March 13, 2016 - American Martyrs Church
March 13, 2016 - American Martyrs Church
A W e l c o m i n g C o mm u n i t y , H e l p i n g O n e A n o t h e r Fifth Sunday of Lent Pastor Rev. Msgr. John F. Barry, P.A. Associate Pastors Rev. Joseph Kammerer Rev. Rick Prindle Deacons Fred Rose Derek Brown Chris Amantea Dick Williams Business Manager Bob Hodges Weekend Mass Saturday Vigil: 5 pm Sunday: 7am, 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am and 5pm Weekday Mass Monday / Wednesday / Friday: 8am , 12:10 pm and 5 pm Tuesday / Thursday: 6:30am , 8am , 12:10 pm and 5pm Saturday: 8 am Holy Day Mass Vigil: 5pm Holy Day: 6:30am, 8am, 12:10pm, 5pm, and 7:30pm Reconciliation (Penance) Tuesday: 7 am -7:15 am Wednesday: 5:30 pm -6 pm Thursday: 7 am -7:15 am Friday: 5:30 pm -6 pm Saturday: 8:30 am -9 am 4 pm -4:30 pm Eves of Holy Days: 4 pm -4:30 pm Confessions by request anytime; call Rectory for appointment. 624 15 t h S t r e e t Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (310)545-5651 to L i v e H o ly L i v e s in Jesus Christ. M arch 13, 2016 A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y We welcome you to American Martyrs Catholic Community Next Weekend's Mass Celebrants Parish Facilities Sat 5:00pm: Sun 7:00am: 8:00am: 9:30am: 11:30am: 5:00pm: RECTORY 624 15 Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-545-5651 | fax 424-327-9703 Mailing Address: PO Box 3639, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-1639 th PARISH OFFICES & MEETING ROOMS 1400 Deegan Place, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310-545-5651 | fax 424-327-9702 Temporary Parish Offices are on 15th Street Daily Prayers of the Church between the Gym and the Parish House ADORATION / MEDITATION CHAPEL Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5:00pm | Sunday, 8:30am-1:00pm Mon-Fri, 7:00am-8:00pm ST. KATERI ROOM (enter from Deegan Place) O'DONNELL HALL and St. Brigid/Brendan Room Saturday, 7:00am-5:00pm Sunday, 1:00pm-5:00pm (enter from O'Donnell parking lot) GYM - 701 15th Street | 310-802-8720 Do not park on 15th Street. Use parking structure and crosswalk HOLY FAMILY HOUSE - 700 17th Street Do not park on 17th Street. Use lower level entrance next to Gym Closed during regular Sunday Masses. Contact: Jim Quilliam AdorationChapel@Americ anMar t DAILY ROSARY: Monday - Saturday, 7:30am, in the Church OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP SACRED HEART HOUSE - 720 18 Street th Do not park on 18 Street. Park in O'Donnell or School lots and enter from schoolyard. th SPIRITUALITY CENTER - 770 17th Street St. Joseph's Chapel, Meditation Garden Upper Room Library (open Sunday,10am-4pm) AMERICAN MARTYRS SCHOOL 1701 Laurel Ave., Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-4805 310-545-8559 | fax 310-546-7219 Principal, Camryn Connelly, Ed.D. AMS@Americ anMar t AMERICAN MARTYRS PRESCHOOL 1705 Laurel Ave., Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-4805 Director, Mara Zepeda | 310-802-8149 mzepeda@Americ anMar t RELIGIOUS EDUCATION | 310-546-4734 1701 Laurel Ave., Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-4805 Pray for the Sick Please pray for the sick in our community that they may find comfort and healing in Christ, especially: Arlene Platten Jacob Conde Kathy Rico Baichtal Pat O'Brien Samantha Concetti Steven Pico Joseph Clifford Lauralee Ralston Mary Heffernan Kent Kirkpatrick Christa Duggan Carissa Enright Kathy O'Mara Helen Solis John Sullivan Martha Ortiz-Mena George Murphy (DEVOTION & BENEDICTION) Tuesday following the 8:00am Mass PARISH HOUSE - 659 15th Street Msgr. John Barry Fr. Joe Kammerer Fr. Rick Prindle Msgr. John Barry (Livestream) Fr. Joe Kammerer Fr. Rick Prindle This schedule is subject to change. ROSARY FOR THE UNBORN Wednesday following the 5:00pm Mass, followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet A r med Forces We pray for those serving overseas in our Armed Forces, especially: I n M emoriam Betty Stover Bill O'Connor Jonathan Khachi Will Kamp Fernando Cano Maria Rodriguez Josephine Robles Juanita Miller May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Sgt Ciriaco Ayala - U.S.M.C. CPT Maureen Bannon- U.S. Army LTJG Joshua Bergen - U.S. Navy CPT Evan Bernstein - U.S.M.C. Jonathan Concetti - U.S.M.C. SSG Eric Cothren - U.S. Army PVT Julia Cothren - U.S. Army LCpl Fred Hoffman - U.S.M.C. SGT Charles Koffman - U.S. Army 1LT Nicholas Marquez - National Guard Matthew Murphy - U.S. Navy SSgt Kyle Nesbitt – U.S.A.F. Brendan Quinn - U.S. Navy Cpl Paul Regotti - U.S.M.C. LT Marissa Watson - U.S. Navy Sacramental Information Baptism For Infants - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays at 1:00pm Contact Deacon Fred Rose, 310-545-5651, for appointment. Pre-Baptism instruction for parents and godparents is required. Next class is Sunday, March 13. Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist (RCIA) Deacon Derek & Terri Brown, RCIA@Americ anMar t Rite of Christian Initial for Adults welcomes and prepares adults for full participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Classes begin in September. Marriage - Contact Rectory at least 6 months prior to wedding date. Anointing of the Sick - Celebrated throughout the year. Call anytime in case of serious illness. Mass Intentions - Scheduled in person at the Parish Offices. Prayers for the Sick and Deceased - Contact the Rectory with the names of family members who are ill or deceased. Funeral Planning Contact the Rectory to arrange Funeral or Memorial Services. Bereavement Support Deacon Chris & Yvonne Amantea camantea@AmericanMar | yamantea@AmericanMar M a r ch 1 3, 2 016 |F if t h S unday of L en t Calendar, Mass Intentions & Readings This Week N ext Weekend MONDAY, March 14 5:30amPH Men’s & Women's AA Meeting 9:00am HFH Monday Morning Starters 9:00am ODH AMS Assembly 9:00am SpC Monday Morning Faith Sharing 5:00pmBB Happy Holy Hour Dance Class 7:00pm SpC Family Promise Orientation 7:00pm SpL Monday Evening Prayer Group 8:15pm BB Penance Service Reception TUESDAY, March 15 5:30amPH Men’s AA Meeting 9:00amODH Help for the Hungry - Grade 6B 9:15am SpC Tuesday Morning Scripture Study 3:00pmODH Mustang Players 3:30pm PH Legion of Mary 3:45pm SCH SRE Grades 1-6 6:00pm HFH Teen Tuesday 6:30pmSK Sandtots Meeting 7:00pmHFH Beginning Again 7:00pmPH Stewardship Commission 7:15pm SCH Jr. High SRE 7:30pmBB Al-Anon 7:30pm SpC Contemplative Prayer WEDNESDAY, March 16 5:30amPH Men’s & Women's AA Meeting 9:00amBB Mothers of Young Children 10:00amPH Weekly Scripture Readings with Fr. Joe 10:00am PH Mission Bridge 3:45pm SCH SRE Grades 1-6 5:00pmBB Happy Holy Hour Dance Class 7:15pm SCH Jr. High SRE 7:30pmPH Social Justice & Outreach Commission 7:30pmSpC Sunday’s Readings in Context 7:30pmSK RCIA THURSDAY, March 17 5:30amPH Men’s AA Meeting 8:00amODH Altar Society Lenten Retreat 3:15pmSKMR AM Children’s Choir FRIDAY, March 18 8:00am ODH Lenten Dinner Preparation 11:15am SJC Silent Meditation 12:00pmSpC Matthew 25 Saturday's Blessings 12:10pmBB Mass 3:30pmSCH Irish Dance 5:30pm ODH Lenten Dinner 7:00pmHFH Circle of Friends SATURDAY, 8:00am ODH 8:30amSCH 9:00am ODH 10:00am SHH 5:00pmBBP NOTE: Dates and locations are subject to change without notice. Please check with the ministry to verify event. Facilities: BB-SS. Brigid/Brendan ∙ BBP-SS. Brigid/Brendan Patio ∙ CH-Church ChP-Church Patio ∙ GYM-Gym ∙ HFH-Holy Family House ∙ ODH-O’Donnell Hall PH-Parish House ∙ SpC-Spirituality Center ∙ SpG-Spirituality Garden SpL-Spirituality Center Library ∙ SCH-School ∙ SHH-Sacred Heart House SJC-St. Joseph’s Chapel ∙ SK-St. Kateri ∙ SKMR-St. Kateri Music Room March 19 Matthew 25 Sandwich Making SJ&O Day of Volunteering First Communion Workshop AA Women AMYM Loaves and Fishes Food Collection SUNDAY, March 20 After all MassesBBP AMYM Loaves and Fishes Food Collection 7:00amODH Coffee & Donuts 10:00amSpL Spiritual Library (open until 4:00pm) 6:15pmSK AMYM Life Night Mass Intentions and Readings for the Week MONDAY, March 14 Readings: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Jn 8:12-20 8:00 Kay Giery † (The Busby Family) 12:10 Lucy Nuzzo † (Carol Quinlan) 5:00 Grace Rinaldi † (Barbara Krag) TUESDAY, March 15 Readings: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21; Jn 8:21-30 6:30Special Intention 8:00 Ginny Kelly † (Chuck & Nancy Wuller) 12:10 Evan Harrington † (Fulkerson/Clarke Families) 5:00 Nelson Cabal (Joyce Payne) WEDNESDAY, March 16 Readings: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56; Jn 8:31-42 8:00 Jo Marie Law † (Kim & Russ Neglia) 12:10 Suzie Rose † (Dave & Doreen Harrington) 5:00 Dr. John Messenger † (The Maertz Family) THURSDAY, March 17 - St. Patrick Readings: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; Jn 8:51-59 6:30 Americo Petrilli † (Frank & Gloria Marsella) 8:00 Lt. Col. John Harris † (Catherine Harris) 12:10 Patrick Pham † (Jennifer Pham) 5:00 Tom O’Connor † (The Muldoon Family) FRIDAY, March 18 - St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Abstinence) Readings: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7; Jn 10:31-42 8:00 Fred Vendrick † (Tom & Rhonda Hoffarth) 12:10 Suzanne Donatucci † (Rosemary Gray) 5:30 Paul Joseph Ulibarri † (Dave & Dottie Arias) SATURDAY, March 19 - St. Joseph Readings: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, and 29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a 8:00 Edward Madera † (Lawrence R. Menendez) 5:00 Amory Michelle Olivadoti-Bergens † (Jerry & Cheri Olson) SUNDAY, March 20 - Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Readings: Lk 19:28-40; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Phil 2:8-9; Lk 22:14-23:56 or 23:1-49 7:00 Carol Harding (Bobbi Buescher) 8:00 Nicetas Hontucan † (Hontucan Family) 9:30 For the Parishioners, Living and Deceased 11:30 Laura Kravec † (Kravec Family) 5:00 John McCarthy † (Angela Niemann & Chris Devchick) Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y D ivine M ercy DEVOTION TO THE DIVINE MERCY Our Lord not only taught St. Faustina the fundamentals of trust, and of mercy to others, but He also revealed special ways to live out the response to His mercy. These we call the devotion to The Divine Mercy. The word “devotion” means fulfilling our vows; it is a commitment of our lives to the Lord who is Mercy itself. By giving our lives to The Divine Mercy – Jesus Christ Himself – we become instruments of His mercy to others, and so we can live out the command of the Lord: Be merciful even as your Father is merciful -- Lk 6:36 Through St. Faustina, Our Lord gave us special means of drawing on His mercy; an Image of The Divine Mercy, a Chaplet of The Divine Mercy, a Feast of Mercy, a novena, and prayer at the 3:00 hour – the hour of His death. These special means are in addition to the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation which have been given to the Church. Divine Mercy literature is available in the vestibule of the church. Tr i d u u m S c h e d u l e H oly T hursday – March 24 Morning Mass - 8:00am Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7:30pm (followed by Adoration until midnight in the St. Kateri Room) G ood F riday – March 25 "Liturgy, the Work of the People" Liturgy, defined as the "work of the people," includes the preparation and implementation of our community's liturgical celebrations. The goal of liturgy is the "full, conscious, and active participation" of all the people in our worship. When we think of liturgical ministry and "active participation" in worship, we may associate these with the musicians, lectors, presider, etc. Yet, all members of the worshiping community actively participate in the important ministry known as the MINISTRY OF THE ASSEMBLY or the Ministry of the Celebrating Community. Christ is present in the actions of the community of believers who come together to celebrate their faith and the presence of Christ in their lives. We strengthen one another's faith in the ways that we sing, respond, and are attentive to each other and to what is happening during our Sunday Eucharist. Are you interested in becoming a liturgical minister? EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS assist the presider at our Eucharistic celebrations in distributing Holy Communion to the assembly. These Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion share Eucharist with members of the assembly with the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist, and with a joyous, welcoming spirit that embodies Christ truly among us in the Liturgy. This ministry is open to active, confirmed parishioners. Training is provided and ministers are assigned based on their Mass preference and availability, serving at one of the six weekend Masses, usually 1-3 times per month. Questions? Contact EucharisticMinistr y@AmericanMar t or Peggy Paul, 310-370-4752 | Maureen Miller, 310-545-6252 The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. Ps 126 "The Lamentations" - 12:00pm Scriptural Reflections in Song Dramatized Stations of the Cross 12:30pm and 7:00pm Good Friday Service (Liturgy of the Word, Communion, Veneration of the Cross) 2:00pm and 8:15pm H oly S aturday – March 26 No 8:00am Mass Easter Vigil Service/Mass (fulfills Sunday obligation) Monday, April 18, 2016 7:30 - 10:00pm E aster S unday – March 27 Mass 6:30am 7:00am 8:00am 8:15am 9:30am 9:45am 11:30am 11:45am 1:00pm 5:00pm Location Church O’Donnell Church O’Donnell Church O’Donnell Church O’Donnell Church Church Music Group Latin/11:30am Choir Cantor/Guitar (Dcn. Derek) Cantor/Piano (Daniel Wargo) Cantor/Guitar (Dcn. Derek) 9:30am Choir/Brass 5:00pm Sun. Guitar Choir 11:30am Choir/Brass 5:00pm Sat. Choir (Sean Mahon) Cantor/Piano (Nathan & Sean) Cantor/Guitar (Dcn. Derek) 17th Annual American Martyrs School Golf Classic Palos Verdes Golf Club Find the link for online registration at w w w. A m e r i c a n M a r t y r s. o r g Golf Co-Chairs: Carrie Hayes & Catherine Cobb Volunteers Needed Please call for details, 310-418-1051 M a r ch 1 3, 2 016 |F if t h S unday of L en t P arish L ife Coffee & Donuts in O'Donnell Hall AMS Grade 3 are serving Coffee & Donuts after the 7am, 8am, and 9:30am Masses. NEXT WEEK: AMS Grade 4 will serve Coffee and Donuts after the 7am, 8am, and 9:30am Masses. Joi n a Choir! We are all looking for new members, and Lent is a good time to join in singing. We all need men, and the 9:30am and 11:30am choirs especially need tenors and sopranos. Contact: Bill Svarda, 310-640-8505 | wesvarda@soc M others of Young C hildren Wednesday, March 16 9:30–11:00am, SS. Brigid/Brendan Room Please join us for our annual Easter Party!! MOYC provides a network of friendship and local resources to mothers with babies through pre-school aged children in American Martyrs Parish. Whether you're a first time mom or you come with a brood, we welcome you! Bring your parenting questions, your prayer intentions, and your children for playtime and fellowship in a relaxed, supportive environment. Babysitting provided. Ministry Contacts: Elizabeth Serrano, 310-245-4459 or Erin Hanlon, 609-760-7988 | moyc@Americ a nMa r t Help us Transform Lent to the Resurrection You are invited to help bring the Glory of Easter to our church! Each year a group of men & women (and kids too!) transform the church from Lent to our beautiful Easter environment. Please join us for an hour, or more! Saturday, March 26 - we begin at 8:30 am and are finished about noon Questions? Contact Margaret Bower, m argeb ow @ a o l. co m L enten Friday Dinners - A Parish Tradition Join us Friday nights during Lent • Family Stations of the Cross at 5:00pm, • Family Mass at 5:30pm, and • Lenten Dinner in O’Donnell Hall. Dinner is served from 5:30 - 7:00pm. A simple meatless meal of homemade soup, pasta, rolls, fresh