December 28, 2014 - St James Catholic Church
December 28, 2014 - St James Catholic Church
St. James Parish ~ Menomonee Falls, WI A Member of the Menomonee Falls Cluster Parishes ( St. James, St. Mary’s & Good Shepherd) December 28, 2014 St. James Menomonee Falls, WI From The Servant’s Quarters ♦ In the name of our Faith Community a very sincere Thank You to all who contributed their time, talent, energy, and resources to make our Christmas celebrations beautiful and inspiring. ♦ We continue unwrapping the gift that is the Christmas Mystery. Today we focus on the Holy Family. Calling Jesus, Mary, and Joseph a “holy family” doesn’t mean they did not have their ups and downs. They dealt with the same challenges of life that other families of their time coped with. What made them “holy” is their continual reference to the Almighty. Living the spirituality of their Jewish brothers and sisters helped them become attuned to the hand of the Divine gently guiding, directing, and helping them cope. ♦ Did you hear about the lady that got two new dogs and named them Rolex and Timex? Her neighbor asked, why those names? She responded, “Well, why not? They are watch dogs! Fr. Mike & Max ♦ Today’s feast is encouraging to all families of today, traditional, and otherwise. We can expect to discover the presence of God in the midst of our human relationships. The “godliness” of Jesus did not give him any special advantage over us. Jesus experienced fully our humanness and all the joys, challenges, and struggles that are a part of day to day life. So we look to the Holy Family today as a special inroad to experiencing the Divine Presence in our many relationships. Readings for the Week of December 28, 2014 Sunday: Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:29--3:6/Jn 1:29-34 Next Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 ♦ Thursday rings in 2015. Here’s a prayer you might like to pray as a family to begin the New Year. God of every time and season, ©Liturgical Publications Inc You give us another year to fill with new beginnings. We have so many dreams for this year, so many promises we want to keep, MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK Tuesday, December 30 So many new habits we want to learn. 8:00 am † Deceased parishioners of St. James Wednesday, December 31 St. James Parishioners 8:00 am Yet so much from last year is still left undone. Erase our failings of the old year. Thursday, January 1 New Year’s Day 9:00 am † Harold Schroeder (Schroeder Family) Clear away the decay left by our complacency. Friday, January 2 No Morning Mass Wipe clean the slate of broken covenants From the year gone by. Saturday, January 3 (Sunday Liturgy) As the calendar changes and the old gives way to the new, 4:30 pm † Joseph Butscher (Jennifer Butscher) Help us not to dwell on the past but to use its memory Sunday, January 4 8:15 am † † 10:30 am † † To move us ever forward to your kingdom. Renew our hope and strengthen our resolve Bill Shepherd (Joanne Wanner) Marilynn Emery (Carol Johnson) Allen Lebeck Bernice Boxrucker (Weiler Family) So that we may serve you faithfully through every season, BANNS OF MARRIAGE And walk joyfully each day of the year. Amen. III Travis Smallwood & Lindsay Gallo -By Diana Macalintal 2 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 28, 2014 December 21, 2014 Contributions Stewardship Offertory Mortgage Christmas Donation Christmas Memorial Special Assessment $21,844.75 $ 1,099.71 $ 2,470.50 $ 725.00 $ 420.00 $ 1,120.00 Total $27,679.96 DON’T FORGET Remember all contributions need to be postmarked by December 31st or