June, 2015 (10 pages, 3.7Mb)


June, 2015 (10 pages, 3.7Mb)
…a little dinghy
Gold Country Yacht Club monthly Newsletter
June 2015
From the Commodore
Volume 37, Issue 6
Regular Columns:
• From the
• Minutes
• Club Notices
• Classifieds
The 34th annual Go for the Gold Regatta is finished, I'd like to thank all of the members
that helped out and made it such a huge success. Phil Easley our Vice Commodore
worked very hard at organizing it all. Susie and her crew did a fabulous job putting on
the dinner, making sure all of us got fed along with Jerry Cirino's great lunch on Sunday. I have gotten nothing but compliments and "I'll be back for sure next year" from
our guests, which is what it's all about.
I'd also like to have a special mention and tip of the hat to our race chair, Jerry
Lewis. Year after year Jerry quietly sets up his PA system so announcements can be
made, sets up the barge so it can function as a committee boat, goes out and places
the marks so that they are square to the starting line, and then sets up the computer to
score all the races. I hope our members realize how valuable he is to our club!
Whether you race or not, his efforts to make sure our regattas go smoothly and are
properly scored helps as much as the dinners and dancing does to bring back competitors year after year, maybe even more so. His efforts affect directly how much income
the club gets to spend on youth sailing and our parties as well. Please join me in saying thank you Jerry, you are the unsung hero of our regattas both past and present.
So now on to the next one! The High Sierra Regatta on our calendar is canceled again
this year due to a lack of water in Huntington Lake, so we are going to put on HSAR 2,
which is the High Sierra Alternative Regatta #2 again this year. We had a good turn out
last year and many of our GFTG participants expressed interest in coming back.
Please keep the weekend of July 11 and 12 open, I'm sure we are going to need some
help. Jerry, our race chair has asked if club members could put on a continental breakfast both Saturday and Sunday morning as well as a hotdog lunch on Sunday. If we
had some help with launching and registration, that would be nice too. If you are interested in either racing or helping out, please contact either Jerry, Teresa or myself and
let us know what you would like to do. Again, this is a fund raiser for the club to help
with youth sailing and our club functions, so please participate!
• GFTG Regatta
Call for more info: 916-774-6610
• Dudley’s Thanks 7
I have been asking around the other yacht clubs in Northern CA if there might be a
youth sailing instructor that might be interested in teaching our Youth Sailing class that
had to be canceled due to no instructor. We have found an instructor who will come
teach from the July 21st to the 25th!
Fair winds,
Howard Hendrich
Commodore, GCYC
s/v’s Bella Donna & Alice
O’Day 23 & Catalina 30
March 2013
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At Our Helm
Gold Country Yacht Club General Meeting May 2015
Howard Hendrich
Vice Commodore
Phillip Easley
Debbie Mack
Stephanie Perry
Call to Order: 7:00 PM
Officers’ Reports: May 27, 2015
Commodore: Howard Hendrich led the discussion regarding the assignments for the
upcoming Regatta.
Vice Commodore: Philip Easley reported that everything is ready to go for the Regatta. He discussed the need for some power boats to assist with launching of sailboats.
Port Captain: Bryant Cockcroft announced he would be assisting with mussel
Hugh’s Head Count: 34 members
Meeting Adjourned: 7:30 PM
Cruise Chairman
Seth Schmerzler
Teresa Gaman
Port Captain
Bryant Cockcroft
Friendship Club
Special Announcement
Regretfully, due to anticipated low water levels at Scotts Flat Lake this year, GCYC
will not be hosting our annual outing with the girls of the Friendship Club.
The lake level is currently 31 feet below the spillway, dropping at about 1 foot per
week. For the regatta it may be necessary to have powerboats assist in launch
and recovery operations of some keelboats. This is not practical for hosting the
Race Chairman
Jerry Lewis
Newsletter Editor
Rick Paulson
Sailing Education
Hugh Talman
Youth Sailing Classes
We have an instructor who will come teach our July Youth Sailing class from the
July 21st to the 25th. Any and all youths that would be interested, please contact
Hugh Talman: hugh.nicki@gmail.com or call 530-272-2344.
