afu Year 12 Bradley Clarke For always trying his best in all that he does. For always being supportive and helpful. FOUNDATI N ...commitment to our boys Foundation Spring Party – will be a fantastic night of entertainment! Have you purchased your tickets yet to the Foundation Spring Party? Why not get together with others in your son’s Year Group and join us in a fabulous night to celebrate a great year at St Augustine’s College. With less than six weeks to the Spring Party and so you don’t miss out please purchase your tickets NOW through TryBooking! When: Where: Cost: Friday, 18 October 2013 – Term 4 (just two weeks into the term) Great Hall, International College of Management Sydney (ICMS) in Manly Tickets are $80 per person with delicious cocktail food, premium beverages, a fabulous venue with stunning ocean views, all the excitement of a great party and the chance to win some terrific auction and raffle prizes. Prizes include gorgeous accommodation packages (Queenstown - New Zealand, Port Douglas, South Coast and Hunter Valley), Apple laptop and i-Pad, a great range of gift vouchers and many more! Major entertainment includes: Dr Andrew Rochford as MC, performer and singer Samantha Shaw with live music by The Old Boys Band led by Joe Montz. We are excited to announce that Dr Andrew Rochford will be our MC at the Foundation Spring Party. Andrew is an Old Boy (Class of 1997) and following his time at the College established a career in medicine (Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (Honours), Bachelor of Medical Science). Andrew has also had a flourishing media career since winning the 2004 series of Channel 9’s The Block. Andrew is currently one of the hosts on the Channel 10 show The Project and has presented multiple shows on Channel 9 (What’s Good for You, Waiting Room, You Saved My Life, Amazing Medical Stories) as well as cohosting a breakfast programme on Mix 106.5 in 2011. Andrew is in demand as one of Australia’s most popular talents and we are thrilled he will join us as MC at the Foundation Spring Party! Megathis section be put in a red box with white writing to make it stand out How you can be involved and support the College: 1.Donate a quality bottle/s of wine for auction – dust of a bottle or two from your cellar and drop it off to the College or our collection points at Seaforth, Dee Why, Collaroy and Davidson (addresses provided by email via class parents). *Please note: it is important students do not bring wine donations to the College. 2.Donate a prize for the silent or live auction – perhaps you can donate an item or ask someone you know. Suggestions… restaurant experience, health and fitness packages, leisure boating escape, holiday accommodation, artwork or framed memorabilia. Sponsor our entertainers – a minimum $500 sponsorship will give you maximum exposure. 3. We appreciate and value whatever support you are able to give the College Foundation. All donations are due by Friday, 20 September 2013. For all St Augustine’s College Foundation enquiries please do not hesitate to contact: Rod Loneragan Head of College Foundation Margaret Oates Foundation & Development Assistant Tel: 9938 8292Tel: 9938 8269 Principal Tim Cleary and the College Foundation invite you to the Foundation Friday 18 October 2013 Great Hall, International College of Management Sydney (ICMS) 151 Darley Road, Manly 7:00pm – 11:00pm $80 per person (includes cocktail food and beverages) Dress: Cocktail RSVP: Friday 11 October 2013 Purchase tickets here or visit Entertainment by Auctions, lucky Donate a bottle of Performer raffles for the wine Northern Beaches Samantha Shaw and the Old Boys Band door prizes, and more! wine auction All funds raised will support current College educational initiatives for all students. Enquiries | Margaret Oates | 9938 8269 | • • • • • • • • • • • • • Universities University Open Days provide a great opportunity to visit a university, speak with current students and lecturers and get a “feel” for the university. There are still some Sydney universities yet to hold open days. Bond University: 2013 Medicine Information Evening is being held in Sydney on the 23/9/13. As a Partner School of Macquarie University 2 students from our College will be eligible for 5 bonus points to attend Macquarie University. A number of scholarships are also available exclusively to Partner School students. All Year 12 students have been emailed details of these opportunities. Partner School bonus point applications are due at the end of this term. Applications for ACU’s early entry scheme, the Early Achievers Program are now open. Visit the website or see me for a brochure. Macquarie University offers some course preference advice in its article “Getting Your UAC Preferences Sorted”. The Universities Admission Centre (UAC) has produced a very useful guide, “All about UAC for Parents”. It includes all the facts parents (& students) need to