from the Principal... - St Augustine`s College
from the Principal... - St Augustine`s College
Term 2 Volume 17 10 June 2015 College Newsletter from the Principal... STAFF REFLECTION DAY Last Friday, all staff attended a Staff Reflection Day held at Q Station, Manly. The theme for this year’s reflection day was People – Past/Present/Future. . Tim Cleary, Fr Dave Austin OSA, Francis Sheehan and Matthew Hutchison As one of our guest presenters, we were delighted to welcome our Prior Provincial, Fr Dave Austin OSA, who, creatively via a role play, shared his life as Augustine and as Fr Dave; leader, priest and person. We thank Fr Dave for bringing humanity to Augustine and to his role as one of faith, showing that God leaves no experience to waste. We also welcomed Frank Sheehan, Chaplain and Director of the Centre for Ethics at Christ Church Grammar School in Perth, WA. Frank spoke to the staff about the influence that writers, especially Australian poets, have had on his life. He has traversed a broad tapestry of Australian icons in his life and we were richer for him sharing his insights with us. Following the main presentations, the staff had the opportunity to attend Workshops, which included:- Indigenous Dreamtime, Drama, Art, Meditation, Social Justice, Spirituality and Giftedness Through Music, War Poetry and War Diary Reflections and Short Story Sharing and Discussion. My thanks to the staff who ran Workshops on the day and to all staff for their full participation and contribution – their personal input was the vital key to the success of the day. It is days such as these that bring our staff together and allow us to reflect on who we are and what people, past, present and future mean to our lives. SPORTING CODE OF CONDUCT Parents may have read an article in Tuesday’s (June 9) Manly Daily regarding inappropriate sporting behaviour at a football match at Graham Reserve last Saturday between St Augustine’s College and Brookvale Soccer Club. Our investigation into the incident has revealed that it is not St Augustine’s Old Boys, staff, parents or students who are under investigation from the authorities. We hope that, in coming days, the Manly Daily will make this clear. This article does serve as a timely reminder that anyone representing the College, at any time, must support the College’s Sport & Co-Curricular Code of Conduct, i.e. the behaviour of parents and students must always be exemplary and the utmost respect must be demonstrated towards all opponents and officials. Arguing with officials in unacceptable as is any form of verbal and physical intimidation of opposition team members. I invite all families to familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct outlined in the Sport & Co-Curricular Handbook 2015. Sport Code of Conduct. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE This week we welcome Luke Stratton, Sam Rose, Tommy Pero and Griffin Delaney from Malvern Augustinian Preparatory School in Philadelphia. The boys are participating in the annual Student Exchange Programme and will be hosted by St Augustine’s families. The boys will attend classes at school with their host ‘buddies’ and have the opportunity to do some sightseeing during their visit. Malvern Augustinian Preparatory School, Philadelphia AUGUSTINIAN FORMATION ASSOCIATION MULTI CULTURAL DINNER Enclosed in the newsletter is an invitation extended to our College community from the Augustinian Formation Association to attend a Multi-Cultural Dinner on Saturday, July 18 in the Brimson Centre. The Augustinian Formation Association financially supports the work of the Augustinians in training candidates to be brothers and priests in the Order. For ticket purchase and other enquiries please contact the North Harbour Parish Office on 9949 4455. SAINTSCARD – Cashless ‘tap and go’ at the new Canteen and Uniform Shop The new canteen, The Hippodrome, as well as the new Uniform Shop will be operational for all students from the commencement of Term 3 (Tuesday, July 14). The cashless SaintsCard (currently known as the Student ID Card) will allow staff and students to ‘tap and go’ with purchases at the Hippodrome and Uniform Shop. This new cashless system will create a more streamlined process and hopefully eliminate long queues at the canteen. Further detailed information and process for setting up the SaintsCard are included in this newsletter. We encourage parents and students to use the upcoming school holidays to become familiar with this new cashless system to ensure a smooth transition at the beginning of Term 3. FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS This Friday we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose feast is celebrated each year 19 days after Pentecost Sunday. At this time, we ask Christ to unite our heart to His, so that we may live our lives as He wishes us to and never forget the sacrifice that He made in dying for us. Act of Love to the Sacred Heart O Jesus, Sacred Heart to me. I wish to live in You, in Your grace, in which I desire at all costs to persevere. Keep me from sin and strengthen my will by helping me to keep watch over my senses, my imagination, and my heart. Help me to correct my faults which are the source of sin. I beg You to do this, O Jesus, through Mary, Your Immaculate Mother. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Prayers Please continue your prayers for my brother Brendan, Kotoni Ale, Kylie Bowra, Timothy Pickering and Helen Anglicas. RIP Please keep Fr Michael Sullivan OSA and Fr John Sullivan OSA and their families in your prayers following the death of their mother, Carolyn Sullivan. May the Lord welcome Carolyn into his Kingdom of Peace. Tim Cleary Principal From the Head of School... Refugee Week Academic Matters The Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, in ‘A Precocious Autobiography’, reminisced about how people can connect with others: Stalin ordered 20,000 German soldiers to be paraded through the streets. The onlookers gazed with hatred at their enemies; they were clenching their fists. But then all at once something happened to them, they saw German soldiers – thin, unshaven, wearing dirty blood-stained bandages, and walking with their heads down. Suddenly, an elderly woman in brokendown boots pushed herself forward. She went up to the column, took from inside