stag trumpeter - Bishop Miege High School
STAG TRUMPETER D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 0 y B I S H O P M I E G E H I G H S C H O O L From t he Pr esiden t Dear Parents, As we enter Advent and prepare ourselves for the coming of the Christ child, we are called to reflect on what we are doing individually to deepen our faith. It is also a good time to give you an update on what the faculty and staff are doing for our own formation and for our students. I provide you with this information for two primary reasons. First, we want you to know of our focused efforts to pass along the faith to your children. We fully realize the sacrifices you make to send your children to Bishop Miege High School and we take seriously our responsibility to team with you to form your children in the likeness of Christ. Secondly, since we ask all of our parents to be spokespersons for Miege in the community, we want you to be knowledgeable of the goals and accomplishments of both our faculty and our student formation programs. As we know, word-ofmouth is the very best way to promote and market a school. So, your willingness and ability to communicate the many fine attributes of our school are extremely important to us in attracting good students and families to attend Miege. (Thanks to all of you who do this so well.) The promotion of our faith formation program is always important, but takes on even greater significance in response to a disturbing trend that is occurring with our Johnson County Catholic grade school graduates. This year 146 of those eighth graders went on to attend a public high school—a percentage that is on an upward path. We know there are two primary reasons for this trend: tuition costs and family priorities. The difference between grade school and high school tuition is significant. As a result, many families eliminate Catholic high school as an option without looking into our financial assistance program. We always encourage families to visit with us first before making their decision based upon tuition costs. It is always disheartening to see families who have invested up to eight years in the formation of their children in a Catholic grade school make the change to a secular setting for high school. Since the teen years are the most challenging time for adolescents because their faith and values are challenged in so many settings, it becomes even more essential that high school students have the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with God every day during school hours. Passing our faith along to our students is what sets us apart from the public school. It is why we were built in 1958 and why we exist today. To help enhance our ability to fulfill this responsibility and set the type of example needed to guide our students along on their faith journey, our faculty has participated in an extensive program to benefit our own formation for the past five years. In fact, this commitment has evolved into a program that now consists of eight half-days this school year. This time is dedicated to enhancing the formation of our faculty and, at the same time, looking for ways to incorporate what we have learned to benefit our students. Again this year, each of these eight sessions is made up of four components of faith development: 1) Intellectual Formation – The instructor this year is John Mark Miravalle from the School of Faith and the topic is Theology of the Body, which is based on the teachings of John Paul II. 2) Interior Formation – The staff spends time in some form of prayer that is designed to deepen our own personal relationship with Christ. We have been blessed to have had the Apostles of the Interior Life and area pastors – Monsignor Charles McGlinn of Cure and Father Keith Lunsford of St. Ann – lead us in prayer this year. 3) Building a Faith Community – We break up into our small groups and discuss the topic of the day as it relates to our own faith journeys. 4) The Apostolate – We formulate ways of passing these lessons on to our students in every school setting. The season of Advent calls us to grow closer to God as we prepare for the coming of Jesus. It also serves as a reminder that we all need to devote time throughout the year to continue our personal faith journey. As we deepen our relationship with Christ, we are also setting the example that is so important to passing along the faith to our students. On behalf of the entire Bishop Miege community, I wish you and your family all the blessings and joy of this Christmas season. Sincerely, Dr. Joe Passantino President PRINCIPAL’S PERSPECTIVE P rior to Thanksgiving, I was privileged to assist in the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony for 65 of our students. This academic event is an annual highlight, which is cherished by our Bishop Miege High School Community. Mrs. Clara George, N. H. S. moderator, provided us with some thoughtful points about “honor” in our world. I think that the students, parents and teachers present all enjoyed this academic celebration. Since this academic event is always held in November, I K EEP YOUR SCHOOL A SAFE PL ACE Please call a school administrator directly if you have information about crimes or dangerous situations in or involving Bishop Miege. Call the main line 913-262-2701, then use the following extensions: z Dr. Joe Passantino, ext. 236 z Mr. Stan Herbic, ext. 231 z Mr. Mike Bohaty, ext. 224 z Mr. Bob Ludwikoski, ext. 223 z Mrs. Mary Perrini, ext. 237 z Mr. Brady Beek, ext. 230 If the situation is of immediate concern, please telephone the administrator at home. If you can’t reach an administrator, you may leave a message on the school safety voice mailbox any time of day: 913262-2701, ext. 568. 2 am reminded to remind our students that our first semester is concluding at a furious pace. The first semester grade does become part of each student’s permanent transcript. For seniors, the seventh semester transcript is especially important because many universities make their admissions based on these grades to date. Students still have the opportunity to make a difference in their semester grades by studying our recommended two hours at home each day, by making an appointment with their teachers for extra help, and by diligently reviewing and preparing for their semester exams. Semester exams account for 20% of the first semester grade, while each of the first two quarters is weighted at 40%. Please encourage your daughter or son to do their very best as we finish the first semester on December 20th! To conclude on my annual Christmas note, a greeting card from a friend reads: “And when we give each other Christmas Gifts in His Name, let us remember that He has given us the sun and the moon and the stars, and the earth with its forests and mountains and oceans—and all that lives and moves upon them. He has given us all green things and everything that blossoms and bears fruit—and to save us from our foolishness, from all our sins, He came down to earth and gave us Himself.” Christmas Blessings For Your Family Sincerely, Stan Herbic Principal KANSAS HONORS PROGRAM Each year the University of Kansas honors the top 10 percent of all seniors of each high school in the state of Kansas. This year’s regional ceremony took place Oct. 25 at Blue Valley High School. Principal Stan Herbic and Brady Beek, head of Guidance, recognized these seniors: Erin Alexander James Bachand Joseph Caldwell Brigid Callahan Jacob Cronenwett Vanessa Garcia Rachel