Catholic Community of Manistee ~ October 4, 2015
Catholic Community of Manistee ~ October 4, 2015
Catholic Community of Manistee ~ October 4, 2015 PAGE 2 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI 231.723.2619 Mass & Worship Schedule St. Joseph Church is open daily from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm for personal adoration time. Please use the 6th Street entrance. First Saturday, October 3 3:00-3:45 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (SJ) 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Gordon Sciba 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Denise Revolt-Parker Sunday, October 4 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Melissa Sue Fralic, Alex and Eleanore Wresinski 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - For the living & deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - Bulletin Memorial Rosary prayed before daily Masses beginning at 8:20 am. Monday, October 5 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Theresa and Ernest Wishka (Annetta Bialik) Tuesday, October 6 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Esther and Roy Cabot (Family) 2:00 pm Mass (Medical Care) - † Carolyn Gutowski (Doris Cech and Ed Sieman) Wednesday, October 7 Our Lady of the Rosary Mass (MCC Gym) - † Marion Tykoski 10:00 am (Chester Kaczmarek) Thursday, October 8 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Clara Rozga (Bernice Kurtz and Family) Friday, October 9 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Roy Swiatlowski (B-day) (Wife Lynette) Noon-1:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (SJ) Saturday, October 10 1:00 pm Wedding (SJ) - Eric Diesing and Connie Aves 3:00-3:45 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (SJ) 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Ruth Niesen (Husband Zane) Welcome MCC Class of 1970 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Marilyn Schrader (1st An.) (Husband Gary) Sunday, October 11 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Wisdom 7:7-11; Hebrews 4:12-13; Mark 10:17-30 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Rick Tabaczka and Del Dumas (Donna Bauman) 8:00 am TV Mass for the Homebound from Gaylord Cable Channel 3 (Fox 32) 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - For the living & deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Hershey and Gertrude Braciszewski (Marla and Terry) This Week in Our Community MCC Homecoming Week (see page 6 for event schedule) Monday, October 5 2:00 pm Catholic War Veterans (SJPC Library) 6:30 pm MCCAA (Saber Café) 7:00 pm CCM Rosary/Altar Society (SJPC Lounge) 7:00-9:00 pm Grief Support Series (SJPC Library) Tuesday, October 6 3:15-5:15 pm Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC) 5:30-7:00 pm Community Table (SJPC) 6:00 pm Pinochle (SJPC lower level lounge) 6:15 pm Perpetual Help Novena (SJ) Wednesday, October 7 6:00 pm Folk Choir (SJ) 6:15-7:30 pm Faith Formation (Pre-9th) (SJPC) 7:00 pm Adult Choir (SJ Choir) Thursday, October 8 8:30 am Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry set-up (SJPC) 3:00-4:30 pm Exploring the Scripture Bible Study (SJPC Library) 3:15-5:15 pm Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC) 7:00 pm Children of Light Prayer Group (SJ) Friday, October 9 10:00-Noon Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry Distribution (SJPC Lower Level) Saturday, October 10 10:00-1:00 Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC) 2:00 pm Rosary (Medical Care 1st Floor Dining Room) 5:30 pm Pinochle (SJPC Lower Level Lounge) Key Code: GA - Guardian Angels Church; MCC - Manistee Catholic Central; SJ - St. Joseph Church; SJ CLOW - Room in St. Joseph Church basement; SJPC - St. Joseph Parish Center TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 3 With Deepest Sympathy OCTOBER 4, 2015 Congratulations! In your kindness and prayers, please remember the souls of Msgr. Edwin Thome, who passed away Sept. 24; and Laura Ranville, who passed away Sept. 