PDF 18 May - St Augustine`s College
PDF 18 May - St Augustine`s College
Term 2 Volume 14 18 May 2016 College Newsletter from the Acting Principal... Trinity Sunday This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, which is also known as Holy Trinity Sunday and is celebrated a week after Pentecost Sunday in honour of the most fundamental of Christian beliefs – belief in the Holy Trinity. While we can never fully understand the mystery of the Trinity, as Catholics we believe in the following formula: God is three Persons in one Nature. The three Persons of God – Father, Son , and Holy Spirit – are all equally God, and they cannot be divided. St Rita of Cascia OSA May 22 is the Feast of St Rita of Cascia, Patron Saint of the Impossible. At an early age she wanted to become a nun. Her parents, however, insisted that she marry. So, at the age of 14, she married Paolo Mancini, and they had twin sons. After 18 years of marriage her husband was murdered, and her sons died of natural causes the following year. Rita turned her thoughts to joining the Augustinian nuns. She prayed and worked to establish peace between the hostile factions of Cascia. Finally she was accepted into the convent. She remained in the cloister during the final 40 years of her life. During the last four years of her life, Rita was seriously ill. She died on 22 May, 1457 and her feast is observed on the anniversary of her death. Community Mass of St Monica It was a great privilege to welcome Kim and Jac Hasler to our Wednesday morning Eucharist celebration in memory of Danny Hasler’s 3rd anniversary of his death. Danny was a much loved teacher at the College who left his mark on the world, made it a better place by his presence, and was blessed with wonderful friendships. The occasion also provided the opportunity to celebrate Br Saldie Resolado OSA, Br Nguyen Ngoc Hai Dang OSA, Fr Francis Belcina OSA, and Br Percival Sevare OSA who will be making their Solemn Profession this weekend at the 9.30 am Mass at St Kieran’s Church, Manly Vale. Please keep the Hasler family and our Augustinian Brothers in your prayers. In your prayers It is with great sadness to inform you that staff member Jason Lussick’s wife, Cristy, died last Wednesday after suffering a long illness. Please keep Jason and their children, Freddy (currently in Year 10), Joey (former student of the College), Darcy and Bonnie, Cristy’s brothers, Ben and Larry Collier (‘Old Boys’ of the College), and Cristy’s nephew, Isaiah Lee (currently in Year 10), in your prayers. The effects of listening to music when studying Recently a senior student described to me the challenge he has experienced with his studies. He believed his brain had “become soft, often with two hours passing without learning anything.” He claimed there was “no sharpness, no perception of all that moved in paragraphs past his fixed gaze.” Frustratingly he, “knew the pen-marks, the grain and knots in his wooden desk at home more than his textbooks, knowing all too well where years of idling pens and rulers had scarred his timber desk. It was useless.” What a revelation; such insight! Fortunately, this young man has turned his studies around, hopefully not too late. He does however, carry regret as he appreciates the wasted years that time and time again saw broken promises and failure to meet his considerable potential. It took an honest reality check before he was able to seize control of his academic life. Like many students, his studies were frequently distracted by social media and music. I have written on a number of occasions about the distraction of social media; it is obvious to all. More interestingly, is the growing body of research demonstrating the effects of music on academic performance as the results have shown ambiguous and contradicting evidence. However, with the plethora of music genres available to music listeners, it is important to understand how different types of music and the volume it is played, impacts on academic performance. The studies in this domain are more consistent, and are somewhat surprising. Whilst listening to aggressive heavy rock, techno or rap music in itself is a major distraction, it is the familiarity of the music that becomes the most contributing diversion. The research suggests that student’s favourite music can serve as a distracting factor when engaged in a cognitively demanding task perhaps due to the fact that less cognitive resources are available when attention is drawn to lyrics, emotions and memories that such music can evoke. Furthermore, the volume in which the music is played is also a contributing factor to the distraction effect to studies. In summary, playing music while undertaking cognitive demanding tasks is not necessarily a distractor to academic performance. The presence of soft music compared to loud music is preferred, whilst playing music unfamiliar to the listener has the least likely chance to distract. A celebration of music Last week, the College celebrated our annual Music Festival. At lunch each day, ‘Rock in the Quad’ performances were conducted in varying musical categories with the winner of each musical group performing at the Showcase Concert. The Generations Event on Friday night saw the return to the College of many past students, now working in the music industry, to celebrate 60 years of music at the College. It was with a great sense of pride to see the many young men who have followed their passion for music and are now successfully living the dream of creating music as a career. Students performing in ‘Rock in the Quad’ The celebrations reminded me of the gift that music brings into all of our lives. Saint Augustine knew this only too well and reminded us that ‘he who sings prays twice’. One of my biggest regrets in life is that I did not learn to play a musical instrument with any accomplishment. Whilst it is never too late to learn again, I have instead resigned myself to simply enjoying the opportunity to listen to live music. A strong music programme is vital in a boys’ school and it has been wonderful to witness St Augustine’s College music programme go from strength to strength. The number of boys learning an instrument and participation in various band and ensembles continues to grow while the quality of musicianship is to be admired. We are very proud of our musicians and very thankful for the generosity and encouragement the boys receive from our very talented music staff. Congratulations to the following students who won the respective musical categories at the 2016 Showcase Concert: Samuel Rimmer – Senior Bass Sean Bryan – Senior Guitar Benjamin Morgan – Senior Woodwind Mitchell Seymour – Junior Bass Jack Indersmith – Junior Guitar Hayden Williams – Junior Voice Joel Van Duyl – Junior Piano George Barrett – Junior Drums James Hocking – Junior Woodwind Angus Marshall – Junior Bass Jake Griffiths – Senior Drums Thomas Lewis – Senior Bass Jordan Banning – Senior Voice Enrolments 2018 We are currently finalising our first round offer of enrolments for Years 5 and 7, 2018 and we have received several hundred applications. Once again the demand for places has been far greater than places available. Further to our agreement with the Bishop of the Diocese of Broken Bay and the Catholic Schools Office, we are limited to enrolling 75 boys into Year 5 of whom 50 will come from Catholic systemic schools and 25 boys from other schools. The enrolment process is an extremely difficult one and sure to bring disappointment to some families. Due to the overwhelming response from the Catholic community, we will be unable to meet the needs of many Catholic boys for Year 5, 2018; however, we hope to be able to offer the majority of these boys a place for Year 7, 2020. In an Augustinian school, the key criteria for entry relate to a commitment to the teachings of the Church and demonstrated membership of a parish community, along with the congruence of values between the family and the College. As a Catholic Independent School, operating in the Diocese of Broken Bay, we will continue to work very closely with the Catholic Schools Office. AHISA Conference The College recently hosted a conference for curriculum leaders from NSW Independent Schools’ on the theme ‘ChallengeInnovate-Learn.’ Over 80 senior leaders attended the conference consisting of some insightful reflections from Dr Briony Scott, Principal of Wenona School and Phillip Heath, Head of Barker College. A number of workshops were conducted alongside presentations from the Board of Studies and case studies from experiences schools have had in implementing STEM education. Current parent, Andrew Daddo, gave an amusing address as a post dinner speaker sharing his own school memories and his journey as a writer. Many of the delegates remarked on the beautiful nature of our boys and the generous welcome they received from our community. I would like to thank John Laforest, Head of Academic Life, and his hard working committee who hosted a very professional event. The Augustinian – May / June 2016 Included in this edition of Tolle Lege is The Augustinian from the Order of St Augustine. Please take the time to read this worthwhile publication. http://www.saintaug.nsw.edu.au/the-augustinians Rest in Peace Your prayers are requested for Thor Hermann who died recently. Thor was the grandfather of Year 11 student, James Hermann. Your prayers are also requested for Graham Adams, father of past students, Matthew and Ben Adams. Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May the Lord welcome Thor and Graham into his kingdom of peace. Reflection… Autumn We give thanks for the harvest of the heart’s work; Seeds of faith planted with faith; Love nurtured by love; Courage strengthened by courage. We give thanks for the fruits of the struggling soul, The bitter and the sweet; For that which has grown in adversity And for that which has flourished in warmth and grace; For the radiance of the spirit in autumn, And for that which must now fade and die. We are blessed and give thanks. Amen. Matthew Hutchison Acting Principal from the Acting Head of School... Developing a Social Conscience Years 9, 10 and 11 Mid-Course Examinations Developing a social conscience in our youth is an important element in character formation. It is important for our boys to possess a sense of social justice and charity. Generally, students who openly share their possessions and valued time usually tend to be happier and have more friends. During the next few weeks, students in Years 9, 10 and 11 will be undertaking their Mid-Course Examinations. Students should be busily and strategically preparing for their examinations and ensuring that they utilise the information gained in their study skills seminars held this year. Well known author, Michael Grose, highlights that helping children develop a social conscience is very important. Below are some of his ideas which are also inclusive of authors, Robert Brooks and Sam Goldstein. “Principal 1: Model generosity If you ask your children about the charitable behaviours they observed in you, how would they reply? It is sometimes difficult to see yourself through the eyes of your children, but this is the true test of character and individual self-worth. Principle 2: Provide opportunities for children to feel they are helping others Helping others strengthens children’s self-esteem and instills in them the belief that they can contribute to the well-being of others. Brooks and Goldstein* advocate that children should be given one activity at the age of three that becomes their responsibility. This is the beginning of a child’s contribution to the well-being of others. Principle 3: Develop traditions to become a charitable family A charitable family develops a tradition of involving the entire family in helping and bettering the lives of others. Such activities indicate to children that they can do something to alleviate the difficulties of others and promote a sense of connectedness to a community that is larger than their family. I would advise students to ensure they have all the necessary equipment before commencing an examination and to make sure it is in functioning order – new batteries in calculators, pencils sharpened and new working pens. I wish our students in Years 9, 10 and 11 all the best for these Mid-Course Examinations. Uniform As a reminder, please be aware that it is an expectation that students wear the College blazer to and from school. Additionally, only the College jumper is permitted to be worn under the blazer on cooler days. If you need to purchase uniform items, the Uniform Shop is open on Wednesdays from 8.00am to 12.30pm and 1.10pm to 4.00pm, and Fridays 8.00am to 12.00pm. Year 10 Sculpture by the Sea Exhibition It was a pleasure to attend the Year 10 Sculpture by the Sea Exhibition last week at the College. Our boys displayed a wide variety of unconventional art making practices in order to conceptualise their chosen environmental issue. More than 70 students and staff attended the exhibition, where Callum McPhee was voted the recipient of the People’s Choice Award. I wish to congratulate our boys for their marvellous works and class teacher, Andres Trujillo, for his organisation of the event. Principal 5: Recognise that each child contributes in their own way If you think that your child doesn’t help, or that one child in your family is exceedingly generous with his or her contribution while another always seems to drag the chain, step back a little and observe from a distance. You may find it a revelation that the child who appears less helpful actually does a great deal more than you realized.” Michael Grose People’s Choice Award winner Callum McPhee with “Dry Wave” Voting in progress Reflection “Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward, save that of knowing that I do your will.” Prayer for Generosity, by St Ignatius of Loyola God bless Frank Chiment Acting Head of School from the Acting Dean of Senior School... Student Wellbeing Paul Dillon Talks Research shows us that young people today have less resilience and increased levels of anxiety, which is occurring at a younger age and with increased severity. One in five young people will have a mental health illness in their lifetime. Statistically boys are much less likely to ask for help than girls, but connectedness to parents and to their school is a significant protective factor. Therefore the partnership of home and school is