ADOPTION OPTIONS All attendees will receive educational materials, breakfast, lunch, an Adoption Options t-shirt. Join us! We’ve brought together some of the most popular presentations and speakers in animal welfare and mixed them with plenty of breaks and networking opportunities. DRESS CASUALLY AND BE COMFORTABLE. AGENDA – Saturday, October 22 AGENDA – Sunday, October 23 BREAKFAST AND REGISTRATION BREAKFAST AND REGISTRATION 9 am – 10 am 9 am – 10 am WELCOMING REMARKS WELCOMING REMARKS 10 am – 10:30 am Petfinder & Speaking of Dogs MARKETING YOUR PETS ONLINE: TIPS AND TRICKS TO INCREASE ADOPTIONS 10:30 am – noon Lynn Davidson, After a brief look at’s free service to the animal welfare community, Lynn will review the many benefits, resources and services that Petfinder offers members.This will be followed by a few tips and tricks for increasing adoptions, using NOON – 1 PM LUNCH ***1 PM – 2:45 PM*** CHOOSE FROM TWO SESSIONS EXPAND YOUR REACH WITH YOUR FOSTER PROGRAM Deb Edwards A well-run foster program can increase the number of animals you can save and improve the quality of life for those that you do. It allows you to devote one-on-one attention to animals that would be difficult to care for in a shelter environment – orphaned or feral kittens, animals recovering from illness or surgery, or those that need more dedicated behavior rehabilitation. Learn the keys to building a successful foster program for both shelters and rescues that can have a lasting positive effect on the animals and the surrounding community. OR CREATING SENSIBLE, LIFE-SAVING ADOPTION POLICIES Sue Cosby, Pennsylvania SPCA Do your adoption policies help you find new adopters? How long has it been since you’ve reviewed your application? This interactive workshop will have you discussing the best way to use your adoption applications and policies to create great new homes for your adoptable pets. 2:45 PM – 3:15 PM COFFEE AND NETWORKING BREAK ***3:15 PM – 5 PM*** CHOOSE FROM TWO SESSIONS HOW TO HANDLE CATS Sue Cosby, Pennsylvania SPCA From physical handling in shelters to creative adoption promotions – how can you improve your ability to save cats’ lives when faced with a lot of cats and not much of anything else? After Sue shares her story of improving the health and well-being of cats in a busy, urban animal control shelter, she will review innovative adoption promotions to help cats get new homes. OR MUNICIPAL SHELTERS AND PRIVATE PROGRAMS – SAVING LIVES TOGETHER Deb Edwards The days of private organizations and animal control facilities being on opposite sides are long gone. Today we see that both parties are crucial to saving animals’ lives. Deb will review programs and policies that help these partnerships run smoothly and efficiently. 10 am – 10:30 am Petfinder & Speaking of Dogs ***10:30 AM – 12:30 PM*** CHOOSE FROM TWO SESSIONS EVALUATING DOGS FOR ADOPTABILITY Pia Silvani, St Hubert’s Animal Welfare Through the use of videos, Pia will illustrate common dog behaviors with reference to adults, children, resources and other dogs. She will discuss what we are looking at and how to interpret what we’re seeing to help us make the best decisions regarding training and placement. OR ALL ABOUT FELINE RESPIRATORY INFECTION Dr. Stephanie Janeczko,The ASPCA Frustrated by upper respiratory tract infections? Don’t know what else to do? You’re not alone. Upper respiratory infections are the most common infectious diseases seen in shelter cats. This workshop will focus on the viruses and bacteria that cause URI, how they’re spread, and how we can best prevent them and treat sick cats. 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM LUNCH ***1:30 PM – 3:30 PM*** CHOOSE FROM TWO SESSIONS TRAINING & BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION IN SHELTER DOGS Pia Silvani, St Hubert’s Animal Welfare Wellness is a balance between medical, physical, emotional and behavorial fitness. Living in a shelter environment or moving from foster home to foster home can be very stressful for some animals. As a result, behavior problems can develop or get worse. Maintaining balance in behavioral health is critical. The mind and body are not separate entities but thoroughly interwoven and connected. The dog’s mind and body produce a whole dog. Pia will demonstrate with shelter dogs how to evaluate theirs needs as individuals in order to enhance behavioral wellness, address common behavior problems and increase adoptability. OR BASIC HEALTH FOR SHELTER AND RESCUE ANIMALS Dr. Stephanie Janeczko,The ASPCA There isn’t always a veterinarian right on hand when animals come into your program. This workshop will cover basic shelter animal health exams and vaccination protocols. Feel free to bring personal examples and questions. 