from the Principal... - St Augustine`s College
from the Principal... - St Augustine`s College
Term 3 Volume 20 17 July 2013 College Newsletter from the Principal... Dear Members of the College community A warm welcome to Term 3, Semester 2. I hope your break was restful and that your batteries are recharged ready for the term ahead. Term 3 starts with a review of your son’s Semester 1, 2013 Mid-Year College Report at the upcoming Parent/Teacher interviews being held on July 18 and 25 for Years 7-12 and July 24 for Years 5 and 6. The basis for academic achievement is to review successes and challenges and to share future goals with parents, teachers and students alike. The Staff Development Day on Monday, July 15 was dedicated to teaching and learning strategies, in particular Practical Strategies to Enhance Academic Writing. My thanks to Danielle Stanway, Staff Services/HR Manager, for her co-ordination of the day. Our boys will be the beneficiaries of much hard work and planning as we continually improve our strategic delivery in the classroom. My sincere thanks to a number of staff who contributed to College life during the school holidays:To the Maintenance Team, IT Department, Finance Department and TAS Department - thank you for your hard work on several tasks performed during the term break. Also my thanks to Tricia Briggs, Senior School Academic Advisor, and the Year 12 teaching staff who spent much of their holidays assisting our Year 12 boys in preparation for the upcoming HSC Trial Examinations. Your ongoing generosity of family time, support and contribution to the boys and the College is always very much appreciated. COMMUNICATION During the first week of the holidays, parents should have received their son’s Semester 1, 2013 Mid-Year College Report, (for students in Years 5 to 11), together with a copy of the publication Communitas and a letter from the Principal and Head of School. If you did not receive your son’s report please contact your son’s Student Formation Leader. ANNUAL REPORT The St Augustine’s College Annual Report is now available on the College website – 2012 Annual Report Principal’s Half Colours Congratulations to the following boys who were presented with Principal’s Half Colours at today’s assembly for demonstrating the continued commitment required to achieve excellence and success in rugby and rugby league. Charlie Taylor James Lough John Walker Mathew Arnold Jack Nettleton Luke Lough Elia Faatui Bailey Dalton William McRae Ben Fontaine Scott Williams Charlie Taylor James Parker Aisea Tukipili John Hopoate Jack Ongosia NSW 1st Schoolboy Representative NSW 1st Schoolboy Representative NSW 2nd Schoolboy Representative NSW 2nd Schoolboy Representative NSW 16 Years Representative NSW 16 Years Representative Sydney Juniors 16 Years Representative Sydney Juniors 16 Years Representative Sydney Juniors 16 Years Representative Sydney Juniors 17 Years Representative Sydney Juniors 17 Years Representative NSW CIS Rugby League Representative NSW CIS Rugby League Representative NSW CIS Rugby League Representative NSW CIS Rugby League Representative NSW CIS Rugby League Representative HSC YEAR 12 PRACTICAL WORKS The College community is invited to an exhibition of the HSC Year 12 practical works this Friday, July 19 from 7.00pm to 9.00pm in the Brimson Centre. This is a great opportunity to see the outstanding HSC works of our senior boys. The standard of work is exceptional and portrays the numerous hours of planning and hard work by the boys and their teachers. As drinks and light refreshments will be provided, an RSVP is essential for catering purposes. Please RSVP to Cheryl Howell, EA to the Head of School on by 9am Thursday, July 18 - thank you for your cooperation. THANK YOU At the end of Term 3 we farewelled Gordon Vick after 17 ½ years of service and commitment to the College. Gordon and his wife Helen have five children and 10 grandchildren and have decided to relocate to the Gold Coast to be closer to their family. Gordon retires from his teaching profession after 34 years of service to education – a wonderful achievement. During his 17 ½ years at St Augustine’s, Gordon imparted a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the areas of mathematics, physics and IT. He is a true Catholic and Augustinian role model to the students and his peers. We wish Gordon, Helen and his family all the very best for the future. WELCOME This term we welcomed the following new staff to the College: - Helena Budiarto, Jo Elliott, Deborah Carroll, Marcela Lyall and Scott Fulton. We hope that they will be happy here and that they will be enriched through their efforts with the students at the College. We welcome back Liz Armenio from long service leave and Deva Prasad from paternity leave. 2013 JAPANESE CULTURAL TOUR We welcome back staff and students who travelled to Japan through the holidays to participate in the 2013 Japan Cultural Tour. My thanks to Yuko Taki and James Scholtens for planning the tour, travelling with the boys and bringing them home safely. Parents are invited to access the tour’s blog on PRAYERS We ask you to continue your prayers for the following members of our community:Adam, Kym and Cooper Gray, Tony O’Shea and David Gilbert. RIP Your prayers are asked for Franca Hardwick and her family on the death of Franca’s mother, Angela Carioti Geracitano who passed away on June 21. Your prayers are also asked for Lynne Delaney’s father in law, Ron Delaney, who passed away during the school holidays. Tim Cleary Principal May Angela and Ron be at Peace with the Risen Lord. Coming Events . . . Wednesday 17 July Opens Basketball Presentation (1.00 pm) Thursday 18 July Year 7 – 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (2.00 pm – 9.00 pm) Friday 19 July Twilight Secondary Athletics Carnival, Narrabeen (3.00 pm) HSC Year 12 Practical Works Exhibition, Brimson Centre (7.00 pm – 9.00 pm) Sunday 21 July NSW School Band Festival Monday 22 July Year 5, 6 and 7 Academic Assemblies 2014 Year 11 Course Presentation Evening (7.30 pm) Tuesday 23 July Year 8 and 9 Academic Assemblies Wednesday 24 July Year 10 and 11 Academic Assemblies Primary School Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (2.00 pm – 8.00 pm) Thursday 25 July Year 7 – 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (2.00 pm – 9.00 pm) Friday 26 July Winter Sports Photos Friday 26 July – Sunday 28 July Bedford School UK Rugby 1st XV & 16 Years visit Saturday 27 July Rugby Invitational Game - St Augustine’s College v Bedford School UK: 16 Years (1.00 pm) and 1st XV (2.00 pm), Manly Oval Sunday 28 July NSW School Band Festival from the Head of School... Honour the