crucial in enhancing student wellbeing and recognising and supporting students at risk. Furthermore, students’ social and emotional wellbeing is significantly related to improved academic performance. Paul Dillon has been working in the area of drug and alcohol education for the past 25 years. Through his own business, Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) he has been contracted by many agencies and organisations across the country to give regular updates on current drug trends within the community. He continues to work with many schools nationally to ensure that they have access to good quality information and best-practice drug education. The College prides itself on the individual care provided for every student. We are blessed to have a fantastic team of tutors in the Senior School who should be the first point of contact for any concerns regarding your son’s wellbeing. They work closely with the relevant House Formation Leader to best address the needs of the students in their care. Our HFLs are responsible for overseeing the spiritual, academic and emotional wellbeing of your son, and are incredibly passionate about, and committed to this role. Additionally, Senior School Academic Advisor Tricia Briggs, International Student Programme Executive Officer Vivian Cao, College Psychologist Diane Lowe and Indigenous Student Academic Advisor Tate Williams, are all an integral part of the pastoral care team in the Senior School. Together with our dedicated teachers and support staff, the College aims to provide our young men with the best possible environment for them to flourish. I encourage your son to ‘tap in’ to the support available here at the College whenever he is in need of additional assistance. Paul will be running the following seminars next week for our Senior students: Monday 23 May 2016 Session 1 – Periods 1 & 2 Session 2 – Periods 3 & 4 Session 3 – Periods 5 & 6 Year 12 Year 10 Year 11 Year 10 Young people, alcohol and risk taking: Looking after your mates This session provides accurate, up-to-date and credible evidence so that informed choices can be made, covering issues such as perceived prevalence of alcohol and other drug use by young people, the risks associated with drinking spirits and the dangers associated with the disinhibiting effect of alcohol. Year 11 Alcohol and cannabis: What if something goes wrong? Just as your son’s tutor or teacher may contact home if they have any concerns about their wellbeing or academic progress, I ask that you also keep us informed of any issues or concerns outside of school that may allow us to better support your son. Building on the information delivered in the Year 10 session, which these students attended last year, this presentation again focuses on the risks around alcohol use for young people, as well as introducing some information on cannabis. The presentation will end with some alarming facts on the impact of alcohol on the adolescent brain. Year 10 - 12 Reports Year 12 Thank you to all parents who attended the recent Year 11 & 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews, a great opportunity to further develop the home/school partnership. It seems that there are some parents who have not yet seen their son’s Interim (Year 10 and 11) or Mid Course (Year 12) Report. It is imperative that you are aware of how your son is progressing in his studies, so if you have not yet accessed his report I encourage you to do so. If you are having trouble accessing the report please contact the College Helpdesk itsupport@ saintaug.nsw.edu.au Last year at school: What do I need to know about alcohol and other drugs? This presentation provides information on a range of issues that students in their last year of schooling are likely to face currently or in the years ahead. Where appropriate, issues around attending Schoolies’ Week celebrations will be covered. Bus Monitors The majority of our students travel to and from school using both government and public buses. Every year we ask Year 11 students to volunteer as bus monitors to be a positive role model to the younger students and assist us with any issues that may arise. These senior students are not expected to ‘police’ the buses, but are asked to respectfully challenge any anti-social behaviour that may occasionally occur. We expect them to set a great example to their peers at all times, but we also expect that our younger students are respectful towards them if they have to be reminded to do the right thing. I thank all the boys for taking up this leadership role. (left) Our 2016 Year 11 Bus Monitors Music is good for the soul Recently I was fortunate enough to attend the Year 11 Music Soiree and was very impressed with the quality of the performances. I am sure I will feel the same this Thursday at the Year 10 Soiree. In the holidays a group of students travelled all the way to the Blue Mountains to perform at the Mount Wilson Autumn Festival. I have included an excerpt from the letter that the President of the Association took the time to write to Joseph Montz, Performing Arts Co-ordinator. I thank Jamie, Jordan, Dane and Jack for being such great ambassadors for the College, and to Joseph Montz and the Music Faculty for their ongoing dedication and guidance of our musicians. (left) Jack Donkers and Dane Preston performing at the Year 11 Music Soiree Daniel Fee Acting Dean of Senior School from the Dean of Primary School... Teaching /Learning There is no denying the important role teachers play in the lives of our boys. All of our Primary School teachers are involved in many hours of Professional Development outside school hours as well as being coaches, managers of respective sporting, debating and chess teams or running coding and computer clubs or simply getting to school early to assist boys experiencing difficulty mastering a new concept. They truly care about your sons’ academic progress, but more importantly recognise the importance of developing the gifts of the ‘whole’ person. Reading In previous newsletters I have written about a number of strategies that may assist in turning reluctant readers into enthusiastic readers. In this week’s edition I have included another strategy which you may find useful. Use technology to engage your boys E Readers are often the bridge that is needed to engage a reluctant reader with a new and different text. Many eReading apps and devices support graphic novels, comics, newspapers and magazines. You might find that reading with your son becomes a richer experience when there is a broad range of interesting books to choose from. Another clever way for time-poor dads to engage in reading with their boys is to record themselves reading a chapter, or a short piece of text, using the recording function on a smartphone or iPod. This enables your son to read along a favourite text with you, when you can’t be present physically. Funny voices when reading always make an enticing surprise for the listener. Allowing boys the opportunities to see the men in their lives as strong, resourceful and avid readers helps to demonstrate the importance of reading. Take the time to read, discuss and enjoy books with your son, grandson or nephew to help set them up for reading success. STEM