Gleason Margaret Hair Tessie Johnson Ann Kalis Kevin Kleine Robert Lacy Colleen Maxwell Hannah Orpin Emily Orscheln Sophia Pawlewicz Helen Stanley Emma Winkler Extra uniforms? School closings for weather Do you have any school uniforms that you Weather-related school closings are announced on would like to donate to the school? Please all major television and radio stations. Please listen bring them to the Administrative Office and and/or watch for JOHNSON COUNTY CATHOLIC Mrs. Lininger will see that they get to those SCHOOLS. In addition, we will notify you with our in need. School Reach telephone system. Stag Trumpeter DECEMBER 2010 NEWS &NOTES ANN KALIS - NATIONAL MERIT COMMENDATION Congratulations goes to senior Ann Kalis for being named a Commended Student in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program. About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. A spokesperson for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation puts it this way: “As demonstrated by their outstanding performance in our highly competitive program, the young men and women named Commended Students represent some of the most academically talented students in our country.” Here at Bishop Miege High School, we are all extremely proud of Ann! Miege Senior earns Presidential award for service Congratulations to Bishop Miege senior Hannah Flournoy on receiving the President’s Volunteer Service Award for 2010. The award is presented by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, in conjunction with the Corporation for National & Community Service. Spring Fling! Auction Meeting Auction Committee Meeting --January 17, Monday, 7 pm in the Kincaid Media Center. Please bring your ideas and enthusiasm. We have a great, fun crew this year. Light refreshments will be served. Questions??? Call Jennifer Merrill at 913549-4737 or Colette Bernica at ext. 258. All auction donations are welcome now through April 1. MOTHER/DAUGHTER FASHION SHOW The Bishop Miege Mothers’ Club is once again sponsoring the annual Mother/ Daughter Dinner and Fashion show on Sunday, Jan. 16 in the Miege Commons. The evening begins at 5 p.m. with socializing and photos, followed by dinner at UPCOMING calendar EVENTS Dec. 1-3 Advent Reconciliation Dec. 8: A ll-school mass, Feast of the Immaculate Conception Dec. 8-9: S enior Ad Parent Workshop, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. Dec. 12: Christmas Concert, 3 p.m. Dec. 15: Semester exams – full day Dec. 16: Stag Shop open 5-7 p.m. Dec. 16, 17, 20: S emester exams – 11 a.m. dismissal Dec. 18: H igh School Placement Test Prep Class Dec. 21: No school – makeup exams 6 p.m. and the fashion show at 7 p.m. The cost is $20 per person, and must be received by Jan. 15. For more information, contact Mig Lillig at Dec. 21–Jan. 4: Christmas break Career day Jan. 16: M other/Daughter Fashion Show, 5 p.m. On Thursday, November 18th Bishop Miege hosted the annual Career Day event in which twenty-nine speakers from around our city spoke to our Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes about their respective careers. Freshmen met with a Career Services Director from DeVry, who gave them a short quiz and then matched them up with the appropriate careers. It was an informative day for all! Recognition for Miege Stan Herbic, Principal, and Brady Beek, Head of Guidance and AdvancEd Steering Committee Chairman, travelled to Wichita on October 5th to receive two recognitions for Bishop Miege High School. Our Bishop Miege Community was recognized (1) for being continually accreditated by AdvancEd (the former North Central Accreditation) for the past fifty years; and, (2) for successfully completing the five year accreditation cycle and having our accreditation renewed for the next five years until 2015! Our school and community were “commended for its longterm commitment to quality and continuous school improvement.” Jan. 5: Classes resume Jan. 8: 8th Grade Placement Test Jan. 14: Magazine drive kickoff Jan. 15: Residual 8th Grade Placement Test Jan. 17: N o school – Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 19, 20: N.E.T. Retreat Jan. 21-24: P ro-Life March, Washington, D.C. Jan. 27: F east of St. Angela Merici, Ursuline founder Jan. 28: Meeting Schedule – 8:15 start Jan. 31: Deadline for senior yearbook ads Jan. 31-Feb. 4: Catholic Schools Week Feb. 2: Spelling Bee Feb. 3: All-School Mass Feb. 4: College Now spring applications due Feb. 5: Freshman Night at Miege Feb. 6-9: Kairos Feb. 9: Junior High Music Festival Feb. 11: 7th/8th grade pizza party Feb. 12: Sadie Hawkins Dance Feb. 17: F inal deadline for 2011-12 registration Feb. 17, 19, 20: Winter Play Feb. 21: No school – faculty day Feb. 23: Cookie Dough Pickup Feb. 23: Spring Sports Information Night December 2010 Stag Trumpeter 3 HONOR ROLL Second Semester HONOR ROLL – 1st HONORS 12th Gr ade Seamus Albritton Kevin Alejo-Morgan Erin Alexander Steven Anthony James Bachand Mark Baumgartner Conrad Bonney Daniel Brossard Kramer Bryant Sarah Bustamante Brian Byfield Joseph Caldwell Brigid Callahan Sarah Cazares Suwan Cho Jacob Cronenwett Kyle Crowder Matthew D’Angelo Margaret DeDecker Alexis Drummond Heather Edwards Hannah Flournoy Jordan Gafney Vanessa Garcia Rachel Gleason Katherine Gray Madeleine Griffin Margaret Hair Bailey Hopper Marissa Ibarra Kaprianie Johnson Tessie Johnson Ann Kalis Kevin Kleine Samuel Komosa Isabella Kuzava Robert Lacy Nicole Lally Corbie Leiker Jose Lopez Evan Marcano Amanda Marnett Andrew Martin Sean Martin Carly Masenthin Colleen Maxwell Bridget McBee Emily McConniff Brendan McGarry Emily Mika Nicole Miller Lauren Mitchell Andrew Mohler Julia Moore Nicholas Moreno Judith Navarro Samantha Nicolace 4 Austin O’Byrne Audrey Ochampaugh Megan Ogren Curtis Okafor Hannah Orpin Brian Orrick Emily Orscheln Michael Page Sophia Pawlewicz Megan Plouvier Mark Poulose Elizabeth Powell Lauren Price Emily Rainey Chanda Reed John Ritz Kelsey Ritz Matthew Shami Brittany Sherman Jacob Stack Helen Stanley Leslie Starks Michael Starshak Jessica Stedman Micah Tanner Quinn Tanner Patrick Tarwater Shannon Taylor Mary Cate Thomas Emily Thorpe Mark Thorson Alanna Thrun Victoria Utz Molly Vogt Stanton Weber Megan Weiner Alexander Werth Molly Wessling Daniel West Hayley WestHoff Ellen Wheeler Grace Whitley Emma Winkler London Wise 11th Gr ade Rateb Aburas Jeffrey Agar Jeanna Allen Mary Amey Douglas Anjard Abigail Atchison Nicholas Baska Rachael Bontrager Morgan Campanelli Spencer Carl Katie Carlsen Madeline Cauthen Stag Trumpeter DECEMBER 2010 Sungmong Choi Anna Church Aaron Ciecior Andrew Corkill Matthew Cottrell Nathan Drinkhouse Jacob Elder Joshua Ellermann Sean Ellington Rudy Estrada Skyler Farr Kevin Flores Paige Galbraith Colleen Gaughan Abbie Gittinger Mary Gladbach Elizabeth Greub Benjamin Grove Amanda Hall Kyle Herrington Kalyn Heyen Natalie Hogue Sarah Ingram Danielle Intfen Molly Jackson Presley Jones Daniel Kearns Allie Kober-Schueffner Josh Kozak Gian LaManno Larissa Lamas Gibbum Lee Wyatt Lemmon Kelsey Ludwig Timothy Mahoney Curtis Marchand Erin Martin Sophi McArthur Heather McDonald Madison Merrill Daniel Miller Jenna Ness Karl Netemeyer Adam Novak Kaitlyn Orscheln Michael Ortiz Brian Owara Kristen Pearson Jennifer Petrie Allison Pope Austin Porter Alexander Poulose MaryRose Purk Christian Ramos Lauren Schaff Thomas Shamet Nicholas Shondell David Silkman Leah Starks Hannah Stewart Mikaela Stockman Hunter Thomas Katherine Thorson Mary Tuttle Elizabeth Ulrich Jessica Varner Hugh Woods