May 22, 2016 - St James Catholic Church
May 22, 2016 - St James Catholic Church
St. James Parish ~ Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin May 22, 2016 The following young parishioners were confirmed here at St. James on May 13, 2016. Please welcome them! Nat Atkinson Alexandra Banda Blake Batzko Lauren Baumhardt Ian Boho Joseph Bolda Rachel Burkard Grace Carlson Sarah Chartrand Brandon Christianson Cami Cieslewicz Nicholas Dary Cassandra Doubek Marissa Dreger Sean Durian Valerie Ehr Nathan Ferro Mariana Feudner Ryan Feuerstein Kayla Fixel Kaitlin Flynn Mackenzie Fox Alexis Gaatz Anna Gast Tyler Gibson Nick Gile Dylan Gissal Justin Gruber Michael Handler Benjamin Heberer Ryan Hubbell Emily Hunt Amber Jaworski Rachel Jeffers Alec Kastory Jacob Kessenich Thomas Kirchberger Parker Kramlich Justin Krause Evan Laskowski Kaitlyn Lehnen Jordan Lemieux Lauren Lussow Daniel Markano Adam May Alex Menzia Myah Merriman Bailey Molinski Connor Mulholland Cody Nettesheim Nicholas Nettesheim Jordan Neumann Benjamin Nolde Sean O’Dwyer Nathan Oberst Alexandra Oleszczak Amanda Oskey Erin Passow Garrett Power Ethan Rentmeester Maija Sherer Megan Schmitt Nathan Schueler Melissa Schweigert Joe Sennott Sarah Shepherd Bradley Singer Samuel Smith Danielle Spence Britney Stapelfeldt Kayla Sullivan Elizabeth Sumiec Lauren Topp Nicholas Trawicki Lauren Walsh Benjamin Weiss Emma Woelfel Patrick Wolfram Alissa Yarnot Jaclyn Zeman St. James Menomonee Falls, WI From The Servant’s Quarters •I discovered a wonderful gift Fr. Art left me when I arrived here 5 years ago. He developed the ministry of Wedding Hosts! I never experienced this before in other parishes. I’m very grateful for our Wedding Hosts. They welcome the engaged couple and their attendants and families at the rehearsal. They help me set things up for the liturgy. Many of the guests are new to our facility so the hosts will help them find their way around for whatever they need. And the hosts are also present at the time of wedding to help everything go smoothly. I share this to first of all publicly thank our wedding hosts. But secondly, we could use a couple more hosts. If you would like more information about this ministry please contact me. •We begin this spring and summer stretch of Ordinary Time (meaning “counting time,” –this is the 8th Sunday of Ordinary time - not “humdrum!”) with two Solemnities, The Most Holy Trinity and The Body and Blood of Christ. •Our Church celebrations usually are observances of events, or happenings in the unfolding of our faith in human history. These two solemnities are more “idea feasts;” the celebration of our understanding of who God is. The Almighty is relationship. The Almighty is food and refreshment for the human soul. •How many skunks does it take to change a light bulb? A Phew! •The Hebrew Scriptures reveal God as Holy Wisdom present before the beginning of Creation. In today’s understanding we would refer to Wisdom as the Holy Spirit. Fr. Mike & Max Readings for the Week of May 22, 2016 •The Christian Scriptures present to us the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth, who poured out his life in loving service. The price he paid for confronting all that works against God’s people was death, death on the cross. Through that total gift of self for the life of the world, we discover the resurrection. Sunday: Prv 8:22-31/Ps 8:4-9/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Monday: 1 Pt 1:3-9/Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10/Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16/Ps 98:1-4/Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25/Ps 79:8-9, 11, 13/Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: 1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12/Ps 100:2-5/Mk 10:46-52 Friday: 1 Pt 4:7-13/Ps 149:1-6, 9/Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25/Ps 63:2-6/Mk 11:27-33 Next Sunday: Gn 14:18-20/Ps 110:1-4/1 Cor 11:23-26/Lk 9:11b-17 •The faithful son that he was Jesus revealed to us the Heavenly Father whom he addressed in the most familiar terms, “Abba,” that is “Daddy,” or “Poppa,” or any other affectionate term we might use for our human fathers. ©Liturgical Publications Inc •It’s all about relationships. You and I are invited into participation of life and love with the Blessed Trinity. The gift of the Holy Spirit we celebrated last week is our doorway to intimacy with Father, Son, and Spirit. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK Tuesday, May 24 8:00 am † Jerry Gnadt (Elaine Burns) Wednesday, May 25 8:00 am † Peggy Kaczmarek & Carol Patterson (Mike & Kathy Gotthardt) Friday, May 27 8:00 am † Richard Jaskolski (Eileen Jaskolski) Saturday, May 28 (Sunday Liturgy) 4:30 pm † Roxanne Shaffer (Family) † Peggy Kaczmarek (Lolly Knueppel) Sunday, May 29 8:15 am † David Knoebel (Joan Knoebel) † Kathy & John Horn (Family & Friends) 10:30 am † Allen LeBeck (Deloris LeBeck) † Margaret Graves (Graves Family & Friends) •One way of trying to put this into understandable words might be this. The Father and the Son are so deeply committed in love for each other. As they pour out their love, this very love is a person, the Holy Spirit. As we are drawn into experiencing this dynamic relationship of love, we are empowered to live this love within and through our human relationships. •It may sound a bit heady, but as we experience the life of the Trinity we find evidence of the finger of God in our human condition. Baptism begins our immersion into this dynamic relationship of love that begins in the here and now and draws us into the hereafter. 2 The Most Holy Trinity May 22, 2016 St. James Catholic Education Policy May 15, 2016 Contributions Stewardship Offertory Mortgage Special Assessment Totals St. James is committed to the faith development of all parish families and their children. For those families who would like to send their children to a Catholic school, St. James offers a Catholic School Tuition assistance program. The program is based on a partnership approach between the parish, parents and students. For qualifying families, St. James will provide tuition support. For more information, please contact Terri Weber in the parish office (262) 253-2259 by May 31, 2016. $10,902.00 $ 814.37 $ 835.00 $ 90.00 $12,641.37 St. James’ Weekly Tithes (Outreach) Faith Journeys presents: A 10 day Pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain & France specifically designed for St. James Catholic Church, Fr. Mike Moran, Spiritual Director, October 31, 2016 to November 9, 2016. This exclusive pilgrimage tour will include the Marian Shrines, (Fatima and Lourdes) and the “Santiago de Compostela” – Way of St. James. Space is limited! Register TODAY. If you are interested in learning more about being a part of this spiritual formation through travel, please visit: and enter Group #16070 or call Terri in the parish office, 262-253-2259 if you have questions or would like a full Brochure. Since the 1980’s St. James has distributed a portion of its weekly income as a tithe for various outreach programs and organizations. We tithe $900 twice a month. In May, $900 will be donated to: House of Peace— in Milwaukee. Provides food, clothing, and access to medical & legal services to the poor. OUTSIDE CLAY POTS GRATEFULLY— Over the years folks have come forward to plant flowers in the pots to beautify the entrances of our building. Thanks to all of you. LOOKING—Is there someone who would like to serve by planting flowers in those pots this year? Farewell - Father David Pruess OFM Cap A farewell celebration mass and luncheon will be held on Sunday, May 29th at 9:00 a.m. for Father Dave. Come and help celebrate with our fellow brother and sister parish members of – St. Martin de Porres, as Father Dave prepares to leave Milwaukee and return to his home in Detroit, Michigan. Father Dave has concelebrated with St. James at our Mass on the Grass celebrations and has been very supportive of collaborations between our two parishes. Please come and show your appreciation of his efforts and to wish him well. Please RSVP to Paul Schneider at: or call (414) 587-1202. Thank You! If so, please call Sue Mangan at 262-366-1211. Laudato Si’ On Care for Our Common Home Safe Clean Water “Yet access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights”. [LS 30] Parish Trustee-Secretary Appointment Lawn-care pesticides were found to be among the most common causes of death among birds tested for West Nile virus. Teach your children to recognize pesticide application signs and to stay off lawns with these treatment signs. Pick up a flyer on Alternative Lawn Care at the display in the gathering space. One of the blessings in our parish has been the continued support and willingness of parishioners to serve as Parish Trustees. The position of Parish Trustee-Secretary became available this year and I nominated Paul Stevens for the position and he accepted. We did not receive any other