The acronym barrage continues, and I will endeavour to unpack them as they come to hand. The recent push towards STEM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics) is something we have been doing now for some time. The Primary Staff have spent many hours writing units of work which incorporates aspects of STEM. All of our Science units have a design task which includes working scientifically and working technologically with elements of engineering, as well as purposefully embedding elements of Mathematics and other Key Learning Areas. What are we doing? In Science, Year 6 classes are designing and building houses incorporating the use of circuits. The Measurement strand and in particular 2D and 3D shapes and scale provides the mathematics integration component. Soon the boys will be involved in ‘Green screening’ which has natural linkages to Technology, English (reading, writing, talking and listening) and Drama. In this example we come across the acronym (STEAM) with the addition of A or ‘The Arts’. Year 5 classes are designing and making bridges and towers to support the greatest weight. Of course Mass and Length are the concepts that relate well to this activity. In Art, the boys are enlarging life drawings from the environment which has a natural link to Mathematics. Our teachers have worked incredible hard designing integrated and differentiated units which meaningfully integrate many elements of the curriculum as part of the natural learning rhythm of the day. Whether you call this STEM/STEAM, you can be assured that the boys are engaged in a wide variety of Project Based Learning (PBL). Coding Coding is another area that many schools use as a promotional tool and found weekly in the papers. Maybe we undersell ourselves a little at St Augustine’s as we have included coding as part of our programmes for the last three years. Year 5 students are currently working on ‘Imagine Logo’ which incorporates elements of computer programming to write basic commands as an animated ‘turtle’ creates amazing patterns. Year 6 will soon begin working on coding programmes to design their own games using Scratch and Kodu as well as make their Lego robots dance and perform tasks. Congratulations Congratulations to Sean Mulligan for winning the Primary section of the recent Rock in the Quad music festival. Sean has a truly amazing voice and deserves this recognition for many hours of training and hard work. Homework My apologies for the confusion regarding the ‘No homework’ week. For those of you who read my newsletter religiously each week and in particular one vigilant father (thank you if this is you!) this should have occurred this week. As a result of the boys’ outstanding behaviour and positive attitude and manners, next week will be a HOMEWORK FREE WEEK. Instead of homework I would like to think that as a family you could spend time together having dinner, playing games, exercising and simply enjoying each other’s company without the sometimes added stress of completing homework. If anyone would like to e-mail me and share some pictures or stories, I would love to include these in following newsletters. Prayers Can you keep in your prayers Liz Armenio’s mum as she continues her battle with a serious illness and Mark Catanzariti’s father who is recovering from recent heart surgery. I know that our staff members really appreciate your prayers and support. Quote for the week . . . “For success, attitude is equally as important as ability”. Walter Scott (above top) Year 6 Merit Award winners. (above) Year 5 Merit Award winners. (left) Sean Mulligan - winner of Rock in the Quad (Primary). (above) Year 5 students busy at work this week. (below) Thank you to Mr & Mrs Safarian (Christopher 5H) who came in to talk to the Year 5 boys about Aboriginal art. Terry Walsh Dean of Primary School (below left) Attollo Award winners. (below) Lachlan Golden received his SEA Programme badge. CRANE James Allen For showing commitment to the College Co-curricular programme through his dedicated approach to Rugby. GOOLD Callum McPhee For exceptional effort in Visual Arts, winning the ‘People’s Choice Award’ in the recent exhibition. HEAVEY Lachlan Page For volunteering his time on the weekend to raise money for the Salvation Army. Year 5 Oscar McMillan For showing care and compassion towards others. Year 6 Patrick Pearman For carrying out the Augustinian values on a daily basis. Year 7 Ethan Stenner For his contribution to prayer at Year 7 assemblies. HUTCHINSON Callum Hulme For his admirable contribution to the College Music Festival Week. MURRAY Angus Richmond For showing initiative with fundraising ideas for ‘beyondblue’. Year 8 Jock Berwick-Clerke For displaying true Augustinian values through his dedication to fundraising for charity. Year 9 Kevin Olson REVILLE Jake Fisher For his enthusiasm and leadership of the Reville Touch Football team. For being an outstanding ambassador at the AHISA conference held at the College. Sacramental Program for Teens and Young adults North Harbour Parish offers a preparation program for: • children aged seven years and older who are not baptised and would like to receive the Sacrament of Baptism; • children who have been baptised into another Christian denomination who wish to be received into the Catholic Church and participate in the Sacramental Program; • children/young people/adults who have been baptised Catholic who may not have received all the sacraments; parents who may wish to become Catholic. • Please contact Janette Davidson sacramentalcoordinator@ northharbourcatholic.org.au or on 0408 866 521 for further information. Congratulations Br Saldie ! Catholics and Anglicans praying together for unity: 25 May Our Catholic school community is enriched by the presence of Christians of other church communities. There are strong ecumenical links between our Diocese of Broken Bay, the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle, and the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. This year’s Ecumenical Service to renew this Catholic-Anglican covenant relationship will be celebrated on Wed 25th May at 7:45pm in our diocesan Cathedral, 23 Yardley Ave, Waitara, with Catholic and Anglican Bishops present. You may like to attend with your children as a way of modelling the importance of praying and working for Christian unity. Trinity Sunday: 22 May Why is the Trinity so important? Well, theologically the Trinity is unique. While all the other mysteries of faith describe what God does for us, the doctrine of the Trinity alone is understood as teaching us who God is in his deepest mystery. As the Catechism stresses: “It is the mystery of God in himself.” http://www.thesacredpage.com/2014/06/why-do-we-celebratetrinity-sunday.html Br Saldie Resolado OSA makes his solemn profession on Sunday May 22 at St Kieran’s Church during the 9.30am Eucharist. Brothers Francis Belcina, Percival Sevare and Nguyen Ngoc Hai Dang will also commit to the final stages of Augustinian formation. Our prayers and love to all four men on this important occasion. Support Br Saldie by praying his favourite prayer, the Anima Christi (Soul of Christ): Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within thy wounds hide