File - Chapel of the Holy Family
File - Chapel of the Holy Family
Holy Family Traditional Roman Catholic Church Traditional Latin Mass according to the Tridentine Rite codified by St. Pius V 3385 Wickham Road, Melbourne, Florida 32935 • 321-255-4724 Father Gregory Safreed, OSF Eighth Sunday after Pentecost July 10, 2016 SUNDAY HYMNS Processional: "O God of Loveliness" #3 Recessional: "God of Our Fathers" #8 The Congregation is encouraged to join the choir in these hymns MASS INTENTIONS INTENT ION Sunday, July 10th, 9:00 11:30 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: July 17th, 9:00 11:30 + deceased REQUESTED BY Missa Pro Populo Virginia Quinland+ Don DeFillips+ Virginia G. Hague+ Special Intention Holy Family Board Members Living & Deceased of the Saver Family Timothy Missa Pro Populo Jonas+ & Prane+ Bungarda HOLY MASS SCHEDULE Sundays: 9:00AM and 11:30AM Weekdays: 9:00AM Holy Days of Obligation: 9AM and 7PM CONFESSIONS—Before Each Mass ROSARY—Before All Masses BAPTISMS, MATRIMONY, EXTREME UNCTION CONSULTATIONS AND SICK CALLS Please contact our Priest at 321-775-4325 Jim & Chris Clark Anonymous T. Hague Mary DeFillips Anonymous Barbara Rooch His Mother Z. Bungarda NOVENAS Miraculous Medal—Saturdays after Mass Sacred Heart—Fridays after Mass COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION CLASSES Sundays after 9AM Mass BLESSING OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES At the communion rail after Mass CHOIR PRACTICE—2nd and 4th Sat. after Mass Money is called the mammon of iniquity because it can be gained by sinful means and used for sinful purposes. The implication of is thatChrist’s faithful should use their legitimate wealth to aid the needy. By so doing they will exercise prudence because these virtuous actions are the means to the eternal life of heaven where Christ and all His saints will receive them in everlasting mansions. This detail contrasts sharply with the knavery of the unjust steward who used sinful means to be received by his beneficiaries into earthly dwellings, which will pass away. Commentary by Fr. J. Buckley THE EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST St. Luke’s Gospel 16:1-9, provides the parable of the Unjust Steward. The chief difficulty the modern reader finds with the realism of this parable is that the steward after being told of his dismissal is still allowed to exercise his office. Father Leopold Fonck, S.J., a great scriptural scholar, maintains, however, that in Palestine during Our Lord’s public ministry some time would elapse before a discharged steward would surrender his office to a successor. A more serious difficulty, Fonck observes, concerns the debtors’ bonds, which, he surmises, represent the rents on the tenants’ farms. He writes: “For, if the steward, as was usual amongst Oriental officials, in previous years had exacted from the farmers or with their aid, from the peasants, much larger sums of money than he transmitted to his master, he, now, without resorting to any very clumsy or conspicuous fraud upon his master, could make a considerable reduction in the charges of the peasants.” On this supposition it is not difficult to see why the unjust steward expected to be rewarded by the tenant farmers after his master dismissed him. The master praises the unjust steward not for his dishonesty but for his sagacity. Using the remaining time of his employment with cunning he was able to provide for his future. Painting by Pietro Novelli Our Lady of Mt Carmel ~ Feast 16 July Hermits lived on Mount Carmel near the Fountain of Elijah in northern Israel in the 12th century. They had a chapel dedicated to Our Lady. By the13th century they became known as “Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.” They soon celebrated a special Mass and Office in honor of Mary. In 1726 it became a celebration of the universal Church under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For centuries the Carmelites have seen themselves as specially related to Mary. Their great saints and theologians have promoted devotion to her and often championed the mystery of her Immaculate Conception. There is a tradition, that Mary appeared to St. Simon Stock, a leader of the Carmelites, and gave him a scapular, telling him to promote devotion to it. The scapular is a modified version of Mary’s own garment. It symbolizes her special