Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin
Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin
Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin 5200 Greenridge Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust “We are a Roman Catholic community of involved individuals and families who, through the spirit of tithing, dedicate ourselves to growing in faith and sharing Christ with others.” Fr. John R. Haney, Administrator Fr. Michael S. Suslowicz, Parochial Vicar Rectory: 412-881-8115 Fax: 412-440-0160 Baptisms: Call Rectory to schedule Confessions: Saturday: 12 N to 1 pm and as requested after weekday Masses Barbara Sawyer, School Principal 412-882-3353 (O) Suzan Slezak, Preschool Director 412-881-8358 (H) 412-230-7572 © Carol Vater, CCD Program Coordinator 412-881-7950 (O) 412-882-6561 (H) Carol Froehlich, Music Director 412-650-7390 (H) Today is Sunday, May 3, 2015 THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Recently I was talking with my close friend and fellow priest, Fr. Joe McCaffrey, whom many people recall served at our parish, and he told me that they changed their lengthy Parish Mission Statement to one simple message, “Love God. Serve all. Make Disciples.” The Bishop’s new initiative throughout the Diocese called “On Mission for the Church Alive!” emphasizes the third component of the mission statement: “Make Disciples.” Some call this evangelization; others call it simply sharing our faith in a real way with those around us. It is our vocation and the Divine command to go forth and make disciples. The point of a mission statement is to keep a company, parish or family on the same page or to “keep the main thing the main thing!” What is so gratifying about this new mission statement is not only its simplicity, but also its power for reflection. In some ways every group in our parish and every effort they put forth is living the mission of Loving God, Serving All and Making Disciples. As I write my bulletin notice to you this week, I know First Holy Communion was celebrated yesterday in the Parish with 74 children and their families. Say a prayer that these children will stay close to Christ and His Church. I just returned from Jefferson Hospital after four days of overcoming an unexpected bout with colitis (an infection of the colon with unknown reason for having it). It zapped me but I will continue to fight to become stronger and to continue my priestly duties. Congratulations to Joseph Kralik, husband of Barbara, who was accepted as a candidate to the Diaconate of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. He faces a 5-year preparation period, so keep him in your prayers that he will succeed and serve the Church in this much needed position. This evening at 7:00 there will be a Holy Hour in Church. This will be the final First Sunday Holy Hour until October 2015. (continued) NOTES FROM FR. HANEY (continued) On Monday, the St. Monica Prayer Group will meet in Church at 7:00. On Tuesday, the always-beautiful May Crowning by the 8th Graders and many other children, with the Living Rosary and Benediction, will take place in Church at 1:00. On Tuesday evening, the Christian Mothers Mass with Installation of Officers at 7:00. Their meeting will follow in the hall. On Wednesday, the Legion of Mary Evangelization Group will meet in the Rectory at 7:45. Regular Thursday Night Bingo in the parish hall at 7:00. On Saturday morning, the newly established parish organization entitled “Lay Missionaries of Charity” will meet in the parish hall at 9:30. On Saturday evening, the SGAA will hold a Middle School Dance in the hall from 7:00 until 10:00. On Saturday and Sunday at all the Masses a special collection will be taken for the Nepal earthquake victims. See the inserts in today’s bulletin for further information about this catastrophe. All Masses next Sunday will be offered for the intentions of some of the most beautiful people in our lives, our Mothers. May God bless them for their love and dedication to their families. Special thanks to Karen Greb, Hair Designs by Karen Greb, for her tithing donation of $163 for services rendered to the following St. Gabriel Parish members: Elyse Alario, Rose Evosevic, Tom, Cristy and Aubrey Gray, Martha Hasis, Rosemary McCoy, Jennifer O’Toole and Cris Winter. Congratulations to Danielle Dadig and Matt Reinmund, two St. Gabriel School alumni, who were named 2015 Seton LaSalle Prom King and Queen. Don’t forget our St. Gabriel Food Club Certificate Program as you continue shopping or dining at the following businesses: Atria’s Restaurant, Bruegger’s, Eat ‘n Park, Giant Eagle, Kohl’s, McGinnis Sisters, Olive Garden/Red Lobster Restaurants & Shop ‘N Save. Finally...I always read the sports page first. The sports page reports people’s accomplishments; the front page usually reports