received in the parish office no later than noon on December 31st in order to be applied to your 2014 parish contributions. PREVIEW ******************************** Special Assessment $253,000.00 $ 64,455.00 $188,545.00 Up-N-Coming December 31 — Morning Mass at 8 am January 1 — New Year’s Day Mass at 9:00 am January 2— No Morning Mass “Gold” Financial Commitment Card Acolytes & Distributors The Schedule is finished and posted on the website. Don’t forget to return your gold financial stewardship commitment card. 350 families have returned their cards. If you have misplaced or did not receive a card with your monthly letter, additional commitment cards are available in the acrylic holders in the Gathering Space. Emails with the schedule attached have been sent out and those receiving by mail should have received theirs. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Thank you for your service to our ministry. St. James’ Weekly Tithes (Outreach) Since the 1980’s St. James has distributed a portion of its weekly income as a tithe for various outreach programs and organizations. This past week $450 was donated to: MESSAGE FROM ADULT MINISTRY Sr. Lucille Flores CHRISTMAS LASTS… Christmas isn’t just for a day. It is for all year. Christmas reminds us again of the unbelievable truth that God who lives among us has changed the world…actually has changed you and me. Jesus who is the Light of the World illuminates darkened paths and lifts broken spirits. The Shepherds experience this light and hurry to make Jesus known to everyone they encounter. You and I are the shepherds of today. Experiencing this Christmas day, we LIVE CHRISTMAS ALL YEAR, eager to make Jesus know by how we live “giving beyond reason, caring beyond hope, loving without limit.” Clare House (Franciscan Peacemakers) - Milwaukee—Support program for women with a history of prostitution, addiction, and homelessness. We would like to thank the family of Marilynn Emery for the generous donation made to St. James Church in memory of Marilynn. Suggestion: When you store your decorations, keep out a religious ornament, card, or candle. Place it in a prominent place where you will be reminded all year that the meaning of Christmas lasts… challenging how we live. These thoughts were shared by Janet Schaeffler, OP. Next St. Anthony Fish Fry Friday, January 9, 2015, 4-7PM St. Anthony Parish School N74W13604 Appleton Avenue Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Resource: Matthew Kelly has a new book “Help Your Kids Get to Know Jesus”. Take a look on and even get a free copy. Due to the New Year's Holiday, our famous Fish Fry will be moved in January to the second Friday of the month. We look forward to serving you! Come enjoy all you can eat fish, coleslaw, potato salad, French fries, and rye bread. And don't forget the dessert! IGNITE! Three Days of Spiritual Renewal Still looking forward with great expectation? My great expectation is that you take advantage of this wonderful experience on February 16-18 right here at St. James. 3 St. James Exchange Weekly Schedule St. James Exchange was started many years ago to connect people in the congregation. ~ It is a resource to offer goods and services for free or in exchange for other goods or services within our community. Items may be offered for sale at the discretion of the editor. ~ It cannot be used by business establishments or individuals to solicit goods or services for profit. ~ St. James cannot be held responsible for transactions, goods or services exchanged. No items are to be left at St. James for drop off or pick up. Sunday, December 28 