her coat something wrapped in a coloured handkerchief and unfolded it. It was a crust of black bread. She pushed it awkwardly into the pocket of a soldier. Then from every side, women came running towards the soldiers pushing into their hands bread, cigarettes, whatever they had. The soldiers were no longer enemies. They were people. Year 10 and 11 students return to classes this week following their examination period while most other students have concluded a busy period of assessments tasks and class tests. Much can be learnt from the feedback from these tasks and boys must view their results more than simply through the narrow prism of just a mark. It is a time for boys to review strengths and weaknesses while honestly assessing areas for improvement in both their engagement in the classroom and commitment to home study. We know 60% of learning takes place in the classroom and a boy’s willingness to actively engage in the learning process as opposed to ‘hoping nobody asks much of me’ is critical to his success. Home study can often present many distractions and feedback from the results is an ideal opportunity for parents to discuss with their son the effectiveness of his home study routine. Next week is Refugee Week. It reminds us to consider the plight of refugees and asylum seekers around the world. The phenomenon of contemporary forced migration is complex. We live in a world where millions of people are on the move. Many countries wrestle with the challenge to balance secure borders and a coherent migration policy with due regard for their international obligations to those seeking asylum. Last weekend, an international rescue fleet plucked almost 5,900 refugee seekers from rickety boats making the perilous sea crossing from North Africa to Europe. However, when people are treated as a means to deter future arrivals rather than as an end in themselves, then we no longer see them as people. In recent years, many have been concerned about language that has been used in Australia to describe asylum seekers. Language so easily makes a human person simply a political weapon, pawns in politicking. Boat arrivals are often discussed in this country using terms such as an illegal immigrant, queue jumper, and even terrorist. Former Liberal parliamentarian Petro Georgiou, in his retirement speech, accused both sides of Government of ‘scapegoating the vulnerable’ as a new and regrettable tactic to win votes. What a sad indictment that is for a nation whose moral code always boasted ‘standing up for the battler’. We often hear our politicians argue for asylum seekers to come in the front door rather than using the back door. It reminds me of the Gospel story of the paralysed man in Capernaum whose mates brought him to Jesus for help. They could not gain access to Jesus, who was inside a house, in the customary way. So they climbed the roof, then removed the sticks and clay. They lowered their brother down for Jesus to respond. What matters most in our refugee policy is the welfare of real human beings who come to us to seek asylum, whether they are granted this status or not. This means we should hear their claims as quickly as possible and provide protection to those found to be refugees. That protection should involve ensuring they have food, shelter, security, health care, and access to education. I remain concerned that we live in a world where a whale washed up on an Australia beach gets more attention and compassion than an asylum seeker. Congratulations Congratulations to Zac von Appen on his selection to row in the coxless pair at the World Junior Rowing Championships in Rio de Janeiro in August this year. This is a magnificent achievement recognising the extraordinary commitment Zac has made to rowing. Zac has, however, declined to participate in these Championships in order to concentrate on his Higher School Certificate studies. Reflection … Children Learn What They Live If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice. If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy. If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate. If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence. If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient. If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world. Matthew Hutchison Head of School Coming Events . . . Friday 5 June – Saturday 27 June Malvern Preparatory School, Pennsylvania, USA - student visit Thursday 11 June NSWCIS Cross Country Rowing Presentation Dinner (Presentation in Lecceto Auditorium 6.30 pm; Dinner in the main staffroom 8.00 pm) Friday 12 June Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Feast of St John Sahagun OSA College House Road Race, Brookvale Oval (12.00 pm) Years 7 – 9 College Dance, Brimson Centre (6.30 pm – 9.30 pm) Sunday 14 June & Monday 15 June Writer’s Retreat, Chowder Bay Monday 15 June Year 12 Chemistry Excursion, Macquarie University Year 10 Italian Language Day Year 7 Reflection Day 1, Tutor Groups: 7.2, 7.4, 7.6, Cromer Year 7 Chinese Language Excursion, Tutor Groups 7.1, 7.3, 7.5 The University of Notre Dame Career Talk, Cameron House (12.55 pm) Year 11, 2016 Course Information Meeting, Brimson Centre (7.00 pm) College Board Meeting (6.30 pm) Monday 15 June & Tuesday 16 June ‘Saintscard’ (cashless card) Trial, Year 12 students Tuesday 16 June ‘Saintscard’ (cashless card) Trial, Year 11 students Year 5 Reflection Day, Camp Kedron Year 7 Reflection Day 2, Tutor Groups: 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, Cromer Year 7 Italian Language Excursion, Tutor Groups: 7.2, 7.4, 7.6 MWJCA Presentation Night, Brimson Centre Wednesday 17 June Community Mass, Monica Chapel, Tutor Groups: Hutchinson 3 & 4 (8.10 am) Primary Athletics Carnival, Narrabeen Year 11 & 12 Italian students - HSC Study Day Wednesday 17 June & Thursday 18 June NSWPSSA Open Rugby League Trials Friday 19 June Term Two concludes Friday 19 June – Sunday 21 June NSW Rugby Schoolboy Championships U/16s Saturday 20 June Trial HSC Music Performance Examinations Thursday 9 July – Sunday 12 July Villanova College Tour, Brisbane from the Dean of Senior School... Year 11 RYDA Our Year 11 students attended a RYDA (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness) Programme at St Ives today. RYDA is a not-forprofit company that has developed a road safety