nominations, so in the name of the parish I graciously accept and affirm Paul Stevens as Parish Trustee- Secretary for a term of two years. Many thanks to Mike Wendelberger for his willingness to serve as Parish Trustee-Secretary for the past two years. St. James is here to help all people experience meaning and purpose in life. Fr. Mike 3 St James Catholic Church HUGE Annual Thrift Sale June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2016 LAST WEEK to bring your items for the thrift sale … May 23rd - May 27th We will accept almost everything. However, there are a few exceptions: NO computer equipment, TVs (except flat screen), or large appliances. No magazines, encyclopedias, cassette tapes, baby cribs, car seats or mattresses. No large exercising equipment, or skis We welcome all clean, useable items including furniture – big and small, indoor and outdoor, (we can arrange for pickup of large items for a small fee) lamps, pictures, sporting goods, house wares, bedding, linens, seasonal items, toys and tools. Clean, gently used clothing, jewelry, antiques, craft items, records, CDs, DVDs, etc. and books. To accommodate everyone’s schedules the drop-off times are: Monday through Friday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm and WEDNESDAY EVE 5:00-7:00 pm. CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND Please drop off ONLY during these designated times. Tax donation forms available upon request. SALE DAYS Thursday, June 2nd 8:00 am to 7:00 pm ($1.00 Cover Charge from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm) Evening Hours 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Friday, June 3rd 8:00 am to 3:00 pm ($5.00 bag sale on adult clothing only) Saturday, June 4th 8:00 am to 1:00 pm 1/2 price and $5.00 bag sale (Select items excluded from bag sale) ͛͛·ΠΝΦΟΥΖΖΣΤ͑ΟΖΖΕΖΕ͒͑΄ΚΘΟ ͛͛·ΠΝΦΟΥΖΖΣΤ͑ΟΖΖΕΖΕ͒͑΄ΚΘΟ͞ ͒͑΄ΚΘΟ͞ΦΡ͑ΤΙΖΖΥΤ͑ΨΚΝΝ͑ΓΖ͑ΒΧΒΚΝΒΓΝΖ͑ΚΟ͑ΘΒΥΙΖΣΚΟΘ͑ ΒΣΖΒ͑;ΒΪ͑ͣͩͣͪ͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͟͠ ΒΣΖΒ͑;ΒΪ͑ͣͩͣͪ͑͑͑͑͑͟͠ Also . . . Need a lot of bakery for the Bake Sale Pies, Cakes, Cookies, are good sellers, along with breads, coffee cakes, etc. NEW!! Young Adult Group Event Kickoff: Run/Walk for St. Ben's GOOD NEWS - Capuchin Run/Walk— June 17, 2016 Bryan Ramsey has volunteered to be the captain for St. James Dynamos group from last year and also the Young Adult Group New this year. You will need to signup online - more details from Bryan Ramsey to follow. If further questions, please contact us at 262-439-8559 or Brian at 253-2915. John and Louise Vos 4 You are a newly Confirmed Catholic or it's been a few years, and you want to keep your spiritual fire going. We are starting a new group (or groups) of young adults who want to live and talk about their faith and meet others who want the same. We invite newly-Confirmed high school seniors, college-age and careerbeginning young adults to our big kickoff event: The "St. Ben's Run/Walk for the Hungry" at Polish Fest on Friday, June 17th. With your $20 ($25 for run if you prefer) fee, you'll get a shirt, entry into Polish Fest all weekend and most importantly a chance to meet with other young adults of St. James (friends always welcome) as we create this new community of Christians. Want to register right now or have questions? Contact Bryan (262.253.2915 or Registrations must be received by June 1st. ATTENTION ALL GREETERS: DĞƐƐĂŐĞƐĨƌŽŵŽƵƌW • • • • Please have your time off requests for the July-Sept. schedule to Lori Jansen by 6/5/16 via or via phone at 262-246-5942. Thank you. Mercy Focus for June 2016: Forgive Offenses Willingly and Bear Wrongs Patiently: Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year of Mercy to begin on December 8, 2015 and continue through November 20, 2016. For June we focus on two Spiritual Works of Mercy: “Forgive Offenses Willingly and Bear Wrongs Patiently.” Take these Mercy Actions throughout the month: Reflect on who has hurt you, ask God to bring you healing, and pray for the wellbeing of those who have harmed you. A note from Parish Nurse, Brigitte Glinski Pancreatic cancer is a leading cause of cancer death. Even when diagnosed early, it still has a poor prognosis. The pancreas is an organ that lies behind the lower part of your stomach and helps regulate the metabolism of sugars. MAY is MARY’S MONTH! Join fellow parishioners in praying the Scriptural Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet on Tuesday afternoons in the Historic Chapel for the