journey, not the destination It is a great pleasure to welcome students, staff and families to the second semester. The holiday break provides the occasion to stop, rest and reflect on the past semester. It is also an opportunity for readjustment, to make necessary changes and set benchmarks for the semester ahead. All of this can be just talk unless there is a commitment to the journey. I have read a few biographies describing great physical feats, including the ascent of Mt Everest or Scott’s failed attempt to reach the South Pole. All describe incredible hardship and sacrifice; many characters shone when it was at its darkest, all honoured the journey rather than the destination. Similarly, academic success is more about the journey than the final result. It is an absolute farce if students believe they can just magically switch on study skills that they have not accessed until their last year at school and hope to achieve the results that exceed their potential in the HSC. The results in early classes will at some point affect outcomes in later years. There are many variables leading to academic success, the common denominator however, involves toil, sacrifice and perseverance. I encourage parents to sit with their sons and set realistic goals for the semester ahead. The more process-driven and less focussed on outcomes, the more likely the success. It is important to set goals that are not too daunting because success is a gradual process, and confidence is gained every time another goal is achieved. Furthermore, it is important not to compare their son’s level with the achievements of others; everyone has different speeds of climbing the ladder. Finally, in setting goals, consider the billionaire who flies to the South Pole for an hour to‘experience’it, compared to the man who has toiled, sweated and struggled across hundreds and hundreds of miles of ice, dragging a humble sledge. It is the journey that forms character; it is about growth, not trophies. My hope is that by the conclusion of the semester, each and every student can look back with a sense of achievement about what has transpired, have overcome challenges on their journey, and have approached their schooling with enthusiasm and perseverance. Holiday activities The College remained a busy place during the semester break with IT and Maintenance teams busy completing tasks put on hold during the busyness of term. Our generous teaching staff and past students presented Year 12 lectures every day with many boys taking this opportunity to revise larger bodies of work and sit practice papers. Our 1st V Basketball team travelled to Queensland and won the ‘Champions Eight’ Basketball tournament which saw some of the best school teams in Australia participate. Congratulations to Daniel Pitcher who won the player of the tournament. The Japanese Cultural Study Tour proved an outstanding success with treasured memories of host families and cultural experience, together with the opportunity to improve language skills proved invaluable. The visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Museum, Kyoto Imperial Palace and touring Tokyo, the world’s most populated city, were just some of the highlights. I thank Yuko Taki, James Scholtens and Pam King for their support of the boys in the planning and organisation of this valuable experience. The College also hosted the Augustinian Symposium during the break with a number of staff and students from Years 10 and 11 participating. The Japan Tour Group in front of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews It has been a busy week at St Augustine’s College. Boys have returned from their semester break having done many things over the holidays and having been many places. When asked what they got up to, some of them wrapped up the whole experience with that least helpful expression from the dictionary of boys speak: ‘not much’. ‘Not much’ can mean anything from not much to a great deal. ‘Not bad’ is similar. It can mean anything from bad to good or even wonderful. A student who describes his report as ‘not bad’ is not giving too many clues. Parent/Teacher/ Student Interviews will be held over the next two weeks, partly to put flesh on the bones of such skeletal expressions as ‘not bad’ and ‘not much’. Information regarding the booking of these important meetings was emailed to parents during the holidays. # Finally, I remind parents to keep their son’s Student Formation Leader informed of circumstances at home that may affect your son’s well-being. I believe in ‘information never wasted’ and our role is to provide support wherever possible. We look forward to working in partnership with you in the semester ahead. Matthew Hutchison Head of School from the Dean of Senior School... Welcome back Years 10 and 11 Academic Assemblies I wish to welcome back to Term 3 all our families and friends. I trust that the holiday break was a time of relaxation and rejuvenation. In the Senior School, Term 3 will be busy with many engaging initiatives and activities, which includes the Year 12 Graduation Breakfast (for Year 12 Students), Assembly, Mass and Dinner. Years 10 and 11 students will attend a special Academic Assembly during the normal school day on Wednesday 24 July, 2013. This is a momentous occasion for the Senior School, as our high achieving students from Semester One will be recognised for their outstanding efforts and achievements. I thank the Head of Academic Life, John Laforest, for his co-ordination of this event. Uniform As Term 3 commences, I would like thank parents for their support in ensuring that their sons attend school wearing the correct uniform. Our students are considered to be the ambassadors of the College to the local community and beyond. As such, it is critical that our students are appropriately attired, as indicated on pages 48-49 in the College Senior Diary. In particular, I kindly request that parents ensure that their son undertakes the following: • • • • • 2014 Year 11 Course Presentation/Expo Evening As a reminder, please be aware that the 2014 Year 11 Course Presentation/Expo Evening will be held on Monday 22 July, 2013. The event will commence at 7.30pm in the Brimson Centre. I wish to thank the Head of Academic Life, John Laforest, and the Faculty Co-ordinators for their assistance with this very important evening. Wears his College blazer Wears a black belt Uses the top shirt button Wears his College tie appropriately Wears the correct black leather school shoes I thank parents for their ongoing support with these matters. God bless Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews As you are aware, the College has scheduled Years 