File - Hope Lutheran Church


File - Hope Lutheran Church
“We have our hope set on the living God” 1 Timothy 4:10
March 2016
Issue No. 3
The Messenger of Hope
“The Messenger of
Hope” is the
newspaper of Hope
Lutheran Church,
5104-106 Avenue
Edmonton T6A
1G2, 780-4668502. Email:
Website: The
newspaper is
published monthly.
Its purpose is to
inform, encourage
and promote. Do
you have a
testimony, a story,
jokes, a recipe to
Contributions are
welcome and due
around the middle
of each month. Get
them in print,
write, type, or
photocopy. Any
form is acceptable.
Drop it off in the
mailbox, fax it in,
or email.
Pastor’s Message
"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near" Isaiah 55:6 NRSV
When Isaiah wrote this text, the people were experiencing a time when
God seemed silent. It was not that God was silent, God still spoke through the
voices of the prophets, but it was a time when the people didn't pay attention
because they didn't like what God was saying.
Isaiah calls his hearers to remember that God wants us to seek him
because he is always near. We can't go anywhere where the creator of the
universe isn't already there. Since God is so close and wants us to call on him,
we are invited to take him up on his offer in all we do.
Late last month, we held our annual Council Retreat and meeting where
both returning and new members gathered to learn what servicing on Church
Council really means for themselves and for the congregation. Then portfolios
were assigned and breakout groups brainstormed ideas for the future. I believe it
was very productive, and I am excited about the ideas that came forth for us. God
was there. Every member of this year's Council has experience serving. Some
are continuing their terms, and some are returning after taking time off, some are
serving in new positions, but all have served this congregation before. They are
experienced in decision making and have an earnest desire to help us all seek
the Lord and call on him because they know and believe that he is near. They are
an energetic and enthusiastic group who want to serve to the best of their abilities
and engage the congregation in doing the ministry that God has called us to do. I
look forward to working with them, and I hope you do too. Now we march into the
As I have mentioned before, and I know I am not the first to point this out,
but March is the only month to contain an order for us. We are to march forth (4 th).
Although this is a play on words, there is much wisdom in this order, especially
this year as we continue our march through Lent towards the betrayal and arrest
of Jesus on Thursday March 24th, the cross of Christ on March 25 with the Good
Friday services, and joyfully to the empty tomb of the Messiah with the service on
March 27. As mentioned during the announcements after service on the Sunday
after the Council Retreat, we will not have an Easter Sunrise service this year.
Please share your opinions on this decision with any Council member.
As you look at the church calendar at the end of the Messenger, you will
see that there are a lot of other activities taking place this month, activities that
will keep us busy. And many of these activities are continuations of activities
begun in previous months. Notice, that on Sunday March 6th we will use the Now the Feast and
Celebration communion liturgy for the first Sunday of the month and the second Sunday of March
(March 13) will be our Contemporary service. This switch is for March only due to a personal schedule
conflict within the band and mutually agreed upon by the Praise Band and the Kroller's. We will also
have Communion on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Easter Sunday. We continue with our midweek Lenten soup and bun suppers followed by a short worship service. God is here. But what else is
happening in March in your lives outside the congregation?
We have students gearing up for the final push towards exams, some with an eye to graduationcongratulations, and others with an eye towards next year, and more studies. God is with you. Some
couples are getting the final details on the wedding plans for later this summer, and others are going to
be faced with making funeral arrangements for family members who will die this month. It is my hope
and prayer for all these people that in the midst of all their planning, working, and decision making, you
will keep in mind that God has made a decision about us already and that decision is for eternal life.
God is with you.
No matter what this month, or last month, threw or throws at us, through the cross and empty
tomb of this month, we have the hope and promise of eternal life, giving us the strength, courage, and
perseverance to face all the challenges that come our way. Seek the Lord and He will be found.
May you march forth towards the busyness of this month confident that God through Christ is
with us marching beside us. May we all get in step with Christ as we march forth.
