January 18, 2015
January 18, 2015
St. James Parish ~ Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin A Member of the Menomonee Falls Cluster Parishes (St. James, St. Mary’s & Good Shepherd) January 18, 2015 The Deacons of the Cluster Parishes of Good Shepherd, St. James and St. Marys Invite you to Join Us This January As we Pray For All Life “Holy Hour for Life” Wednesday – January 21st – 7:00 P.M. Good Shepherd Parish N88 W17658 Christman Road Menomonee Falls, WI. Deacon Sandy Sites, Deacon Mike Rooney, Deacon Jim Goetter St. James Menomonee Falls, WI Moving the SOS and food pantry into the new space would not be considered unless it made sound fiscal sense and is in the best interest of SOS. CCOS, which has a governing board, has not committed to anything except being part of the conversation. None of the CCOS congregations would bear responsibility for any cost for a potential transition to the new Sussex Village Civic Campus. Thank you for your continued generosity to the Food Pantry. We will continue to be good stewards of the resources you give us so that we can respond to and serve those most in need in our community. Fr. Mike, Deacon Mike, and I are members of the CCOS Board. If you have questions we encourage you to seek clarification from anyone of us so that you may be properly informed. Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for February 3rd so we may be able to provide a further update after that time. AN IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION REGARDING S.O.S, THE FOOD PANTRY, AND ST. JAMES St. James is one of six congregations which form the Cooperating Churches of Sussex, an incorporated 501c3 non-profit organization. In addition to St. James the other congregations are: Christ Our Savior Lutheran, Lisbon Presbyterian, Redeemer United Church of Christ, St. Alban’s Episcopal, and Sussex United Methodist Church. We are bound by our common faith in Jesus Christ and have a long history of praying together, supporting each other, learning together, and serving those in need as Jesus commanded. Our most visible and on-going sign of our unity and work is seen in the Sussex Outreach Center and Food Pantry. Quite simply, we have been able to do more together than any one of us could do alone. Our cooperation is a model for other ecumenical endeavors as our commitment to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ to serve the poor is not obstructed or limited by denominational bounds. The Village of Sussex has proposed plans for a new municipal building to be called the Civic Campus. This building would house the village administration offices and would also make space for several non-profit groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, VFW, the Historical Society, and the Sussex Outreach Services and Food Pantry. The proposed site is across the street from Piggly Wiggly. It is an expensive multi-million dollar project that has generated great controversy among the Sussex residents. A recently proposed plan would offer 5,000 square feet of space in the Civic Campus to house SOS offices and the food pantry. However, the space is not free. Each nonprofit would have to purchase its space, something like buying a condo, and would be responsible for a regular minimal “condo fee” to pay for general maintenance and so forth just as one would in a home condo. The cost of the space is roughly $1.4 million. CCOS does not have this kind of money to purchase this new space nor can it take out a loan and go into debt in order to purchase space in the Civic Campus. However, there have been reports of an interesting and creative proposal. There is a potential purchase offer of $1.5 million from an anonymous buyer for the SOS Resources Center, which CCOS owns and currently has a mortgage of $124,000. The potential offer would cover the cost of SOS moving its operation into the new Civic Campus building as well as provide enough extra funds to pay off the existing mortgage. Please note the words “proposal” and “potential.” This is not a done deal. The village needs to move forward with the creation of the Civic Campus based on recommendations of a citizens’ committee, who voted to approve the conceptual plans for the Civic Campus. This is a complicated and very emotional issue for Sussex residents. Daryl Olszewski Pastoral Associate Readings for the Week of January 18, 2015 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25--8:6/Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Mk 3:20-21 Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 ©Liturgical Publications