May 29, 2016 - Catholic Community of Manistee
May 29, 2016 - Catholic Community of Manistee
Catholic Community of Manistee and proclaiming Christ, living as He calls us to live, and reaching out in love to all. Mission Statement: We, the Catholic Community of Manistee, are committed to knowing The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ ~ May 29, 2016 Ron’s Congratulations to the following parishioners who were fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist by Bishop Steven J. Raica on Sunday, May 22, 2016. Flynn Katherine Jeanette Anderson Lila-Ann Marie Bechtel Natalie Jean Beldo Landon Robert Blank Madelyn May Brown Elijah John Chandler Ayden Earl Edmondson Josephine An Fischer Madelyn Jane Gunia Brenna Eileen Johnson Macy Brianna Peterson Isabella Kathryn Sagala Faith Marie Sell Ava Aanzhenii Star-Chief Olivia Thomas Isabella Rose Vasquez Parishioners of St. Joseph, Onekama Alex Aguilar Angel Aguilar Daniel Aguilar Fabian Aguilar Gabriel Aguilar Jack Daberkoe Iris Leal Holly Patricia Riley-Lampinen CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 2 Mass & Worship Schedule St. Joseph Church is open daily from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm for personal adoration time. Please use the 6th Street entrance. The rosary is prayed before daily Mass beginning at 8:20 am. Monday, May 30 9:00 am Mass (SJ) For all Veterans, living and deceased (Catholic War Veterans) Tuesday, May 31 The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Pat Kaminski (1st An.) (Dave and Family) 2:00 pm Mass (Medical Care) - † Bridget Kruse (Family and Friends) 5:00-7:00 pm Confessions (SJ - Both Priests) Wednesday, June 1 St. Justin 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - Timothy Hover (CCM/MCC Staff) 5:15 pm Mass (SJ) - † Roy Bukowski (Marcellin Marquardt) Thursday, June 2 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † John Helminiak (Richard Zatarga) First Friday, June 3 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Martha Oleniczak (John Oleniczak and Cheryl Barber) Exposition after Mass; Adoration until Benediction at 5:00 pm Noon-1:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (SJ) 5:15 pm Mass (SJ) - † Theresa Koon (Family) First Saturday, June 4 The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary 3:00-3:45 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (SJ) 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Olga Gielczyk (Dolores Bajtka) 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - MCC Class of 1971, living and deceased members - 45th Reunion Sunday, May 29 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Eleanore Kott (An. 6/4 ) (Son, Daughter & Family) 8:00 am TV Mass for the Homebound from Gaylord - Cable Channel 3 (Fox 32) 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee11:30 am Mass (SJ) - For those listed in the CCM Memorial Association 231.723.2619 “Love is like a basket of loaves and fishes: you never have enough until you start to give it away.” ~Anonymous With Deepest Sympathy In your kindness and prayers, please remember the soul of Linda Rozga, sister of Charlene (George) Keson and Donna (Dan) Korzeniewski, who passed away May 19. May she now enjoy the great blessings of eternal life. May her family and friends experience God’s consoling presence during this time of loss. Candles This Week Sanctuary Lamp at St. Joseph Church In Loving Memory of Olga Gielczyk Requested by Dolores Bajtka Virgin Mary Chapel Lamp In Loving Memory of Pat Kaminski Requested by her Husband Dave and Family This Week in Our Community Monday, May 30 Memorial Day CCM Office Closed MAPS & MCC Closed Tuesday, May 31 3:15-5:15 pm Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC) 5:30-6:30 pm Community Table (SJPC) 6:00 pm Pinochle (SJPC lower level lounge) 6:15 pm Perpetual Help Novena (SJ Chapel) Wednesday, June 1 6:00 pm Folk Choir Practice (SJ) Thursday, June 2 3:15-5:15 pm Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC) 7:00 pm Children of Light Prayer Group (SJ) First Saturday, June 4 10:00 am Rosary (SJ) 10:00-1:00 Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC) 2:00 pm Rosary (Medical Care 1st Floor Dining) Key Code: SJ - St. Joseph Church; SJ CLOW - Room in St. Joseph Church basement; SJPC - St. Joseph Parish Center; MCC - Manistee Catholic Central; THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST PAGE 3 Thank You! A special thank you to Gary Sielski for helping arrange the geraniums, it was greatly appreciated. Also, thank you to Judy Chapple, Carol Teresinski, Regis Thomas, Rose Mary Sutter, Diane Robke, and Patti Spencer for planting the flowers in front of church and in the pots around the entrances. To everyone who helped gather the flowers and/or brought a geranium on Pentecost, we thank you as well. If you see any of the ladies mentioned here, tell them how nice and Springy everything looks outside. God bless you all. Judy St. Bernard Parish, Irons, would like to thank everyone who attended our Authentic Polish Dinner. It was a great success and all proceeds will be given to the Matthew 23:35 Food Pantry. We hope you enjoyed your evening. Groups & Organizations The regular meeting of the CCM Rosary Altar Society will be held at 7:00 pm on Monday June 6th in the St. Joseph Parish Center Lounge. A baby shower will take place for Love INC - suggested gifts include diapers, baby wipes, baby wash or clothing for toddlers up to age 5. Audrey Schuessler's group will be on committee for this meeting. The Catholic War Veterans will attend the 9:00 am Mass at St. Joseph Church on Memorial Day, and some will be participating in the ceremony between the two cemeteries on Maple Street at 9:00 am. Then they will participate in the riverfront ceremony, and will conclude with the Oak Grove Cemetery ritual. ATTENTION! ALL GROUPS & ORGANIZATIONS WHO USE ANY OF THE CCM FACILITIES, INCLUDING MCC IT’S TIME TO START PLANNING THE 2016/2017 CALENDAR! (July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017) Groups and Committees from the CCM and MCC: Please submit your proposed dates, times and location of meetings, events and fundraisers. Information from area schools and community groups would also be very helpful in an effort to avoid overloading and overlapping activities in the area. Please submit your proposed dates to Ann at the CCM Office no later than Friday, June 10th. Thank You! MAY 29, 2016 CATHOLIC UPDATE The June edition of Catholic Update is now available at all four entrance doors at St. Joseph Church. The title for this month is Biblical Wisdom for Marriage: Roadmap for a Lifetime of Love by Dr. Manual and Karee Santos. The Santos’ are co-authors of The Four Keys to Everlasting Love: How Your Catholic Marriage Can Bring You Joy for a Lifetime. They also write a monthly advice column called Marriage RX on and contribute regularly to FAITH Magazine’s “Marriage Matters.” Please take advantage of the opportunity to explore this short, informative resource. Next month’s edition will reflect on Mother Theresa of Calcutta by Anne Wilson. Celebrating Our Parishioners! Happy Anniversary!! 5/29 - Bob & Joyce Hallead (51st) Barry & Carmen Luedke (45th) Michael & Jill Stenberg (40th) 5/30 - Jeff & Kimberley Johnson (24th) Dennis & Katie McGrath (1st) 6/1 - David & Carol Slivka (20th) 6/3 - Joseph & Irene Kukla (55th) Mike & Rogene Fischer (44th) 6/4 - Ken & Jane Olen (50th) Phil & Sharon Johnson (33rd) Happy Birthday!! 5/29 - Ted Sielski Sr., Barbara Tarkowski, Sonny Wheeler, Sharon Edmondson, Tom Gorney, Aimee Kieszkowski, Roberto Sierra, Celia Star Chief (15), & Jayden Czarnecki (6) 5/30 - Lorraine Bachinski, Sharon Switalski, Roger Yoder, Wayne Bernier, Phil Toczynski, & Carolyn Henne 5/31 - Shirley Bratschi, Dan Duchon, Doug Richley, Sandy Edens, Lisa Senters, Heather Vasquez, Steven Jackson, & Tomas Korolenko (16) 6/1 - Paul Maksym, Amy Schrader, Josephine Fischer (9), & Andrew Potter (9) 6/2 - Dolores Bajtka, Brenda Alfred, Connie Marzinski, Beth Pomeroy, Joseph Slivka (18), Johnna Hanson (17), Evan Bauman (15), Ashley Van Aelst (11), Mollee Ozdych (10), & Adalyn Gunia (6) 6/3 - Rogene Kieszkowski, Yvonne Lindeman, Harry Bigalke, Jan Erickson, Sarah McDonald, Julie Martin, Mark Oleniczak, Jacob Turkett, & Caleb LaPoint (10) 6/4 - Marie Popielarz, Larry Golembiewski, John Dontz, Chris Popielarz, David (Amanda) Lijewski, & Maria Sierra CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 4 231.723.2619 