CCCHS Term 1 Week 2 Newsletter 2016
CCCHS Term 1 Week 2 Newsletter 2016
CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL CALENDAR DATES 8/2 Year 11 Whitecard Training 9/2 Showcase Year 12 2015 HSC Awards 9.30am 9/2 Shrove Tuesday 9/2 Caritas Launch 10/2 Ash Wednesday 10/2 Year 7 Laptop Launch & Meet your Learning Advisor 10/2 Year 8 Meet your Learning Advisor 11/2 Year 7 Laptop Bootcamp 12/2 Year 7 Laptop Bootcamp 16/2 Year 11 Assessment Information Evening for Parents & Students 17/2 Parents & Friends Meeting @ 7.30pm 18/2 Swimming Carnival CANTEEN 4/2 T Daly, Z Janevski 5/2 G Whatman, C Dennelly, L Fitzgerald, D Brown 8/2 C Niceski, F Bishop 9/2 D Tsorotiotis, A Adams 10/2 R Hanckel, R Wiggins, K Middleton 11/2 K Emr, F Croft 12/2 L Dunn, P Alicata, J Simmonds 15/2 H Blackert, A Horne, S Joncevski 16/2 L Bishop, A Bethke UNIFORM SHOP Tuesday: 8.00am to 1.00pm Thursday: 12.00pm to 4.30pm Contact 42564963 (Shoneen) Email: PO Box 1425, OAK FLATS NSW 2529 Tel 42303300 Fax 42303399 Event Cancellation Tel 42303333 OAK FLATS T E R M 1 WE EK 2 3 F EB R UA RY 2 016 From the Principal Dear parents, carers, students, staff and friends of Corpus Christi Welcome to 2016 and hello again to all students, parents, families, friends and carers. I hope that each and every one of you had a wonderful Christmas and a relaxing holiday break. Over the past few days we have welcomed back our students, staff and families. Last Friday the newest members of our school community Year 7 2016 students and their families joined us as they commenced their Corpus journey. Staff News Late last year we received news that Mrs Sharon Henry our Leader of Administration at the school since its foundation had been offered a leadership position at the Catholic Education Office. Sharon was a most significant and highly valued member of our school community. She carries with her the history of the school from its foundation literally. Sharon oversaw the first learning spaces built, was integral in the development of our school policies and procedures in relation to financial management and the day-to-day school management. Her commitment, knowledge and expertise has influenced every facet of our school development and school life. She worked alongside our foundation parents, staff and students to build Corpus Christi into the wonderful school that it is today. Sharon is ‘Corpus’ and I know that leaving our school community has been a very difficult decision for her. Sharon has left a lasting legacy at Corpus. Also to Ms Lara Podoloski who has been our School Support Officer in the Learning Resource Centre has resigned to take up a new position in the government sector. Lara has made a significant contribution to our school over the past eight years. She has ensured that staff and students were provided with the best-written and digital resources for learning and teaching. In addition she has supported many students, particularly assisting our Year 12 students with their major design folios and HSC research. She is a great loss to our school community. This year we welcome Mr Tor Preece as a permanent member of staff in Science, Ms Gina Robson, in the Administration Office and we welcome back Ms Lynda Byron to the HSIE staff. In addition we have a number of new staff in temporary positions for 2016. Mrs Angela Quinn in Music, Ms Hannah Sciberras in Science and Mathematics, Mr Aaron Plumb in English and Drama, Ms Genevieve Vickers in PDHPE and Mathematics, Ms Monica Capochianno in Visual Art, Ms Michelle Brodnik in Diverse Learning Needs and Mr Jeff Cox in grounds and maintenance We also welcome back Ms May Kelly and Ms Jessica David who have been on leave. PAGE 2 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 2 From the Principal HSC 2015 I would like to congratulate our 2015, Higher School Certificate students who achieved excellent results in many subjects. Every year we have seen continued improvement in our HSC results and this year again overall, HSC results were above state average and also showed a positive learning gain. Congratulations to our Dux, Jaiden Perez who demonstrated outstanding academic leadership in each of the subjects he studied. Jaiden has enrolled in the University of Wollongong as a Dean’s Scholar and will be studying Physics. 10 Year Celebrations 2016 is an exciting year for Corpus Christi Catholic High School as we celebrate 10 years off Innovative Catholic education in the Shellharbour region. Key Celebrations will occur at Corpus Christi Day on 4 June 2016. Further details will be published this term. Mrs Kerrie Piatek Principal From the Assistant Principal Traffic and Student Movement to and from school As a reminder for existing parents/carers and information for new families to our school the following has been republished, this should be read with reference to the illustrated map which is available with this newsletter. The information gives instruction for the way in which students arrive and depart our school. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Line marking indicates a transit lane for picking up and dropping off of students in the Drop Off Zone. This means no parking in this area, just stopping to pick up or drop off. It is expected that if your child is not in sight when you approach the area that you will drive around again ie through the gate to Moore Street and to the front gates in Industrial Avenue. Please note that staff will endeavour to have students down to this area as soon as possible when school finishes to assist a timely process. No Stopping zones both inside and outside of the school grounds – Please note that Council Rangers will fine those parking in the No Stopping Zone adjacent to the bus bay area. Speed signs - 10kmph in this shared zone Pedestrian crossing signs should be utilised by students at all times Train gate will be open to enable students to go to the train via a safer route Footpath will guide students who are walkers to cross in a safer manner in Moore Street Footpath to Bus Bay will leave a dedicated path for Drop Off Zone and Train students Staff addressed students on their first day back to school regarding these arrangements and it would be appreciated if you could also discuss them with your child as we work together to ensure the safety of our students. CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 3 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 3 From the Assistant Principal Reminder Please note that students are not permitted to enter or depart the school through the front administration entrance and foyer. They are expected to walk around to the correct path and enter through this area. Students who enter this way will be turned back and asked to enter or depart in the correct manner. To assist with this procedure, parents/carers are asked not to drop or pick up outside in this area. Please note that Senior Students are the only students who are permitted to drive to school and they must park outside of the school grounds. We ask that students pay very close attention to signage in relation to parking and give consideration to the school’s neighbours in relation to their driveways etc. Mrs Lynda Timpano Assistant Principal CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS CELEBRATING STUDENT SUCCESS PAGE 4 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 4 Corpus Christi Catholic High School 2015 HSC Bulletin Year 12 2015 Congratulations to our HSC Class of 2015. The school reported positive learning gains against state and school averages. This is a wonderful achievement for all students, and reflects their hard work over the past six years. Outstanding Individual Results Jaiden Perez DUX ATAR 96.45 Christopher Roan ATAR 96 Ashleigh Warrington ATAR 90.3 Band 6 results in 4 units 97% Mathematics Ext. 1 92% Physics Band 6 results in 5 units 45 (E4) Mathematics Ext. 1 96% Mathematics 91% Biology Band 6 result in 2 units 94% Mathematics PAGE 5 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 5 From the Leader of Learning and Teaching Distinguished Achievers 2015 Riley Carrette Congratulations BAND 6 - English Standard to our Cassandra Garcia BAND 6 - English Advanced Corpus Christi Madison Smith students who BAND 6 - Industrial Technology Timber Aidan Carberry received BAND 6 - Mathematics General Band 6 Alex Gonzalez and to those students who received an ATAR of 90 or above BAND 6 - Mathematics General Hannah Guyer BAND 6 - Mathematics General Lachlan Abraham BAND 6 - Music Luke Jones BAND 6 - Senior Science Caitlin Moore BAND 6 - Studies of Religion 1 Jessica Fox BAND 6 - Hospitality VET C O R P U S C H R I S T I C A T H O L I C H I G H S C Congratulations! HOOL OAK FLATS We are very proud of you PAGE 6 TERM 1 WEEK 2 From the Principal PAGE 6 Year 7 2016 CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 7 TERM 1 WEEK 2 From the Principal PAGE 7 Year 7 2016 CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 8 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 8 Mission Australian Catholic Youth Festival 3-5 December 2015 The 2015 Australian Catholic Youth Festival was first brought to our attention by the Leader of Religion, Mr Aaron McDonald. He explained to us that the event was to be held in the heart of Adelaide and would involve not only several schools from the Wollongong Diocese, but across Australia as well. We received the applications and were all quick to fill them in for the opportunity to attend. A few weeks later we were ecstatic to hear names announced over the public announcement system and find ourselves in the office discussing with Mrs Piatek the exciting journey ahead. On Thursday 3 December 2015, our trip to Adelaide began! We all arrived at school bright and early waiting for our transportation to the airport. We were eager to find out how we were getting to the airport due to our suspicions of getting a limousine, which Mr McDonald denied was true. But to our surprise a sparkling white