close of Eucharistic Adoration. We begin the Rosary at 4:00 pm and finish our prayer time by 5:00. Unfortunately signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer may not appear until the cancer is quite advanced, and complete surgical removal is not possible. The symptoms of pancreatic cancer include upper abdominal pain that may radiate to your back, yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice), loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, depression and blood clots. If you experience any of these symptoms you should see your doctor, since these symptoms may be similar to other conditions, your doctor will likely check for these conditions as well as pancreatic cancer. Young Adults looking for something to do this summer?...Brew City Catholic is your hub for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Young Adult Ministry Initiatives! Follow us on Instagram! @BrewCityCatholic. Check out for a list of young adult groups and events/opportunities for young adults around the Arch. Don’t see your group or event listed? Please let us know.͒ Things that can increase your risk for pancreatic cancer are being of African-American race, excess body weight, chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), a family history of syndromes that can increase cancer risk, such as BRCA 2 mutation, Lynch syndrome, and familial atypical mole -malignant melanoma, a personal or family history of pancreatic cancer, and smoking. De Sales Days Seminary Summer Camps Directed by Fr. Luke Strand: Play hard and pray hard this summer with Fr. Luke Strand at our De Sales Days Summer Camps for middle school and high school aged young men. All camps/retreats will be held at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary. For more information, please visit us at: or call the Vocation Office at 414.747.6437. At St. James we have a pancreatic cancer survivor, Joe Krueser. As of this year Joe, who was baptized at and has been a member of St. James since 1928, celebrates his 10th year as a survivor of pancreatic cancer. Ten years is a landmark as most people with pancreatic cancer have a survival rate closer to 5 years. In commemoration of his 10 year anniversary, Joe with the assistance of his daughter pushing his wheel chair will be leading Team Ten Year Joe at the Milwaukee Purplestride 5K Run and Family Walk on Saturday, June 5 in support of pancreatic cancer awareness and research. You can support Joe’s efforts to raise awareness by joining Team Ten Year Joe in the Run or Walk or through a donation to Team Ten Year Joe at the Purplestride Milwaukee event website [Google “Purplestride Milwaukee”]. You can also see Joe and hear his story on “The Morning Blend” on Thursday, May 26 at 9 am on TMJ 4. PurpleStride is the signature event of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Each year, in communities across the country, tens of thousands of people participate in more than fifty-six PurpleStride events, including PurpleStride Milwaukee Presented by Elevate. These events are critical in raising awareness and funds that advance research and support patients and loved ones with a promise of a better tomorrow. If you have questions about any of the items above, or have some feedback or an insight to share, Pastoral Associate Gerry Wolf would be glad to hear from you at 262-2532213, or at Matthew 25 Project for a Whole Week? Serve Our Local Community This Summer Maybe you've heard of the "Matthew 25" project...doing service projects for people right here in our own community. How would you like to make a difference and help people for a whole week of summer? If you are going into middle school or in high school, we invite you to join the Matthew 25 Work Camp, June 20-24. We'll serve the people in our community during the day and let you sleep in your own bed every night. For just $75, you'll have a lot of fun serving with friends (Yup! They're welcome too!) or meeting new friends who enjoy serving others. Registrations are available just outside the CF Office or on our website. AND ADULTS, you are welcome to get your service fix on this summer serving right along side. Mayo Clinic. (2016). Retrieved from http:// A special thank you to Deb Schneider for speaking with Joe. Contact Bryan (262.253.2915 or with any questions. All registrations must be received no later than May 20th to participate in the camp. Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-resent help in trouble. 