File - Chapel of the Holy Family
File - Chapel of the Holy Family
Holy Family Traditional Roman Catholic Church Traditional Latin Mass according to the Tridentine Rite codified by St. Pius V 3385 Wickham Road, Melbourne, Florida 32935 • 321-255-4724 Father Gregory Safreed, OSF Ninth Sunday after Pentecost July 17, 2016 SUNDAY HYMNS Processional: “Praise to the Lord” (7) Recessional: “Christ the Prince of Peace” (9) The Congregation is encouraged to join the choir in these hymns MASS INTENTIONS Sunday: July 17th, 9:00 11:30 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: July 24th, 9:00 11:30 +deceased INTENTION REQUESTED BY Missa Pro Populo Jonas+ & Prane+ Bungarda Douglas Valenti, Sr. & Family Dr. Grossman Dennis Joseph Trager+ In Thanksgiving to God Pat Blatt Brenoon K. Paredes In Honor of Jesus in Gethsemane Missa Pro Populo Z. Bungarda David & Sharon Beers Dominic Mary & Jim Rehm Dominic Anita & Peter Faas Anonymous HOLY MASS SCHEDULE Sundays: 9:00AM and 11:30AM Weekdays: 9:00AM Holy Days of Obligation: 9AM and 7PM CONFESSIONS—Before Each Mass ROSARY—Before All Masses BAPTISMS, MATRIMONY, EXTREME UNCTION CONSULTATIONS AND SICK CALLS Please contact our Priest at 321-775-4325 NOVENAS Miraculous Medal—Saturdays after Mass Sacred Heart—Fridays after Mass COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION CLASSES Sundays after 9AM Mass BLESSING OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES At the communion rail after Mass CHOIR PRACTICE—2nd and 4th Sat. after Mass observedthatit’sverysadindeedasthis Argentinedictatorshipisbeingimposed withouttheleastcriticalreaction,notevenon thepartofthelaity.Yet,thisisaningenuous observationasit’spreciselythelaysecularmediathatarethemostunrestrained supportersofBergoglio.Theyhavefinally foundtheoneinwhomtheycanrealizetheir dream:thedestructionoftheCatholic Church.Soitisquiteobvioustheyareskinning theirhandsinapplauseandinsupportofhim astheysilencetheopposingvoicesofthe CatholicResistance.Thereis,however, somenewstoaddtothis:theResistance shallwin,becauseChristshallwin.You canbesureofit.Itshallnotbeheresy andapostasythatprevail.Evenifthey havealltheearthlypowertoday.Todayit seemsthosewhowanttoliquidatethe CatholicFaitharewinninghandsdown, buttheKingofHeavenwillmakevisible thetriumphoftheImmaculateHeartofMary. Forthisreason,today,weappealtoOur Motheralsofortheconversionofthosewho areoppressingtheChurchandcollaboratingin thedestructionofGod’swork.Weprayforthe persecutors,forthesalvationoftheirsouls. AndletuspraytoOurLady,thatShemay protectoursoulsfromfalsehoodand cowardice.Letourentirelifeandselvesbe underthemantleofHerMaternalgaze.We entrusteverythingtoHer,She,whoistheHelp ofChristiansandtheQueenofVictories.By AntonioSocci THE NINTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Socci:ItappearstheBergoglianInquisitionis winning(atthemoment)Idon’tknowifyou havenoticed,butthereisnolongeronesingle counter-currentvoiceinthe[Italian]mass media,whichreportstruthfullywhatis happeningundertheBergoglianregimeinthe Church.Weareunderanoppressive Argentinedictatorship.Thosewhodisturbthe BergoglianPowerwouldappearnottohave anyrighttospeakinthemedia.Eventhe mostimportantCatholicintellectualswho criticizedAmorisLaetitiaseverely (suchasSpaemann,Grygieland Seifert,closecollaboratorsofJohn PaulIIandBenedictXVI)have remainedinvisibleinthe[Italian] media.Theirseverecriticismshave beensilenced.Eventheexplosive discourseofMay21stbyMonsignor Gaenswein–BenedictXVI’s secretaryandright-handman–is