PDF 11 May - St Augustine`s College
PDF 11 May - St Augustine`s College
Term 2 Volume 13 11 May 2016 College Newsletter from the Acting Principal... Pentecost Sunday This coming Sunday, Christians across the world will celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost is not as well-known or as popular as Christmas and Easter, though it commemorates a watershed event in Christian history. In many ways, Pentecost is the birthday of the church. For Christians, Pentecost is a day we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus. Before the events of the first Pentecost, which came a few weeks after Jesus’ death and resurrection, there were followers of Jesus, but no movement that could be meaningfully called ‘the church’. Thus, from an historical point of view, Pentecost is the day on which the church was started. This is also true from a spiritual perspective, since the Spirit brings the church into existence and enlivens it. Thus Pentecost is the church’s birthday. Saint Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen. Mother’s Day Mass of St Monica Thank you to the many mothers and grandmothers who attended our Mother’s Day Mass of St Monica last Friday in the Brimson Centre. This was a wonderful opportunity for our Years 5, 6 and 7 students to celebrate with their mothers and acknowledge the very important role that they play in their lives. Speaking with mothers after the Mass, I was amazed with the amount of joy and appreciation that was expressed. My thanks to Fr Senan Ward OSA and Br Saldie Resolado OSA for officiating at the Mass, and to Gina Marshall (Mission Co-ordinator), Nioka Jeffery (Acting Mission Assistant), Emma Donnellan (Year 7 Student Formation Leader), Ellis Kinnaird (Assistant Year 7 Student Formation Leader) for co-ordinating this special event, and to those who contributed on the day. It takes a whole village to raise a child The traditional African proverb, “It takes a whole village to raise a child” has been widely quoted when examining the partnerships required during the evolution from childhood to adulthood. Our ‘village’ has never been more necessary than it is today. We live in a fast-paced, instant information world, where confronting young people’s choices concerning values, beliefs and lifestyles challenges us all in the need to educate for depth. Today’s young people are faced with a myriad of both challenges and opportunities. As such, navigating parenthood can be a daunting undertaking and requires a close partnership with school in preparing young people for tomorrow. Pope Francis clearly recognises the important role a catholic school community plays in supporting parents in raising their children. Francis recently addressed a massive crowd of over 300,000 school students from schools all over Italy. He had them all chant together over and over again the proverb “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” At the Parents’ and Friends’ Association meeting last week I thanked the committee for the important work they do in building school community. The many events they have conducted this year have welcomed families onto school grounds. Welcoming is never a passive experience. The welcome we are called to make, first and foremost, is to the students entrusted to our care, especially those who are harder to reach. Equally important is the welcome we make to parents. Sadly, some schools seem to be impenetrable; imposing gates, high walls and intimidating buildings. At St Augustine’s College it is important parents know they are not only welcomed, but encouraged to reach out to the school to share the trials and tribulations of raising a son in today’s fast changing world. The many community events build a partnership between parents and staff; a partnership that permits parents to seek assistance, to inform us of challenges, and to work in partnership with the school to ensure the care for their son is paramount in everything that we do. Our hope is that all parents discover and encounter the College to be a place of welcome, where parents experience a community of people who deeply care about one another. NAPLAN I am a supporter of the national testing of literacy and numeracy and of the MySchool website, which packages data for the public arena, because, on balance, I believe it is in the best interest of Australian school children. My support is, however, somewhat qualified based on learning from experience of excess testing in other countries and what we know to be the key factors in bringing about improved outcomes in education. The national instrument of testing (NAPLAN) completed this week, provides an important measure to assist schools to accurately track individual students and Year Groups. The data enables schools to understand where increased emphasis may be given in the planning of teaching and learning programmes. The publication of results on the MySchool website has meant that some elements in the media have used the information to create ‘league tables’ for schools and this is where the danger lies. If parents, public servants and politicians start to believe these tests are all-encompassing, then many teachers will have little room to move, as ‘teaching to the test’ will dominate the landscape and will be viewed as the only way of bringing about ‘improvement’. Furthermore, the curriculum will narrow as schools lose time and place for curiosity, questioning, flair and creativity. Schools could also be at risk of becoming alienated from the fact that the tests are only an attempt to form a meaningful snapshot, and a limited one at that, and are not the Holy Grail of an education. SEQTA - College Learning Management System Gone are the days you need to ask if your son has homework or whether he has an assessment task due. Technology today even allows parents to know what the learning outcome, and in some cases, view the given lesson before their son arrives home from school. The College Learning Management System (SEQTA) provides this information at the stroke of a keyboard enabling parents to walk alongside their son on his learning journey. Some staff are already using SEQTA to publish results that can be obtained by parents and students using their sign on password. Sometimes technology is like a high performance luxury motor car that is driven like an everyday production line car because the driver does not know how to use the clutch! Unfortunately, the Parent Seminar on the use of SEQTA scheduled for this week has been postponed to a date to be advised; your attendance at the rescheduled seminar could prove very beneficial. College Assembly Congratulations to Year 11 students, Peter Brongo, Bjarne Ungemach and Daniel Samus who received Principal’s Half Colours at the College Assembly this week for gaining selection in NSW Schoolboys’ Eight Rowing. Congratulations also to Christopher Armenio (Year 7) who won his division (14 years, 45 – 49 kg) at the NSW Tae Kwon Do NSW State Titles recently, and to Julian Horrocks (Year 11) who has been selected in the NSW Level 9 Gymnastics Team. A memento of the Sri Lankan Cricket Tour was presented at College Assembly this week (left): Matthew Hutchison, Aaron Peters (Captain of Cricket) and James