St. James Parish ~ Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
St. James Parish ~ Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
St. James Parish ~ Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin A Member of the Menomonee Falls Cluster Parishes (St. James, St. Mary’s & Good Shepherd) April 5, 2015 St. James Menomonee Falls, WI Risen One. Alleluia! Alleluia! From The Servant’s Quarters ♦ Join me in welcoming and congratulating several people who were initiated into our parish at the Easter Vigil. Erica Mikulecky was baptized, confirmed, and received first communion. Andrew Gebel and Tony Meneses, previously baptized, made their profession of faith and received the sacrament of confirmation. Casey Schmoeger was also confirmed into our faith community. Jacqueline and Teddy Meneses made their first holy communion as well. Blessings and peace to all of you! ♦ Happy Easter! The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! I had the chance to visit the Holy Land (overseas, not Fond du Lac County!) a couple of times. My initial disappointment on my first trip was to discover that many of the sacred places referred to in the Bible have churches built on top of them! I was hoping to have a more immediate experience of the terrain and environment that the people in Biblical times knew. ♦ One shock I experienced was during a Mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Just in front of the entrance to what is believed to have been the tomb of Jesus, is a small chapel for celebrating Mass. Participating in the Mass there was a very somber and solemn experience, until……. At the very end of the Mass the musician let loose on the organ with, “Oh say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, …..” He was playing the Star Spangled Banner! At the end of the piece I expected someone to shout, “Play Ball!” ♦ Outdoor sign of an English Church: Happy Easter to our Christian Friends. Happy Passover to our Jewish Friends. To our Atheist Friends,- Good Luck! Fr. Mike & Max Readings for the Week of April 5, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: ♦ We learned afterward that it is their custom at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to play the national anthem of the particular group visiting at that time! ♦ So, what might we draw from such a “startling” experience? Perhaps that the Resurrection of the Lord is not just a past event. The Lord continues to rise in the hearts and minds of all believers, from all around the world, in the “here and now.” Hopefully these past 40 days have made us more aware that Christ continues to die and rise through you and through me each day of our lives. Our Lenten observances are meant to give us a taste of how the Lord brings new life to us and to the people of our own time. Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/ Mk 16:1-7 Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31 ©Liturgical Publications Inc MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK Tuesday, April 7 8:00 am † John Feldner (Betty White) Wednesday, April 8 8:00 am † Vincent Bichler (Family & Friends) Friday, April 10 8:00 am † James LePine (Pat LePine) Saturday, April 11 (Sunday Liturgy) 4:30 pm † Roxanne Shaffer (Mom) † Dorothy O’Konek (Richard O’Konek) Sunday, April 12 8:15 am † Loretta VandeCasteele (Cletus VandeCasteele) † Ben Meinzer (Randy & Rosie Sader) 10:30 am † Bud Kaupp (Kaupp Family) † Sick & Deceased Knights (Al Nienas) ♦ The baptism we received empowers us with the Spirit of the Risen Lord. Through the living of our faith in loving ways each day, we are participating in the Kingdom of God coming “on earth as it is in heaven.” ♦ We just spent 40 days preparing to celebrate our incorporation into the dying and rising of Christ. We now begin a new season of 50 days, to bask in the Light of the Risen One. It’s as if our lives are “solar panels” absorbing the life giving energy of the Sun…of the Son! ♦ May we be renewed and reinvigorated for living “life in Christ,” in the good old US of A, in the year 2015. “Oh say can you see, by the dawn’s early light”, the light of Christ Crucified, the light of the