25. May they now enjoy the great blessings of eternal life. May their family and friends experience God’s consoling presence during this time of loss. Sanctuary Lamp October 4 - 10 at St. Joseph Church In Loving Memory of Eugene Kott (Oct. 4th An.) Requested by his Son, Daughter & Family October 4 - 10 at Manistee Catholic Central In Loving Memory of Roy Swiatlowski Requested by his classmate Jean Ward Thank You! The Family of Eleanor Van Aelst extends our heartfelt thank you to Father Richard Schaeffer for his special touch at the Wake Service and Funeral Mass; to GreatGrandson Kyle and Great-Grand Niece Allie who attended as altar servers; to Great-Granddaughter Molly for her beautiful singing as cantor; to Granddaughter Susan and Nephew Jeff who read so reverently as lectors; to Granddaughter Samantha, Great-Grandson Jesse, and nephew Terry who served as Eucharistic Ministers; to Grandsons Scott, Greg, Joe, Everett and Great-Grandsons Nathan and Troy who served as Pall Bearers; to Ryan and the beautiful voices of our choir; to Tony, his luncheon committee and all the callers for the delicious meal. We also extend our heartfelt thank you to Paul, Jenny and their staff at the Herbert Funeral Home for all their warm, caring help and guidance. Last, but certainly not least, we offer our thank you to all our family and friends for all their expressions of love shown through their hugs, tears, and words of comfort and support. We ask God’s Blessings on you all. The Family of Eleanor Van Aelst Kathy and Jim Skiera Congratulations to Andrew and Molly (Howard) Martz who were united in marriage on August 1, 2015 by Fr. Sylvestre Obwaka at St. Joseph Church. May God bless you on your shared journey! Groups & Organizations Holy Family Society October Funeral Workers: Helen Helminiak, Marian Johnson, Nancy LaPorte, Joanne Treml, Joan Lijewski, Margie Moser, Theresa Cabot The Catholic War Veterans will meet in the St. Joseph Parish Center Library on Monday, October 5th at 2:00 pm. Mt. Carmel Cemetery The annual Veteran’s Banquet will be held at 5:30 pm on Saturday, October 24th at the Elk’s Lodge on River Street. Reservations are required. $15 per person. Call the Elk’s for reservations 723.2060. Fall clean-up and winterizing of the water system is in progress. The water was turned off October 1st. Summer plantings and decorations should have been removed, as well as loose items. Powerful blowers and debris loader are being used. Memorial wreaths are allowed from November 15th to April 1st. Outside of these dates, they will be removed. The CCM Rosary/Altar Society will meet at 7:00 pm on Monday, October 5th in the St. Joseph Parish Center Lounge. An all-member birthday party will take place with members bringing a small gift ($5.00 value) to exchange. Dolores Bajtka's group will be on the refreshment committee. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 4 ‘Mass Response and Prayers’ Cards We will not be purchasing any new prayer cards that are currently at the church entrances. The responses and prayers can be found in the pew missals. Celebrating Our Parishioners Happy Anniversary!! 10/4 - Floyd & Vaughn Rozga (30th), Jeff & Heather Janowiak (29th), and Chad & Jessica Beaudrie (15th) 10/5 - David & Mary Lou Rozmarek (41st), Tom & Carol Shively (32nd), Michael & Connie Marzinski (30th), and Brian & Kathy Harrigan (19th) 10/6 - Hugh & Pat O’Hagan (53rd), Steve & Mary Lynn Dontz (36th), and Scott & Rebecca Skiera (14th) 10/7 - Jim & Sharon Edmondson (54th), Charles & Dorothy Schindler (54th), Dennis & Evelyn Boyle (48th), Dave & Cyndi Russell (37th), and Kevin & Dursa Marshall (15th) 10/8 - James & Donna Beaudrie (38th), Mike & Karen Feliczak (21st), and Jacob & Jamie Charette (4th) 10/9 - Mark & Lori Sniegowski (22nd) 10/10 - Wayne & Betty Janicki (51st), Scott & Samantha Van Aelst (17th), and Ken & Jonda Schwass (17th) Happy Birthday!! 