- Saint James Catholic Church
- Saint James Catholic Church
April 5, 2015 Saint James Catholic Parish 200 Walnut Street Sewickley, PA 15143 Reverend Thomas J. Burke, Pastor PHONE: (412)741-6650 FAX: (412)741-4782 EMAIL: saintjamesparish@comcast.net WEB SITE: www.saintjames-church.com Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday / 8:30am - 5:00pm SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday - 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am Confessions: Saturdays 9:30 - 10:30am PASTORAL STAFF Pastor .............................Reverend Thomas J. Burke .........................................thomasburke70@hotmail.com Business Manager..……Allison Williams ……………………………..finops.stjamessewickley@gmail.com Office Manager...............Karin Masterani .........................................kmasterani@saintjames-sewickley.org Office Assistant .............Susan Ponticello .........................................sponticello@saintjames-sewickley.org Music Ministries.............Lou Valenzi Associate………………..Sharron Schaefer .........................................Website: www.stjamesmusic.org Religious Education ......Karen Conroy, 412-741-6766 .........................................stjamesreled@comcast.net Youth Ministry................Maria Brown, 412-749-3745 .........................................mbrown@saintjames-sewickley.org School …………………...412-741-5540 Principal…………….....Sister Christy Hill, extension 108 .........................................chill@saintjames-sewickley.org Secretary .....................Marcy Knobloch, extension 100 School Website ...........www.stjamesschool.us Maintenance ...................Mike Glumac, Dan O’Rourke, …………………………….Kyle Devlin, Bill Hawthorne, Paul Denk .........................................and Ed Gintner Housekeeping ................Patty Smitz APRIL 5, 2015 SAINT JAMES CHURCH SHEPHERD’S VOICE April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday HAPPY EASTER! It has been a very long, bitter cold winter season with the snow, ice and sub-zero temperatures. We are now moving forward as Spring is definitely in the air! These past forty days of Lent (Traveling the Journey Together) have been a time for us to reflect on the positive changes we would like to make in our life and remind ourselves that we are all on this journey together. Today we rejoice at Easter as the tomb is empty. In John’s Gospel we read how Mary Magdalene arrives at the tomb and sees that the tomb is empty. Mary Magdalene is the first person at the tomb in all four gospels and she is the messenger who then brings Peter and the Beloved Disciple to see that the stone has been moved. Easter is about Jesus, the Jesus who announced God’s kingdom. We celebrate the triumph of life over death, hope over despair, light over darkness and good over evil. Let us open up our hearts and minds and see how we can become a better person and receive the joy of Christ. Christ is Risen! Alleluia! HAPPY EASTER! St. James School Registration St. James School is currently accepting registration for the 2015-2016 school year. There is a three year old half day Preschool program and half day and full day four year old Preschool program. St. James is an excellent place to start your child’s journey through social awareness, academics, and faith in a safe, loving environment. We are pleased to announce that there will be NO TUITION INCREASE for this coming year! Scholarships are available to those who qualify. For more information and for a tour of the school please call 412-741-5540, extension 100. Envisioning our Future: engaging with Jesus to Love and Serve A few weeks ago at all of the Masses, we distributed our new three year Pastoral Plan booklet to members of the parish. Our Pastoral EASTER SUNDAY Council put together a three year pastoral plan with goals and objectives to continue to make St. James grow and minister the faith to God’s people. Our new plan incorporates goals and objectives over the next three years: 2015 - 2018. If you have not yet had the opportunity to read over our plan there are extra copies available near the entrances of the church. We invite you to read over the booklet that has been printed, and pray to discern an activity or a ministry that enables you to use your unique talents, special expertise, time and treasures to help advance the works of our parish. Special thanks to those who have responded so far with comments and suggestions. Are You Registered? Every Catholic needs a place to call “home.” If you attend St. James on a regular basis or are searching for a parish to call “home” and are not officially registered, you’re most welcomed here! Please complete the form that is in the bulletin and return it to the office. It is very important to be registered especially to obtain a Sponsor Letter to be a Godparent or Confirmation Sponsor. If you are planning to move and change your address, please let us know so we can update our files. Welcome A special warm welcome to James and Tara Kane who recently registered at St. James Parish. Congratulations This weekend, we welcome the ten men and women who have been in our Rite of Christian Initiation Program, (RCIA). Members of the Class of 2015 include: James Armeni, Steve Biser, Shea Corsetti, Sarah D’Urso, Amy Dwyer, Michael Kenneweg, Pamela Kenneweg, Gretchen Klavon, Elizabeth Riordan, and Michelle Straka. Special thanks to Bob Basl, Connie Boschetto and Sylvia McGaughey for their leadership this past year. Looking Ahead Pastoral Council Meeting - Tuesday, April 7 / 6:30pm in the Gathering Space. First Holy Communion for our Second Graders Weekends of May 2-3 and 16-17. Notre Dame Vision High School Retreat - June 15-19. Italian Dinner Dance - Saturday, June 27 / 6:30-10:30pm, in the school gymnasium. Something to Think About… We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are. - Bill Watterson With God, All Things Are Possible! Fr. Tom Burke Pastor E-Mail: thomasburke70@hotmail.com The Sacrament of Baptism is available any Sunday of the month at Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a family 12:45PM. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To make member do so. If you know of a parishioner who is unable to get to Church and arrangements for a Baptism or class, please call (412) 741-6650. would like to receive Communion, please call (412) 741-6650. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with the Pastor at If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support of least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. Please call (412) your parish family, please call Connie (412)741-5611. 741-6650 to make an appointment . VENDORS/CRAFTERS WANTED Crafters & Vendors Wanted! The St. James School Spring Craft and Vendor Fair will be held Saturday, April 25th from 10:00am-2:00pm in the school gym. School parents and parishioners will have the first opportunity to secure a space. Public registration will begin March 18th. 8x5 spaces are available for $25 each - tables will NOT be provided. One representative per company. For more information, or to obtain an application, please contact Rachel McKeown at (724)622-1851 or owl.mckeown@yahoo.com RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Baby Jesus Grows! Baby Jesus was conceived in his mother’s womb by the power of the Holy Spirit on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation. After conception, Jesus will grow and develop just like all other babies. Beginning next month in this space, we will chronicle his development monthly until He is ready to be born in December. Mary is troubled by the angel's greeting, yet rejoices to do God's will. Let us pray that those who are troubled by their pregnancy may have the grace to trust in God's will. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD): April 12, 19 and 26 FIRST COMMUNION JESUS DAY RETREAT: April 11, 10:00am – 3:00pm St. Gianna Molla Association of St. James Parish. St. Gianna Molla is the patron saint of the unborn. FIRST COMMUNIONS: May 2/3 and May 16/17 CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE/PARENT MEETING: May 26, 7:008:30pm in the Gathering Space (for current 7th graders and their parents and anyone planning to be confirmed in the spring of 2016) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SON SPARKS LABS: July 13-17, 9:00am 12:30pm (Can science and faith coexist? You bet!) ON APRIL 11 WE WILL HAVE OUR FIRST COMMUNION JESUS DAY RETREAT from 10:00am until 3:00pm. We will be doing rehearsal as well as other activities important to the candidates’ understanding of the Sacrament and preparation for its reception. Please pray for these children as they enter these final weeks of preparation to receive the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time. 7TH GRADERS AND THEIR PARENTS should mark their calendars for the Confirmation meeting, May 26, 7:00-8:30pm. If anyone is not in our Religious Education (CCD) program or school, but desires to be confirmed in the Spring of 2016, they should contact Karen Conroy at the Religious Education Office. Altar Servers……………………...