December 21, 2014 Bulletin - St. Joseph Parish of Downingtown
December 21, 2014 Bulletin - St. Joseph Parish of Downingtown
The Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Parish Staff Phone: 610-269-8294 Fax: 610-269-2487 460 Manor Avenue, Downingtown, PA 19335 Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. McLoone Rev. Anthony T. Rossi Parochial Vicar Rev. Matthew W. Guckin Deacon Jim Bogdan Resident Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation As Announced Permanent Deacon Deacon Edward R. Schiappa Mr. Ken Chrusch Ms. Karen Dawson Pastor Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday: 6:00 a.m., 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 4:00 p.m. Reconciliation Permanent Deacon Saturday: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays: 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. Director of Youth Ministry and 6:30 p.m. Parish Services Director/ Adult Faith Formation Coordinator Anointing of the Sick Any sick or hospitalized parishioner who is Mrs. Roe DeRitis Parish Secretary in need of the Sacrament of the Sick should contact the Parish Office. Mrs. Jo-Ann Funkhouser Bookkeeper Perpetual Adoration of the Mrs. Dodie Milano Receptionist Blessed Sacrament Holy Family Chapel in the Holy Family Ms. Julie Wiant Business Manager Center. Ms. Jeannine Zack Parish Secretary Morning Prayer Monday—Friday at 6:30 a.m. in Church. School Phone: 610-269-8999 Fax: 610-269-2252 Devotions The Holy Rosary: Sister Catherine Irene, I.H.M. Principal Recited before the 9:00 a.m. Mass daily. Sister Diane Licordare, I.H.M. Mrs. Julie Fitzgerald Vice Principal Secretary Parish Religious Education Program Phone: 610-873-8798 Fax: 610-873-5466 Miraculous Medal Devotions: Every Tuesday after the 9 a.m. Mass. Novena to Saint Joseph: Every Wednesday after the 9 a.m. Mass. Litany to the Sacred Heart: Mrs. Kathy Thomas Director of Religious Education First Friday of the month after the 9 a.m. Mass. Mrs. Mary Ann Korpics Assistant to the D.R.E. First Saturday Devotions: Convent The First Saturday of each month at 8:30 Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary a.m. 484-593-4352 Today’s Readings Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent can be found at #868(B). SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 5:00 PM Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bucha SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 6:00 AM For the Parishioners 7:30 AM Tomasina Colella 9:00 AM Josephine Anderson 10:30 AM Mary Viscusi 12:00 PM Angelo & Angela Gazzillo 4:00 PM Jose´ A. & Mary Fernandes MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 7:00 AM Jim & Julia DiMartin 9:00 AM Romanelli & Capriotti Family TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 7:00 AM Julius Nagy/James Mento Families 9:00 AM Bernice & Jules Ciesielka WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 8:00 AM Deceased Members of the Robertson Family Christmas Eve Masses 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 12 Midnight THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 Christmas Day Masses 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 8:00 AM Deceased Members of the Only Antonelli Family SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 8:00 AM Mario DiFrancesco The Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of A nn Trolio Cross. The Chapel Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of James Pelzar. ANNOUNCED MASSES NEXT WEEKEND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 5:00 PM Steven DiBerardinis SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 6:00 AM For the Parishioners 7:30 AM Domenic Romanelli 9:00 AM Orlando & Margaret Graveno 10:30 AM Florence Salmon 12:00 PM Martha Beam 4:00 PM Neil DeFluri BAPTISMS Congratulations to the following children who were baptized