7-12 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews to occur on Thursday 18 July and Thursday 25 July, 2013. These interviews are ideal opportunities for parents and students to discuss Semester One Reports and possible strategies for improvement. Specific information has already been emailed to parents about these events. If you have any enquiries, please contact Marcela Lyall on 9938 8261 or Frank Chiment Dean of Senior School from the Dean of Primary School... Welcome back from what was hopefully an enjoyable time spent with family and friends. As is usual with all schools, this term is another busy one with lots happening in all areas of the curriculum. At our first assembly on Tuesday, I emphasised the importance of being organised and focusing from the very first day if they are to improve on past performances and maintain already high standards. I encouraged all boys to read their reports and use their teacher’s suggestions as goals for improvement this term. The importance of setting goals and how they are to be achieved in given time frames is something I advise all boys to do each term. Just as important as grades achieved are the effort results for each subject. Research by Dweck (2007) confirms the importance of praising effort and it is in fact effort that leads to improved performance. I am excited about the term ahead as all teachers have been busily planning a variety of lessons designed to enhance critical and creative thinking using technology as the focus. I would also like to welcome back Liz Armenio from her Long Service Leave as well as welcome Ben Aylward who will be having his 10 Week practicum on Liz’s class. Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews Next Wednesday 24 July, the three-way Interviews will be conducted. We will be trialling commencing these interviews at 2:00pm to allow an earlier finish for our younger boys. If you are experiencing difficulty in arranging a pick-up from 2pm please contact Megan Cashman (Primary School Secretary). Academic Assembly Next Monday 22nd July, we will be recognising the boys in Primary who have achieved an excellent standard academically, as well as those boys who have been recognised by their teachers as having made outstanding effort in all of their KLA’s (Key Learning Areas). This assembly will take place during Period 1. Cross Curriculum Priorities “My Girragundji” The National Curriculum identifies three Cross Curriculum priorities (Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, Sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures) which are to be embedded in the units of work we teach. To make this real and come alive, all Primary students will attend the performance, “My Girragundji” next Tuesday 23rd July. It is the story of growing up through the eyes of a young aboriginal boy and is told through, drama, dance and song. Experiences such as these are necessary if boys are to receive an education which places importance on the creative side of the curriculum. I believe that at St Augustine’s we have a curriculum which does just that. Staff Development Day Last Monday 15th July, Primary Staff had time to explore the National Curriculum, concentrating on English and in particular Literature. Bill Spence, lecturer from the University of Sydney, facilitated the day and used drama as a vehicle to improve inferential comprehension. Bill commented on the positive attitude of all teachers and their willingness to be involved in all aspects of the day. We are certainly fortunate to have such enthusiastic and passionate teachers. Brotherhood I am immensely proud of the senior boys at St Augustine’s and their willingness to assist in any of the Primary School programMEs on offer. I thought I would finish this week’s newsletter with a thank you letter from one of our senior boys who assisted as a group leader at our recent Year 5 Reflection Day. It is letters like these that confirms that we have ‘got it right’ at St Augustine’s and that our future is in great hands if we have young men passing through our College like the ones below. Mr Walsh, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in the Year 5 Reflection Day. I’ve been very enthusiastic about putting my name down for a leadership role in year 12, and when it comes to taking part in as many aspects of the College, I believe that this day was one of the most important. (More brothers to add to the list!!...) The concept of brotherhood is definitely something that the Year 5 boys can now grasp, and hopefully this has been partly due to Harrison’s, Jac’s, James’ and my own intentions. Honestly, when I am with the primary school boys, whether it was through the reflection day, primary reading, or even just seeing them around the school, I enjoy every minute. I feel privileged to have been a part of such an important day, and I will make the effort to spend more time with the primary boys, not because I have to, but because I want to! Thanks again! Matt Schofield Quote for the week ‘It is boys becoming men in a relaxed fraternal spirit uniting individuals of widely differing personal qualities and ethnic and economic backgrounds that defines our core value of ‘Unitas’(community)’. Our Core Augustinian Values Terry Walsh Dean of Primary School COLLEGE PRINCIPAL TIM CLEARY WARMLY INVITES YOU TO THE FATHER & SON DINNER Thursday 29 August, 2013 MIRAMARE GARDENS 48 Myoora Rd, Terrey Hills | 7:00pm – 9:30pm $38pp Dress: Smart Casual (including boys) Price includes dinner, dessert and soft drinks for students and entertainment by Drum Circle Events. (bar facilities available for adults) Students in all Years Groups are invited, along with their father, significant male or guardian. Enjoy a special evening of connection, celebration and entertainment. RSVP is essential: Please return the slip below to the Finance Office by Monday 19 August, 2013 Any enquiries or special dietary requirements please contact Megan Cashman on 9938 8251 or Yes, I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . will be attending with my son/s ......................................................................................... Year/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the Father & Son Dinner at the Miramare Gardens. Enclosed is my cheque/cash/credit card details for $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . being the total cost of 1 Adult ($38pp) and . . . . . . . . . son/s ($38pp) Credit Card: VISA MASTERCARD AMEX (2%charge) Card Holder’s Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expiry Date . . . . / . . . . Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Universities • • • • • • • • • A representative of Notre Dame University will be visiting next Monday at lunch to provide students with information on courses and entry procedures. The University of Western Sydney is hosting Parent Information Days on 20/7/13 & 27/7/13. Information will be available about applications, courses, scholarships and alternative pathways into UWS. University of Wollongong Information Evenings for Year 12 Students and Parents are being held in August. Australian National University (ANU) has sent copies of their 2014 Undergraduate Guide CQ University Sydney Open Day is on 8/8/13 Canberra Tertiary Open Day on the 31/8/13 will be hosted by ACU, UNSW (ADFA), ANU, University of Canberra & Canberra Institute of Technology. UTS Engineering Faculty provides the opportunity for students to complete a questionnaire which may allow a student access to UTS Engineering if their ATAR falls short of the cut off. The questionnaire is open from 2/7/13 to 29/11/13. Southern Cross University has provided a copy of their 2014 Undergraduate Guide and Course Guides The University of Notre Dame Early Offer Program is for students who achieve a minimum of 3 A grades across their subjects or an average of 75% or higher, possess leadership qualities and motivation, are active participants in school, church and community life, and have demonstrated a strong potential to succeed. Applications are due 26/7/13. • • Gap Year Programmes • • Nature Care College is hosting an information evening on 6/8/13 JMC Academy Open Day is on 17/8/13 SAE Institute Open Day is on 3/8/13 • • • • • Scholarships/ Cadetships • • • • • • • • UNSW Australian Robertson Scholars Program 2014. Each year one Australian student is selected to complete a four year undergraduate degree in the United States at either Duke University or the University of North Carolina. The scholarship is valued at $200,000 and pays for full tuition, room and board and living. Entries close Fri 6th December 2013. The Optus Engineering Cadet Program offers a combination of paid on-the-job learning and paid TAFE studies over 3 years. Laing & Simmons real estate offers a scholarship programme for Year 12 students wishing to enter the real estate industry. See me for details Avondale College offers the President’s Scholarship worth up to $8000 to students undertaking a degree course. Government scholarships are available to Australian citizens who demonstrate a commitment to pursuing a nursing career with a focus on aged care. The scheme provides financial assistance in the form of a scholarship worth up to a total value of $10 000 per year for three years of full time study. Applications are now open and close 30/8/13. UTS Science is advertising a range of scholarships for students studying specific science or mathematics based courses. See link or poster in Cameron House. Year 10 to12 students with an interest in pursuing a career in business and possibly a cadetship may like to attend the “Meet the Business Leader” event hosted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants on 30/7/13. See me for a brochure. The NSW Department of Education & Communities - Teacher Education Scholarship Program applications are open until 4/10/13. Antipodeans Abroad has sent brochures about their GapBreak program. Projects Abroad Information Sessions enable you to speak to staff and returned volunteers to learn about the programs available. Student ProgramMEs/ Workshops Private Colleges • • • Each year the Bradman Foundation offers a $5 000 per annum scholarship to one Australian student commencing university. The scholarship is chosen based on a blend of academic, sporting (cricket), personal and social skills which best fulfil the purpose of the scholarship. Applications close 28/2/14. BlueScope Steel is offering cadetships in Engineering, Chemistry, IT and more. These cadetships are based in the Illawarra region. Registrations of interest are now being accepted. • • • Students from years 10 to 12 are invited to attend a lunchtime talk from the Australian Defence Force on Friday 26/7/13. Held in Cameron House the talk will provide information on opportunities and pathways into the Defence Force. The Australian Defence Force is hosting information sessions at Parramatta on the Royal Military College (24/7/13) and One Year Service (29/7/13). Email for further information. JOBShed is being held at Mona Vale Memorial Hall on 20/7/13 from 9am to 4pm to provide free advice on job opportunities on the Northern Beaches The School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications at UNSW is inviting high achieving Year 10 & 11 students to take part in the UNSW Taste of Electrical Engineering 2013 workshop next holidays. Limited places are available. Australian Institute of Physics: Physics in Industry Day hosted by CSIRO Materials Science & Engineering is being held on 7/11/13. This day will provide students with an insight into how physics is used in real world industries. A host of opportunities are available for students interested in gaining work experience within the media broadcasting sector through the ABC. Cadetships, scholarships and work experience places are on offer and all applications can be made online. The Honeywell Engineering Summer School brings together 100 Year 11 students with the desire to pursue Engineering as their future career. It will run from 1/12/13 to 6/12/13 The Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society – Career Day is being hosted at UTS on 20/7/13 Miscellaneous • • • • MyUniversity provides students with a broad range of information about Australian universities and other higher education providers. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations has provided copies of “Australian Jobs 2013” which summarises information about the Australian labour market. I have some copies available. The School for Excellence offers free access to its online resources which include example essays, trial exam papers, weekly study tips, exam advice and more. The Australian Defence Force Academy Education Award is presented annually to Year 12 students in recognition of leadership potential, and academic and sporting achievements exhibited during Year 11. The award comprises of a laptop computer and certificate, along with a plaque of recognition for your school. Applications close 28/2/14. For further information on any of the above please contact Paul McAlinden at the College. STUDY SKILLS: Brain Rules Schools by Tom Vander Ark Brain Rules, the bestselling book by molecular biologist John Medina is a spirited romp through neuroscience, evolutionary genetics, and psychology, in which Medina lays out “12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School.” Following is a quick summary of the rules and key principles for educators (and parents). 