December 20, 2015 Bulletin - St. Joseph Parish of Downingtown


December 20, 2015 Bulletin - St. Joseph Parish of Downingtown
Dear Friends,
For anyone who seeks out the real meaning of the holidays, the last few days
before Christmas are the most powerful period of Advent and an intensely beautiful time
of year. Last weekend, we celebrated Gaudete Sunday, with its spirit of joy and its rose
liturgical vestments as an alternative to the season’s violet.
Therefore, the more deeply we live Advent, and the more prayerfully and patiently
we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, then the more fully we experience
the joy of Christmas. In a few short days we will find ourselves at Christmas Eve and the
beginning of the Christmas season, which continues through the Epiphany to the Baptism
of the Lord.
During these final Advent days, the Church gives us a last opportunity to settle our
spirits, quiet our worries, and refocus our hearts on the One who should anchor our lives.
Human history changed fundamentally and forever in Bethlehem. The child we wait for is
the hope of all men and women, in every culture, in every age. Especially at this time, the
world and each one of us needs His Peace and Love.
Do not allow the rush and the frenzy of the coming Christmas holidays take away
the importance and the true meaning of what we celebrate – Jesus is the reason for the
season. Jesus is the best gift of all! May God grant all of us the grace to experience the
coming of God’s Son for what it truly is; and may He bless every one of us and our
families as we wait for the miracle of Bethlehem.
I look forward to celebrating the Birth of Christ with all of you and your families.
Please invite your families and friends to celebrate with us as well.
Saint Joseph, Pray for Us!
Monsignor McLoone
Parish Staff
Phone: 610-269-8294
Fax: 610-269-2487
460 Manor Avenue,
Downingtown, PA 19335
Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. McLoone
Rev. Anthony T. Rossi
Parochial Vicar
Rev. John E. Donia
Deacon Jim Bogdan
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Edward R. Schiappa
Permanent Deacon
Mr. Ken Chrusch
Director of Youth Ministry
Ms. Karen Dawson
Parish Services Director/
Adult Faith Formation Coordinator
Mrs. Roe DeRitis
Parish Secretary
Mrs. Jo-Ann Funkhouser
Mrs. Dodie Milano
Ms. Julie Wiant
Business Manager
Ms. Jeannine Zack
Parish Secretary
Phone: 610-269-8999
Fax: 610-269-2252
Sister Catherine Irene, I.H.M.
Sister Diane Licordare, I.H.M.
Vice Principal
Mrs. Julie Fitzgerald
Parish Religious
Education Program
Phone: 610-873-8798
Fax: 610-873-5466
Mrs. Kathy Thomas
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Mary Ann Korpics
Assistant to the D.R.E.
Sister, Servants of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Celebration of the Eucharist
Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Vigil
Sunday: 6:00 a.m., 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,
10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 4:00 p.m.
Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days of Obligation
As Announced
Saturday: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesdays: 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m.
and 6:30 p.m.
Parish Registration
Sunday, January 31, at 10 a.m.
Located in the Church, Saint John
Neumann Room.
This is a great opportunity to register as a
parishioner of Saint Joseph Parish.
Please come and meet our Pastor, School
Principal, Director of Religious Education
and our Parish Services Director.
Please call the parish office if you have
any further questions at 610-269-8294.
Anointing of the Sick
Saint Joseph Cemetery
Any sick or hospitalized parishioner who is
Our parish cemetery is a beautiful, quiet
in need of the Sacrament of the Sick should
spot located off Glenside Road in
contact the Parish Office.
Perpetual Adoration of the
We have many traditional burial plots
Blessed Sacrament
Holy Family Chapel in the Holy Family available and we recently set a
monument with 48 niches) to hold
cremains of loved ones.
Morning Prayer
Monday—Friday at 6:30 a.m. in Church.
If you are interested in purchasing a plot or
a niche for the future for yourself or your
The Holy Rosary:
loved ones, call the parish office at 610Recited before the 9:00 a.m. Mass daily.
Miraculous Medal Devotions:
Every Tuesday after the 9 a.m. Mass.
Novena to Saint Joseph:
Every Wednesday after the 9 a.m. Mass.
Litany to the Sacred Heart:
First Friday of the month after the 9 a.m.