me. Permit me not to be separated from thee. From the wicked foe defend me. At the hour of my death call me And bid me come to thee That with thy saints I may praise thee For ever and ever. Amen. St Augustine’s Prayer to Understand the Trinity O Lord our God, we believe in you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit… Let me remember you, let me understand you, let me love you. Augustine of Hippo. The Trinity. Book 15.51. Gina Marshall Mission Co-ordinator United Nations International Day of Families The International Day of Families is observed on the 15th of May every year. The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 and reflects the importance the international community attaches to families. The International Day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families. For more information: http://www.un.org/en/events/familyday/ “On this International Day of Families, let us resolve to advance sustainable development by creating a supportive environment where all family members of all ages can realize their potential to contribute to our world.” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Back to Saints Rugby Day... proudly supporting WHITE RIBBON Saturday 21 May, Pittwater Rugby Park, Warriewood The aim of the day is to raise some funds for White Ribbon, but more importantly to raise awareness about the issue of men’s violence against women. Did you know that over 12 months, on average, one women is killed every week as a result of intimate partner violence. That domestic and family violence is the principle cause of homelessness for women and their children and that one in three women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence perpetrated by someone known to them. Research shows that If we can change young boys’ attitudes today, we can change the world and make violence against women a thing of the past. All Rugby players have purchased black socks with the White Ribbon logo to wear with their Saints uniform for $10. All proceeds will be donated to White Ribbon. The 1st XV will also wear a custom jersey kindly donated by Canterbury Clothing. Before each game on Saturday the students will make the following pledge: “At St Augustine’s we are committed to being young men who speak out and act to stop violence against women, and to safely and effectively challenge the attitudes and behaviours of a minority of men who use or condone violence against women.” All are warmly invited to attend. Games are being held at Pittwater Rugby Park with the main game at 1.30pm. This day also links closely to the 2016 Prefect Theme: Men of Honour. A new banner will be put up this week in the playground to serve as a reminder to the boys. Wristbands with the message: Men of Honour: Respect YOURSELF/HER/HIM will also available for $2 this week. Students have permission to wear these for the remainder of the term. Again all proceeds to be donated to White Ribbon. Kate Donnellan SEA Programme Co-ordinator STUDY SKILLS & Planning and Chunking Tasks The assessment season is well and truly here, and students may be feeling ‘swamped’ by the number of assessments they need to complete in the next five weeks. Chunking” assignments or assessments into manageable steps over a set period of time helps students to complete tasks successfully. It removes much of the stress involved in starting the task. Knowing all the different parts that go together to do an assignment helps students to understand the steps involved and allows them to plan their time effectively. The Individual task planner, which can be found on the Academic site for any year group at https://atlas.saintaug.nsw.edu.au/ covers a threeweek period. This allows the necessary preparation and/or completion time for of an assessment task. Once the task has been deconstructed into the work required, it can then be timetabled into term or weekly planners (these planners can also be found on the school portal. In addition, all Senior School students have received a digital copy of these documents. Please note that both planners should be opened using Adobe Reader to access the interactive component (which can then be saved or amended. Timely planning is a key ingredient to achieving successful results in assessment tasks. Tricia Briggs Senior School Academic Advisor Making Thinking Visible: Apps for Parents “I Can’t do it, Yet” “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your innovations.” Steve Jobs Steven Jobs had it, Michael Jordan has it, Mozart had it, successful people have it. But what do they have? Develop a Growth Mindset. A belief that intelligence and ability grow and develop over time, as opposed to something that is fixed and set. Growth Mindset encourages greater risk taking, collaboration, enjoyment of challenge, long-term development, and continuous achievement in all types of learning endeavors (Dweck, 2006). Develop a growth mindset in your child by focusing your praise on process, learning, and effort: ‘You really worked hard on this and have learned a lot. You did a great job of developing a plan and following it through. You’ve really developed as a musician’. As opposed to ability: You’re so clever. Look how smart you are; you did that so fast. You’re good at math. You’ve got a lot of talent. The language we use with our boys matters. Do we promote a Growth Mindset? Kylie Bowra Learning Innovator Weekly Careers News updates are now available via the College ATLAS page. Information related to university, TAFE, private colleges, cadetships, scholarships, gap years and employment opportunities are included. Senior Students are direct messaged a copy of each week’s Career News. Enquiries: Paul McAlinden pmcalinden@saintaug.nsw.edu.au NB: If you have recently changed your home address or contact details please notify our College Registrar, Philippa Sherwood at psherwood@saintaug.nsw.edu.au to ensure that your details are updated in our College database. ST AUGUSTINE'S COLLEGE - SYDNEY School Photography Date: 22/06/2016 Dear Parents, ONLINE ORDER CODE 4CF 5BX 4C8 School photography day is coming up very soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link above or by using the envelope. Important Information: School photos purchased online DO NOT require envelopes returned to school* Don’t forget to order your sibling photos now Late fees/additional charges will be applied for purchases after photo day Photos will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after photos are taken Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups available at school’s advancedlife & your advancedyou photo sites (follow the link above) Sibling photographs: must be ordered either online or by order envelope prior to the day of photography. A photograph will not be taken without an order. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at the school. advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to ST AUGUSTINE'S COLLEGE SYDNEY for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at- enquiries@advancedlife.com.au PARENT SEMINAR SERIES SEQTA – College Learning Management System Term 2 Tuesday, 7 June 2016 7.00pm – 8.00pm St Augustine’s College – AUDITORIUM RSVP: Monday, 6 June 2016 deansoffice@saintaug.nsw.edu.au SEQTA – College Learning Management System Does your son tell you he doesn’t have any homework ? Does your son get confused about what day it is in the timetable ? Does your son say he doesn’t know when his Assessments Tasks are due ? As parents, you can be empowered with all of the answers! You may be aware that SEQTA, the College Learning Management System, is a powerful communication tool for teachers, but did you know that SEQTA is also a great way for parents to be involved in the learning journey too? Parents today are more involved in their children’s school life than ever before. SEQTA helps manage this through a parent portal. Parents can log in to SEQTA via CONEQT-P to view their son’s lesson plans, timetables, reports and grades. They can easily communicate with teachers, read notices, and engage with their children’s education pathway. This Parent Seminar explores the numerous ways SEQTA provides a window into teaching and learning, as well as how you can be involved in your son’s academic journey. Practical demonstrations of all aspects of SEQTA will be provided to cater for all levels of technological abilities. Guy Richards, eLearning Integrator Canteen Roster Term 2, 2016 Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 19/5/16 20/5/16 23/5/16 24/5/16 25/5/16 Mary Sidery Kristina Wilson Hannah Boffa Monique Micardy Keira Hulme Cassandra Waddington Kathy Bolton Linda Edgell Helen Crews HELP Georgie Torrens Kath Gilmore HELP Therese Keane NEEDED NEEDED Julie Russo PLEASE PLEASE Dear Parents Please find attached a link to our new Winter Menu. The menu can also be found on the Canteen page in College Life. Butter Chicken is now available on Friday, so our new special for Wednesday is Pork Buns and Large Chicken Dim Sims. Beef Goulash with Mashed Potato & Massaman Beef Curry with Rice is also available during the week. The SaintsCard cashless system has been available for some time. We thank parents for using the SaintsCard via the College ATLAS site. The card has made ordering and purchasing at the Canteen a safe, fast and streamlined process. Unfortunately, some students are not using the process correctly and have approached the College Finance Office requesting a conversion of cash to their SaintsCard. As a reminder, funds may be added to an account online on ATLAS. Please note, future requests for conversion of cash will receive a polite refusal from the Finance Office. If you are unable to make your rostered time, please contact me so that I can make alternative arrangements. If you have a few hours spare or have friends who would like to join you on the canteen roster, please contact me. NOTE: To all volunteers, due to WH&S regulations please wear closed shoes, ie. No thongs or sandals are allowed. Annabel Nelson Canteen Co-Ordinator T: 91269904 M: 0414638395 E: nelson.a@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Buy an Entertainment™ Membership and support the Band Programme at St Augustine's College (Sydney) The NEW 2016 | 2017 Entertainment™ Book and Digital Memberships are available now and are packed with thousands of up to 50% OFF and 2-for-1 offers. From every Membership we sell, 20% of the proceeds go towards our fundraising for the Band Programme. The more Memberships we sell, the closer we get to our goal – so please forward this email to all your familyand friends! ORDER FROM US TODAY For just $70, you'll receive over $20,000 worth of valuable offers. St Augustine's College (Sydney) Thank you for your support! Please use this link to access payment page: https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/20617p9 P&F President’s Report Last Friday night I attended an amazing concert in the Lecceto Auditorium where we saw a range of old boys perform some great music. In the line up were Seaforth ( a duet of Mitch Thompson and Tom Jordan), Jack Tier, Liam Hogan, Charlie Sundborn, Rhys Oldham and Tim Conlon. They were joined by current Year 12 boys and an all star band to finish the event. As he was unable to be with us on the night, Liam Singe made a special video appearance. All the performers showed great skill and love of the art. This performance again reminded me of the breadth of skills and interests within the College’s co curricular activities. Each and every one of the old boys attributed their love of music and success in subsequent activities to the support given by the College and the teachers in the music department. I would like to add my thanks to the Music Faculty for all they bring to the school. As a community I think it is important that we recognize the many aspects of what the school brings to our boys. The education they receive covers many aspect, academic, sporting, cultural and most importantly the spirit of caring that is build into a Saint Augustine’s education. P&F Class Parent and Year Group Representatives Year 11 Group Representative Needed We are currently looking for a Year Group Representative for Year 11. This role is a great way to get to know more parents in your son’s year and to become more involved with the College community. As it is important to have Year 11 represented, we ask that any parent who is interested in volunteering or would like to know more about being a Class Parent to please contact Fran Boag at classparent@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Upcoming P&F and Parents Activities Dates: DATE EVENT INVOLVEMENT Thursday 19 May 6:30 pm Class 5K - Casual Parent’s Night for Class 5K at Manly Wharf Bar Please RSVP Jo Pfafflin on joeytom16@ hotmail.com Thursday 26 May 9:30 am Classes 6A and 6C - Mums Coffee /Brunch for Classes 6A and 6C at the Boathouse Shelly Beach Please RSVP Angela Kelaher on kelaherangela@ gmail.com Thursday 26 May 7:30 pm Class 8.3 Parents Dinner for Tutor Group 8.3 at Aubergine, Dee Why Please RSVP Vib Till on v.till@ elanco.com Sunday 5 June 2:30 pm Class 5H - Father and Son Laser Tag for Tutor Group 5H at Collaroy Centre Please RSVP Sharna Mulcahy on mulcahy1@ bigpond.net.au Upcoming events P&F Meetings If you have an item, question, suggestion for an information topic for our P&F meetings please email Craig Jackson at pandf@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. The schedule of P&F meetings for the rest of the year are as follows: • • Term 3 – 10 August 2016 Term 4 (and AGM) – 9 November 2016 Each meeting starts at 7pm, wine and cheese provided. Please see Tolle Lege for more details closer to the meeting. Craig Jackson P&F President ACADEMIC SUPPORT FOR STUDENT Students are offered additional academic support after school in the Augustine Resource Centre (ARC). The ARC is open for students in Years 5 - 9 until 5:00pm, until 6:00pm for students in Years 10 - 12 on Monday to Thursday and until 7:30pm on Monday and Wednesday only for Year 12 students. We are fortunate to have a number of recent past scholars from the College, including Jordan Candido and Nicholas Chivers, available to support students with their studies during these times. Academic staff also generously make themselves available to assist boys. Students, particularly in Years 11 and 12, are encouraged to stay on at school and complete their homework in study partnerships in our well-resourced library. It is a great