Congratulations to all the Manistee County Graduates of the Class of 2016!!! Bear Lake Jordan Michael Anderson Nora Aunan Austin Tyler Baczewski Michael Gregory Belinsky Jr. Breann Elizabeth Buckner Cheyenne Kay Buckner Halie Alexis Clarke Aaron Ray DeForest Haley Jeanette Descavish Marvin Kenneth Dougherty III Joshua Steven Emery Anthony Lee Evans Jr. Kamryn Andrew Farfsing Eliseo A. Garcia Christopher Steven Gomez Isaac Michael Lee Hamilton Paul Scott Hayes Tobias Kongsvik Nicholas Alexander Kott Laura Krause Rachael Noelle Makowski Aiden Michael Mertes David Michael Myers Kloe Paige Myers Dillon Kenneth O’Brien Katelyn Noelle Pruyne James Douglas Schoedel Jozsias W. Szarka Cole Alan Verrett Brethren Miranda Buning Zacary Chaney Jordan Cook Kasey Fairbanks Naomi Glauser James Holden Jesse Holden Paige Jacobson Chloee Janssen Samantha Kettlewell Sierra Marie Link Laura Lopez Trevor Lyle Julianna Mannor Naomi Mason Austin McIntire Magdelyn McLaughlin Kyle McLeod Devyn Osborn Anne Pickens Jaime Perez-Prat Joshua Riggs Aspen Robak Dwight Schneider Tristin Stewart Mackenzie Voorhees Sarah Wayward Sheldin Wilks Casman Academy Kayla Atkinson Courtney Danks Zachary DeVreese Amber Evans Zackary Frechette Michelle Jones Dylan Kapets Hailea LaCarte Elijah Leis Montana Lijewski Amber Lucas Carl Parks Sierra Ronning Hunter Smith Zachary Wood Manistee Catholic Central Anna Patricia Buswinka Michael Dean Deising Justin Thomas Feliczak Lauren Rae Golembiewski Kaytlin Margaret Heck Mia Grace Hogan Jodi Lynn Janowiak Jiayu Theresa Li Meghan Kael Miller Shelby Papes Paige Lynn Picardat Blake Robert Robke Chad Robert Robke Joseph David Slivka Maegan Ann Sorenson Macarius M. Swidorski Cameron Joseph Toczynski Manistee High School Danielle Allena Ashley Dylan Thomas Bajtka Michelle Ann Ball Jackleen Marie Bartell Dulguun Bayarsaikhan Thomas Kyle Berentsen Zachery Christian Bonzheim Jazmyn Renee Booker Noah Quinn Bottrell Benjamin James Bowman Jayde Skye Bray Haley Jean Briske Emma Jaye Burns Jarrod Scott Cameron Skyler William Carpenter Zachary Allen Carter Noah Riley Case Benjamin Henry Chandler Leah Ann Christensen Emily Nicole Clement Cameron Michael Dahlgren Jeremiah John Dahlgren Gabriel Cyrus Dahlquist Alyssa Erin Dimondo Dakota Franklin Dority Taylor Lyn Dunham Carter Anthony Eckhardt Rylee Anne Eckhardt Jean Renald Engstrom Alexis Nikkol Engwall Asmus Winther Eriksen Breanna Lee Fink Fallon V. Gates Ashlee Brooke Gazda Noah Riley Gehrke Erik Hugo Grimhusen Megan Nicole Gutowski Anna Louise Hansen Kelsey Jordan Harrigan Jared M Haywood Spencer Lloyd Helminski Tristen Allen Hershey Abigayl Margaret Hornkohl Yiming Hu Paul (PJ) James Illig Taryn Roselle Jackson Katie Jo Jacobi Chase Raymond Janis THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST Dakota Wayne Johnson Mitchell Lawrence Jordan Daniel David Kalasz Ian Jacob Kiefer Marie Nicol Kneidl Tiara Mae Knopek Benjamin Traverse Kolk Emilee Danielle Kott Joshua Adam Krasinski Sydney Rae Kruwell Jordan Louis Kuenzer Joseph Michael Kutchinski Anna Caroline Kutschke Shelby Marie LaFrance Marilyn Jean Lange Connor James Leach Ashley Nicole Lindeman Hunter Michael Lindstrom Liam Marley Manley Alexis Sydney Marks Logan George Maser Sinead Ann McCann Megan Nicole McConnell Chad Michael Austin McDougall Spencer Ryan McDougall Cameron Jay McElrath Eric Paul McElrath Brie Ann Marie Miller Madison Marie Miller Emily Lyn Morin Connor James Mrozik Jakob Mitchell Nezki Florian Nowak Alejandro Olvera Ashley Nicole Peddie Cody James Pefley Kaitlynn Ivy Peppers Abel Armando Perez Salinas Marissa Renae Peterson Presley J. Petzak Dominik Jonas Pfeifer Zachary Keven Pietrasik Brian Christopher Polcyn Ian Lee Pomeroy Andrew Lee Puckett Emma Delaney Quinn Emil Rahbek Lexie Marie Ronning Shyann Dakota Ronning Antiwat Sa-ngasri Seth Jacob Schaefer Sophie Svensson Schjerven Robert Jacob Schneider Madilyn Mackensie Schweikert PAGE 5 William Francis Shriver III Hope Breanna Slawinski Bethany Joann Socher Angela Nicole Staffeld Cody Andrew Stefanick Jacob Andrew Stefanski Mallory Jo Stefanski Anna Laura Steinberg-Abreu Krista Mae Stenberg Kyle Ogden Stone Katie Elizabeth Struble Shayna Marie Tetzlaff Aaron Randolph Thomas Emily Leah Thompson Mackenzie