Sunday, December 14. NATHAN MICHAEL DUNN, BLAKELY DREW FLEMING AND VIVIAN LEONA SHULTZ Parents of babies to be baptized are asked to please register for Pre-Jordan, a baptism preparation program at Saint Joseph Parish, recommended by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Our next available session is Saturday, January 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or a 3-week session on Monday night beginning on January 5. Registration information can be found on our website or in the brochures in the Saint Katharine Drexel Room. For more information, contact Karen Dawson at 610269-8294 or MARRIAGE Couples planning to marry are asked to meet with their parish priest as soon as possible after their engagement and to enroll in a marriage-prep program (PreCana) at least six months prior to the wedding. Our next Pre-Cana weekend is April 17 and 18. Flyers are in the Saint Katharine Drexel Room, on the parish website at and in the parish office. For more information, contact Karen Dawson at 610-269-8294 or PLEASE PRAY FOR: Please call the parish office (each month) if you would like to add/remove someone’s name from these lists. ...those who are serving our country: Sgt. Steve Anderson, Andrew Bowser, Scott Bradley, Captain Stephen M. Carroll, U.S. Army Medical Corps, Specialist Andrew Clauhs, Sarah Debarberie, Lt/Cpl. Shane Desiderio, Staff Sgt. Christopher Deutsch, Staff Sgt. Ian Deutsch, 1st Lt. Joseph DiBerardinis, Jennifer Dunn, 2nd. Lt. Mark Edwards, Spc. Sean Foreman, Danny Fuller, Jeffrey Fuller, 1st Lt. Matthew Glisson, Leslie Harkness, 1st Lt. Jonathan M. Harris, Brent Joshua Horrocks, LCPL. Steven Houser, Jacob Hudson, Zachary Kish, Christopher J. Korpics, Mark T. Korpics, Andy Landmesser, Major Paul D. Lang. PFC. Sgt. Christopher Madden, Spc. Nicholas Massari, Pvt. Francis Misantone, 2nd Lt. Ryan Misero, Lt. J.G. Brian Muka, Pvt. Ian Donoghue-Neider, Sgt. Bradley Panichelli, Alex Rozon, Vincent E. Short, III, Jeremy Solnosky, John Stagliano, III, Ryan Strehl, Bryan Williams, Josh Woodward and Vincent Yarch. those who are sick: Sylvia Anderson, Paul Barnhouse, Tony Bello, Mina Massimini Bender, Patrick Bonani, Page Brophy, Philomena Bruno, Nathaniel Burt, Allison Carcella, Caroline Casenta, Judy DiFonzo Cazillo, Anita Conant, John P. Conway, Baby Michael Corrigan, Jason Cozzone, John Cruice, Agnes Cunniffe, Dominic D’Antonio, Paul DiFonzo, Linton Dorfman, Evelyn Dulik, Tony G. Eby, Mary Ellen Edwards, Lisa Esworthy, Gladys Felice, Arnold Fernandes, Richard Fernandes, William Ferracone, Foley, Cathy Gold, Charles Gold, John Guttman, Phoebe Guyer, Cathie Harper, Ann Hauster, Cyn Hechinger, Doreen Hindo, Nick Inman, Kenny Klunk, Sr., Patricia Kundert, David Kurtz, Ann Lang, Robert Mancuso, Joseph Massaini, Nicholas Massari, The McBeth Family, Kathy McGroarty, Pat Melcher, Lynn Memola, Marena Marie Meyers, Guy Milbrandt, Xavier Miniaci, Kathleen Ott, Jim & Mary Ann Paserba, Bill Pashinski, Florence Popadick, S. Pratt, Carol Purvis, Lynn Reily, Sue Rizzo, Christopher Sauk, Charles Scott, Margaret Shannon, Melissa Shellenberger, Laura Shorter, Edward Smith, Sister Mary Stanislaus, Tammy Strater, Hillary Taub, Agnes Timothy and Ronald Grant Zimmerman. A Letter from the Pastor December 21, 2014 Dear Friends, The Fourth Sunday of Advent For anyone who seeks out the real meaning of the holidays, the last few days before Christmas are the most powerful period of Advent and an intensely beautiful time of year. Last weekend we celebrated Gaudete Sunday, with its spirit of joy and its rose liturgical vestments as an alternative to the season’s violet. The day takes its name from the opening words of the Introit at the beginning of Mass: Gaudete in Domino semper, or “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil 4:4,5). Gaudete Sunday is followed just a few days later by the Octave