Kamloops Market Profile.indd
Kamloops Market Profile.indd
TUESDAY K A M L O O P S THIS WEEK Tuesday, October 11, 2011 X Volume 24 No. 81 www.kamloopsthisweek.com X 30 cents at Newsstands Fusing bicycle network’s ‘spine’ and the Ministry of Environment, to get By Jeremy Deutsch parts of the project completed. STAFF REPORTER jeremy@kamloopsthisweek.com Work on the first phase of the project actually began last year, but was If you’ve driven to or from plagued by problems, including a long Valleyview in the last few months, delay that stemmed from a bin wall that you’ve probably been slowed by the needed to be replaced and the delays in construction work. doing the work on CP Rail’s right-ofOrange pylons, dirt and construcway. tion material mark the stretch of road The second and current phase hasn’t where Valleyview Drive turns into been any easier, as work crews have Battle Street, connecting the downtown core to Valleyview and the communities had to construct much of the path along Battle Street in very tight quarters, beyond. between the roadway — and all of its In about six months, the two traffic — and railroad tracks. Kamloops neighbourhoods will be The project was originally budgeted further linked by the Valleyview for $4.2 million, but bids on the second interchange, a 1.5-kilometre bicycle/ phase came in $1 million higher than pedestrian path that will start east on expected, pushing the entire project up Valleyview Drive and run west to the to $5.7 million. Columbia/Battle Street intersection and The project also had several complenorth via a bridge to Lorne Street, leadtion dates, which have been moved ing to the Rivers Trail and Riverside repeatedly. Park. Dixon acknowledged the various City officials are calling the intersetbacks and difficulties encountered www.kamloopsthisweek.com TUESDAY, October 4, 2011 A23 change the “spine” in the city’s bicycle throughout the project. and pedestrian network. “Would I like to see it [construction But, getting to the point at which on the interchange] go faster? Yes I residents can enjoy a leisurely bike ride would,” he said. or walk along the path has been no easy “Can I point the finger at anybody task. as to why it’s not going faster? No we There has never been a properly desSports: Marty KAMLOOPS can’t.Hastings We’re just going as hard as we ignated path connecting Valleyview to sports@kamloopsthisweek.com can and Ph: 374-7467 Ext: fast 235 as we can until it’s done.” the rest of South Kamloops. The city needs to complete the interThe trek from Valleyview involved change by March 2012 to keep the $1.6 risky crossings of streets and Highway million it received from the provincial 1 and dirt paths without safety barriers. government for the project — a target Jason Dixon, the city’s roads and expected to be met. drainage supervisor, explained the city The final phase later this fall is the previously looked at several different placement of the bridge that will conNick Smith of the options for the interchange, including Kamloops Rugby nect the path to Lorne Street across CP Club Raiders an elevated bridge leading directlydives to Rail tracks. Nicholson, By Marty Hastings in anpossibilities effort to catch Lorne Street, but all other The bridge, which will somewhat STAFF REPORTER Conservative MP for Niek De Brouwer of proved too expensive. resemblesports@kamloopsthisweek.com an old trestle railroad crossthe Chilliwack Rugby City officials feel the Valleyview interchange Niagara Falls, would Eventually, the cityClub decided on Division the ing, is being be pre-assembled offsite in men’s will be the shining spoke in Kamloops’ bicycle/ like to see more busiNOinto SAFE current design. before beingT’S lifted position. 3 B.C. Rugby Union pedestrian path network. The $5.7-million ness in his riding’s bet, butthe path is expected Even then, the interchange went over action in the River Once complete, project is expected to be completed by March casinos, said Burns. Canadians Saturday, Oct. to be a shining 2012. Dave Eagles/KTW budget. Along the way,City theoncity has had spoke inmight the city’s bicyThe inability to 1. Kamloops cle network.soon be able to to co-ordinate with several privateblanked and wager on single sportChilliwack 66-0. legally wagerXSee on singovernment agencies, Meraloma includingRugby CP Rail PROJECT A6 Club ing events has driven gle sporting events. of Vancouver doubled Joe Comartin, NDP customers to the U.S., the Raiders 28-14 in Anti Reflective Lenses reduce that causeswhere betting on indiMP forglare Windsorwomen’s action. Due to eye fatigue and helpsTecumseh you