Pastor Laird
Families of the Week for March
February 28-March 5
March 6-12
March 13-19
March 20-26
March 27-April 2
Daryl & Sharon Kreuzer
Michael Kreuzer
Jason Kreuzer
Reinhard & Barbara Kroller
Matthias & Shayne Kroller
Johannes Kroller
Ken, Coralee, Benjamin, & Jessica Lerohl
Vernice Lienholt
Herald Lindgren
Morgan Lindgren
Larry & Jean Meger
Janet Meger
Upcoming Events
March 7
March 11
March 12
March 14
March 15
March 19
12:00pm Book Study
Pizza & Board Games
Men’s Breakfast &
Bible Study
Ladies Crafting
Coffee Time
Hope & Friends Bible
March 20
March 24
March 25
March 30
10:30am Special Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
10:30am Good Friday Morning
Good Friday
Tenebrae Service
LCW News
The World Day of Prayer is Friday, March 4th. The service featuring Cuba will be held at Ottewell
United Church at 7:00pm. Hope will be participating in the service after which refreshments with a
Cuban flavour will round out the evening. Hope to see you there.
LCW Bible study is happening on Wednesday, March 9th at 1:30pm at the church. We will be using
the Bishop's study (Practicing Our Faith) in the February Messenger. The topic is Keeping Sabbath
based on Exodus 20: 8-11 and Deuteronomy 5: 12-15. All women welcome to come out for it.
Quilting for March is after Easter on March 30th. Come and tie knots, visit and have lunch with hot
soup. Bring a sandwich, etc. to go with the soup. Quilting goes from 9-3 approximately. You can stay
as long as you are able.
Baptismal Anniversaries
12 21 23 27 31 -
Trey Dakin
Michael Kreuzer
Jessica Wolfrey
Freda Ness
Dylan Norton
James Rose
James Ketler
John Dmitri
Marjorie Fenske
Rudy Kiel
Dianne Osback-Brown
Avangeline Norton
Connor Short
Jeffrey Hanasyk
Gordon Anderson
Gordon Halbert
Susan Smith
Teresa Grynas
Dorothy Moench
Ted Elford
Jessica Hodson
Gordon Anderson
Janet Meger
Leslie Rivet
Morgan Lindgren
Bradley Armstrong
Baptisms in February
No baptisms in February
Bishop’s Message
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ –
Throughout 2016 I invite you to reflect with me
on the theme of “Practicing Our Faith” as you
gather for church council, adult study, youth
group, coffee group, choir rehearsal and are
engaged in learning, discernment and reflection
together. Dorothy Bass has edited an excellent
resource published several years ago by JosseyBass, Practicing Our Faith, which I will be using
as a primary resource. Together with Don
Richter, Dorothy Bass has also edited a second
book, Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens,
published by Upper Room Books, which is also
an excellent resource. Each article will include a
Scripture reference, thematic reflection,
questions for consideration, and a prayer.
Portions of this article were also used in the
February 2013 Monthly Message for
Congregations and Lay and Rostered Leaders
and the March 2014 edition of the Canada
I want a fast
from gluttony of nations, systems, policies
that feed some well others starve for grain,
for bread,
for dreams,
for peace.
Jan Richardson, Sacred Journeys
“giving something up for Lent”
I’ve often struggled with the notion of “giving
something up for Lent.” Now don’t get me wrong;
I am all for spiritual practices and discipline. I’m
just not sure that the act of giving up chocolate
or TV or texting for Lent can draw us closer to
God in and of itself. Laurence Hull Stookey puts
it well when he writes: “Lenten disciplines are not
temporary deletions or additions, but spiritual
exercises that permanently alter us....The fuller
Lenten discipline is a self-examination that seeks
greater conformity to the mind of Christ, and
more effective ministry on behalf of the world”
(Calendar: Christ's Time for the Church,
Abingdon Press, 1996, p. 82).
The concept of a period of penitence and
preparation for the celebration of Christ’s
resurrection through spiritual exercises such as
fasting originated as a way of preparing new
converts for their baptism, which would occur at
the Easter Vigil. As Christianity gained a foothold
in the culture and infant baptism became the
norm, this time of preparation was extended to
include those who had already been baptized.