1. Exercise boosts brain power. “To improve your thinking skills, move.” 2. The human brain has evolved, too. The human brain has developed an extraordinary ability to think symbolically, but “our ability to learn has deep roots in relationships.” Feeling safe and understood is key to learning. 3. Every brain is wired differently. “No two people’s brains store the same information in the same way in the same place.” 4. We don’t pay attention to boring things. “Audiences check out after 10 minutes, but you can keep grabbing them back by telling narratives or creating events rich in emotion.” And “emotional arousal helps the brain learn.” 5. Here’s some bad news: “There is no such thing as multitasking.” Medina suggests a dedicated, unplugged period of concentrated effort. 6. Repeat to remember. The folks at KIPP figured this one out: “The more elaborately we encode a memory during its initial moments, the stronger it will be.” Medina adds, “The more the learner focuses on the meaning of the presented information, the more elaborately the encoding is processed.” It’s interesting that he recommends both deep understanding and repetition to build working memory. Remember to repeat. “The way to make long-term memory more reliable is to incorporate new information gradually and repeat it in timed intervals.” 7. Sleep well, think well. John suggests matching chronotypes to schedules; some teachers and students could do the early shift, some the late shift. He also thinks the “biological drive for an afternoon nap is universal.” 8. Stressed brains don’t learn the same way. “Individually, the worst kind of stress is the feeling that you have no control over the problem -- you are helpless.” And, “Emotional stress has huge impacts across society, on children’s ability to learn in school.” Medina has been a big advocate of early learning and believes that education is a family affair and starts at birth. 9. Simulate more of the senses. “Our senses evolved to work together... which means that we learn best if we stimulate several senses at once.” In addition to multisensory lessons, Medina suggests repetitions using other senses. Smell has a particular shortcut to memory. 10. Vision trumps all other senses. “We learn and remember best through pictures, not through written or spoken words.” Medina suggests more pictures and animations and fewer words. 11. Male and female brains are different. Medina suggests that there is some rationale for gender-specific classrooms and that at a minimum, we don’t feed stereotypes. 12. We are powerful and natural explorers. “Babies are the model of how we learn -- not by passive reaction to the environment but by active testing through observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. By Tom Vander Ark See also St Augustine’s Patron’s Day Walkathon 2013 HELPERS ARE NEEDED Dear Parents On Friday 30th August, the College is holding it’s annual Patron’s Day along with the Walkathon to help raise funds for the College SEA Programme. Leaving school at approximately 10.15am, all students will follow the route, from the College to Curl Curl, Queenscliff, Manly and then on to Tania Park, Dobroyd Point, approx 12kms. We would like to enlist the assistance of parents for this day in a variety of different areas, walking with students, checkpoints, traffic supervisors & BBQ. If you can assist in any of these areas, would you please return the slip below to the Front Office or email bmilne@saintaug.nsw. by Friday 26th July. Name: ……………………………………………………… Phone: …………………………… Email Address: ………………………………………………………………………………… Son’s name: …………………………………………….… Year:…….. Tutor Group: …………… Son’s name: …………………………………………….… Year:…….. Tutor Group: …………… In which of the following areas would you like to help us out? Please tick or highlight. · Help with the Patron’s Day Walkathon – (checkpoints or traffic management) · Help with the Patron’s Day Walkathon BBQ · Walking with students We need help between the hours of 10.00 am and 1.30 pm. If you are able to assist, what hours are you available? _____________________ We will also try and accommodate any parents who would like to work together on the day. Please, could I be placed with _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ This is a great opportunity to support your son and the school. It would be greatly appreciated if you can help in any way . If you have any queries please contact Beth Milne at St Augustine’s on 9938 8275 or Yours sincerely, Beth Milne Operations Assistant Parent Seminar Series How to Motivate Your Child Term 3 Tuesday 13 August, 2013 7.00pm – 8.30pm St Augustine’s College - Auditorium RSVP - 8 August, 2013 Dr Andrew Martin is a Registered Psychologist, Member of the College of Developmental and Educational Psychologists and President-Elect of Division 5 (Educational, Instructional, and School Psychology) of the International Association of Applied Psychology. His research focuses on motivation, engagement, and achievement as well as work into boys’ and girls’ education, gifted and talented, disengagement, academic buoyancy and courage, pedagogy, parenting, teacher-student relationships, and Aboriginal education. He was listed in The Bulletin magazine’s “SMART 100 Australians” and in the Top 10 in the field of Education. His books, "How to Motivate Your Child For School and Beyond” and “How to Help Your Child Fly Through Life: The 20 Big Issues” are published in five languages and have been enthusiastically received by schools and parents across Australia and beyond. His latest book, “Building Classroom Success, Eliminating Academic Fear and Failure” was published in early 2010. Andrew Martin An Invitation for all Year 8 Parents CLASS PARENT CO-ORDINATOR Drinks, Food and Conversation Date: Time: Venue: Dress: Cost: RSVP: Friday 9th August 2013 7pm-11pm (you can come for a shorter time as it’s a stand up, casual event) Manly Golf Club, 38 Balgowlah Rd Manly Think cocktails (or smart casual, no jeans) $40 per person By Friday 26th July, via Rosemary Cullen is our Class Parent Co-ordinator. If you have any class parent related enquiries or would to know if there are any clashes with potential Class Parent run events with the College calendar, please email Rosemary on Rosemary will work with you on availability etc and then inform Lianne Williams, Marketing Manager at the College. Remember to add the code DABI (I for Igloo), this should take you straight to our event, then follow prompts. Enquiries: Please contact your Parent Tutor Rep UNIFORM SHOP Thank you to Billy