…Molly Torbic…………….....259-8059 Baptism Preparation………...Jason & Shea Corsetti ....... 724-513-0932 …………………………………..Dave & Emily Kelch………..804-517-5532 Bereavement................................. Nancy Miklos..................... 741-9463 Bible Studies Sunday Morning ........................ John Bunce ....................... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday. ......................... Ernie Tucci ........................ 741-4539 Women ....................................... Cindy Rinaldi ..................... 779-8429 Centering Prayer Group ................... Victoria Graham……………….897-1646 Christian Mother’s/Guild .............. Rose Flaherty……………...741-3844 Eucharistic Ministers .................. Father Tom...………...…….741-6650 For Hospital……………….…..…..Deacon Jim Olson ............. 996-3578 Faith Formation Committee ......... Karen Conroy .................... 741-6766 55+ Club ........................................ Rudy Ujhazy ...................... 741-4914 In memory of Nicholas & Wanda Harris In memory of the deceased members of the Colbert and Logsdon Families In memory of Andy & Evelyn Plavetzky In memory of Anita Nickholds In memory of Dixie Barthelemy In memory of James McCombe, Jr. In memory of Frances & Clarence Weber In memory of James T. Curcio From Wife, Ginger In memory of Albert M. & Helen Louise Norbut, Melanie D. Harold and Alan M. Norbut, M.D. In memory of the deceased members of the Sexton Family In memory of deceased Valenzi family members In memory of the deceased members of the McGrath and Meyer Families In memory of Erma Welshhans In memory of Virginia & Christy Lucci In memory of Virgil & Anna Niesslein In memory of Leonard R. Merriman, Jr. From Elizabeth Merriman In memory of Martha & Hansel Curcio From Elizabeth Merriman In memory of Catherine & Ernest Russo From Anthony & Vicki Russo and Daughters In memory of James E. & Joseph J. Russo From Anthony & Vicki Russo and Daughters In memory of Earl & Hazel Greenwald From Anthony & Vicki Russo and Daughters In memory of Maria Mercurio Macchione’s grandparents In memory of the deceased members of the Trovato and Alimena Families In memory of Richard Robichaud In memory of August, Valeria, Eleanor, James and Evelyn Paul In memory of Terry Biondi From Wife, Phyllis In memory of Rose Morris From Niece, Phyllis In memory of the deceased members of the Cicco Family In memory of Jerry & Rose Tignanelli In memory of Shirley Sgro In memory of the Sgro & Mesko Families In memory of Rose & John Ciangiarulo, Sr. In memory of Jennie Lucci From Daughter & Family In memory of William Ponticello From Family In memory of Christine Armstrong In memory of William Tyro In memory of Norbert Merkel In memory of Michael Bedits From the Bedits Family In memory of the deceased members of the Trunzo & Hess Families In memory of the Poninsky & Dyas family members From Pete & Carol Poninsky In memory of Edward J. Spirko, Jr. & Grandparents From Family In memory of Mr. & Mrs. John Aiello and Daughter Kathy From Daughters, Susan & Mary Ann In memory of the deceased members of the Costanzo and Melchiorre Families In memory of Joseph A. Bruno From Wife & Daughter In memory of James & Alice Phillips and Family From Alice & Mary Phillips In memory of Sam & Bridget Veazey and Family From Alice & Mary Phillips In memory of James & Margaret Phillips and Family From Alice & Mary Phillips In memory of William & Mary Veazey and Family From Alice & Mary Phillips In memory of William & Jane Phillips and Family From Alice & Mary Phillips In memory of Richard & Margaret Lewis and Family From Alice & Mary Phillips In memory of August & Helen Demma In memory of Bettye Ann & John Zelin In memory of Charles R. Merriman In memory of Frank & Helen Wasilowski In memory of Francis & Fay Conroy In memory of the deceased members of the Selick and Sommers Families From Ralph & Betty Sommers In memory of Joseph Venezia & John Venezia From Wife & Mother In memory of Kim Moran From Barry Pitek In memory of Joan Smith From Barry Pitek In memory Michael P. Pitek, Jr. From Anna Marie & Barry Pitek YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS In memory of the Basich & Pitek Families From Anna Marie & Barry Pitek In memory of Lucille Etters From Anna Marie & Barry Pitek In memory of Trudy Guy From Daughters, Christine & Mary In memory of James E. Rogers From the Rogers Family In memory of Joey Schneider