10/4 - Sandy Cabot, Toni Adamski, Mike Feliczak, Kareesha Herbert, Talia Miller, Alex Kowalkowski, Megan Eilers (5), Isabelle Radlinski (3), and Penny Schubert (3) 10/5 - Tudie Rulison, Kathy Skiera, Stephanie Edgington, Sharon Muszynski, Raul Vasquez Sr., Vince Modjeski, Madison Miller (17), Allie Zimmerman (17), and Nathaniel Breland (13) 10/6 - Arlene Edens, Roger Schrader, Robert Baker, Kim Engstrom, Erv Kowalski Jr., Tamara Jackoviak, & Jacob Brown (8) 10/7 - Mary Tarczon, Robert Williams, Barbara Lynn, Alice Bottrell, Paula Gentz, Thomas Jans, Rosemarie Veine, Phil Guzikowski, & Chase Swidorski (17) 10/8 - Clifford Kaminski, Florence Clement, Ken Olen, Mary Skocelas, Arlene Adamski, Mary Ann Nickleson, Pamela Smuda, Don Loper, Amber Worch, Nathan Jordan, Kaytlin Heck (18), & Will Shriver (17) 10/9 - Minnie Zatarga, Patricia Schmidt, Marie Cabot, Connie Sciba, Barbara Snay, Mark Anderson, John Lipa, Nichole Shively, & Robert Sewell 10/10 - Marilyn Kliber, Terry Miller, Mark Krusniak, Paula Sarzynski, Jason Janowiak, Betsy Neph, Taryn Kempf (12), Tyler Whitman (9) & Sophie Witkowski (4) 231.723.2619 Faith Formation Pre - 9th Grade Jeremy Silvernail, Director of Faith Formation, 723.2619, ext. 30; during Faith Formation, ext. 27 Classes begin this Wednesday, October 7th and are held from 6:15 to 7:30 pm in the St. Joseph Parish Center. Registration forms for Pre-school - 9th Grade Faith Formation Classes this year are available online at You may also pick up the forms at the CCM Office during business hours. FROM RYAN’S DESK: We have begun to look for a replacement of the two acoustic pianos that are currently located in the Chapel and Band Room at Manistee Catholic Central. The current pianos have been around for many years, and over time have held a tuning for shorter periods, requiring multiple tuning throughout the year. It was advised two years ago that we should look for a replacement(s). In collaboration between Mr. Jason Allen, Fr. Schaeffer, Mr. Don Digna, and myself, we have decided on replacing both pianos with a new digital piano. A digital piano does not require tuning, as the sound is a recording that is played back through speakers when a key is struck. The new piano will be used for Mass in the Chapel, Gymnasium, and other events within the school as needed. The cost is $2,500. We are asking for donations to help cover the cost of this new instrument that will serve the needs of the school for many years to come. Thank you for your continued support of Manistee Catholic Central School and the Catholic Community of Manistee. Mr. Jason Allen, Principal Fr. Rich Schaeffer, Pastor Mr. Don Digna, Business Manager Mr. Ryan McCauslin, Music Director PROMISE TO PROTECT; PLEDGE TO HEAL In an effort to protect all children and to promote healing, the Diocese of Gaylord encourages victims of child abuse or neglect to report the matter. In fact, many professionals are required by Michigan State law to report suspected abuse or neglect of a child or minor. Individuals should contact their local office of the Department of Human Services. If an allegation involves sexual misconduct of a minor by clergy or any employee of the Diocese of Gaylord, even if it is in the past, individuals may also contact Tom Tenerovicz at 989.732.5147. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 STEWARDSHIP BY THE BOOK Stewardship Report September 26th & 27th Number of Envelopes Used 534 Weekly Goal $14,615.00 Weekly Contributions $12,693.25 Amount Over (Short) ($1,921.75) Year-to-Date Over (Short) OCTOBER 4, 2015 ($15,540.75) CSA 2015 ‘Together We Are Family’ As of September 22, 2015 CCM TargetAAAAAAA....$183,064.00 Amount PledgedAAA.AA..$125,226.00 Amount PaidAAAAA...A...$ 80,750.00 Parishioners PledgingAAAA...AA.427 % of Target PledgedAA.AAA.......68.4% It is not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice that we offer. Please be as generous as you are able. The phrase in today's Psalm, "May you see your children's children," is really a prayer for long life. The good steward knows that every day is a gift from God, to be lived with joy and thanksgiving. "May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives!" FAMILY PERSPECTIVE In today’s Gospel, Jesus encourages married couples to throw away the marriage rule book. Rules are for those with “hardened hearts.” Married couples are called to be a sacramental reflection of God’s faithful and selfless love - a place where people live and love beyond rules and formulas. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY, October 18, 2015 Sponsored by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith World Mission Sunday is all about asking for our generous support of our Catholic Church’s endeavors to spread the message of Jesus Christ throughout the world. It is about reminding us to pray with and for, take an interest in, and financially support our Church’s missionaries and their communities especially in the poorest regions of the world. Remember to pray for the missions. (Visit: Envelopes can be found in your box of contribution envelopes. Liturgical Ministers for October 10th & 11th Presider Lector Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers 10/10 4:00 pm Fr. Peter M. Krusniak Volunteers (H) K. & G. Peters, R. Wojciechowski (C) P. Potes, J. Kuczynski, G. Sielski, S. Kolanowski 10/10 6:00 pm Fr. Peter J. Gamache E. Bauman, Volunteer (H) K. Harless (C) R. & D. Swidorski, P. Hanna, M. Bolach 10/11 7:30 am Fr. Elias Chinzara J. Niedzielski L. & A. Herberger (H) S. Linke, M. Herberger (C) R. Wittlieff, R. Zwiefka, J. Treml, R. Hogan 10/11 9:30 am Fr. Elias Chinzara J. Linahan N. & B. Falk (H) B. Alfred, E. Judd, D. Kowalski Choir: B. Kowalkowski (C) D. Kowalkowski, E. Kowalski, H. Helminiak, S. Kolanowski 10/11 11:30 am Fr. Peter S. Miller B. & C. Robke, D. Valencia (H) D. Kuk, S. McLinden, S. Valencia (C) V. Kuk, C. Cabot, L. Fortier, C. Kott A BIG Thank You to Our Bulletin SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Dan Gilman, Residential Builder & Contractor PAGE 6 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI 231.723.2619 MCC School 723.2529 ~ Jason Allen, Principal - MCC SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday ~ 7:15 am - 3:15 pm For up-to-date info on school & sporting events, be sure to check out the calendar at “No Matter Where We Go Our Saber Spirit Always Shows” Homecoming Theme: Biomes of the Earth Friday, Oct. 2 - Hallway Decorating Biome Theme and Judging Monday, Oct. 5 - Pajama Day (Elementary, M/S/HS) Tuesday, Oct. 6 - Teacher Student Day (MS/ HS) Wednesday, Oct. 7 - Biome Day (MS/HS) All - School Mass at 10:00 am Middle School Volleyball at 5:30 pm Powder Puff Football at 6:45 pm Bonfire at 8:00 pm Thursday, Oct. 8 - City / Country Day (MS/HS) Class of ‘70 Ice Cream Social for MCC Students Student Activity Day Friday, Oct. 9 - Saber Spirit Day (Elementary, MS/HS) Line-up at 4:00 pm Parade at 4:30 pm Pep Rally: Gym - following parade Athletic Association Tail-Gate Party - Cafeteria Football Game vs. Marion at 7:00 pm in SABER Stadium Coronation at Halftime Saturday, Oct. 10 - Homecoming Dance 8:00-11:00 pm in the Cafeteria UPCOMING: Student Picture Re-takes - Tuesday, October 13th PSAT Test for 10th & 11th Grade - Wed., October 14th SPAGHETTI DINNER - Wed., October 14th from 4:00 to 7:00 pm in Saber Café. All are Welcome!! Tickets are $8 and available from any WG member or at the door on Oct 14th. All proceeds support the MCC Washington Group as they prepare for their journey to Washington DC in March of 2016 GET YOUR HARVEST T ICKETS! The 2015 HARVEST event ’Run for the Roses’ will be held on Saturday, November 7th. On the big night, eight (8) Grand Raffle tickets will be drawn for $1,000 each. Tickets are $25 each and are available at the MCC and CCM offices during business hours. Also available for purchase at both offices are the SABER BUCKS RAFFLE tickets for $10 each. SABER BUCKS will be a 50/50 raffle with one winner being drawn on November 7th, unless the total sales exceed $10,000. The raffle will then become a 50/25/25 raffle with two winners drawn. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 7 OCTOBER 4, 2015 Prayer Requests Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, those who are in the Medical Care, adult foster care homes, and those who are ill. We have been asked to pray for: C.A., Ken A., S.A., Kay Adamczak, Betty Adamski, Nancy Adamski, Mary Lou (Skiera) Baron, Ronald Bauman, Pat Bradley, M.C., Judy & Bernie Chapple, Barbara Chick, L. J. Greiner, Nate Guzikowski, Doug Hanna, Kari Jolink, J. K., Dick Kamaloski, David Kaminski, Donald Karas, Jerry Kolanowski, Ervin & Ilene Kowalski, Rose Kramp, Janet Krause, Mike Lind, Mary Liston, Lydia Loredo, Ed Mallison, Del Maloney, Mary Marzinski, Brian McLaughlin, Robert Miehlke, A.P., Sandy Patrick, Dave Petersen, Sharon Peterson, Paul Pietrasik, Alice Plucinski, Doris Polcyn, Vicki Purgiel, Jessica Scharp, Baby M. Schmidtt, Audrey Schuessler, Martha Sewell, Jennifer Sielski, Barb Snay, Karen Stefanick, D.H.S., Brenda Tiefenthal, J.W., V. W., April Walker, Jennifer Walter and baby Grace, Michael Walter, Denny Wandrych, William ‘Buzz’ Wandrych, Chuck Wisniski, Phyllis Wissner, and Clarice Wittlieff. Please remember only the person or an immediate family member should call to place a name on the list, as some people would prefer not to be listed. Names will remain on the list for one month. Please call with an update. Please pray for all service men and women who are currently serving in the military, especially: SSgt Heather Albright, SPC Mitchell Anderson, Zane A. Balcer, SSgt Joshua Baranek, SRA Tyler Bell USAF, LCpl Ben Blakeslee, Travis Bulerski, Special Agent Kimberly Caban, LCDR Steven Chmielewski, AO Rachel Colby USN, EMFN Brandi Coyle, 2nd Lt. Daniel J. Debano, Lt. Mark J. Debano Jr. USN, SrA Dan Digna, CAPT Joseph A. Duchon, SGT Jakob Evans, CAPT Adam C. Fix, Jamie Golembiewski USN, LTC Albert T. Gorman, SSgt Dan Gutowski, MSGT Andrew Hallead, Lt. Joseph Kedrowski, SSgt Tom Korzeniewski, CAPT Nick Kroll, Patrick Madden, A1C Michael Miehlke, Sgt. Jaron Oleniczak, MSgt Jacob Olson, Sgt 1st Class Jarod Perkioniemi, A1C Alan Potts, MSG Adam Schuessler, Lt. Luke Steinberg, Sgt. Tyler Swidorski, TSGT Jeff Thorpe, MM2 Duane Ray Tiefenthal, MA-3 Jonathan Walter, CAPT Donald Worm USN Tickets may be purchased at the MCC or CCM Office. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 8 COMMUNITY SINGERS WANTED! The Manistee Choral Society is looking for community singers to experience the fun and fellowship of singing by joining us as we prepare for the Victorian Dessert Concert on December 3rd. Rehearsals start October 5th and every Monday night 7:00-9:00 pm at the Faith Covenant Church. Practice CD's are provided and the selection will include pieces from the Messiah, as well as ancient and modern carols, and lighter music of the season too. For further information, please call Carol Voigts at 231.848.4301. ********** Join us for the 8th Annual Paint the Town Pink! th We are pleased to announce the 8 Annual Paint the Town Pink Ribbon Walk, to be held throughout the downtown business district on Thursday, October 8, 2015, from 4:00 – 7:00 pm. This annual event to raise awareness of the importance of the early detection of breast cancer and to honor those who have battled the illness has become a meaningful community-wide movement. Proceeds stay local to benefit women's services at West Shore Medical Center. Gathering 4:00 pm; Ceremony 4:45 pm; Walk 5:00 pm Gather at the west end of River St., near the fountain All proceeds stay local to benefit women's services at West Shore Medical Center. Our hospital is dedicated to providing women of all ages with exceptional medical care, from prevention and early detection to the latest surgical treatments. West Shore’s comprehensive women’s services include digital mammography, bone densitometry, obstetrics, gynecology, oncology, primary care, and rehabilitation. ********** THE HEART OF THE NEW EVANGELIZATION RETREAT The “Heart of the New Evangelization” Retreat is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 10th & Sunday, Oct. 11th at the Augustine Retreat Center. Fr. Matthew