see more clearly. vidual events is legal. in Ontario, Thanksgiving, there will Comartin, with has introduced a be no rugby games this OFFER INCLUDES: casino business weekend. bill in the House of •Any SingleCommons Vision Lens Dave Eagles/KTW migrating south to that, if •Any Bifocal Lens Detroit from Windsorpassed, would legal•Any Progressive Lens UPGRADE ize single-event sports Tecumseh, shares Buy one complete pair of RX glasses (frames & lenses) at regular price of $175.00 or greater before discount and get 5O% OFF the e DIFFERENCE of a Anti-Reflective lens upgrade. Hurry offer ends October 31st, 2011. Without Anti-Reflective Lenses WITH ANTI-REFLECTIVE LENSES the same problem as wagering in Canada. Nicholson. Canadians are 331 Victoria Street SIGHT TESTING! The odds of the bill already wagering on Voted Free with purchase. Call For Details Kamloops’ passing increase with individual sporting Best Optical Store Licensed Optician every province that events — they’re just joins B.C. and Ontario doing it illegally. in support of the “The reality is that change, Burns said. Canadians are wagerIn the late 1990s, ing on sports predomithe provinces joined nantly through illegal forces and pushed the means, either with federal government to bookies or online,” legalize dice games. said Bill Rutsey, By 1999, games like CEO of the Canadian craps were legal in the edly finding teammates Friday, Sept, 30, when Gaming Association By Marty Hastings Great White North. STAFF REPORTER with seeing-eye passes. the Blazers skated to a (CGA). sports@kamloopsthisweek.com Burns said The six-foot-one, 1846-2 victory. “This bill will Comartin’s bill — in pound forward, son of Firing on all cylinenable sports wagerThe Kamloops a perfect world for the former NHLer Philippe ders in both games was ing to occur in safe, Blazers’ brass will say Windsor-Tecumseh Bozon, earned first star the line of Colin Smith regulated environthere is plenty of work MP law — could honours on Friday and ments.” still to be done, and there centreing JC Lipon and become law as early Swiss import Tim Bozon. was named third star on Private-member is, but the club turned a as next spring. Sunday. Lipon leads the team bills like Comartin’s lot of heads last weekend If the proposed bill “The biggest thing are not often passed, with decisive home wins with six points (2G, 4A), passes, illegal bookie was could he adapt to Bozon is second with but there are several over the Victoria Royals operations and online the Western Hockey five points (1G, 4A) and reasons why this one and Vancouver Giants. gambling sites (not League’s physical play, Smith is third with four might have legs. Kamloops manall illegal, just illegal the North American points (2G, 2A). B.C. and Ontario handled the Royals on for Canadians to use) game and playing in a “We’re finding each are already on Sunday, Oct. 2, earning stand to lose money. smaller rink,” Blazer other,” said Lipon, a board with the new an 8-2 win at Interior Government operahead coach Guy Charron Regina product. bill and Canada’s Savings Centre, with tions — like British “It’s been good work- said of Bozon. Justice Minister, Rob 17-year-old netminder “And, I think he’s Taran Kozun between the ing with the same playNicholson, would ben- Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) done that very well. He’s ers.” pipes. efit from the change, — will likely look to Bozon showed fantas- showed that he’s a highly Cole Cheveldave, 18, according to CGA capitalize. got the call in net against tic vision against Victoria skilled player.” Kamloops Blazers’ centre Colin Smith has had success on a vice-president Paul and Vancouver, repeatXSee CHARRON A27 line with JC Lipon and Tim Bozon. Dave Eagles/KTW XSee MORENCY A26 the Giants at ISC on Burns. Award Winning Newspaper CCNA Spot News Photo CCNA Ad Campaign BCYCNA Best Newspaper Promotion BCYCNA Community Service Award BCYCNA Spot News photo BCYCNA Best Special Section INSIDEXBlazers remember Rubel/A27 THIS WEEK SPORTS Single-event sports betting might be legalized in Canada RUNNING SCARED I 5O% OFF ANTI-REFLECTION LENS EYES INTERNATIONAL 25O-851-8992 Blazers hot to trot on weekend Radiothon Drive Thru Proudly Sponsored By Save-on Foods Wednesday & Thursday, October 5th & 6th • 10 am - 6 pm Lets raise as much money as possible! KAMLOOPS IS SITUATED IN A SCENIC VALLEY AT THE junction of the North and South Thompson Rivers. It is the major service centre for many of the surrounding communities such as Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Lytton and Merritt with an estimated population of 