Lin, Allen Wang and Ross Yu who attended Matt Talbot during school holiday time. RAINCOATS UNAVOIDABLY DELAYED To all those patient families who have been awaiting their ordered raincoats. Regrettably the order has fallen through due to a number of manufacturing disasters. The new order should be delivered to us in approximately six weeks. Please accept my apologies for this delay and kindly watch this space for further updates. Adele Campbell CANTEEN ROSTER . . . Thursday 18/7/13 Friday 19/7/13 Monday 22/7/13 Tuesday 23/7/13 Wednesday 24/7/13 Mary Sidery Kylie Fallow Claire Cryan Therese Brennan Anna Gowan Annabel Nelson Kay Phillips Nicole Hodgins Sharon Kavallaris Julia Wright Cassandra Waddington Frances O’Connor Sandra Pashley Bessie May Keira Hulme Narelle Nicholls Cathy Whittard Kirsty Peters Margot Knaap Kath Gilmore Melissa McDonagh Silvana Montagnino Kris Maish Tess Wiseman Welcome back everyone and I hope you all had a relaxingbreak. Carol Pritchard. THE ATLAS PERFORMING ARTS SITE Our Tolle Lege newsletter is only updated once a week. Stay up to date with Music and Drama. Use the Performing Arts ATLAS site. Log in here. Please take the time to read our Music Co-curricular Handbook. It is an in-depth compilation of all information pertaining to the Bands, Choirs, and Ensembles at the College. A hard copy is available form the Music Administration Office for anybody that would prefer one. ATTENDANCE We would like to remind all boys registered in the Performing Arts, that attendance to rehearsals is not elective. All boys must attend ALL rehearsals. 100% attendance is a requirement of your commitment and rolls are kept. Poor attendance might affect your involvement in your ensemble, which will affect your co-curricular tally, and might affect your recognition at the awards ceremony later this year. Please be aware that rehearsals recommenced on Tuesday 16 July. THE ST AUGUSTINE’S MUSIC FESTIVAL In addition, all boys involved in the Concert Bands, Stage Bands, and Jazz Ensemble, are required to be at rehearsals during Friday. Timetable for Friday 2 August: • • • • CONCERT BANDS Reminder that the School Band Festival is THIS SUNDAY (and the following one for Primary School Concert Band). Please make sure that your son has his instruments with him on Friday afternoon, as there will be no way for them to get it on the weekend. All boys need to be in full Winter Uniform. For more information, please refer to the email sent at the end of last term. NSW School Band Festival dates and times: In Week Three (July 29-August 2), we are holding the College Music Festival. This huge event is a chance for us to celebrate the diverse musical talent we have at St Augustine’s College. • • • • • • Every lunchtime in the G-Block quad, student rock bands perform in a battle of the bands event called “Rock in the Quad”. We encourage all students to create their own rock bands and to enter either the Junior or Senior Division of RITQ. As in previous years, all boys are invited to present a solo performance for our knowledgeable adjudicators for a chance to win a prize in our Solo Recitals. Discuss this with your tutor to get them to help you in preparation. NEW in 2013: we are now calling for student compositions to be judged for a chance to win. The week concludes with the biggest concert of the year. The Showcase Concert features performances from the College’s Musical Ensembles, various featured performances from the week, plus other exciting and entertaining things. All the info you need for the event, including registration, can be found HERE. ADVANCED WARNING All boys in the Concert Bands, Stage Bands, Senior School Choir, and Instrumental Ensembles are expected to attend and perform in the Music Festival Showcase Concert. In addition, all musicians at the College are strongly encouraged to participate in the week’s varied performance and composition opportunities. P1-P2: Setup of the stages in the Brimson Centre Recess P3: Stage Bands and Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal P4: Middle and Primary School Concert Bands Rehearsal Lunch P5: Senior School Concert Band Rehearsal • Middle School Concert Band Sunday 21st July – 11:30am at UNSW Senior School Concert Band Sunday 21st July – 2:15pm at UNSW Primary School Concert Band Sunday 28th July - 11.15am at UNSW THE BUSKING PROJECT The Busking Project gives students an opportunity to perform in the quad on Monday lunchtime and raise money for the SEA program at the same time. Please see Jennifer Power to register for your chance to perform. LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT If you would like to start learning an instrument in 2013, the College provides several instrumental tutors. Please enrol by emailing to Lynne Papahatzis. INSTRUMENT DONATIONS The College Music Department is always looking to acquire instruments. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, or whether it is not in full working order, we’ll fix it up and find it a great new home! If you have an instrument lying around unused, please contact me. REHEARSAL SCHEDULE: DAY MONDAY TIME 7:30-8:30am ENSEMBLE AGE Stage Band 2 Open VENUE ENS STAFF J. Montz TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am Senior School Choir Senior School AUD M. Coen/ F. Ling TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am Primary School Concert Band Primary School MMC J. Power TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am Percussion Ensemble Open ENS D. Kemp TUESDAY Lunchtime Bass Guitar Ensemble Open ENS J. Smith WEDNESDAY 7:30-8:30am Senior School Concert Band Senior School MMC J. Power WEDNESDAY Lunchtime Liturgy Ensemble Open ENS J. Montz THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am Stage Band 1 Open ENS J. Montz THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am String Ensemble Open MU1 J. Power FRIDAY 7:30-8:30am Middle School Concert Band Middle School MMC J. Power FRIDAY 7:30-8:30am Jazz Ensemble Open ENS C. Shepherd FRIDAY Lunchtime Brass Ensemble Open AUD J. Montz FRIDAY Lunchtime Guitar Ensemble Open ENS H. Blake/ S. Barrett UPCOMING EVENTS July 16 All rehearsals commence for Term 3 July 21 (SUNDAY) NSW School Band Festival @UNSW (Middle and Senior School Concert Bands) July 28 (SUNDAY) NSW School Band Festival @UNSW (Primary School Concert Band) July 29-August 2 St Augustine’s Music Festival July 29 Rock in the Quad Woodwind/Percussion Solo Recitals Composition Entries Due July 30 Rock in the Quad Brass/Guitar/Bass Guitar Solo Recitals July 31 Rock in the Quad Piano/Voice Solo Recitals August 1 Rock in the Quad August 2 Rock in the Quad Daytime Rehearsal and Setup Showcase Concert (Compulsory