Ellie Zindel Lindsay Zych 10th Gr ade Elias Abid David Amer John Aspinwall Bradley Baxter Taylor Billings Helen Bontrager Karen Bowers Nathaniel Brandl Elizabeth Breeden Jessica Brossard Benjamin Calvano Kate Chaney Mackenzie Connaughton Montell Cozart Anna Cronenwett Connor de Leon Laura DeDecker Clarence Dennis Ryan Dervin Hannah Doll Tyler Doyle Daniel Fines Bernadette Fisher John Fisher Stephen Foster Alec Friesen Anthony Garcia Jack Gaughan Shannon Gentry Natalie Gonzales Jennifer Gonzalez Lucy Graham Russell Gray IV Jason Gregory Jackson Griffin Nathalie Hauser Benjamin Hire Ana Hodes Emma Hogan Dane Janner Samuel Jezak Leah Kellerman Joana Kozak Thomas Kroh Aidan Kuhls Emory Lacy Sara Lauterwasser Natalie Leiker Jack Leslie Thomas Maggard Morgan Maloney Briana Mann Abby Markus Jackson McGrew Jefferson Merys Mary Meurer Bridget Minor Daniel Mitchell Daniel Mohler Veronica Moreno Alexander Murfey Stephanie Navarro Rachel Nowak Elizabeth Okafor Gregory Orrick Stephen Palacio Abigail Parra Addison Pittman Jessica Ramos López Olivia Rodman Benjamin Rucker Aubrey Rumore Margaret Salisbury Rachel Schaff Connor Seagraves Lane Shroyer David Sirna Benjamin Skaggs Andreas Slettehaugh Katherine Smeltzer Molly Sparks Matthew Stanley Madelaine Stimac Catherine Strayhall Matt Swem Alexander Taylor Harrison Tornquist Jordan Tucker Roland Vaca Sydney Vaughn Tori Voelker Emma Vogt Adrienne Voravong Megan Wancura Katherine Wasinger Emma Welch Dean Wheeler III Joseph Wheeler Grant Whittaker Jackson Wicker Asher Wilcox John Wilcox Steven Wirtz Bridget Woulfe HONOR ROLL 1st semester 2nd honors 9th Gr ade Kristen Agar Brenna Albritton Jeffrey Alexander Dominique Allen Joseph Amigoni Thomas Anjard Victoria Apel Travis Atchison Allison Audley Dominic Avelluto Gina Avitia Adam Brown Leah Brownlee Frank Burdolski Austin Bush Natalie Castilleja Connor Christensen Katalina Delgado Kali Eaken Matthew Egger Max Ernst Mason Estevez Robert Evans Emily Feierabend Sebastian Foster Caitrin Furlong Darin George Elizabeth Gress Joseph Hague Bryan Harris Nathan Hauber Macie Heller Xavier Hernandez Megan Heyen Collume Hill Samuel Hoebelheinrich Mitchell Hogan Hannah Holterman Matthew Horn Nathaniel Intfen Kyle Ismert Elyse Johnson Sarah Johnson Alexis Joski Luke Juarez Brennan Kalis Mary Katherine Kancel Madison Killeen Louis LaFeve Lauren Lanter Jennie Littleton Anjelica-Maria Luna Ryan Madrigal Kelsey Marchand Mariah Mavai Megan McBee Luke McCarville Bridget McSorley Grace Miller Kathryn Miller Nathan Mohler Anisa Moore Timothy Moore Peter Morgan Daniel Murga Shea Myer Gabrielle Narvaez Michael Needham Rachel Ogren Natalie Orrick Alexander Overton Joseph Parisi John Pawlewicz Mattea Pezza Aaron Pope Katherine Poulose Andrew Ritz Brandon Ryffe Miya Saint-Louis Nia Sanford Emily Schultz Christopher Shea Joseph Sittenauer Megan Smith Caitlyn Sutherlin Emily Tenbrink Abigail Tuttle Karla Wasinger Katherine Werth Madeline Winklhofer Jack Wirtz Michael Wood Emily Young Lily Young-Mills Hannah Ziglinski Second Semester HONOR ROLL – 2nd HONORS 12th Gr ade Christopher Acton Austin Bain Kathleen Benson Patricia Bishop Gretchen Blando Robert Calvano Eric Corkill Michael Dennis Amanda Drinkhouse Leslie English Rachel Feierabend Robert Ficke Ronald Florez Christian Gutierrez McKenzie Hamrick Stacey Johnson John Juarez Seung-mi (Stephanie) Lee Dylan Middleton Anthony Mitchell Maricica Mocan Gabriela Moreno Thomas Moreno Rachel Myers Corinna Pacheco Tyresha Payton Jack Porter Devin Prater Jacob Rasmussen Shane Ray Stacey Riley Morgan Robbins Shane Schimming Jesse Seabury Maxwell Shortell Kathleen Sullivan Alec Swall Nicholas Taylor 11th Gr ade Elena Bailey Brooke Bradshaw Courtney Burke Sean Burnell John Cashen Andrew Dulle Christopher Ebert Alexander Effertz Courtney Gemmill David Gonzales Salvatore Grisafe-Pont Junelhy Gutierrez Mason Hans Garrett Henson James Hill Teerawat Jaidee Shamirah Johnson Alexander Jordan Conrad Maier Christopher Martin Mitchell McCrave Joseph McSorley Niyah Miller Michael Muraski Tre’ Parmalee Kurt Schmidtberger Richard Smith Joshua Staley Kaitlin Sweeney Heidi Thompson Jordan Trumbull Mari Van Thullenar Andrew Wright 10th Gr ade Austen Aiman Kathryn Anderson Alexia Antunez Michael Baska Michael Baxter Aaron Branch Leah Brown Rebekah Cazares Edgar Cordero Davis Dodge Austin Edwards Joseph Fama Ashley Fleenor Anne Fuquay Jeffrey Gerken Carley Guignon Humberto Gutierrez Molly Hair Chris Harned Martin Healy Theresa Hegstrom Wyatt Holmes Elyssa Jones Anthony Kotzias Natasha Lechtenberg Mary Ledom Lauren Marnett Matthew McCombs Emily Meyers Dazcha Mitchell-Davis Joshua Nichols Anthony Orozco David Patton II Otti Pineda Leah Quick Alexander Ragland Daniel Reaves Spencer Redmond Campbell Richmond Blake Schnieders Thomas Shartzer Samuel SizemoreDieterich Seth Swearengin Madison Wengert Edward Youngstrom Megan Youngworth David Zahner 9th Gr ade Andrew Alvarez Anthony Arellano III Autumn Beiswanger Jacob Belfield Matthew Caffey December 2010 Collin Carter Matthew Conaghan Stuart Ennis Hannah Ewing Abenezer Fikru Jamie Franklin Stella Griefahn M’kayla Hall Austin Hamrick Ana Hernandez Andrew Hovis Christian Hunley Christopher Hunley Andrew Hyde Bradley Ivey JungYun Jang Remi McDonald McKinley Merrill Madeline O’Laughlin William Pitt Luke Powell Nathan Rice Kristina Roblez Colleen Russell Kelly Russell Cooper Scranton Alyssa Stedman Sydney Swearengin Velenzia Vaca Alexandria Villegas Wyatt Voorhes Isabella Walters Jacob Watt Dylan Weir Stag Trumpeter 5 INFORMATION COLLEGE CORNER ATTENTION JUNIOR PARENTS: Juniors will begin their individual counseling appointments with their counselor in January of this year. They will be given a comprehensive college handbook called “Countdown to College Admissions” which has a myriad of information including questions to ask on campus visits, a sample resume, college comparison checklists and so much more! There also is a monthly checklist beginning in January of the Junior year for college planning. The counseling department looks forward to meeting with each junior and continuing this important process. ACT TEST: Deadlines for the February 12, April 9 and June 11 ACT test are in the monthly college bulletin. Please note that the deadline for the February test is January 7th. Registration is done on-line at We encourage juniors to register for one or more of these tests. There will be 6 more opportunities senior year to take this important college test. NOTE: It is mandatory that for Bishop Miege to get your score on your transcript, you must code in the Miege number when registering for the ACT. The Bishop Miege school code is 171-532. JUNIOR/SENIOR COLLEGE BULLETINS with important information on scholarships, admissions, career planning, ACT/ SAT dates and much more are given to all seniors and juniors each month in homeroom. This information is also put on the web at the Bishop Miege Web site, Please check often for updates and important deadlines. COLLEGE NOW/Dual Enrollment: Students enrolled in College Now classes will be enrolling for spring semester in AP US History, AP Literary Analysis, AP Spanish IV/V, and AP Government. Mrs. Schmidtberger will be visiting classes in January and the deadlines are posted in our Miege calendar. SENIORS and Senior Parents: The FREE APPLICATION for Federal Student AID (FAFSA) can be accessed on the web only. It is available after January 1 at SCIENCE DEPARTMENT NEWS “Science is organized curiosity” - Dr. Jeff Goldstein, director of