before Christmas, Dec. 17-23, the time of the “O Antiphons.” In Christian worship, an antiphon is a special prayer recited or chanted before a psalm or canticle. The “O Antiphons” refer to the seven antiphons recited before the Magnificat during Vespers in the Liturgy of the Hours. They entered the Church’s liturgy as early as the fifth century. By the eighth century they were a regular part of Christian liturgical life in Rome. Thus, they belong to a very ancient Advent tradition of glorifying God. Each O Antiphon names a title for God’s Anointed One: O Wisdom; O Lord; O Root of Jesse; O Key of David; O Rising Sun; O King of the Nations; O Emmanuel (meaning, “God with us”). Each antiphon is linked by Scripture to the prophecy in Isaiah of the coming of the Messiah. The popular advent Hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel incorporates all these titles of the Messiah. The more deeply we live Advent, and the more prayerfully and patiently we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, then the more fully we experience the joy of Christmas. For Catholics throughout the centuries, Christmas Eve begins the Christmas season, which continues through the Epiphany to the Baptism of the Lord. As the popular saying rightly goes, Jesus is the reason for the season. During these final Advent days, the Church gives us a last opportunity to settle our spirits, quiet our worries and refocus our hearts on the One who should anchor our lives. Human history changed fundamentally and forever in Bethlehem. The child we wait for is the hope of all men and women, in every culture, in every age. The joy of Christmas has very little to do with the gifts we give or get. What begins at Bethlehem and leads to Golgotha and beyond is a revolution — the most profound in history and the only real one; a revolution sparked by God’s intervention and love. May God grant all of us the grace to experience the coming of God’s Son for what it truly is; and may he bless every one of us and our families as we wait for the miracle of Bethlehem. Saint Joseph, Pray for Us! Monsignor McLoone Pastor A Prayer for the World Meeting of Families God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Joseph pray for us! There will be a different theme each month leading up to the World Meeting of Families (September 2015) based on the 10 chapters of the Preparatory Catechesis “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” December’s theme is The Mission of Love God works through us. We have a mission. We are in the world for a purpose - to receive God’s love and to show God’s love to others. God seeks to heal a broken universe. He asks us to be his witnesses and helpers in that work. Parish News Twas the night before Christmas, and on went the search, to find people scurrying, to set up the church! Come one, Come all and help decorate St. Joseph for Christmas! The Art & Environment committee invites you to join in this festive time of year. If you have a bit of time and would like to participate in getting our parish ready for Christmas, here’s your chance! We will be setting up the church decorations on Tuesday, December 23 at 1:00 p.m., and we will be taking down all the church decorations on Sunday, January 11, 2015, following the 4 p.m. mass. We appreciate any and all volunteers, so if you find yourself available at those times, please join in. Many hands make for light work. We hope to see you there! Neumann Scholarship Winner With great pride, we announce that Emma Smith of Grade 8 has received a Neumann Scholarship. 