Inc MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK Tuesday, January 20 8:00 am † John Cassidy (John Swanson) Wednesday, January 21 8:00 am St. James Parishioners Friday, January 23 8:00 am † Deceased Members of St. James Saturday, January 24 (Sunday Liturgy) 4:30 pm † Carol Sedlmeier (Tony Sedlmeier) † Rosalie Pawlowski (Bruce & Andrea Turek) Sunday, January 25 8:15 am † John Horn (Family) 10:30 am † Alfred, Larry & Mike Konkol (Family) 2 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 “LIFE IN CHRIST!” January 11, 2015 Contributions Stewardship Offertory Mortgage Special Assessment $11,048.00 $ 890.84 $ 575.00 $ 90.00 Totals $12,603.84 Please welcome the following children who are being baptized this weekend at St. James: Emily Dena, child of Christian and Alison; Elodie Jane, child of Christopher and Elizabeth; Brody Edward, child of Christopher and Alicia; Cooper Benjamin, child of Ben and Gennell; and Levi Joseph, child of Joseph and Angela. ******************************** Special Assessment $253,000.00 $ 65,710.00 $187,290.00 The Lent Art & Environment Committee needs help planning the Church environment for Lent. We will meet on Thursday, January 22, 2015 Upstairs in room #4. “Gold” Financial Commitment Card Don’t forget to return your gold financial stewardship commitment card. 390 families have returned their cards. If you have misplaced or did not receive a card with your monthly letter, additional commitment cards are available in the acrylic holders in the Gathering Space. Please come and help out while meeting new people. The Lent Art & Environment Committee KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST NEXT WEEKEND—JANUARY 25TH 8 AM—Noon in the Community Center St. James’ Weekly Tithes (Outreach) Please help us support our future Priests that are studying at the Sacred Heart Seminary. Come and enjoy breakfast with your fellow parishioners and the proceeds will help educate future Priests. Since the 1980’s St. James has distributed a portion of its weekly income as a tithe for various outreach programs and organizations. This past week $450 was donated to: The breakfast that your Knights of Columbus prepared for Holly Days generated $912 for your parish and each of these breakfasts help support local needs. Once again, come enjoy a delicious breakfast and help support a great cause. Hope Network in Menomonee Falls, WI ST. BEN’S MEAL PROGRAM It is time for us to donate food for the St. Ben’s Meal Program this coming Wednesday, January 21st. St. James’ role in this ministry is to supplement a meatloaf & mashed potatoes & gravy dinner (supplied by Good Shepherd & St Mary’s). We need parishioners to bring salads, fruits & vegetables of any kind & meat or seafood casseroles/ pastas. Desserts are okay but they need to be fresh. There is sufficient bread & rolls already provided. Our efforts either supplement the meatloaf dinner or provide an alternative for the homeless & poor. You do not have to sign up to be a part of this ministry, all we ask is that your donations be at St. James in the upstairs kitchen (counters or refrigerators) before 4:00 pm as our last driver leaves promptly at 4:00. If you have questions or are interested in going down to help serve occasionally, please contact Jeff & Lynn Kenkel at 5320065 or jkenkel5@gmail.com Bereavement Fish Fry If you are journeying through the grief process from a recent loss or from a loss awhile ago perhaps some fellowship over a good meal might be what you need. Our St. James parish will be hosting another Bereavement Fish Fry at the Boneyard Grill in Sussex on the 23rd of January. We start out with a social time at 5:30 pm and then begin ordering and sitting down by 6 pm. If you would like to join us please call the Parish Nurse, Pam at (262) 250-2663. All are welcome! “The reason for processing grief is not to weaken life but to strengthen it”-Carol Staudacher St. James is here to help all people experience meaning and purpose in life. 3 We strongly suggest that you use pans or dishes that can be thrown away if possible. FIELDS OF HOPE & DREAMS & HOLY GROUND GARDEN MESSAGE FROM ADULT MINISTRY Sr. Lucille Flores Garden planning? Are you serious? - YES! Seed catalogs are piling up on coffee tables, so it’s time to start. We’ve eaten all the Christmas cookies, drank all the New Year’s bubbly, and put away all the decorations. Now our focus turns to dieting, exercising and eating more healthy (i.e. time to garden). Seed germination times vary, so we need to schedule the indoor seed starting so starter plants are ready when spring