education programme delivered to the youth of our community through Rotary Clubs. The Programme undertaken by our students, focusses on road safety as they approach the period in their life when they start driving a car and ride as a passenger in a car driven by one of their peers. This is an important initiative and I wish to thank the Crane House Formation Leader, Margaret McElhone, for her co-ordination of this event. Uniform and Grooming In recent weeks, students have been reminded about the importance of maintaining high standards in relation to uniform and grooming. As the conclusion of Term 2 draws closer, students sometimes feel that standards can be relaxed. This is not the case. House Formation Leaders will continue to challenge students to meet the expectations of the College in this area. I thank parents for their ongoing support. Year 11, 2016 Course Information Evening Please be aware that the College will be holding a Year 11, 2016 Course Information Evening on Monday 15 June, 2015. It will commence at 7.00pm in the Brimson Centre. The information session will be centred on the selection process for our current Year 10 students and is compulsory for this Year Group and their families. It is also an expectation that students attend wearing their full College winter uniform. 73rd Commemoration Service – North Head May 31, 2015 marked the 73rd anniversary of the World War II Japanese submarine attack on Sydney Harbour. The College was honoured by an invitation from the Prime Minister, The Hon Tony Abbott, to attend the service at the Defence of Sydney Monument, Sanctuary Lawn North Head. Representing St Augustine’s were College Chaplain, Fr Senan Ward OSA and Student Leaders; Peter Long, Nicholas Chivers and Matthew Yeates. This event is in memory of the 21 soldiers who died in the 1942 attack. As MC of the service, Mr Abbott described the encounter as a time “the war came to our doorstep”. College Captains’ Dinner at Parliament House Every year, The Hon Brad Hazzard hosts a private dinner at NSW Parliament House for the Wakehurst area senior school student leaders. Our College Captains Peter Long, Nicholas Chivers and Hamish Gardner joined eight other students who received personal invitations to the informal dinner held last week in the Stranger’s Dining Room. Mr Hazzard discussed local issues with the students such as Social Housing and praised them on being selected as leaders for their schools. College Captains Peter Long, Nicholas Chivers and Hamish Gardner meet Brad Hazzard and other local student leaders. God bless Frank Chiment Dean of Senior School LEARNING ENRICHMENT NEWS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CHALLENGE DAY – Silverwater On the 28th May 27 students from Bob Ferguson’s Year 9 Science Class and some Learning Enrichment students travelled to Silverwater to compete in the Science Engineering Challenge Day Competition. Students achieved the outstanding result of second place, competing against seven other schools from Sydney. They participated in all activities with enthusiasm and displayed innovative and creative ways to solve various problems presented to them. The Challenge is run in every state and territory of Australia. Special thanks to Mr Ferguson who helped in the supervision of the students on the day of the competition. Graham Bruce Learning Enrichment Coordinator REPORTS Semester One Reports for Years 5 to 11 will be published on Wednesday 24 June. A link to the College reports is on the College website. It is important that all parents know their login and password details. Any parent who has lost or forgotten their details can email the College Helpdesk at to reset this information. DO YOU HAVE YOUR STUDENT ID CARD? ATTENTION All Students The new canteen ‘The Hippodrome’ as well as the new Uniform Shop will be up and running for all students from day one of Term 3 (Tuesday July 14). To purchase items you will need to use your current Student ID card, now referred to as the ‘SaintsCard’. If you do not have your card you will need to re-order via the Front Office asap for a fee of $10. *NB. It can sometimes take up to a week for new cards to arrive. The cashless SaintsCard will allow you to ‘tap and go’ at the new Canteen and Uniform Shop. Purchasing your food, drink and clothing items will be simpler and faster. No card – no purchase! To top up your SaintsCard via the website click here (log on using your normal username and password) or go to ATLAS/resources/saintscard. Parents can top up the account via a credit card payment. Each student will start with a different balance, pertaining to the $5 credit provided to them at the beginning of each year to go towards their printing and photocopying account. During the holidays, from Friday July 10, 2015 you will also have the option to pre-order items online via the SaintsCard site. *Cash can be used as a last resort of purchasing. Keep in mind using cash will delay the purchasing process and slow down the new and efficient cashless payment system. In due course cash will not be permitted at the Canteen and Uniform Shop. First step - find your card! Enquiries: FOUNDATI N ...commitment to our boys Saints Community Golf Day and Lunch - Thursday 13 August (Term 3) We invite all members of the College community to join us at the Saints Community Golf Day on Thursday 13 August. Enjoy 18 holes of golf on the acclaimed Manly Golf Course. Those not playing golf are welcome to join us for lunch. Fantastic sponsorship opportunities available on a first-in basis. Click here for further details. Year 7 Parent Dinners Head of School Matthew Hutchison hosted our second dinner for Year 7 parents last Wednesday evening. The dinner was an important opportunity for Year 7 parents to hear our hopes, plans and dreams for the future of the College. Parents enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner and were entertained by our talented student musicians while having valuable discussions about many aspects of College life. For all St Augustine’s College Foundation enqiries please do not hesitate to contact: Rod Loneragan Sonja Talo Head of College Foundation Foundation & Marketing Assistant Tel: 9938 8292Tel: 9938 8269 Year 10 students have been studying the Career component HSC and navigate through the process of applying to of their PDHPE course this