896 students took the exam in October, and 35 students were awarded the scholarship throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The scholarship is for four years to an Archdiocesan high school. Emma plans to attend Bishop Shanahan High School. We are most grateful to the Connelly Foundation for providing this opportunity for these scholarships. We are proud of all of our students qualified to take scholarship exam. We thank our teachers and our families for all that they do to guide our students to qualify, and today like Emma Smith, to achieve a Neumann Scholar ship! 2014 Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve Christmas Day 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 12:00 Midnight 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 Noon Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) Wednesday, December 31—5:00 p.m. Vigil (no confessions) Thursday, January 1, 2015 8:00 a.m., 10.a.m. (Ecuadorian Community Mass) 12:00 p.m. Please Note There will only be an 8 AM Daily Mass on Friday, December 26 for the day after Christmas. Thank you! Holiday Office Hours Wednesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Open 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, December 25 - Christmas Day Closed Friday, December 26 - Day After Christmas Closed Mandated Reporters Under Pennsylvania law, any person, paid or unpaid, who works, volunteers and/or comes into direct contact with children in a program, activity or service is a mandated reporter and must immediately report suspicions of child abuse or neglect. Within the Archdiocese, this includes all members of clergy, parish and school staff, and volunteers who are likely to come into direct contact with children. ARE YOU A MANDATED REPORTER? As part of our Catholic commitment to safe environments, the Archdiocese recently updated its policies and training curriculum for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. These new policies reflect the Church’s commitment to always do more, as well as the new Pennsylvania laws that go into effect on December 31, 2014. If you have direct contact with children, you are a mandated reporter. Our Safe Envir onment Coordinators will be working with our parish in the coming weeks to educate mandated reporters about their responsibilities and how to properly report child abuse to ChildLine, PA’s 24-hour hotline. Information is also available at As we continue to do all we can to keep our children safe, also know that the Office for Child and Youth Protection provides services, resources and support toward healing for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse and their families. Victim services can be reached at 1-888-8008780 or via email at Parish News St. Joseph Parish Merry Christmas CAR MAGNETS The Saint Joseph Staff would like to wish all of our Saint Theperfectstockingstuffer! AvailableintheParishOfice.(FREE-WILLOFFERING) Joseph parishioners a blessed and safe Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your families! 2014 Saint Joseph Lottery Winners Ladies Book Study The Ladies Book Study Group this year will study and pray with Joyce Rupp’s “The Star in My Heart, Experiencing Sophia, Inner Wisdom.” In her book, Joyce says: “ In Hebrew scriptures wisdom is also associated with guidance, but there is a wonderful addition: Wisdom becomes alive. Wisdom becomes a person, a “she.” This feminine wisdom is presented as one who not only gives direction for our lives but is intimately bonded with God. She is given to humankind to connect them with the Divine.” We will meet the first Tuesday of the month for 6 months beginning January 6 from 7-8:30 in the St. John Neumann room in the church. The book is available from Amazon for $12.18. To sign up or for more information please contact Pam Seymour at or call 484-6781653. December 7 December 8 December 9 December 10 December 11 December 12 December 13 355 738 135 251 056 423 935 $150.