hits. And we’ll be growing plants for our annual “Spring Plant Sale” too. The addition of our new (i.e. third) Holy Ground garden, makes even more planning for us. We’ve checked with Jennifer Waltz, Director of the Cooperating Churches of Sussex’s (CCOS) food pantry, and will adjust from last year. We could use some extra help from parishioners who would like to volunteer to start and tend seedlings (indoors) at home. If this sounds like something you would be interested in doing, call (414) 587 – 1202 or email: pschneider@wi.rr.com Thinking of spring and new life always gives us hope and gets us out of our winter doldrums. Sounds interesting??? Get involved! CATHOLICISM 101: The Basics of our Faith Have you ever wondered: What is it that we believe? What are the cornerstones of our faith and the life of the church? Our local parishes are sponsoring nine sessions on Sundays 11:301:00 at Good Shepherd, Room 221. Join us starting January 25th. See yellow flyers in the Church entrances or contact lflores@archmil.org; 253-2915. CORRECTION Human Trafficking Awareness Day was Sunday, January 11, not January 1. Join us in praying for the protection and liberation of the victims of human trafficking and for the conversion of all traffickers. DO YOU KNOW? In our Gospel we read that Jesus asks the two disciples “What are you looking for?” Apparently they were searching for more than “just fishing”. We too experience a certain dissatisfaction, an emptiness. We feel the yearning for the “more” that is not filled with things, money, pleasure, power. What are you looking for? When have you experienced that emptiness, that yearning for the “more”? Did you recognize it as coming from the Lord? A call to simplify. A call to let go. A call to make the Lord your priority. A call to make the “God stuff” a priority in your life. My Lord, my God, my all! Winter got you down …. Are you tired of the cold and snow? Then...why not join us on… Valentine’s Day Saturday, February 14, 2015—4:00-7:00 pm For “A Little Taste of Italy” Parish Dinner IGNITE! is around the corner: February 16, 17, 18. Is it on your calendar? YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE: On November 29, 2014, women and men religious gathered with Pope Francis for a prayer vigil at St. Mary Major in Rome. Addressing the consecrated women and men, Pope Francis said: “My first words, on this occasion, are of gratitude to the Lord for the precious gift of consecrated life to the Church and to the world. May this Year of Consecrated Life be an occasion for all members of the People of God to thank the Lord, from whom every good comes, for the gift of consecrated life, appreciating it appropriately. To you equally, dear brothers and sisters, goes my gratitude for what you are and what you do in the Church and in the world. May this be an “intense time” to celebrate with the whole Church the gift of your vocation and to revive your prophetic mission. I repeat to you today what I have said at other times: “Awake the world! Awake the world!” Dinner Reservations Required The menu consists of your choice of: 2 pastas (Spaghetti and mostaccciolli), meat sauce (some meatless), salad with homemade Italian dressing, homemade garlic bread, Beverage and dessert. (No charge for second helpings!) Cost: Adults—$8.00 Children—(6 to 14) $5.00 (5 and under) $2.00 Families of 5 (1-2 adults and children) - $25.00 Carry-outs also available! A limited number of tickets will be available at the door! For more information call the Parish Office: 262-251-3944 CHRIST ALIVE IN OUR MARRIAGE WHO? Young couples in their first five years of marriage WHAT? A retreat: “Christ Alive in our Marriage” WHEN? Saturday, January 24, 2015, 10-5 (concludes with Mass) WHERE? St. Margaret Mary Church 3970 N. 92nd St., Milwaukee COST? $60 per couple includes breakfast, lunch, supplies INFO? Dan O’Brien 414-727-1955 dobrien@jesuits.org REGISTER: charisministries.org/marriage_wisconsin_jan2015 St. James 2015 “Shamrock” Cash Raffle The drawing will take place March 17, 2015 at 9 am at the Parish Office. Only 600 tickets will be sold at $25 each. Odds of winning: 1 in 60!! Grand prize $2,500/1st prize $1,000/and prizes 3-10 $200 each. Watch the bulletin and email on how to purchase your winning ticket(s). 