term. As part of this unit students university. undertake the MyCareerMatch activity which includes: • The University of Sydney: Sydney College of the Arts Information Evening is being held 2/7/15. • A personality analysis and summary of the students • Bond University is inviting prospective students and their natural strengths families to attend “Bond with Bond” in Sydney on 11/6/15 • A list of jobs that match who they are and what they’d be to find out more about studying at Bond and meet other good at future students. • Live links to the MyFuture website to research each job • UTS is hosting the following Undergraduate Information listed Evenings: IT Undergraduate (10/6/15), Engineering • Insights into their work-related strengths and ideal work Undergraduate (10/6/15) & Law Undergraduate (24/6/15). environment • UNSW is hosting a Science & Engineering Student & • Student workbook that’s goal and action oriented. Parent Information Evening on 11/6/15. Students are directly emailed a copy of this report and parents • UNSW is hosting A Day @ UNSW on 25/6/15 to give are encouraged to discuss this with their sons. As I also receive a students a taste of university life. copy of the report parents are welcome to contact me if they are • Applications are now open for the Macquarie University unable to access their son’s copy. Global Leadership Entry Program. Selected students will Universities be offered a place at Macquarie before they finish Year 12. • Notre Dame University will be visiting the College on Scholarships Monday 15/6/15 to talk about courses, ATAR, application • UTS: Engineering Industry Merit Based Scholarship process and early entry program. The Career Talk will be applications are open from 6/7/15 to 5/10/15. held in Cameron House at lunch. • University of Sydney: Scholarships Information • UTS: New Digital Course Guides are designed to help Evening is on 16/6/15. The information evening for students explore their UTS course and career options in year 12 students aims to give insider hints and tips on new and engaging ways. completing the Sydney Scholars application. • Macquarie University Global Leadership Entry Program • Applications for the UTS Information Technology for Year 12 Students is open to students who are not Scholarship valued at $46 500 close 19/6/15. They are only doing academically well but are also leaders in their hosting an information evening on 10/6/15 community. Applications close 15/8/15 and successful Cadetships applicants will gain early entry to Macquarie. • BlueScope is offering cadetships in materials • Bonus points can play an important role in gaining entry engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry, to university courses. They can be allocated based on mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, performance in subjects, educational disadvantage, elite mechatronics engineering, information technology athlete or performer status and school region. Year 12 and computer engineering. Cadetships are available to have been sent a copy of “Directory Undergraduate – students who will complete year 12 this year or who have Bonus Points Reference” which provides a guide to bonus recently completed year 12 and will be studying at the points by HSC subject. University of Wollongong in 2016. • The University of Sydney: Project Management Winter • Moore Stephens Accounting Cadetship Program Camp is being held 9-10/7/15 for students in Years 10-12 applications close 24/6/15. with an interest in a project management career. • Examples of Government Cadetships can be found via • The University of Notre Dame: Young Achievers Early this hyperlink. Offer Program applications close 31/7/15. Prospective • Cadetships provide cadets with paid employment while students are able to apply under one of four categories they undertake university studies. This year Professional and if successful have an offer prior to the HSC. Cadetships Australia will be offering the Business • Notre Dame University is hosting a Parent Information Cadetships Program and the Engineering & Technology Evening on 23/6/15 Cadetships Program. Business applications closed • ACU’s Elite Athlete Program has been established 13/5/15 and Engineering & Technology close 12/6/15 to support future and current students who have • Ernst and Young Sydney Cadetship Program applications maintained a record of excellence in sporting open 25/5/15and close 22/6/15 performance throughout their studies and wish to Cadetships provides high school graduates the pursue a sporting career alongside an academic one. opportunity to combine full-time work with part-time • The University of Sydney: Year 10 Information Evening is study. Cadets will gain valuable experience working being held 22/6/15. within the organization and with clients, ensuring they The information evenings are designed to help year graduate from university a step ahead of their peers. 10 students and their parents choose subjects for the Private Colleges • Tocal College is a leader in agricultural and conservation land management education. They are hosting Open Days on 3/7/15 & 10/7/15 • Macleay College: Career Taster Workshops are held 29 & 30/6/15 for students interested in either Event Management, Marketing, Advertising, Journalism, Public Relations, or Travel and Tourism. • Endeavour College of Natural Health Open Day is on 4/7/15 • Raffles College of Design is hosting School Holiday Workshops • Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE) open day is on 13/6/15 • Australian College of Applied Psychology: Information Session is on 14/7/15 • College of Event Management Information Session is on 19/6/15 • Basair Aviation College: Career Information Seminar is on 29/6/15 • Academy of Information Technology Information Night is on 16/6/15 HSC Exam Preparation • ACU is hosting a free HSC Enrichment Workshop on 2/7/15 & 9/7/15 • University of Notre Dame: HSC Study Week is held 6/7 to 10/7/15. • TSFX Mastering the Exams 2015 is held13/6/15 • The University of Sydney: HSC Science Exam Preparation takes place 16/7 to 18/7/15 • Macquarie University is hosting Physics & Chemistry enrichment days in the holidays. Miscellaneous • • • • • • • • The Western Sydney Career Expo will be held at Sydney Olympic Park from 18/6 to 21/6/15. Education USA is hosting information sessions in the