BANNS OF MARRIAGE II 2 Michael Huc & Sharee Swander Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 ALL PARISH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, APRIL 6TH MenoHARmonee “HOME AGAIN” CABARET Featuring the MenoHARmonee Men’s Barbershop Chorus Saturday afternoon—April 11 at 1:30 pm At St. James Catholic Church March 29, 2015 Contributions Stewardship Offertory Mortgage Special Assessment Totals Free drinks and snacks Guest Entertainment: LOCKED & LOADED, Quartet Stas Venglevski, Accordianist $11,904.50 $ 1,479.38 $ 944.50 $ 145.00 $14,473.38 Tickets are $15 Youth $5 For tickets call 262-246-8285 Our sponsors: Malkin’s Carpets, Neu’s Building Center And St. Paul’s United Church of Christ ******************************** Special Assessment $253,000.00 - 70,765.00 $182,235.00 APRIL FELLOWSHIP Please Note!!! The April Fellowship Gathering will not take place until the 2nd weekend of the month since Easter falls on the 1st weekend So the date for April Fellowship will be April 11th and 12th. As always we appreciate any donations of food items for our gathering. Just drop them off at the kitchen counter of the gathering space. We look forward to seeing you then! “Gold” Financial Commitment Card Don’t forget to return your gold financial stewardship commitment card. 440 families have returned their cards. If you have misplaced or did not receive a card with your monthly letter, additional commitment cards are available in the acrylic holders in the Gathering Space. 6th + 7th + 8th GRADE 21! YOUTH GROUP MOVIE NIGHT St. James’ Weekly Tithes (Outreach) Since the 1980’s St. James has distributed a portion of its weekly income as a tithe for various outreach programs and organizations. This past week $450 was donated to: “Big Hero 6” Monday, April 20th @ St. Mary Youth and Conference Rooms Enter through the driveway doors off of Hayes St. 6:00-8:00pm Catholics for Peace and Justice—Milwaukee. Fosters peace & justice by bringing the Church’s social teaching to greater consciousness and empowering Catholics to act. The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. COMPANIONS ON THE JOURNEY Mission Trip Mulching It’s that time of year! Even though winter won’t leave us, we have to believe that spring is right around the corner and that means it’s time to mulch! All MEN and WOMEN who have lost a loved one are invited to Maxims Restaurant on Capitol Drive in Brookfield for friendship, a meal and sharing at 9:30a.m. on Monday April 13, 2015. We also welcome all caregivers to join us. Let the mission trip youth and adults save your back and spread your mulch- it’s as easy as 1,2,3. 1. Call to schedule a Saturday to have a group of youth and adults come to your home to spread your mulch 2. Order your mulch from whomever you choose, have it delivered to your driveway 3. Let us do the work of spreading it for you for a donation to the mission trip! All denominations are welcome. If you know someone who would benefit from this please invite them. If you have any questions please call Shirley at 262-246-0553. We look forward to seeing you there!!! MISSION STATEMENT Contact Chris Lodl at 414-587-9447 or email at We will be mulching the Saturdays in May. May 2, 9, 16, 23 and perhaps the 30th. St. James is a vibrant, welcoming Catholic Community Journeying towards the fullness of the Kingdom of God through worship, formation and service. 3 WELCOME VISITORS! MESSAGE FROM ADULT MINISTRY Sr. Lucille Flores Thanks for joining us for our RESURRECTION celebration. May this Eucharist be truly a gift for you, renewing you and your family. Have you thought of joining our faith? Have you thought of returning to our faith? We welcome you with open arms! We have a wonderful process and would love to have you be part of it. For information contact: TRULY…JESUS IS RISEN! Jesus “worked” numerous signs, but we know the greatest sign is his resurrection. In all of history Easter Sunday is the MOST important day: God’s magnificent plan of salvation and the foundation of our entire faith as Catholics. Yet, how much do we really know it? How do I allow this great feast to bring me to a deeper and more joyful faith? Honor this day. Celebrate it. Today is a perfect day to read one of the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection. Remember it is not just about Jesus. It is also about the NEW LIFE he has brought you. Sister Lucille; 253-2915. KEEPING EASTER JOY ALIVE 1. Light a special candle during meals to recall the light of Christ. 