4 YOUTH CORNER 10th Grade Retreat "Living Inside Out: How you can make the knowledge of your faith show in your everyday life” facilitated by the Spiritus Retreat Team Saturday, January 31st Noon-5:30pm @ St. James Sunday, February 1st 8:15 – 2:00 pm @ St. James MISSION TRIP PIZZA SALE Get your registration in by January 20th Ord e r s b ei ng t a ke n a ft e r al l M a s se s t hi s we e ke nd & n ex t ! Save the Date Matthew 25 2015 June 22nd-26th Pizzas are 12 inches Sausage: $6.00 Pepperoni: $6.00 Plain Cheese: $5.00 Payments requested with order. Questions?: Call the CF office at: 251-0897 or email beimbornm@archmil.org Thank You for supporting Mission Trip! O rd er s b ei n g tak e n a f t er a ll Ma ss e s t h i s w eek e n d a nd n e xt ! A Week of Service to our LOCAL Community Open to those going into 6th grade and up Registrations available the first week of February Help support the Mission Trip to St. Paul, MN this summer. We are selling pizzas just in time for the Super Bowl. Orders being taken in the gathering space after all masses. Pizzas will be available for pick up in the Community Center Saturday, January 31 from 10 am-noon and after all masses on January 31 and February 1 (Super Bowl weekend). SAVE THE DATE 7th Grade & Up Mini-Work Camp Saturday, April 18th A full day of serving those who could use a little help with their spring clean-up. The day includes breakfast, lunch and dinner – plus an event t-shirt . Registrations and more details coming soon, so book the date and come have some fun with friends while doing some good for your community! Pizza’s available for pickup in Community Center after masses Jan. 31st & Feb. 1st. Sat 1/31/15: 5:30 pm-6:15pm ǤǤ Sun 2/1/15: 9:30 am-12:15pm Steubenville Conference Summer 2015 The most important relationship you will ever have will be with Christ! We would like to invite you the Steubenville youth conference where thousands of Catholic teens from across the country gather together to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ. This weekend is filled with powerful, relevant speakers, amazing Christian music, prayer, and of course the sacramental gifts of our faith: Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation. If interested please return form below with payment at masses next weekend. Name:______________________________________ Phone:____________________________________ Potential Dates: July 17-19, 2015 or July 24-26 Estimated cost: $275.00 (fund raising is available) To reserve a spot, e-mail Betsy Potter at St. Mary Parish by January 19th: Potterb@stmaryparish.net Qty. ___ Sausage: $6.00 ___ Pepperoni: $6.00 ___ Cheese: $5.00 Payment Requested with order Questions or need a registration? Email Bryan at ramseyb@archmil.org or call 262.253.2238 6th + 7th + 8th Grade JUST A WINTER REMINDER . . . . 21! Youth Group Date Change Our middle school youth group will meet in February, but we have changed the date. We will meet at St. James on SUNDAY, February 15th for the first night of “Ignite” from 6-7:30pm. Come join us with your family for a fun night of music, stories and faith-growing. IF HAMILTON SCHOOL DISTRICT IS CLOSED ST. JAMES IS ALSO CLOSED. 5 We will also contact Today’s TMJ4 and they will post this information on their cancellation page along with running the scroll at the bottom of the TV screen. NOTES FROM OUR PARISH NURSE, PAM DENNIS: Maybe this is one of your New Year’s resolutions to, “Eat Better Move More” then you are in luck! St. James parish is hosting another Eat Better Move More/Part 2—nutrition and physical activity program for adults 60 years old and over. You do not have to have attended part 1. It will be held here over a 9 week time frame starting the 24th of February through the 28th of April in our cafeteria from 1:30 pm – 3:10 pm on Tuesdays. This fun program is sponsored by Mount Mary University Dietetics Department and the Waukesha County Aging and Disability Resource Center. The dietetic students from Mount Mary College teach the classes. The 9 weeks will cover nutrition topics such as the DASH diet to prevent and manage high blood pressure, meal planning for diabetics management and prevention, label reading and grocery shopping for healthy meal planning, how to fit your favorite foods into a healthy lifestyle, important vitamins and minerals for older adults and how to get enough and information on dietary supplements. The program will highlight exercising as well to include using hand weights, resistance bands and yoga mats for some exercises. These exercises are designed to improve your balance, strength, flexibility and endurance. What is required of you as an attendee? We ask that you attend EVERY class, wear your step counter every day and record your steps, try out the nutrition and fitness tips at home and have your fitness level assessed before and after the program to measure your improvement. Overall the most important part is to have fun! You will receive a $10 gift card for perfect attendance. Pre-registration is required for participation. You can register by calling the Parish Nurse, Pam at (262) 250-2663 by February 10th. The suggested donation for this program is $15. Class size is limited. We hope to see you there. !""