know about UAC and about helping students navigate their way through the university admissions process. UAC Information for Year 12 Students provides power point presentations on the university application process. Students are advised to look at these prior to making their application. Applications open 7/8/13 and on-time applications close on 27/9/13. An additional fee is applied to late applications. The University of Canberra Principal’s Recommendation Scheme enables students to secure an offer to university in December. Offers are made only on the basis of principal recommendation; no other supporting information is required. See me if you are interested in this pathway. Charles Sturt University invites students to participate in the Principal’s Report Entry Program (PREP), where they may be eligible to receive a university offer in November. See me for an application form. The UTS Principal’s Recommendation Scheme enables candidates to receive a 10 ATAR point concession below the UTS cut-off. It is available to financially disadvantaged students. See me for further information. The University of New England offers early entry to university based on school recommendation. See me for an application form. Southern Cross University STAR Entry Scheme lets Year 12 students gain an early offer to study at Southern Cross University in 2014 based on their school principal’s recommendation. Applications close 13/9/13. UTS Engineering Faculty provides the opportunity for students to complete a questionnaire which may allow a student access to UTS Engineering if their ATAR falls short of the cut off. The questionnaire is open from 2/7/13 to 29/11/13. Private Colleges • • • • • • • • • • • • CATC Design School Open Day is being held on 14/9/13 Billy Blue College of Design Open Day is being held on 21/9/13 Endeavour College of Natural Health Open Day is being held on 13/10/13 The Australian Film Television and Radio School offers a range of school holiday courses throughout September for students aged between 9 and 17 who have an interest in filmmaking, game design, animation or screenwriting. Tocal College provides agricultural and conservation land management education. They are hosting Open day on 27/9/13 & 4/10/13 Basair Aviation College is hosting Information Sessions in the coming months William Angliss Institute Sydney Open Day is on 14/9/13 Scholarships/ Cadetships The C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship offers up to $45 000 as a residential scholarship at a limited number of universities The University of Notre Dame’s Academic Merit Scholarship applications are now open. Australian government cadetship, scholarship, and work experience opportunities within Australian Government departments and agencies including attorney-general’s, Defence, immigration and more, are now available. The Optus Engineering Cadet Program offers a combination of paid onthe-job learning and paid TAFE studies over 3 years. UTS Science is advertising a range of scholarships for students studying specific science or mathematics based courses. See link or poster in Cameron House. • The NSW Department of Education & Communities - Teacher Education Scholarship Program applications are open until 4/10/13. Gap Year ProgramMEs • • Projects Abroad is hosting an information night on the 17/9/13 Antipodeans Abroad has sent brochures about their GapBreak program Student ProgramMEs/ Workshops • • • • • • • • • ACU is introducing the Faculty of Law to Sydney from 2014. They are hosting a Law talk and panel discussion on 12/9/13. The Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE is hosting a HSC & Tertiary Preparation Course information evening on 11/11/13. Details available from the coordinator on 9942 0732. Macquarie University: Uni in a Day provides Yr 10, 11 & 12 students the opportunity to find out what university life would be like. It is held 27/9/13. Access Education is holding HSC Exam Revision Lectures at Nth Sydney in October. The School for Excellence is hosting HSC revision lectures Students in Year 10 or 11 who are interested in science or engineering can take part in the University of New South Wales: Minerals Summer School 4 day residential summer school. Students will learn about study, careers, lifestyles and opportunities in the Australian minerals industry. Applications close 20/9/13. The School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications at UNSW is inviting high achieving Year 10 & 11 students to take part in the UNSW Taste of Electrical Engineering 2013 workshop next holidays. Limited places are available. Australian Institute of Physics: Physics in Industry Day hosted by CSIRO Materials Science & Engineering is being held on 7/11/13. This day will provide students with an insight into how physics is used in real world industries. The Honeywell Engineering Summer School brings together 100 Year 11 students with the desire