Ann Thompson Audrey Vivian Tomaszewski Austin James VanGorden Brandon Adrian Wick Taylor Page Wilhoit Isabella Rae Willoughby Brittany Ellen Wilson Kenneth Michael Wilson Sierra Amber Wright Allie Jane Zimmerman Onekama Consolidated Jonathan M. Acton Kyler M. Beckstein Lacee L. Bergstrom Dominic H. Berry Jarrett P. Bradford Alexis N. Briggs Kimberly R. Carter Alyssan L. Clarke Jack T. Coryell Brandin David Cromwell Kendra M. Curtice Ivy Lolly Edens Evan M. Erts Hunter T. Exo Jennifer Lee Fauz Trever D. Fink Megan M. Gilman Christian Gjerstorff Keegan M. Gramza Braden M. hagen Matthew A. Hull Ethan D. Hunt Miah D. Johnson Brandi L. Kilbourn Ashley M. Kubiskey Jonas E. LaMont Courtney L. LeSarge MAY 29, 2016 Brodie James Long Jordan M. Lovell Ramiro M. Lugo Courtney L. Madsen Nicholas Peter Magnan Keith A. McKenney Hunter D. Morley Steven Austin Nelson Jessica S. Nickelsen Spencer L. Petrosky Randy J. Pienta Taya N. Piscopink Brittany C. Ponce Emma Francis Putney Shania Brighton Sedlar Rhianan R. VanBrocklin Mackenzie Leigh Warlin Alexa M. Welch Caleb G. Wisniski For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. ~Jeremiah 29:11 Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go. Dr. Seuss, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" PAGE 6 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PROMISE TO PROTECT; PLEDGE TO HEAL Stewardship Report May 21st & 22nd Number of Envelopes Used 505 Weekly Goal $14,615.00 Weekly Contributions $12,307.00 REFLECTING ON STEWARDSHIP “They all ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover fragments were picked up, they filled twelve wicker baskets.” - Luke 9:17 The story of the Loaves and Fishes shows us that when we share what we have, even if it doesn’t seem like that much, miracles can happen! Do not think that your gift is too small or insignificant! God blesses all the gifts we offer and makes them wondrous. CSA 2015 ‘Together We Are Family’ As of May 16, 2016 CCM Target…………………....$183,064.00 Amount Pledged……….……..$156,277.00 Amount Paid……………...…...$153,049.50 All individual payments made for the 2015 CSA campaign will need to be received no later than Friday, June 24, 2016. CSA 2016 ‘Together we are a family of Mercy’ CCM Target…………………....$183,398.00 Altar Servers & Lectors for 6/4 & 6/5 Lector 231.723.2619 Altar Servers 6/4 4:00 pm G. Sielski L. & E. Golembiewski 6/4 6:00 pm J. Gamache M. Barnett 6/5 7:30 am M. Krusniak C. Wittlieff 6/5 9:30 am D. Schwandt A. Thomas 6/5 11:30 am Youth Lectors C. Star Chief, A. Carter In an effort to protect all children and to promote healing, the Diocese of Gaylord encourages victims of child abuse or neglect to report the matter. In fact, many professionals are required by Michigan State law to report suspected abuse or neglect of a child or minor. Individuals should contact their local office of the Department of Human Services. If an allegation involves sexual misconduct of a minor by clergy or any employee of the Diocese of Gaylord, even if it is in the past, individuals may also contact Tom Tenerovicz at 989.732.5147. Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry We would like to thank our faithful and generous food pantry volunteers, MCC students, MCC custodian Mike Shively, volunteers from Family Fare Supermarket and Meijer, as well as the many contributors from our community who have generously given of their time, talents, and treasures for distribution of groceries to those in need of food assistance in Manistee County at the food pantry on Friday, May 13, 2016. We also would like to acknowledge and thank St. Bernard Catholic Church in Irons for their donation of 131 lbs. of groceries, Family Fare Supermarket, Meijer, and Feeding America West Michigan for their cooperation in obtaining groceries and meat this month. A very special thanks to Meijer Store Director Ken Babcock for a donation of a $300 gift card from Meijer. Our sincere appreciation also to all of the kind and generous donors in our community for continuing to support this pantry. The pantry served 149 shoppers (435 household members) this month. We distributed 6,692 lbs. of groceries and 466 lbs. of meat. Phil and Kristi Harless, volunteers for Hearts for Critters, provided 