the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE) and overseer of the Voyage National Program The science department just became a little more organized in it’s curiosity with the addition of several new learning tools for Miege students. One of the more exciting items is our very own weather station (check out the site for yourself by following this link: The software accompanying the weather station generates copious data for interpretation by our curious science students. The impetus behind this project was to offer something unique for our new Earth and Space science class. This data collection tool will fit nicely into our unit on meteorology coming up this spring. The station has only been installed (courtesy of Mr. Roboto, Scott Anderson) since the night of Project Box, November 11th. As it turns out, that was a great time to record the weather as our students endured .42” of rain that evening. Other new technology includes virtual lab software for Biology, Physics, Earth/Space, and Chemistry and Vernier labquest devices for data collection. These are helpful tools to enhance our students’ abilities to explore our natural world and pursue their “curiosities”. - Mr. Alan Thomas, Science Chair 6 Stag Trumpeter DECEMBER 2010 Bishop Miege Community Service Progr am The Community Service Program is an integral part of the spiritual development of the students at Bishop Miege High School. It adds the dimension of faith in action to our curriculum and encourages students to reach out to those in need. Our goal is to teach compassion and understanding for others. It is through these life-challenging experiences that students learn more about themselves and others. We hope to create a spirit of giving that will last a lifetime for these young men and women. TIME REQUIREMENTS All students must earn 80 hours of service over four years, including a minimum of 40 hours serving the less fortunate. Less fortunate may include older adults, persons with physical/mental handicaps, the physically ill, the poor, refugees, and any in a life-challenging situation. We encourage the service to be given directly. Beginning with the class of 2013, 10 hours are required in service to their home Parish or Church. Note: the remaining 70 hours for the class of 2013 may all be given directly to the less fortunate. Students in 2010, 2011, & 2012 may complete all 80 for the less fortunate. The other half of the your service hour requirement can be performed: a. Within a parish/church under the supervision of a parish representative (pastor, D.R.E., youth minister, secretary, grade school principal, etc.). b. For schools, such as Bishop Miege, under the direction of a teacher, staff or representative of an organization such as Mother’s Club. c. For other organizations such as recycling, city projects, agencies that do not work directly with less fortunate. d. Advocacy work for Catholic social change such as pro-life marches, amnesty international, Catholic Charities, etc. You must accumulate 10 hours of service during your freshman year, 20 hours during your sophomore year, 25 hours during your junior and senior years. Freshmen, sophomores and juniors will have their schedules held for the following year until service hours are received in the Campus Ministry Office. Seniors will not receive diplomas until service requirements are met. Hours are cumulative from year to year (for instance if 80 hours are completed by their junior year, they have completed their high school requirements). Transfer student’s hours will be applied by yearly requirements as they enter Miege. OTHER BASIC REQUIREMENTS 1. Students may choose several different services. Students are encouraged to limit their placements so that the experience may be an in-depth one. 2. The service may not be given to a relative as this is considered a family responsibility. 3. Services are to be performed outside of school hours any time after the student is enrolled in Miege. 4. The student may not receive payment for services. It must be done on a voluntary basis. 5. Services may be performed through agencies, institutions, churches, or for individuals. 6. Students should clock in and out with their supervisor. After each completed project, an evaluation form must be completed and signed and returned to CMT in order to document their hours. 7. Blank forms can be picked up on the table outside CMT office or online on Web site. 8. Students are expected to represent Bishop Miege in a positive manner. 9. Information and service opportunities are available through the Campus Ministry Office. December 2010 Stag Trumpeter 7 CAMPUS MINISTRY NEWS Thanksgiving Mission Trips As we celebrate this beautiful Fall season, with the vibrant colors on During Christmas break this year a group of 35 students and the trees and the pleasant temperatures these last few weeks, we pause chaperones are heading to New Orleans to continue to repair homes and give Thanks to our Creator, who has blessed damaged from Hurricane Katrina 5 years ago. Bishop Miege with wonderful students, families, Please keep us in your prayers. administrators, teachers and staff. What a great At this time, we have three sites reserved for community to be a part of. Spring Break that are still open. The New York As many of you know, I was diagnosed in April trip is filled at this time but we have room on the with cancer and would like to take this opportunity NRN trip to New Orleans, building and repairing to THANK YOU for the many prayers, cards, homes in West Virginia with the Appalachian (December 26 is the Feast meals and support ir best, giving of themselves poor, and an urban plunge in Kansas City. of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph) and developing their God-given talents. Information on the trips can be found on the Web As I continue to look to our Great Healer, Jesus site. If you would like more information, please Bless the mothers and Christ, I invite you to go to a Web site that gives feel free to contact us in the Campus Ministry fathers of the world who, information on my treatments and health. The Office at x237 or x263. We also would encourage like Mary and Joseph, care site is\visit\maryperrini for adult chaperones to join us. for their children with love updates. and do all they can to keep May God watch over you this season as you their children safe. We are heading to Washington D.C. at the end travel and celebrate the holidays. And may you be Bless the children of the of January to participate in the annual March on blessed with good health, wonderful memories and world who give us hope in the Washington to pray for an end to abortion and to an enriched Faith as we celebrate the wonders of future we try to create. encourage our legislators to vote pro-life. We will God. I leave you with this wonderful quote by John continue to fight for the rights of the unborn and F. Kennedy: “As we express our gratitude, we must Bless all who have no family pray that all people have the right to life, liberty never forget that the highest appreciation is not to to support and nurture and and the pursuit of happiness. utter words, but to live by them.” Bless Us, O Lord Pro-Life March love them. Advent Bless those who reach out to create bonds to unite us with each other. One Homeless Night The season of ‘Advent’ is from the Latin ‘Adventus,’ Did you know that each night on the streets which means ‘coming.’ Advent is the beginning of Kansas City, there are up to 2000 teenagers of a new liturgical year (in the Western churches), homeless? In 2010, we see the need for more Bless those who feel alone, and and encompasses the span of time from the fourth support, as the economic crisis has trickled down give them comfort and solace. Sunday before Christmas, until the Nativity of Our to even more young people who are finding it Bless those who see all Lord is celebrated. more difficult to survive. It is even harder for humans as belonging to one To truly prepare for the Birth of our Savior, them to find employment if their home situation human family. the Campus Ministry Office is hosting several is at risk. projects throughout December. The calendar is On Thursday, November 11th 115 students Bless us, O Lord. Amen. included and can be found on the Bishop Miege braved the rain and cold to participate in One Web site. We are serving at the Johnson County Homeless Night sponsored by Synergy Services. Christmas Bureau, hosting a holiday party for the children at Spofford This is a city-wide program (mostly done on November 12th) that Home, adopting 43 foster children through homerooms, planning and brought awareness and support for homeless teens. celebrating Christmas with the BEST Network, plus more. Fr. Greg During the evening, each student brought a box and created a home Hammes, Fran Tucker and Mary Perrini want to wish each of you a very away from home. A special thanks to the adults who helped supervise holy Advent and a joyful Christmas season. Thank you for your support the event: Ms. Fran Tucker, John Hahner, Renee Schultz, Andre of Campus Ministry and may the peace of the Christ-child fill your Ishii, Melissa Freeland and Hannah Gibson. Miguel Jaramilla, a 1996 homes this season. graduate of Miege, is now the director of Synergy Services Shelter and Program. That evening he shared stories of homeless youth to help us understand our situation. Students were required to attend class all 8 Stag Trumpeter DECEMBER 2010 day Friday. They certainly learned to appreciate their warm beds, hot showers, and a hot meal. Each student donated $10.00 to Synergy as they continue to improve opportunities for teens without homes. We thank all the students and their families for providing food and boxes. May we keep all those without homes in our prayers, especially during these winter months. Red Bag Program This Christmas season, Bishop Miege High School has adopted 43 foster children through the Red Bag Program. Each homeroom is given a young boy or girl that is in the foster care system. The students will purchase Christmas gifts from the list provided in order that all children may have a special holiday this year. As the season of giving approaches, we remember the birth of our Savior. Jesus’ message of hope, peace and especially love will be shared through our students’ generosity. Thank you for helping us help others. Advent Reconciliation On December 1st & 3rd, Fr. Greg Hammes, along with priests from the Johnson County region, provided reconciliation for all students. A Communal Reconciliation was also held in the auditorium with their class. Sophomores and seniors attended on December 1st. Freshmen and juniors attended on December 3rd. As we near the birth of Christ, may we all take the time to evaluate our lives and seek forgiveness for the times we have fallen short. God’s grace and forgiveness is a unique gift that can help us truly celebrate the meaning of Christmas. BEST NETWORK We are proud to be partner again this year with the BEST Network. This vibrant and exciting group, created by Marlene Wagnon, is a program that helps to create communities of kindness and inclusion for people with disabilities to perform with others so all people may develop and share their talents with others. On Sunday, December 5th, the group hosted its annual Christmas program for family and friends. Along with seniors Allie Bishop, Morgan Robbins, Rachel Myers, and Staci Gonzalez, the STARS shone for everyone. This event is a fundraiser for their program. Each Thursday evening from 6:30-8:00 p.m. BEST meets to plan and practice for the entertainment club, as well as work on arts and crafts. The goal is to provide a safe, social atmosphere for students and STARS to showcase their talents. This is a service opportunity for students from Bishop Miege and is held in the multi-purpose room on North Campus. Students can sign up outside CMT. Please visit for more information. Your help and support are always appreciated. Encour aging your children to discern their vocations Imagine that you ask your son (or grandson) what he wants to be when he grows up, and he answers, “I want to be a priest!” What would your reaction be? Would you be worried, or elated—or somewhere in between? The truth is that God has a plan for every child; he wants them to be happy even more than you do! And their true happiness is found in discovering God’s plan for their lives and following it wholeheartedly. So if you’re truly concerned about a child’s wellbeing, it makes sense to help him discern God’s call. A person’s occupation—professor, salesman, pilot, writer—can change many times over a lifetime, but a vocation is a deep part of a person’s identity. Most people, of course, are called to the vocation of marriage. But if your child feels called to a life of service in the Church, don’t be afraid; priests and religious live very happy and fulfilling lives! While they experience sorrow and hardship like every other person, they also experience great joy serving God and others. So if you are a parent or grandparent, what can you do to help your children discern their calling in life? The primary thing is to foster openness to God’s will; let them know that God has a plan for them. The next time the topic comes up, consider asking the question: “What do you think God wants you to be when you grow up?” Home-Grown Vocations Because everyone’s first vocation is to be holy, the most important thing parents can do is to create a home environment where Christian virtue can flourish. Here are a few specific ideas for helping children discern their particular vocations: • Invite priests and religious to dinner at your home. • Show your children a good example of holy marriage. • Pray daily for more priestly and religious vocations – maybe along with your regular dinner or night prayers. • Read and discuss the Bible stories of Mary’s response to God (Luke 1:26-39), and Jesus calling the Apostles (Mt 4:18-22). • Speak openly about vocations to marriage, priesthood, and religious life. • If your child does express interest in priesthood or religious life, be supportive. If you’re excited, don’t push too hard. If you’re apprehensive, trust in God’s plan. The best thing you can say is, “Whatever God wants for you, I want for you, too.” Father Mitchel Zimmerman, Vocation Director Vocation Office ~ Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas December 2010 Stag Trumpeter 9 MEDIA CENTER NEWS The Kincaid Media Center is dedicated to helping students, faculty and staff find the books, information and resources that they need. Page Pirates Book Club The Page Pirates continue to prepare for the second annual Battle of the Books, which will be held May 10, 2011. The winning team members will each receive a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble. The ten books in the competition and club meeting dates may be accessed on the media center’s page of the Miege Web site. The pirates hosted their annual Barnes & Noble Bookfair