- Saint James Catholic Church
- Saint James Catholic Church
SAINT JAMES CATHOLIC PARISH April 3, 2016 Second Sunday of Easter Volume 2016 Issue 14 200 Walnut Street Sewickley, PA 15143 Reverend Thomas J. Burke, Pastor PHONE: (412)741-6650 FAX: (412)741-4782 EMAIL: saintjamesparish@comcast.net WEB SITE: www.saintjames-church.com Rectory Office Hours: Monday - Friday / 8:30am - 5:00pm SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday - 7:30am, 9:30am and 11:30am Confessions: Saturdays 9:30 - 10:30am With God, All Things Are Possible! PASTORAL STAFF Pastor .............................Reverend Thomas J. Burke .........................................thomasburke70@hotmail.com Business Manager……..Terri Price ……………………………..tprice@saintjames-sewickley.org Office Manager...............Karin Masterani .........................................kmasterani@saintjames-sewickley.org Account Manager ..........Susan Ponticello .........................................sponticello@saintjames-sewickley.org Music Ministries.............Lou Valenzi Associate………………..Sharron Schaefer .........................................Website: www.stjamesmusic.org Religious Education ......Karen Conroy, 412-741-6650 .........................................stjamesreled@comcast.net Youth Ministry................Maria Brown, 412-741-6650 .........................................mbrown@saintjames-sewickley.org School …………………...412-741-5540 Principal…………….....Sister Christy Hill, extension 108 .........................................chill@saintjames-sewickley.org Secretary .....................Marcy Knobloch, extension 100 School Website ...........www.stjamesschool.us Maintenance ...................Mike Glumac, Dan O’Rourke, …………………………….Kyle Devlin, Bill Hawthorne, Paul Denk .........................................and Ed Gintner APRIL 3, 2016 SAINT JAMES CHURCH SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Heidi Korcan, John and Carole Enke, Ann Belcastro, Bill Flaherty, Phil Susie, Lynda Smiley, Ed and Pat Schuring, Mark Piccolo, Ed Ference, Bill & Rose Flaherty and all those who volunteered for the past seven weeks. Thanks to all who helped with set up, clean up, donated baked goods, and those who came for dinner. Sacrament of Marriage PEACE BE WITH YOU! What an awesome Easter we had last weekend. The church and Gathering Space were packed with people, the altar was beautifully decorated, the music was outstanding, and the warm weather throughout the entire weekend was perfect! What a wonderful weekend to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection! The Easter Season continues for seven weeks, ending on Pentecost Sunday. Today is the Second Sunday of Easter, also called Divine Mercy Sunday. In the gospel we read about the Risen Lord appearing to his Apostles. One of them, Thomas, was absent at the first sighting so he doubted the Lord’s Resurrection. Thomas wanted proof rather than relying on the word of the other disciples. Jesus empowers his disciples with his peace and commissions them with his Holy Spirit. The risen Lord dispels the fear of the disciples. Jesus intends his disciples to go out and continue the work he had been doing. On this Second Sunday of Easter, let us heed the call of Jesus to be his hope-filled and merciful presence in our lives. PEACE BE WITH YOU! Thank You! Special thanks to all those who helped make our Easter liturgies run smoothly: Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Choir members, and Musicians. Thank you to our “decorating committee” for helping with the flowers, fountain set up and cleaning. Thank you to our maintenance staff for putting in extra hours over the holiday week end to tidy up the rest rooms and church, and to our parish staff for their extra hard work with the behind the scenes of planning. Many parishioners and visitors commented how beautiful everything was for Easter! Gone Fishing! Our Fish Fry was a great success! We went over all previous years goals! Special thanks to the Fish Fry Leadership team: Barry and If you were married in a “civil ceremony” (not in the Catholic church or by a Catholic Priest or Deacon) and you need your marriage “validated” or if you are seeking information about the annulment process, please give me a call at the rectory at 412-741-6650 extension 311 or e-mail me at thomasburke70@hotmail.com to set up an appointment. Windows For Africa St. James Parish is pleased to sponsor and support “Windows For