Within our faith communities’ “giving something
up for Lent” is frequently heard. “Giving
something up” as a reminder of what Christ gave
up for us in his incarnation, his life on earth, and
his death. But while we may have the right
intentions, I wonder if our practices truly alter how
we view the world around us; our relationship
with Christ; or our relationship with one another.
This Lenten season I encourage you to think
deeply about your Lenten observance. Instead of
asking what you can give up for Lent, consider
what stands in the way of a closer walk with God.
Do you need to turn the TV off in order to spend
more time in prayer and Scripture reading? Then
by all means limit your TV viewing and replace it
with devotional time. In other words, whatever we
choose ought to bring us closer to Christ himself.
But there is more. Christ gave himself up for
others, and through our baptism into Christ we
are called to do the same. During Lent, consider
what practices will help bring about Christ’s
kingdom here on earth. Are there people with
whom you need to be reconciled? Is there a way
to promote justice in your community? Are there
opportunities to serve the poor, the widow, and
the orphan? Asking these kinds of questions will
lead us to practices that result in the deep
change intended by Lenten observances.
This year, rather than simply “giving something
up for Lent” I challenge you to give more of
yourselves to Christ by finding one or two ways in
which your life can more fully emulate his.
Perhaps these will become habits that don’t end
with Easter but continue to sustain you
throughout the year.
Read and Reflect: Psalm 136
Discuss and Reflect:
What in this reading leads you to say, “I wonder about…”, or, “I noticed…”
What memories does “the season of Lent” evoke for you?
How have your patterns of “giving something up for Lent” changed during the course of your
Comment on the following: This year…I challenge you to give more of yourselves to Christ by
finding one or two ways in which your life can more fully emulate his.
Pray together: Spirit of God, Life and Life-giver, Root of all life, Enlivening Wind, washing away sin,
anointing each wound, You are True Life, alive with Light, worthy of praise, awakening the heart
from death to new life. Amen. (Hildegard of Bingen)
The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the
power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).
In Christ Jesus –
Council Highlights
Full minutes and notes of council discussion in the Council Minutes Binder available in the narthex for signingout. The sign-out sheet is above the binder.
Our new council:
Chairperson: Dale Allen
Treasurer: Chris Samm
Secretary: Sarah Roy
Trustees: Gordon Halbert (Head Trustee), Ed Thiede
Deacon: Tom Pelech
Elders: Bill Bedwin (Witness Elder), Stephen Borst (Worship Elder), Herald Lindgren (Support Elder), Catherine
Moir (Head Elder/Service Elder), Lilian Stordalsvoll (Learning Elder)
-Motion that Hope Lutheran Church be the named organization for the grant application for the Community
Christmas dinner. By Bill Bedwin. Seconded by Herald Lindgren. Approved unanimously
-Motion to allow the ETS driver to use our piano and sanctuary to record the playing of the hymn. By Bill
Bedwin. Seconded by Ed Thiede. Approved unanimously
-Motion that for 2016 only we do not have a sunrise service. By Lillian Stordalsvoll. Seconded by Ed Thiede.
-Motion that the Chairperson prepare a letter on behalf of the council to be sent to our federal representatives
stating our concerns about the unfairness and injustice of making all refugees to Canada prior to November 4,
2015 pay back the travel and medical expense loans in order to come to Canada. By Catherine Moir. Seconded
by Lilian Stordalsvoll. Discussion. Approved unanimously. We encourage members of the congregation to also
write their own letters if they should chose.
-Motion that Council follows Synod’s recommendation and grants Pastor the extra week of vacation for 2016. By
Catherine Moir. Seconded by Bill Bedwin. Approved.
-Catherine Moir and Lilian Stordalsvoll are the new Council representatives on the INAF
PowerPoint Surveys
-General consensus was that the PowerPoint is essential to worship.
-After the Lenten season, some of the suggestions will start to be incorporated.