at the Oak Park Mall on Saturday, Nov. 27th from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Club members were dressed as book characters and read to children at 10:00 a.m., noon, 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 8:00 p.m. Other members assisted shoppers by gift-wrapping their purchases. There were displays by Mrs. Phyllis Hartwig’s photography students and by Mrs. Diana Werts’ art students. The Miege choir performed seasonal music under the direction of Mrs. Robin Christie. A combo comprised of Nick Baska, Josh Ellermann, and Josh Staley provided additional music. Eighth grade visitors in November were welcomed to the media center with a lively game of literature-based Jeopardy, assisted by Nicole Miller, Helen Stanley, Jordan Trumbull and Zach Fiskin. “It was really fun, said Nicole. “The eighth graders seemed to have a really good time, especially when they found that the prizes for the winning team were Snicker Bars. They all said, “WooHooo!” A dozen students who are members of the Pirates, the Graveyard S.H.I.F.T., or both clubs, joined other Miege students for the annual Christmas in October workday. “It was really fun to help someone in need,” said Autumn Beiswanger, “I think we really made a difference and I’ve already decided to help with the workday again next year.” “It’s something I will never forget,” said Travis Atchison (shown taking a quick break on the stairs and railing constructed to replace teetering concrete blocks used by the 80-year-old resident of the home). At Christmas, the pirates will conclude their Bucket Brigade coin collection for wells in Africa. As of mid-November, the students had raised $202.00 by collecting their spare pocket change. The club’s goal is to raise money towards a well in Africa so that the villagers will be healthier and their children have time to attend school. “The club is also trying to live out our directive in Matthew 25, in which Jesus tells us that when we give drink to the thirsty, we give it unto Him,” said club sponsor Judi Wollenziehn. “It’s exciting to see the enthusiasm and compassion this project has generated in the students.” In addition to participating in the bucket brigade, the Pirates will co-sponsor a garage sale fund-raiser with members of the Graveyard S.H.I.F.T. in the spring. If you are cleaning out your closets, basement, or attic, please place unwanted items in a box and send them to the media center for the sale. 10 Stag Trumpeter DECEMBER 2010 MEDIA CENTER NEWS High Tea Book Club (FACULTY, STAFF, & FRIENDS) The High Tea Book Club members’ first meeting of the year was hostessed by Joan Carlton and Cathie Sullivan as members discussed their first read, The Same Kind of Different as Me. Members brought items and $100 in pocket change to donate to the Rose Brooks Center [see http://www.rosebrooks. org/], which is hoping to expand their facility to accommodate the escalating need in the greater Kansas City area for shelter from domestic abuse. Club members will read eight books this year, which are posted online at bishopmiege.aspx?sid=100&gid=1&pgid=1031 along with dates of the meetings. Parents and friends of Miege are welcome to join the club; please call Mrs. Wollenziehn at 913262-2701 ext. 269 or e-mail: for more details. GRAVEYARD S.H.I.F.T. (STUDENTS HELPING IDENTIFY AND FIND TOMBSTONES) READING POSTERS: BKS RUL In honor of Veterans Day, S.H.I.F.T. members wrote letters of appreciation to the servicemen and women who are patients at the VA hospital. “It’s really important to write to the veterans in the hospital,” said freshman Tyler Houghton. “They need to know that someone cares and is grateful for what they’ve done.” A new book, Elmwood Cemetery, was unveiled at a booklaunch reception recently at the Central Kansas City Public Library. Hosted by R. Crosby Kemper III, the audience of 400 enthusiastically recognized the efforts of the Graveyard S.H.I.F.T. members who have adopted the children’s section of Elmwood Cemetery and purchased headstones for children buried for a century without a marker. Member Matt Caffey joined author of the book, Bruce Mathews, and club president, Alex Murfey prior to the reception. Alex said, “I felt honored that the Graveyard S.H.I.F.T. was singled out for their work at Elmwood Cemetery.” Club members continue to add entries to the Web site with Autumn Beiswanger and Davis Dodge tied for first place with the highest points so far this year. The member with the most points by the last club meeting will win $50 cash and be declared the champion for the most memorial entries. At the October meeting, members Nicole Miller, Matt Caffey, Alex Murfey, and Davis Dodge, pictured above, created spooky popcorn hands for snack time. This year, S.H.I.F.T. members’ service project is collecting spare change to support the Sweet Sleep Project, with a goal of providing at least one complete Sweet Sleep bunk bed for two Haitian orphans who will help assemble the bed. [see:]. The coin collection, which has raised $163.00, will continue through Christmas. December 2010 Stag Trumpeter 11 SPORTS FALL SPORTS ROUNDUP School sportsmanship Bishop Miege High School believes that sportsmanship is a very important part of a studentathlete’s participation in high school activities. We expect our student-fans to conduct themselves in a positive way. The administration and coaches address sportsmanship issues with student-athletes regularly, and we ask that parents do the same. Athletic programs are a community event, and we ask that all parents, students, fans and athletes conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. School Sportsmanship Code MIEGE VOLLEYBALL CAPTURES 20th STATE TITLE For the third year in a row and a remarkable 20th time in school history, Bishop Miege is state volleyball champion once again. One day after falling to rival Saint Thomas Aquinas in pool play, the Stags dominated their rival in a final-round rematch 25-14, 25-15 on Oct. 30 in Topeka. The victory pushed Miege to a 38-4 record on the season. Senior setter Elizabeth Powell (St. Peter), junior outside hitter Shelby Workman and junior outside hitter Anna Church earned selection to the Kansas Volleyball Association 2010 State All-Tournament Team. The Stags jumped out to a 7-2 lead vs. Aquinas and kept the Saints at arm’s length throughout. Aquinas grabbed a 9-6 lead in the second game, but Miege reeled off 10 straight points behind the serving of senior Leslie Starks and two kills apiece by Church and senior middle hitter Grace Whitley. Miege reached the finals with a 25-9, 25-11 semifinal victory over Shawnee Heights. In addition to being the school’s 20th state title overall, it was the 17th for head coach Gwenn Pike. The Stags also captured the Eastern Kansas League title during the regular season. 12 Stag Trumpeter DECEMBER 2010 1. Be courteous to opponents, fans and cheerleaders. 2. Be representative in your behavior toward everyone present. 3. Respect and abide by the official’s decision. 4. Exercise self-control at all times; never boo an official, coach, cheerleader or player. 5. Display character in your every action. 6. Learn to win with character and lose with dignity. 7. Display appreciation for a good performance or play regardless of team. 8. Gain an understanding and appreciation for the rules of the contest. 