From the Rogers Family In memory of Robert Mauti From the Rogers Family In memory of Joseph P. Schneider From the Rogers Family In memory of Sam & Yolanda Gamber From Theresa McClain In memory of Tootie & Deo McClain From Theresa McClain In memory of Andy McClain From Theresa McClain In memory of James Daugherty From Theresa McClain In memory of Josephine & Joseph Korcan In memory of Fred Martin In memory of Warren Enke In memory of Alice & Henry Troyanowski In memory of Ann & Frank Pozgay In memory of Pearl & Harry Troyanowski In memory of Mary & Steve Koricansky In memory of Maxim Hopkins From the Hopkins Family In memory of Christine Austin From Mom & Roz In memory of our parents; Angeline & Vincent Rovitto and Mary & Joseph Pavlis In memory of John Petrosillo In memory of Virginia Barlow In memory of Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Dellano In memory of Dr. & Mrs. C. Sabatelle In memory of Deacon Robert Sabatelle In memory of the Ricci & Trello Families In memory of the deceased members of the Zipparo, Vaccaro and Gamber Families In memory of Mary & Nick Zipparo In memory of “Moke” Zipparo In memory of Rosemarie Weikart In memory of John & Freida Terosky A group of teens attended the Silver Ring Thing, a national event which speaks honestly to teens about God's plan about Sexual Relations. This multimedia program included skits, videos, music and witness talks. It is fast-paced, energetic and dynamic! The presentation captured the imagination and attention of the audience while reinforcing the importance of embracing a life of chastity. 10 out of the 21 teens that attended bought a Purity Ring in recognition of their commitment. Thank you to parent chaperones Kelly McCullough and Jim Balet who attended the event and assisted with the evening. ST. JAMES SCHOOL NEWS It was a great time last week at the March Madness Party. Thank you to all those who made it a success! Sister Christy showing off her shooting abilities! SWISH! Some of St. James School teachers and Sister Christy enjoying a night of March Madness. Father Tom along with Mike Killian, Mike Minnock and Matt Erikson. The winner of the 55 inch television, Rachel McKeown. Congratulations Rachel! A special thanks to Mrs. Riley for spearheading the event! ST. JAMES SCHOOL NEWS Thanks to all those that came out on March 15th to help make our school open house a success! Ed Schuring from the Knights of Columbus and Father Tom presented a check to Mrs. Scully and her 8th grade class to help with their annual 8th grade end of year trip to Hershey Park. Our parish sympathy is extended to the family of Alice Forrest who passed away recently. We had many new families come to see the school and three have already registered! Finance Council ....................... Andrea Vescio .............. 741-8776 (Chuck Etta, John Nicolaus, Lisa Roskovensky, Judy Spanos, David Thompson, Bob Vogel and Mark Whitaker) Home & School………..Renee Cunningham ......... (724)457-2507 Knights of Columbus .............. Ed Schuring .................. 741-8062 Lectors………………………..….Father Tom ................... 741-6650 Marriage Preparation………....Jim & Margi Gregory...... 741-1005 Men’s Retreat………….……....Kevin Daily…...……….....741-6211 May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Pastoral Council…………...Patte Grey.……………........741-6650 (Robert Basl, Gene Battistella, Jean Bley, Ivan Hofmann, Dave Kelch, Tom McConomy, Ryan Miller, Kristie Moran, Catherine Platt and Anna Torrance) Saint Vincent dePaul ......... John Nard ........................... 741-6650 RCIA .................................... Bob Basl ............................. 741-3889 Scrip Program .................... Susan Ponticello ................. 741-6650 Ushers................................. Larry Kroner........................ 741-9617 Worship Committee ........... Kevin Daily.......................... 