Africa” on Thursday, April 21 from 6:30 to 9:00pm in the School Gymnasium. This night of food and music with African and American themes will help raise funds to package and ship donated stained glass windows, religious articles, donated medical supplies and hospital equipment to our sister church, St. James Catholic Church in Ilorin, Nigeria. Tickets are$100.00 each and tables of eight are $700.00. Please call me at 412-741-6650 extension 311 to reserve your seat or online at www.showclix.com/event/windows-for-africa. Please make checks payable to Windows of Unity. Donations are also being accepted if you cannot make the dinner. Roof Replacement Project Update The St. James steep slope roof replacement project is underway. Final bids from various roofing companies have been received and currently are being reviewed. The anticipated start date is mid-May and final completion is mid-August. Florida Consulting and the Office for Property and Planning with the Diocese will be reviewing the bids and helping us make a decision in the next few weeks. Funds from our Campaign for the Church Alive will be used to pay for the work. Welcome A special warm welcome to Jack Doran who recently registered at St. James Parish. Something to Think About… Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock. - Author Unknown. With God, All Things Are Possible! Fr. Tom Burke Pastor E-Mail: thomasburke70@hotmail.com The Sacrament of Baptism is available any Sunday of the month at Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a family 12:45PM. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To make member do so. If you know of a parishioner who is unable to get to Church and arrangements for a Baptism or class, please call (412) 741-6650. would like to receive Communion, please call (412) 741-6650. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with the Pastor at If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support of least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. Please call (412) your parish family, please call Connie (412)741-5611. 741-6650 to make an appointment . In memory of Michael P. Pitek, Jr. From Anna Marie & Barry Pitek In memory of the Pitek & Basich Families From Anna Marie & Barry Pitek In memory of Marie & Irv Bennett From Barry Pitek & Randy Bennett In memory of Irv Foreman From Barry Pitek & Randy Bennett In memory of David Taylor From Barry Pitek & Randy Bennett In memory of Reno Bandecchi & Casimir Komaniak From Barry Pitek & Randy Bennett In memory of Alex Watson & Amelio Cecci From Barry Pitek & Randy Bennett In memory of Bill Saul From Barry Pitek & Randy Bennett In memory of Phil & Ed From Barry Pitek & Randy Bennett In memory of Joan Mannion Smith From Barry Pitek In memory of Maxim Hopkins From Mom, Dad, Andrea & Lewis In memory of Christine Austin From the Austin Family In memory of Charles R. Merriman In memory of John & Mary Kate Kennedy In memory of the deceased members of the Merriman and Plese Families From the Plese Family In memory of Zach O’Neill From the Plese Family In memory Josephine & Joseph Korcan In memory of Pearl & Harry Troyanowski In memory of Mary & Steve Koricansky In memory of Ann & Frank Pozgay In memory of Alice & Henry Troyanowski In memory of Fred Martin In memory of Warren Enke In memory of Joanne Veon Altar Servers……………………...…Molly Torbic…………….....259-8059 Baptism Preparation………..Jason & Shea Corsetti ........ 724-513-0932 ………………………………….Dave & Emily Kelch………...804-517-5533 Bereavement................................. Nancy Miklos..................... 741-9463 Bible Studies Sunday Morning ........................ John Bunce ....................... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday. ......................... Ernie Tucci ........................ 741-4539 Women ....................................... Karen Conroy .................... 741-6650 Centering Prayer Group ................... Victoria Graham……………….897-1646 Christian Mother’s/Women’s Guild ....................................................... ………………………………………..Mary Kay Russo…….……..741-2845 Eucharistic Ministers .................. Father Tom...………...…….741-6650 For Hospital……………….…..…..Deacon Jim Olson ............. 996-3578 Faith Formation Committee ......... Karen Conroy .................... 741-6650 55+ Club ........................................ Rudy Ujhazy ...................... 