First Saturday Devotions:
The First Saturday of each month at 8:30
“Like” us on Facebook and keep up with
all of the latest Saint Joseph Parish News!
You may also search on Facebook for
“St Joseph Parish Downingtown”
Update Your information!
Have you moved, been married recently,
changed your phone number or email
address, or made any other changes in your
Please call the parish office or email to update your records.
Thank you!
St. Joseph Parish
Available in the Parish Ofice.
Saint Joseph Church Mission Statement
Motivated by our belief in Jesus Christ and bound together by our Roman Catholic faith, we are a parish that
seeks to respond to the Gospel invitation by living as God's people. Baptized into Christ Jesus, confirmed by the
gift of the Holy Spirit, and nourished by the Eucharist, we are a community that gives glory to God and
proclaims His message of love and salvation.
Today’s Readings
Readings for the 4th Sunday of Advent can be found at #869 (C).
5:00 PM
Andrew Mento
6:00 AM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
4:00 PM
For Our Parishioners
Dec'd Members of the
Finore & LaSorsa Families
James & Josephine
Jean Quarequio
Mr. & Mrs. John Panichelli
John C. Meehan
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
Mary Viscusi
Rose Gallelli
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
Tom Woodward
Mario DiFrancesco
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
Julius Nagy Family
Orlando & Margaret
8:00 AM
Margaret & Pedro Navarro
Christmas Eve Masses
Thursday, December 24
4:00 PM, 6:00 PM
8:00 PM, 12:00 Midnight
Christmas Day
Friday, December 25
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM. 12:00 Noon
(no 6 AM or 4 PM)
8:00 AM
Maurice Lacroix
The Sanctuary Candle burns
in memory of Mary Starsinic.
The Chapel Sanctuary Candle burns
in memory of Santa Lucia..
5:00 PM
Tomasina Colella
6:00 AM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
4:00 PM
For Our Parishioners
Edward J. Cosden (1st Anv.)
Mary & Al Viscusi
Bella Callegari
Martena Polinsky
Leonard Francella
Congratulations to the following children baptized last weekend.
Parents of babies to be baptized are asked to please register for Pre-Jordan, a
baptism preparation program at Saint Joseph Parish, recommended by the
Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The next session is Jan. 9 (Saturday from 9:30
a.m. to 1 p.m.). Registration information can be found on our website or in
the brochures in the Saint Katharine Drexel Room. For more information,
contact Karen Dawson at 610-269-8294 or
Couples planning to marry are asked to meet with their parish priest as soon
as possible after their engagement and to enroll in a marriage-prep program
(Pre-Cana) at least six months prior to the wedding. Our spring Pre-Cana
weekend is April 15 & 16 (Friday evening and all day Saturday).
Registration forms can be found on the website, in the St. Katharine Drexel
Room or in the Parish Office. For more information, contact Karen Dawson
Please call the parish office (each month)
if you would like to add/remove someone’s name from these lists.
...those who are serving our country:
Sgt. Steve Anderson, Andrew Bowser, Scott Bradley, Specialist Andrew
Clauhs, Sarah Debarberie, Lt/Cpl. Shane Desiderio, Staff Sgt. Christopher
Deutsch, Staff Sgt. Ian Deutsch, 1st Lt. Joseph DiBerardinis, Jennifer Dunn,
2nd. Lt. Mark Edwards, Danny Fuller, Jeffrey Fuller, 1st Lt. Matthew Glisson,
Leslie Harkness, 1st Lt. Jonathan M. Harris, Brent Joshua Horrocks, LCPL.
Steven Houser, Jacob Hudson, Zachary Kish, Christopher J. Korpics, Mark T.
Korpics, Peter Kurtz, Andy Landmesser, Major Paul D. Lang. PFC. Sgt.