opportunity for all students to ask for help in areas where they may be struggling and also to consolidate work they have studied in class. All students attending the ARC after school must have work to complete. ARC MATHS HELP ARC LANGUAGES HELP DAY TEACHER Mon Anna Harmer and Dave Gale Tue 1 Carly Townsend Thurs Anna Hayes DAY TEACHER Wed Aaron McLuckie Japanese Senior/ Chinese Junior ARC SCIENCE HELP ARC ENGLISH HELP DAY TEACHER 7 - 10 TEACHER 11 - 12 Mon Candice Green Kirsty Begg Tues Tate Williams Kirsty Begg Tate Williams Wed Thurs Ilona Welch DAY TEACHER Thurs Graham Bruce Science/Physics Thurs Sean McLean Science/Biology ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 7 – 9 Kirsty Begg DAY TEACHER Kirsty Begg Candice Green Ilona Welch Mon Adam Evans Wed Adam Evans ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 10 – 12 ARC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HELP DAY TEACHER DAY TEACHER Wed Tricia Briggs Mon Madeleine Conlon also Humanities Thurs Tricia Briggs ARC GEOGRAPHY HELP DAY TEACHER Tue Amanda Neilsen Vicki Lewis Library & Information Services Co-ordinator #augshorts www.augshorts.weebly.com MUSIC FESTIVAL WEEK Congratulations to all students who participated in our Music Festival Week All performances were very commendable and the adjudications reflected the quality of our music students. We present our Solo Recitals in order to provide the boys with valuable performance experience, not to apply pressure, but to allow them to share with their parents and the wider school community the product of their Instrumental and Vocal tuition and to also provide them with helpful advice from independent sources. Boys have the choice as to whether or not they wish an adjudication and this year all students requested the important feedback from the adjudicators. A huge thank you to all family and friends who came to support the students. Also our gratitude extends to all our highly esteemed adjudicators: Mr Josh Bedoukian; Mr Brian Evans; Ms Amy Whyte; Mr Tony Baldwin; Mr David Holmes and Ms Prinnie Stevens. We are also extremely grateful to Turramurra Music http://www.turramusic.com.au for their generous support in providing us with all the prizes for each section. Congratulations to our section winners: Junior Piano – Joel van Duyl Senior Piano – Eric Chen Junior Bass – Angus Marshall Senior Bass – Samuel Rimmer Junior Guitar – Jack Indersmith Senior Guitar – Sean Bryan Junior Drums – George Barrett Senior Drums – Jake Griffiths Junior Woodwind – James Hocking Senior Woodwind – Benjamin Morgan Junior Voice – Hayden Williams Senior Voice – Jordan Banning Junior Brass – Mitchell Seymour Senior Brass – Thomas Lewis Junior Rock in the Quad – Sean Mulligan Senior Rock in the Quad – Ginbuice: Will Findlay, Callum Hulme, Will Maddock, Patrick Scognamiglio, Harrison Barwell, Samuel Rimmer Once again the College was entertained by the sounds of Rock in the Quad at lunchtimes with particular highlights being the winning bands and the staff performances on Friday. Music Generations was our 60th Anniversary Reunion Concert with outstanding performances by Old Boys Jack Tier, Rhys Oldham, Liam Hogan, Charlie Sundborn, Seaforth – Mitchell Thompson and Tom Jordan. All ably supported by Taylor Syme, James Scognamiglio, Toby Hardiman, James Slack-Smith and Nick Chivers. A special video message from Liam Singe who is currently on a sell-out tour overseas was another highlight of the evening. Our senior students also savoured the opportunity to perform with and support these esteemed alumni. It was also great to meet up with so many past parents who came to enjoy the evening. Many thanks to Brian Sinclair and the College Production Team who supported us so well with all the audio visual requirements, the dedication to this aspect of the week is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to all the staff who attended events throughout the week and Matthew Hutchison, Frank Chiment and Peter Nolan for their support. Finally, our dedicated Music Faculty Joseph Montz, Alec Openshaw, Amelia Granturco and Lynne Papahatzis who all worked so hard to ensure the success of the Music Festival. Faith Ling Music Faculty Co-ordinator Joseph Montz Performing Arts Co-ordinator Surfing Rugby Congratulations to the following students who represented the College at the Sydney Schools Regional Surfing Competition held at Dee Why Beach last week: Congratulations to all students who participated in the College rugby matches last weekend against St Patrick’s College. We won all 15 games against St Patrick’s which is a remarkable achievement and credit to both the players and the coaching staff. JUNIOR BOYS SENIOR BOYS Lewis Milner Harmon Kassulke Ben Walsh Harry Waddington Carter Harris Lachlan King Sam Howell Christian Musgrove Ruban Casteight Brock Maunder George Pittar Jack Clancy The College had a very strong team of surfers in both divisions. A special congratulations to the following students who will now compete individually at the NSW State School Surfing Titles in Port Macquarie, after gaining 1st and 2nd place in their respective division: • • George Pittar – 1st Junior Boys Harmon Kassulke – 2nd Senior Boys We will also have 2 teams competing at the NSW State School Surfing Titles: • • Senior Boys – MR Team: Harmon Kassulke & Harry Waddington Junior Boys – MR Team: George Pittar & Ben Walsh Boxing Congratulations to Teddy Wilson who is now the Australian Boxing Champion for his weight. He competed in Queensland last week at the Australian Championships and was also judged to be the best junior boxer of the whole tournament. Teddy’s interest in boxing commenced when he involved himself in the College boxing programme and is coached by Jason Lussick. Teddy is a very talented athlete where he also excels in Rugby Union and Rugby League. This Saturday, May 21, is Back to Saints Rugby Day... proudly supporting WHITE RIBBON. All players are being asked to purchase black socks with the White Ribbon logo to wear with their Saints uniform. These socks can be purchased for $10 at recess & lunch in the Mission Office. All proceeds will be donated to White Ribbon. The 1 XV will also wear a custom jersey kindly donated by Canterbury Clothing. The aim of the day is to raise some funds for the charity, but more importantly to raise awareness about the issue of men’s violence against women. Did you know that over 12 months, on average, one women is killed every week as a result of intimate partner violence. That domestic and family violence is the principle cause of homelessness for women and their children and that one in three women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence perpetrated by someone known to them. Research shows that If we can change young boys’ attitudes today, we can change the world and make violence against women a thing of the past. To this end I am asking that all teams say the following pledge together before they run onto the field. “At St Augustine’s we are committed to being young men who speak out and act to stop violence against women, and to safely and effectively challenge the attitudes and behaviours of a minority of men who use or condone violence against women.” Rugby Matches Saturday 21 May 