to pursue Engineering as their future career. It will run from 1/12/13 to 6/12/13 Miscellaneous • • • • • • • • • • Macquarie University: Physics and Astronomy Careers Night is being held on 11/9/13 ABC Careers Day - Students from years 10 to 12 are invited to attend a trial careers afternoon on 25/10/13 where they will hear from ABC staff in a number of different fields. RSVP: Johanna Hough at College Old Boy Martin Beasley has a vacancy for a student interested in a Wall & Floor Tiling apprenticeship. Contact Martin on 0417459966 QANTAS Apprentice Program applications are open now for the 2014 program AAP has a range of practice aptitude quizzes for people interested in entering a trade. It’s a general resource designed to illustrate key literacy, numeracy and comprehension learning standards required of people attempting an Australian Apprenticeships entry level qualification. 2012 HSC Exam Workbooks are now available to purchase for English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Studies of Religion, English Extension 1 and PDHPE. The workbooks have been designed by the Board of Studies to help students prepare for HSC written exams. The Australian Government has launched a new site to help young people find the support and resources they need to overcome barriers to university study. It allows potential students, families and teachers to search for information about different types of Government assistance they can apply for. MyUniversity provides students with a broad range of information about Australian universities and other higher education providers. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations has provided copies of “Australian Jobs 2013” which summarises information about the Australian labour market. I have some copies available. The Australian Defence Force Academy Education Award is presented annually to Year 12 students in recognition of leadership potential, and academic and sporting achievements exhibited during Year 11. The award comprises of a laptop computer and certificate, along with a plaque of recognition for your school. Applications close 28/2/14. For further information on any of the above contact Paul McAlinden at the College. Previous editions of Career News are available on the College Portal under the News heading. Study Skills Study Tips For Students End of Term Consolidation of Learning As we approach the end of the term, there are things that you should do in the next week to consolidate this terms learning. Go through all your workbooks and textbooks, ensure all work has been completed and is up to date. File into your folder or glue into your workbooks all worksheets. Complete study notes for each unit of work you have completed this term, so that they are ready for your examina tion preparation next term. Update your Homework/Study Timetable in preparation for Term 4. (Timetables with instructions for each year group can be located on the Academic Site on ATLAS). Organise your locker. Were you able to find all items readily each day? Do you need to change the way your locker is organised? Evaluate the assessments you completed this term for each subject area. • What did you do well in the assessment? • Do you feel you should have done better? • Why do think you achieved this mark? • Can you beat your personal best in this subject? • What are you going to change next time to improve? Year 12 This week, Year 12 attended a study skills session titled ‘The HSC Countdown’ with Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services. The aim was to help Year 12 put together a plan of attack for between now and their final exams. The session focused firstly on what students need to do before the end of term. It is essential that study notes are completed, students work through their returned Trial HSC exam papers thoroughly (using the checklist provided), pinpoint areas of weakness and seek help on these, and endeavour to do as much practise of essay writing and past examination papers as they can before the end of term so they can obtain feedback from teachers. Each Year 12 student also filled out a grid with their HSC exam timetable, planning the best way to allocate their study time over the weeks prior and during the HSC exams using the guidelines Prue explained. Having a plan in place can take away a lot of exam anxiety, as students know what they need to do to move forward and can see the steps they need to take to make the most of the last few months of their final year of school. Parents are encouraged to review the handout from the session with students and have students explain their study plan . Students were also provided with the September 2013 Holiday Study Programme of workshop style classes offered by teachers during the September holidays. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of these sessions. To contact the Studies Co-ordinators, Middle School students and parents should email Kylie Bowra at and Senior School students and parents should email Tricia Briggs at Both Studies Co-ordinators work closely with their respective Dean of School. Learning Enrichment News SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SUPER CHALLENGE DAY – SILVERWATER On 10th September 21 students from Mrs Egger’s Year 10 Science Class and some Learning Enrichment students travelled to Silverwater to compete in the State Final of the Southern Region Science and Engineering Super Challenge Day Competition. They participated in the final having won their regional competition at Macquarie University earlier in the term. Students achieved the outstanding result of fourth place competing against eight other schools from around the state. They participated in all activities with enthusiasm and displayed innovate and creative ways to solve various problems presented to them. The St Augustine’s Team competed against both Sydney and country schools including: Sydney Technical High School, Epping Boys High School, Keira Girls High, Cedars Christian College, St Patrick’s College Camperdown, Xavier College and Goulburn High School. The Challenge is run in every state and territory of Australia and is becoming increasingly more competitive as more schools have the opportunity to participate. In 2012 more than 24,000 students and 800 schools were involved in the competition. Graham Bruce Learning Enrichment Co-ordinator Years: 7 – 12 Dates: Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd December 2013 Venue: Lands Edge Chowder Bay Sydney Applicants for the Writer’s Retreat will be required to submit the following: A portfolio (3-5 entries only) which displays pieces they believe ‘shows their journey through writing’. All entries should be original. The entries could show a progression in writing ability (from Year 6 onwards) or exemplify how they have used writing to express something they are passionate about. Submissions are due Thursday 10 October 2013 to Tate Williams by email at or via Moran House Office. ATTENTION PARENTS! College Sport & Co Curricular Photos All Sport & Co-curricular photo order envelopes will be available from the Front Office or the Primary Office until the end of term. Rugby and Basketball photo order envelopes are also now available. Please return order envelopes containing the correct money to the Front Office by Friday 20 September. After this date orders will need to be completed by contacting Advancedlife on Ph 9905 6688. The College requires complete student, family and medical information. The information provided is used for parent communications, in the event of illness or accident and to assist in the organisation of excursions and/or sporting activities. Details currently on record at the College may have changed; it is a requirement of enrolment that parents/guardians provide all known contact details, medical and family information about their child to the College. Please contact the College Registrar, Philippa Sherwood to advise of any changes. URGENT REQUEST . . . Readers and Scribes (Writers) are Required for the Year 12 Higher School Certificate: Monday October 14 – Wednesday November 6, 2010 The NSW Board of Studies recognises that students with a disability, either physical or learning disability, can be disadvantaged when sitting for exams. In order to help them to demonstrate what they have learned in thesubjects being tested, they can be granted extra time and the help of a reader and/or scribe for the School certificate Examinations. Dear Parents and Care Givers We are in need of volunteers to help some of our Year 12 students as readers and/or scribes in the coming HSC Examinations. If you are not a current parent of a Year 12 student and you are able to help out the students who qualify for disability provisions please contact me on email Please leave you name and contact details and I will contact you to discuss the dates and times reader/scribes are required. Your support is very much appreciated. Mary Anne Brickwood Learning Support and Enrichment Coordinator CANTEEN ROSTER . . . Thursday 12/9/13 Friday 13/9/13 Monday 16/9/13 Tuesday 17/9/13 Wednesday 18/9/13 Kate Lush (till 11:30am) Sally Stewart Louise Lyons Wendy Croxford Katrina Harvey Jo McNaughton Gill Canning Rosemary Scognamiglio Caron Stevenson Belinda Eady (after 1pm) Toa Manu Donna Ryan Beverly Baxter Valerie Smidmore Susan Mohr Kim Brookes Catherine Perkins Kate Bourke Essie Kassulke Sharon Porter Koula Ates Christina Brain Please note that the last delivery of sushi, fried rice and noodles will be Thursday 5 September. Normal deliveries will resume at the commencement of Term 4. Apologies for the inconvenience. Carol Pritchard. THE ATLAS PERFORMING ARTS SITE Our Tolle Lege newsletter is only updated once a week. Stay up to date with Music and Drama. Use the Performing Arts ATLAS site. Log in here. PERFOMANCE OPPORTUNITY