Christopher Madden, Krzysztof Malarz, Spc. Nicholas Massari, Pvt. Francis
Misantone, 2nd Lt. Ryan Misero, Lt. J.G. Brian Muka, Pvt. Ian DonoghueNeider, Sgt. Bradley Panichelli, Alex Rozon, Vincent E. Short, III, Jeremy
Solnosky, Ryan Strehl, Bryan Williams, Josh Woodward and Vincent Yarch.
those who are sick:
Bill Allan, Sylvia Anderson, Paul Barnhouse, Paula Barry, Tony Bello, Mina
Massimini Bender, Paula & Jack Berry, Patrick Bonani, Philomena Bruno,
Nathaniel Burt, Allison Carcella, Caroline Casenta, Judy DiFonzo Cazillo, Anita
Conant, John P. Conway, Timothy Conway, Baby Michael Corrigan, Ann
Cosgrove, Nancy Cowan, Jason Cozzone, John Cruice, Dominic D’Antonio,
Russell D. DeGrassa, Linton Dorfman, Evelyn Dulik, Tony Gene Eby, Lisa
Esworthy, Gladys Felice, William Ferracone, George Forczek, Mark Gottman,
John Guttman, Phoebe Guyer, Cathie Harper, Ann Hauster, Doreen Hindo, Nick
Inman, Patricia Kundert, David Kurtz, Greg Leinweber, Meg Lenghel, Robert
Mancuso, Cindy Martin, Joseph Massaini, Nicholas Massari, McBeth Family,
Frank McCole, Sr., David McFarland, Kathy McGroarty, Karen McManus, Pat
Melcher, Marena Marie Meyers, Tracy Murray, Mary Nagy, Sr. Mary O’Connor,
Jim & Mary Ann Paserba, Mimma Patrono, Eileen Piombino, Florence Popadick,
Carol Purvis, Msgr. Joseph Rauscher, Angela Reifsnyder, Lynn Reily, Sue
Rizzo, Deanna Roache, David W. Rothhaar, Doreen & Don Sadowski, Karen
Sambuco, Christopher Sauk, Ethan Joshua Schwartz. Debbie Scott, Margaret
Shannon, Melissa Shellenberger, Laura Shorter, Edward Smith, Sister Mary
Stanislaus, Cynthia Strawbridge, Nancy Suarez, Heather Sutton, Hillary Taub,
Agnes Timothy, Ray Wood, Sr. & Ronald Grant Zimmerman.
Please remember in your prayers all those who have died:
Thomas Guiltinan, Marie Priscoglio and Edward Kokoszka
Parish News
Neighboring Penance Service
SS. Philip & James - Monday, December 21, 7:00 p.m.
Twas the night before Christmas, and on went the search,
to find people scurrying, to set up the church!
Help decorate
St. Joseph for Christmas!
The Art & Environment committee invites you to join in
this festive time of year. If you would like to participate in
getting our parish ready for Christmas, here’s your chance!
We will be setting up the church decorations on
Wednesday, December 23 at 1 p.m. and we will be
taking down all the church decorations on Sunday, January
10, following the 4 p.m. mass.
We appreciate any and all volunteers. Many hands make
for light work.
2015 Christmas Schedule
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
12:00 Midnight
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 Noon
(no 6 AM or 4 PM)
Mary, Mother of God
A Holy Day of Obligation
Thursday, December 31
5:00 PM Vigil
Friday, January 1, 2016
8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon
Merry Christmas
The Saint Joseph Staff would like to wish all of our Saint
Joseph parishioners a blessed and safe Christmas and a
Happy New Year to you and your families!
Special Parish Office Hours
Thursday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
8 a.m. to 12 noon
Friday, December 25 - Christmas Day
Saturday, December 26 - Day after Christmas
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday, December 31 - New Years Eve
8 a.m. to 12 noon
Friday, January 1 - New Years Day
Letter from
Archbishop Chaput
Year of Mercy
Below is a letter from Archbishop Chaput to our bishops,
priests, and clergy about the Jubilee Year of Mercy that
opened on December 8. I share the letter with you as an
explanation of the archdiocesan observance of this holy
year. Please see brochures in the narthex of church with
details of each of the expressions described below.
Msgr. McLoone
Dear Bishops, Priest and Deacons,
I present to you in more detail our archdiocesan observance
of the Y ear of Mercy which has five expressions: Enter into
Mercy-passage through one of the Holy Doors of Mercy
throughout the Archdiocese; Encounter Mercy-an emphasis
on the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance and the
Eucharist; Contemplate Mercy-adoration of the Most
Blessed Sacrament with the possibility of participation in
specified Holy Hours of Mercy; Discover the Truth about
Mercy-an invitation to learn more about Divine Mercy; and
finally, Live Mercy-new opportunities to carry out the
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
I encourage every parish and institution in the Archdiocese
to incorporate these five expressions into the life and works
of your parish communities in ways you consider most
effective throughout the course of the Jubilee Year.