Nelson. Reflection I read the other day of the little African boy who brought a special Christmas gift to his teacher. It was a superb sea-shell. The teacher was absolutely delighted with the beauty of the shell and asked the little boy where he found it. He said such shells could only be found at one particular beach many miles away from the school. When the teacher responded with the words, “Oh, you shouldn’t have gone so far for a gift for me”, the little boy said simply, “The long walk was part of the gift”. Matthew Hutchison Acting Principal Coming Events . . . Monday 9 May – Friday 13 May St Augustine’s College Music Festival Tuesday 10 May – Thursday 12 May NAPLAN Assessments – Years 5, 7 & 9 students Thursday 12 May Career Expo – Year 11 & 12 students, Miramare Gardens, Terrey Hills (12.55 pm – 3.25 pm) St Augustine’s College Showcase Concert, Lecceto Auditorium (6.30 pm) Friday 13 May St Augustine’s College Music Festival ‘Generations Event’, Lecceto Auditorium (7.00 pm) Sunday 15 May Pentecost Sunday Year 11 Extension 1 English Study Day, Newington College Monday 16 May Feast Day of Saint Alypius OSA and St Possidius OSA Year 8 & 9 Study Skills Sessions (ELES) Primary Peninsula Cross Country Sydney Writer’s Festival (Year 10 & 11 students), Walsh Bay College Board Meeting (6.00 pm) Tuesday 17 May Year 10 Visual Arts Excursion ‘Biennale’ Academy Conferences, Ascham School Cricket Presentation Evening, Brimson Centre (7.00 pm) Wednesday 18 May Community Mass, Monica Chapel, Tutor Groups R4, R5, R6 (8.10 am) Year 9 Soiree, Lecceto Auditorium (7.00 pm) Thursday 19 May Year 12 Chinese Excursion, Burwood Year 7 Vaccinations, Year 8 ‘catch up’ Vaccinations Year 10 & 11 MMR Vaccinations Year 10 Soiree, Lecceto Auditorium (7.00 pm) Friday 20 May Year 8 History Excursion Year 8 Geography Excursion IPSHA & ISA Basketball Presentation Evening, Brimson Centre (6.30 pm) Saturday 21 May ‘Back to Saints Day’, St Augustine’s College v Kinross, Pittwater Rugby Park Sunday 22 May Trinity Sunday Feast of St Rita of Cascia OSA Br Saldie Resolado OSA, Solemn Profession at St Kieran’s Church, Manly Vale (9.30 am Mass) from the Acting Head of School... Creating a Culture of High Expectations In the College Assembly this week, I took the opportunity to address our community about the importance of creating a culture of high expectations. This culture is built by boys striving to achieve and exceed their potential in everything they undertake. Possessing high expectations involves students committing to a positive mindset, being well organized, investing time into homework/study and seeking support when needed. A positive attitude connected to the most basic such as adhering to correct uniform and grooming, to the more sophisticated including taking time to analyse areas for academic improvement will assist to make a significant difference to student achievement. I made it clear to our boys that education is also about developing values such as respect, consideration and courtesy, not just knowledge and skills. Indeed, the scriptures highlight these values as well. Our boys need to always remember that positive character formation within a Catholic Augustinian framework is also relevant and pertinent in their overall education. A culture of high expectations needs to be approached holistically. At St Augustine’s College, we will continue to challenge our boys to be the very best students they can be, alongside being the very best individuals they can be. As Nelson Mandela said, “There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Years 11 & 12 Parent/Teacher/ Student Interviews It was wonderful to see parents/guardians and boys from Years 11 & 12 at the Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews this week. This was a most valuable opportunity for families to gain important feedback from classroom teachers. I strongly encourage our boys to use the feedback positively in order to improve their learning. National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) NAPLAN examinations for Years 5, 7 and 9 are occurring this week at the College. The student data will provide useful information for families and teachers, as it will offer a comprehensive snapshot on the development of each student in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Rock in the Quad The annual Rock in the Quad music festival has been in full swing this week. A variety of performances have taken place during the day and evening. I am always impressed with the astounding musical talent that our boys demonstrate during these type of events. I would like to thank all members of the Music Faculty for their efforts with organizing the festival. Battle of the Bands contestants Thomas Barrett and Jake Griffiths Minimising Infections and Influenza As the colder weather fast approaches, it is appropriate to highlight good hygiene routines in order to minimise the spread of infections and influenza. Some simple methods that may assist with preventing the catching and spreading of influenza may include the following: • • Covering the mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing Washing hands after contact with soiled tissues or contact with nose or throat discharge If students are sick, we recommend they stay home and that you seek medical attention, if appropriate. Leading role for Samson Coulter Year 11 student, Samson Coulter, has landed a role in the feature film Breath which is an adaptation of Tim Winton’s best-selling novel. ” In a recent Sydney Morning Herald article, it is described as Hollywood actor Simon Baker’s “debut feature film as director”, where he has “assembled a top-flight cast alongside two rising young surfers”. Samson, who plays the role of main character Pikelet, was chosen for his surfing ability. Although he is undergoing a very long work-day (13 hours/day of filming, 6 days a week), reports from his parents advise he is enjoying the experience. Congratulations to Samson on behalf the St Augustine’s community. We look forward to opening night. (SMH article link) Simon Baker with Ben Spence and Samson Coulter in the movie Breath Community Mass The College holds a Community Mass every Wednesday morning, which is hosted by various Tutor Groups. It commences at 8.10am in Monica Chapel. This is a lovely opportunity to pray and share Eucharist together. I warmly invite students and parents to attend this special Mass. Congratulations At this week’s College Assembly, two students were presented with their badges as they were officially appointed captains of their respective sports. Congratulations to John Hopoate, Captain of Rugby and Ryan McLean, Captain of Football. Congratulations also to the following students who received an Academic Award at the College Assembly: Year 7 Music: Jesse Amoah, Christopher Armenio, Nicholas Townsend Year 8 Music: Hunter Shade, Samuel Eckton Year 10 Science: Jack Tetley Year 11 Japanese: Andrew Liguori Year 11 English Advanced: Harmon Kassulke Year 11 English Extension 1: Bjarne Ungemach, Felix Daddo, Luke Perrignon Year 11 ESL: Chenglin – Eric Zeng Year 11 Chemistry: Thomas Massey Year 12 Japanese: Angus Gilbert Year 12 English Standard: Lachlan Moore Year 12 English Extension 1: Christopher Carter Year 12 Biology:Riley Kiehne Year 12 PDH: Sebastian Candido Year 12 Mathematics: Sean Bryan Year 12 Economics: James Boland Captain of Rugby, John Hopoate with Acting Principal Matthew Hutchison and Acting Head of School Frank Chiment Some of our Academic Award recipients Reflection “Lord, there are many saints who inspire and encourage us, to live fruitful lives. May your saints, your oly men and women help us as we journey towards you.” God bless Captain of Football, Ryan McLean with Acting Principal Matthew Hutchison and Acting Head of School Frank Chiment Frank Chiment Acting Head of School from the Dean of Middle School... It was again a privilege to witness the beauty and reverence on show at last Friday’s Mother’s Day Mass of St Monica mass. It was extra special for me this year with my sister, who lives in Europe, being present with my own mother. Our Year 7 boys led by Gina Marshall and Emma Donnellan deserve a special mention and thanks for their efforts in preparation and during the ceremony. I certainly hope all mothers had a wonderful day on Sunday and I also hope we all took the time to think and pray for those who, for whatever reason, find Mother’s Day a day of pain and sorrow. Mother’s Day and our liturgy coincides with the month of May. For Catholics, May is traditionally the month of Mary. Our Catholic faith is unique because of the devotion directed towards the mother of Jesus. We recognise the qualities that Mary, as a woman and mother, embodies and which are very important especially in a boys school where male themes are the norm. As Catholic educators of boys we need to find a special place for tenderness, gentleness and affection amongst the rough and tumble of the lives of boys and young men. We pray that we will all be enriched by those tender qualities Mary, Monica (St Augustine’s mother) and our own mothers possess. Madonna of the Streets Tim Cleary commissioned an artist to paint a magnificent replica of Roberto Ferruzzi’s famous painting ‘Madonna of the Streets’. It was presented to the College and blessed by Fr Senan OSA during the Mother’s Day Mass of St Monica on Friday. As a gift to families of Year’s 5, 6 and 7, a poster size copy of the painting was distributed to mothers after the service. If you were unable to attend Friday’s mass and would like a copy of the poster, please send your son to Emma Donnellan’s office to collect one for you. Year 7 Transition Survey Students: Recent surveys have revealed some interesting information. The Year 7 Transition Survey always provides themes that help direct future directions and this year is no different. Without providing a comprehensive analysis at this time, below are some point of interest. • Parents: • • • • The top three reasons for parents sending their child to the College included: strong discipline and pastoral care; catering for all abilities; and academic success in the HSC. There was a high satisfaction level regarding their expectations of the College. Parents were overwhelmingly positive about recommending the College to prospective families. Communication with families was identified as being very effective. Parents viewed the College as being faithful to the Catholic Mission and Values. • • • Teachers were identified as being experts in their areas of specialisation. 52% of students complete 60 minutes or less of homework each night. Students feel safe at the College. The role of Year 7 Tutor is critical in assisting students to settle into the Middle School. Last week we conducted an evaluation of the camps. In terms of enjoyment the majority of Year 8 and 9 boys reported positive responses. In terms of difficulty, the results for both years indicated that the boys were definitely physically challenged. It was pleasing to see the rating for food had a marked improvement. Year 8 thought the length of camp was ‘just right’ though it would be fair to say that a high percent of Year 9’s thought the time out was too long. The boys were asked to write about their most and least favourite activity, plus some deeper thoughts to broader questions, examples below. What did you learn about your friends and other boys around you? • • • • • I learnt what they are actually like in real life. They had skills I just didn’t know about and they were actually really approachable. I learnt that my Tutor Group are a good bunch of guys because I didn’t know them before. Even though I did not like a person, I still have to interact with them and put aside our differences so that we can work as a team. That Mr xxxxxx is a legend and we have a great Tutor Group! What did you learn about being in the bush ? • • • • That nature provides everything you need. It can be difficult but also learnt what an enlightening experience it can be. That it is very different to normal life. That we are very lucky in our everyday lives. Lachlan Nesbitt Lachlan Shepherd Larkan Turner Massimo Sussanna Nicholas Iemma Oskar Merrington Patrick Nehrybecki Phillip Calcagno Rafe McMurdo Robert Manu Samuel Ruban Scott Walters Sebastian Jones Thomas Edwards Thomas O’Leary Thomas Valentino What did you learn about yourself? • • • • • That I do like the outdoors and being with friends. I might be too dependent on others. I enjoy taking the lead. How to do more without relying on parents. When you are not afraid to try new things you will actually have more fun. Dates to Remember Tuesday, 10 May to Thursday, 12 May - NAPLAN Testing Congratulations to the following Middle School students who recently received Merit Certificates from their Student Formation Leader. Year 7 Bronze Awards Aidan McKechnie Arden Kalloghlian Benjamin Marosa Benjamin Osbon Christopher Armenio Daniel Bosnich Daniel Chapman Harrison Schaut Hayden Williams Jack Indersmith Joel Piper Jordan Kavallaris Joseph Polidano Joshua Sergeant Jude Bowring Jude Connolly Kobe Fulton Year 8 Bronze Awards Year 9 Bronze Awards Aidan Kavallaris Anderson Gagen Billy Barwell Christian Murace Connor Barry-Cotter Dillon Pittar Dominic Edgell Fletcher Arrastia Hunter Pola-Smith Jack Valentino Jacob Meacham Jake Barnabas Jake Osborne Jay Sargent Joseph Boffa Joshua Simpson Lucas Sieb Marcus Hood Niam Melville Oliver Vitagliano Oscar Lucius Oscar Swift Robbie Matthews-Lane Rory Williams Samuel Eckton Solomon West Toby Newey Zac O’Gorman Zachary Murphy Zachary Smith Chester Gould Daniel Cooper Joel Van Duyl Nicholas Albertini Oliver Irvin Samuel Hickey Stephen O’Connell Thomas Latu Warwick Hale Peter Nolan Dean of Middle School from the Dean of Primary School... SEA programme Our SEA (Service Education Awareness) programme is an important component of our Social Justice initiatives. The College is very proud of the many boys who take up opportunities to put themselves at the service of others. This week I have included the correspondence from one mother whose son is involved in an extremely worthwhile and helpful initiative. Well done to Lachlan Golden for his involvement in this project. Lachlan will receive his red SEA badge at the next Primary Assembly. Dear Mr Walsh I just wanted to forward to you an email I received from the Co-ordinators at South Curl Curl Surf Club in regards to Lachlan and his participation with