GEAR Article_-_New_House_-Scholarship
GEAR Article_-_New_House_-Scholarship
Beta Chapter slFa-tr #-il.-AL #ffiF%-'uffi After nearly 50 years on "Anchor Hill", the Beta Chapter Corporate Board has begun a Capital Fund Drive to build a new house on the Michigan Tech campus. Anchor Hill is about five miles away which detracts from class and campus participation. After the wear and tear of 600 brothers, the house needs more and more maintenance and repair. The kitchen renovation done this summer was the latest in a series of remodels done over the years to keep the house livable. Plans to move the chapter back to an oncampus environment were triggered by a pledge made by Hall of Fame Laureate Jim Klungness,Beta1949.BrotherKlungness believesthat Beta Chapter could be more successfulnearerthe campus,and backedhis beliefwith a sizeablepledgeto achievethat purpose.Michigan Tech is playing a very Jeff Kellogg, and Dick Dunnebacke.The committeethen selectedJim Klungnessas Honorary Chairman,and Greg Sesselmann as Honorary Vice Chairman. Then, it was time to get to work to raise the targeted supportive role by offering a properry exchangewhereby MTU would swap an undevelopedcampus site for the current Anchor Hill property (adjacentto the MTU Golf Course).A two-track study conducted alsoshowedthat newconstruction wasmore costeffectivethan an extensiveremodelof the existing property. With that conclusion, the Beta Chapter Board (including student members)voted unanimouslyto establisha $2.2million neededto get the housedesigned and built to return Beta to campuswhere it existedfor the first 60+ yearsof its historv. Building Task Force Committeeand conduct a Capital Fund Drive for constructionof a new houseon campus.Named to chair was DavePost,with Vice ChairmanJim Cot6, and Secretary Ken Pollard. Completing the committee are Jim Whalen, Jon Ricker, !7hile early solicitation collected pledges of about 25'/" of the goal, the Drive was put on hold when the US economyfaltered. Hopefully, the current economicturnaround will support the reinstated drive. All alumni should seriouslyconsiderthis oncein-a-century request. Contact Jim Cote ( or 520/531-8159)to request the Capital Fund Brochure. The PledgeForm enclosedwill provide opportunities for alumni to be immortalizedby name and pin number on rhe new facility. Michigan Techand Theta Tou Fraternity - BetaChapter jamesD. and Mcniee A. CofsiEndawedSeholnrship MTU establishedthis this scholarship to honor the successful Iifelong journey of BrotherJimCot6asa 1962 BSEEgraduate of MichiganTech,a memberandpast-Regent of Theta Tau Fraternity Beta Chapter,and a retired Professional Engineer. for a summerco-opposirion Jim wasselected with the GMC Truck and Coach Division of GeneralMotors during his freshmanyear at Tech.This begana careerwith GeneralMotors that endureduntil his retirementsome42years later.As Jim likesto say,"whateverthe largest truck GM had in production,that'swhat I was 'S7hen working on." he becamepart of GM's executiveranksin 1979,he wasworking asthe Chief Engineer of the Astro/Titan models FALL2OO9 which were aluminum COE highway tracrors. including as Board Chairman when he retired. He and his staff enjoyed driving 18 wheelers It is important to remember what came before from Michigan to Arizona each summer for in order to make a successfulpath for the fu- hot weather testing. It was during this assign- ture, and the recipient of the Cot6 scholarship ment that he won the Counterpoise Award, will honor this principle. The scholarship will presented annually by the Society of Plastics provide financial supporr for full-time students Engineers, for the best new product design in who are majoring in Engineering,earn a mini- plastic in the United States. mum GPA of 2.5, and are members of Theta Tau - Beta Chapter. It will be awarded at the Jim enjoyed a lot of international experience at GM, including a brief assignment in Brazil and demic year to a student who achievesthe high- subordinates in England, Mexico, Japan, China, and Indonesia. He was very active in the preceding fall semester.In the event that two or beginning of the spring semester of each acaest GPA on a minimum of 12 credits for the Society of Automotive Engineers, authoring more students earn the same GPA for that se- numerous papers and chairing and moderating meste! the scholarship will be awarded to the several conference sessions. one with the greatest financial need. He represented GM on the Truck Manufacturers of America trade group in \Tashingon, DC, serving as a board officer for severalyears,