fruit, crisp salad, and PB&J sandwiches for the kids. A donation comparable to what one might spend in a family restaurant is suggested - most give $5/person or $20/family. All proceeds are given to the poor. March 18:Chili March 25: Baked Potato To give time and/or talent to this wonderful parish tradition, call Kristen Dorr, 310-469-2941 or Jen Rodriguez, 310-489-4324. VIRTUS - Protecting God’s Children Have you completed your VIRTUS requirement? Is your current certification expired? All parents, liturgical ministers, coaches and other adults interacting with minors are required to complete the Protecting God’s Children Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Session for Adults, and renew their certification every four years. Tuesday, April 5, 7:00-10:00pm, AMS 8th Grade Classroom VIRTUS Recertification, “Keeping the Promise Alive” Wednesday, April 6, 7:00 - 8:30pm, O'Donnell Hall Facilitator is Patti Williams, pwillia ms@Americ a nMa r t y Support Group for Those in Career Transition with Jan Tribble March 21, 10:00-11:00am, in the Parish House Don’t let your self-confidence and self-esteem suffer. Receive and offer encouragement and support in a safe setting where participants are encouraged to help one another through a challenging time. Follow us by joining our group on LinkedIn or contact: Andrea Connolly, careerbridgebuilders@AmericanMar t Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y Stewardship time talent treasure Commission Chair: Gary Ferrell Stew ar d ship @Am er ic anMar t y r s.o r g S t e wa rdsh ip ... moving us closer to God St. John's Gospel this weekend is one of the best-known stories about the mercy of Jesus. It is the story of an accused adulteress who the Pharisees use to test Jesus. I've read or heard this Gospel many times, but this Lent I was struck by how hopeless the situation was for the woman. She was essentially kidnapped by a mob, a lynch mob in wild-west terms, and I am sure she thought, "This is the end for me." It would be interesting to know how the outcome of the confrontation changed her life. We all have had times where we sense a loss of hope. For most of us these are not as threatening as the story in the Gospel but just overwhelming situations where we think we cannot cope any further. Depressing feelings are natural, but are not necessarily a loss of Hope; it is probably a loss of optimism which is a human emotion. Our Hope is based on God’s mercy and the promise of the resurrection. In administering mercy, notice that Jesus does not stand above her in judgment but bends down probably to be at her level. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, and especially during Lent, it is important for us to remember that we are called to love, not to judge. Try taking a moment each day and think about the times during the day that you have passed judgment on someone, either silently or in a conversation. When I did, I was surprised and embarrassed. Not only is this a time of mercy, but also it is also a time for us to forgive as Jesus did. This can be our way of being one with Jesus and knowing Him as He would like us to know Him. We should find forgiveness in our hearts and reconcile with those who we may have alienated. Stewardship calls us to show the same kind of love and mercy reflected by Jesus in the all the Gospels. We are called to find and see Jesus in all we meet, to be willing to humble ourselves, to get down at their level if necessary, so that we may serve and care for them. There are ways we can do this here in the ministries of our own faith community. Please contact us, Stewardship@AmericanMar with questions or comments on this article or about Stewardship. † Prayers for our Elect and Candidates † Near the baptismal font, you will find a basket with the names of the Elect and Candidates. Please take a name and keep them in prayer as they continue their journey. If you would like to leave them a card, please mark the outside of an envelope with their name, indicate “Easter”, and leave in the Parish Offices any time PRIOR to March 24. Those preparing to be baptized, the Elect, are. Eric Cuomo-Jones • Sarah Dieguez • Alison Guerrero Taryn Hess • Jason Leach • Daniel Myers Stephanie Onwuegbusi • Kris Petersen • Nicholas Ramirez Those Candidates who are already baptized and seeking full communion with Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, are. Julie Beuerlein • Maike Cenci • Misty Frazier Whitney Greaves • Alex Kadish • Nitza Montes Joseph Onwuegbusi • Natasha Perazzolo • Christi Smith Heather Tommasi • Jon Ward • Aimee Westlake The Candidates who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation to complete their full initiation are. Kelly Balue • Karina Garcia • Joseph Iside Kate Leach • Nicolette Lenzini • Lisa Robertson Pastoral Care B eginning A gain Our group offers a welcoming and healing atmosphere for those experiencing separation or divorce. The next meeting is Tuesday, March 15, from 7:00 - 9:00pm in the Holy Family House. The topic is "Fear." For more information call Jenny Attanasio, 310-545-5651. S tephen M inistry Deacon Dick & Patti Williams, 310-545-8244 When Will I Uncover My Pain? On this 5th Sunday of Lent we cover crosses and images in the