holidays for students wishing to study and/or apply for a sport scholarship to a US university. TransGrid’s apprentice program is now recruiting in the areas of Electrical & Transmission Lines My Health Career is a website designed for students considering a career in the health industry Regional Express Pilot Cadet Program applications are now open Macquarie University: Study Without Stress Workshops are held 6/7 & 7/7/15. The workshops aim to help give students the skills they need to study and perform in exams more effectively by exploring how the body reacts to stress and looking at the importance of social and physical pursuits when maintaining balance. The Job Guide provides an in-depth look at a range of occupations, and their education and training pathways. It also gives users valuable information about how to work out what occupations they’re best suited too, based on their interests and abilities. The new look My Career Profile, from Myfuture, is a personalised career exploration service that builds the users career profile, explores career ideas, considers the users career options and develops a career plan. Further information on any of the above is available from Paul McAlinden at the College. COLLEGE SUMMER SPORT/CO-CURRICULAR PHOTOS Are now available for you to order Please contact Advanced if you have any queries Ph 9905 6688, Fax 9905 6554. (this does not include Football & Futsal) UPCOMING PHOTO DAYS College Photos – Wednesday 22nd July Winter Sport Photos – Friday 24th July Rugby Photos – Saturday 25th July For further information please contact Advancedlife 9905 6688 .au CRANE Year 10 William Abbey Year 5 Cameron Pietor For consistently applying himself with maturity and dedication towards his studies. For always being respectful and co-operative in his dealings with others. HEAVEY Year 12 Nathan Raffo Year 6 Jed Walsh For assisting at the ‘beyondblue’ fundraiser. HUTCHINSON Year 10 Tom Lewis For being generous and kind with his time, helping with the organisation of the House Mass. GOOLD Year 11 Connor Hickman For his impressive application to his studies and Co-curricular activities. MURRAY Year 10 Kelvin Fong For his consistent, excellent application to all aspects of College life. REVILLE Year 10 Dominic Gordon For leading our Acknowledgement of Country at College assemblies. For showing maturity and setting a fine example for his peers. Year 7 Peter Vu For his mature and diligent approach to all aspects of College life. Year 8 Dylan Blake For his improved application in the classroom. Year 9 Jasper Carter For running the ‘Balmoral Burn’ and donating his proceeds. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the different ways to be involved with the school and in particular the class and year functions. It is pleasing to see that over the coming weeks we have a number of these scheduled to occur ( and a number have already occurred). If your son’s class is having a function I would like to encourage you to attend. Particularly for the parents in Years 5 and 7 these are a great way to get to know the parents of the boys your sons will be spending a lot of time with in coming years. The other upcoming function is the Year 12 function. This is a different one as it is part of another ritual being the passing out of the boys from the school. This is one of a number of functions for Year 12 parents and boys over the year. I encourage you to be involved in as many of these as possible as the completion of high school reflects a significant milestone in your son’s lives. If you are contemplating a function for your Class or Year Group, talk to your Class parent/Year co-ordinator. They may be looking for some assistance. If you need guidance or details about the process for organizing these functions please contact Rosemary Cullen on I hope you all have a great time and build new and strengthen old friendships. Upcoming events P&F Meetings If you have an item, question, suggestion for an information topic for our P&F meetings please emailCraig Jackson at P&F Class Parent and Year Group Representatives P&F Social Calendar 2015 (Term 2) Date Day Class/Year Event 11 June Thursday 5K Parents’ drinks, Collaroy Hotel 12 June Friday 5O Parents’ dinner, Wok Bar, Dee Why 13 June Saturday 7.1 Volleyball, drinks, Collaroy Beach 18 June Thursday 5H Parents’ catch up, Collaroy Hotel 18 June Thursday 7.4 Parent get-together 19 June Friday Yr 12 Casual Drinks/dinner, The Deck, Dee Why If you have any questions about the Class Parent programme, please get in touch with Rosemary Cullen at Canteen Roster – Term 2, 2015 Thursday 11/6/15 Friday 12/6/15 Monday 15/6/15 Tuesday 16/6/15 Wednesday 17/6/15 Liz Painter Virpi Tuite Toa Manu Angela Kelaher Sharon Porter Rose-Anne Marr Vanessa Pitt Jude Hamer Paula Burgess Martsu De-Kock Cathy Harrison Jo McNaughton Ann Cassazza Helen Crews Michelle Giumelli Catherine Halkyard Dear parents If you are unable to make your rostered time, please contact me. If you have a few hours spare or have friends who would like to join you on the canteen roster, please contact me. Annabel Nelson Canteen Co-Ordinator T: 91269904 M: 0414638395 E: Dear Year 11 and 12 Students You have been selected as the first time users of our new Canteen ‘The Hippodrome’. The new canteen will be up and running for all students from day one of next Term. In preparation we would like to trial it with you in the last week of this term starting Monday June 15. Below is a timeline of when you can use the Hippodrome. NB. Only one Year Group on the first two days. To do this you will need to use your current Student ID card, which will now be referred to as the ‘SaintsCard’. If you do not have your card you will need to re-order via the Front Office asap for a fee of $10. NB. It can take up to a week for new cards to arrive. The cashless SaintsCard will allow you to ‘tap and go’ at the new Canteen. Purchasing your food items will be simpler and faster. No card – no purchase! For those not wishing to use the SaintsCard system, the current pop-up canteen will still be in operation until the end of Term 2. From Term 3 you will all need your SaintsCard to use at the new canteen. MONDAY JUNE 15 TUESDAY JUNE 16 WEDNESDAY JUNE 17 THURSDAY JUNE 18 YEAR 12 ONLY YEAR 11 ONLY YEAR 11 & 12 YEAR 11 & 12 FRIDAY JUNE 19 (last day of school) YEAR 11 & 12 