A particular focus of the Jubilee Year is the call to
conversion, to reach out to those most in need of God’s
mercy and the frequent opportunities for the celebration of
the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
Let us pray that the Lord, whose mercy endures forever,
will bless all of us in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia with a
renewed awareness of the merciful love of our Father. May
this awareness prompt many to give themselves fully to the
Gospel and its way of living the Christian life.
May the Lord give you peace,
Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Parish News
Mark Your Calendar!
Unpack your winter clothes and walking boots!
43rd Annual March for Life
in Washington, D.C. on January 22. More details to follow.
Christ’s Healing Hands:
A Substance Abuse Ministry
Empowering individuals & families, who are suffering from
substance abuse, to recover through Christ’s compassion,
hope and healing.
Finding Christ, Catholic Spiritualty and the 12 steps
Third Sunday of Every Month at 7 p.m. in the chapel.
Join us January 17.
Prayer Service
First Sunday of Every Month at 7 p.m. in the chapel.
Join us February 7.
Both sessions are open to all: Individuals, family supporters
& anyone dealing with substance abuse & its effects. Pick
up a brochure for full details in the St. Katharine Drexel
Room. Call Confidential at 1-484-228-1233.
Sweepstakes Winner!
Delores Rosati
Changes for the
2016 Lottery Calendar!
St. Joseph Lottery Calendar Sweepstakes will start on
March 1, 2016. The calendar will still run for one year
starting March 1, 2016 and end on February 28, 2017.
Christmas and Easter prizes will now be worth $1000 each!
We have added additional prize amounts for more holidays.
Please watch up-coming bulletins for more information and
when the calendars will be on sale in the Parish Office!
Family Potluck Dinner
& Prayer
The Family Potluck Dinner and Prayer night will not meet
in January. The next evening will take place on Saturday,
February 6.
Manna Orders
The last day to order Manna before Christmas will be Monday, December 21. It will be ready by Thursday, December 24.
Please note the office is open until 12 noon.
Collection Total
Sunday, December 13
As we draw close to the Feast of the Nativity, we hear the
great stewardship proclamation twice in today’s second
reading from the Letter to the Hebrews: “Behold, I come to
do your will, O God!”
Who is this Jesus? Who are we that we should follow him?
Many want him as a friend, a guide, a king, an advocate.
Jesus reveals the nature of God, the servant sent to give us
new life in God’s house.
Take time to ponder these questions: Do we have the
courage to follow Jesus? Do we reflect God’s nature in our
daily life? Are we able to say with confidence: “Behold, I
come to do your will?”
Ordinary Income:
$24,217.00 (656 envelopes)
Loose Cash:
Weekly EFT:
$5,826.75 (206 participants)
Weekly Credit Card:
$170.00 (8 participants)
Collection Total:
Poor Box Collection
Sunday, December 13
Poor Box: $373
Total to Date: $657.00
The Poor Box for December
is for The Lord’s Pantry.
2nd Collection
December Mercy
Hospice Schedule
Retirement Fund
for the Religious
Group 3 - Old Fashion Beef Stew
Group 4 - Mexican Chicken
Please call Gail for more info at 610-269-9574.
Helping Other People Everyday
Rides require 48 hours notice.
HOPE provides rides to doctors’ appointments, the grocery
store, the pharmacy, and other necessary errands.
For the week of 12/21,
please contact Leslie Curtis at 610-518-5403 or
Nancy Coccetti at 610-269-3036.
To volunteer to drive, please contact Helen Lyons at
610-873-8041 or
Thank you for your generosity!
Electronic Giving Options
If you need a convenient way to make your contribution,
we encourage you to check out our new electronic giving
To set up a one-time donation, visit us online at http:// and locate the Online Giving button
which can be found under the RESOURCES tab “Give to
St. Joseph Parish.”