2. Put up a sign or banner that proclaims: HE IS RISEN! 3. Add an “alleluia” to your meal prayers. PARISH TRUSTEE POSITION OPENING Wisconsin Law requires that every parish have two trustees each serving a two year term. Trustees must be parish members, practicing Catholics and at least 25 years of age. The position of Trustee-Treasurer for St. James Parish becomes available this year. John Swanson, current Trustee-Treasurer has expressed his interest in serving another two year term and Fr. Mike has affirmed his nomination. Additional interested candidates must submit to the Parish Office a written nomination form signed by 10 or more registered parish members. Nomination forms are available by calling Terri Weber in the Parish Office (262)253-2259 or by emailing All nomination forms must be received in the Parish Office by 12:00 Noon, Monday, May 18. Elections will take place the weekend of June 6 & 7. RENEWING OUR MARRIAGE COMMITMENT Come take advantage of this wonderful opportunity: time for you, as a couple, to pray, reflect and share. In your busy lives, it is difficult to find time for this life-giving aspect of your married life. Join us SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2:00-4:00. To register, please contact Sister Lucille at or 253-2915. St. James is here to help all people experience meaning and purpose in life. Those Remembered: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Remembered By: Deceased Relatives of our families Gordon F. Schweiger Gilbert & Luella Newbauer, Herman & Dorthy Warner Living & deceased members of the Stevens, Resch, Polczynski, Galezewski, Samson, Brzinski, Coffey, Schreck, Augello, Piffero and Carlson Families Charles Youngbauer and William & Elizabeth Bogue Vern Ehley Ed & Alvina Koloske, Chester & Dorothy Literski Carol Kroneberg Family Richard Graves, Paul & Elsie Markiewicz Margaret Graves Mr. & Mrs. Hank Steele, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Kalina Mac McGovern, Herb & Evelyn Imse, Van Willigen & McGovern Families Leo Wierl & Susan Wierl Jacobi Pauline Patzke, Brenda Rodewell Bell Family, Deceased & Living and Gansemer Family, Deceased & Living Mary Burczyk & Doris Laudicina Deceased members of the Kreuser Family & Pellmann Family Johnson & Smarella Families 4 Jerry & Pat Gorski Helen N. Schweiger William & Germaine Newbauer Paul & Ruth Ann Stevens Ruth Youngbauer Darlene Ehley John & Mary Koloske Carol Kroneberg Mark & Sharon Graves Jim Steele Mitzi McGovern Mildred Wierl John Patzke Gansemer Family Al & Karen Blau Joe & Audrey Kreuser Glenn & Geri Johnson Those Remembered: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Remembered By: Anthony Schmidt, John & Idabelle Youngbauer, George & Elizabeth Schmidt Richard Schmidt Family Jos. Hohlfeld, George Yost & Catherine Bakalars, Gertrude & John Bruseth Norm & Therese Bruseth Rudolf & Dorothy Zabkowicz, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gac, Louis Gac Joan Zabkowicz All babies in NICU’s Chris & Janice Moser Walter, Connie, Don and Dick Becker Jean Barber William & Cecelia Rinzel & Coney Christianson Mr. & Mrs. Christianson Living McConnell & Sullivan family members Nancy Sullivan & Deceased McConnell & Sullivan family members Nancy Sullivan John Nicklas & Dolores Cimp Nicklas Family Ray Casey Vi Casey The Schultz & Francoeur Families Richard & Donna Schultz Ben & Susan Domack Families, Joseph & Mary Cowan, Poor souls in purgatory Diane & Bob Cowan Deceased members of the Kenney & Hoffman Families Ed & Ginny Kenney Knueppel & Hetzel Families Lolly Knueppel Mary & Ed Schoedl, Marie & Jim Egar Ray & Judy Schoedl Paul Fricke Doris Fricke Deceased members of the Pietrykowski, Zagorski and Sather families Ron & Connie Sather Phyllis, Margaret & Antonia Neulreich, and Darlen (Neulreich) Webber Walter