limousine stopped out the front of our school and surely enough it was our ride to the airport. It was an exciting start to the trip and we were very grateful to Mr McDonald for organising the transport for us. On arrival we were greeted by the rest of the Wollongong Diocese and we proceeded through check in, security and boarding. After our short and smooth trip we landed in the capital city of South Australia, Adelaide. Shortly after we arrived in Adelaide we made our way down to the Adelaide Convention Centre to attend our first session of the festival; the opening plenary. From the moment we walked in we knew we were apart of something special. With over 3000 people attending the sacred and uplifting energy radiated throughout the entertainment space. This plenary was the time that we got to witness Mr McDonald's amazing dance moves, which we weren’t prepared for and none of us could stop laughing. We had the choice of attending a variety of programs covering a wide range of topics involving live music, storytelling and exchange. Our first program was Gary and Natasha Pinto’s ‘Hard road to overnight success’ and being our first talk we were sceptical but it turned out to be very inspiring. Listening to Natasha's story of her career in becoming the singer she is today and hearing her and her husband Gary sing together was moving. We then moved onto a great talk by Steve Angrisano where we were up out of our seats. He also told a touching story of a young girl who lost a close family member, which she was not able to say goodbye. This was the first but not last time he brought us to tears. More sessions followed before walking back to the hotel later that night where we crashed at our hotel exhausted from the long day. On our second day we woke up excited and ready for another inspiring day ahead. Our day started with a continental breakfast spread provided by the Meridien and shared with the whole Wollongong Diocese. This was our first full day of programs and we were all extremely excited with what we had chosen to attend. We experienced an exchange session on Asylum Seekers, where we were encouraged to express our opinions and exchange ideas on actions we the youth can do to make a difference. Another memorable exchange session was ‘100% Respect: Relationships and Sexuality’. In this exchange we covered building respectful and meaningful relationships and whether pure love is achievable for youth within the beliefs of the Catholic Church. That night we decided to venture further into the city to have dinner and reflec9 February t on the ideas and values we had obtained. CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 9 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 9 Mission The Australian Catholic Youth Festival 3-5 December 2015 The last day of the festival had a surprising opening plenary when Father Morgan made a dramatic appearance when he came down from the ceiling in rock climbing gear which was a hobby of his. Everyone was in disbelief and found his entrance amazing. Jason Evert shared an inspirational and personal talk on the Virtue of Chastity which was very eye opening and stimulated thought and positive self worth. We then decided to line up for Father Rob Galea’s talk as we knew it was extremely popular and didn’t want to miss it. We found Father Rob Galea especially inspiring as he had a rough path with a history of depression. He decided to change his life around and focused on to studying hard to become a priest. The day concluded with a Mass celebrated with Catholics from across Australia. This was the best Mass we had ever experienced with peace and love filling the space. It was a chance to focus and reflect on the core values of Catholicism and how the past few days had influenced us. It was beautiful to be surrounded by people who shared the same experienced and felt the same things we had. It was a perfect way to end the Australian Catholic Youth festival. Our last day in Adelaide was a sad time as we realised that it was all coming to a close. The final hours in Adelaide were shared at the hotel with rest of the Wollongong Diocese. The Youth Mission Team organised time for reflection where we got to look back on the journey we experienced and write down our thoughts. We were split into small groups to have a more intimate discussion about our personal opinion of the experience. Before leaving for the airport to travel back to Sydney we were able to sit down with Ms Ioannou and talk about our suggestions on how to incorporate and improve people's involvement in faith at our school. We then all said our goodbyes to Adelaide and flew back to Sydney. We had mixed emotions landing in Sydney as we were all felt so overwhelmed with the experience we just had and also sad to leave the people we shared the trip with. The Australian Catholic Youth Festival was a life changing experience which we will all cherish forever. We are so thankful for all that the school did for us in