Bulletin Surveys
-After the Lenten season, there will be a few Sundays we will have new sample bulletins and you will have the
opportunity to vote whether you like the style or not..
Palm Sunday Special Service – Sun, March 20, 2016
Please join us at Hope for worship on Sunday, March 20 at 10:30am. The Sunday
School children will be helping lead the service so it will indeed be a special Palm
Sunday service! Please invite your friends, families, and neighbors to join us for this
joyful worship service to praise God and sing our “Hosannas”!
Coffee Time is an event that many look forward to each month and it has been very well attended. We
will continue with Coffee Time on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month from 9:30 -11 am from September until
May. Remember to invite others you know to come to Coffee Time with you. All ages are welcome to
attend. Coffee, tea, and coffee will be provided. If you’re feeling inspired in the kitchen or the grocery
store, you are also welcome to bring fruit, goodies, or snacks for Coffee Time.
Coffee Times will be: March 15, April 19, May 17
The Hope prayer chain seems to be working well and is providing support, care, and most importantly
prayer for those in need. Please contact Pastor Laird or Susan G if you have a prayer request or
praise report. Please also contact Susan G at 780-468-2201 or if you
would like to be one of the prayers on the prayer chain.
Hope and Friends Bible Study Group
Everyone is invited to join Hope and Friends Bible Study Group that meets on
the 3rd Saturday of each month (October – April) from 4:15 – 6:30pm. We start
with a potluck supper and then have a bible study from 5:30 – 6:30pm
(childcare is provided during this time). For the 2015/2016 year, the group will
be watching “The Truth Project” Dvd and having a discussion afterward. On
March 19th, we will be watching Lesson 3: Anthropology: Who is Man? For
more info, talk to Jenny S. Dates for the study are: March 19, April 17
Prayer Buddy Sundays are a special time for the generations to intermingle while doing a craft, a
devotion, and praying together from 9:45 to 10:20 one Sunday morning each month. To sign up for
the Prayer Buddy Program please talk to Jenny S (435-6328 or
Prayer Buddy Sundays –March 20, April 17
Board Games Night - Fri, March 11, 2015 at 5:30pm
We will have a pizza supper (a free will offering will be
taken to cover the cost of the pizza) and then play board
games afterward. * Please bring your crib boards,
decks of cards, & favorite board games along. * This is
an intergenerational event that everyone is welcome to
* Please sign up on the bulletin board in the foyer by
Sunday, March 6 so we can plan accordingly for the amount of pizza we will
need to order.
Connections Team – Meeting on Monday, April 4th
The “Connections Team” meets one or two times a year to discuss and plan projects to promote
church growth. For example, some of the projects we have worked on during the last year include:
Coffee Time, Prayer Buddies, and “Back to Church Sunday”. Listed below are the five purposes of
the Connections Team.
To connect people at Hope who are active members.
To reach out to our inactive members at Hope.
To become better at welcoming guests to Hope.
To reach out to our community with the Gospel message.
To “grow our church” in terms of spiritual growth, connectedness, and in terms of new
The Connections Team is ready to jump back into action and usually we only meet once a year so it is
not a big time commitment. Our next meeting will be on Monday, April 4th at 7:30pm. We would
love to have more people at our annual brainstorming session – all are welcome! For more info,
please talk to Jenny S.
The whole congregation is invited upstairs
after the March 20 Palm Sunday Worship
Service to enjoy some Fruit Salad and to hear a
little bit about the Fruits of the Spirit
Celebration – all are welcome!!!
10 – 11:30am
Hope Lutheran Church
(5104 – 106 Ave)
HOPE LUTHERAN is excited to invite YOU to this annual event that will include drop-in
style interactive, engaging stations including …
* Spring Crafts
* Games
* The Bug Lady
* Sensory Bins by “Born to Create”!
There is lots to keep everyone entertained & yes, the Bug Lady will once again be
bringing spiders, snakes & other crawly things for you to learn about & even hold.
Light snacks will be provided.
For more info, contact 780-466-8502 or email
will also be provided.