Cowan and Elizabeth Gengle will be presenting on the New Evangelization and how we can respond with generosity to mission in our daily lives. The retreat will also include practical tips for evangelizing and will aim to equip participants in the gift of sharing the Gospel with others. Prayer, quiet reflection, group discussion, the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation, and presentations will all be a part of this unique retreat opportunity. Cost for the retreat is $75 for overnight guests and $45 for commuters and includes all meals. For more information contact Elizabeth Gengle at 231.347.4133, ext. 413 or at 231.723.2619 RESPECTING THE DIGNITY OF GIRLS AND WOMEN IN HEALTHCARE The Catholic Medical Association invites you to join Dr. Nickole Bazger, DO, FACOOG, as she presents "Respecting the Dignity of Girls and Women in Healthcare" and shares cutting edge medical information about the female body and how to care for their female health in a natural and pro-life manner. This event will take place on Saturday, October 10th from 3:00-4:30 pm at St. Mary's Cathedral Parish Hall in Gaylord. There is no cost to attend but freewill donations will be accepted and appreciated. This event is sponsored by the Saints Cosmas and Damian Guild of the Diocese of Gaylord Catholic Medical Association. ********** MASS FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS The Catholic Medical Association invites physicians, nurses, medical students, healthcare professionals, and their families to the annual White Mass on Saturday, October 10th at St. Mary Cathedral in Gaylord. The day will begin at 3:00 pm with a special presentation on NaPro Technology by Dr. Nickole Bazger, DO, FACOOG, and continue with a presentation by the Sts. Cosmas and Damian Guild of the Diocese of Gaylord Catholic Medical Association at 4:30 pm, and the White Mass at 5:00 pm. The day will end with a chili dinner reception and celebration at 6:00 pm. For more information on the Catholic Medical Association or the White Mass, email ********** PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY Saturday, October 10, 2015 at Noon Water Fountain, Downtown Manistee on River Street All are invited to join us in praying the rosary, along with over 14,000 Rosary rallies across the nation. Sponsored by America Needs Fatima Questions? Please call Randy Wood (723.1470), or Judy Chapple (398.2611 ********** TEKAKWITHA: PATRON OF MOTHER EARTH Save the Date for the Native American Conference on Saturday, October 24 at the Cooney Conference Center. All are invited to gather and listen, share, and continue on the journey together. The day will feature opening prayer and smudging by Anthony Davis and a presentation of Healing the Hurt by Deleta Gasco Smith, both of the Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians. The day will continue with a talking circle, lunch, and a presentation of RainSong by Darlene and Terry Wildman. Registration information will be available soon. Keep an eye on for updates. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 9 RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY Every year on the First Sunday of October, the Church celebrates Respect Life Sunday. Do your part to Respect Life by being informed. Visit respectlife for access to materials, literature, the 9 Days for Life Novena, and much more. ********** QUARTER PADDLE AUCTION to Benefit the Lighthouse Pregnancy Care Center Great fun with the opportunity to win BIG items for just a few quarters! Saturday, October 17, 2015 VFW - 28th Street, Manistee Doors Open at 12:00 noon with the auction from 1:00 - 5:00 pm Tickets for Paddles are $5 each To purchase tickets or for more information contact: Lighthouse Pregnancy Care Center at 398.7984 ********** OCTOBER 4, 2015 CLIP FOR HANDY REFERENCE CCM Office & Mailing Address: 254 Sixth Street Phone: 231.723.2619 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Father Richard Schaeffer, Pastor, Ext. 12 Father Peter Wigton, Parochial Vicar, Ext. 