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 Joan Rosati Calendar Still Available Calendar Still Available Calendar Still Available Calendar Still Available Calendar Still Available Calendar Still Available Sweepstakes Calendars for 2015 are on sale now! Looking for a Christmas gift? With the sweepstakes calendar, you can give someone the chance to win every day of the year in 2015. Just pick a three-digit number and buy a ticket (a “lottery calendar”). You may purchase a calendar at the Parish Office. Pr oceeds will help fund the pur chase of a stained glass window for the church. Calendars cost $100 and your three-digit number is good for all of 2015. NEIGHBORING PENANCE SERVICES SS. Philip & James Monday, December 22, 7:00 p.m. CONSIDER A NEW WAY FOR 2015 CONTRIBUTIONS Have you considered using one of our electronic forms of giving for your parish contributions for 2015? Why not switch your form of contribution from paper to electronic and save in 2015. The savings are in your time (no time spent writing a check, putting it in an envelope and then remembering to bring it to church), our time (we no longer have to physically count it and then deposit it in the bank), and the environment (less paper = more trees). We offer both AutoGive and credit card giving for both weekly and monthly contributions. Of course, we appreciate your gift and say many thanks for your generosity regardless of the form of giving! Your stewardship helps us maintain, grow, and keep alive the faith at St. Joseph every day. Monthly Credit Card Contribution Form I/We hereby request that our monthly contributions be automatically charged to my/our credit card. Monthly amount of $ _________ Card No. ____________________________________ Expiration Date ____________ Signature ___________________________________________________ or Weekly or Monthly Checking Account Contribution Form I/We hereby authorize St. Joseph Parish to establish automatic withdraw from my bank account. Monthly amount of $__________ Weekly amount of $_________ Signature ___________________________________________________ Please attach a voided check Stewardship Collection Totals Sunday, December 14 $36,952.85 We helped more than 2,500 people this Christmas through our Giving Tree, giving children joy and families hope. THANK YOU! Helping Other People Everyday (H.O.P.E.) Rides require 48 hours notice. HOPE provides rides to doctors’ appointments, the grocery store, the pharmacy, and other necessary errands. For the week of 12/22, Please call Lisa Mattioni at 610-269-9025 or Ann McLaughlin at 610-269-8550. Ordinary Income: $29,169.50 (739 envelopes) Loose Cash: $2,699.85 Weekly EFT: $5,083.50 (184 participants) Collection Total: $36,952.85 Poor Box & Children’s Collection Sunday, December 14 Poor Box: $300.00 Children’s Envelopes: $1.57 December Total to Date: $720.57 The December collection is for the Lord’s Pantry. Children’s Envelopes Envelopes for our young stewards can be found in the Saint Katharine Drexel Room in Church and at the Parish Office. These envelopes are a great way to teach our young parishioners the meaning of Stewardship. For the week of 12/29, Please call Helen Lyons at 610-873-8041. Charismatic Prayer Group HOPE is in great need of additional drivers and coordinators. To volunteer to drive, please contact Helen Lyons at 610-873-8041 or Our charismatic prayer group meets on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. December Mercy Hospice Schedule Group 3 - Old Fashion Beef Stew Group 4 - American Chop Suey Please call Gail for more info at 610-269-9574. Good Works Partner Churches Partnering with Good Works, Inc. of Chester County, this ministry helps homeowners living in substandard housing by working hands-on and side-by-side with them once a month to make their homes warmer, safer, and drier. Its mission is to extend God's love and replace hopelessness with the hope of Jesus Christ. Since starting this ministry in 2001, parishioners have completed more than 55 homes. For more info, e-mail Please join us in