8:15 AM Mass 10:30 AM Mass 6:30 PM Boy Scout Meeting (Cafeteria) Monday, December 29 Parish Office will be open Tuesday, December 30 No Morning Mass Wednesday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve) Parish Office will be open until noon today For Sale … Thursday, January 1 ALL OFFICES CLOSED 9:00 AM Mass (Chapel) 3:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal (Church) Full size box spring and mattress $100. Very gently used. Call Barb at 262-255-7897. Futon and Papasan Chair - $75 for pair (will split up) Perfect for the dorm room or apartment or even the rec room. Brown, cushy futon folds flat to become a bed. Papasan chair is unique and comfy. See pictures at: FutonChair Available to view or pick up near Marcy School. Call or email 414-881-9101. Friday, January 2 NO MORNING MASS/ALL OFFICES CLOSED 2:00 PM Wedding (Church) Looking for . . . Sunday, January 4 Fellowship (Gathering Area) 8:15 AM Mass (Priority Relationship Weekend) Gr. 9 & 10 Disciples and Donuts (Comm. Cntr.) 10:30 AM Mass 6:30 PM Boy Scout Meeting (Cafeteria) Saturday, January 3 Fellowship (Gathering Area) 4:00 PM Individual Reconciliation (Reconciliation Room) 4:30 PM Mass . . . Someone to work Monday & Tuesday, 3-7 pm and Saturday 10-1, telephoning at a business in the Menomonee Falls area. If interested call parish member, Gerard at 262-395-4588. Dear St. James Community, It has been a pleasure to serve you for 5 plus years. December 31st will be my last day as I will be taking a job closer to home. I have made many good friends over the last several years and will miss you all. Thank you for allowing me to serve this community. Tom Dow, Custodial Department Deadline for January 11th is Tuesday, January 6th Call or email Diana (262) 253-2235 Or write something up and bring/mail to the church office HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Disciples with Donuts 6th + 7th + 8th Grade 21! Youth Group Winter Laser Tag January 19th, 2015 Sunday, January 4th 8:15-10:30am 8:15 Mass, Donuts & A Little Faith Growing It’s that simple… ƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞ&ǁŝŶƚĞƌďƌĞĂŬ͕ǁĞǁĂŶƚƚŽ give our high schoolers an opportunity to get together and grow in faith in a different way. We’ll attend Mass together, enjoy some food and do a little spiritual growing…so RSVP to the CF Office Today. !"#$ Details & Permission Forms Coming Soon!!! 4 St. James is here to help all people experience meaning and purpose in life. Directory St. James Rectory—Parish Office—262-251-3944 W220 N6588 Town Line Road Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 Office Hours, Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm FAX: 262-250-2679 e-mail address: Web-site address: EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS Saturday 4:30 pm (Individual Reconciliation 4:00-4:15) Sunday 8:15 am & 10:30 am Weekday Masses : We remembered on Christmas day the following family members and friends. Tuesdays , Wednesdays & Fridays (Mass) 8:00 am in the Historic Chapel PARISH STAFF: Administrative Office Fr. Michael Moran, Pastor ........................................... 253-2212 Daryl Olszewski, Pastoral Associate........................... 253-2213 Fr. Jerry Hudziak, Help-out ........................................ 251-3944 Mike Rooney, Deacon ................................................. 251-3944 Bob Wodushek—Deacon............................................ 251-3944 Barbara Schuelke, Liturgy & Music Ministry ............... 253-2225 Terri Weber, Business Administrator .......................... 253-2259 Diana Wyszkowski, Parish Secretary ......................... 