24 Ann Brown, Receptionist, Ext. 10 Don Digna, Business Manager, Ext. 23 Greg Keough, Part-time Custodian Jeremy Silvernail, Director of Faith Formation Ext. 30, During Faith Formation Ext. 27 Mary Grace Brzezniak, Bookkeeper Ext. 21 Richard Morris, Mt. Carmel Cemetery Sexton, Ext. 29 Ryan McCauslin, Director of Music, Ext. 19 Samantha McLinden, Director of Advancement & Stewardship Ext. 25 ********** MERCIFUL LIKE THE F ATHER: YEAR OF MERCY CONFERENCE Become a herald of God’s mercy during the upcoming Year of Mercy! Bishop Steven J. Raica invites the faithful to join him at Merciful Like the Father: Becoming Heralds of God's Mercy, a special conference being held on Saturday, October 31st beginning at 10:00 am in anticipation of the upcoming Year of Mercy. Enjoy a keynote speech given by Bishop Raica, and breakout sessions on a variety of topics, including outreach to the incarcerated, ministering in hospitals, ministering to the poor and homeless, and more. Cost for the day is $20 and includes lunch. The conference will be held in the Cooney Conference Center located at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Gaylord. Any questions should be directed to Beth Hicks at 989.732.5147 or BULLETIN DEADLINE*: Thursday at noon - Ten days prior to publication *UPCOMING EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINES October 18th: Tuesday, October 6th at Noon October 25th: Tuesday, October 13th at Noon Send information to Ann:, or drop off hard copy to the CCM office CCM Website: Manistee Catholic Central School 1200 US 31 S, Manistee, MI 49660 231.723.2529 ~ Jason Allen, Principal, Ext. 13 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 10 231.723.2619 A Mass remembering those listed below will be celebrated on the first weekend of each month. The names will appear in the bulletin each week. Memorial offering is $60.00. Names and offerings may be turned in at the CCM Office or in the collection. If you have any questions please call the Catholic Community of Manistee Office. Catholic Community of Manistee Memorial Association Nancy Bajtka, Bajtka & Gamache Families, living & deceased Clarence & Martin Jerumbo Harold & Bernadine Strzyzewski and son John Strzyzewski Joseph & Virginia Oleniczak, Oleniczak, Wosniewski & Jerumbo Families John & Emily Helminiak & Family, living & deceased Ruth Niesen Steinberg & Niesen Families; LeRoy Edel; Barbara Skiera; Barbara Wisniski Pattie Beaudrie; Dori Peters; Cindy Gregory; Centala & Modrzynski Families Francis & Gertrude Kadzban; Kadzban & Jabrocki Families Richard Gage; Mary Fink; Frank Chesney Ken; W & A Bernier; C & A Grabowski & Family Members; Elaine Meyers Estelle M. Oleniczak Donald Shively; Shively, Chavalia, Balcer & Kniola Families Elmer & Anna Stamp; Ed & Julia Karas; Luczyk & Grabowski Families & RW Bartoszek, Majkszak, Kosiboski, & Kirby Families; Health Paul & Virginia Plouhar & Family, living & deceased Joseph & Betty Ann Abramowski, Harry & Nettie Muszynski Anna, Steve & Stephan Korzeniewski & Extended Families Audrey Rakoski; Carl & Lorraine Steinberg; Andrew & Gertrude Mantych & sons Raphael & Shirley Mikula; Edward & Irene Zeimba; Michael & Anna Mikula Roy & Sophie Krusniak; Harry & Eva Jeruzal Wayne & Dick Skiera; Elizabeth, Henry & Joseph Wojciechowski Chuck & Shirley Herbert; Herbert & Tacktor Families, living & deceased Ralph & Sally Schubert; Schubert, Maternowski & Krolczyk Families Stanley & Isabelle Radke; Joe & Mary Jane Witucki Fausz & Robke Families Grabowski, Kuczynski, Rakoniewski & Kukla Families Joe & April Brisson Families, living & deceased Pietrasik & Edmondson Families Ed, Esther, David, Michael, John & Dorothy Pomeroy; Ed & Mary Swidorski Harry & Lenore Boertman; John, Celia & Raymond Switalski; Jill Anderson Bud & Laura Raskey; Marcia Fortier; John Dalton & John Shoup Paul & Delores Miller Bartoszek, Cabot, Dembinski, Racine & Zielinski Families Steve & Caroline; Newman, Sowa, Kramp & Kolk Families, living & deceased Dale & Stella Cooper Sr.; James Cooper; Christopher