virtuallyunobtainableinthemedia.Justlike thecriticalvoicesofsometheologians, bishopsandcardinals.TOTALCENSURESHIP. SOMETHINGNEVERSEENBEFORE.ISIT POSSIBLETHATWEHEARNOVOICERAISED INDENOUNCINGTHEDICTATORSHIP IMPOSEDINPRAISEANDGLORYOF THE“MERCIFUL”ARGENTINE?Westillhavethe net–it’strue.Thankheavenhereit’sstill possibletowriteandreadthefactualtruth. AndalreadysomeBergoglianclericsare launchinganathemasatthenetitself,since theyareunabletocontrolitandimposetheir muzzlethereaswell.Afriendhas ROSARYROSTER 9:007/17–LonGrassman7/24–LarryGomez/MartinCrain7/31–RayDefillips/MaryCrain 11:30FredCarpenterFredCarpenter 2 • • ANNOUNCEMENTS TheannualChurchPicnicisscheduledforSaturday,October8thatWickhamParkinPavilionI.Awater slidewillbeprovidedforthechildren.Pleasemarkthisdateonyourcalendarandmakeitapointtoattend withfamilyandfriends. If for any reason, especially during summer vacation time, you are unable to attend mass, please rememberthatthechurchexpensescontinue.OfferingsmaybemailedtotheChapeloftheHolyFamilyat P.O.Box361314,Melbourne,Florida32936-1314. FATHERSAFREED’SREFLECTIONS WecontinueourseriesonthetopicoftheLutheranconceptofjustificationversusthe Catholicunderstandingofthesamesubject,whicheveryindividualCatholicmust believeinordertobesaved.IinitiatedthisdiscussionbecauseofFrancisBergoglio’s statementthatheacceptstheLutheranteachingconcerninghowapersonisjustifiedinChrist. OneofLuther’sfavoriteideaswhatthatof“simuljustusetpeccator,”orwhatisknown as“atthesametimejustandsinner.”Thiswasmostadamantlycondemnedbythe CouncilofTrent,asthefollowingindicates: “IfanyonedeniesthatbythegraceofourLordJesusChristwhich isconferredinbaptism,theguiltoforiginalsinisremitted,or evenassertsthatthewholeofthatwhichhasthepropernature ofsinisnottakenaway,butsaysthatitisonlytouchedinperson orisnotimputed,LETHIMBEANATHEMA.”PopePaulIII,CouncilofTrent,Session5. “Forthosewhoarebornagain[Justified],Godhatesnothing, because‘thereisnocondemnation,tothosewhoaretruly buriedtogetherwithChristbybaptismintodeath’(Rom6:4), whodonot‘walkaccordingtotheflesh’(Rom8:1),but puttingoff‘theoldman’andputtingonthe‘new,whois createdaccordingtoGod’(Eph.4.22ff.Col.3:9),aremade innocent,immaculate,pure,guiltless,andbelovedsonsof God,‘heirsindeedofGod,butco-heirswithChrist’(Rom.8:17), sothatthereisnothingwhatevertoretardtheirentranceinto heaven.”PopePaulIII,CouncilofTrent,Session5. Baptisminotherwordsdoesnotsimplycoveroversin,butcreatesanentirelynew creature;theNewMan,wherethereisnomixtureofjusticeandsin.Thisisdifferent fromtheinclinationtosin,orthefomespeccati,whicharetheeffectsoforiginalsinand notsinitself.Lutheransfailtomakethisimportantdistinction. JointDeclarationwithLutherans:29”....Lutheranssaythatjustified personsarealsosinnersandthattheiroppositiontoGodistruly sin,theydonotdenythat,despitethissin,theyarenotseparated fromGodandthatthisisa‘ruled’sin.”HERESYCONDEMNEDBYTHECOUNCILOFTRENT Inotherwordsa“ruledsin”isasinorsinfulstate,butinspiteofthis,andevenwith personalsin,justificationisnotlost.Wouldn’tthatbefine----commitsinandnotlose thestateofjustification!Yetthatiswhatisbeingtaughthere. DRESSPOLICY Whenatten nganyfunct n atthe hapel, iallyH y ,y re inthepr en e the a ra ent. Plea r a ngly,with tyan r t.Every refrainfr ean h t r - irt , plea useahea ering,a ailableintherear the hur heither n r . 