for all bands/ensembles) Joseph Montz Performing Arts Co-ordinator ATTENTION PARENTS! The College requires complete Student, Family and Medical Information. The information provided is used for parent communications, in the event of illness or accident and to assist in the organisation of excursions and/or sporting activities. Details currently on record at the College may have changed; it is a requirement of enrolment that parents/guardians provide all known contact details, medical and family information about their child to the College. Please contact the College Registrar, Philippa Sherwood to advise of any changes. Invites our community to Music Festival Week July 29 - August 2, 2013 College Band and Choir Performances Battle of the Bands (RITQ) Solo Recitals Monday-Friday is "Rock in the Quad" Held in the G-Block Quad Monday night: Solo recitals for Woodwind and Percussion from 6:30pm In the Lecceto Building Tuesday Night: Solo recitals for Brass, Guitar and Bass from 6:30pm In the Lecceto Building Wednesday Night: Solo recitals for Voice and Piano from 6:30pm In the Lecceto Building Friday Night: Music Festival Showcase Concert from 6:30pm In the Brimson Centre Composition Competition: Compositions are Due on Monday, and winners will be announced on Wednesday. CERAMICS CLUB Wednesdays commencing on 7 August 2013 Classes will be held in Art Room 2 from 3:30 – 4:30pm. There will be a total of 10 sessions, if any session needs to be cancelled, notice will be given via your contact email address and another week added until we have had 10 sessions. Please contact me directly to sign up: Could you please provide your son’s name and core class, your name and best email contact address and if you would like to confirm a place or are just making initial enquiries. As numbers are strictly limited to 20 students per group, please only sign up if you have an interest in ceramics as there are plenty of other options to fulfill the co-curricular requirements. Students do not need to supply anything except enthusiasm. There is no charge as it is covered in the co-curricular fee. Sharon Jones Science Teacher Confucius Institute’s 2013 NSW High School Chinese Speaking Competition Angus Gilbert competes for St Augustine’s in the Confucius Institute’s 2013 NSW High School Chinese Speaking Competition During the July school holidays St Augustine’s Year 9 student, Angus Gilbert, competed in the 2013 NSW High Schools Chinese Speaking Competition. While Angus was actually below the minimum age requirement of 15 years, we got special approval from the organisers for him to participate in the competition. Angus was competing against Year 10, 11 and 12 students from many schools, many of whom have been learning Chinese for longer periods of time than he. Angus worked very hard and prepared very thoroughly, being able to remember his whole speech (6 mins) ‘off by heart’, including two poems, one of which was an original poem written in traditional style. The subject of Angus’ speech was “Learn Chinese and double your friends”. It is with great pleasure to announce that Angus Gilbert won a well-deserved 3rd place in this state-wide competition which was organised by the Confucius Institute at Sydney University. Angus had great support from various staff at the College, including Peter Nolan (Dean of Middle School), John Laforest (Head of Curriculum), Mark Downey (Year 9 Formation Leader) and Chinese teachers Vivian Cao, Bing Zhang and Mark Hall. Special thanks also to Marianna Carlino (HOD Languages) who really encouraged Angus to work hard, to be strong and confident. Angus spoke rapid Chinese which, if you closed your eyes and listened, one would have thought it was actually a Chinese person speaking. Angus performed very confidently and was an excellent ambassador for St Augustine’s College. You can watch a part of his performance by typing in ‘Angus Gilbert speaks Chinese’ in YouTube. Well done Angus ! Mark Hall Chinese Language Teacher TWILIGHT Athletics CARNIVAL This Friday 19th July, the College will be holding a Twilight Athletics Carnival to identify our best athletes to represent the College at the upcoming ISA Carnival. The carnival has replaced the annual house athletics carnival for this year only as we were unable to secure a venue for our annual house carnival. Students have been identified through last year’s performances and with the Yr 7s being identified through a mini carnival held last term. There will also be other students new to the College who are eligible to attend. A full list of attendees will be published in the next few days. Could Student Formation Leaders please announce the details of the Carnival to their year groups and ask any student who wishes to attend and is competent at this high level carnival to visit the Sports Office immediately to collect a permission note from Tracey Boyadji. Canteen facilities availability on the night (TBA). Event: St Augustine’s College Invitational Twilight Athletics Carnival. Date: Friday 19th July 2013. Venue: Sydney Academy of Sport, Wakehurst Parkway, Narrabeen. Time: 3:30pm – 6:40pm (approx.) (800m event will be first event for all age groups) Departure: Participating boys will depart on the buses provided at 2:30pm from the Alfred Rd gates. Pick up: Parents are requested to collect boys at the conclusion of the carnival. Limited transport back to the College at the conclusion of the carnival. Equipment needed: Participating boys should wear college Sports uniform and College sports tracksuit. Running Age Champion Eligibility: ATHLETICS CARNIVAL PROGRAMME OF EVENTS: spikes are also encouraged to be worn. Event Time 15 Years 16 Years 17 Years 18+ Years 1 3:30pm 2 4:00pm 100/200m Long Jump Javelin Discus BREAK High Jump Shot Put 3 4:20pm Shot Put 100/200m Long Jump Javelin Discus BREAK High Jump 4 4:40pm 5 5:00pm High Jump Shot Put 100/200m Long Jump Javelin Discus BREAK BREAK High Jump Shot Put 100/200m Long Jump Javelin Discus 6 5:20pm Discus BREAK High Jump Shot Put 100/200m Long Jump Javelin 7 5:40pm Javelin Discus BREAK High Jump Shot Put 100/200m Long Jump 8 6:00pm Long Jump Javelin Discus BREAK High Jump Shot Put 100/200m 9 6:20pm 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 400m 10 6:40pm John Papahatzis 12 Years Students wishing to be considered for Age Champion for their age group should compete in as many events as possible. Students competing in one/two events only may depart at the conclusion of their event(s). 