AUGUSTINIAN KITCHEN The Augustinian Kitchen is a valuable and much appreciated resource which supplies practical support for families requiring pastoral assistance. The aim of this wonderful programme is to provide meals to families who may be experiencing hardship due to financial, medical or pastoral reasons. We need your help with a food drive to re-stock our Augustinian Kitchen. Any assistance parents/guardians could provide donating food would be greatly appreciated. In providing meals - if you could please prepare a meal/s that can be frozen, attach the ingredients list to the item and then deliver to the Front Office. Any support would be much appreciated, thank you. ACADEMIC SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS In an effort to further enhance the study culture that exists in the College, students are offered additional academic support after school in the Augustine Resource Centre (ARC). The ARC is open for students in Years 5 - 9 until 5:00pm and until 6:00pm for students in Years 10 - 12 on Monday to Thursday. We are fortunate to have a number of recent past scholars from the College, including Keith Hardy, Jordan Candido and Josh Wigney, available to support students with their studies during these times. Academic staff also generously make themselves available to assist boys. Students, particularly in Years 11 and 12, are encouraged to stay on at school and complete their homework in study partnerships in our well-resourced library. It is a great opportunity for all students to ask for help in areas where they may be struggling and also to consolidate work they have studied in class. All students attending the ARC after school must have work to complete. ARC PRIMARY SCHOOL HELP Mon ARC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HELP Mark Catanzariti Wed ARC MATHS HELP DAY Mon Tues Wed Thurs TEACHER Dave Gale / Anna Harmer Aleksi Kohonen Carolyn Drew Anna Hayes ARC ENGLISH HELP DAY TEACHER 7 - 9 Mon Adam Evans Tues Wed Keith Hardy Thurs TEACHER 10 - 12 Kirsty Begg Tricia Briggs Asheeka Nand Kirsty Begg Tricia Briggs Kirsty Begg Asheeka Nand Ilona Welch ARC STUDY SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Thurs Veronica Yang Madeleine Conlon ARC LANGUAGES HELP Wed Tues 2 Aaron McLuckie Japanese 10 - 12 Claudia Angelucci Italian ARC SCIENCE HELP DAY Wed TEACHER Carolyn Drew Science/Physics/Chemistry Thurs Graham Bruce Science/Physics Thurs Sean McLean Science/Biology ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 7 – 9 DAY Mon Wed TEACHER Adam Evans Adam Evans ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 10 – 12 DAY Tue Thur TEACHER Tricia Briggs Tricia Briggs St Augustine’s College presents an opportunity not to be missed: “ACHIEVING YOUR PERSONAL BEST” with Dr Prue Salter TO: PARENTS & STUDENTS OF YEAR 11 Year 11 Parent/Student ‘Study Skills’ Evening Wednesday 29th July 2015, 7-8.30pm St Augustine’s College Parent/Guardian(s) and students should attend together. As the session is very interactive, the session will not be of full value unless both the students and a parent attend. Both students and parents also need to bring along a pen each. Time to step up and move your study skills to the next level… An interactive evening for parents and students outlining tools and techniques for students to achieve their personal academic best. Prue Salter is the founder of ELES ( and an expert in the area of study skills. She has conducted over 4000 study skills seminars across Australia and Asia, has written 20 study skills resource kits for schools and is the creator of the online and interactive study skills website used by more than 120000 students ( Prue has recently completed her PhD exploring whole-school integrated approaches to developing students’ self-regulated learning skills. Students: Are you confident that you are doing everything you need to be doing to achieve your academic potential? Parents: Do you want to make sure that your students are on track to maximise their results in the final years of school? This evening is a ‘not to be missed’ opportunity for a study skills check-up: a way for students to learn new techniques (e.g. time management, study notes) and to find out the areas they specifically need to work on to improve their results. Japan – Cultural Study Tour 2016 For Years 10, 11 and 12 Join in the experience of a lifetime! April School Holidays Approximate Cost: $4000.00 The cost includes: Return airfare with all airport taxes and fuel levies 2 nights homestay with full board Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima with accommodation, breakfast and dinner 7 days Japan Rail Pass Tokyo Disneyland Pass Kyoto Day Tour Visit Miyajima, the Peace Memorial Park and Mazda museum in Hiroshima School visit in Hiroshima Please contact Aaron McLuckie or Yuko Taki if you would like further information about the tour. If you are interested in attending the Japan Study Tour 2016, please fill out the attached expression of interest and hand it to Aaron McLuckie or Yuko Taki in the Goold Staffroom by Wednesday 10th June. Japan Study Tour 2016 - Expression of Interest My son, ______________________________________ in tutor class _______________ is interested in applying for the Japan – Cultural Tour 2016. I understand that submitting this form does not guarantee my son a place on the trip. Parents’ signature: ___________________________________ Date:________________ E-mail address: ___________________________________________________________ If you are interested in attending the Japan Study Tour 2016, please fill out the attached expression of interest and hand it to Aaron McLuckie or Yuko Taki in the Goold Staffroom by Wednesday 10th June. ST AUGUSTINE’S MUSIC FESTIVAL We are all excited to announce the approach of our Music Festival early in Term 3. There has been a little shuffle of dates because of the Sea Eagles games on the Friday night. Music Festival Week is from Friday July 24 to Thursday July 30. The music festival includes solo recitals, a composition competition, the Rock in the Quad competition and the always-spectacular Showcase Concert (Thursday July 30). Please log into ATLAS for more information, and to access the registration forms required to be part of this year’s festival. If you have trouble logging in, please copy and paste the following link into your