3 Remember, also, Lord, Your servants and handmaids below who are gone hence before us, marked with the sign of faith, and sleep the sleep of peace. To them, Lord and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we implore You a place of happiness, light and peace through the same Christ our Lord. Amen Joesph and Carmela DiPaolo R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Katherina Basala R.I.P. Ray & Anne Jacobs & Grand-daughters Bonnie, Erin, Shauna Members of the Perzanowski and Baskiewicz Families R.I.P. Charles and Antoinette Sutly R.I.P. Charles and Mary Sutly Requiescant in pace Repose of the Souls of Gosta and Greta Jonsson R.I.P. In Memory of Ann Nancy Slane Deceased Members of the Barbara Dick Family R.I.P. Maria Balda Requiescat in pace Thomas and Helen Kraljic Requiescant in pace For the Repose of the Soul of Marie T. Welch R.I.P. Deceased of William & Francis Bermingham Family R.I.P. Deceased of Martin & Mary J. Welch Family R.I.P. Deceased of the Kosack and Schumaker Families, R.I.P. Members of the Walter Klobucar Family R.I.P. Deceased Members of the McCallan and McNierney Families Deceased Members of the Zenorini and Marion Families, R.I.P. Deceased Members of the J.H. Crain /F.A. Croucher Families Souls of McKinney & Legge Families; Janelle McKinney Deceased Members of the Rehm/Trager Family R.I.P. Deceased of the Clark and Ziegler Families Beers and Valenti Family Members R.I.P. Deceased Members of the Adams & Roth Families R.I.P. Elwood Franklin Shepard and Mary Joseph Shepard R.I.P. Deceased of Perreira, Bernard, Farmer, & Jardine Families All Deceased Members of the Coston and Barranco Families Deceased Members of the Montgomery/Pond Family R.I.P. Deceased Members of the Patrizio Family, Rest in Peace For the Repose of the Soul of John F. Pastorius Jr. R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Stephanie K. Pastorius R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of John F. Pastorius III R.I.P. Sister Rita Joseph IHM Requiescat in pace For the Repose of the Soul of Virgina Pastorius Forth R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Roseanne M. Pastorius R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Robert J. Straub R.I.P. Ernie & Dennis Janzen; Gabels & Zechas R.I.P. Members of the Brown & Mallet Families R.I.P. Diega Burgio Requiescat in pace Anna Margiotta Requiescat in pace Lynn Marie Reynolds Requiescat in pace Deceased Members of the Kozaitis, Poisson, Kischuk, Dewitt Families Members of the Blatt-Scherer Family R.I.P. John Griffin R.I.P. Deceased of Kitchen, Lagemann, Lee Families DeFillips, Dark, Mares, Langbein Families and Friends, R.I.P. Audrey Alesio Requiescat in pace Deceased of the Flynn, Galloway, & Hague Families Members of the Hunter & Watkinson Families Guido,Wise, Kowalchik, Hanasewych, & Fell Families, R.I.P. Deceased Members of the Lankenau Cabble Families R.I.P. Deceased Members of the Montano Family R.I.P. Deceased Family and Friends of Ray & Michelle DeFillips Repose of the Souls of Harry and Agnes Nadolski R.I.P. For the Repose of the Soul of Lynn Foerster Reynolds R.I.P. The Blake and Mikos Families, Rest in Peace Thursday SanctaFamiliaAcademyisalay-run,non-profit,501(c)(3)organization. Yourtax-deductibledonationsaregreatlyappreciated. PARISH HALL RENTAL Less than 50 Members of the Chapel $100 Less than 50 Non-members $150 Greater than 50 Members of the Chapel $200 Greater than 50 Non-members $300 May5th SUGGESTED DONATIONS Mass Intentions—$15 Baptisms—$50 Nuptial Mass—$150 Wedding Service—$125 Requiem Mass—$150 Requiem Mass w/ Graveside Service—$175 Organist Donation—$50
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