IUP Sig Newsletter 2015 - Sigma Chi Eta Omicron


IUP Sig Newsletter 2015 - Sigma Chi Eta Omicron
The IUP Sig
Newsletter of the Sigma Chi Delta House Corporation and the Sigma Chi Alumni Association
Spring 2015
Sigma Chi Delta
House Corporation
Board of Directors
Jeff Bird – President
Ryan Gunther – Vice President
Adam Porter – Treasurer
Bob Baron – Secretary
Dick Clawson – House Executive
Johnny Brennan - Golf Outing
Matt Chatlak - Rush
Duane Corbett Communications
Tom Sinclair – Board Member
Kevin Field - Board Member
Carl Bullers - Board Member
Chapter Advisor
Jonathan Weaver
Gregg Wyland
Tony Coccagna
Checkout Sigma Chi IUP
Eta Omicron Alumni
Association on Facebook
On the web:
The House Corporation purchased new furniture with
proceeds from the golf outing. The quality Blockhouse
furniture is made with fraternities in mind.
Ryan Lute made his first alumni donation during
the golf outing.
We need to challenge undergrads
Sigma Chi Delta House Corporation President
Networking is the key to success. Looking for
and starting relationships with others is at the
core of our fraternity. New recruits are drawn
to Sigma Chi because they see our fraternity
as a leader at IUP.
Our undergrads need to be challenged by
our alumni. We need our undergrads to be
leaders not only in the IUP Greek community but leaders in all areas of IUP life. This will
make for a stronger chapter and better quality men among our ranks.
Networking to raise money for philanthropy
events is a big part of leading at IUP. It is
important to help raise awareness for a certain cause. We do our part with our Derby
Days event and participate in many other
Greek philanthropy events. Please consider
donating to this spring’s Derby Days to benefit
the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
NEW ADVISOR: Networking need not stop
there. Our new chapter advisor, Jonathan
Weaver, is going to be challenging our undergrads to be better networkers and leaders all
around IUP. The undergrads need to be challenged, and Jonathan is just the man for the
job. See Jonathan’s article and please congratulate him on his new position of chapter
I can’t tell you how lucky we are to have
Jonathan helping guide the undergrads in his
new role. It’s not an easy position. If Jonathan
asks for help, please volunteer. Jonathan is
already looking for alumni assistance around
initiation this spring.
Jonathan has already made a big difference to the betterment of the HO by having
nine IUP undergrads meet with him at Pitt’s
Cathedral of Learning for the Provincial Workshop. The training covered many risks facing
fraternities today. About 61 brothers from IUP,
CMU, Pitt, Clarion, WVU and Saint Francis were
given tools and strategies on how to face difficult issues. Our undergrads represented IUP
in a positive way. According to Jonathan,
“Our chapter is really showing signs of making
some positive headway with the House Corp,
university and at Sigma Chi National.”
Many of you saw the new furniture in the
chapter room at the last golf event. I want to
report the Blockhouse furniture is holding up
very well and has been well-received by the
undergrads. The House Corp just completed
our second buy for another sofa and coffee
tables. These furniture buys were made 100
percent because of your generosity from the
golf events.
The House Corp’s next big project is finalizing
bids on “Rhino Lining” the basement floor. In
an attempt to preserve the concrete floor,
stop any mold and create a more welcoming environment, the House Corp is evaluating an epoxy coating floor solution. This is
the same kind of product used in industrial
warehouse applications. The epoxy would be
installed professionally. Please let me know
your thoughts.
Continued on next page
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We need to challenge undergrads
Continued from previous page
MORTAGE NEWS: Adam Porter, treasure, is happy to report the
mortgage is below $300,000 for the first time. We are chipping
away to a paid-off fraternity house sometime around 2030.
Great things can happen if you put in the work. Please read
Duane Corbett’s update on his PhD. When you get a chance
to meet one of the HO’s PhD’s, take an extra second to learn
how the Sigma Chi experience helped them along the
way to their PhD. Way to go,
I’m not sure what is better,
a PhD, a professional award
highlighting you as one of the
best in your business or getting married to your IUP Sigma
Chi Sweetheart? Steve Guntang has been awarded one
of the best “Under 40 In Construction Equipment” by SGC
Say congrats to
Steve! Don’t forget to congratulate Johnny Brennen for
This is one of the stars of the golf finally taking the plunge with
outing. He was a very good pig.
PLEDGE CLASS PADDLES: We are running out of space on the
walls of the fraternity house. We will be running a “First In, First
Out” program starting in summer of 2017. Any brother who wants
his pledge class paddle from 2005 through 2008, please come to
Indiana and take it home with you. I’m sure your wife will love it
in your home’s family room.
In the summer of 2017 the oldest paddles will be coming down.
We do not want to toss this history so please consider taking
Composites, same thing! If you want an older composite,
please come get it.
SAME PLACE, NEW NAME: The Holiday Inn was sold. It is now
called Park Inn by Radisson. All the numbers are the same. Same
location. I hope Radisson puts some money into the old place.
We have 30 rooms there for the golf event.