741-4914 Greeters……………………………...Anna Torrance…………….741-5663 ST. JAMES SCHOOL NEWS A few weeks ago, the 5th grade was treated to their Pizza and More party! The kids were very excited for a relaxing afternoon sharing food, fun, and laughs with one another. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS What a PARN-A-PALOOZA event! Led by Joann McDaniel's, a large group of all ages spent the day learning how to PLARN which is crocheting with recycled grocery bags. This wonderful day of service allowed teens and adults learn how to begin the process of plarning to create plastic sleeping mats for those in poverty stricken communities worldwide and for our American service men and women overseas. Interested in learning more about PLARNING...contact Joanne McDaniel at joannemcdaniel@comcast.net Finance Council ....................... Andrea Vescio .............. 741-8776 (David Carter, Steve Clemente, Jerry Joseph, John Nicolaus, Lisa Roskovensky, Judy Spanos, David Thompson and Bob Vogel) Home & School………..Amy Kenneweg ........................ 749-5420 Knights of Columbus .............. Ed Schuring .................. 741-8062 Lectors………………………..….Father Tom ................... 741-6650 Legion of Mary…………..……..Lori Cunningham……….370-0939 Marriage Preparation………....Father Tom ................... 741-6650 Men’s Retreat………….……....Kevin Daily…...……….....741-6211 Pastoral Council…………...Patte Grey.……………........741-6650 (Donna Best, Gene Battistella, Jean Bley, Ivan Hofmann, Dave Kelch, Matt Krzan, Sandy Napoli, Catherine Platt, Linda Soldressen and Anna Villella) Saint Vincent dePaul ......... John Nard ........................... 741-6650 RCIA .................................... Bob Basl ............................. 741-3889 Scrip Program .................... Susan Ponticello ................. 741-6650 St. Gianna Molla……………Cindy Rinaldi……………….779-8429 Ushers................................. Larry Kroner........................ 741-9617 Worship Committee ........... Kevin Daily.......................... 741-6211 Engaging in a Spiritual Work of Mercy During The Year of Mercy Thursday, April 21, 2016 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. St. James School Gymnasium Join us for a night of food and music with African and American themes to benefit the Windows of Unity campaign to raise funds to package and ship donated stained glass windows, religious articles, donated medical supplies and hospital equipment to our sister church, Saint James Catholic Church, in Ilorin, Nigeria. Tickets are $100.00 each and tables of eight are $700.00 and are available by calling Father Tom at 412-741-6650 extension 311. Please make checks payable to Windows of Unity. SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE Do you find yourself overwhelmed by your commitments? If you have a good sense of which spiritual gifts you have to offer others, it will be easier to make decisions, set priorities, and focus your energy–especially to serve. The introductory Called & Gifted workshop is an opportunity to discover what gifts God has given you for others and for serving by seeing how God has worked through you in the past. The nine-hour workshop, offered by a teaching team from the Catherine of Siena Institute in Colorado Springs, will be held over two days, on Friday, April 15 from 7:00 to 9:00pm, and Saturday, April 16 from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Everyone is invited to participate in the Called & Gifted workshop. To register, complete a pre-registration form flyer that is in the church vestibule and return it to the Rectory. For additional information, contact Sandy Napoli (412)852-2203 or email saintjamesparish@comcast.net. The $30 per participant fee covers all materials, a continental breakfast, lunch catered by 424 Walnut restaurant, and beverages. Tuesday, April 5 Prayer Group for our children and grandchildren (Church) - 2:00pm St. Vincent dePaul meeting (M.R. #1) - 7:00pm Wednesday, April 6 Children’s Choir (Music Room) - 4:00pm Bell Choir (Church) - 7:00pm Thursday, April 7 Legion of Mary meeting (M.R. #1) - 6:00pm Weekly collection for March 20, 2016 Offertory 15,085.13 Tuition Assistance 152.00 Capital Improvement 150.00 Votive Lights 200.05 Human Development collection 15.00 Easter Flowers 335.00 Children’s envelopes 25.05 Lenten Offering 260.00 Easter 230.00 Total $16,452.23 Good Friday/Holy Land collection $2,422.00 Friday, April 8 AA meeting (Gathering Space) - 7:15pm Saturday, April 9 Men’s Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 