Thank you for your generosity and support!
Volunteer with Project Linus
Involves knitting or crocheting blankets/quilts for critically
ill children and distributing them to hospitals in our area.
Want to help? Donate a blanket to your local Project Linus.
Blankets must be new, handmade and washable. Call
Shirley Miller at 610-269-4702.
Please do not bring the blankets to the parish office or
Children’s Envelopes
Envelopes for our young stewards can be found in the Saint
Katharine Drexel Room in Church and at the Parish Office.
These envelopes are a great way to teach our young
parishioners the meaning of Stewardship.
Parish Groups
Youth Ministry News
Merry Christmas from
St. Joseph Youth Ministry
Charismatic Prayer
Charismatic prayer group meets on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
Please join us in the chapel as we deepen our prayer life,
deepen our relationship with the Lord, and worship as a
community. For info, please call Joe McCahon at 610-7163084.
Prime Timers
Join us for our
Annual New York City Catholic Underground
January 16, 2016
This is a social group for those over fifty years of age, all
are welcome. The January 6 meeting is a "Fun Bingo";
there is no cost to come. If it snows that day, this will be
held in February. Reminder: If St. Joseph School is closed
due to snow, Prime Timers is also cancelled; the telephone
chain is used for any other emergency closing.
March for Life - Friday, January 22
Join us as we Serve the Homeless on Valentine's Day Sunday, February 14th, at Chosen 300 in Pottstown PA –
Calling ALL Cooks!
For more info about these and other upcoming youth events
or to be added to our email list please contact Ken Chrusch
at or 610-269-8294
The next King’s Men Meeting will take place
Thursday, January 7 at 8 p.m. in the
Parish Meeting Center.
The King’s Men (18 & over) enjoy authentic fellowship,
engage in learning and lively spiritual discussion and are
challenged to live a more integrated and full Christian life!
Contact Bill Reagan at
Youth Ministry-sponsored gatherings/events for 7th & 8th
graders as well as high school students are open to all youth
regardless of school – there is no membership fee or
registration. All youth are invited!
Knights of Columbus
Free Throw Competition
St. Joseph Mom’s Group
All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 as of January 1, 2016 are
invited to participate in the council level competition
representing St. Joseph’s Rev. William J. Fenerty Council
#7208 for the 2016 Knights of Columbus Free Throw
St. Joe’s Moms Group meets each Tuesday after 9:00 a.m.
Mass from 10 to 11:30 in the Parish Meeting Center behind
the school.
It’s a great opportunity to worship and then get together
with other moms for a little bit of socializing while the kids
Please feel welcome to email Victoria Bako today to find
out more at
The local competition will be held on Sunday, January 10
with registration at the event from 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
at the St. Joseph School Gym. This competition will follow
the Winter C.Y.O. 9:00 a.m. Mass.
The K of C competition is sponsored annually with winners
progressing through local, district, regional, and state
competitions. All boys and girls will compete in their
respective gender/age divisions. Participants are required to
have parental consent on the registration forms and may be
asked for proof of age at the district level or later
competitions. All contestants are recognized for their
participation. For more information, contact Jack Ousey at
Christmas Decorations are in Memory of:
Baby James Alberici ~ Thomas and Santina Alberici ~ Frances Alesiani