GREAT GOLF: Lastly, many of the extras the House Corp is able
to provide around the fraternity is due to your generosity at the
golf event. For all the regulars, your contributions can be seen
every day. For all the hole sponsors, the event would not be a
success without your generosity. The golf event is our “one-and-
The House Corp’s next big project is finalizing bids on “Rhino Lining” the
basement floor
only” fundraising event. If you don’t golf, please sponsor a hole
or just come for the pig roast. If you have yet to attend, please
call some brothers from your era and I will put you in a foursome.
I guarantee you will have a good time.
In hoc,
Jeff Bird
(253) 946-0169 (O)
(253) 297-1463 (M)
Save the Date
Golf Outing - August 14 & 15, 2015
page 3
Guntang receives award for excellence
Stephen Guntang, of Stephens City,
Va., is one of the winners of Construction
Equipment magazine’s 2014 “Under 40 in
Construction Equipment Awards.”
Twenty-two young professionals, ranging in age from 28 to 39, populate the
Class of 2014, chosen by Construction
Equipment editors for exemplary leadership skills, inventiveness, interpersonal
skills, training, dedication, personal integrity, technical skills and industry and community involvement.
The winners are not only asset managers who run fleets, but also equipment distributors and manufacturers and others.
Achievements by the Class of 2014 range
from cost-effective management to
safety initiatives, spearheading a rebuild
versus replacement program, introducing
and practicing lean principles for efficiency gains, and designing and fabricating
custom implementations for job-specific
“Personal and career accomplishments, along with community activism,
continue to distinguish the rising young
stars in this industry,” said Rod Sutton, editorial rirector. “We appreciate our partners in the program, founding partner
Trimble and Caterpillar.”
Volunteerism was a frequent common factor among the Class of 2014, with
many of the winners involved in charity drives, community clean-up projects,
youth groups and coaching youth sports.
The 22 award winners are listed online
at www.constructionequipment.com/under40 and in the November issue of Construction Equipment.
For information on Construction Equipment, visit www.ConstructionEquipment.
Stephen Guntang
Weaver excited about role as chapter advisor
It was an odd feeling being back at 246 South Seventh St. this
past December. I was in the same basement surrounded by men
who were not born when I had attended my last chapter meeting in December 1986. I did not expect it to be as emotional as
it was.
To hear the business at hand and “for the good of the order”
was not much different from what it was 28 years ago. All the
recounts of past weekend events and general concern for finals
and looking forward to returning home to families for the holiday
break … it was exactly as I had remembered so many years ago.
To hear the reading of The Charge 28 years later was pretty
special with all the memories flooding back of my time in the
house and remembering the real meaning of our fellowship. It
helped cement in my mind the decision to take on the challenge of serving as your chapter advisor as the right one.
I can’t say that I have any special skills or the training to be in
this position. I do have a little more time as my family grows older
and I can offer my perspective. I will do my best to assist the undergrads where I can. I am sure I will need help from our alumni
brotherhood and welcome any suggestions.
I have identified four areas of attention:
Improving GPA: Our fraternity’s GPA is among the lowest in
the IUP Greek system.
Expanding extracurricular activities: Our students don’t participate in many clubs/activities or events outside of Sigma Chi.
Better interaction with the university: We need continued better communication with the Greek Life Office.
Rededication to ritual: Some bad habits have been passed
down over the years and have diluted our ceremony.
I am not 100 percent clear in how I can affect change in these
areas. I sense that no one has ever challenged the undergrads
to try to be better. The first order of change is to challenge the
undergrads to consider something different than the status quo.
My first request from the alumni brotherhood is to help with
interviews and job placement. Can any alumni help find a graduating undergrad his first real job? We have a great network of
Tony Cianfaro, Jonathan Weaver and Greg Mathews
more than 800 IUP Sigma Chi alumni in every professional field
imaginable. Now that there is 40 years of Eta Omicron history,
our potential is better than ever to help a new IUP Sigma Chi
Lastly, are you are available in the spring? I would like to have
more alumni participation at our initiation. We need you. Please
let me know. Here is my contact info weavej1@comcast.net or
(412) 628-0178.
In hoc,
Jonathan Weaver,
Chapter Advisor,
Eta Omicron Chapter
page 4
Johnny ties the knot
Amber Schulman and I met
in college the spring of 2005.
We were introduced by Chris
Scartelli, my little brother in
the fraternity. In Spring ’06,
Amber was named Sigma Chi
Sweetheart. We dated from
Fall 2005 until we got engaged
in August ’13. We got married on Sept. 19, 2014, at the
Embassy Suites in Moon Township. Almost a dozen Sigs from
the Eta Omicron, including
my Uncle Tom (Sniclair) were
invited. (Regretfully, though,
we didn’t do the roach.) We
went to Jamaica for our honeymoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Brennan
Braden McKnight: 1988-2015
Braden McKnight entered Chapter Eternal suddenly on Jan. 23.
Braden was a member of the Spring
2007 pledge class. He was a great
brother and a true Sigma Chi. He
served in the U.S. Army
for eight years. Without
a doubt, he was able
to say, looking back
over his life, that he
had fought the good
fight, he had finished
his work and the White
Cross had gained new
luster by his life.