Grabowski Daniels, Ragina, Jabrocki, O’Brien & Dobrawalski Families Purgiel, Grabowski, & Clark Families; Class of ‘55; Gage & Minster Families Harold & Mary Ann Sielski Len, Phyllis & Bonnie Chmielewski; Chmielewski & Niemierowicz Families Frank, Florence & Donald Graczyk; Ernest, Marie & Jim Chycinski Ziabkowski, Tabaczka & Bowman Families, living & deceased Roy Niesen; Ralph Schubert; The Krolczyk & Niesen Family Swidorski, Jeruzal & Skiera Families, living & deceased Joseph & Charlotte O’Hagan; Stanley & Dorothy Skocelas & Alvah Coe Families The Peters & Bayer Families; living & deceased Baranek, Weinert, Wagner, Kraus, Gumbus & Gutowski Families; Sue Viol Batterson, Vadeboncoeur, Kadzban, Adamczak & Gorch Families Leo & Germaine; Martin & Stella Gutowski; Harry & Sophia Nowak Paprocki, Glocheski, Tomaszewski & Miller Families, living & deceased Leonard & Stephanie Sielski; Sr. Mary A. Morang; Sielski & Morang Families Ed & Jane Fedder; Fedder & Matchekosky Families Symanski & Wandrych Families, living & deceased Francis Bartosiewicz & Vasquez Families, living & deceased Bartosiewicz, Zielinski, Sharnowski & Schramski Families Marzinski, Garrison, Kaminski, Hansen & Gallagher Families Michael Majewski; Majewski & Darbyson Families Walter & Opal Popkowski & son Dale; John Gerald Jr. & Shirley Kolanowski Angie & Edward Novak Tabaczka & Switalski Families, living & deceased Bilski, Chrzanowski, Dauginis, Kielpinski & Pindel Families Casimer, Gertrude, Sr. Liz, Bill & Lee Ozdych; †Ozdych & Smock Families Irene & Karl Herrmann; Gene & Guy Greene Kuczynski, Mielcarek, Kaminski, Witucki, Steve Duchon & Families Chandler, Burkhart & Barker Families, living & deceased Joseph & Jennie Abramowski Family Joe & Hedwig Wojciechowski; E. Kowalski & S. Wojciechowski Families Roman, Hazel & Dennis Zupin; Mark Reckow; Carl, Katherine & Robert Hull Vic Zwiefka; Fr. Bill Zwiefka; Zwiefka, Bialik, Osborn & Badzinski Families Joseph J., Lillian, Joseph C., Gwendolyn & Dan Stepniewski Jane Maxey; Harry & Julia Anderson; James & Agnes Maxey Raymond Smuda, Sr.; Smith & Smuda Families, living & deceased Mary & Ernest Bialik; Sophie, Cassmer, John & Julia Russell; Loyal Ramsey Leonard, Karen & Emily Kurtz; Karas & Kurtz Families Keson, Polcyn, Bittel, Kawalczyk & Wojciechowski Families, living & deceased Gordon Sciba; John Sciba; Robert Rogers Families, living & deceased John & Gladys Grzeszak; Grzeszak & Orlowski Families A.A. Edel & Gutowski Families; George Bruno; Frank Rutowski & Loved Ones Harry Skiera, William Zawacki & Harold Bauman Sr. Families, living & deceased Showalter’s, Patterson’s, Zawacki’s & Modreski’s & Relatives, living & deceased Richard Gutowski; Gutowski & Rogers Families John W., Rita A., Rebecca, John & Elizabeth Miller; Michael & Joanna Stypa Leonard & Evelyn Patulski Stan & Rita Siuda; Siuda & Marquardt Families Al & Josephine Helminski and sons Ron & Dennis Barbara Jean Bajtka Gordon & Clara Rozga; son John Rozga; Stanley Zuchowski Lila Callis; John Froncek Family Jacob Gutowski Family; Miles Robinson Family Frank & Dorothy Witucki; Health of Family Bernie J. & Mary C. Pieczynski; Fredericksen, Vida & Pieczynski Families Ralph Adamski; Michael Adamski Family; Edward & Anna Dahlke Family Niemiec, Schramski & Skory Families, living & deceased Ceil Feliczak; Cindy Johnson; Margie Wilson; Florence Abernathy; Dort Krusniak Aloizy Oleniczak, Michael Krolczyk, Edward Oleniczak, living & deceased Donna Foster Cyril & Agnes Bryck and Families, living & deceased Andy & Suzanne Plouhar, Florence, Lorraine, Mary Jane, Jim, Dave, Louise, Danny Catholic Community of Manistee, 254 Sixth St, Manistee, MI 49660 231.723.2619 ~ TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 11 OCTOBER 4, 2015 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 12 OCTOBER 4, 2015
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away May 19. May she now enjoy the great blessings
of eternal life. May her family and friends experience
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