9. Your behavior influences others whether or not you’re aware of it. Sportsmanship is the cooperation of people as a unit showing common courtesy, patience, pride and respect. FALL SPORTS (continued) CROSS COUNTRY BOYS SOCCER The Bishop Miege Boys’ Soccer Teams made positive strides throughout their respective seasons. The varsity had the difficult task of trying to replace eight starters from their 2009 5A State Runner-up team and they were doing this with mostly young and inexperienced players. This was just one challenge to overcome though, as injuries became a problem early in the season. At one point during the year the varsity had eight starters out injured over a two week stretch. The team battled through injuries with great resolve and was able to get healthy heading into the final week of the regular season. The varsity won its final two games while collecting shutouts in each of those contests, and with these two victories came confidence and momentum heading into the playoffs. The boys won their first two playoff games with scores of 3-0 and 2-0. With these two victories, the varsity collected their 11th regional title under Coach Huppe in his 18 years and made it to at least the 5A state quarter-final for the third year in a row. The JV had a tremendous season. They finished the year with a 9-3-3 record while collecting nine shutouts. The JV was an extremely young team, comprised of 8-9 freshmen, 7 sophomores, 1 junior, and 1 senior playing every game. The C-Team was also very young, as the team consisted of almost all freshmen. The team competed hard in every game and got better as the season went on. Overall, the boys’ soccer program can be proud of the 2010 season. –Coach Creach FOOTBALL What a great year, to say the least. We are blessed to be part of a wonderful community like Bishop Miege. I would first like to thank the Bishop Miege community for their support this year. Your constant love and support of our players certainly put us over the top. The coaches and players would like to thank you, alumni, parents, families and friends for sharing this experience with us. We are Miege .. –Coach Grunhard This was a great season in Cross Country. I am proud of our student-athletes’ accomplishments. It was a season of surprises, as some of our best races were run by rookies in the sport. Two outstanding debuts by freshman Josef Klein and senior Jesse Seabury, made for an exciting boy’s team season. Maggie Hair returned after a junior year hiatus to join fellow senior Emily Mika. Both girls maintained the number one and two spots in nearly every race. In addition to these standout performances, there were more first year runners than normal. We are thrilled to see so many different athletes coming out for cross country and competing for Miege. If you have thought about running before, now is the time to make the commitment! As many learned this year, it is not easy. However, if you stick with it, your time and effort will be rewarded ten-fold as you accomplish things you never dreamed possible. Some recognition and awards this season Girl’s team average g.p.a.: 3.85 1. Best Newcomer - McKenzie Hamrick (12); P.R. = 17:21 2. Most Improved - Jordan Trumbull (11); P.R. = 18:20 3. “Ironwoman” - Emily Mika (12); P.R. = 16:08 (state qualifier) 4. Runner of the Year - Maggie Hair (12); P.R. = 15:37 (state qualifier) Maggie Hair also earned Academic All-State honors for finishing in the top 30 at State and maintaining a cumulative g.p.a. of 3.75 or better, and became the second-fastest 4K runner in Miege history. Boy’s team average g.p.a.: 3.62 1. Best Newcomer - Josef Klein (9); P.R. = 18:10 (state qualifier) 2. Most Improved - J.C. Cronenwett (12); P.R. = 17:35 3. “Ironman” - Jesse Seabury (12); P.R. = 17:29 (state qualifier) 4. Runner of the Year - Jesse Seabury (12); P.R. = 17:29 Josef Klein also entered the record books by ranking in the top ten of all freshmen since 1972 with a personal best time of 18:10 in the 5K. A special thanks goes out to our parents, administration, and community for supporting the cross country program. My assistant coaches, Joann Heap and Pat McDermott, deserve special recognition for their invaluable time and effort. We were also well-managed by seniors Sophia Pawlewicz, Hannah Holt and Julia Moore. We have many ways of getting students “plugged in” at Miege. We encourage all of our athletes to go out for other sports during the off season. We are particularly interested in our runners going out for Track and Field in the spring. The next opportunities to get involved are: Track and Field/Cross Country Clinic, Cross Country Team Camp, and our summer running program. If you are interested in joining the cross country team, please contact Mr. Alan Thomas at . Best of luck to the winter and spring sports teams. –Coach Thomas December 2010 Stag Trumpeter 13 UNDERSTANDING ANOREXIA IN SPORTS (This article was published for coaches from “American Sport Education Program” and the body of the text has been altered for this publication) Thin is beautiful, happy and successful! This ideal hits teens from every direction: movies, TV, commercials and in all advertisements. Another powerful message can come from the world of sports- a leaner body means better athletic performance. The popular belief that minimal body fat equals athletic success may start a dieting pattern that leads to dangerous extremes. Because anorexia nervosa (self-starvation syndrome) has such damaging physical and emotional effects, parents need to know its signs so they can take steps to get help for their children. But besides educating themselves, parents also need to realize the powerful influence they can exert on their young athletes, and the ways they may inadvertently contribute to the development of an eating disorder. Personality Traits Although family and cultural issues lay the foundation for anorexia, the issues usually interact with some of or all of several personality traits: Need for approval- Anorexics often have low self-esteem and only feel good about themselves when they lose weight and get compliments. Perfectionism- Anorexics tend to have extremely high standards, especially for themselves. Watch for signs of rigidity in grades, appearance, intolerance of errors, and resistance to new ideas for fear of failure. Lack of response to inner needs- Many anorexics are experts at blocking out their bodies messages of hunger, pain or fatigue. Concern about identity- Anorexia often appears in early adolescence, when teens are discovering who they are. Dieting and thinness can become their identity. Behaviors to watch for Parents should suspect anorexia in children when • They eat only specific foods at specific times • Seems inordinately focused on food • Always watches his/her weight • Makes excuses for not eating • Complains of feeling or being fat even when visibly thin • Exercises or trains compulsively and feels panicked if she/he cannot because of injury or weather • Ignores injury or pain rather than stop training • Refuses to weight train for fear of adding muscle weight • Denies that a problem exists Physiological symptoms A significant weight loss is the most obvious sign of anorexia. Other physical symptoms are amenorrhea (interruption of the menstrual cycle): constipation, diarrhea, or bloating: and development of fine hair on the face and arms (the body’s attempt to stay warm in the absence of adequate body fat). Additional signals include excessive fatigue or muscle weakness in training or competition, complaints of always being cold, and overuse injuries or stress fractures from too much training. A teen does not have to display every