church. This is intended to help us focus on the essential during these last weeks of Lent. Is the pain you feel in your life covered up? Want some help focusing on it and getting it uncovered? We can all benefit from a caring relationship with someone who faithfully and confidentially listens, empathizes, prays and encourages us. With the accompaniment of a Stephen Minister, you no longer have to go through your difficult time alone. Instead you have a well-trained, caring Christian friend who will walk alongside you for as long as necessary, providing emotional and spiritual support. If you or someone you know needs this support, please call our confidential phone line: 310-545-8244. C are N otes C an H elp You C ope If you want to become more involved at American Martyrs, contact Jenny Attanasio at 310-545-5651. Check out the Care Note rack in the Church vestibule. There are many topics that change frequently. Please deposit donations in the Poor Box. M a r ch 1 3, 2 016 |F if t h S unday of L en t Commission Chair: Steven Perry SJO@Americ a nMa r t C ircle of F riends We invite you to join us on Friday, March 18 at 7:00pm in the Holy Family House. We are a small community made up of persons with intellectual disabilities, their families and friends, particularly young friends, who meet regularly in a Christian spirit to share friendship, pray together, sing, play, share a meal, and celebrate life. We look forward to seeing you there. Questions? Contact Regina Dell'Oro, goldcroms@gmai H e a l Th e B ay A dop t -A- B e a c h A family friendly project- all ages welcome! Join Matthew 25 at the Manhattan Beach Pier on Saturday, March 19, 10:00am - 12 noon for the monthly beach clean-up. We meet near the lifeguard stand next to the bike path for a talk about ocean pollution before the cleanup begins. Earn service hours, get involved in a project with family or friends, and learn more about why Care for God’s Creation includes knowledge of what you can do to help keep the beaches healthy. No need to RSVP, but it's encouraged to get waiver forms taken care of and send out information packages. Contact: Mike Shawver, mi ke s h aw ve r @ g m a i l. co m Ready to Serve in this Jubilee Year of Mercy? Matthew 25 is looking for co-chairs for the Christmas Project for December 2016. This long-standing Parish tradition is in need of volunteers to coordinate donations coming in and where the gifts will go. Project planning starts in October. Training is available. Interested? Contact Matthew25 @Americ anMa r t yrs.o rg Come be with us for a few hours as we share in the joy of Exceptional Kids with Special Needs and Gifts. EKPTO St. Patrick's Day Dance Friday, March 18 6:30-9:00 pm South Bay Adult School 3401 Inglewood Avenue $1.00 Donation at Door | Refreshments $.50 each All Exceptional Dancers 14 years and older welcome. Volunteers are invited to help beginning at 5:30pm with decorating, food, securing a safe environment, or dancing. Or come to be with the kids; they know we are there for them. Join us for the 4 th Annual Saturday, M arch 19 “Faith in A ction: A merican M art yrs Day of Volunteering” Projects include: • H abitat for H umanit y home restoration • visit to seniors at S unrise A ssisted L iving • a H eal the B ay beach cleanup • make sack lunches for St. Lawrence of Brindisi • make snack bags for D owntown W omen ' s C enter • volunteer work at S tar H ouse • learn about Fair Trade at Ten Thousand V ill ages • donate usable items to St. V incent de Paul See our website, Amer ic anMar t y r s.or g to sign-up. Contact: Jim Kaltsas, jk alt s as m Day of Volunteering is sponsored by Social Justice & Outreach Commission R espect L ife M inistry 4th Annual Day of Volunteering – Saturday, March 19 “…Our relationships on earth are meant to help us and others grow in perfect love. We are meant to depend on one another, serve each other in humility, and walk together in times of suffering. An elderly man whose health is quickly deteriorating; an unborn baby girl whose diagnosis indicates she may not live very long; a little boy with Down syndrome; a mother facing terminal cancer – each may have great difficulties and need assistance, but each of their lives is a good and perfect gift.” USCCB Respect Life Program, 2015-16 Join us for the Annual Day of Volunteering as we “help ourselves and others grow in perfect love”. There are two projects in which you can participate: •Visit Sunrise Assisted Living in Hermosa Beach and spend some time with the elderly residents. Families are welcome and encouraged to participate. •Visit the STAR House in Torrance – a residence facility for the developmentally disabled. We’ll be helping make some needed improvements to this facility. You may sign up THIS WEEKEND, March 12-13, after all Masses. For more information, please see the contact information below. For information about the Respect Life Ministry, contact Steve Perry 818-800-5653 | re s pe c tl i fe @Am e r i c a nMa r t yr s. o rg. Questions: Lee Dolley, ldolley1@verizon. net Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y Faith Formation Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small Group Retreat I nfant B aptism Pre-Baptism instruction for parents and godparents is required