1,000 pounds of pet food for our shoppers, donated from their organization. The generosity of this community in providing donations to the food pantry every month is a true blessing!! “Ah mercy. This is the name of God.” - Pope Francis Please pass the word to those who may be in need of food assistance about the food pantry. The next food pantry is Friday, June 10, 2016 and, for those who shop, the line will start with #151. We ask for your continued prayers and support for the food pantry. For more information about accessing the food pantry, or volunteering, please call me at 398.0296. Joan Gamache THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST PAGE 7 To promote the natural beauty of our cemetery, the safety of our visitors and caretakers, and out of respect for our beloved deceased, the Mount Carmel Cemetery Board requires all individuals to follow the rules for our Catholic Cemetery. MT. CARMEL CEMETERY RULES Mt. Carmel Cemetery, located at the corner of Maple and Merkey Roads in Manistee, is hallowed ground and shares with all sacred places regulations to insure reverence, neatness, and order. Our common responsibility for the upkeep of our cemetery calls for all to observe these regulations: A 14-inch border of annual flowers in front of the grave marker is allowed, and it can only be the width of the marker foundation. No rocks, stones or woodchips are allowed in the borders, nor are brick, stones, or molded rubber liners allowed to form the borders, if placed they will be removed. No wire or plastic is to be inserted in the ground, nor are there to be any glass decorations, vases, or jars placed on the graves or grave markers. Planting of live annual, not perennial, flowers in the ground is permitted within this 14 inch border. The watering of live flowers is the responsibility of the family. Artificial arrangements are only permitted in an urn or pot aligned with grave marker. Artificial arrangements not in urns will be removed. Other arrangements, such as wreaths, are only permitted during winter months, from November 15th to April 1st. At all other times they will be removed. The American Flag for veterans is the only flag allowed to be placed by graves. All flower urns, pots, shepherd hooks, and statues must be in line with markers or monuments. Statues must be of a religious type acceptable to the Catholic faith, and are to be placed on the foundation of the grave marker. Statues not of a religious nature and other objects (toys, trinkets, coins, balloons, golf balls, playing cards, etc.) will be removed. Decorating of trees is not allowed. Grave blankets are not permitted. Refuse (such as plastic, cardboard, metal, glass, etc.) is to be removed from the cemetery. Whatever items you bring to the cemetery you must take back with you when you are finished decorating. No hoses or water cans or containers may be left in the cemetery. The planting of trees, shrubs, or perennials is not allowed on any gravesite. Rollerblading, skateboarding, riding horses, walking dogs or other pets is not permitted on cemetery property. MAY 29, 2016 Prayer Requests Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, those who are in the Medical Care, adult foster care homes, and those who are ill. We have been asked to pray for: Andrew, Betty Adamski, Darin Albright, Mary Lou (Skiera) Baron, Joseph Bladzik, Carol, Cookie Chmielewski, Corinne Dyer, Doyal, Betty Espvik, Scott Gamache, Max & Nate Guzikowski, Dorothy Holmes, Charleen Jach, Landon Parker Janiszewski, Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Johnson, Ervin & Ilene Kowalski, Ronnie Karen Kubanek, Ted & Midge Kubanek, Joyce LaFleur, Larry Loper, Rick Linke, Lydia Loredo, Louise Mackowiak, Mary Marzinski, Brian McLaughlin, Mary Moskalski, Rosemarie (Wandrych) Olejniczak, Floyd Patulski, Karolyn Peters, Dave Petersen, Sharon Peterson, Lynn Pierson, Jeff Plamondon, Alice Plucinski, Audrey Schuessler, Dorothy Sielski, Harlan Slonecki Sr., Jeanette Smock, Gert Sowa, Sharon Switalski, Steve, Robin Tatreau, Jeff Tesluck Jr., Bob Thomas, Lorraine Vondras, Denny Wandrych, Dale Wissner, Phyllis Wissner, Chuck Wisniski, Bernard & Richard Zatarga. Names will remain on the list for one month. Please call