2016 IPSHA (11 & 12yrs) Round 4 ISA (13-Opens) Round 3 Team Opposition Time Ground 11 Gold St Patricks College 9:30am Pittwater Rugby Park 3 11 Green St Patricks College 8:45am Pittwater Rugby Park 3 11Red St Patricks College 8:00am Pittwater Rugby Park 3 12 Gold Knox Grammar School 9:30am Pittwater Rugby Park 4 12 Green Knox Grammar School 8:45am Pittwater Rugby Park 4 12 Red Knox Grammar School 9:30am Pittwater Rugby Park 4 13 Gold Kinross Wolaroi 11:00am Pittwater Rugby Park 2 13 Green Kinross Wolaroi 12:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 3 13 Red Newington College 9:30am Pittwater Rugby Park 2 13 White Newington College 8:30am Pittwater Rugby Park 2 14 Gold Kinross Wolaroi 1:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 2 14 Green Kinross Wolaroi 2:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 3 14 Red Kinross Wolaroi 1:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 3 15 Gold Kinross Wolaroi 1:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 4 15 Green Kinross Wolaroi 2:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 4 15 Red Oxley College 10:15am Governor’s field, Bowral 16 Gold Kinross Wolaroi 11:00am Pittwater Rugby Park 4 16 Green Kinross Wolaroi 12:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 4 3 XV Kinross Wolaroi 11:00am Pittwater Rugby Park 3 2 XV Kinross Wolaroi 12:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 2 1 XV Kinross Wolaroi 1:30pm Pittwater Rugby Park 1 Colts 1 West Harbour 3:00pm Pittwater Rugby Park 1 Colts 2 West Harbour 12:15pm Pittwater Rugby Park 1 Colts 3 West Harbour 10:45am Pittwater Rugby Park 1 rd nd st Field Locations: • Pittwater Rugby Park – Pittwater Road, Narrabeen (enter via Walsh Street) • Governors Field - Oxley College, Bowral - 11-29 Railway Road, Burradoo Sports Uniform Snow Sports Students attending any College sporting event as participants must wear their sport uniform. Students attending as spectators are also strongly encouraged to wear the College sports uniform which will reflect the College pride and support. For any student who would like to represent the College in Snow Sports during the mid-year holidays, there will be an information evening in the Lecceto Auditorium on Wednesday 25 May at 6.30pm. Sean Gartner is the parent contact who co-ordinates all of the Snow Sports and will provide further details and be able to answer any queries. John Papahatzis Head of Sport & Co-curricular SNOW sports SKIERS and BOARDERS - INTERSCHOOLS SNOWSPORTS For all the snow skier and boarding enthusiasts out there, this is your chance to compete and represent your school, plus have some fun with your classmates. In the mid-year holiday break, the Regional NSW Interschools Snowsports Championships will be held at Thredbo in the Snowy Mountains, from 6th-9th July. Although this is a competition and can lead to state and national titles, it is open for all with an emphasis on fun. State titles are also at Thredbo from 24-28 August, Nationals in 2016 are at Perisher from 7-11 September. Students are encouraged to form teams of 3 or 4 to race in their division in events such as alpine, skier/boarder cross, moguls and cross country. Last year St Augustine’s entered a team of 24 with 7 making state titles and 4 qualifying for nationals. 2016 is the 4th year St.Augustines have entered a team and the results are improving every year. This year we’re looking to increase the level of participation. Whilst the college is endorsing student participation in this event, all entrants will be required to organise their own accommodation, transportation and equipment for the races. It is recommended therefore for those students that have skied or boarded before and are of at least an intermediate to advanced level, and those that usually travel to the snow to ski or board with their family or friends For more detailed information, click on the link below. If you are interested in competing and have any queries, please contact Sean Gartner (sean@g-t.com.au), who as a parent is the St Augustine’s Snowsports Co-ordinator managing the team. nswinterschools.com.au CRICKET CRICKETERS ACKNOWLEDGED ON NIGHT OF NIGHTS Cricket season 2015/16 came to a close last night at the annual Presentation Night held in the Brimson Centre. The recent Sri Lankan Tour was celebrated and all in attendance were able to see the sights and colours in a fabulous slide show of photos. Definitely something to look forward to for those young cricketers coming through. The night was also a celebration for those players awarded Best Bat, Best Bowler and the Spirit of Cricket Award from their team. Also on the night, players who scored hundreds, took 5-wicket hauls and Hattricks were also congratulated. The major award of the night – The John Slack Memorial Trophy for St Augustine’s College Junior Cricketer of the Year – was presented for the first time by Peter Slack – brother of John whom the trophy is named. John Slack was the first College Captain as well as the first 1st XI Captain and scored the first century for the College. John’s life was tragically cut short at the age of 28 when he died following complications from a melanoma. Peter spoke brilliantly about life at St Augustine’s College 60 years ago and how proud he was that John’s name be associated with the award. Aaron Peters of Yr 12 was named the 2015/16 winner after another fantastic summer with bat and ball. Aaron Peters picks up his second John Slack Memorial Trophy for Junior Cricketer of the Year - presented by special guest Peter Slack – current old boy of the College and member of the very first 1st XI team in 1962. Well done to all players and a big thank you to all who contribute on and off the field as part of this great game. Hundred Club – players who scored centuries for the College in 2015/16 presented with their scorecards James Scholtens TiC Cricket jscholtens@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Water Polo Games for Monday 23 May: Open Results from Friday 13 May: St Augustine’s A v Pittwater 12 St Augustine’s B v SACS A St Augustine’s C v Redlands B Games for Friday 20 May: Lost 2-4 Lost 0-4 Won 9-3 St Augustine’s A St Augustine’s B St Augustine’s C 7.43pm 7.20pm 8.52pm v Redlands A v Balgowlah v Pittwater 11 St Augustine’s A St Augustine’s B St Augustine’s C St Augustine’s D v St Luke’s A v SACS A v Bye v St Luke’ B 8.29pm 9.15pm 7.20pm Junior (Year 7) Intermediate Results from Monday 16 May: St Augustine’s A v Bye St Augustine’s B v St Luke’s A game cancelled St Augustine’s C v SACS B game cancelled St Augustine’s D v Redlands B game cancelled Trials for junior water polo will take place on Monday 30 May from 4pm-5pm at Warringah Aquatic Centre. A bus will take the boys from the College to the pool. Parents will be responsible for arranging for their son to be collected from the pool at 5pm. Boys should bring swimming costumes, a towel and goggles to school on the day. Paul Hull TiC Water Polo BODY BOARDING Sam Giddy (Year 6) recently competed in the State Bodyboarding Titles in Kiama and was awarded 1st Place in the Grom Division. He will compete in the National bodyboarding titles in Coffs Harbour in August. Congratulations Sam!
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