253-2235 Mary Koloske, Assistant Secretary ............................. 253-2259 Christian Formation Center Sue Devine-Simon, Director of Christian Formation .. 253-2904 Sr. Lucille Flores, SSM, Adult Ministry ....................... 253-2915 Bryan Ramsey, Youth Ministry Coordinator ............... 253-2238 Kristin Kebis, Child Ministry Coordinator ..................... 253-2908 Michelle Beimborn Secretary ..................................... 253-2902 Mara Scherer, Assistant Secretary ............................. 253-2916 Health Ministry Pam Dennis, Parish NurseAAAAAA.. .................. 250-2663 Maintenance Department John Simon ................................................................ 250-2660 After Hours .................................................... 262-389-6089 Those Remembered: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Staff Emails: • Fr. Mike Moran • Daryl Olszewski • Mike Rooney • Bob Wodushek • Barbara Schuelke • Terri Weber • Pam Dennis • Sue Devine-Simon • Sr. Lucille Flores • Kristin Kebis • Bryan Ramsey • Michelle Beimborn • Mara Scherer • Mary Koloske • Diana Wyszkowski • John Simon Sussex Food Pantry, 246-9860 Mondays 5:30 to 7:00 pm Wednesdays 1:00 to 2:30 pm Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 pm Interfaith: 549-3348 St. Vincent de Paul: 251-3944 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5 Remembered By: Ben Meinzer, Carl & Elizabeth Goetz Gordon & Pearl Helman & Kevin Helman Ken & Cookie Helman Anita Liska, George Ablan & Marlene Schildt David & Joan Knoebel Laura Weske & Family Mr. & Mrs. George Egle, and Mr. & Mrs. Ted Pehowski Mr. & Mrs. John Egle Mary Ann Christensen Bob Christensen Jerome Kettleson Linda Kettleson Joseph & Maria Sanfelippo, Sam, Joseph, Joann & Vincenza Vella, Dorothy Birmingham & all other Relatives and friends John & Mary Birmingham Catherine Barth & Henry Barth Sandra Stephenson James LePine Patricia LePine Mr. & Mrs. E. Draper, Mr. & Mrs E. Hanley, Robert Draper & Robert Hugh Eileen Draper Bernice & Frank Herman, Florence & Eugene Doda, Sr. Mr. Thomas Herman Charles Webb & Carl Oehlke Sue Webb & Family Francis & Cynthia Haasch Mary Haasch Shirley Krenn, and Kasmer & Stacia Klimas, Gordon Krenn Klimas Family Ellen and George Ronkowski Mark Ronkowski Clemens Sharon Haberman Michele Legg, Katherine and Jeffrey Primasing & Nicole Leischer Debbie Legg Eugene & Joan Hojnacki, Hubert & Lorraine Patoka, Jennifer Peske & Barb Middleton Eugene & Linda Hojnacki Pete Peterson, Mary and Kurt Obermayer Peggy Peterson Larry & Mark Spranger, Laurence & Mildred Spranger, Edgar & Rita Hefter Marian Spranger Don & Mary Bessette Raymond & Bernice Bessette, Alfred & Catherine Gramins Donald C. Bessette Frank & Mathew Kolbeck, Mathew & Pearl Schneider Loretta M. Kolbeck Fred & CHarmaine Bentz Andrea Bentz Gordon Schweiger Helen Schweiger Walter, Regin, Arnie & Ronnie Warzon Randy & Denise Warzon & Family John, Ann & Jimmy Stockhausen Rich & Linda Schmidt Walter Wheeler Carol & Walter Wheeler Laure Hermsen Steve, Nancy & Nathan Hermsen Those Remembered: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Remembered By: Those Remembered: Harold, Otto & Clara Schroeder, Walter & Mary Simerlein Lorraine & Diane Schroeder Schultz & Francoeur Family Richard & Donna Schultz Glen Manthey Margaret Manthey Carol Sedlmeier, Anna & Anton Sedlmeier, Mildred & Louis Arnsdorff, Michael Noggle & Rev. Leo Belda Anthony Sedlmeier James & Marie Egan, Ed & Mary Schoedl Ray & Judy Schoedl Deceased Members of the Arnold & Ziebell Families John W. Arnold Pellerin Family & Klein