Maria Femia Alessio ~ Paul Alessio ~ Susan Allison ~ Joseph Amato ~ Martha Amato ~ Michael Anderson
James and Josephine Anderson ~ Baby Angela ~ Glorianne Angiulo ~ Amalia Angiulo
Deceased Members of the Antonelli Family ~ Asko Family ~ William Augustine, Sr. ~ Matilda and Earl Baker
Deceased Members of the Baker and Threlfall Families~ Linda Beaver ~ Betty Benfield ~ Mary Biagi
Paul Biagi ~ George Bird ~ Helen and Maurice Bird ~ Christopher Blundi ~ Albert Bogutz
Peter and Carrie Bonaduce ~ Lucy Bostic ~ Virginia Botelho ~ Clayton Bowe ~ Charles Bromell, III
Brouse and Creman Families ~ Wanda Brown ~ Page Brown ~ Catherine T. Burke
Lois Cahaley ~ Anthony D. Capriotti ~ Pat and Julia Cardelli
Gunard B. Carlson ~ Gunard O. Carlson ~ Margaret B. Carlson
Castaldi Family ~ Katie Castaldi ~ Frank G. Celii ~ Bill Chiodo ~ Matthew Ciarlone ~ Richard Ciarlone
Bernice and Jules Ciesielka ~ Antoinette Colagreco ~ Deceased Members of the Colella Family
Jane Collins ~ Rose Marie Conlin ~ Gertrude and Banner Conner
Richard and Frances Cosgrove ~ Charles and Marion Courtney ~ Andrew J. and Lucy Q. Cozzone
Andrew A. Cozzone ~ Deceased Members of the Cozzone and Quinci Families ~ Robert Cunnion
Deceased Members of the Cutolo Family ~ D'Addezio Family ~ Grace (Fiducia) D' Agostino
Maria Pia D'Anzi ~ Deceased Members of the DeFazio Family ~ Jamie DePompeo
DiBerardini and DiMarco Families ~ Steven and Vincent DiBerardinis ~ William E. Dickson
Pauline P. Dickson ~ William DiDomenico ~ Mario DiFrancesco
Carmen DiGiandomenico ~ Rose DiGiandomenico ~ Jim and Julia DiMartin
Deceased Members of DiMartin, Maskalick and Menna Families ~ DiPrinzio Family ~ Rosetta Dooner
Jack Doyle ~ Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Doyle, Sr. ~ Peit and Melba Duca ~ Joseph M. Dunn
Thomas J. Dunn, Sr. ~ Elizabeth Ebinger ~ Adam C. Erdman ~ Patrick Fabrizio ~ Rose and Albert Feliciani
Mr. and Mrs. David Fenimore ~ Connie Urbine Ferguson ~ Mary Fleck ~Formica Family
Theresa and Gene Forte ~ Davis Frantz ~ Dora and Nick Frederick ~ Nancy Talucci Fults
William J. Gallagher ~ Jim Gallagher ~ Deceased Members of the Gallagher and Young Families
Eileen Gallagher Delphais ~ Alice and Canoe Gazzerro ~ Rose and Frank Gazzerro ~ CJ Gazzerro, Jr.
Anthony George ~ William George ~ Mary Geschwindt ~ Irving Geschwindt ~ Ginelly Family
Julian and Josie Girafalco ~ Baby Roman C. Girafalco ~ Philip A. Girafalco, Jr.
Philip A. Girafalco, Sr. ~ Herman Gloskey ~ Ann M. Gloskey ~ Richard Gloskey ~ Nancy Golden
Michael Golden ~ Beth Golden Creedon ~ Donn E. Grady ~ Orlando and Margaret Graveno
Everett and Betty Groff ~ Mary and James Groome ~ Dom and Jerry Guerrieri ~ Carol and Ed Halbert
June and Charles R. Hanley ~ Herbert Hartmann ~ Florence Heim ~ Charlie Heim
Sister Mary Herculane ~ Vaneita C. Hesser ~ Michael A. Hesser ~ Deceased Members of the Higgs Family
Thomas E. Hill, Sr. ~ Larry and Mena Hoopes ~ Natale Anthony Isabella ~ Natale Isabella
Joseph Ivanowicz ~ Edward Jerskie ~ Samuel and Nora Jessee
Mrs. Dolores M. Johnson ~ Marie Fagan Jones ~ Harlan Kapaun ~ Sadie Keane ~ Keane Family
Catharine Kelly ~ Marion and Herb Kimball ~ Jeanmarie Kish ~ Shirley Jessee Klunk
Catherine and Harry Komar ~ Phyllis Kreamer ~ Robert Kreamer
Christmas Decorations are in Memory of:
Anna M. Laezza ~ Ernest and Carmela Lanzillotti ~ Robert A. Laurine
Sister Marie Edwardine Leonard, IHM ~ Dolores J. Louden ~ Richard J. Loughead ~ Dominic Luminello
Mary Luminello ~ Domenico Magnoli ~ Manetta and Pace Families ~ Alfonso Mango
Angelina (Trinca) Mango ~ Frank Mango ~ Mary Deborah Mango ~ Mary (Fuducia) Mango
Charles Manning ~ Catherine Manning ~ Filomena Marcocci ~ Frank Marcocci, Sr.