FOR STAGE BAND 1 Manly Council contacted us requesting for Stage Band 1 to perform at the Brookvale Show (Saturday, October 19). We have performed at the last two of these events, and owing to the popularity of the performance, have been specifically asked to come back. We have confirmed our performance slot for 1:30-2:10pm. Of course, we need to meet at 12:30pm to carry over all the gear. And again, at the end, no boy can go until all the equipment is brought back over to the College. MANLY JAZZ FESTIVAL Jazz ensemble and both Stage Bands are playing in this year’s Manly International Jazz Festival over the October Long Weekend. Please contact Joseph Montz ASAP if your son cannot be at the performances listed below. Boys need to arrive 30 minutes prior the start times in order to be allowed to play on the day. Boys with large “borrowed” instruments (eg Baritone Saxophone) need to remember to take the instrument home with them on the last day of term. CAST This week: Thursday 12th - All cast rehearsal for singing at Stella from from 4-5pm. Last week of Term 3: Tuesday 17th September - Dance rehearsal at Stella Thursday 19th - No rehearsal for singing. Next term: You will need to be available for dance rehearsals at Stella on Tuesday afternoons from 4-6pm. There will be some singing rehearsals at lunchtime at school, Catharina Shepherd will let you know the times. Please note there is no regular Thursday rehearsal next term. Leads will be required for more rehearsals, stay tuned for details!! BRASS ENSEMBLE PERFORMANCE The Brass Ensemble is playing at a special fundraiser concert THIS SUNDAY (September 15) from 2-4pm (see flyer). Boys need to arrive at 1pm for rehearsal with organist. The Fundraiser is to raise money for the repair of the Church Organ at St Mary’s. The boys are hard at work at the moment preparing for the concert. GUITAR ENSEMBLE PERFORMANCE Stage Band 1: Saturday, October 5, 12pm Stage Band 2: Sunday, October 6, 10am Jazz Ensemble: Monday, October 7, 5:15pm (Council Chambers) All boys in the Guitar Ensemble have a performance at Manly Corso next Tuesday from 12:30-1:30pm. Permission notes have been distributed, and can also be obtained from Lynne Papahatzis or Joseph Montz. STAGE BANDS AND JAZZ ENSEMBLE REHEARSAL SCHEDULE The Manly Jazz festival is the last week of holidays. Joseph Montz is holding a special holiday rehearsal for all the bands involved. Attendance is voluntary, but highly encouraged. If you would like to review the current rehearsal schedule, you can find it on the Performing Arts ATLAS site. Log in here. Stage Band 1: Thursday October 3 – 12-2pm Stage Band 2: Friday October 4 9-11am Jazz Ensemble: Friday October 4 11am-12pm THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE BAND The band for Thoroughly Modern Millie will commence rehearsals in Term 4 2013. Rehearsals will be held at Stella Maris College from 3.45pm -5pm on Friday afternoons. Please see Catharina Shepherd if you have any questions about the rehearsal or want to put your name down for the band. THE BUSKING PROJECT The Busking Project gives students an opportunity to perform in the quad on Monday lunchtime and raise money for the SEA program at the same time. Please see Jennifer Power to register for your chance to perform. LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT If you would like to start learning an instrument in 2013, the College provides several instrumental tutors. Please enrol by clicking here and emailing to Lynne Papahatzis. INSTRUMENT DONATIONS The College Music Department is always looking to acquire instruments. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, or whether it is not in full working order, we’ll fix it up and find it a great new home! If you have an instrument lying around unused, please contact Joseph Montz. UPCOMING EVENTS September 15 Brass Ensemble to perform at the Manly Freshwater Parish Fundraiser at St Mary’s Church September 17 Manly Corso Concert (Guitar Ensemble) October 5 Manly Jazz Festival (Stage Band 1) October 6 Manly Jazz Festival (Stage Band 2) October 7 Manly Jazz Festival (Jazz Ensemble) October 19 Brookvale Show (Stage Band 1) November 9 Stage Band 1 to perform at St John the Baptist Fair Joseph Montz Performing Arts Co-orinator Stage Artz proudly presents Alice the Musical Based on Alice in Wonderland Glen Street Theatre: September 20 - 28 Book Now: 9975 1455 or Supporting The Children's Hospital at Westmead ASK US NOW ABOUT GENEROUS GROUP BOOKING DISCOUNTS BASKETBALL Congratulations Congratulations to Daniel Pitcher our Basketball captain on his selection into the New South Wales Institute of Sport Basketball squad for 2013. Daniel has been chosen from an elite group of athletes and will undergo an extremely intense training programme at the institute of sport that will also prepare him for the Australian U19 camp that he will attend later this month.This is another incredible achievement