the Rippers (a special needs group) which he has been helping out for his SEA Programme. He waited until this term until you were back from leave to hand his sheet in for his first 10 hours and has since done at least an extra 10-15 hours of service which we haven’t signed off on. We just thought you would like to know what a great program this is and how he has embraced it!. Reading Over previous newsletters I have written about the importance of reading and in particular the importance of providing positive reading role models. I have previously included strategies to help promote positive reading habits and this week have included two more such strategies. Happy reading. in most graphic novels provides a great source of reading practice. The detailed and complex illustrations serve as a great in-built support for boys to figure out the meaning of the text and unknown words. Many traditional print texts that boys love are now also available as graphic novels, such as Emily Rodda’s Deltora Quest. These provide a different and often more interesting way to access the text. 2. Laugh and have fun Boys love humour, and the plethora of humorous books that are in print makes these a popular choice. By having fun with books, we are encouraging boys to come back and read again and again. Andy Griffiths is a celebrated Australian author and his classic The Day My Bum Went Psycho is a perfect place to start. No put down In my weekly lessons with the boys I have been stressing the importance of being a ‘safe school’ which supports an environment where there are no ‘put downs’. The major cause of many disagreements or incidents of a physical nature is because arguments have begun due to ‘put downs’ or name calling. If we can apply a ‘no put down’ rule consistently and teach social skills such as ‘respectful disagreeing’, then students should feel safe and confident in coming to school each day. 1. Read different types of books Prayers Frequently, we get trapped into thinking that there are only one or two types of books that children should be reading. The first is usually picture books, which we then expect children to grow out of as they progress towards reading novels. However, these types of text don’t always engage young male readers. Can you please continue to keep Liz Armenio’s mother and her family in your prayers. Liz has been staying nightly with her mother as she battles to overcome a serious illness. In Liz’s absence, Sam Brisby will continue to take her class for the remainder of this week. When considering books to suggest to your boys, try to think of a broad range of different types of texts. Comics, or graphic novels as they are now frequently known, are engaging, fastpaced, detailed and are usually tailored to boys’ interests. Traditionally, it has been considered that reading graphic novels is a lesser form of reading, or the easy option that boys often take. However, the large amount of reading required Some of our Primary School boys with their mums at the Mother’s Day Mass Terry Walsh Dean of Primary School CRANE Lachlan Foster Year 5 Jack Fraser For his enthusiasm and good sportsmanship at the Crane Soccer Competition. For showing resilience and maturity. GOOLD Jack Turner For showing ‘Communitas’ through the importance he places on friendship. Year 6 Lachlan Golden For showing dedication to the College SEA Programme. HEAVEY Sam Lowery For displaying skill and leadership whilst under pressure on the rugby field. Year 7 Jesse Harte For always being supportive of his peers. HUTCHINSON Tom Herbert For giving up his free time to support the Salvation Army. MURRAY Kelvin Fong Year 8 Patrick Burke For showing support and compassion for a fellow student in his time of need. For being an outstanding role model for the Murray House. REVILLE Martino Pilu For his admirable approach to study and his care of others. Year 9 Levi Edkins For always displaying respect, consideration and courtesy towards others. Mass of St Monica Celebrating Mothers’ Day 2016 Thankyou to all those who contributed to a wonderful Mother Son Eucharist for Years 5, 6 and 7 on Friday May 6: Greg Yeates and the Maintenance Team; Lianne Williams and Support Staff; Penny Mason and the Catering team for a delicious morning tea; the hardworking P&F mothers for their support of the event; Emma Donnellan and Ellis Kinnard, Joseph Montz, Amelia Granturco and Ben Marshall for their musical leadership of our Junior Singers and Liturgy Band (Year 10 students Harry Barwell, Will Findlay, Callum Hulme and Sam Rimmer). Mothers were gifted with a significant religious image, Madonna of the Streets, organised by Tim Cleary. The image had great significance to Tim’s mother, who passed away last year. PENTECOST SUNDAY May 15: Have Courage! The first disciples had real reasons to be afraid. Jesus had been arrested and crucified. They were hiding in a locked room, wondering if they would be next. Then, suddenly, Jesus came and stood in their midst. They thought they were seeing a ghost. But Jesus’ first words to them were “Peace be with you” and “Don’t be afraid.” He then breathed his Holy Spirit into them. They went from terror to joy, and they were empowered to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Fr John Frauenfelder’s Words of Wisdom St Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen. Back to SaintS Day… proudly supporting White Ribbon St Augustine’s College v Kinross Wolaroi Saturday 21May White Ribbon is Australia’s only national, male led Campaign to end men’s violence against women. Their vision is for all women to live in safety free from all forms of men’s violence and their mission making women’s safety a man’s issue too. St Augustine’s College have aligned with White Ribbon for their annual ‘Back to Saints Rugby Day’. All Rugby players are being asked to have purchase black socks with the White Ribbon logo to wear on the day. These can be purchased for $10 from Miss Donnellan in the Mission Office from Monday May 16. All money raised will be donated to White Ribbon Australia. Canterbury Clothing have generously donated custom designed jerseys for the 1st XV. This year the College’s prefect motto is ‘Men of Honour’ RESPECT YOURSELF, RESPECT HER, RESPECT HIM. This motto fits perfectly with White Ribbons message of the importance of building healthy relationships with all we encounter. Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural Address as President of South Africa (10 May 1994) Excerpt of the speech given by Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first Black president, on the occasion of his 1994 inauguration ceremony. “The time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come. The time to build is upon us. We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. We succeeded to take our last steps to freedom in conditions of relative peace. We commit ourselves to the construction of a complete, just and lasting peace. We have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people. We enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world.” Kate Donnellan SEA Programme Coordinator 1956 - 2016 Presents MUERSATIIOCNS GEN A SHOWCASE OF MUSICAL TALENT FROM ENTS, D U T S T S A P T N E C E R CELEBRATING THE COLLEGE’S . 