the chapel as we deepen our prayer life, deepen our relationship with the Lord, and worship as a community. For more information, please call Joe McCahon at 610-7163084. Volunteer with Project Linus Involves knitting or crocheting blankets/quilts for critically ill children and distributing them to hospitals in our area. Want to help? Donate a blanket to your local Project Linus. Blankets must be new, handmade and washable. Call Shirley Miller at 610-269-4702. Please do not bring the blankets to the parish office or church. Parish Groups Prime Timers The next King’s Men meeting will take place on Thursday, January 8 at 8:00 p.m. in the Par ish Meeting Center . Come and meet other Catholic men (18 & older) and enjoy authentic fellowship, engage in learning and lively spiritual discussion and be challenged to live a more integrated and full Christian life! Contact Bill Reagan at Mark your calendar for our January 7 meeting. We will be playing bingo so you do not have to bring anything but yourself! Prizes will be purchased by the board activity committee. This is a different Bingo so come join us. There is no cost to play and refreshments will be served. Hopefully the weather will be snow free! Family Potluck Dinner and Prayer Find out what St. Joseph Moms Group is all about! St. Joseph Moms Group meets each Tuesday (Sept-June) after 9:00 a.m. Mass from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Meeting Center behind the school. It’s a great opportunity to worship and then get together with other moms for a little bit of spiritual renewal and socializing while the kids play. Feel free to come and go as you are able. For more information, please contact Victoria Bako at Your entire family is welcome to attend St. Joseph’s monthly Family Potluck Dinner & Prayer Evening on Saturday, January 3 following the 5 p.m. Mass! Celebrate Mass Share a meal Pray a decade of the rosary C.Y.O. Corner On your way into Mass, bring your dish and serving utensil into the cafeteria (using the right-most doors along the front of the school). Pray the Rosary Tournament Come out and support St. Joseph CYO basketball on our home court by attending the annual Pray the Rosary Tournament. The JV teams will play Dec 26 and 27 and the varsity teams will play on Dec. 28 and 29. Games will begin at 4 p.m. each day. What Can You Bring? Cr ock pot or cover ed dish to share, large salad, rolls and butter, or desserts! We will have prayer cards and extra rosaries. For more information, contact Patty and Scott Millward at C.Y.O Positions Available! The CYO Board is looking to fill several positions. We are looking for: President, Boys Athletic Director and Girls Athletic Director. The terms will begin in May and run for two years. Please consider volunteering your time and talents to support and direct one of the parish’s fastest growing and exciting youth ministries. Interested individuals, or if looking for additional information, please contact Len Alansky ( or Fr. Rossi. Walking with Purpose All Women are Invited! Wednesdays 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. or Sundays 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Where the condition of the heart is more important than the condition of the road. Questions? Contact Laura White at 610.787.9100 or or Thank you! Children’s Liturgy of the Word Let the little children come to me! Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place every Sunday during our 9 a.m. Mass. Just prior to the First Reading, children in 1st through 3rd grade will be called forth to gather in the front of the altar. They will receive a blessing, then proceed with an adult leader to the chapel. There, they will hear approved versions of the readings for the Mass at a level they better understand and trained leaders will invite them to share their reflections on the Gospel. The children will be escorted back into church to join their families for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. If you have questions or would like to become involved in this program, please contact Kathy Thomas at Christmas Decorations are in Memory of: Baby James Alberici ~ Thomas & Santina Alberici ~ Francis Alesiani ~Teresa Alesiani All Souls in Purgatory ~ Joseph Amato ~ John Amicone ~ Raymond Amicone ~ Ruth Amicone James & Josephine Anderson ~ Michael Anderson ~ Baby Angela ~ Glorianne Angiulo Deceased Members of the Antonelli Family ~ Asko Family ~ Matilda & Earl Baker Deceased Members of the Baker & Threlfall Families ~ Gerald Barr ~ Linda Beaver ~ Lori C. Becker Betty Benfield ~ Mary Biagi ~ Paul Biagi ~ George E. Bird ~ Helen & Maurice Bird ~ James Blake Christopher Blundi ~ Al Bogutz ~ Peter & Carrie Bonaduce ~ John Bonanno ~ Jack & Nancy Borst Calvin & Elizabeth Bostelle ~ Lucy Bostic ~ Clayton Bowe ~ Capt. William Boyd, U.S.N. ~ Patrick Brady Nana & Grandpa Braun ~ Charles Broomell, III ~ Brouse & Creman Families ~ Page Brown ~ Wanda Brown Nicole Byrne ~ Sarah & Theresa Byron ~ Lois Cahaley ~ Anthony D. Capriotti ~ Pat & Julia Cardelli Gunard O. Carlson ~ Margaret B. Carlson ~ Gunard B. Carlson ~ Katie Castaldi ~ Castaldi Family Frank G. Celii ~ Joyce & Beansie Cellini ~ Michael & Cheryl Cellini ~ Bill Chiodo ~ Matthew T. Ciarlone Richard T. Ciarlone ~ Jules & Bernice Ciesielka ~ Deceased Members of the Peter Coccetti Family The Deceased Members of the Coccio Family ~ Nannye & Pappy Colatta Deceased Members of the Colella Family ~ Joseph R. Collette ~ James Colligan ~ Banner Conner Gertrude Conner ~ Andrew J. & Lucy Q. Cozzone ~ Andrew A. Cozzone Deceased Members of the Cozzone & Quici Families ~ Miles Cronauer ~ Robert Cunnion, Jr. D’Addizio Family ~ Grace (Fiducia) D’Agostino ~ Gertrude D’Annunzio ~ Guido D’Annunzio Maria Pia D’Anzi ~ Antonietta D’Urso ~ Mario D’Urso ~ Robert & Patricia Dawson ~ Jamie DePompeo Deceased Members of the Delio Family ~ David Dennehey ~ Steven & Vincent DiBerardinis DiBerardinis & DeMarco Families ~ William DiDomenico ~ Mario DiFrancesco ~ Carmen DiGiandomenico Rose DiGiandomenico ~ Nicholas DiGregory ~ Floyd Dillingham ~ Louise Dillingham ~ Skip Dillingham Jim & Julia DiMartin ~ Deceased Members of the DiMartin, Maskalick & Menna Families ~ Betty DiPietro Daniel DiPietro ~ DiPrinzio Family ~ Marge Dougherty ~ Jack Doyle ~ Dracup Family Rev. John M. Driscoll, O.S.A. ~ Suzanne Duffy ~ Dr. Mary Dugan ~ Anna Ebert ~ Wayne Ebert Elizabeth Ebinger ~ Lee R. Eby ~ Adam C. Erdman ~ John Paul Evans, Sr. ~ Patrick Evans Rose & Albert Feliciani ~ Mr. & Mrs. David Fenimore ~ Connie Urbine Ferguson ~ Marguerite Ferguson Mary & Jose´ Fernandes ~ Ferreira Family ~ Emily Forczek ~ Henry Forczek ~ Anthony G. Formica, Jr. Formica Family ~ Theresa Forte ~ Dora R. Frederick & Nicholas Frederick ~ Jim Gallagher Frank & Rose Gazzerro ~ Anthony George ~ William George ~ Paul Anthony Getman, Sr. ~ Ginnelly Family Arthur & Rose Girafalco ~ Jerry Girafalco ~ Julian & Josie Girafalco ~ Philip A. Girafalco, Sr. ~ Ann M. Gloskey Herman Gloskey ~ Richard Gloskey ~ Donn E. Grady ~ Dee Grasso ~ Orlando & Margaret Graveno Sister Isabel Mary Griffin, I.H.M. ~ Deceased Members of the Gringer Family ~ Everett & Betty Groff ~ Frank Gunning Carol & Edward Halbert ~ John R. Hamilton ~ Nona Hamilton ~ Charles & June Hanley ~ Herbert Hartmann Diane Heenan ~ Gerard Heenan ~ Teresa Heenan ~ Michael A. Hesser ~ Vaneita C. Hesser ~ Frances Holman Kay F. Holman ~ Richard Holman ~ Mina & Larry Hoopes ~ Marian Ihrig ~ Joseph Ivanowicz ~ Bill Ivey ~ Ed Jerskie Padre Pablo Ugarte Johnston ~ Marie Fagan Jones ~ Sister Maria Josita, I.H.M. George, Josephine & Peter Karahlis Robert Kaster ~ Sadie Keane ~ Keane Family ~ Catharine Kelly ~ Romayne Kerl ~ Marion & Herb Kimball ~ Robert M. Kish Janet