Steve Saunders Guest tester Rev3
Steve Saunders Guest tester Rev3
125... O E lD F g N M F |flR U E iR ilA lls M T ia A l BETA - SCORPA - MONTESA - SHERCO m « SPARES CONSIDER US FOR YOUR NEW BETA 15 Barrack Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 9ZA Phone /Fax 01483 538485 e-mail web: , EC E n d u ro s iMotorcycles 06BETAMODELSINSTOCKNOW! ALSO STO CKIST OF PARTS AN D ACCESSORIES PHONE FOR BEST PRICES IN U.K. - MONTY&0H2JTfilSlS PUSD BUS BtSTBBt |m W fe™ s fs w “ Opening Hours. Mon.Tues.Wed. Fri 9.00am-5.30pm Thurs 9.0Gam-2.00pm - Sat 9.00am-4.00pm , Unit 15, Venture Wales, Pant industrial Estate, s h e f z c o Dowlais, Merthyr Tydfil, CF 48 2SR _ _ Tel: 01685 382100 •M obile: 07709 317564 B e t a Longest Serving UK DEALER / % f 5 E O iri*A m ontesn All machines available to order. Friendly mail order service. Keep in touch w ith n e w machines on w w w .s te v e g o o d e m o to r c y c le s .c o .u k A V A IL A B L E A T P R E S E N T I FEEL that, com pared to the o p p o sitio n , th is bike has been a bit under-pow ered in recent years, so I was pleas antly surprised to ride this one as it is very strong at the bottom and through the mid range, m aking light w ork of most nadgery sections. It is nice to ride a 125 with some torque. A t the test venue we had plenty of rocky, slippery stream s and this bike was mega in them with plenty of grip available. I did feel that it w ould have been nice to have a bit m ore to p -e n d pow er and I actually think that a sm aller main jet would transform this bike at high revs. 2 0 0 . . . THIS bike is unreal at finding grip because it has such a soft and sm ooth power deliv ery that it is alm ost im possi ble to lose tractio n . T his m odel is effectively a 250 with a bit less power (it is a fu ll 200 - actual capacity 195cc - not an over-bored 125) not a hopped-up125 and you ride it like a bigger bike so you don’t need to rev it hard to go places. This m odel was actually initially developed in Britain, espe- BETA REV3 - NEW FOR 2006 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ New headlight design. New rear fender design. New ignition cover. New graphic - m att black and fluorescent. New fram e protecting decals. New low footrest position for stability and balance. New rear shock absorber - shaft and stroke increased for increased traction. New front fork calibration for more progressiveness. New upper fork yoke and new steering head angle for stability. New cylinder porting for im proved carburetion and low-speed running. New ignition tim ing to improve performance. New stator m odification for better combustion. New throttle control for better feeling. d a ily for the British market which features slippery haz ards rather than the dry, dusty, Continental sections that the factories naturally develop their m odels for. The Beta REV3 range has the benefit of a full six-speed box and from thje 200 model up you have three gears for ‘n o rm a l’ type sections, a close fourth for hillclim bs and then fifth and sixth for com fo rta b le betw een se ctio n s riding. There is no big ‘clunk’ between any of the gears and gear selection is always positive. T he Beta 200 is often over-looked as a se riou s alternative when riders come to replace th e ir bikes but they really should have a test ride on a 200 in genuine trial conditions, not just flicking round a ta rm a c car park. Believe me, it would make you think! 