sand scoops Nov1005 - City of Orange Beach
SAND SCOOPS November 10, 2005 Volume 3, Issue 21 A NEWSLETTER FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ORANGE BEACH “Another great recovery story was the successful SEC Soccer tournament and the responses from those attending who complimented our city and our employees. Great job to all involved. Thank you to all our veterans and families of veterans. Let’s remember those who have served our country this Friday.” - Steve Russo, Mayor November Birthdays Southeastern Conference Women’s Soccer Championships Are Here! Steve Brown 11/02 Allison Fikes 11/02 Over 4,000 attended the three days of soccer action as the SEC was back in town for the Women’s Soccer Tournament. The University of Tennessee took home the title over Auburn with a 1-0 victory with just minutes remaining in the game. Excellent weather during the week made for good crowds and heated action. According to Preston Pooser, Parks and Rec Director, “this event has catapulted our City into the running for many premiere collegiate events and tournaments. Getting national exposure and hearing the positive feedback from coaches, players and fans makes the effort well worthwhile. The SEC has become a good partner and we see many more opportunities with the conference in the future of Orange Beach.” City of Orange Beach Sexual Harassment Prevention Training will begin November 29 and is Mandatory to all City Employees. If your Supervisor or Department Head has not signed you up, please check with them immediately. Register to Cathy Constantino at 981-6979. “Teach A Man To Fish . . .” = $75,000 Jacob Heyer 11/03 Suzanne Miller 11/05 Shane Haddock 11/08 Tim Gavin 11/10 Chester Esser, Sr 11/11 Matthew Stringer 11/11 Lane Vines 11/11 Stephen Kelley 11/13 Candy Martin 11/13 Jonathan Thompson11/13 Joseph Hawkins 11/14 Kris Jones 11/14 Jessica Wilson 11/16 Don Miller 11/20 Robert Barnett 11/21 Forney Howard 11/22 November Milestones (5+ years of service) Sarah Trimble Gina Lee Laurel Devaney Vicki Woodring Barbara Moseley Grady Harris Marty Roark Kenneth Lewellen 16yrs 15yrs 9yrs 9yrs 8yrs 7yrs 7yrs 6yrs THANK YOU VETERANS! From parables to reality, the FLW Redfish Series brought 82 professional boats to Orange Beach competing for prize money. The event made a huge impression and has opened the doors for more off season tournaments in OB. Way to Go! City Services Closed "Orange Beach Fire & Rescue, along with the Orange Beach Water Authority's help, will be testing the City's fire hydrants over the next 4-6 weeks. This will be an annual operation to confirm that all hydrants are in good working order and have sufficient pressure for fighting fires. Low water pressure may occur. Your cooperation is appreciated." Fire Chief Forney Howard P.O. Box 458 Orange Beach, Alabama 36561 1.251.981.6979 Friday, Nov. 11 for Veteran’s Day fax 1.251.981.6981 Superheroes Invade Orange Beach To assist Orange Beach Elementary Schools Red Ribbon Week in the fight against planetary evil forces and to teach “NO TO DRUGS”, members of the Orange Beach Police Department took to the streets. Seen are Jay Dempsey and Anthony Grigsby with McGruff, Spiderman, Hulk, Captain America, Batman, Wonderwoman. Below: Teachers lead the parade down Wilson Blvd as Red Ribbons were flying. Over 350 students participated in the week long events. KUDOS on Relief Aid! Great Job to the Staff of Community Development on Adopting a Trailer for a Hurricane Katrina Victim. By adopting the employees provided funds to setup and supply a mobile unit to be used by a family that has lost their home. Below is the Orange Beach Iron Bowl Tennis Social participants for Saturday, November 5th. 16 Alabama fans competed against 16 Auburn fans. After playing 4 quarters of 25 minutes per round, ALABAMA won the 2005 Iron Bowl Social with total score of 267 points to Auburn's 241 points. In this 4th annual social, each team has won the social two times each. Halftime consisted of party snacks brought by each participant. Will this social be a sign of what's to come November 19th? We will see! Find out more at 974-NETS. Or an ge Be h ac nn Te is “Rockin’ For Relief T Shirts $5 ea or 3 for $10 Finance Dept Supports Relief / Aid Sponsored by Giggling Grouper Orange Beach Employee Classifieds Items for sale? Send to True Antique, upright solid oak piano. Ivory keys Exc Cond $800. Gail Graham at 981-8545 Sympathy to the Family of Pam Jones, dispatcher, on the death of her brother Boat Slip, $140 monthly. Cherie Stobert 981-6979. 2002 Kia Sportage, PwrStrg, coldA/C, 4 dr, warranty, great gas mileage, 70K miles, $7,000 obo. Joe 747-1075. Coleman Screen House 12x12, 1month old, gray $75 John Mudra 955-5729 or 981-4357. F-1 shooting chrony (chronograph) w. tripod $50 Nikon buckmaster 4.5 to 14x scope. $175 Phillip West 981-6788. Stainless steel truck tool box, fits S-10 or small bed. $200 obo. Bill Fetner 981-6783. 2005 Holiday Schedule Fri Nov 11 Veterans Day Thurs Nov 24 Thanksgiving Friday Nov 25 Day After Fri Dec 23 Christmas Mon Dec 26 Christmas Wireless Laptop users can seek help on Mondays at 10am at the Orange Beach Public Library. Every week the classes are geared at helping the new laptop user to the proficient net surfer. With more hotspots going live around Orange Beach the classes teach the necessary skills to get online, without wires. City Hall is now a “Wi-Fi HotSpot”. Yard / Bake Sale Sat. November 12 5am until ?. Proceeds benefit Bruce and Christy Nelson, OB Fire, with adoption fees and unforeseen expenses related to the adoption process. Stop by and BUY! Send info for Sand Scoops to Ken Grimes, Feedback welcome at 981-6979
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