60TH ANNIVERSARY LUDE C IN L IL W S E C N A M PERFOR RLIE SUNDBORN N | CHA A G O H M IA L | R IE T SEAFORTH | JACK CONLON RHYS OLDHAM | TIM OYS BAND B D L O ’S E IN T S U G U CE BY THE ST A N A M R O F R E P L IA C AND A SPE CLICK HERE FOUNDATI N ...commitment to our boys Parents of Past Students Last Friday we were delighted to welcome back to the College a number of our Past Parents at the Mother’s Day Mass of St Monica. Following the Mass our special guests joined our current parents at morning tea, toured the College’s new buildings and then met up later for lunch. Back to Saints Rugby Day Saturday 21 May, Pittwater Rugby Park, 12noon-3pm All Old Boys are invited to attend the Back to Saints Rugby Day when the College hosts Kinross Wolaroi at Pittwater Rugby Park in Round 3 of the ISA rugby competition. Come along and catch up with other Old Boys and enjoy a relaxing afternoon supporting the College rugby teams. Complimentary footy food lunch vouchers available on arrival. The College Rugby community will also be supporting the charity White Ribbon on the day. PLEASE NOTE: Kick off time for the College 1st XV is now 1.30pm NOT 3.00pm Engineering Career Networking Event Monday 27 June at the College, 6.30pm-8.30pm The Foundation and SAOBA are hosting a Career Networking event for all Old Boys and current senior students who are interested in a career in the engineering industry. The event will be held on Monday 27 June at the College from 6.30-8.30pm. This is a not to be missed opportunity to meet others in the industry and be guided by engineering professionals in career development. The event will feature an experienced panel of engineering specialists drawn from our extensive and successful Old Boy community. They include: Tim Hogan (Class of 1965), Len Daly (Class of 1970), Luke Murphy (Class of 1981), Nick Cerneaz (Class of 1984) and Adam Lovell (Class of 1987) Open to all Old Boys – engineering graduates, university students as well as current senior students. For all enquiries please contact Rod Loneragan rloneragan@saintaug.nsw.edu.au For all St Augustine’s College Foundation enquiries please do not hesitate to contact: Rod Loneragan Head of College Foundation Julie Myers Foundation & Marketing Assistant rloneragan@saintaug.nsw.edu.au jmyers@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Tel: 9938 8292Tel: 9938 8269 STUDY SKILLS & How to Have a Good Day - Starting Your Day Well I believe we have all had an experience like this… You wake up tired, reluctant to get out of bed, not looking forward to the day. The problem with waking up this way is that it’s hard to turn around. If you are lazy or haphazard in your actions during the first hour after you wake up, you tend to have a fairly lazy and unfocused day. Starting your day well is the single most important thing you can do to start your day. The first hour is what gives your day direction. If you strive to make that first hour optimally productive, the rest of the day tends to follow suit. Start Here. To ensure you start your mornings well you need to make sure you have a night-time and wake-up routine. 1. 2. 3. 4. Set Your Intentions Before Bed: consciously decide every night to create a positive expectation for the next morning. Move Your Alarm Clock Across The Room: so you have to get up to turn it off. Brush Your Teeth: when you wake up and splash water on your face. Drink a Full Glass of Water: to hydrate yourself after several hours without water. “The Miracle Morning” is a book written by Hal Elrod and he speaks about starting your morning with “Life Savers”. I describe the activities below. My suggestion is to add some of these to your morning routine or come up with your own activities for a positive start to the morning. Silence can be meditation, mindfulness, prayer etc. Affirmation can be a word you use that reminds you of who you are and how to be. Visualisation is an intention (directing your focus) on how you want your day to be. Exercise can be a short walk or stretching or going for a run (exercise is a great thing to do in the morning). Reading something that is positive and enjoyable. What you read “resonates” with you. It gets you thinking and expanding “beyond yourself”. Scribe is about journaling. Writing in your journal about your day gives you insight and clarity about issues. It also helps you realise what’s working and how far you have come. Create Your Miracle Morning List in order the things you will do to start your day well in the first hour of the morning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To access two free modules of the Online Wellbeing Resource go to http://humanconnections.com.au/human-connections-freebies/ Rocky Biasi is a counsellor and educational consultant. He offers teacher professional development training and runs student well-being sessions. For more information and to contact Rocky go to www.humanconnections.com.au Uncovering complexity and going beyond the surface of learning The importance of curiosity and questioning in propelling learning is easily seen in our experience as learners. We know that when our curiosity is sparked and we have a desire to know and learn something, our engagement is heightened. Questions are an ongoing part of developing understanding. The questions we ask at the outset of a learning journey change, morph, and develop as the journey moves forward. The new questions that arise throughout, reflect a student’s level of understanding. The depth and our ability to go below the surface of learning is a vital part of our ongoing development of understanding. Making Thinking Visible: 10 Apps for Parents App #1. What Questions Did You Ask Today? Our questions drive us as learners. When Isidor Rabi won the Nobel Prize in Physics, he was asked, ‘’Why did you become a scientist, rather than a doctor or lawyer or businessman, like the other immigrant kids in your neighbourhood?’’ He replied, ‘’My mother made me a scientist without ever intending it. Every other Jewish mother in Brooklyn would ask her child after school: ‘So, did you learn anything today?’ But not my mother. She always asked me a different question. ‘Izzy,’ she would say, ‘Did you ask a good question today?’ That difference, asking good questions, made me become a scientist!’’ Questioning develops a deeper understanding. What question will you ask your son today? Kylie Bowra Learning Innovator Weekly Careers News updates are now available via the College ATLAS page. Information related to university, TAFE, private colleges, cadetships, scholarships, gap years and employment opportunities are included. Senior Students are direct messaged a copy of each week’s Career News. Enquiries: Paul McAlinden pmcalinden@saintaug.nsw.edu.au NB: If you have recently changed your home address or contact details please notify our College Registrar, Philippa Sherwood at psherwood@saintaug.nsw.edu.au to ensure that your details are updated in our College database. Canteen Roster Term 2, 2016 Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 12/5/16 13/5/16 16/5/16 17/5/16 18/5/16 Liz Painter Michelle Hickey Toa Manu Veronica Castro Sharon Porter Jo Nesbitt Felicity Douglas Geraldine Woo HELP Sharna Mulcahy Sonia Kervic Ann Cassazza NEEDED Sandra Toole PLEASE Tania Fraser Dear Parents As we are drawing closer to colder weather, we will transition to our new Winter Menu. We will be adding some yummy hot specials on Wednesday. Today, we have introduced Beef Goulash with Mashed Potato. Stay tuned for more details of our weekly Wednesday specials. Please take note that as of next week, Butter Chicken will be available on Friday instead of Wednesday. The SaintsCard cashless system has been available for some time. We thank parents for using the SaintsCard via the College ATLAS site. The card has made ordering and purchasing at the Canteen a safe, fast and streamlined process. Unfortunately, some students are not using the process correctly and have approached the College Finance Office requesting a conversion of cash to their SaintsCard. As a reminder, funds may be added to an account online on ATLAS. Please note, future requests for conversion of cash will receive a polite refusal from the Finance Office. If you are unable to make your rostered time, please contact me so that I can make alternative arrangements. If you have a few hours spare or have friends who would like to join you on the canteen roster, please contact me. NOTE: To all volunteers, due to WH&S regulations please wear closed shoes, ie. No thongs or sandals are allowed. Annabel Nelson Canteen Co-Ordinator T: 91269904 M: 0414638395 Buy an Entertainment™ Membership and support the Band Programme at St Augustine's College (Sydney) The NEW 2016 | 2017 Entertainment™ Book and Digital Memberships are available now and are packed with thousands of up to 50% OFF and 2-for-1 offers. From every Membership we sell, 20% of the proceeds go towards our fundraising for the Band Programme. The more Memberships we sell, the closer we get to our goal – so please forward this email to all your familyand friends! ORDER FROM US TODAY For just $70, you'll receive over $20,000 worth of valuable offers. St Augustine's College (Sydney) Thank you for your support! Please use this link to access payment page: https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/20617p9 P&F President’s Report I hope for all of the mothers reading that your son’s appropriately spoilt you on Mother’s Day. Within the school community we held our Mother’s Day Mass and Morning Tea last Friday for the mothers of boys in Years 5, 6 & 7. This is always a special occasion and many times mothers have spoken to me about the connection this builds with their sons and the school. I would like to thank all the volunteers in both the parent community and the school community for the assistance provided in making this happen. Last week we also held our P&F meeting for Term 2. This was an interesting and informative meeting in which we discussed a number of matters impacting on the school community. For those not able to attend last week I encourage you to come to next term’s meeting. This week we are in the middle of the College’s Music Festival which provides an exciting showcase of talent in the school. I have attended some of these sessions and as always have been impressed with the quality of the performances. I encourage all in the community to come and be amazed at the skill of the boys. There is still opportunity to see this through the events occurring in the second half of the week as part of this programme. (Details in Tolle Lege). For those parents with boys in Years 9, 10 & 11 we are also heading into mid course or mid-year exams at the end of the month. This can be a stressful time for all involved both the boys and the parents (through transferred stress). I encourage you to monitor your boy’s activities and focus over the coming weeks and where possible provide them with encouragement and assistance. For Year 9 boys this may well be their first exposure to serious exams and in Year 11 I am certainly seeing a step up in the demands of the boys. Craig Jackson P&F President P&F Class Parent and Year Group Representatives Year 11 Group Representative Needed We are currently looking for a Year Group Representative for Year 11. This role is a great way to get to know more parents in your son’s year and to become more involved with the College community. As it is important to have Year 11 represented, we ask that any parent who is interested in volunteering or would like to know more about being a Class Parent to please contact Fran Boag at classparent@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Upcoming P&F and Parents Activities Dates: DATE EVENT INVOLVEMENT Wednesday 11 May 9:30 am Year 12 Morning Tea for Parents of Year 12 at Pilu, Freshwater Please RSVP Marilyn Annecchini on marilyn@pilu. com.au Sunday 15 May 2 pm Year 7 Family Picnic at Bilarong Reserve – Narrabeen Lagoon Please RSVP Emma Seward on emma_seward@ yahoo.com.au Thursday 19 May 6:30 pm Class 5K - Casual Parent’s Night for Class 5K at Manly Wharf Bar Please RSVP Jo Pfafflin on joeytom16@ hotmail.com Thursday 26 May 9:30 am Classes 6A and 6C - Mums Coffee /Brunch for Classes 6A and 6C at the Boathouse Shelly Beach Please RSVP Angela Kelaher on kelaherangela@ gmail.com Thursday 26 May 7:30 pm Class 8.3 Parents Dinner for Tutor Group 8.3 at Aubergine, Dee Why Please RSVP Vib Till on v.till@ elanco.com Sunday 5 June 2:30 pm Class 5H - Father and Son Laser Tag for Tutor Group 5H at Collaroy Centre Please RSVP Sharna Mulcahy on mulcahy1@ bigpond.net.au Upcoming events P&F Meetings If you have an item, question, suggestion for an information topic for our P&F meetings please email Craig Jackson at pandf@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. The schedule of P&F meetings for the rest of the year are as follows: • • Term 3 – 10 August 2016 Term 4 (and AGM) – 9 November 2016 Each meeting starts at 7pm, wine and cheese provided. Please see Tolle Lege for more details closer to the meeting. ACADEMIC SUPPORT FOR STUDENT Students are offered additional academic support after school in the Augustine Resource Centre (ARC). The ARC is open for students in Years 5 - 9 until 5:00pm, until 6:00pm for students in Years 10 - 12 on Monday to Thursday and until 7:30pm on Monday and Wednesday only for Year 12 students. We are fortunate to have a number of recent past scholars from the College, including Jordan Candido and Nicholas Chivers, available to support students with their studies during these times. Academic staff also generously make themselves available to assist boys. Students, particularly in Years 11 and 12, are encouraged to stay on at school and complete their homework in study partnerships in our well-resourced library. It is a great opportunity for all students to ask for help in areas where they may be struggling and also to consolidate work they have studied in class. All students attending the ARC after school must have work to complete. ARC MATHS HELP ARC LANGUAGES HELP DAY TEACHER Mon Anna Harmer and Dave Gale Tue 1 Carly Townsend Thurs Anna Hayes DAY TEACHER Wed Aaron McLuckie Japanese Senior/ Chinese Junior ARC SCIENCE HELP ARC ENGLISH HELP DAY TEACHER 7 - 10 TEACHER 11 - 12 Mon Candice Green Kirsty Begg Tues Tate Williams Kirsty Begg Tate Williams Wed Thurs Ilona Welch DAY TEACHER Thurs Graham Bruce Science/Physics