browser: ROCK IN THE QUAD The 2015 Rock in Quad is drawing near and entries are now called for, so if you are in a rock band or have some musical friends get them together and see Julie Olzomer for rehearsal time and register your group today! Great prizes sponsored by Turramurra Music. CLASSICAL GUITAR We are trialling the Classical Guitar Ensemble. Every Friday morning from 7:30am-8:30am in L1.2. Students will be taught to read classical guitar notation and play in an ensemble… we may also play some basic chord work during the lesson time. Students will need to have their own classical guitar in order to practice at home. CITY OF SYDNEY EISTEDDFOD Last week, three of the bands at the College competed at the McDonald’s Eisteddfod in the Chatswood concourse. All of the bands performed at an extremely high standard. A special mention goes to the Primary School Concert Band who, after competing with over twenty other schools around Sydney, achieved a highly commended. Well done to all the performers and our conductors for their preparation and high-level performance at the competition. Theatresports News St Augustine’s College recently entered the Impro-Australia Theatresports Schools Challenge. The Intermediate Team features students from Years 9 and 10 and the Senior Team comprises students from Years 11 and 12. The St Augustine’s teams were as follows: Intermediate – Hugh McFarlane, Lachlan Brain, Lachlan Cunnew, Angus Gielis, Ried McDonagh and Lachlan Brine. Senior – Lachlan Crosweller, Ned Checketts, Dylan O’Connor, Lachlan Moore, Louie Hudson and Charlie Sundborn. This years competition standards were the best I have witnessed in my 12 year association with the competition. Our boys were competing in a particularly strong division against, Barker College, St Ignatius’ College, Abbotsleigh, Pymble Ladies College, Arden Anglican School, Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School, Knox and Redlands. To advance to the semi final round the boys needed to finish in the top three schools in this division. Both Intermediate and Senior teams narrowly missed out on the semi-finals. The boys performed with skill and confidence creating original improvised theatre before a highly appreciative audience. With the Intermediate team comprising mostly Year 9 students and the senior team Year 11 students, these teams will be able to remain together building their skills and combinations in the lead up to next years competition rounds. From a coaching point of view, I was impressed with the growing standard presented by our teams. We were certainly the most improved school at this years event, (which was noted by many on the night), and we look forward with confidence to a strong showing at next years rounds. The teams attended a particularly valuable workshop prior to performance where they interacted with students from all competing schools. All the boys had an enjoyable experience and represented the College with distinction. Theatresports Co-curricular continues here at the College every Friday afternoon between 3.30 and 5pm in the Auditorium. Boys from Years 9 to 12 are welcome to attend. Owen Vale Drama Co-ordinator ROCK BAND STARTUP Students interested in forming small rock /pop ensembles at school are invited to register their interest to the music department for consideration to work with Julie Olzomer before school during term two. This time slot is to assist young rock/pop musicians gain confidence and develop repertoire for performance. It is only for musicians have their own guitars/bass / drums and have a good basic knowledge of their instrument but would like assistance forming a band. REHEARSAL SCHEDULE DAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY TIME 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am Lunch 1 + 2 ENSEMBLE Stage Band 2 Stage Band 3 Bass Guitar Ensemble AGE Open Primary School Open VENUE L1.1 AUD L1.1 STAFF Montz Power Smith TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am Lunch 2 Middle School Concert Band Senior School Choir The Drum Line (Percussion) Middle School Senior School Open BRI L1.1 L1.1 Power Olz/Ling Montz WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am Lunch 1 + 2 Primary School Concert Band Stage Band 1 Brass Ensemble Primary School Open Open L1.1 AUD L1.1 Power Montz Ling THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am Lunch 2 Senior School Concert Band Primary School Choir The Drum Line (Percussion) Senior School Primary School Open BRI L1.2 L1.1 Power Olz/Ling Montz FRIDAY FRIDAY 7:30-8:30am Lunch 1 + 2 Jazz Ensemble Guitar Ensemble Open Open L1.1 L1.2 Montz Montz CONCERT BAND NEWS Please note that the new pieces have been added to the links below. Please ensure that all relevant music is downloaded for practice over the holidays. Primary Band Concert Band music link k Middle School Concert Band music link AAAkD086Sdyw02S_pLX0KxuKa?dl=0 INSTRUMENT DONATIONS Senior School Concert Band music link The College Music Department is always looking to acquire instruments. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, or whether it is not in full working order, we’ll fix it up and find it a great new home! If you have an instrument lying around unused, please contact Joseph Montz. LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT UPCOMING EVENTS If you would like to start learning an instrument in 2015, the College provides several instrumental tutors. Please enroll by contacting Lynne Papahatzis. July 24 Joseph Montz St Augustine’s Music Festival Performing Arts Co-ordinator ROCK IN THE QUAD in Invites our community to Music Festival Week July 24 - July 30, 2015 College Band and Choir Performances Battle of the Bands (RITQ) Solo Recitals Composition Competition Friday-Thursday is "Rock in the Quad" Held at lunchtime in the G-Block Quad Monday night: Solo recitals for Piano, Woodwind and Drum Set (Percussion) from 6:30pm In the Lecceto Building Tuesday Night: Solo recitals for Voice, Brass, Guitar and Bass from 6:30pm In the Lecceto Building Thursday Night: Music Festival Showcase Concert from 6:30pm In the Brimson Centre For more information log onto ATLAS St Augustine’s College (Sydney) Band Programme Fundraiser The 2014 | 2015 Entertainment™ Memberships expired on 1st June. If you haven't already purchased a new 2015 | 2016 Entertainment™ Membership, now