741-6211 Weekly collection for March 22, 2014 $12,517.57 LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Tuesday, April 7 Prayer Group for our children and grandchildren (Church) - 2:00pm Girl Scout meeting (Gathering Space) - 2:30pm Pastoral Council meeting (Meeting Room #2) 6:30pm Collection information for March 29th will appear in the April 12th bulletin due to early bulletin deadlines. Wednesday, April 8 Children’s Choir (Music Room) - 4:00pm Bell Choir (Church) - 7:00pm Thursday, April 9 RCIA (M.R. #2) - 7:00pm Legion of Mary meeting (M.R. #1) - 6:00pm Friday, April 10 AA meeting (Gathering Space) - 7:15pm H.S.A. Board meeting (M.R. #1) - 12:45pm Saturday, April 11 Men’s Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 7:30am Centering Prayer Group (M.R. #1) - 9:30am Jesus Day retreat (Gathering Space) - 10:00am Sunday, April 12 Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 8:30am Music Plus (Church) - 2:30pm CCD Emily Jancart Scholarship Foundation Pancake Breakfast (Cafeteria) - 8:00am REMEMBER ALL THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY FROM OUR PARISH Michael Mitchell (Army), Lt. Bryan Naranjo (Coast Guard), S.A. Melinda “Minny” Mowery, Colonel Mark VanKooten (Air Force), Captain Christopher Stepanek (Air Force), Captain Jaymie Stepanek (Air Force), Colonel Joseph Martin (Army), Lt. Col. Bryan J. O’Neill (Air Force), 1st Lt. Jonathan Miller (Air Force), 2nd Lt. David Miller (Air Force), Sarah Miller (Air Force Academy), 1st Lt. Ben Rinaldi (Air Force), 1st Lt. Sam Rinaldi (Air Force), 1st Lt. Jessica Rinaldi (Air Force), Major Matthew J. DiGiacomo (Army), Cpl. Austin Kisow (Marines), Lt. Lewis F. Giammaria (Navy), Lt. Col. Sean T. Auth (Air Force), Captain Bo Bear (Air Force), Sgt. Kevin Murphy (Army), Airmen Jeremiah Murphy (Air Force), Lt. Colonel Christopher Dziubek (Army), Lt. Col. John Davis (Army), A1C T.J. Owens (Air Force), Cpl. Ian Valenzi (USMC), Colonel Thomas Hess (Air Force), 2nd Lt. Christine Muders (Army), Col. Randall Beatty, MD (Air Force), Patrick O’Connor (Army), 1st Lt. Christopher J. Vish (Marines), Specialist Paul J. Ropon, Jr. (Army) and 1st. Lt. Jacob Enke (Army) Please contact the rectory if you would like to add a name to our listing of service men and women. Over 165 people enjoyed an evening of great fun, food, dancing and fellowship on March 14th for our 3rd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Dance. Terry Sexton showing his true Irish colors. Fr. Steve & Fr. Tom with their pot of gold! Tony & Ibie dancing the night away! Be sure to mark your calendar for our Italian Dinner/Dance which will be on Saturday, June 27th. Watch upcoming bulletins for more information. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS LIT In memory of Terry Biondi From Joe, Karin & Gino Masterani THIS WEEK THE MARIAN CANDLE IS LIT In memory of John & Mildred Budimir From Josephine & Family Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-712-HELP www.optionline.org Text helpline to 313131 Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1-888-808-1235 Please remember Eleanor Skapik, Eleanor Farbo, Sue Etters, Carol Shannon, Sandy Rishel, Jerry O’Shaughnessy, Nancy Fleming, Robert Murrer, Kathy Delgrande, Kevin Kenny, Lynn Huston Holmes, Helen Alimena, Mary Lou Smith, Anna Kerr, Patricia Fusco and Jimmy Breslin in your prayers. April 5th through April 12th EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 8:00 PM For the living and deceased members of St. James Parish 7:30 AM For the living and deceased members of St. James Parish 9:30 AM For the living and deceased members of St. James Parish 11:30 AM For the living and deceased members of St. James Parish TUESDAY TUESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER (April 7) 9:00AM + Emilie Thomas (Patrick Reddy) WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER (April 8) 6:45 AM + Peter Paterno (Larry & Laureen Novissimo) FRIDAY FRIDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER (April 9) 6:45 AM + John Chiaverini (Duane & Elizabeth Kasulka) SATURDAY SATURDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF EASTER (April 10) 9:00 AM + Mary Agnes Sexton (Family) 5:00 PM + Leonard R. Merriman, Jr. (Wife & Children) SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 AM + Albert Alimena & Family (John Tucci) 9:30 AM + Domenico & Elisabetta Cicco (Daughter, Betty) 11:30 AM For the People NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM Have you considered becoming part of our St. James Parish family? We would love to have you. If you’re interested, kindly fill out the form below, return it by mail or in the Sunday collection and we’ll mail you a new parishioner form. Name _____________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Renovations 1001 Grant Street, Monaca, PA 15061 724-775-8407 (OFFICE) 412-680-0045 (CELL) ken@mixtercontracting.com Registered Contractor # PA018011 Additions General Contracting Providing Rapid, Reliable & Professional Service Since 1982 412-262-2900 724-375-2400 Priced By The Job, Not By The Hour... That Saves You Money! 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