#$%&#'()'*&+#,#-&./01&2## ǡ͖͙!" ͝ǣ͔͔Ǧ͕ǣ͔͔ ǡ Ƭ ͘͘͝Ǥ Ǥǡ !"#$%$&'()*#+&,)-.&/&0$(%*&1-)*$!& PRAYER SHAWL MEETING What to do during these cold, blustery months of winter? How about coming to our next prayer shawl ministry meeting. You can meet other parishioners who have the love of knitting or crocheting, pick up some yarn from our cupboard and make a prayer shawl for someone in need this winter. We provide prayer shawls to those who are sick, homebound or a caregiver. Our meeting will be the 20th of January at 3:30 pm in the cafeteria. All you need to bring is yourself and either knitting needles or a crochet hook. If you should know of a St. James parishioner who might benefit from a prayer shawl call Pam, our Parish Nurse, or if you are planning on attending our prayer shawl meeting. Pam’s number is: (262) 250-2663. “When life starts to unravel, get out your knitting needles and stitch it up!” ! ͗Ǧ͜ ȀǤ ǣ͖͚͖Ǧ͚͕͝Ǧ͖͕͖͔ ST ANTHONY PARISH SCHOOL Menomonee Falls Join us for our Open House on Sunday, January 25, 10:30-2 Gather with us at 10:30 mass, then join us at noon for our Open House. Guided tours will be given by parents and faculty. Meet our caring and gifted teachers and enjoy an ice cream social. • Register for Grades K4-8 for the 2015-2016 school year. • Learn about our high academic standards • Discover the co-curricular & service activities • Sense the spirit that guides every aspect of Catholic education, where faith is nurtured & values are shared. Begin your journey with us. You will find our school is much like your home and family. N74 W13636 Appleton Ave, Menomonee Falls stanthonyparishschool.org MISSION STATEMENT St. James is a vibrant, welcoming Catholic Community Journeying towards the fullness of the Kingdom of God through worship, formation and service. 6 Directory Weekly Schedule Sunday, January 18 Mission Trip Pizza Sales after Masses 8:15 am Mass (Church) Gr. 6-8 Disciples with Donuts 4K/5K CF Classes (Classrooms) 9:30 am Gr. 1-5 CF Classes (Classrooms) 10:30 am Mass (Church) 11:30 am Adult Confirmation (Good Shepherd) GIFT (1 Hour) 6:30 pm Boy Scout (Church Hall) Monday, January 19 6:00 pm 21! Group (Community Center) Tuesday, January 20 8:00 am Mass (Chapel) 8:30 am Adoration (Chapel) 8:45 am Bible Study (Great Room) 9:00 am T.O.P.S. (Church Hall) 10:30 am Book Discussion (Great Room) 11:30 am Red Hat Club (Church Hall) 3:30 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry (Church Hall) 5:00 pm Holy Hour/Rosary (Chapel) Gr. 1-5 CF Classes (Classrooms) 6:30 pm Scripture Reflection (Great Room) Gr. 1-5 CF Classes (Classrooms) Wednesday, January 21 8:00 am Mass (Chapel) 4:00 pm St. Ben’s (Leaving St. James at 4:00) 5:30 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal (Church) 7:00 pm Music Ministry Rehearsal (Church) Thursday, January 22 9:00 am Senior Adult Bible Study (Great Room) Wood Carving Club (Room 7) 1:00 pm Centering Prayer (Reconciliation Room) 5:30 pm Community Banquet (Community Cntr) 6:00 pm Art & Environment Planning Mtg (Rm 4) Friday, January 23 8:00 am Mass (Chapel) Saturday, January 24 8:00 am Lector Prep (Great Room) 4:30 pm Mass (Church) Reverse Collection Ticket Distr. For the Food Pantry Sunday, January 25 Panera Bread Sales (Gathering Area) 8:00 am Pancake Breakfast (Community Center) 8:15 am Mass (Church) (Rite of Reception) 9:00 am Welcome for New Parishioners (Ch Hall) 10:30 am Mass (Church) (Rite of Acceptance) 6:30 pm Boy Scouts (Church Hall) ADORATION TAKES PLACE IN THE CHAPEL EVERY TUESDAY 8:30 AM—6:00 PM Please consider joining us for prayer. St. James Rectory—Parish Office—262-251-3944 W220 N6588 Town Line Road Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 Office Hours, Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm FAX: 262-250-2679 e-mail address: stjameschurch@bizwi.rr.com Web-site address: http://www.stjames-parish.net EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS Saturday 4:30 pm (Individual Reconciliation 4:00-4:15) Sunday 8:15 am & 10:30 am Weekday Masses : Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays 8:00 am in the Historic Chapel PARISH STAFF: Administrative Office Fr. Michael Moran, Pastor ........................................... 253-2212 Daryl Olszewski, Pastoral Associate........................... 