for Dan and the College congratulates him all the hard work he has put in and his commitment to the sport. Congratulations to Isaiah Lee (Year 7) who was recently selected in the prestigious National Intensive Training Programme. The NITP is a Basketball Australian programme, which involved some 500 plus athletes nationally in 9 different programmes. It is designed to identify and develop elite young players deemed to have the potential to play at the next level. This is a wonderful achievement for Isaiah and we congratulate him on the hard work he has put in to be identified at this level. We also congratulate Jonathan Marsh (Year 11), Daniel Pitcher (Year 12) and Tom Savage (Year 11) for their continued involvement in the NITP programme. NSW High Schools Basketball Tournament On Thursday and Friday of next week our elite Basketballers from Years 7-12 will be competing in the NSW High Schools Basketball tournament at Bankstown Basketball stadium. All teams have been preparing over the last few weeks and we wish them all the best of luck for this tournament. Our 1st V team will be hoping to carry on their success from last year’s tournament to become back to back NSW High School Champions. Date Teams Time Venue Thursday 19th September ALL ISA TEAMS ALL DAY BAKETBALL NSW TOURNAMNETBANKSTOWN Friday 20th September ALL ISA TEAMS ALL DAY BAKETBALL NSW TOURNAMNETBANKSTOWN Monday 23rd September 1st V & U17 U13, U14, U15 9:30am12:00pm 12:30-3:00pm Brimson Centre SAC Tuesday 24th September 1st V & U17 U13, U14, U15 9:30am12:00pm 12:30-3:00pm Brimson Centre SAC Wednesday 25th September 1st V & U17 U13, U14, U15 9:30am12:00pm 12:30-3:00pm Brimson Centre SAC Monday 30th September U13, U14, U15 12:30-3:00pm Brimson Centre SAC Tuesday 1st October U13, U14, U15 12:30-3:00pm Brimson Centre SAC Wednesday 2nd October U13, U14, U15 1ST V & U17 12:30-3:00pm 4:00pm-6:00pm Brimson Centre SAC Thursday 3rd October 1st V & U17 ALL DAY SYDNEY SCHOOLS SHOOTOUTKNOX GRAMMAR Friday 4th October 1st V & U17 ALL DAY SYDNEY SCHOOLS SHOOTOUTKNOX GRAMMAR Involved Emma Donnellan ISA Basketball TIC Manly Warringah Basketball The 2013 season is well underway. There are two games left before we break for the holiday period and I encourage all players to ensure they are prepared for each game. ISA Holiday Training Camps Cancelled training A reminder to all ISA players regarding the camps and tournaments that will be run during the holiday period. It is compulsory for all players to attend, please notify your coach if you cannot attend for any reason. Due to the Brimson Centre being unavailable for the next two weeks all LOCAL comp teams trainings scheduled to be held in the Brimson Centre are cancelled. During the holiday period our 1st and 2nd V will also be competing in the Sydney Schools Shootout tournament to be held at Newington College and The Kings School on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th October. All players have been working hard in preparation for this tournament and again we wish players and coaches the best of luck. Draws can be accessed from the College website Games Kate Donnellan Manly Warringah Basketball TIC CRICKET CRICKETER OF THE WEEK Well done to all teams that took the field in quite hot conditions on Saturday for the first game of the season. The boys looked great in the new cricket playing shirt and Ive received dozens of positive comments from players, parents, opponents and even people I met on the weekend who were driving past cricket matches and saw our boys in action. This weekend teams will be in action again before taking a break over the holidays and resuming on October 12. Well done to Jake Carmody of the U13 Div 2 Greens. Jake saved several boundaries fielding at deep square leg, running and diving at the ball, flicking it inside the “ropes” just like an Aussie cricketer. The result was that he looked like he’d just finished a game of rugby as his whites were not white. Best fielding ever seen from a young cricketer in this age group. Well done Jake! TEAM OF THE WEEK The U12 Div 2 Green team started their first game of the season with 7 boys new to Saints next year – some playing cricket for the first time. Two players batted and retired not out, plenty of maiden overs bowled and great involvement from everyone. Looks like we have a promising season ahead with this group! Well done! James Scholtens TIC Cricket FOOTBALL (SOCCER) Tom Lodder of the U16/17 Green hits out against Harbord at Passmore Reserve on Saturday morning in great weather for the first game of the cricket season. All boys looked great in the new playing shirt. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY . . . ST AUGUSTINE’S CRICKET SEASON LAUNCH – LAST CHANCE! To kick start the 2013/14 season the St Augustine’s College Cricket Club will be holding its official season launch ‘friend raiser’ evening along with a trivia night and raffle (main prize of a signed Michael Clarke Test shirt, plus dinner vouchers and lots more!) A lot of cricket families have said they are coming but the official numbers do not quite match up. Please act this week to reserve your table. The football presentation dates and times are as follows: • 11Yrs – 16Yrs is on Thursday 19th September in the Brimson Centre, arrive at 6:50pm for a 7:00pm start. Boys are to wear their full College Winter uniform. All players are expected to attend. Any issues, please contact me. Representative Players If you played Football this season in a representative team (eg. Manly United) could you please send me an email to let me know so I can add your name to my end of season report. Chris Gray TIC FOOTBALL (SOCCER) It will be a great fun night with plenty of laughs. Date: Venue: Saturday 14th September, 7pm start Brimson Centre Get a table of friends together, for a night of fun. See inside this edition of the Tolle Lege for more information. SCHOOL HOLIDAY CRICKET CLINICS I have details of some September / October school holiday cricket coaching clinics for interested players. Please email me for further details. CRICKET BAT RE-GRIPPING Spice up your bat with a new grip this summer. Only $10 fully fitted. Bring your bat up to the PE Office for same day service. Great range of colours available. Broken Bay Surfing and Body Boarding Contest Congratulations to all surfing and body boarding students who recently competed in the Secondary Broken Bay Competition at Avoca Beach. Taking on the best in the Northern beaches and Gosford region, our students performed well against a strong field of surfers. Benjamin Penny was outstanding, coming first place in the opens surfing division. Samson Coulter was also very strong, coming fourth in the Junior final. Well done boys. Garry Simmons Sports Coordinator (Years 5-9) St Augustine's Cricket Club When: Saturday 14th September Venue: Brimson Centre Time: 7pm for 7.30pm start Cost: $20 per person (incl. GST) - book a table of 10 friends, or we can find you a table BYO: Food and beverages RSVP: by 6th September SPORTING THEME Prizes for Trivia winners, best dressed table & best named team 'FRIEND RAISING’ EVENT General trivia, games & great company! ALL WELCOME! The St Augustine's College Cricket Club would like to open up this invitation to the whole College community and beyond. BOOKING SLIP Name: .................................................................. Son's name and year: ....................................................................... Mobile number: ...................................................... Email address: ............................................................................. No. of tickets: .............................. Who do you want to sit with? ................................................................................. Payment method – cash, credit card or cheque (payable to St Augustine's College) (tick box for chosen method) Visa or Mastercard Cash Cheque Name on Credit card: ......................................................... Charge card/ enclosed: $..................... Credit card no: ........................................................................... Expiry date: ....................... Signature: ..................................................................... Please return this booking slip to the School Finance Office by Friday 6th September FUTSAL All team lists and team names are on display on the College notice boards both in Primary and Senior school ( “A”block). Would all boys please check the notice boards to ensure we haven’t missed anyone. This Friday will be the last day to make any changes to the teams as we only have one more week to have all our registrations in and completed. Any boy wishing to change teams is to see me at recess or lunch. NBFA have advised that the season will now commence in the second week of term 4. Draws for all teams will not be available until after the school holidays, however, we will keep you posted should this change. Boys will be playing in their winter football uniforms and shirts will be given out in the first week of term 4. David Anglicas TIC Futsal ISA Athletics Carnival Saints win ISA Division 1 Athletics Carnival Congratulations to all students who attended the ISA Athletics Carnival at Homebush on 10th September. There were some outstanding achievement s on the day: • • • • • The Junior, Intermediate and Senior Relays all came 1st Jack Maguire 1st in Shot Put and Discus Deng Gak 1st in High Jump Bill Awet 1st in High Jump Lachlan Cooper 1st in 800m and 1500m breaking the records in both races. The Juniors won their competition and the Intermediate and Seniors placed 2nd in their competition. More detailed results will follow next week once we have received the official results from the ISA. John Papahatzis Head of Sport & Co-curricular
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