Family Emelie Klein Danielle Knier Janet Schade Emil & Gladys Schlumpberger & Joe & Marion Glasl Jim & Mary Lou Glasl Paul Fricke Doris Fricke Richard Davey,Fred & Evelyn Dosie Karen Davey & Family Living & Deceased Members of the Jensen, Watry & Helse Families Kathie Jensen Kenneth Silver, Madge & Leo Carr Sabina Silver Charles Knezinek The Knezinek Family Michael, Kate & Frank Jankowski, Linda & Andrew Ross, Rex Harris & Dorothy Roberts Tom & Dee Jankowski Joseph & Cecelia Kebis, Robert & Joanie Schneeweis, Louis Noldin James M. Kebis Elroy Ries Dorothy Ries Living & deceased family of the Michael Leibham Rita Leibham Wife, Parent & Family Richard, O’Konek Sr. Burt Stoller Marion Stoller Charles Zimmermann, Harry, Clara & Lyle Zimmermann Shirley Zimmermann Bob Weber, Joe & Loyde Panzer Evelyn Weber George Parzych, Joseph Hackel, James Boettcher Kathine Parzych Ray & Ethal Brey, John & Lorene Moore, Edward, Lee & Lisa Arbour, & Angelo Pingatore Pete & Karen Brey/Wilma Pingatore JoAnn Kasper Dick Kasper Carol Kroneberg Michael & Kelly Bowen F. Finlan Family & J. Ziegler Families John & Pat Ziegler Jerry Gnadt Vince & Diane Lefaivre Rickert & Vetter Families Pius & Helen Vetter Ed & Alvina Koloske and Chester & Dorothy Literski John & Mary Koloske Bill & Mary Nettesheim, Ronald & Philip and Roy Salentine Daniel Nettesheim Tom, Tom & Irene Kraemer, Bill, Alice & Bob Matuschka & Clara Deppiess Mary Kraemer Eleanor Schlocker Mitchell Surprise Anthony Schmidt, John & Idabelle Youngbauer, George & Elizabeth Schmidt Richard Schmidt Deceased members of the Nettesheim, Krippendorf & Belinske Families Dan & Mary Nettesheim John NIcklas & Dolores Cimpl Mr. William Nicklas Walter, Connie, Don & Dick Becker Jeanne Barber ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6 Remembered By: Mike & Cecelia Wierl and Albert & Ann Koloske Vince & Katie Wierl Bill McGill, Alice & Carl Wolfe, Francis & John McGill, Mike Stead—Judy Waranka, Tom Boss & Joyce Devine Shirley McGill Members of the Seder, Giuliani., Amoroso & Middendorf Family Rosanne & Randy Seder Joseph Hohlfeld, Catherine & George Yost & Gertrude & John Bruseth Norm & Therese Bruseth Deceased members of the Pietrykowski, Zagorski & Sather Families Ron & Connie Sather Mr. & Mrs. Nick Butina, George, John & Mary Butina Janet Butina Rudolf & Dorothy Zabkowicz and Joseph & Mary Gac Mrs. Joan Zabkowicz Leo & Cecelia (Cookie) Niklasch Roger & Gen Racer Derrick & Sullivan Families Robert Sullivan Carl & Elizabeth Goetz, Francis & Alice Frantl & Ben Meinzer Allen & Toni Frantl Tom Modl & William Smith Sharon M. Smith David Marine Charles & Marian Bender Hank Vander Heiden Bernice Vander Heiden James & Eleanore Quick Jeanette Tolfa Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Newbauer, Mr. & Mrs. Herman Warner & Sharlene Newbauer William & Germaine Newbauer Frank & Susan Steinbach & Ann Catrall Tom Steinbach Leo Wierl & Susan Wierl Jacobi Mildred Wierl Frank Wanner Joanne Wanner Walter & Mable Aumann, Charles F., Bryan & Miranda Aumann, Lawrence & Germaine Geiger Walt & Ellen Aumann Wilmer & Betty Marx, John & Dolores Wallner & Boots & Wayne Tyree Peggy Wallner Grandma Cathy & Auntie Meg Christy, Todd, Lucas And Sonya Polczynski Brian Ferentz & John Goebel Patti Ferentz Pete Peterson and Mary & Kurt Obermayer Peg Peterson Robert F. Ceolla Shirley Ceolla Caroline & John Sander, Joe & Sue Cowan, Diane & John Cowan Diane & Bob Cowan Galles, Nowakowski & Wnuk Families Marie Galles Gerald & Rosalie Pawlowski, and Henry & Cyrina Turek Bruce & Andrea Turek Aaron Zagorski & Ralph Stankey Tom Zagorski Ted & Isabel Treis Ron & Barb Treis Adolph & Sally Somers & Karen Ziolkowski Donnette Mayrack Gene Schueller & John Drasch Jr. Catherine & John Drasch Egle, Kalmon, Heindl, Dellemann, Fourness, Fischer & Peissig Families Living & Deceased Gerald & Joyce Egle Leighton Owen & Mr. & Mrs. William Owen Phil & Karen Owen John H. Van Derven & Gerald W. Kissner Tom & Beth Kissner Cindy Johrendt & Norbert Toomey Michael Johrendt Eugene Schueller & Betty Inda Terry & Gail Inda Those Remembered: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Remembered By: Those Remembered: Roy, John, Donna, Anthony & Agnes Salentine, William, Mary, Ronald & Phillip Nettesheim Peggy Salentine Wenig & Taylor Families Mr. & Mrs. A. Taylor Ruth Steinbauer, Wailter, Hilda, & Jason Schmoller, Don Schmit, Duric Londre & Keith Protzmann Kathleen Schmoller Jim Talerico and John & Carol Heller Damon & Terri Talerico Rudy Unger, Richard Davey, Fred & Evie Dosie John & Kim Unger Family Troy W. Ganther Kathleen Ganther A.J. & Bernadette Fetzer and Casey & Lottie Odachowski Chris & Mary Odachowski Burczyk Family, Doris Laudicina & Don Eilbes Al & Karen Blau Grennier & Heinisch Family Mike & Terry Grennier Henry & Genevieve Downing Sandra Klein Robert, Evelyn & Jeffry Elliot and Francis & Jeanette McGiverin Kevin & Vicki McGiverin Eva Marshall Marlene Fuhrmann Deceased members of the Gus Semrow Family Elizabeth Guis Joan & Ed Doyle, Helen Hudlow, & James Mullenbach Dorothy Mullenbach Jean Wolfman Steve & Mary Campanelli Bob Ament, Marie & Joseph Linzmeier, George & Genevieve Ament Vi Ament Vincent & Loraine Beltran and Donald & Lucille Blank Mark & Dianne Beltran Stephen & Loraine Prekep, and Stephen & Emily Bagin Richard & Mary Bagin Marilyn and John Feldner Mike & Betty Rooney Richard BeDnarczyk Dorothy Bednarczyk Norbert Knueppel Dolores Knueppel James Manor Carol Manor Don & Adiel Lotzer, & Marge Healy Pat & Carol Healy Edwin J. & C. Marie Kraemer Jacqueline Madl Herb, Marie & George Nettesheim, and Gilbert, Elizabeth Buechs Carole & Matt Nettesheim William & Elizabeth Bogue, William & Mary Nettesheim, Uncles John, Charles, Roy, Phil, Billy & Frank Mary Nettesheim Ronald Nettesheim, Bill Bogue, Betty Dowling Patricia Nettesheim Loretta Van deCasteele, Anna & Emil Van de Casteele, Andy & Tillie Zobrak Cletus Van de Casteele Maynard Wedell, Amy Mindemann Elaine Wedell Terrence & Rod Boho Darlene Boho Robert Eddy Frances Eddy Deceased Gorski & Matowski Family Members Jerry & Pat Gorski Bruce Buck Chris & Sarah Buck Mary Rose Kilzer Kurt Kilzer Charles Youngbauer, William & Elizabeth Bogue Ruth Younbauer Living & deceased members of the McConnell & Sullivan families Nancy Sullivan ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Remembered By: Dennis & Mary Ann Kudronowicz, Carmen Coey Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kudronowicz Helen & Hans Sommer & Anthony Buehner Jim & Kathie Sommer Evelyn & Chester Klein, Ed & Mae Peterson, & Gerry Her Steve & Christine Ehr Ruth Topp & Claire Sheelock The Topp Family Ackmann & Walters Families Virginia Ackmann Paul & Elsie Markiewicz, Margaret Graves, & Richard Graves Sharon & Mark Graves The Charles Kasprzak Family & The Simon Metzger Family Stan & Mitzie Kasprzak Richard, Lois, Tom Albers & Loretta Van de Casteele Mr. & Mrs. David Van de Casteele Jerry Wendelberger Jackie Wendelberger Charlie Voss & John Edelman Catherine Voss Mary Scherer & Shaun Kainass Pat & Mara Scherer Susan M. Amoroso August J. Amoroso Joseph, Gertie & Roman Knier, Arlene Knier, Ray, Elsie & Howard Pankratz William Pankratz Shirley R. Pankratz Steven, Marian & Henry Visintin Peter