with an update. Please pray for all service men and women who are currently serving in the military, especially: SSgt Heather Albright, SPC Mitchell Anderson, Zane A. Balcer, SSgt Joshua Baranek, SRA Tyler Bell USAF, LT. Alec Bigalke, US Army, LCpl Ben Blakeslee, Travis Bulerski, Special Agent Kimberly Caban, LCDR Steven Chmielewski, AO Rachel Colby USN, EMFN Brandi Coyle, 2nd Lt. Daniel J. Debano, Lt. Mark J. Debano Jr. USN, SrA Dan Digna, CAPT Joseph A. Duchon, SGT Jakob Evans, CAPT Adam C. Fix, Jamie Golembiewski USN, LTC Albert T. Gorman, SSgt Dan Gutowski, MSGT Andrew Hallead, Lt. Joseph Kedrowski, SSgt Tom Korzeniewski, CAPT Nick Kroll, Patrick Madden, A1C Michael Miehlke, Sgt. Jaron Oleniczak, MSgt Jacob Olson, A1C Alan Potts, MSG Adam Schuessler, Lt. Luke Steinberg, Sgt. Tyler Swidorski, TSGT Jeff Thorpe, MM2 Duane Ray Tiefenthal, MA-3 Jonathan Walter, CAPT Donald Worm USN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 8 231.723.2619 FAMILY PERSPECTIVE In today’s gospel Jesus teaches we will find abundance by sharing the little we have. No matter how little time, money or food we have, it is enough to share. STEWARDSHIP BY THE BOOK In today's Gospel, the disciples suggest that Jesus disperse the crowd so that they might individually seek food and lodging. The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand is Jesus' powerful reminder that when we share our gifts in His name there is always more than enough! VOCATION VIEW Food usually becomes more when it is given then when it is taken. The more Jesus is given, the more we share Him, the more He increases. Religious Education News Jeremy Silvernail, Director of Religious Education, 723.2619, ext. 111 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: VBS will be held from 9:00 am-12:00 pm on July 19th – 21st. The cost is $25 for one, or $40 for 2+. Ages 4 - 11. 60 seats available. Pick up a registration form at the CCM office or at Contact Jeremy Silvernail with any questions. Registration deadline is June 30th. TEMPLARS: The Youth Group (6th – 9th) will be meeting Wednesdays from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm in the CYC starting on June 22nd. I am planning games, movies, cookouts, beach trips, bowling trips etc. A sign-up sheet is in the CCM office. We also have a name, the Templars! Templars got their name as they were an order of knights formed after the Crusade to protect pilgrims visiting the Holy Land and were based in Temples. While they have a deep and interesting history, afterwards their founding ideals of protecting peace, promoting charity, and being brave in the face of overwhelming odds are ideas worth modeling. A BIG THANK YOU to Our Bulletin SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: A&W ALL AMERICAN FOOD KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AWARDS SCHOLARSHIP The local Knights of Columbus recently awarded a $500 scholarship to Jodi Janowiak for her winning essay on “What Makes You a Good Catholic Person”. Eleven essays were submitted this year and Jodi’s was chosen as the winner. Pictured above are cochairman Mike Obranovich, scholarship recipient Jodi Janowiak and co-chairman Gary Sielski. MCC School 723.2529 ~ Jason Allen, Principal, MCC SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday ~ 7:30 am - 3:30 pm UPCOMING: Middle School Bible, Track & Field Day - Thursday, June 2nd Elementary Academic & Extracurricular Awards Monday, June 6th at 2:00 pm MCCAA meeting - Monday, June 6th at 6:30 pm in Saber Café Father/Special Person/Son Movie Night - Tuesday, June 7th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm Middle School - Wednesday, June 8th: 1/2 Day School, and Prayer Service & Bridging from 6:30 - 8:00 pm When you wholeheartedly adopt a “with all your heart” attitude and go all out with the positive principle, you can do incredible things. ~ Norman Vincent Peale THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST PAGE 9 MAY 29, 2016 COMMUNITY TABLE Community Table is a meal assistance program hosted by local area churches and organizations. All are welcome to attend this meal! Community Table is held every Tuesday evening at St. Joseph Parish Center from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. We