3:30 PM – 4 PM RAFFLE WINNERS AND CONCLUSION JOIN US FOR COCKTAILS AND LIGHT SNACKS FROM 5 PM – 7 PM Take this opportunity to network and talk with our speakers. is the oldest, largest and most successful searchable database of homeless pets on the Web. It provides more than 13,000 animal adoption groups with free home pages and technical support to spotlight their adoptable pets online as well as providing networking platforms, discounts and gifts, and education for the groups. Visitors to the site, from the comfort of their homes, enter search criteria to see animals available for adoption ranked by distance from their Zip codes. The site has facilitated over 17 million adoptions since it was created in 1996. SPEAKERS LYNN DAVIDSON, PETFINDER.COM Lynn is a member of the shelter outreach team and manages the Adoption Options program. She has been involved in shelter and rescue work for over fifteen years and has served as the manager of the state of New Jersey’s pilot low-cost spay/neuter program. She is a certified ACO and former board member of a local TNR program. Lynn is a graduate of Rutgers University and an avid motorsports fan and lives in New Jersey with two dogs and six cats. Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers and now the secretary of the APDT Foundation. She is also on the advisory committee of the Animal Rescue League of Boston and consults with various organizations around the company to enhance and improve their training and behavior departments. Pia has been involved in rescue work for over 20 years. She shares her home with her three Belgian Tervurens and boss-cat Soldier. In her spare time, she and her dogs successfully compete in obedience, Rally-O, agility and K9 Noseworks. STEPHANIE JANECZKO,THE ASPCA DEB EDWARDS Dr. Janeczko received her D.V.M. from Cornell University in 2004. Following graduation, she spent time in general small animal practice. Her experiences with the animals from shelters and rescue groups strengthened her interest in the field of shelter medicine, and in 2006 Dr. Janeczko became the first resident in shelter medicine at Cornell.While there her time was divided between seeing cases through the Cornell University Hospital for Animals and working directly with shelters, particularly those surrounding Ithaca, N.Y. After completing her residency as well as an M.S. in epidemiology, Dr. Janeczko served as medical director for Animal Care & Control of New York City and is currently the senior director of community outreach shelter medicine programs for the ASPCA. She shares her home with her furry family – four wonderful cats and the best dog in the world. Deb Edwards has a long and distinguished career in animal welfare. She is a certified animal control officer as well as a certified animal cruelty investigator and has received citations from the Township of Parsippany and the legislature of the State of NJ. Most recently, Deb was the director of operations for Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter, where she oversaw all shelter operations. She speaks frequently on animal welfare to various professional and public audiences. Deb shares her home in New Jersey with two dogs, two cats, two birds, a thriving fish tank and a very understanding partner – all of them rescues in one way or another. Pia is vice president of training and behavior at St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center in Madison, N.J. Pia writes behavior articles for the shelter’s newsletter and library. She lectures on animal behavior internationally and routinely consults with various shelters around the world. She is past vice president of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and Sue Cosby is the CEO of the Pennsylvania SPCA, former executive director of the Animal Welfare Association and former COO of Philadelphia Animal Control. After earning a degree in advertising and working as a small business owner, she left the for-profit world to work for animals. Her first animal sheltering job was cleaning kennels as a kennel attendant, and she has since worn many hats, working in various roles in the field. Susan is firmly committed to lifesaving programs and compassionate, progressive philosophies that lead to no-kill communities. TORONTO DON VALLEY HOTEL & SUITES 416-449-4111 PIA SILVANI, ST. HUBERT’S ANIMAL WELFARE CENTER SUE COSBY, PENNSYLVANIA SPCA Lynn Davidson-Katz, 732-993-7838 QUESTIONS & ADDITIONAL INFO Register online by Oct. 18 at and pay by credit card using Paypal. You may also email to arrange to pay at the door. You may attend either day or both; there is no need to specify. How to register FROM AIRPORT: Follow 401 East to Don Valley Parkway. Travel south on Don Valley Parkway to Wynford Drive exit. After exiting turn left (East) onto Wynford Drive. Turn right at the next set of lights, and the hotel’s entrance is on the right. FROM HWY 401: Take Don Valley Parkway South to Wynford Drive exit. After exiting, turn left (East) onto Wynford Drive. Turn right at the next set of lights, and the hotel’s entrance is on the right. DIRECTIONS: Lynn Davidson-Katz, 28 Garden Street South River, NJ 08882 TWO-DAY SEMINAR FROM QEW/GARDINER (DOWN TOWN ): Take Don Valley Parkway North and exit at Eglinton Avenue East. Stay in the right hand lane, then exit at Wynford Drive. Turn right at the light, then pass underneath the bridge and go through the next set of lights. The hotel’s entrance is on the left. Join us for a Special thanks to Speaking of Dogs sponsored by PETFINDER™ SATURDAY & SUNDAY OCTOBER 22 & 23 TORONTO DON VALLEY HOTEL & SUITES 1250 Englinton Ave. East Toronto, ON 416-449-4111 ADOPTION OPTIONS behavior, placement and promotion
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