5 St. James Community Gardens MEMORIAL TRIBUTE IN MENOMONEE FALLS SUNDAY, MAY 29TH This is our big weekend ....the Annual Plant Sale. We hope you stopped by. If you didn't, there might still be time, we are on the church patio before and after all the masses this weekend. All are invited to a solemn Memorial Tribute on Sunday, May 29th, 2016 at 1:00 pm in order to honor those from Menomonee Falls who have lost their lives in military conflicts. The program will be held in Village Park on Garfield Dr. by the Menomonee Falls WWII and War Dog monuments. The program will consist of the laying of a wreath at the base of the Menomonee Falls WWII and War Dog monuments. The Menomonee Falls Gold Star list will be read. The program will end with a rifle salute and the playing of taps. A handout program will be provided at the event with additional information including some various pictures of our Menomonee Falls fallen heroes. The program is sponsored by Henrizi-Schneider American Legion Post #382, Walter Miller AMVETS Post #5, VFW Post #9496 and the War Dog organization. Please join us as we take some time to focus on the true meaning of Memorial Day. We have plenty of plants looking for a home including house plants, landscape plants, flowers and vegetables. You can find broccoli, kale, eggplant, cucumbers, summer squash, cabbage, basil, parsley and rosemary. We have peppers, both hot and sweet. But our specialty is tomatoes with names worthy of race horses: Big beef; Sun Sugar; WI 55; KBX and Mortgage Lifter. Maybe you already stopped by and have your plants safely tucked in your car. What's next? If you have house plants or landscape plants, keep the root ball moist and get them planted pretty quickly. If you have some seedlings, don't rush. Before putting them outside, check the weather forecast. We could still get frost and those seedlings need protection from the cold. Keep them moist by placing them in a tray of water for about half an hour every day or so and then take them out and let them drain. Watering from the bottom encourages the plants to draw up nutrients through their roots. You might also want to put them outside in an area protected from strong sun and wind for a few hours each day to let them get used to the outdoors. When you're ready, dig a hole a bit bigger than the pot, loosen the plant gently and drop it in. You're on your way to a vegetable harvest in a few months. We’re Gonna Knock Your Socks Off!!! Is your family looking for childcare during the summer? St. Anthony School in Menomonee Falls, will be having its Summer Extended Care Program which features art projects, outdoor games, movies and more. We offer flexible scheduling and competitive rates. Use us as little or as much as you want! It is run by teachers at St. Anthony and starts on June 13th. We would love to serve your childcare needs this summer! Contact Kate Gilbert, or St. Anthony School N74 W13604 Appleton Avenue On behalf of all the people we will help feed this year; a big thank-you to everyone who is supporting us...whether through prayers, volunteering or donations. We couldn't do it without you. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Contact Paul Schneider at (414) 587-1202 or (262) 251-4390 A NEW GRIEFSHARE PROGRAM STARTING Community members who have experienced the death of a family member or friend are invited to register for the GriefShare program being held at Cesarz Charapata and Zinnecker Funeral Home. This nondenominational program features Christ-centered, biblical teaching that focuses on grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The DVD seminar features nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories of people, followed by a small group discussion about what was seen on the DVD. Many grieving people find they are only beginning the work of healing when friends and family have returned to their daily life routines. Past participants have related how helpful the information and follow–up discussions were to them. Your bereavement experience may be recent or not so recent. You will find encouragement, comfort and help in grieving the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, other family member or friend. No matter what the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn how to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and that you do not need to live in bondage as a slave to certain emotions. You will learn valuable information about facing your new normal in life and renewing your hope for the future. Grief-related books/materials are made available for participants to purchase. GriefShare will be held weekly on Thursdays, May 26 – Aug 18, in the Community Room of Cesarz Charapata & Zinnecker Funeral Home from 6p – 8p. You can start at any session and attend as many as you are able. To register or for more information, call 262542-6609 and ask for Pam. The registration fee is $15.00 and includes the participant guide. 