to have your child baptized at American Martyrs Church. Next class is TONIGHT, Sunday, March 13 at 7:00pm in St. Kateri. For information and schedule of classes, go online to w w w. Am e r ic an Mar t y r s. org | Sacraments | Baptism. Questions: Contact Deacon Fred Rose, 424-327-9610 or d ea co n fre d @ Am e r ic an Mar t A dult A ltar S ervers N eeded What We Do: We are altar servers for Funeral or Memorial Masses and on occasion are asked to serve at other special Masses. When? Funeral or Memorial Masses are scheduled weekday mornings and afternoons and Saturdays. What is the Commitment? When a Funeral or Memorial Mass is scheduled, a notice is sent to all adult altar servers. You respond to the request only if you are available to serve at that time. Interested in this extremely rewarding ministry, contact Angie Babick, 310-532-7953 | kikibabick@att. net. S ilent M editation - The P rayer of the for Contact Sharon Law, S h aron 582@ve ri zon .n e t | 310-963-9484 to sign up and RESERVE YOUR BOOKS (Materials fee-$25). Pick up books on April 2/3 after all Masses. H eart Pope Francis has identified the season of Lent in this Jubilee Year of Mercy as “a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy,” and as a very good time for us to meditate on Sacred Scripture and “rediscover the merciful face of the Father.” (The Face of Mercy, 17) During the Fridays of Lent join us for 30 minutes of Silent Meditation and contemplate the merciful love of the Father. Friday mornings in the Spirituality Center, St. Joseph’s Chapel (use Pacific Ave entrance) All are welcome! Contact: Beverly Busby 310-376-2056 C ontemplative P rayer Join us for a 10 week small-group retreat that delves into the simplicity and grandeur of Consoling spirituality. This retreat is based on the popular book by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, Consoling the Heart of Jesus. Gain new insights into how you can console Jesus; learn the keys to the great sanctity of the saints and blesseds like Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Mother Teresa; and have all the tools you’ll need to "become a saint, a great saint, and quickly." Beginning Thursday, April 7 and Friday, April 8, there will be an evening session and a repeat morning session for 10 consecutive weeks, concluding with a June 12 Prayer Service. Evenings - Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm in O’Donnell Hall Mornings - Fridays, 9:00-10:30am in St. Kateri H oly W eek “Jesus returned to his disciples and found them sleeping, and asked: Can you not watch with me one hour?” Matt 26:40 Tuesday evening, March 22, 7:30 - 8:30pm St. Joseph’s Chapel in the Spirituality Center The Seven Last Words of Jesus A Holy Week Evening of Prayer & Reflection What was Jesus thinking as he hung on the Cross? (please use Pacific entrance) Savor the depth and the mystery of God’s redeeming love for us as we enter into the solemnity of Holy Week. On Tuesday evening, March 22 we respond as a faith community to the question Jesus asks us: “Can you not watch with me one hour?” The hour includes brief readings and silent prayer, and closes with “Our Father.” Join us in gratitude, for the Love of it. For information, call Donna Ennis, 310-941-1349. “You taught us O Lord that the greatest love shown is to lay down one’s life for a friend. But your love was greater still, because you laid down your life for your enemies. You suffered unjustly for the sake of the unjust. You became a slave to tyrants, to set the oppressed free. You reconciled us to yourself by your death. What other love has ever been, or could be, like yours?” Prayer for Holy Week, St. Bernard of Clairvaux It has been part of our Catholic tradition, during Holy Week, to reflect on the Seven Last Words of Jesus. As we prepare to enter the sacred Triduum, you are invited to set this hour aside to participate in an evening of prayer and reflection on the Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross. Wednesday • March 23 7:00 -‐ 8:30 p.m. St. Kateri Please contact Deacon Chris or Yvonne Amantea, 310-545-3312, if you have any questions or need additional information . M a r ch 1 3, 2 016 |F if t h S unday of L en t Faith Formation Youth M inistry (AMYM) Next Sunday, March 20 is Life Teen Mass and Life Night All High School teens are invited to join us for 5:00pm Mass and then Life Night after Mass in St. Kateri. Contacts: Monica Leon, mleon@Americ anMa r t or Rachel Brown, rbrown@Americ a nMa r t yrs.o rg AM Children's Choir Open to all children in Grades 4-8. Rehearsals almost every Thursday afternoon during the academic year, 3:15-4:15pm in the Music Room up the back stairs from O'Donnell Hall. New singers are welcome ANY time. The children build up a repertoire of sacred and secular music to present to different senior residential homes throughout the year. Questions? Contact Patti Williams, 310-546-4734 or Ellen Steinmetz, 310-372-3412 | ellen. steinmetz@gm ai Otherwise - please just come on by! F aith E nrichment & P rayer G roups BIBLE STUDIES Sunday’s Readings In Context Wednesday, 7:30-9:00pm in the Spirituality Center Contact: John D'Isacco, 310-546-1302 Tuesday Morning Scripture Group Tuesday, 9:15-11:00am in the Spirituality Center Contact: Alvin Fletcher, 310-379-5241 Weekly Scripture Reading with Fr. Joe Wednesday, 10:00-11:30am, in Parish House CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER: Tuesday, 7:30-8:30pm, in the Spirituality Center Chapel Contact: Donna Ennis, 310-941-1349 MONDAY MORNING FAITH SHARING Monday, 9:00-11:00am in the Spirituality Center Contact: Sharon Law, 310-963-9484 MONDAY EVENING PRAYER GROUP 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30-9:00pm in the Spirituality Center Evening Prayer, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet Contact: Sharon Law, 310-963-9484 PEACE MEDITATION 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:00-8:30pm, in Parish House Contact: Avito Moniz, 310-430-5257 or Beverly, 310-376-2056 SILENT MEDITATION Friday, 11:15-12:00noon, in the Spirituality Center Chapel Contact: Beverly, 310-376-2056 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Contact: Jenny Attanasio for referral, 310-545-5651 SPIRITUAL LIBRARY (The Upper Room) Open Sunday, 10:00am-4:00pm, in the Spirituality Center, 2nd floor Contact: Anna, 310-374-0863 or Millie, 310-938-3125 Families in Faith TODAY is the Children's Liturgy at 9:30am Mass We invite all children grades 1-6 to join us at 9:30am in the SS. Brigid/Brendan Room for a liturgy designed especially for them. Then we join the parents in the Church for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. First Communion Workshop - Saturday, March 19 For Parent and Child, 9:00-11:00am Lenten activities of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving are abundant at American Martyrs. † AMS students pray the Stations of the Cross at 2:15pm on Mondays during Lent. All are welcome to join us. † SRE students will pray the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15/16 at 4:00pm. † Loaves and Fishes Project Mar 14-20 -- Mac 'n' Cheese SRE Grades 1-6 and Jr. High March 15/16 Sunday SRE March 20 Director of Religious Education: Patti Williams, 310-546-4734 pw i l l i am s @Am e ri c an M ar t y $crip $ense Planning for Easter? The Easter Bunny gets his chocolates at Sees Candies and so should you! Sees gives 15% back to our scrip program for every dollar you purchase at our office. We also have scrip for your special holiday meals - Bristol Farms, Grow the Produce Shop, Manhattan Meats, Sprouts, Whole Foods. Think about our local bakeries - Beckers and Cake Bakeshop for a beautiful dessert for your table. Scrip Sales Hours: Weekdays,7:45am - 3:45pm (Fridays until 1:00pm) Sunday,8:30am - 11:30am Special Orders or Other Info: Contact the Scrip office at 424-327-9608 | S c ri p@Am e ri c an M ar t y SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Fire safety starts at home When families have fire plans in place, they are much more likely to escape the dangers should a fire occur. Because a fire can separate parents from their children, it’s important that everyone knows how to get out of the house safely and where to go. Teaching your kids to be resourceful in dangerous situations can help them in every aspect of their lives. For more information from the American Red Cross about fire escape planning For particular help, call Assistance Ministry at 213-637-7650. Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y Contact Information & Resources Administrative Staff A SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER is available for Sunday 5:00pm Mass, weddings, and funerals. Please call Gigi 310-214-4851 CASA DE LOS ANGELITOS Maternity Home, 310-325-8208 24 HOUR Pregnancy Helpline, 310-787-HELP ARCHDIOCESE OF LOS ANGELES SEXUAL MISCONDUCT REPORTING LINE 800-355-2545 VICTIMS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY Suzanne Healy, 213-637-7650 Business Manager Bob Hodges | 424-327-9630 Community Services & Facilities Director Finance Director Bob Visty r Pattie Johnson Liturgy & Worship Monica Hughes Music Director Bill Svarda 310-640-8505 Parish Communications Anne Riordan Parish Stewardship Jenny Attanasio | 424-327-9605 Pastoral Center Administrator Dottie Arias Plant Manager Tony Hatfield Technology Scott Dixon Religious Education 1701 Laurel Ave M.B., CA 90266-4805 310-546-4734 Director, Religious Education Patti Williams Director, Youth Ministry Monica Leon Director, Sunday Preschool Kristen Holleran Pastoral Council President Mark Kemple Finance Council Chair Chuck Dapoz Lay Leadership What you Need to Know as we begin the O’Donnell Hall Construction Project! WHERE DO I FIND THE PARISH OFFICE? •Our Welcome Center offices and staff and our Scrip Office have relocated to the temporary trailer next to the Parish House (just West of the gym.) •Deacon Fred’s office will be in the Parish House. O'DONNELL HALL IS OPEN DURING THE REMODEL • O’Donnell Hall will be open throughout the construction; however, the entrance will be through the back doors located behind the kitchen. WHAT IS CHANGING WITH THE PARKING LOT? • 15th Street will be an Entry Only to the parking lot. • Laurel Avenue will be the only Exit from the parking lot. (You can still enter at Laurel.) We all know that construction comes with temporary disruptions and inconveniences, but our goal is to improve our facilities for the long term. Thank you for your extra patience and understanding. There