Neulreich James LePine Patricia LePine Charles Zimmermann, Harry & Clara Zimmermann Shirley Zimmermann Amy Mindemann & Maynard Wedell Elaine Wedell Michael, Kate & Frank Jankowski, Linda & Andrew Ross, Rex Harris & Dorothy Roberts Tom & Dee Jankowski Danielle Knier Janet Schade & Family Deceased members of the: Seder, Giuliani, Amoroso and Middendorf Family Rosanne & Randy Seder Donald Birkholz, Ralph & Jean Wilhelmi Donna Birkholz Walter Wheeler Carol Wheeler & Family Clemens Haberman Sharon Haberman Stephen & Loraine Prekop and Stephen & Emily Bagin Richard & Mary Bagin Deceased members of the Knezinek and Yanko Family Dolores Knezinek & Family Gene Schueller & John Drasch, Jr. Catherine & John Drasch Henry & Cyrina Turek, Gerald & Rosalie Pawlowski Bruce & Andrea Turek Oscar and Annette Grieb Barbara Grieb Paul & Mary Hagert, Anton & Eleanor Klein Anton & Kathleen Klein Pauline Fleischmann & Jo Fleischmann Francis Fleischmann Jo Ann Kasper Richard D. Kasper Frank B. & Susan A. Steinbach, and Ann Cantrall Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Steinbach Ellen Ronkowski Mark Ronkowski Mr. & Mrs. William D. Nettesheim, Ronald J. Nettesheim, Philip J. Nettesheim, and Roy J. Salentine Daniel W. Nettesheim Living and Deceased members of the Gotthardt & Bastle Families Mike & Kathy Gotthardt Joseph & Marie Calmes, William & Caroline Klein, Geneva Calmes, Andy & Derek Doro, Carol Listle, Kenny Calmes, Joe Kremsreiter, Jane Calmes, Michael Calmes, Andrew Schmirler & Marvin Schillinger Richard & Rita Calmes Harold Schroeder, Otto & Clara Schroeder, Walter & Mary Simerlein Lorraine Schroeder & Diane Schroeder David Marine Charles & Marian Bender Mr. & Mrs. E. Draper, Mr. & Mrs. E. Hanley, Robert Hugh, Robert Draper Eileen Draper Bernice & Frank Herman, Florence & Eugene Doda, Sr. Mr. Thomas Herman Mary Scherer and Shaun Kainass Patrick & Mara Scherer Pete Peterson, Mary & Kurt Obermayr Peggy Peterson Susan Amoroso August Amoroso Hank VanderHeiden, the Gettelman Families Bernice & Family Hubert & Lorraine Patoka, Euguene & Joan Hojnacki, Jennifer Peske, Barb Middelton Eugene & Linda Hojnacki Harvey Friess, Sr., Richard Friess, Debbie Erdman, June Laehn, Evelyn Laehn Harvey & Sandy Friess 5 Those Remembered: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Remembered By: Marge Friess and Clifford Laehn Harvey & Sandy Friess Brian Ferentz and Jon Goebel Patti Ferentz Richard Bednarczyk Dorothy M. Bednarczyk Aaron Zagorski, Ralph Staney, Feliks Zagorski Tom & Cindy Zagorski Jack & Terry Moore, Maureen Orr Darrell & Rita Orr Carl Ganther and Troy Ganther Kathleen Ganther & Family Bill McGill, Alice & Carl Wolfe, Frances & John McGill, Michael Stead, Judy Waranka, Tom Boss, Joyce Devine Shirley McGill Mary Krolikowski, Raymond Krolikowski Judy Badani Betty Inda, Gene Schueller, Tom Inda Terry & Gail Inda Joseph & Maria Sanfelippo, Vincenza, Salvatore, Vella, and all other deceased relatives and friends John Birmingham Lynch Family & Manthey Family Margaret Manthey Tom Modl and William Smith Sharon Smith Walter H.,Walter W. & Jason Schmoller, Ruth Steinbauer, Don Schmit, Dirk Londre, Keith Protzmann, Elroy Bastian & Orv Clark Kathy Schmoller John Feldner and Rooney-Feldner Families Mike & Betty Rooney Evelyn V. Floral, Bill and Donald Floral, Patsy and all the rest of my family Richard G. Floral For the living and deceased members of the Jensen, Watry and Helse Families Kathie Jensen Laure Hermsen Stephen Hermsen Klein and Pellerin Families Emelie Klein Rudy & Mary Ann Dubnicka, Kevin Seidl Sandra Seidl Beier & Saladin Families Joanie & Bill Saladin Jerry Smith & Michael Smith Janet L. Smith Carl & Elizabeth Goetz, Francis & Alice Frantl, and Karen Wnuk Allan & Toni Frantl Ronald Nettesheim, Bill & Lillian Bogue, Billy Bogue & Betty Dowling Patricia Nettesheim Owen Families and Kurylo Families Rita & Dick Kurylo Aunt Betty Dowling, Great Aunt Jenny Bogue & Ronald Nettesheim Mary Nettesheim Ben Meinzer, Gordon & Pearl Helman, Carl & Elizabeth Goetz Ken & Cookie Helman Ted Jaskowiak, Bill & Ann Corrao John & Jean Corrao Ziegler & Finlan Families John P. Ziegler Laurie Scheibel Brian, Jessica & Alexa