13 Years 14 Years 800 M C L E A N U P & D E P A R T (STUDENTS FIND THEIR OWN WAY HOME) Head of Sport & Cocurricular Rugby Matches BASKETBALL Saturday 20 July 2013 Congratulations . . . Ist V Basketball Team win Churchie Big 8 Tournament Round 4 ISA (13Yrs-Opens) IPSHA Round 7 (11 & 12Yrs) Team Opposition Time Ground 11 Gold Barker College 10.15am Pittwater Park 4 11 Green Barker College 9.30am Pittwater Park 4 11 Red Barker College 8.45am Pittwater Park 4 11 White Barker College 8.00am Pittwater Park 4 12 Gold Scots College 1.30pm Wednesday Pittwater Park 3 12 Green Scots College 8.45am Pittwater Park 3 12 Red Scots College 8.00am Pittwater Park 3 13 Gold St Stanislaus’ College 11.00am Pittwater Park 4 13 Green St Stanislaus’ College 12.00pm Pittwater Park 4 13 Red St Stanislaus’ College 1.00pm Pittwater Park 4 13 White St Stanislaus’ College 2.00pm Pittwater Park 4 13 Black St Patrick’s College 9.30am Breen Oval 14 Gold St Stanislaus’ College 2.00pm Pittwater Park 3 14 Green St Stanislaus’ College 1.00pm Pittwater Park 3 14 Red St Stanislaus’ College 12.00pm Pittwater Park 3 14 White St Stanislaus’ College 11.00am Pittwater Park 3 15 Gold St Stanislaus’ College 11.00am Pittwater Park 2 15 Green St Stanislaus’ College 3.00pm Pittwater Park 3 15 Red St Stanislaus’ College 3.00pm Pittwater Park 4 16 Gold St Stanislaus’ College 12.00pm Pittwater Park Main 16 Green St Stanislaus’ College 11.00am Pittwater Park Main 3rd XV St Stanislaus’ College 1.00pm Pittwater Park Main 2nd XV St Stanislaus’ College 2.00pm Pittwater Park Main 1st XV St Stanislaus’ College 3.15pm Pittwater Park Main During the recent school holidays our 1st V Basketball team travelled to Brisbane to compete in the prestigious Churchie Big 8 Basketball Tournament. After a loss to Churchie Old Boys who were a physical and experienced team in the first match, the 1st V bounced back for an over time win against John Paul College on day 2 taking out the match 84-79. They then came up against competition favourites Churchie Grammar School with Saints playing some outstanding basketball to win 83-58. From this they then progressed to the Grand Final against defending Champions Ipswich Grammar winning 77-68 in a bruising encounter. From this tournament, an All Star 5 was selected from individuals performances throughtout the competition. James Asensi and Daniel Pitcher were both named in this All Star 5 and we congratulate them on their outstanding performances. Daniel Pitcher was also named Most Outstanding Player of the Tournament, which is another fantastic achievement for both Daniel and St Augustine’s Basketball. Coach Brad Dalton said the tournament “had that state of origin feel, being the only NSW team against QLD teams every match the boys improved as the week progressed.” Oval Addresses: • • • Pittwater Park Main & #2, entrance Western side of main oval Pittwater Road Warriewood. Emma Donnellan Pittwater Park 3 & 4 Eastern side of main oval, car park and entrance through the service road adjacent to the Golf Range. Manly Warringah Basketball Breen Oval St Patrick’s College Edgar St Strathfield. John Papahatzis Head of Sport & Cocurricular ISA Basketball TIC Junior Basketball The 2013 Basketball season commences in Week 2 and we are entering 50 teams. We currently have several teams without coaches and managers. If you can help or know anyone in the community who may be interested please let me know ASAP as we will be unable to enter the teams if these positions are not filled. The commitment is 1 x training and 1 x game per week. All games are played locally and training is held at the College. The following teams require a coach: All Year 7 teams Year 8 Fever Year 9 Magic Swifts Bullets Year 10 Pistons Hornets Jazz Crusaders The following teams require a manager: Polding Rugby Union Selection Congratulations to Tommy Hannan, Ben Walsh, Jordan Dixon, Jacob Ratcliff and Edward Waddington who were all successful in being selected to represent Polding in the upcoming NSW Rugby Primary Schools Championships. The students will take on the state’s best at Evatt Park, Lugarno commencing on Tuesday 20 August. A NSW team will be selected from these trials. Good luck boys! Garry Simmons Sports Co-ordinator (Years 5-9) Water Polo Intermediate Competition resumes next Monday 22 July. Games are as follows: Year 5 Bears Seals St Augustine’s A v bye Year 6 Kings Hawks St Augustine’s C v bye All Year 7 teams Year 8 Lakers Spurs Jets St Augustine’s B v Redlands 7:15pm St Augustine’s A will train Wednesday mornings from 7-8am. St Augustine’s B will train Friday mornings from 6:30-7:30am. St Augustine’s C will train on Monday afternoons from 4-5pm. Junior No matches this week, the competition begins Friday 26 July. Year 9 Canons Rockets St Augustine’s W will train Wednesday mornings from 7-8am. St Augustine’s F will train Friday mornings from 6:30-7:30am. St Augustine’s M will train on Monday afternoons from 4-5pm. Year 10 Cavillers Trailblazers Training Thank you. Kate Donnellan TIC Manly Warringah Basketball With Manly Pool being out of action for the first 3 weeks of Term 3, Intermediate training will temporarily be relocated to Warringah Aquatic Centre. Competition Draws These have been placed on to the College website on the Water Polo tab, on the General Information page. Paul Hull TIC Water Polo This year St Augustine’s will be entering a team for the annual Pub2Pub charity fun run and walk on the 25th August. 3 years ago, St Augustine’s won the schools championship when we had over 100 students, parents and staff competing. That was an incredible achievement and I would like to try and repeat this effort again this year. This year we will be raising money for Manly Hospital. To register, you will need to go to and follow the links. During the registration process it will ask if you would like to fundraise (this is the only way to join a team). The team name is St Augustine’s College and the fundraising page is St Augustine’s College Pub2Pub fundraising page and the team leader name is Mitchell Cooper. You may enter in any of the 4 categories from elite runner to slow joggers. As long as you register with the team name, it will count. We are aiming to raise $1000 this year. Training for anybody interested will be held every Monday and Wednesday during term from 3:30pm – 4:30pm on the College oval as part of the Running Club training sessions. I am looking forward to again representing the College in one of the great running events on the Northern Beaches calendar. I really want to get as many people as possible to participate this year and make the Pub2Pub a memorable event for everybody involved. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me on . Thank you in advance. Mitchell Cooper TIC Cross Country TIC Running Club Email: Ph: (02)9938-8200 (ext 334)
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