protection and calls the wearers to consecrate themselves to her in a special way. The scapular reminds us of the gospel call to prayer and penance a call that Mary models in a splendid way. To discover this parable’s meaning one can follow the advice of Tertullian who wrote that one will find no parable which was not either explained by Christ or illumined by a commentary of an evangelist. “For the children of this world are wiser in their own generation than the children of light” is a comment emphasizing the necessity of prudence. The unjust steward represents the “children of this world” because he lives his life estranged from God. He, however, acts more wisely to secure his temporal good in this passing world than do those enlightened by the truth of Christ to attain their eternal good. Since prudence is the virtue which directs man’s actions to their goal, Christ is exhorting His disciples not to be outdone by the cunning of the wicked but to pursue those virtuous acts which will lead to their everlasting happiness. 9:00 7/10 – Ray Defillips / Mary Crain 11:30 Fred Carpenter ROSARY ROSTER 7/17 – Lon Grassman 2 7/24 – Larry Gomez / Martin Crain Fred Carpenter ANNOUNCEMENTS The annual Church Picnic is scheduled for Saturday, October 8th at Wickham Park in Pavilion I. A water slide will be provided for the children. Please mark this date on your calendar and make it a point to attend with family and friends. If for any reason, especially during summer vacation time, you are unable to attend mass, please remember that the church expenses continue. Offerings may be mailed to the church address listed on the front of the bulletin. FATHER SAFREED’S REFLECTIONS We are discussing Francis Bergoglio’s statement that he accepts the Lutheran heresy on justification. This heresy contradicts the Council of Trent with it’s solemn and infallible teaching on the same subject. Below are listed a sampling of the heretical ideas that came forth from the document called “The Joint Declaration with Lutherans,” (JDL) and the Church’s official reaction: JDL:” 21. According to Luther and Lutheran teaching, “human beings are incapable of cooperating in their salvation, because as sinners they actively oppose God and his saving action.” THIS IS HERESY CONDEMNED BY THE COUNCIL OF TRENT. Infallible Catholic teaching: “If anyone shall say that man’s free will moved and aroused by God does not cooperate by assenting to God who rouses and calls, whereby it disposes and prepares itself to obtain the grace of justification, and that it cannot dissent, if it wishes, but that like something inanimate it does nothing at all and is merely a passive state: LET HIM BE ANATHEMA.” Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Session 6, Can. 4. In other words, let him be condemned. JDL: “23 .....Lutherans...intend rather to express that justification remains free from human cooperation and is not dependent upon the life-renewing effects of grace in human beings.” THIS IS HERESY CONDEMNED BY THE COUNCIL OF TRENT. Infallible Catholic teaching: “If anyone shall say that man can be justified before God by his own works which are done either by his own natural powers, or through the teaching of the Law, and without divine grace through Christ Jesus: LET HIM BE ANATHEMA.” Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Session 6, Can1. JDL: “29. Lutherans understand this condition of the Christian as being ‘at the same time righteous and sinner.’ Believers are totally righteous, in that God forgives their sins through Word and Sacrament and grants the righteousness of Christ which they appropriate in faith. In Christ, they are made just before God. Looking at themselves through the law, however, they recognize that they remain totally sinners.” THIS IS HERESY CONDEMNED BY THE COUNCIL OF TRENT. This was one of Luther’s favorite heresies which is called “simul justus et peccator,” or “at the same time just and sinner.” I will give Trent’s teaching on this matter next week. In the mean time think upon this analogy, Luther compared his ideas concerning justification as a pile of dung covered with snow. In other words, human nature cannot be totally transformed as in baptism, but remains a pile of dung even after “taking on Christ.” And of course, dung does as dung is: it stinks and rots and hosts flies. The snow merely provides for a covering, and does nothing to transform human nature. A question might be: is this what Bergoglio really believes? DRESS POLICY When attending any functions at the chapel, especially Holy Mass, you are in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Please dress accordingly, with due modesty and respect. Everyone should refrain from jeans, shorts or T-shirts. Ladies, please use a head covering, available in the rear of the church either for loan or for purchase. 