237 N Mooreland Blvd—Waukesha— 6 Directory Weekly Schedule Sunday, May 22 Community Garden Plant Sale (Patio) Panera Breads (Gathering Area) 8:15 am Mass (Church) 9:30 am Catechist Meeting (Community Center) 10:30 am Mass/Baptisms (Church) 5:00 pm Philmont Scout Meeting (Cafeteria) 6:30 pm Boy Scout Meeting (Cafeteria/Outside) Monday, May 23 8:00 am Thrift Sale Collection until 5:00 pm Tuesday, May 24 8:00 am Thrift Sale Collection until 5:00 pm Mass (Chapel) 8:30 am Day of Adoration (Chapel) T.O.P.S. (Gathering Area) 9:00 am Bible Study (Great Room) 4:00 pm Holy Hour/Rosary (Chapel) 6:30 pm Bible Study (Great Room) Wednesday, May 25 8:00 am Thrift Sale Collection until 7:00 pm Mass (Chapel) 10:30 am Staff Meeting (Great Room) 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (Comm Cntr) Music Ministry Rehearsal (Church) Thursday, May 26 8:00 am Thrift Sale Collection until 5:00 pm 9:00 am Bible Study (Great Room) Friday, May 27 8:00 am Thrift Sale Collection until 5:00 pm Mass (Chapel) 8:45 am Centering Prayer (Eucharistic Chapel) Saturday, May 28 8:00 am Lector Prep (Great Room) 4:00 pm Individual Reconciliation (Reconcil Rm) 4:30 pm Mass/Signed Liturgy (Church) Sunday, May 29 8:15 am Mass (Church) 10:30 am Mass (Church) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ARE SELLING AMERICAN FLAGS THROUGH MAY American nylon flags 3x5 are $25 & 4x6 are $30 We will take your old flags. Call Al Nienas 262-820-0619 ADORATION TAKES PLACE IN THE CHAPEL EVERY TUESDAY 8:30 AM—6:00 PM Please consider joining us for prayer. MISSION STATEMENT St. James is a vibrant, welcoming Catholic Community Journeying towards the fullness of the Kingdom of God through worship, formation and service. St. James Rectory—Parish Office—262-251-3944 W220 N6588 Town Line Road Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 Office Hours, Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm FAX: 262-250-2679 e-mail address: Web-site address: EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS Saturday 4:30 pm (Individual Reconciliation 4:00-4:15) Sunday 8:15 am & 10:30 am Weekday Masses : Tuesdays (Word & Communion) & Wednesdays (Mass) 8:00 am in the Historic Chapel PARISH STAFF: Administrative Office Fr. Michael Moran, Pastor ...........................................253-2212 Gerry Wolf, Pastoral Associate ....................................253-2213 Fr. Jerry Hudziak, Help-out .........................................251-3944 Mike Rooney, Deacon .................................................251-3944 Bob Wodushek—Deacon ............................................251-3944 Barbara Schuelke, Liturgy & Music Ministry ................ 253-2225 Terri Weber, Business Administrator ........................... 253-2259 Diana Wyszkowski, Administrative Assistant...............253-2235 Mary Koloske, Administrative Assistant ....................... 253-2259 Christian Formation Center Sue Devine-Simon, Director of Christian Formation ...253-2904 Bryan Ramsey, Director of Youth Ministry .................. 253-2915 Kristin Kebis, Child Ministry Coordinator ..................... 253-2908 Michelle Beimborn, Administrative Assistant ...............253-2902 Mara Scherer, Administrative Assistant ....................... 253-2916 Health Ministry Brigitte Glinski, Parish NurseBBBBBB.. ...............250-2663 Maintenance Department Dave Kenney .............................................................. 250-2660 After Hours .................................................... 262-389-6089 Staff Emails: • Fr. Mike Moran • Gerry Wolf • Mike Rooney • Bob Wodushek • Barbara Schuelke • Terri Weber • Brigitte Glinski • Sue Devine-Simon • Kristin Kebis • Bryan Ramsey • Michelle Beimborn • Mara Scherer • Mary Koloske • Diana Wyszkowski • Dave Kenney • Sussex Food Pantry, 246-9860 Mondays 5:30 to 7:00 pm Wednesdays 1:00 to 2:30 pm Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 pm Interfaith: 549-3348 7 St. Vincent de Paul: 251-3944
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