250... THIS m odel is the natural choice for the m ajority of of riders. It really is half-way between the 200 and 270. The engine is still sm ooth yet with enough power to haul most people up much more than they should be looking at! The engine is so sm ooth and torquey with a very lin ■ BETAS com e w ith rem oveb le flyw h eel w eights and to tell the tru th , rid ers love to sling these in the bin! Personally, says tester Steve Saunders, I think you should leave them on u nless you really know w h at you are d oing. R em oving the w eight naturally makes the engine deliver with m ore snap but ask yourself - is this really going to im prove your perfo rm a n c e in real s e c tio n s w hen a sm ooth, torquey power delivery would actually pay dividends? All this is in the hands of the p u rch aser o f cou rse but thin k before you sling that weight. ear power delivery, W hen you test ride a Beta, particularly if you are com ing off som ething with fast-suspension and a quick engine, it does not feel as light or as lively. Actually, the a d ju st m ent on the suspension is very adaptable and you can make it as quick and bouncy as you like, but that would be missing the point. The Beta is set up to keep the rear wheel on the ground and therefore driving. The point is that you can stand on the 2003 Beta R ev 3 250 . . .£1750 2000 G as G as 250 ............£1300 T e l: 01938 850 544 em ail: stevejgoode@ 06 BETA RANGE AVAILABLE NOW! T ria ls p o rt USED SELECTION 05 M ontesa 4RT ...................... £3499 05 Gas Gas 280 Pro, blue, as new .£2750 05 Gas Gas 250 Pro, as new ....... £2699 05 Sherco 290, im m a c u la te £2499 05 Beta Rev 3 250/270 from £2499 04 Gas Gas 250 Pampera, Rd reg'd, immac. £2499 02 Gas Gas EC250, Road reg'd t id y . £2299 05 Gas Gas 125 Pro, immaculate .£2399 05 Gas Gas 125 P r o ...................£2099 04 Gas Gas 280/250, choice from .£1899 03 M ontesa 315, tidy ............... £1999 04 Beta Rev 3 250 .................... £1995 03 Beta Rev 3 250 choice .......... £1499 02 Sherco 250 ..........................£1499 02 Gas Gas 250/280 Choice from .. .£1399 99 Sherco 250, t i d y ................... £1199 99 Honda X R 400, road reg'd . ..£ 1 9 9 9 94 Gas Gas 250, contact ..............£899 Repsol 125, Pit Bike ......................£899 00 Gas Gas 50 Boy ..................... £799 N ew Y a m o to P Y 5 0 (P W 50 replica) £599 Yam aha TY80, t i d y .....................£599 ALL VIEW ABLE O N O U R W EBSITE All parts and clothing availab le on M A IL ORDER Gaerne, Alpinestars, Hebo, Nova-Gar, Diadora and Forma Boots from only £99.95 Shoei, NZI, X-Peed, Hebo, A rai and CTS Helmets from only £37.50 Raw Sports, Hebo, Clice and Factory Clothing Hebo 05 Trials Clothing Now in Stock • Renthal Trials Fat Bars Now in Stock BVM MOTO, LONDON ROAD, STROUD GL5 2DA w w w .b v m -m o t o . c o .u k TEL: 01453 762743 • FAX: 01453 753972 All 06 Betas Available P r i n c e s s W o r k s ] B ir d s R o y d L a n e , B r ig h o u s e ] e : i n f o @ r a s s p o r t . c o m ^ vv w w . r a s s p o r t . c o m G uest tester Steve Saunders m akes a splash on a REV3 - Read w hat he has to say in his synopsis, above. Beta and RIDE it, you don’t have to flick and skip and bounce it around. I know everyone thinks that theycan do this but in reality they can’t. So with a sm ooth, torquey motor, a neutral handling, steerable chassis, a good solid precise clutch and six speed gearbox, this model was my personal favourite as life on this one was just very easy. 270... NOW if you like a bit more excitem ent in your life here it is - everything is naturally as per the 250 but with an aw esom e am ount of power alb e it delivered in a reason ably soft sm ooth m anner. It is possible to plonk around on the bottom end with the e n g in e fe e lin g v e ry w ell m annered but open it up a bit and you g e t a little rem inder that you are on the big one! To be totally honest I do th in k that the 270 can be too much of a good thing. It is not an anim al that is to ta lly uncontrollable, but let it loose and hold on enjoy the ride. T his is a bike for W orld Rounds, not club tri als although if you have the skill you w ould blitz those big clim bs!