nothing but man’s failures! ******** In charity, please remember all members, relatives, friends and benefactors of our Parish and community, with special consideration for the sick, homebound and distressed members. Pray for the repose of Sister M. Henrietta Pusvaskis, OSF, Rose Evangelista, Mother of Dominic Evangelista, Irene Addams, Sister of Eugenia Fratangelo, Ralph Hoenshell, Cousin of Ron Misko, and Sandy Briggs, Sister of Jeffrey VanAntwerp, who died during the course of this past week. Pray also for Alice Tomarelli whose funeral liturgy will be celebrated here Monday morning at 10:00, Andrerw Kucerovy, whose funeral liturgy will be celebrated here Monday afternoon at 1:00, and Eugene Mitchell, Husband of Joyce Mitchell, whose funeral liturgy will be celebrated here Tuesday morning at 10:00. (check it out!) RESPECT LIFE NEWS God Makes No Distinctions...On February 27, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI said (in a talk to the Pontifical Academy for Life): “ ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you’ (Jer. 1:5), God said to the prophet Jeremiah. And the psalmist recognizes with gratitude: ‘You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for You are fearful and wonderful. Wonderful are Your works! You know me right well.’ (Ps 139 [138]:13-14). These words acquire their full, rich meaning when one thinks that God intervenes directly in the creation of every soul of every new human being. God’s love does not differentiate between the newly conceived infant still in his or her mother’s womb and the child or young person, or the adult and the elderly person. God does not distinguish between them because He sees an impression of His own image and likeness in each one. (Gn 1:26).” ******** REBORN IN CHRIST One child received the Sacrament of Baptism here last week and is now privileged to share in the Divine Life of Christ: Rory Angela Barone, Daughter of Brad and Natalie Barone ******** MARRIAGE BANNS I Timothy Joseph Brutscher & Alyssa Rose Honegoskey, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish III Stephen Charles Heisler, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish & Allison Elizabeth Hammill ******** PRE-MARRIAGE CLASS Fr. Scott Seethaler will hold a pre-marriage preparation class on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at SS. John & Paul Church, 2586 Wexford Bayne Road, Sewickley, PA 15143. For more information, call 412-680-0988 or visit ******** ATTENTION ALL PARISH ORGANIZATION HEADS & SCOUT LEADERS Our annual Parish Calendar Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 19th in the parish hall at 7 pm. ALL PARISH ORGANIZATION HEADS & SCOUT LEADERS ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND! If you are unable to be present at this most important meeting where we plan over 700 yearly activities, please make sure that another member of your organization will be there to represent you. Also, all organizations are to bring a list of Board Members & Officers for the 2015-2016 year. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN CLASS St. Philip Church - Sunday, May 17th, 1:30 pm Contact Walter Schulte at 412-922-6300 ext. 6 MASS INTENTIONS May 4 to May 10, 2015 MONDAY – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:30 am Irene Young 11:30 am John T. Ryan (Anniversary) (req. Glenn, Cadda, Brian and Becky Proie) (req. Jane Wick) TUESDAY – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:30 am Bruce Eaglen 8:45 am Lucian Romanucci 7:00 pm Doris McGonigle (req. The Bishop Family) (req. Nick and Donna Sirianni) (req. Janet Henry) WEDNESDAY 7:30 am 6:45 pm 7:00 pm EASTER WEEKDAY Syvilla Brickell (Anniversary) (req. Family) Rosary and Miraculous Medal Novena Devotions Paul J. and Lena Och (req. Bill) THURSDAY – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:30 am Eleanor Levy 8:45 am Norma Stark (req. Ray Walkowiak andThe Gibson Family) (req. The Mangan Family) FRIDAY – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:30 am Fran Downs (Anniversary) 11:30 am Thomas Murtha (req. Family) (req. Wife) SATURDAY – EASTER WEEKDAY 9:00 am Dolores Tallon (req. Family) 11:30 am Agnese Pollice (req. Martha) 3:30 pm Nuptial Mass: Stephen Charles Heisler & Allison Elizabeth Hammill 6:00 pm Edward Decker (Birthday) (req. Family) SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 – THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – MOTHER’S DAY 8:00 am 10:00 am Masses on Mother’s Day will be offered for all Mothers, 12:00 Noon Living & Deceased, of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish 4:30 pm ******** BINGO The next St. Gabriel All-Paper Bingo will be held Thursday, May 7th, 2015 in the parish hall. Bulls-eye game begins at 7:00 pm. For information, visit Menu: Hamburger or Cheeseburger * Chips * Dessert * Beverage ******** ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE – May 4 to May 10, 2015 Monday, May 4 7:30 am Ryan Bigley and Jacob Yanity 11:30 am Connor Davis and Austin Jones Tuesday, May 5 7:30 am John Guilinger and Antonio LaPorte 8:45 am Haylee Rapali and Kate Riley 7:00 pm Justin Gibson Wednesday, May 6 7:30 am Erin Hampton and Julia Balaschak Thursday, May 7 7:30 am Gabrielle Palatucci and Lindsay Molinero 8:45 am Adam Feth and Jake Garda Friday, May 8 7:30 am Justin Ranft and Theresa Skindzier 11:30 am Kate Riley and Morgan O’Brien Saturday, May 9 9:00 am Brooke Veith and Nathan Trainer 11:30 am Elianna Sinkule and Jada Bachner 3:30 pm Julia and Peter Koltas 6:00 pm Tiffany Kells, Mackenzie and Dean O’Toole Sunday, May 10 8:00 am Amanda Bruni, Grace McCusker and Louisa Tiriobo 10:00 am Alex Butelli, Erica Koenig and Arlen Hooks 12:00 Noon Mia Lucarelli, Alison and Dennis Shapiro 4:30 pm Sarah Fader, Michael Thompson and Matthew Rohe Schedules available on St. Gabriel’s web page: ******** UNIFORM CLOSET The Uniform Closet will be open on May 13th from 11:00 am to 12:00 Noon in the School Gym to assist incoming Kindergarten students, as well as our current students, with uniform needs. Also, we could use several more PLASTIC BINS. If you have any that you can donate, call Barb Stock at 412-650-8126. Thank you. ******** TUTORING SERVICES My name is Jenna Snyder and I will be graduating from Seton Hill University this May with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, Pre K-4th Grade and Special Education, K-8th Grade. I am a former student of St. Gabriel School and am offering tutoring services in all elementary areas this summer. Please contact me if you have any interest at 412-559-6612 or email I will be tithing 5% of my income to St. Gabriel Church. ******** We acknowledge, with sincere gratitude, the following donations: To Our Awareness Fund: $500 in thanksgiving from Derek and Victoria Rorabaugh $200 in loving memory of Eleanor Reich from Ron Reich and Family $200 in honor of the Baptism of Rory Angela Barone from Parents, Brad and Natalie $100 in loving memory of William McSteen from Family $ 20 in honor of the Baptism of Rory Angela Barone from Michael Buzzelli To St. Gabriel Parish Share: $100 in honor of our Son, Shane’s First Holy Communion from Ed and Melissa Bigley $ 80 in honor of Fr. Haney’s 80th Birthday from Emelia Zandier $ 80 in honor of Fr. Haney’s 80th Birthday from Elena Zandier $ 80 in honor of Fr. Haney’s 80th Birthday from Emmy Zandier $ 5 from a Bingo player given Anonymously To St. Gabriel School: $ 58 for a great beginning from Edward, Mark and Linda Lantz $ 50 in memory of Patrick Allan Beck from The Cox Family and the Wenk Families $ 25 in memory of Ron Knoll from Craig and April Donaldson $ 25 in memory of Patrick Beck from Vick and Dorothy Gillner To Our Flower Fund: $ 25 in memory of Robert Vietmeier on his May 4th Birthday from Linda and Wes $ 10 for Deceased Loved Ones from Carole Miller $ 5 in loving memory of Elizabeth Reinsel from Daughter, Joan Henning To St. Vincent de Paul (Gift of Love): $200 in honor of our Family from Joseph and Diane McNally ******** SGAA NEWS If anyone is interested in coaching the Golf Team for this year, please contact Melissa at 412215-2627 or email as soon as possible. SGAA is currently recruiting for the following open Board positions for the 2015-2016 school year: Equipment Manager, Concession Manager (Hough Gym) and Boys’ Vice-President. Please email Melissa Stefanyszyn at if you are interested. If you are interested in coaching any sports for the 2015-2016 school year, please contact Melissa at above email address. Thank you. ******** SAVE THE DATE!!! Mark your calendar now - The Annual Fr. Haney Golf Outing will be Sunday, July 12, 2015. ******** LOVING SOMEONE WITH AN ADDICTION “Loving Someone with an Addiction,” sponsored by Substance Abuse Ministry (SAM) is a sixty minute video presentation, followed by a discussion led by someone who has lived the experience. It will be held at St. Louise de Marillac Le Gras Parish Hall (320 McMurray Rd.) on Tuesday, May 5th from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. MARY’S CORNER... ~ Fatima ~ On May 13, 1917 the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children, Lucia (age 9) and her cousins, Francisco (age 8) and Jacinta (age 6), while pasturing their sheep at the Cova de Iris (a place of peace) near Fatima, Portugal. From May 13 through October 17, 1917 Our Lady appeared six times to the three shepherd children. She asked them to pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world. The Mother of God offered us a peace plan: 1. Penance and Reparation 2. Pray the Rosary Daily 3. Confession and Holy Communion on five First Saturdays 4. Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Which means giving all to Her for reparation and conversion of sinners, and for greater love, glory and honor of God). May we strive to live by the Fatima message, hope for peace in our earthly lives and be rewarded in Heaven. ...Legion of Mary ******** PAPAL PILGRIMAGE WITH MARY’S TRAVEL We will depart Friday, September 25, 2015 from St. Paul Seminary and return Sunday, September 27. We will have Luxury Coach transportation with a two-night hotel stay on the outskirts of Philadelphia that will include two breakfasts (Saturday & Sunday) and one dinner (Friday). There will be a Mass with Bishop Zubik on Saturday. Be prepared to walk at least one mile to get to the Papal Mass. Deposit is $100 and is non-refundable. Full payment is due by June 10 th. Total price is $530 (2 per room), $525 (3 per room) and $500 (4 per room). Send your deposit to Mary’s Travel, 405 Pearce Road, Pgh., PA 15234 or call Bernadette Burke at 412-563-3857. If you need more information, call Linda Nevins at 412-884-3213. Also, there are reservation forms in the back of Church. ******** TO ALL ST. GABRIEL PARISHIONERS: With full support of the St. Gabriel Athletic Association, Baldwin Head Golf Coach, Steve Sinning, would like to extend an invitation to St. Gabriel Parish to utilize the Baldwin Golf Room. This opportunity is entirely free of charge to anyone in the Baldwin-Whitehall Community. The room is located at the Wallace Building, which is the same location as the Baldwin Library. The room allows people to enjoy and practice the game of golf in a year round setting. The room includes two large hitting nets, which allows players to practice every type of golf shot with real golf balls. It also has a large putting green and various chipping mats that simulate the different lies that one will encounter on the course. An additional room contains an actual sand trap and elevated green. We also have the ability to record a swing and analyze things like swing path. As the coach of the Baldwin Golf Team, Steve would like as many community members, both school aged and older, to use the room. If you have any questions, please contact Steve at 412-559-0461 or MEN’S CLUB NEWS Our next meeting will be Monday, May 11th at 6:00 pm. Please note the new day and time – it will be our end of year Cook Out! Please do not hesitate to contact Bill Brennan, 412-882-6216, if you have any questions. We hope to see YOU there! ******** USHER ASSIGNMENTS, MAY 2015 6:00 pm Saturday Evening Vigil Mass Paul Och, Captain Jim Hawkins Mark Berta Jim Laurent Lou Wehar Lou Wehar, Jr. Sunday Masses 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 Noon Harry Nieman, Captain Jim Berroth, Captain Dom Pasquarelli, Captain Bill Weikel, Co Captain Bob Colaizzi, Co Captain Ray Veri, Co Captain Paul Caspary John Duffy Ed Jarkiewicz Joe D’Alessandro Joe Fiorill John Pogranzni Norb Pilewski Joe Spagnolo Richard McDonald Rick Chesnos 4:30 pm Sunday Afternoon Mass Dan Regel, Captain ANY CHANGES, CONTACT HARRY NIEMAN (412) 884-1919. ******** SOUP TAKE OUT – Wedneday, Mary 13, 2015 Soup’s on in May at the Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God. Wedding Soup, Pesto Chicken Soup and Roasted Eggplant Bisque will be offered to patrons at $5 a quart. Orders must be placed no later than Thursday, May 7th – call 412-885-7232 or email ******** ANNUAL SPRING-a-RAMA Lots of fun, food and prizes as St. Elizabeth of Hungary holds its annual festival celebration beginning Monday, May 18th and continuing each night through Saturday, May 23rd, from 7:00 til 10:30. There will be carnival rides, games, a huge White Elephant Sale, food, and lots more! The Spring-a-Rama Festival is located at One Grove Place, off Route 51, near Eat ‘n Park. ******** PEACE. LOVE. RUN. Catholic Hospice and Palliative Services is excited to announce the date of our 4th Annual Peace. Love. Run. 13.1 Half Marathon and 5K Run/Walk. The date is Sunday, June 21, 2015 at the North Park Boathouse. Half Marathon begins at 7:00 am and the 5K Run/Walk at 7:45 am. Register on-line today at or call Catholic Hospice at 1-866-933-6221. This race benefits Catholic Hospice’s mission to provide quality end of life care to those in need. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS NEWS Monthly Meeting Please join us for our last general meeting of the year on Tuesday, May 5th. This will be our annual installation of the new Board. We ask that everyone begin the evening with us in Church at 7:00 pm for Mass and the Installation (Rosary begins at 6:45). Afterwards, a light meal will be served in the parish hall as we hold our meeting. Our Guest Speakers for the evening will be stylists from the Philip Pelusi Salon, South Hills Village, and they will share seasonal trends and tips for fabulous hair and makeup that enhance our look no matter what age we are! For planning purposes, RSVP’s are required to Amy Bacik at or 412-885-8812 no later than TODAY, Sunday, May 3rd. ...Thank you, Amy Bacik, CCM Vice President Genesis Mother’s Day Collection Members of our Parish will be outside the Church doors on Mother’s Day Weekend, May 9th and 10th collecting for Genesis of Pittsburgh, Inc. This nonprofit social service agency provides life-affirming programs and services to pregnant women, children and adoptive families in our community. They offer free counseling, temporary shelter, educational assistance, practical help in the form of infant needs, affordable adoption services and future planning for all in crisis. Your contributions will be directly used to support these programs. We thank you in advance for your donations. Our aim is to guarantee the unborn a “future” whether through responsible parenting or placement through adoption. Altar Duty Schedule May 8 Rosemary Grogan, Agnes Vavro and Marybeth Riley May 15 Mary Anne Schirra and Dolly Lutz May 29 Kelly Butelli and Theresa Maier May 22 Joanne Chesnos and Lisa Rennie Market Day Please help support St. Gabriel School by placing an order online at or by picking up and Order Guide at the Rectory or the Vestibule of the Church. School/Rectory orders are due May 8th and internet orders by May 13th for pick up on May 20th. During May you receive a FREE 4-pack of Cheesecake Pops with you $90 online purchase using promo code MAYBONUS. May also brings Pizza and Cookies Bonus Days, and the more boxes purchased, the more our School earns! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Kay Gardiner at 412-885-2157, Suzanne Kuntz at 412-835-4339 or Rose Fiorill at 412-884-6614. ******** HELP NEEDED FOR FUNERALS AT ST. GABRIEL CHURCH The Funeral Servers/Ushers are in need of a few adult males/females to supplement those who donate their time in those 2 capacities. The funerals are usually celebrated at 10am or 1pm, Mon.- Sat. Generally, you are called 2 days prior to a funeral and asked if you would be available, we try to keep this on a rotating basis. The Ushers assist in parking cars, and then direct attendees to pews. The Servers function in much the same capacity as the Altar Servers do at Mass. If you feel that you can help in either capacity, please contact Rich Good at 412-881-5848. Thank you. ******** PARISH ‘LIFE’ NEWS A Monthly Publication of the St. Gabriel Pro-Life Committee ACLU Pressures Catholic Bishops to Comply with Administration’s Abortion Initiative In February 2014, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) objected to a new regulation proposed by the Obama administration that would require contractors to provide access to contraception and abortion for unaccompanied immigrant children who have been raped. In an official letter, the USCCB as well as World Relief, the National Association of Evangelicals and Catholic Relief Services, explained that the new regulation violates religious liberty, specifically the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In addition, the USCCB opposed the transfer of teenagers to other groups that would do abortions because that would still enable actions violating their religious beliefs. Now, the pro-abortion American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is suing the administration for documents that could show the USCCB is restricting access to abortions for unaccompanied immigrant children. ACLU’s Brigitte Amiri said, “The bishops want to take millions of dollars in government contracts, but at the same time, they don’t want to comply with the terms of the contracts.” Thankfully, the USCCB has not wavered on their opposition to abortion or in their refusal to be a part of it in any way. In fact, the Catholic bishops, so upset about taxpayer funding of abortions in Obamacare, urged Congress to shut down the federal government in 2014 to address the issue., 4/9/15 Issue No. 89, May 1, 2015 Pat Barnett, Editor 412-926-9792 Alito Halts HHS Mandate for Pittsburgh and Erie Dioceses U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito temporarily halted enforcement of the federal contraceptive mandate against Catholic Charities and other social service agencies in local dioceses. “This stay is a welcome but interim step in pursuit of the religious freedom that our laws and Constitution have guaranteed to all Americans,” said Bishop David A. Zubik of Pittsburgh in a statement April 17. “We remain in prayer that justice will prevail and that Catholic Charities will be allowed to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church.” Alito’s April 15 order affects a Feb. 11 ruling by a threejudge panel of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that reversed a November 2014 decision by a lower court granting the Pittsburgh and Erie dioceses a temporary injunction against enforcement of the