Kneisly ~ William Kneisly ~ Nicholas Kolokithas ~ Phyllis Kreamer ~ Robert Kreamer Christmas Decorations are in Memory of: Deceased Members of the LaFiata Family ~ Alphonse LaPierre ~ Agnes Landers Steven Lang ~ Mike Lennahan ~ Bernard Lohman ~ Stanley LoPata ~ Thomas LoPata ~ Richard J. Loughead Caroline & Edward Magardo ~ Domenico Magnoli ~ Manetta & Pace Families ~ Alfonso Mango Angelina (Trinca) Mango ~ Frank Mango ~ Mary Deborah Mango ~ Mary (Fuducia) Mango ~ David Marks Martinelli Family ~ Rita Mascaro ~ Rev. Alphonse Mascherino ~ Emily & Dominick “Daddy” Mascherino Florence T. Mascherino Francis Mascherino-Cosgrove ~ Louis A. Mascherino ~ Deceased Members of the Matalavage Family Anthony Mattioni ~ John Mattioni ~ Marlene DiLuigi Mattioni ~ Deceased Members of the Mattioni Family ~ Judy Mento Matejkovic ~ John F. McAndrew ~ McCarraher Family ~ Dr. Donald E. McConnell ~ The McCormack Family McCue Family ~ Jack McDaniel ~ Tom & Kay McDaniel ~ Hugh & Catherine McInerney Deceased Members of the John McLaughlin Family ~ Bridget T. McLoone ~ John W. McMonagle ~ Laura Meikle Edward Melcher ~ Donato & Fannie Menna ~ Agata & John Mento ~ Andrew C. Mento ~ James Mento Family Joseph Samuel Mento ~ Mary R. Mento & James F. Mento, Sr. ~ Peter J. Mento ~ Quindie Gazzerro Mento Samuel & Barbara Mento ~ Margaret Milano ~ Marion Miniaci ~ Eleanor & Louis Mittendorf ~ Mom, Dad & Sister Moon ~ Donna Urbine Moore ~ Madison O’Neill Mornis ~ John & Antoinette Morris ~ Francis Morrissey, II Janet & Frank Morrissey ~Tommy Morrissey, II ~ Mr. & Mrs. James Mullin ~ Luigi & Carmella Muzii Deceased Members of the Muzii Family ~ Nai Family ~ Julius Nagy Family ~ Lucia G. Napoleone The Nguyen Family ~ Evelyn Nikel ~ Margaret Noll ~ William Noll ~ Gert & Jack O’Connell ~ Our Little Angels Bill Pacinelli ~ Elvira Pagano ~ Eugenio Pagano ~ Frank & Nan Parks, Jr. ~ Frank & Louise Parks, III Angelo Patania ~ Sebastiana Lena (Giograsso) Patania ~ Charles M. Pedano, Jr. ~ Charles & Anna Pedano, Sr. Perella Family ~ Edward F. Perley ~ Perley-Milano Families ~ Deceased Members of the Piaskowski Family Martena Polinsky ~ Carl C. Popadick ~ Mary Prostock ~ Michael Prostock ~ Mr. & Mrs. Philip Putiri Baby Christopher Quinn ~ Dan & Jane Quinn ~Teresa Quinn ~ Rahn Family ~ Jane A. Rambo Linda Rose Rambo ~ Jennie & Manuel Rebello ~ Reid Family ~ Christopher A. Reynolds ~ Agnes Richards Joseph Ryan Roch ~ Henry Rogiewicz ~ Katherine Rogiewicz ~ John R. Rosati ~ Paul Ross ~ Cecile B. Richard Roland Richard ~ Maria Renee Sanchez ~ Thomas Sawyer ~ Alphonso Schiavo, Jr. Alphonso & Theresa Schiavo ~ Baby Joseph Schiavo ~ Herbert Schmidt ~ Anthony Scotese Anthony Serafino ~ Elizabeth & Dominick Serafino ~ Thomas Serrut ~ Verna Shirley ~ Peter & Mary Short Mario Silvestri ~ Rosemary Skeahan ~ Patti A. Smith ~ Walter E. Smith ~ Stachouski-Montorario Family ~ Staley Family Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Staudenmeier ~ Sylvia C. Steele ~ Angelo Stefanelli ~ Lucy Stefanelli Nana & Pa Steir ~ Danny Stewart Daniel Suleski ~Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sulzbach ~ Swisher-Neuhauser Grandparents ~ Francis Swisher ~ Waslod & Anna Szylo Pasquale (Sam) Tavernese ~ Rose (Mango) Tavernese ~ Dominic Binh Than ~ The Than Family ~ Sidney Tichy Deceased Members of the Travaglini Family ~ Deceased Members of the Trolio & Woodruff Families Tucker Family ~ Kevin Turner ~ Ray & Tess Urbine ~ Nichola, Adelina & Anthony Ursini ~ Anna & Gus Valerio Al & Mary Viscusi ~ Deceased Members of the Walker Family ~ Barbara J. Walsh ~ Welch & Leo Families Norma Wilcox ~ Robert Williams ~ William Woodruff ~ Joe & Katherine Yesconis ~ Anna Mary Young Mildred & Edward Young ~ Deceased Members of the Young & Gallagher Families ~ Ruth Karahalis Zulech Anthony D. Zuppo ~ Rita M. Zuppo
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