Thurs Sean McLean Science/Biology ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 7 – 9 Kirsty Begg DAY TEACHER Kirsty Begg Candice Green Ilona Welch Mon Adam Evans Wed Adam Evans ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 10 – 12 ARC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HELP DAY TEACHER DAY TEACHER Wed Tricia Briggs Mon Madeleine Conlon also Humanities Thurs Tricia Briggs ARC GEOGRAPHY HELP DAY TEACHER Tue Amanda Neilsen Vicki Lewis Library & Information Services Co-ordinator Invites our community to Music Festival Week May 9 - 13, 2016 Battle of the Bands (RITQ) Solo Recitals Composition Competition Monday - Friday is "Rock in the Quad" Held at lunchtime in the Lecceto Quadrangle Monday - Wednesday Evening 9 - 11 May: All Solo recitals are held in the Lecceto Arts Centre 6:30pm Thursday Evening 12 May: Showcase Concert (all the winners from the week) held in the Lecceto Arts Centre 6:30pm Friday Evening 13 May: Old Boys Reunion Concert held in the Lecceto Arts Centre 7:00pm ST AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE MUSIC FESTIVAL The Music Festival has been running for three days already and we’ve seen some great performances. Tonight (Wednesday) we have the final round of solo recitals, and tomorrow we will see the final Rock in the Quad performances. Thursday night we will showcase all the winners of the week’s activities at the Music Festival Gala Concert (7pm) and on Friday night we have a very special concert featuring some of the great musical talent from recent years as the Old Boys come back to perform for one night at the Generations Concert (7pm). SENIOR CHOIR After the huge success of the 60th Anniversary Choir and the College Musical, In the Heights, Senior Choir is returning to the College. • Senior Choir resumes in Term 2 Tuesday mornings 7.458.30am in the auditorium. • Sacred and Secular music, contemporary and traditional. • Group will harmonise and develop musical literacy. • Open to Yrs 8-12 for students with a love of singing and who like achieving personal bests! • Learn to read music or read it better! GENERATIONS CONCERT • Let’s keep the energy of singing alive at Saints!! As part of the celebrations of our 60th Anniversary, we have pulled together some of our finest musicians in recent years to perform for one night only. Entry is free, but you will need to book seats in order to be admitted. Spaces will fill fast so Book Now. In addition to this there is also a Singing Group on Thursdays at lunchtime in the Auditorium. THEATRESPORTS Theatresports commences this week. Classes will be housed in the Drama studio in Old School. (OS1.3) This year, we offer two afternoons of Theatresports. • Senior Theatresports (Years 9, 10 , 11 & 12) Tuesday afternoons 3.45pm – 5pm. • Junior Theatresports (Years 5, 6, 7 & 8) Wednesday afternoons 3.45pm – 5pm. Places are limited to 20 students on any given afternoon. To enrol please contact Owen Vale via Seqta direct message, email, or in the Drama Staffroom (In Old School). Alternatively, you can enrol on either afternoon. NEW SAX PLAYERS WANTED We are searching for saxophone players interested in playing in the Stage Band Programme. Amelia Granturco, Conductor of Stage Band 3 wants any boy that plays saxophone to join her group of young musicians wanting to learn jazz, rock and blues. Please note, all students are required to read music to be in the bands. • Songs of praise and worship in 30 minutes! • Come along to learn some easy tunes and create amazing harmonies. EXCITING NEW GROUP FOR DRUMMERS We are looking for all the keen young drummers, percussionists and drummer wannabes from years 5-8. Everybody has heard the Drum Line play, unfortunately, numbers are limited for that group, and junior drummers find this music difficult. Because of this we are trialling a new group (depending on numbers) made up of all the boys who wanted to join the Drum Line. If you are interested in being part of this, please contact Joseph Montz. Rehearsals are held Friday lunchtimes in L1.1 (Music Ensemble Room). JUNIOR CHOIR All boys from Year 5-7 are invited to sing with the College’s new Junior Choir on Thursday mornings before school. TERM 2 MUSIC REHEARSAL SCHEDULE: DAY TIME ENSEMBLE AGE VENUE STAFF MONDAY 7:15-8:30am Stage Band 2 Open ENS Openshaw MONDAY 7:15-8:30am Stage Band 3 Primary School AUD Granturco MONDAY Lunchtime Bass Guitar Ensemble Open ENS Jason Smith TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am Middle School Concert Band Middle School BRIMSON Montz/Granturco TUESDAY Lunchtime The Drum Line Open ENS Montz TUESDAY Lunchtime Senior School Choir Senior School AUD Marshall WEDNESDAY 7:15-8:30am Stage Band 1 Open AUD Montz WEDNESDAY 7:15-8:30am Primary School Concert Band Primary School ENS Openshaw/Granturco WEDNESDAY Lunchtime Brass Ensemble Open ENS LING THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am Senior School Concert Band Senior School BRIMSON Montz/Openshaw THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am Primary School Choir Primary School AUD Granturco THURSDAY Lunchtime Liturgy Singers Open AUD Marshall FRIDAY 7:30-8:30am Jazz Ensemble Open ENS Openshaw FRIDAY Lunchtime Junior Percussion Yrs 5-9 ENS Michael Sparks FRIDAY Lunchtime Guitar Ensemble Open ENS Montz WANT TO START LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT? If you would like to start learning an instrument, the College provides several instrumental tutors. Please enrol by contacting Lynne Papahatzis. PRACTICE PARTS This DropBox folder has been created to store practice music for all bands. We are slowly adding pieces into it. Each PDF file contains all of the music for each instrument. Just scroll down to your instrument and print. INSTRUMENT DONATIONS The College Music Department is always looking to acquire instruments. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, or whether it is not in full working order. It’s probably salvageable. We’ll fix it up and find it a great new home! If you have an instrument lying around unused, please contact Joseph Montz. Joseph Montz Performing Arts Co-ordinator Swimming NSW ALL Schools swimming championships 2016 12 Saint Augustine’s swimmers headed out to SPOAC at Homebush on Friday 6th May for the NSW All schools swimming. This was a state wide swim meet where our boys swam for the NSWCIS (Combined Independent Schools) against other Catholic schools, state schools and GPS schools. All students swam their best and performed very well. Nicholas Jennens was our stand out individual swimmer, gaining the following outstanding results: • • • • • • 1st 15 – 16 yrs 200m freestyle 2nd 15 yrs 50m butterfly 2nd 15 years 100m freestyle 2nd 15-16yrs 100m butterfly 3rd 15-16 yrs 200m butterfly 3rd 15-16 yrs 200m Individual medley Our relay teams did us proud, with the following results: Junior freestyle relay (Harrison Crowley, Declan King, Luca Doorbar-Baptist and Tyson Bujak- Upton) came 3rd Team 11 Gold 11 Green 11Red 12 Gold 12 Green 12 Red 13 Gold 13 Green 13 Red 13 White 14 Gold 14 Green 14 Red 14 White 15 Gold 15 Green 15 Red 16 Gold 16 Green 3rd XV 2nd XV 1st XV Warringah Rugby Matches Saturday 14th May 2016 IPSHA (11 & 12yrs) Round 3 ISA (13-Opens) Round 2 Opposition