mandate. CNA/EWTN News, 4/18/15 Primary 2015 The May 2015 LIFEPAC Voters Guide is now on the web at and ready for use on Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Each vote counts. If we want representation by men and women with Pro-Life principles and values, we must exercise our right to vote. Congratulations to all our pro-life winners in the 2014 General Election. Pro-Life candidates swept the day in election wins. We have a solid list of legislators who have promised to vote pro-life. Viral Image of 101-Year-Old with Newborn Baby Sparks Unbelievable Response The pro-life movement celebrates human life at both ends of the spectrum. We fight for the right to life of unborn children who are targeted by abortions and we fight just as passionately for the elderly and disabled who are targeted by assisted suicide and euthanasia. This image has “gone viral” on social media as millions of people are touched by its beauty and the circle of life it represents. The photo was shared by Sarah Hamm of Gilbert, Arizona. She had brought her two-week-old daughter Kaylee Rowland to meet her 101-year-old Grandma Rosa Camfield. Hamm said she was delighted that her photo triggered such a response. “People were really drawn to the image for reasons we didn’t foresee. They thought of all of the things this woman has seen and lived through in her lifetime and imagined how her experiences will shape the life of the baby just starting her own journey,” The Huffington Post, 4/1/15 PROJECT MUSTARD SEED Kansas Becomes First State to Ban Dismemberment Abortion On April 7, 2015, Kansas became the first state to ban abortions by a procedure known as “dilation and evacuation,” which is common during second-trimester abortions and referred to as “dismemberment abortion” in the law. Local pro-life advocates say the legislation is an opportunity to save the unborn from a horrific procedure, while providing a model for other states. The law contains an exemption for medical emergencies or when a pregnant woman’s life is in danger. It also makes clear that a woman who seeks a dismemberment abortion is not liable under law. The law allows civil action against physicians who perform dismemberment abortions in violation of the law. The Oklahoma Legislature is considering a similar bill, as are Missouri and South Carolina. NCR 4/9/15 WELLS FARGO Operations: education (collections/ museums), financial (Cornerstone Credit Services, Rural Community, banking, credit cards, insurance, investing/planning, loans). Please write to: Mr. John G. Stumpf Chairman, President & CEO Wells Fargo & Co. 420 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA 94104 Tell him to stop funding Planned Parenthood Connecticut Defeats Assisted Suicide Legalization Bill Connecticut will not follow Oregon, Washington and Vermont as the fourth state to legalize assisted suicide. Backers of the bill said they would try again next year in an attempt to get the state legislature to sign off on such a bill. A pro-life group, Family Institute of Connecticut, was one of the many groups opposing the bill. The group said assisted suicide is not the best way to help the elderly, disabled or terminally ill patients. “FIC Action does not support keeping a patient alive by extraordinary means against that patient’s will. We support true aid-indying, which is hospice and palliative care. What we oppose is licensing doctors to prescribe lethal drugs for the purpose of taking a human life, prescribing suicide as a treatment,” it said., 4/15/15 We last wrote to Wells Fargo in August 2005. Thank you for your continued support on behalf of the unborn. More Outfall from China’s One-Child Policy China’s latest census, conducted in 2010, revealed that the country had 13 million undocumented children. The majority were “over-quota” children born in violation of China’s one-child policy and accordingly denied legal identification or “household registration” known as hukou. Without hukou, a person cannot attend school, receive healthcare or government support, travel by train or plane, or get married. During the census, parents were encouraged to admit if they had unregistered children and promised that their information would not be forwarded to local officials who would fine them. However, similar promises of anonymity to parents were broken in previous censuses. So the true population of hidden children could be significantly higher. Still, when 1% of the population lacks any legal standing, it is clear that China’s one-child policy, which promotes sexselection abortion against girls in the womb, and has resulted in about 400 million aborted children overall since its instatement in 1979, has wrought endless human rights abuses against its citizens and should be abolished. 4/1/15
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