127,195. When it comes to its role in the community Kamloops This Week takes its mandate as the number one source of community news, advertising and involvement very seriously. From in-depth local coverage of events that matter to Kamloops' residents to unwavering support of community groups and charities, Kamloops This Week is always at the forefront. When it matters to the community it serves, Kamloops This Week takes pride in its well earned reputation as a true community leader. Community Distribution KAMLOOPS THIS WEEK REALLY DELIVERS WHEN it comes to pre-prints and samples, offering the only fully CCAB audited total market delivery system in Kamloops. Kamloops This Week is welcomed into nearly 30,000 Kamloops homes every Tuesday and Thursday morning before 7:00 am. ensuring on time, on point delivery of your advertising message. If pre-printed materials are part of your advertising mix, Kamloops This Week should definitely be at the top of your marketing plan. Demographics graphics Market Profile ■ In your home ■ In your neighbourhood ■ In your City THE POPULATION OF KAMLOOPS IS 85,000 AND it's predicted to grow at a rate of 2% annually over the next 5 years. Average age is similar to the BC average with 45% aged 25-54. The average household income in the city of Kamloops is $39,242 with an estimated labour force of more than 49,000. Total expenditure for the area is $1.84 billion. 29,890 every Tuesday & Thursday 250.374.7467 PHONE 250-372-0100 Proud to support healthcare & BC Children’s Hospital Readership with ComBase ■ 65% of Kamloops adults report Kamloops This Week as their preferred community newspaper. ■ 66% of Kamloops women are reading Kamloops This Week. ■ 68% of Kamloops This Week readers read all 4 of the last 4 issues. ■ 58% of adults with a household income of $50,000 - $74,999 are reading Kamloops This Week. ■ Source: ComBase National Study. 1365 Dalhousie Drive • Kamloops • BC • V2C 5P6 FAX 250.374.1033 FSA FSA Distribution Profile by Forward Sortation Areas: Kamloops This Week 0 4 Km 8 Zone AREA HH APT BOX BUS Total TOTAL 11,079 End/Lower 920 Sahali 136 105 12,240 1Kamloops Kamloops Downtown/West 3,380 Aberdeen/Mt Dufferin/Pineview Valley/Knutsford 3,300 2Kamloops 6,310 1,080 305 289 7,984 3Kamloops North Shore/Westmount 2,170 3,723 (Tranquille 144 & 8th St. 0 to 12th St.) 28 3,895 Westsyde / Black Pines 4Kamloops 750 0 150 12 9122,860 6Aberdeen Valleyview/Rose Hill/Juniper Ridge 2,030 2,355 125 30 88 2,598 Rayleigh/Sun Rivers/Reservation/Heffley Crk/Paul & Pinantan Lk 1,430 7 Heffley Creek 8 Upper Sahali 2,680 Knutsford Savona/Cherry Creek 202 9 Creek Heights/North Shore (Tranquille & 8th St. to the River) 10MonteBatchelor 132 0 329 223 6842,450 V2BV0E 2P0 11Pritchard Brocklehurst (Desmont St. to Airport) 2,610 V2BV0E 3B0 12Westwold Brocklehurst (12th St. to Desmond St.) 1,890 LoganLake Lake 810 V0KV0E 3E0 13Pinantan Oro/Rivershore/Pritchard 2,180 V2CV0K 1W0 15LoganDallas/Barnhartvale/De Lake 689 100 160 165 1,114 Whitecroft/Sunpeaks 133 Bus&Res V0E 17Savona V0K 2J0 1,400 APT Apartments Total Distribution 25,038 2,369 1,110 910 29,427 365 BUS Aberdeen/Sahali/Downtown/Valleyview/North Shore Businesses Total 29,890 V2B VSC V1SV2C V2BV2E V2BV2H V2C/V2E V1S V2H/V0E V0E 1Z0 V2E V0KV0E 2A0 V2BV0E 2M0 16 Heffley Creek ! . ! . ! (5 ! . Savona ! (1 ! (1 V2H V2B ! . Pinantan Lake ! . Pritchard V2E V1S V0K V2C ! . Monte Creek ! . Knutsford 97 ! ( V0E ! (5 ! . Logan Lake ! . 5A ! ( ¯ Westwold ! ( 97C Partnership KEY FLYER CLIENTS: Kamloops This Week ‘s flyer clients include most of Canada’s major retailers including Sears, Walmart, Superstore, Extra Foods, Zellers, Visions, London Drugs, Safeway, Save On Foods, Coopers Foods, Future Shop, Rona, Home Depot and Michaels, to name a few. KEY ADVERTISERS: Kamloops This week can be found on the membership roles of virtually every local business organization such as Thompson Rivers University, Royal Inland Hospital Foundation, Kamloops Builders Association, Kamloops Chamber of Commerce and each of the two local BIAs COMMUNITY PARTNERS: It plays the proud role of sponsor member in such worthy community groups as the RIH Foundation, United Way, Heart and Stroke Fund, Kidney Foundation, Kiwanis, JDRF and many more. Contacts: This 7 column tabloid free distribution newspaper publishes 29,890 CCAB audited copies every Tuesday and Thursday and is delivered direct to the doorstep from Heffley Creek south to Westwold. PUBLISHER: Kelly Hall SALES MANAGER: Jack Bell EDITOR: Chris Foulds SALES: 250.374.7467 FAX: 250.374.1033 WEBSITES: www.kamloopsthisweek.com EMAIL: ktw@kamloopsthisweek.com