Scheibel Jim Talerico, John & Carolyn Heller Damon & Terri Talerico Anthony, Agnes, Roy, John & Donna Salentine, William, Mary, Ronald & Phillip Nettesheim Peggy Salentine Grandma Kathy & Auntie Meg Todd, Christy, Lucas & Sonya Polczynski Del Hackbarth & Family, John & Helen Price, Ed & Selma Hackbarth Kathy Hackbarth Kalmon, Egle, Fourness, Heindl, Fischer, Dellemann Families, Living & Deceased Gerald & Joyce Egle Frank Wanner Joan Wanner Marvin & Pearl Ostby, Paul Jensen, Charles & Dessie Bryant Lyle & Kay Ostby William & Helen Gogola Corby Family Francis & Cynthia Haasch Mary Haasch Gus Semrow Family Elizabeth A. Guis Lorene & John Moore, Ray & Ethel Brey, Ed Arbour, Lee & Lisa Arbour, Angela Pingatore Pete & Karen Brey Ruth Topp David Topp John, Ann & Jimmy Stockhausen Rich & Linda Schmidt Vento/Rice Family Pat Vento Richard Davey, Fred & Evelyn Dosie Karen Davey & Family Tom, Tom & Irene Kraemer, Bob, Bill & Alice Matuschka, and Clara Deppies Mary Kraemer Deceased Members of the Heinisch and Grennier Families Michael & Terri Grennier Carol Sedlmeier, Anna & Anton Sedlmeier, Mildred & Louis Arnsdorff, Michael Noggle, Rev. Leo Belda & Pat Dudash Anthony J. Sedlmeier Madge & Leo Carr, Kathryn Thorn & Kenneth Silver Tim Thorn Mary Ann Burki, Edmund & Anna Burki, Eddie & Sister Mary Edmund Joseph G. Burki Richard Jr. and Family Richard A. O’Konek Sr. Jerry Meysembourg Mary Ann Meysembourg Herb, Marie, George Nettesheim, Bil & Elizabeth Buechs Matt & Carole Nettesheim Charles Webb & Carl Oehlke Suzanne Webb & Family Jerry Wendelberger Jackie Wendelberger 6 Directory Weekly Schedule Sunday, April 5 (EASTER) 8:15 am Mass (Church) 10:30 am Mass (Church) Monday, April 6 All Parish Offices are Closed Tuesday, April 7 7:00 am Election Day Polling Place (Cafeteria) 8:00 am Mass (Chapel) 8:30 am Day of Adoration (Chapel) 9:00 am Bible Study (Great Room) T.O.P.S. (Community Center) 5:00 pm Holy Hour/Rosary (Chapel) 6:30 pm Scripture Reflection (Great Room) Wednesday, April 8 8:00 am Mass (Chapel) 10:30 am Staff Meeting (Great Room) 6:30 pm Dartball (Cafeteria) 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (Comm. Cntr.) Thursday, April 9 NO Senior Bible Study 9:00 am Wood Carving Club (Room 7) 5:30 pm Community Banquet (Community Cntr) 6:30 pm Community Gardeners Meeting (Great Rm) 7:00 pm RCIA (St. Agnes) Friday, April 10 8:00 am Mass (Chapel) 9:00 am SOAL Program (Classrooms) Saturday, April 11 9:30 am Baptismal Prep Classes (Great Room) 1:30 pm MenoHARmonee (Community Center) 4:00 pm Individual Reconciliation (Reconcil. Room) 4:30 pm Mass (Anointing of the Sick/Anniv Blessing) 5:30 pm Blood Pressure Screening (Great Room) Fellowship (Gathering Area) KC’s Charity Raffle Sales (Gathering Area) Sunday, April 12 Blood Pressure Screening (Great Room) Fellowship (Gathering Area) KC’s Charity Raffle Sales (Gathering Area) 8:15 am Mass (Anointing of the Sick) 10:30 am Mass (Anointing of the Sick) 7:30 pm Boy Scout Meeting (Cafeteria) WANNA WIN $50,000? Please support the local Knights of Columbus. They’ll be in the gathering area after all Masses on April 11th & 12th selling Charity Raffle tickets. You have 35 opportunities to win from $500 to $50,000! Proceeds help fund local charities. For more information and tickets, call Al Blau at 414-405-4159 St. James Rectory—Parish Office—262-251-3944 W220 N6588 Town Line Road Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 Office Hours, Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm FAX: 262-250-2679 e-mail address: Web-site address: EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS Saturday 4:30 pm (Individual Reconciliation 4:00-4:15) Sunday 8:15 am & 10:30 am Weekday Masses : Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays 8:00 am in the Historic Chapel PARISH STAFF: Administrative Office Fr. Michael Moran, Pastor ........................................... 253-2212 Daryl Olszewski, Pastoral Associate........................... 253-2213 Fr. Jerry Hudziak, Help-out ........................................ 251-3944 Mike Rooney, Deacon ................................................. 251-3944 Bob Wodushek—Deacon............................................ 