will be more updates as our construction begins. M a r ch 1 3, 2 016 |F if t h S unday of L en t Gym, Field & Athletics AMC Apparel Now Available! Seniors Exercise - Every Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00-11:00am Women's Volleyball - Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00-10:00am. Baseball caps and polos are now available via our apparel site -- Men’s and Women’s Coed Volleyball - Tuesday, 8:00-10:00pm. Intermediate skill levels and recreational play. John Wargnier, 310-796-1058 | Items will be delivered to the Parish Office about two weeks after placing your credit card order. All players welcome, from beginners to advanced. Tuesdays are instructional and Thursdays are free play. Rocky Wade, Gym Contact: Lou Ann Selsky, 424-327-9578 | lselsky@Americ anMa r t y G ym & Field R eservations: Contact Pat Breen, Gym Committee Chair, Gy m @ Am eric anM ar t y rs. o rg B eyond O ur Parish ACCW DISTRICT MEETING - Tuesday, March 15, 9:30 am -1:30 pm The Southwestern District Meeting of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women will be at St. Margaret Mary's in Lomita. Registration is at 9:30am, followed by our speaker, Fr. Mariello Saguin ("Priests and Spiritual Motherhood") at 10:00am, followed by Mass at 11:30am, luncheon at 12:15pm and then a short meeting. Preregister by March 10 with your $10 check to Teresa Vicelja (2029 Via Encanto, Lomita, CA 90717-3621) Questions? Call Judy at 310-374-9804. Visit the apparel table TODAY, Sunday, March 13 in front of church after the 8:00am, 9:30am and 11:30am Masses to see samples. Check or cash orders accepted today. Show your American Martyrs pride with a stylish navy polo or cap! Contact: Vanessa Reyes Smith, 310-748-0873, with questions. Watch Msgr. Barry's Minute Message You do not need a Facebook account; just click 'Find us on Facebook' on our homepage. Follow Msgr. on Twitter @msgrjohnbarry Every Catholic Woman is a member of ACCW. Please join us. RACHEL'S VINEYARD RETREAT WEEKEND - April 1-3, Duarte Rachel's Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The retreat is designed to help participants work through repressed grief and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental setting and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future. Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes spiritual exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of unborn children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquiries and registrations are confidential. $215 per person. Registration or More Info: 866-2-RACHEL | w w w. r a c h e ls v i n e y a r d o r g WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - April 2-3 Have you heard the good news about Marriage? Experience a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! Jesus came into the world to bring the good news, to proclaim liberty, give the recovery of sight, and free the oppressed. Let Him proclaim the good news to you in your marriage! Allow the Lord to strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament. Weekends take place in a local hotel and all sharing is private with your spouse. Presentations made by married couples and a priest, teach valuable communication tools and much more! Info and Registration: w w w.i love myspou se.n e t | 424-777-WWME. Please support our teens and American Martyrs Youth Ministry They will be outside O'Donnell collecting your Food Drive donations the first 3 weekends in March All items collected will be given to our sister parish, St. Lawrence of Brindisi in Watts Find this bulletin online at AmericanMar t A m e r ic an M art yrs | A Desig nated Pilg r i m a g e Chur ch f or t he Ye a r of M er c y N e xt We e ke n d is Pa ssio n (Pa lm) S u n da y Regular Saturday and Sunday Mass schedule Solemn Blessing of the Palms and Procession will be in front of O’Donnell Hall ten minutes prior to Sunday 9:30am and 5:00pm Masses and will include the Drum Procession up the steps into Church All other processions begin ten minutes prior to Mass on the Church patio C omm u na l P e nan c e S e r v i c e Monday, March 14, 7:30pm American Martyrs Church A number of additional confessors will be available at all of these penance services. You are also welcome to join these other parishes St. James, RB Our Lady of Guadalupe, HB St. Lawrence Martyr, RB St. Anthony, ES Tuesday, March 15 Wednesday, March 16 Thursday, March 17 Friday, March 18 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm God has reconciled us to himself through Christ. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. -- 2 Cor 5:19-20 Dramatized Stations of the Cross Good Friday, 12:30pm and 7:00pm Next Saturday, M arch 19 is the 4 th Annual “Faith in A ction: A merican M art yrs Day of Volunteering” See the list of projects on page 7 of this bulletin Find the link to sign-up for a project at Amer ic anMar t y r s.or g Contact: Jim Kaltsas, jk alt s as m As part of this day the St. Vincent de Paul "Bundle Saturday" Truck will be on campus from 8:30am - 1:00pm. The "Bundle" truck will be here to collect your usable clothing and usable household items. For large items (including furniture and large appliances) please call 323-224-6280 or 800-97-HELP-1 for home pick-up.