symptom to have anorexia, nor does the presence of one or more mean that your child definitely has an eating disorder. Further, no specific weight or percentage of loss signals the onset. Parents need to know the signs of anorexia because the current emphasis in sports on low body-fat percentages makes athletes prime targets for this disease. Sports that emphasize slenderness or weight control seem to have higher numbers of anorexic athletes, but they can be found in any sport. The earlier anorexia is detected and treated by a professional, the better the teen’s chance to return to a normal life, and if an athlete, to an athletic career that does not revolve around weight and body image. For more information on eating disorders contact ANAD (Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders). Box 7, Highland Park, IL, 60035 Ph. (708-831-3438). Parents please, always feel free to contact me, our trainer, Linda Gregg, our school nurse. Mrs. Peterson, or coaches if you have concerns about eating disorders or illnesses of this nature. We at Bishop Miege High School are only interested in the well-being of your student’s health and are open to helping in any way possible. Mr. Michael Bohaty Associate Principal, Athletic Director CAA. 14 Stag Trumpeter DECEMBER 2010 Join Your Teacher’s Tour Today! COSTA RICA: COAST TO COAST 07/11/2011 - 07/19/2011 Newfound confidence Higher grades Stronger college applications Enhanced career prospects Friendships that last a lifetime Integration into a global society This trip is more than an irreplaceable experience. This trip will set your child’s college application apart. Traveling now prepares students for the realities of a global economy. I want your child to have all the same advantages that over a hundred thousand other children gain every year by traveling abroad on educational tours. To enroll visit and search for Tour number: 147068 or call 800-637-8222 x79623 and ask for Bridget Olsen. Get excited about travelling by watching this new video: watch?v=IC15Ilts0fA * This trip is not affiliated with Bishop Miege High School. I have chosen to travel with EF because they are the only student travel agency that can offer over 40 years of experience, scholastic accreditation (credits available) and the security of having offices throughout the world. Feel free to contact me with any other questions. – Mr. Alan Thomas, Room 327,, 913-262-2700 X508 Questions about Miege? Academics...................................................... Stan Herbic, Principal Business.......................................................... Pat McDermott, 505 Drama...............................................................Dave Steinberg, 544 English...................................................................Mary Engler, 513 Family & Consumer Science............................ Brianne Ogilvie, 547 World Languages.................................................. Paula Munro, 532 Mathematics........................................................ Clara George, 518 Music..................................................................Robin Christie, 533 Band...................................................................... Doug Watts, 510 Physical Education.................................................... Dave Eller, 251 Theology.................................................................. Bill Creach, 509 Science................................................................ Alan Thomas, 508 Social Studies....................................................Donna Sullivan, 529 Visual Arts............................................................. Diana Werts, 535 Athletics............................................ Mike Bohaty, Athletic Director Baseball............................................................... Tim Kennedy, 524 Boys’ Basketball........................................................Rick Zych, 550 Boys’ Soccer............................................................Joe Huppe, 564 Cross Country...................................................... Alan Thomas, 508 Football............................................................... Tim Grunhard, 552 Girls’ Basketball................................................... Terry English, 514 Girls’ Soccer............................................................ Bill Creach, 509 Boys’ Golf......................................................................................... Girls’ Golf............................................... Jeff English, 913-226-9146 Softball................................................................. Dan Gemmill, 559 Swim/Dive...............................................Dennis Mueller, 248-4546 Boys’ Tennis......................................... Gail Gregory, 913-677-3070 Girls’ Tennis............................................................Amy Lukert, 523 Track................................................................ Scott Anderson, 500 Volleyball.......................................................Gwenn Pike, 422-0581 Main phone: 913-262-2700 For extensions, dial 913-262-2701+ext. Wrestling.................................................................. Dave Eller, 251 Attendance, discipline ................... Bob Ludwikoski, Asst. Principal and dress code for freshmen and sophomores Attendance, discipline.................. Mike Bohaty, Associate Principal and dress code for juniors and seniors Auction.............................................................Development Office Bus Schedule................................................... Lorraine Gerard, 235 Campus Ministry Team.........................................Mary Perrini, 237 Car Pool........................................................... Lorraine Gerard, 235 Cheerleaders...................................................... Nancy Weber, 549 Class Schedule: Individual counselor: EO.............................. Elaine O’Connor, 227 Individual counselor: ES....................... Elaine Schmidtberger, 228 Individual counselor: BB......................................Brady Beek, 230 Debate/Forensics.......................................... Melissa Reynolds, 539 Drill Team........................................................... Nancy Weber, 549 Facets................................................................... Paula Munro, 532 Financial Aid..................................................... Lorraine Gerard, 235 Freshman Orientation..................... Bob Ludwikoski, Asst. Principal Health/Nurse....................................................Maura Peterson, 225 Media Center................................................. Judi Wollenziehn, 269 Miege Activities Booster Club......................... Susan Tremonti, 238 National Honor Society........................................ Clara George, 518 Security Officer/Parking Enforcement................... Dennis Lark, 262 Student Council.........................................Sr. Martina Rockers, 540 Student Parking.............................. Bob Ludwikoski, Asst. Principal Tuition/Fees.........................................................Jean Lininger, 234 Uniform Purchases.............................................Jan Easterday, 242 Work Study......................................................... Frank Harkins, 240 Yearbook/Newspaper....................................... Phyllis Hartwig, 520 December 2010 Stag Trumpeter 15
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