David Marks ~ Martinelli Family ~ Sandra Martinez ~ Eugene Martini ~ Rita Mascaro
Florence Mascherino ~ Louis Mascherino ~ Emma and Dominick (Daddy) Mascherino
Reverend Alphonse Mascherino ~ Mauro Massimini ~ John F. McAndrew ~ McCarraher Family
Dr. D. E. McConnell ~ McCormack Family~ McCue Family ~ The McDaniel Family
Deceased Members of the McDonald Family ~ Michael L. McGovern ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen McGovern, Sr.
Hugh and Catherine McInerney ~ Bridget T. McLoone ~ McReynolds Family ~ James McVeigh
Donald McVeigh ~ Edward Melcher ~ Donato and Fannie Menna ~ Matthew Menna ~ Robert Menna
Lucy Menna ~ Andrew Mento ~ Samuel and Barbara Mento ~ Andrea R. Mento ~ Michael J. Mento
Michael Mento ~ Michael Mento ~ Agata and John Mento ~ Peter J. Mento ~ Mary R. and James F. Mento, Sr.
Laura Meikle ~ Margret Milano ~ Charles Miller ~ Eleanor and Louis Mittendorf ~ Donna Urbine Moore
Madison O'Neill Morris John and Antionette Morris ~ Mr. and Mrs. James Mullin ~ Luigi and Carmella Muzii
Deceased Members of the Muzzi Family ~ Julis Nagy Family ~ Lucia Napoleone ~ Lois Neuhauser
Evelyn Nickel ~ Margaret Noll ~ William Noll ~ Benito Awrora Pabalan ~ William Pacinelli
John Padden ~ Frank and Louise Parks ~ Angelo Patania ~ Sebastiana Lena (Giograsso) Patania
Charles M. Padano, Jr. ~ Charles and Anna Pedano, Sr. ~ Perella Family ~ Edward F. Perley
Deceased Members of the Perley-Milano Family ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pickwick ~ Felipe and Juana Ponce
Carl C. Popadick ~ Margaret M. Popadick ~ Michael Prostock ~ Mary Prostock ~ Baby Christopher Quinn
Teresa Quinn ~ Rahn Family ~ Jane Rambo ~ Linda Rose Rambo ~ Thomas J. Redick
Willam K. Reed ~ Nancy Regan ~ Reid Family ~ Agnes Richards ~ Joseph Ryan Roch
Henry and Jody Rogiewicz ~ Paul Ross ~ Marie Renee Sanchez ~ Leon Consorcia Sanchez
Baby Joseph Schiavo ~ Alphonso and Theresa Schiavo ~ Alphonso Schiavo, Jr. ~ Anthony Scotese
Charles Scott ~ Betty and Anthony Serafino ~ Elizabeth and Dominick Serafino ~ Anthony Serratore
Rose Serratore ~ Tomas Serrut ~ Verna Shirley ~ Peter and Mary Short ~ Patti A. Smith ~ Walter E. Smith
Deceased Members of the Stachski-Montonario Family ~ Staley Family ~ Sylvia C. Steele
Lucy Stefanelli ~ Angelo Stefanelli ~ Grace & Jim Sullivan ~ Swisher-Neuhauser Grandparents
Wasyl and Anna Szylo ~ Theresa and Domenic Talucci ~ Samuel Talucci ~ Samuel and HelenTalucci
Pasquale (Sam) Tavernese ~ Rose (Mango) Tavernese ~ Steven Victor Toto
Deceased Members of the Travaglini Family ~ Deceased Members of the Trolio and Woodruff Families
Kevin Turner ~ Josie & Charlie Twardowski ~ Padre Pablo Ugarte Johnston
Ray and Tess Urbine ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gustino Valerio ~ Viscichini Family
Mary and Al Viscusi ~ Barbara J. Walsh ~ Robert Williams ~ Marie Wisk
William Woodruff ~ Edward L. Woods, Sr. ~ Doris Mae Woods ~ Thomas Woodward
Sister Agape Maglalena Wubble ~ Mildred and Edward Young ~ Anna Mary Young