7:30am Centering Prayer Group (M.R. #1) - 9:30am Jesus Day retreat (Gathering Space) - 9:00am Sunday, April 10 Bible Study (M.R. #1) - 8:30am Music Plus (Church) CCD Thanks to a gift to the parish, each parishioner now has unlimited, free access to FORMED.org. FORMED is a digital gateway to the best Catholic content, teachers, and presenters. It is accessible anywhere, anytime on smartphones, tablets, and computers for catechetical training, study groups, or personal growth by using Parish Code J8HWCA. Programs currently included: Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage gets to the heart of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment. YDisciple videos and materials for small group discipleship for teens. Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, beautifully filmed around the world with renowned author & speaker Dr. Edward Sri, and others Lectio: Peter - Cornerstone of Catholicism, a perfect small-group encounter as Dr. Tim Gray examines the life of St. Peter through Scripture, history, tradition, and art. CatholicisM - series featuring Bishop Robert Barron. And more! Please utilize this resource and experience a renewal of your faith! Weekly collection for March 27, 2016 Offertory 14,198.33 Tuition Assistance 81.00 Capital Improvement 43.00 Votive Lights 104.72 Human Development 145.00 Easter Flowers 55.00 Lenten Offering 380.00 Easter 12,506.72 Total $27,513.77 Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-712-HELP www.optionline.org Text helpline to 313131 Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1-888-808-1235 April 3, 2016 Through April 10, 2016 THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS LIT In memory of Mildred Spirko SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 5:00 PM + Deceased members of the Connor and Jolliffe Families (Mike & Linda Connors) 7:30 AM + Battista Mauro (Leo Sirianni Family) 9:30 AM + Deceased members of the Darragh and Randall Families (Dan & Ruth Darragh) 11:30 AM For The People MONDAY THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD (April 4) 6:45 AM + Roger Clifford, Jr. (The McCombe Family) TUESDAY 9:00AM + Deceased members of the Colgan and Sgro Families (Kate Sgro) WEDNESDAY EASTER WEEKDAY (April 6) 6:45 AM + Martin Yasofsky (Genny Lewis) FRIDAY EASTER WEEKDAY (April 8) 6:45 AM + Leo, Anthony, Pasquale & Joanne Cicco (Sister, Betty) SATURDAY EASTER WEEKDAY (April 9) 9:00 AM + Paul McGrath (Austin McGrath) 5:00 PM The Beal Family (Rosemarie, Bob & Lauren Jones) THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 AM For The People 9:30 AM + Domenico & Elisabetta Cicco (Daughter, Betty) 11:30 AM + Rose DeMaria (Anne Battaglia) Our parish sympathy is extended to the families of BETTY GORMAN and ALFRED WELSHHANS, father of parishioner, Marisa Niesslein who passed away recently. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. From Family THIS WEEK THE MARIAN CANDLE IS LIT In memory of Maria Santeufemia From Daughter THIS WEEK THE ST. JOSEPH CANDLE IS LIT In memory of Father James Aaron THIS WEEK THE ALTAR FLOWERS ARE In memory of Fr. Phil Fink From Barry & Heidi Korcan Renovations Additions General Contracting Providing Rapid, Reliable & Professional Service Since 1982 412-262-2900 724-375-2400 G E RAR DPLU M B I NG.COM Chvasta European Skin Care LLC AMBRIDGE 1133 Church St. Stephanie Ann Hall-Brown, Supervisor KOPPEL 3500 Third Ave. David P. Miller, Supervisor 724•266•1500 724•843•7977 2995 20-GAUGE STEEL CASKET INCLUDED and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! (4SPA) Lounge, Dine in, Take Out, Delivery, On & Off Site Catering $ PreNeed ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” 85 Broad Street Leetsdale, PA 15056 724.251.4772 426 Beaver St. Sewickley, PA 15143 412-741-1744 Fax 412-741-1810 Complete Traditional Funeral David J. Gabauer - FD $10 OFF Service Call Sewickley Pizza Roma Residential - Commercial - Insured Kitchens ◆ Bathrooms ◆ Painting ◆ Plaster Patching ◆ Drywall ◆ Carpentry ◆ Sewer Roofing ◆ Gutters ◆ Electrical/Service Work ◆ Excavation ◆ Ceramic Tile ◆ Flooring Priced By The Job, Not By The Hour... That Saves You Money! Maintenance • Contract Avail. • Plumbing • A/C • Heating 1001 Grant Street, Monaca, PA 15061 724-775-8407 (OFFICE) 412-680-0045 (CELL) ken@mixtercontracting.com Registered Contractor # PA018011 Official Bank of St. James LEO A. 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