is the time to do so. For just $70, you will receive over $20,000 work of valuable offers in the new 2015/2016 Sydney and Sydney North Entertainment™ Membership! Plus, 20% of every Membership sold contributes toward our College Band Programme! CLICK HERE TO ORDER ONLINE NOW Use just a few of the hundreds of 50% off and 2-for-1 offers, and you'll more than cover the cost. Register your Membership and you will also receive additional Member-only benefits until 1 June 2016! Take a look at the many valuable offers available See what's inside the Sydney & Sydney North Entertainment™ Membership. Digital Memberships Now Available To learn more about the Entertainment™ Digital Membership watch this short video » Not sure which Membership to buy? Try the Digital Membership! Did you know: Offers Quick Search capability. You can easily locate offers using "near me" mapping technology, prompting spontaneous dining. Easily redeem offers using your Smart Phone. Share your digital Membership with your immediate family. If for any reason you decide you would prefer the Book, Entertainment™ will exchange it for you, no questions asked! Books are delivered to the Music Office in Lecceto for collection by your son. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Rugby Congratulations to all players from the College who represented their Clubs at the State Championships on the long weekend. Well done to the 13’s Manly Team who won their age group. Many of these boys are currently playing for the College and have been undefeated this season. Please see below schedule for 13 June: Rugby Fixtures - 13th June 2015 IPSHA (U11 and U12) Round 6 Team Opponent Time Venue 11 Gold 11 Green 11 Red 12 Gold 12 Green 13 Gold 13 Green 13 Red 13 White 13 Black 14 Gold 14 Green 14 Red 14 White Riverview Riverview Riverview Newington College Newington College BYE Newington College B BYE Barker College D Newington College E BYE Newington B Blue Mtns Grammar Newington College D / St Pat’s D (3 way game) St Joseph’s College A BYE Blue Mtns Grammar BYE Blue Mtns Grammar The Kings School 6th XV Blue Mtns Grammar BYE BYE 10:15am 8:45am 8:00am 8:45am 8:00am 10:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10:30am 10:00am 9:00am Riverview 5 Riverview 5 Riverview 5 Pittwater Park 3 Pittwater Park 3 Newington-Old Boys 1 Pittwater Park 3 Newington -Old Boys 1 Newington-Johnson Oval Blue Mtns Grammar Newington-Johnson Oval 10:00am St Joseph’s Main 11:00am 12:00pm 9:00am 1:15pm Blue Mtns Grammar Blue Mtns Grammar JS White Oval - Main Blue Mtns Grammar - - 15 Gold 15 Green 15 Red 16 Gold 16 Green 4th XV 3rd XV 2nd XV 1st XV Ground Addresses: • • • • • • St Joseph’s College - Main oval Augustine Street Hunters Hill Riverview 5 - Tamborine Bay Road (Junior School) Blue Mountains Grammar – Great Western Highway entrance via Matcham Ave Wentworth Falls Barker College - 91 Pacific Highway Hornsby Newington College - Old Boys 1 and Johnson Ovals 200 Stanmore Road Stanmore The Kings School - JS White Oval Pennant Hills Road North Parramatta Blue Mountains Grammar School matches Transport details: Bus Team Depart SAC Depart BMGS ETA at SAC Staff on bus Bus 1 14 Red, 15 Red 7:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm Mr Craven Mr Oates Bus 2 16 Green 3rd XV 9:00am 3:15pm 5:00pm Mr Butt, Miss McElhone Mr Gordon Mr Nicol ISA Representative Games – Sunday 14 June Please see times below for the matches being played at Rat Park this coming weekend. Many of the College’s 1st XV and 16 Gold students will be playing for selection into the NSW Schoolboy Teams. Time (Warringah Rugby Park) Main Field U 18s (Warringah Rugby Park) Front Field U 16s 10.00am AICES v CHS II (1 x 30) 10.40am AICES v CCC (1 x 30) 11.20am CHS II v CCC (1 x 30) 12.00pm CHS II v AICES (2 x 35) 1.15pm ISA II v CCC (2 x 35) 2.30pm ISA I v CHS I (2 x 35) ISA v CHS I (2 x 30) Planning further ahead, on Saturday 18 July we have some teams travelling to Campbelltown to play St Gregory’s, as well as others travelling to Oxley College in Burradoo. Buses will be provided for all teams travelling to Burradoo. The teams playing against St Gregory’s at Campbelltown are: • • • • • • • • 13 Gold 14 Gold 15 Gold 16 Gold 16 Green 4th XV 3rd XV 1st XV (The complete schedule for Saturday 18 July will be published in the next edition of Tolle Lege. At this stage we are just trying to organise the required buses). We will also provide buses for students travelling to Campbelltown if you let us know by Thursday 18 June that you would like transport. Please email if you would like to confirm a spot on the bus travelling to Campbelltown (include your son’s name in the email). It is not compulsory for students to travel by bus to Campbelltown. This is an option provided for parents who are unable to drive their sons. John Papahatzis Head of Sport & Co-curricular St Augustine’s 2015 Football Social Chris Gray TIC Football (Soccer) Water Polo BASKETBALL Open Congratulations to Year 7 student Clancy Bird who recently gained selection in the highly regarded National Intensive Training Program (NITP) and will begin training weekly with some of the country’s top coaches to improve his individual skills and performance. Clancy joins several other Saints students in this program and we wish him the best of luck with his development. Results Friday 5 June (Semi Final) St Augustine’s A v St Andrew’s Won 5-4 Game for Friday 12 June (Final) St Augustine’s A v Balgowlah (time to be advised) Intermediate Games for Monday 15 June St Augustine’s A v St Augustine’s B 8.52pm St Augustine’s C v Redlands B 7.43pm St Augustine’s D v Redlands A 8.06pm Junior (Year 7) Trials for Junior Water Polo have concluded. We cannot announce teams until we have received confirmation of entries for the competition – this is likely to be the last week of term at the earliest. Uniform Boys are reminded that they should wear College sports uniform to and from games. College swimming costumes are available for purchase from the uniform shop. Pool Entry The boys do not pay pool entry for either games or training. For games, they should sign the St Augustine’s sign in sheet at the front desk. Parents and other spectators need to pay the spectator entrance fee at the pool. Paul Hull TiC Water Polo Emma Donnellan TiC ISA Basketball
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