Riverview Riverview Riverview Riverview Riverview Riverview St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College Oxley College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College St Patrick’s College Women’s Team Time 9:30am 8:45am 8.00am 9:30am 8:45am 8.00am 9:30am 8:30am 10:30am 11:30am 9:00am 10:30am 11:30am 10:30am 10:00am 1:30pm 12:30pm 12:00pm 11:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:15pm 11:30am Ground Pittwater Park 3 Pittwater Park 3 Pittwater Park 3 Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 2 Pittwater Park 2 Pittwater Park 3 Pittwater Park 3 Pittwater Park 1 Pittwater Park 2 Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 1 Pittwater Park 2 Pittwater Park 2 Pittwater Park 1 Pittwater Park 1 Pittwater Park 1 Pittwater Park 1 Pittwater Park 1 Pittwater Park 2 Ground Locations: Pittwater Rugby Park 1 & 2, entrance off Pittwater Road via Walsh Street Warriewood Pittwater Rugby Park 3 & 4, back fields, eastern side of main oval. Rugby – Saturday 28 May (St Gregory’s Campbelltown) As you are aware St Pius X College and St Gregory’s College have combined in the ISA Competition. This will mean that our away games will be split between the two schools. On May 28 the following SAC Rugby Teams will be playing at St Gregory’s College Campbelltown (game times to be advised): 1st XV / 3rdXV / 16 Green / 15 Gold / 15 Red We will provide a bus to transport students to St Gregory’s Campbelltown on May 28. Please email the Sports department on brock.p@saintaug.nsw.edu.au if your son will be travelling to St Gregory’s College via the bus provided before Wednesday May 18. If your son travels via this bus, he may be required to arrive before his scheduled game and/or wait after his game. Note if your son’s team isn’t listed above he will be playing at St Pius X College grounds and will make his own way to his scheduled game. SNOW sports SKIERS and BOARDERS - INTERSCHOOLS SNOWSPORTS For all the snow skier and boarding enthusiasts out there, this is your chance to compete and represent your school, plus have some fun with your classmates. In the mid-year holiday break, the Regional NSW Interschools Snowsports Championships will be held at Thredbo in the Snowy Mountains, from 6th-9th July. Although this is a competition and can lead to state and national titles, it is open for all with an emphasis on fun. State titles are also at Thredbo from 24-28 August, Nationals in 2016 are at Perisher from 7-11 September. Students are encouraged to form teams of 3 or 4 to race in their division in events such as alpine, skier/boarder cross, moguls and cross country. Last year St Augustine’s entered a team of 24 with 7 making state titles and 4 qualifying for nationals. 2016 is the 4th year St.Augustines have entered a team and the results are improving every year. This year we’re looking to increase the level of participation. Whilst the college is endorsing student participation in this event, all entrants will be required to organise their own accommodation, transportation and equipment for the races. It is recommended therefore for those students that have skied or boarded before and are of at least an intermediate to advanced level, and those that usually travel to the snow to ski or board with their family or friends For more detailed information, click on the link below. If you are interested in competing and have any queries, please contact Sean Gartner (sean@g-t.com.au), who as a parent is the St Augustine’s Snowsports Co-ordinator managing the team. nswinterschools.com.au Outstanding Achievements Congratulations to Edward Sproule who has been selected in the NSW 14s Water Polo team to tour New Zealand in the July school holidays. Best of luck Edward. Congratulations also to Max Mahon who represented NSW in the Australian Junior Athletics Championships in Perth. He competed in the 2000m steeplechase which was a remarkable achievement. Well done Max. 2016 Captain of Rugby – John Hopoate This student has played Rugby since he joined the College as a Yr7 student in 2010. As a junior player he has always been selected in the Gold teams as a hardworking and talented centre. His talents have also been recognised by the representative selectors, where he was selected for the NSW teams in the 16yrs and for ISA. Furthermore he has been a member of the 1st XV for the past 2 seasons where he has displayed great skill and sportsmanship he is a worthy candidate of Captain of Rugby and we look forward to his leadership throughout the season. 2016 Captain of Football - Ryan Mclean This student has played Football since he joined the College as a Year 5 student in 2009. As a junior player he has always been selected in the Division 1 teams as a strong central midfielder and talented Goal keeper. He was also part of the 2014 Football Tour to Spain and the UK where he really started to develop and impress as a leader. He has been a member of the College 1st XI for the past two seasons where he has displayed great sportsmanship and real leadership qualities. He is a worthy candidate of Captain of Football and we look forward to his leadership throughout the season. Intermediate freestyle relay ( Andrew Newling, Matthew Melhuish, Harry Chilcott and Nicholas Jennens) came 2nd Intermediate medley relay (Nicholas Jennens, Andrew Newling, Matthew Melhuish and Harry Chilcott) came 3rd Our All Age freestyle relay (Isaac Crews, Thomas Kerr, Tyson Bujak-Upton, Nicholas Jennens, Andrew Newling and Daniel Ferreira) came 2nd John Papahatzis Head of Sport & Co-curricular Water Polo Open The open water polo competition is now past the half way point, with two of our three teams in strong contention for their respective semi-finals. Junior (Year 7) I will be conducting trials towards the end of May. Parents and boys will be advised by e-mail. Congratulations Edward Sproule (Year 8) Intermediate Ed has been selected in the New South Wales 14s Water Polo team to tour New Zealand during the July school holidays. Congratulations Ed on this achievement. Intermediate water polo commenced at the start of this team, with all teams recording wins in the first week. Paul Hull TiC Water Polo CRICKET CRICKET PRESENTATION NIGHT Reminder to all players and parents that the Cricket Presentation Night will be held on Tuesday 17th May 2016, 7:00pm in the Brimson Centre. All players are expected to attend this event in full College winter uniform. There will be a raffle on the night with some great cricket prizes up for grabs and we will also be collecting pre-loved cricket gear to send over to our friends in Sri Lanka. If you have any whites or other cricket gear (bats, pads, helmets etc) that is still in good condition but maybe now too small for you, please bring it along on the night and I will arrange it to be sent over in the next few weeks. James Scholtens TiC Cricket jscholtens@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Manly Warringah Basketball Coaches & Managers WANTED If you can assist in coaching or managing your son’s team please contact Kate Donnellan: kdonnellan@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Kate Donnellan TiC Manly Warringah Basketball
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