are looking for groups to give their time and talents to host on Aug. 23; Sept. 13; & Oct. 4. The groups can be made up of family, friends, co-workers or organizations. Everything is supplied but desserts. If you would like more information or can commit to one of the dates, please call the CCM Office at 723.2619. COME & SEE WEEKEND SAVE THE DATE! Save the date for our next ordination! Join Bishop Raica and your diocesan family as we celebrate the Ordination to the Priesthood of Deacon Ben Rexroat, Deacon Al Pillarelli, and Deacon Christopher Jarvis, and Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate of seminarians Nick Cooper and Brad Nursey on Saturday, June 18th at 11:00 am at St. Mary Cathedral in Gaylord. A Solemn Vespers will precede the ordination on Friday evening at 6:00 pm, also at St. Mary Cathedral. Please join us with your prayers and presence. OLD FASHIONED DINNER DANCE Thursday, June 2 12:00 pm Ramsdell Ballroom Enjoy a relaxing afternoon of delightful music, delicious dinner & friendly conversation. Dress is casual to as dressed up as you want to be. Cost is $12.00. Social hour 12:00 pm, Dinner 1:00 pm, Dancing until 4:00 pm, Open to 50 years and older. Entertainment by Butch Baker and the Just 4 Fun Band. Dinner catered by Jerry Zupin. Call the Manistee Senior Center to sign up at 723.6477. Interested in learning more about the Priesthood? Fr. Matthew Wigton, Director of Vocations, cordially invites men, ages 18 and up, to join the Come & See Weekend at the Hampton Inn in Gaylord on Friday evening June 17th and Saturday, June 18th. Join other men exploring the possibility of priesthood; visit with priests and current seminarians; and attend the Ordination to the Priesthood of Deacon Christopher Jarvis, Deacon Al Pillarelli, and Deacon Ben Rexroat, and Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate of seminarians Nick Cooper and Brad Nursey. Overnight lodging and meals are provided. Casual clothing as well as proper dress for Mass. There is no cost to participate. Pre-registration is required. Call Judy Abeel at 989.705.3523 or email to register. CCM Office & Mailing Address: 254 Sixth Street Phone: 231.723.2619 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Father Richard Schaeffer, Pastor, Ext. 104 Father Peter Wigton, Parochial Vicar, Ext. 103 Ann Brown, Receptionist, Ext. 101 Don Digna, Business Manager, Ext. 107 BULLETIN DEADLINE: Thursday at noon - Ten days prior to publication Send information to Ann:, or drop off hard copy to the CCM office CCM Website: CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 10 231.723.2619 The CCM Memorial Association names will appear in the bulletin each week. Memorial offering is $60.00. Names and offerings may be turned in at the CCM Office or in the collection. If you have any questions please call the Catholic Community of Manistee Office. A Mass remembering those listed below will be celebrated on the first weekend of each month. Catholic Community of Manistee Memorial Association Andy & Suzanne Plouhar, Florence, Lorraine, Mary Jane, Jim, Dave, Louise, Danny Nancy Bajtka, Bajtka & Gamache Families, living & deceased Barbara Jean Bajtka Masty Family, living & deceased Estelle M. Oleniczak Ruth Niesen Steinberg & Niesen Families Theresa & David Edel; Barbara Skiera; Barbara Wisniski Joseph & Betty Ann Abramowski, Harry & Nettie Muszynski Chuck & Shirley Herbert; Herbert & Tacktor Families, living & deceased Elmer & Anna Stamp; Ed & Julia Karas; Luczyk & Grabowski Families & RW John & Emily Helminiak & Family, living & deceased Steve & Caroline; Newman, Sowa, Kramp & Kolk Families, living & deceased Gordon Sciba; John Sciba; Robert Rogers Families, living & deceased Michael D. O’Bryan Purgiel, Grabowski, & Clark Families; Class of ‘55; Gage & Minster Families Fausz & Robke Families Harold & Mary Ann Sielski Walter & Opal Popkowski & son Dale; John Gerald Jr. & Shirley Kolanowski Vic Zwiefka; Fr. Bill Zwiefka; Zwiefka, Osborn, Bialik & Badzinski Families Frank, Florence & Donald Graczyk; Ernest, Marie & Jim Chycinski Joseph & Charlotte O’Hagan; Stanley & Dorothy Skocelas & Alvah Coe Families Roman, Hazel & Dennis Zupin; Mark Reckow; Carl, Katherine & Robert Hull Franckowiak & Adamczak Families John W., Rita A., Rebecca, John & Elizabeth Miller; Michael & Joanna Stypa Kuczynski, Mielcarek, Kaminski, Witucki, Steve Duchon & Families Richard Gage; Mary Fink; Frank Chesney Ken; W & A Bernier; C & A Grabowski & Family Members; Elaine Meyers Swidorski, Jeruzal & Skiera Families, living & deceased Wayne & Richard Skiera; Elizabeth, Henry & Joseph Wojciechowski Marzinski, Garrison, Kaminski, Hansen & Gallagher Families Grabowski, Kuczynski, Rakoniewski & Kukla Families Keson, Polcyn, Bittel, Kowalczyk & Wojciechowski Families, living & deceased Dale Sr. & Stella Cooper; James Cooper; Christopher Grabowski Anna, Steve & Stephan Korzeniewski & Extended Families Symanski & Wandrych Families, living & deceased Joseph J., Lillian, Daniel, Joseph C. & Gwendolyn Stepniewski Harry & Lenore Boertman; John, Celia & Raymond Switalski; Jill Anderson Robert J. Skiera John & Gladys Grzeszak; Grzeszak & Orlowski Families, living & deceased Leo, Germaine, Martin & Stella Gutowski; Harry & Sophia Nowak Mary & Ernest Bialik; Sophie, Cassmer, John & Julia Russell; Loyal & Alma Ramsey Michael Majewski; Majewski & Darbyson Families A.A. Edel; George Bruno; Gutowski Family, living & deceased; Frank Rutowski Batterson, Vadeboncoeur, Kadzban, Adamczak & Gorch Families Leonard & Stephanie Sielski; Sr. Mary A. Morang; Sielski & Morang Families Stec, Walker, Foster, Olen, Boyle, Flarity, & Bartosz Families Chandler, Burkhart & Barker Families, living & deceased Tabaczka & Switalski Families, living & deceased Pietrasik & Edmondson Families Karl & Irene Herrmann Family; Guy & Gene Greene Family Floyd Witucki & Family Members Leonard, Karen & Emily Kurtz; Karas & Kurtz Families Jane Maxey; Harry & Julia Anderson; James & Agnes Maxey Cornelius ‘Casey’ Mekkes Francis Bartosiewicz & Vasquez Families, living & deceased Bartosiewicz, Zielinski, Sharnowski & Schramski Families Len, Phyllis & Bonnie Chmielewski; Chmielewski & Niemierowicz Families Joseph & Jennie Abramowski, immediate & extended Family Paul & Virginia Plouhar & Family, living & deceased Peters & Bayer Families; living & deceased Stanley, Frances & Nicole Kolanowski; Harlan Olson Sr.; & Bogus Families Joe & Mary Jane Witucki & Stanley & Isabelle Radke Families, living & deceased Paul & Delores Miller; Bud & Laura Raskey Pattie Beaudrie; Dori Peters; Cindy Gregory; Centala & Modrzynski Families Showalter’s, Patterson’s, Zawacki’s & Modreski’s & Relatives, living & deceased Ed & Jane Fedder; Fedder & Matchekosky Families Edward & Virginia Kott; Anthony, Anna & Angel Dans Angie & Edward Novak Paprocki, Glocheski, Tomaszewski & Miller Families, living & deceased Ziabkowski, Tabaczka & Bowman Families, living & deceased Shively, Chavalia, Balcer & Kniola Families Roy Niesen; Ralph & Sally Schubert; Krolczyk & Niesen Family Roy & Sophie Krusniak; Harry & Eva Jeruzal Cyril & Agnes Bryck and Families, living & deceased Ralph Adamski; Michael Adamski Family; Edward & Anna Dahlke Family Joe & Hedwig Wojciechowski; E. Kowalski & S. Wojciechowski Families Carl & Ann Marie Skipski; John & Victoria Skipski Bartoszek, Cabot, Dembinski, Racine & Zielinski Families Joe & April Brisson Families, living & deceased Bartoszek, Majkszak, Kosiboski, & Kirby Families; Health Raymond Smuda, Sr.; Smith & Smuda Families, living & deceased Ed, Esther, David, Michael, John & Dorothy Pomeroy; Ed & Mary Swidorski Baranek, Weinert, Gutowski, Wagner, Krause, Gumbus, Paprocki Families; Sue Viol Casimer, Gertrude, Sr. Liz, Bill, & Lee Ozdych; All Ozdych & Smock Family Harry Skiera, William Zawacki & Harold Bauman Sr. Families, living & deceased Raymond Oleniczak; Joseph & Gertrude Pieczynski Niemiec, Schramski & Skory Families, living & deceased Clarence & Martin Jerumbo Jacob Gutowski Family; Miles Robinson Family Al & Martha Oleniczak & Michael Krolczyk Families, living & deceased Stan & Rita Siuda; Siuda & Marquardt Families Al & Josephine Helminski and sons Ron & Dennis Lester, Harriet & Douglass Picadat; Picardat Family, living & deceased Walter & Arliene Linski; Fedder & Linski Families, living & deceased Catholic Community of Manistee, 254 Sixth St, Manistee, MI 49660 231.723.2619 ~
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