Braden enjoyed working out in
the gym and watching and playing
sports. He especially liked watching
football and was an avid Pittsburgh
Steelers fan. He also enjoyed traveling and spending time
with nephews and
his father, Eric B. Porter
and his wife, Michelle,
Elida, Ohio; his stepfather, Steven McIntosh
and wife Debbie, Kinsman; his grandparents,
Tom and Karen McKBraden T. McKnight,
night, Grove City, and
of Pittsburgh, formerly
Connie Porter, Bedford,
of Mercer, died sudInd; seven brothers,
denly at 1:30 p.m. FriCory McKnight and
day, Jan. 23, 2015, in
wife Jennifer, Dover,
Braden McKnight
Del.; Micheal McKHospital,
night and wife Jessica,
He was 26.
Garrettsville, Ohio; Chad McIntosh,
He was born May 5, 1988, in Grove
Warren, Ohio; Bradley Guthrie, MerCity, a son of Eric B. Porter and Janet
cer; Jeffory Porter and wife Chelsea,
M. McKnight Porter.
Elida; Jacob Porter and wife Kylee,
Braden, a 2006 graduate of MerAugusta, Ga.; and Joshua Porter,
cer High School, served in the Army
Elida. Braden is also survived by his
National Guard for eight years and
girlfriend, Jasmine N. Holtz, of Pittswas deployed for one year to Iraq.
burgh, and many nieces, nephews,
He was a current member of the Naaunts, uncles and cousins.
tional Guard, based in Hermitage.
He was preceded in death by his
Braden had been employed for
mother, Janet McKnight, in 2004.
the last two years by the PennsylvaMemorial
nia Department of Corrections as
Braden’s memory may be made to
an officer for Fayette County State
Wayside Community Church, 1911
Mercer-Grove City Road, Mercer, PA
He was of the Protestant faith.
Corbett earns Ph.D
Congratulations to Duane Corbett (Fall 2005),
who was awarded a competitive postdoctoral fellowship with the University of Florida. Duane is working
in the College of Medicine with the Institute on Aging’s Department of Aging and Geriatric Research.
His work focuses on several large clinical studies, one
of which being the LIFE Study — a multicenter study
that gained wide attention when it was published
last May. This
study showed
that structured
physical activity can help
maintain mobility in vulnerable
older adults, a
familiar topic to
Duane, who is
also an American College of
Sports Medicine
certified health
fitness specialist.
Duane Corbett
Prior to completing his Ph.D.
in Exercise Physiology last spring at Kent State University, Duane completed his B.S. (2008) and M.S.
(2009), both in Exercise Science, at IUP. Before starting his graduate work, he also completed an internship at the University of Pittsburgh Human Energy
Research Laboratory.
During his time at IUP, he was a member of several organizations, including Phi Epsilon Kappa, Exercise
majors club and
Sigma Chi, where
Dr. Dale Landon
scholarship chairDr. Merle Rife
man and helped
Dr. Charles H. Heine III
the chapter earn
Dr. Donald E. Bierer
a Popson Award
Dr. Duane B. Corbett
for overall chapDr. Joseph C. Clark
ter excellence. As
Dr. Lawrence K. Pettit
an undergraduDr. Ralph M. Feather
ate, he was also
Dr. Robert F. Baron
the founder and
Dr. Robert K. Toutkoushian
president of the
IUP cycling team,
which competes against students from other universities in the Eastern Collegiate Cycling Conference. In his spare time he held several jobs, including personal trainer at Gorell Windows and Doors
corporate fitness facility, certified spinning instructor
at the HUB Fitness Center and certified water safety
instructor at the YMCA of Indiana County.
Of all the organizations he has been part of, he
is most thankful for his time spent in Sigma Chi. He
credits the values he learned through the fraternity as being vital to his success. For this reason, he
continues to give back to his chapter, serving as the
communications chairman of the House Corporation since 2010.
page 5
2014 Sponsors
Filtech, Harry Elinsky
Mark Snyir
Atlantic Construction Co., Steve Guntang
Ken Dorn
Aaron Smith Welding, Aaron Smith
Steve “Mongo,” Ersek, Fall ’78
Siteworx, Gregg Wyland
Dr. Ralph Feather
MSS, Dave Elinsky
Jay and Julie Crede
Joe Sirna
Donald Donoughe
Stephen Goodwill
Paul Cimino
Robroy Industries, Michael Deane
John Wood
Sun Citrus Harvest, Dave Nicely
Carl Bullers, Founder
Rammrath Realty, Ed Rammrath
Bob Baron, Spring ’82
Mike Basca
James Bell, Spring ’77
Saltzman Hughes, Scott Wyland
Winning Foursome
Steve Kilianek, Jim Price, Al Simmen, Jay Fisher
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Sigma Chi Delta House Corp & Alumni Association
Mail your gift to:
Sigma Chi Delta House Corp & Alumni Association
c/o Adam Porter, 5258 Karrington Drive, Gibsonia, PA 15044
or give at www.sigmachieo.com
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