253-2213 Fr. Jerry Hudziak, Help-out ........................................ 251-3944 Mike Rooney, Deacon ................................................. 251-3944 Bob Wodushek—Deacon............................................ 251-3944 Barbara Schuelke, Liturgy & Music Ministry ............... 253-2225 Terri Weber, Business Administrator .......................... 253-2259 Diana Wyszkowski, Parish Secretary ......................... 253-2235 Mary Koloske, Assistant Secretary ............................. 253-2259 Christian Formation Center Sue Devine-Simon, Director of Christian Formation .. 253-2904 Sr. Lucille Flores, SSM, Adult Ministry ....................... 253-2915 Bryan Ramsey, Youth Ministry Coordinator ............... 253-2238 Kristin Kebis, Child Ministry Coordinator ..................... 253-2908 Michelle Beimborn Secretary ..................................... 253-2902 Mara Scherer, Assistant Secretary ............................. 253-2916 Health Ministry Pam Dennis, Parish NurseAAAAAA.. .................. 250-2663 Maintenance Department John Simon ................................................................ 250-2660 After Hours .................................................... 262-389-6089 Staff Emails: • Fr. Mike Moran moranm@archmil.org • Daryl Olszewski olszewskid@archmil.org • Mike Rooney rooneym@archmil.org • Bob Wodushek rwodushek@att.net • Barbara Schuelke schuelkeb@archmil.org • Terri Weber webert@archmil.org • Pam Dennis dennisp@archmil.org • Sue Devine-Simon devinesimons@archmil.org • Sr. Lucille Flores lflores@archmil.org • Kristin Kebis kebisk@archmil.org • Bryan Ramsey ramseyb@archmil.org • Michelle Beimborn beimbornm@archmil.org • Mara Scherer schererm@archmil.org • Mary Koloske koloskem@archmil.org • Diana Wyszkowski wyszkowskid@archmil.org • John Simon simonj@archmil.org Sussex Food Pantry, 246-9860 Mondays 5:30 to 7:00 pm Wednesdays 1:00 to 2:30 pm Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 pm Interfaith: 549-3348 St. Vincent de Paul: 251-3944 7 Industries One of the largest North American Manufacturers of metal stamping, deep drawn parts, 7 weldments www.kofc.org www.dhmetalstamping.com Schmidt & Bartelt Guardalabene & Amato Funeral Service Polyak Trucking 5431 N. 131st Street Butler, WI. 53007 Providing Affordable Services at Your Church, Cemetery Chapel or any One of Our Locations Michael A. Polyak 3260 N 126th Street - Brookfield 262.783.6000 Office: (262) 754-4420 GREG & CAROL DITTRICH • Parish Members For all your heating & cooling needs. Menomonee Falls, 251-3630 • Sussex, 246-4774 A Catholic Family Tradition Since 1892 www.schramkafuneralhome.com www.grossheating.com 262-251-0330 FREE Estimates • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee POWERS & ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. Life & Health Insurance Division Robert M. Stolarczyk, Parish Member Specializing in Medicare Supplement & Medicare Advantage Plans !"##$%&'()*+,* 9:;<'0*=#>"''?@&A&?=?B?#:* Contact Angela Mentzer to place an ad today! AMentzer@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2588 -.#/&0*121345637758 C&''0*6D6377E3E71F For All Your Plumbing Needs! Mark Schn Schneider W244 N8819 Cordell Lane, Sussex, Sus WI Call 262.24 262.246.4442 ID# 224746 markschneiderplumbing@ya markschneiderplumbing@yahoo.com St. Ben’s Community Meal (3rd Wed. of the month) Phone 262-251-3944 to donate food Compliments of Ed and Mary Schlumpf Rick Trawicki - President Parish Member N70 W25156 Indian Grass Ln., Unit C, Sussex, WI 53089 rick@trawickielectric.com www.trawickielectric.com Bus. 262-820-3450 2325 Parklawn Drive, Suite Q • Waukesha, WI 53186 Asbestos, Lead-based paint, Mold & Environmental Cleaning Greg Marenda (262) 798-1453 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY DOCTOR Snowplowing 414-297-9704 Joe Magdic FREE ESTIMATES AUTO BODY E-Mail: jmueller@4LPi.com for more information Largest selection of cards and gifts in town • COLLISION, MECHANICAL & RUST REPAIRS • ALL MECHANICAL GLASS & A/C • LOANER (262) 255-3610 Next to DAIRY QUEEN Ask For Bill N86 W16350 Appleton Ave. 262-253-1313 N78 W14551 Appleton Ave • Menomonee Falls FOR AD INFO CALL Angela Mentzer at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JAMES, MENOMONEE FALLS Come see us on facebook A 4C 01-01259 12-09-201411:12:10
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St. James Parish ~ Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
our gathering. Just drop them off at the kitchen counter of the
gathering space. We look forward to seeing you then!