251-3944 Barbara Schuelke, Liturgy & Music Ministry ............... 253-2225 Terri Weber, Business Administrator .......................... 253-2259 Diana Wyszkowski, Parish Secretary ......................... 253-2235 Mary Koloske, Assistant Secretary ............................. 253-2259 Christian Formation Center Sue Devine-Simon, Director of Christian Formation .. 253-2904 Sr. Lucille Flores, SSM, Adult Ministry ....................... 253-2915 Bryan Ramsey, Youth Ministry Coordinator ............... 253-2238 Kristin Kebis, Child Ministry Coordinator ..................... 253-2908 Michelle Beimborn Secretary ..................................... 253-2902 Mara Scherer, Assistant Secretary ............................. 253-2916 Health Ministry Pam Dennis, Parish NurseAAAAAA.. .................. 250-2663 Maintenance Department John Simon ................................................................ 250-2660 After Hours .................................................... 262-389-6089 Staff Emails: • Fr. Mike Moran • Daryl Olszewski • Mike Rooney • Bob Wodushek • Barbara Schuelke • Terri Weber • Pam Dennis • Sue Devine-Simon • Sr. Lucille Flores • Kristin Kebis • Bryan Ramsey • Michelle Beimborn • Mara Scherer • Mary Koloske • Diana Wyszkowski • John Simon Sussex Food Pantry, 246-9860 Mondays 5:30 to 7:00 pm Wednesdays 1:00 to 2:30 pm Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 pm Interfaith: 549-3348 St. Vincent de Paul: 251-3944 7 Industries Daily Kids to Adult instructed painting sessions. Check out our online calendar of events! W249 N5267 Executive Dr. • Sussex • 262.246.9400 Schmidt & Bartelt Guardalabene & Amato Funeral Service Polyak Trucking 5431 N. 131st Street Butler, WI. 53007 Providing Affordable Services at Your Church, Cemetery Chapel or any One of Our Locations Michael A. Polyak For all your heating & cooling needs. 3260 N 126th Street - Brookfield 262.783.6000 Office: (262) 754-4420 GREG & CAROL DITTRICH • Parish Members One of the largest North American Manufacturers of metal stamping, deep drawn parts, 7 weldments A Catholic Family Tradition Since 1892 Menomonee Falls, 251-3630 • Sussex, 246-4774 262-251-0330 FREE Estimates • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee POWERS & ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. D&M ACCOUNTING SERVICES, INC. Connie L. Hillmann Life & Health Insurance Division Accountant Robert M. Stolarczyk, Parish Member We are located in the Tri City Bank Building on Hwy Q (Corner of Appleton and County Line Road - Lower Level) Specializing in Medicare Supplement & Medicare Advantage Plans N96 W18221 County Line Rd. FREE Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 262-253-9955 • Fax 253-9953 !"##$%&'()*+,* 9:;<'0*=#>"''?@&A&?=?B?#:* Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm • Sat 8am-1pm -.#/&0*121345637758 C&''0*6D6377E3E71F Contact Ted Sibilsky to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2540 For All Your Plumbing Needs! Mark Schn Schneider W244 N8819 Cordell Lane, Sussex, Sus WI Call 262.24 262.246.4442 ID# 224746 markschneiderplumbing@ya St. Ben’s Community Meal (3rd Wed. of the month) Phone 262-251-3944 to donate food 2325 Parklawn Drive, Suite Q • Waukesha, WI 53186 Asbestos, Lead-based paint, Mold & Environmental Cleaning Compliments of Ed and Mary Schlumpf Greg Marenda (262) 798-1453 Support Our Advertisers Rick Trawicki - President Parish Member N70 W25156 Indian Grass Ln., Unit C, Sussex, WI 53089 Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. Bus. 262-820-3450 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL AUTO BODY Residential Work 640 S. 70th St. 414-471-8565 Largest selection of cards and gifts in town • COLLISION, MECHANICAL & RUST REPAIRS • ALL MECHANICAL GLASS & A/C • LOANER (262) 255-3610 Next to DAIRY QUEEN Ask For Bill N86 W16350 Appleton Ave. FOR AD INFO CALL Ted Sibilsky at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM 262-253-1313 N78 W14551 Appleton Ave • Menomonee Falls ST. JAMES, MENOMONEE FALLS Come see us on facebook A 4C 01-01259 03-16-201511:16:19
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