Visintin Esther Marcou Ed Marcou Joseph Schwager and Families Marie Schwager Jerry & Michael Smith Janet Smith Edward, Irene, Kenneth & Paul II Reinders Yvonne, Ralph, Paul, & Marilyn Reinders Patterson Famlies, Reindfleisch Family, Lawrence & Catherine Dierbeck Don & Carole Patterson Grandma Mortl & Dan Mortl Judith Mortl Bryan & Miranda Aumann, Walter & Mabel Auann & Larry & Germaine Geiger Mary Hammond John, Kevin & Barbara Cassidy, Rosemary Gerding & Henry Paulson Lynn Cassidy & Family Charles & Dessie Bryant, Marvin & Pearl Ostby, & Paul Jensen Lyle & Kay Ostby John & Jennie Raykowski Chris Raykowski John J. Brust & Jack Wholean Betsey Brust HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE All parishioners are invited to attend the 5th annual Holy Hour for Life. This liturgical celebration will be held on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 7:00 pm. The deacons of the archdiocese will be presiding at these celebrations of and for all life at parishes all across the archdiocese. The Cluster Holy Hour for Life will be at Good Shepherd this year. This is a time for us to come together and pray for all life (conception to natural death) following the teachings and beliefs of our Catholic Faith. There will be some time for silent reflection before the Blessed Sacrament. MISSION STATEMENT St. James is a vibrant, welcoming Catholic Community Journeying towards the fullness of the Kingdom of God through worship, formation and service. 7 Industries One of the largest North American Manufacturers of metal stamping, deep drawn parts, 7 weldments Schmidt & Bartelt Guardalabene & Amato Funeral Service Polyak Trucking 5431 N. 131st Street Butler, WI. 53007 Providing Affordable Services at Your Church, Cemetery Chapel or any One of Our Locations Michael A. Polyak 3260 N 126th Street - Brookfield 262.783.6000 Office: (262) 754-4420 GREG & CAROL DITTRICH • Parish Members For all your heating & cooling needs. Menomonee Falls, 251-3630 • Sussex, 246-4774 A Catholic Family Tradition Since 1892 262-251-0330 FREE Estimates • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee POWERS & ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. Life & Health Insurance Division Robert M. Stolarczyk, Parish Member Specializing in Medicare Supplement & Medicare Advantage Plans !"##$%&'()*+,* 9:;<'0*=#>"''?@&A&?=?B?#:* Contact Angela Mentzer to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2588 -.#/&0*121345637758 C&''0*6D6377E3E71F For All Your Plumbing Needs! Mark Schn Schneider W244 N8819 Cordell Lane, Sussex, Sus WI Call 262.24 262.246.4442 ID# 224746 markschneiderplumbing@ya St. Ben’s Community Meal (3rd Wed. of the month) Phone 262-251-3944 to donate food Compliments of Ed and Mary Schlumpf Rick Trawicki - President Parish Member N70 W25156 Indian Grass Ln., Unit C, Sussex, WI 53089 Bus. 262-820-3450 2325 Parklawn Drive, Suite Q • Waukesha, WI 53186 Asbestos, Lead-based paint, Mold & Environmental Cleaning Greg Marenda (262) 798-1453 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY DOCTOR Snowplowing 414-297-9704 Joe Magdic FREE ESTIMATES AUTO BODY E-Mail: for more information Largest selection of cards and gifts in town • COLLISION, MECHANICAL & RUST REPAIRS • ALL MECHANICAL GLASS & A/C • LOANER (262) 255-3610 Next to DAIRY QUEEN Ask For Bill N86 W16350 Appleton Ave. 262-253-1313 N78 W14551 Appleton Ave • Menomonee Falls FOR AD INFO CALL Angela Mentzer at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JAMES, MENOMONEE FALLS Come see us on facebook A 4C 01-01259 12-09-201411:12:10
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