3 Remember, also, Lord, Your servants and handmaids below who are gone hence before us, marked with the sign of faith, and sleep the sleep of peace. To them, Lord and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we implore You a place of happiness, light and peace through the same Christ our Lord. Amen Joesph and Carmela DiPaolo R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Katherina Basala R.I.P. Ray & Anne Jacobs & Grand-daughters Bonnie, Erin, Shauna Members of the Perzanowski and Baskiewicz Families R.I.P. Charles and Antoinette Sutly R.I.P. Charles and Mary Sutly Requiescant in pace Repose of the Souls of Gosta and Greta Jonsson R.I.P. In Memory of Ann Nancy Slane Deceased Members of the Barbara Dick Family R.I.P. Maria Balda Requiescat in pace Thomas and Helen Kraljic Requiescant in pace For the Repose of the Soul of Marie T. Welch R.I.P. Deceased of William & Francis Bermingham Family R.I.P. Deceased of Martin & Mary J. Welch Family R.I.P. Deceased of the Kosack and Schumaker Families, R.I.P. Members of the Walter Klobucar Family R.I.P. Deceased Members of the McCallan and McNierney Families Deceased Members of the Zenorini and Marion Families, R.I.P. Deceased Members of the J.H. Crain /F.A. Croucher Families Souls of McKinney & Legge Families; Janelle McKinney Deceased Members of the Rehm/Trager Family R.I.P. Deceased of the Clark and Ziegler Families Beers and Valenti Family Members R.I.P. Deceased Members of the Adams & Roth Families R.I.P. Elwood Franklin Shepard and Mary Joseph Shepard R.I.P. Deceased of Perreira, Bernard, Farmer, & Jardine Families All Deceased Members of the Coston and Barranco Families Deceased Members of the Montgomery/Pond Family R.I.P. Deceased Members of the Patrizio Family, Rest in Peace Sancta Familia Academy is a lay-run, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. Your tax-deductible donations are greatly appreciated. PARISH HALL RENTAL Less than 50 Members of the Chapel $100 Less than 50 Non-members $150 Greater than 50 Members of the Chapel $200 Greater than 50 Non-members $300 For the Repose of the Soul of John F. Pastorius Jr. R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Stephanie K. Pastorius R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of John F. Pastorius III R.I.P. Sister Rita Joseph IHM Requiescat in pace For the Repose of the Soul of Virgina Pastorius Forth R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Roseanne M. Pastorius R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Robert J. Straub R.I.P. Ernie & Dennis Janzen; Gabels & Zechas R.I.P. Members of the Brown & Mallet Families R.I.P. Diega Burgio Requiescat in pace Anna Margiotta Requiescat in pace Lynn Marie Reynolds Requiescat in pace Deceased Members of the Kozaitis, Poisson, Kischuk, Dewitt Families Members of the Blatt-Scherer Family R.I.P. John Griffin R.I.P. Deceased of Kitchen, Lagemann, Lee Families DeFillips, Dark, Mares, Langbein Families and Friends, R.I.P. Audrey Alesio Requiescat in pace Deceased of the Flynn, Galloway, & Hague Families Members of the Hunter & Watkinson Families Guido,Wise, Kowalchik, Hanasewych, & Fell Families, R.I.P. Deceased Members of the Lankenau Cabble Families R.I.P. Deceased Members of the Montano Family R.I.P. Deceased Family and Friends of Ray & Michelle DeFillips Repose of the Souls of Harry and Agnes Nadolski R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Lynn Foerster Reynolds R.I.P. The Blake and Mikos Families, Rest in Peace Thursday May 5th SUGGESTED DONATIONS Mass Intentions—$15 Baptisms—$50 Nuptial Mass—$150 Wedding Service—$125 Requiem Mass—$150 Requiem Mass w/ Graveside Service—$175 Organist Donation—$50
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File - Chapel of the Holy Family
remember that the church expenses continue. Offerings may be mailed to the Chapel of the Holy Family at
P.O. Box 361314, Melbourne, Florida 32936-1314.