allowing us to experience ACYF. We give our thanks to Mrs Piatek, Seth Hayes, Mr McDonald and Ms Ioannou for presenting us with this opportunity that was truly amazing and we realise the effort that was made in the organisation of the event including transportation, accommodation and our safety. We give our thanks to Mr McDonald and Ms Ioannou who took the time to travel away from their families and would like to thank them for the level of concern for our overall well-being throughout our trip. This experience will never be forgotten and we are all very excited to attend the next Festival in 2017 hosted in Sydney! By Chantelle Eckardt, Chantelle Steele, Janet Megas, Isabella Robards and Megan Larkin (Year 11). Ms Maria Ioannou Leader of Social Justice CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK PAGE 10 TERM 1 WEEK 2 Mission CORPUS CHRISTI OAK FLATS CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 10 PAGE 11 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 11 Mission Mission News Next week marks the beginning of Lent, starting with Ash Wednesday. As a school community Lent calls us to examine our own lives and look to try and unclutter many of the unnecessary distractions in life in order to prepare ourselves for the triumph of Jesus in the Easter resurrection. In this the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis reminds us that “Lent in this Jubilee Year be lived more intensely as a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17). As we interact with each other throughout this season of Lent we are called to act with mercy and compassion, just as Jesus did throughout his life. Next week several of our students will join me in attending the launch of Caritas’ social justice initiative “Project Compassion”. It is hoped that as a school community we can once again show our support as we endeavour to help those less fortunate than ourselves. This year is the 50th anniversary of “Project Compassion”, a remarkable sign of the Catholic Churches mission in the community. Mr Aaron McDonald Leader of Mission Social Justice CORPUS CHRISTI OAK FLATS PAGE 12 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 12 What’s Happening at Corpus Social Justice Committee St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank the families and members of our extended community for their kind and generous donation of non-perishable food items and gifts that made the 2015 St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal such an enormous success. The St Vincent de Paul Society, who has presented our school with a Certificate of Appreciation for the overwhelming support and generosity, also conveyed this sentiment. Thank you for making Christmas a special and memorable time for the 50 families from the Shellharbour and Albion Park region who received these hampers. A very big thank you to all our Social Justice Committee members for their hard work in organising our hampers. Ms Maria Ioannou Leader of Social Justice CORPUS CHRISTI OAK FLATS CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 13 TERM 1 WEEK PAGE 13 Administration School Fees 2016 School fee information and invoices for 2016 will be sent home next week with the oldest student in each family. If you will experience difficulty with full payment of your fees or you have an existing arrangement that will require review due to an increase in school fees, please telephone the school to make an appointment to discuss the matter. Mrs Bianca Ling School Support Officer - Finance What’s Happening at Corpus CCCHS Peripatetic Music Program & Music Ensembles As 2016 begins it is a great time to welcome back our existing students enrolled in the Instrumental Program and invite new students to take up the opportunity to learn an instrument. Our Peripatetic Music program offers private lessons with professional and experienced instrumental tutors. Students have the option to learn drums, guitar, piano and/or voice. Lessons will begin the week of Monday 8 February 2016. For further information students may collect a permission note from the School Office or parents/carers may contact the instrumental tutors directly. Piano Tutor: Bethany Morris Contact No: 0402 983 135 Drum Tutor: Brody Toombes Contact No: 0432 654 402 Guitar Tutor: Sam James Contact No: 0425 327 058 Vocal Tutor: Marianne Patton Contact No: 0413 625 438 In addition to our Private Instrumental lessons we offer a variety of Music Ensembles including Vocal Ensemble, Drum Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble and Junior Band. Due to the building works and restrictions to rooming, the days and times for these are to be advised. Students are encouraged to check to the daily notices for further information. I look forward to seeing new and familiar faces taking part in our extra-curricular Music programs. Mr John Lappan Learning Advisor School Choir School choir will be starting up next Tuesday morning, 9 February at 8.00am. Mrs Quinn will be in Music Room 2 at 7.50am to mark names. Any students who arrive later on a bus are welcome to join as soon as they can. We will be preparing for concerts, showcase and liturgies throughout the year. All Year 7 and any other new students are welcome to join. ‘A choir is made up of many voices, including yours and mine. If one by one all go silent then all that will be left are the soloists. Don’t let a loud few determine the nature of the sound. It makes for poor harmony and diminishes the song.’― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration Ms Angela Quinn Learning Advisor CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 14 TERM 1 WEEK PAGE 14 Whats Happening at Corpus School Sport Many opportunities are available for all students to play in school teams that participate at Diocesan and all school carnivals. It is important that students are aware of when these events are on. Many notifications are given at school announcements, daily briefings, newsletters and information provided on notice boards. Students trying out for teams are required to return permission slips at the earliest possible opportunity so that teams can finalised and preparation for events is effective and efficient. All students are encouraged to try out for teams and participate in individual events at school carnivals. Any enquiries regarding sport should be directed to Brett Herron on the following email address Parents, carers and students are reminded to promote all sporting achievements by communicating these to the school so that students can be recognised within the school community. Term 1 is a busy term with the following events planned: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ School Swimming Carnival Thursday 18 February (All School) Boys Diocesan Touch Football Carnival Thursday 25 February (Under 13, Under 15 and Opens) Girls Diocesan Touch Football Carnival Monday 7 March (Under 13, Under 15 and Opens) Diocesan Swimming Carnival Thursday March 10 (Students that qualify from school carnival) Diocesan Tennis Carnival Thursday March 10 (Junior and Senior Teams) Diocesan Rugby League Carnival Thursday March 24 (Under 15 and Opens) School Cross Country Friday April 1 (All School) Please listen and watch out for further information regarding these events. Mr Brett Herron Leader of Sport Alive and Cooking Show—Airing The filming of this show that took place last year at Corpus Christi will be airing on Monday 8 February 2016 at 2.30pm for anyone who would like to watch our students presenting this. Parents’ & Friends’ Association President: Paul Cudina Vice President: Leanne Woodley Secretary: Lisa Back Assistant Secretary: Lyne Herrmann Parents & Friends News Just a reminder that the first Parents and Friends meeting for 2016 is Wednesday 17 February at 7.30pm in the Learning Resource Centre. Mr Paul Cudina President CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS Treasurer: Marieanne Smith Assistant Treasurer: Diane Lawler Diocesan Delegate: Michelle Lashbrook PAGE 15 TERM 1 WEEK 2 PAGE 15 Whats Happening at Corpus Sporting Achievements Lachlan Rogers, Year 11 has made the U16 Illawarra Steelers/Dragons Harold Matts Rugby League Representative Team for the upcoming season. He also made the U16 Australian Oz Tag team to tour New Zealand in the upcoming Trans Tasman test series in early April. Congratulations to Lachlan and we wish you every success this year. Byron Vinkovic, Year 9 was named the 2015-16 South Coast Junior Male Surf Lifesaver of the Year. He will now represent the South Coast branch at the upcoming state competition and will also attend a state leadership camp as part of the selection process for NSW Junior Lifesaver of the Year. Congratulations to Byron and good luck on State selections. CORPUS CHRISTI OAK FLATS PAGE 16 TERM 1 WEEK 2 OPAL Information CORPUS CHRISTI OAK FLATS CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 16 PAGE 17 TERM 1 WEEK 3 Community News CORPUS CHRISTI OAK FLATS CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 17 PAGE 18 TERM 1 WEEK 3 Pathways and Partnerships CORPUS CHRISTI OAK FLATS CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 18 Canteen Menu & Price List CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS PAGE 19 Counselling Services for Students Counselling Services for students PAGE 20 Website Phone Reach Out An online service which gives you 24/7 access to a range of info you need to sort it all out LifeLine 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 24 hour service that can chat about anything Chat online Email counselling 1800 55 1800 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 65 94 67 Chat online Chat online Join a forum Headspace Provides information, support Chat online and services to young people, aged 12 to 25 years and their families 4220 7660 Respect Dealing with sexual assault or domestic family violence 1800 737 732 Chat online , CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OAK FLATS