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…a little dinghy
Go for the Gold Regatta Report
Club Notices
Suggestion Box
You can anonymously make recommendations to our board of directors with a mind to make this
an even better yacht club!
The 34th “Go for the Gold” regatta was held on June 6-7, 2015 with 48 boats in 8
classes: Thistle, Laser, Banshee, Byte, Day Sailer (Regional Championship), Catalina
22, Open Centerboard and Open Keel.
Saturday’s wind started late (after the normal noon) but was great when it filled in going from 3-5mph, to 5-8, then 10-12 and back down to 5-8 for each of the four races.
Sunday was much lighter with only two races for 6 classes while two classes did manage to complete three races.
Temperatures were in the 80s on Saturday with lots of clouds, while Sunday
was clear as it warmed to 90 for the
first time this year.
Like prior years, we heard some very
positive feedback from most of the racers regarding the registration/packets/sailing instructions, the courses selected, the wind and weather (which we
have no control over) and the actual
races and awards presentations. I’d like
to pass along my thanks to all those
that helped on the Race Committee
that included Howard, Donna, Rick,
and Jeremy and also thanks to Bryant
for setting up the borrowed pontoon
boat. And thanks also to Teresa for the
great pictures of everyone getting
awards and to Jeremy, Doug and Dale
for the trophy construction.
Commodore Howard
GCYC Race Chair
s/v Kudzu
Capri 22
Free Sailing Magazines
Latitude 38 and 48 North magazines can be picked up anytime
at 148 Richardson Street in
Grass Valley. They are in the
driveway in the BLUE MAILBOX. Usually we get them between the 2nd and 4th of the
month. They are also available
at the general meeting.
Club Meetings
The last meeting was held
Wednesday May the 27th. The
next General meeting will be
held Wednesday, July 8th at
Scotts Flat Lake; dine from
6pm, Commodore’s bell at 7pm
to start the meeting.
A Crowded Rounding
It was a great regatta. Let’s do another one this summer: July 11-12
for the High Sierra Alternate regatta
for dinghies (coincidental with our
next club race on Saturday, July 11).
Hope to see more of our club boats
out racing. I must admit I was somewhat disappointed that of the 48
boats racing in the Gold Country regatta – ONLY TWO – were skippered by club members.
Thanks again to all that helped make this a nearly flawless regatta that will keep the
racers coming back year after year.
Jerry M. Lewis
It can be found at www.gcyc.net
or with this link:
(The club meets the 2nd
Wednesday of every month but
December, and two Wednesdays before the Gold Country
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More Go for the Gold Regatta
The Byte Kids were delightful! Hope they come back next year.
Downwind Thistle Saturday
Windmill Start
Downwind Thistle Sunday
Windmill Finish
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Laser Start
Day Sailer Kites
Kukana Luka
Thistle Start
Random Kites
Dennis and Joe
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Kites Rounding
Two way traffic
Ultimate 20 Finishing
Catalina 22 Start
Thistles Hiking
A Happy Sailor
See all of the photos posted at http://gcyc.net/gcyc-gftg2015.html.
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…a little dinghy
by Dudley
Every year it amazes me how so many club members
come together to organize and run the Go for the Gold
Regatta, and judging by the faces of the participants, this
year was another success. The members came out in
force, each providing something to make the regatta go
smoothly. Some of our newest members helped. Some
of our long-time members helped. Everyone helped.
They publicized, they solicited, they planned, they organized, they scored, they cooked, they raffled, they
danced, and they cleaned. There were too many to thank
each one, so I've gathered a pictorial sampling of some of
the many who made GFTG 2015 a well-run event (and
one of me).
Good Job Club Members
Kia Orana, Catalina 36
Blown Away, Capri 18
The Trish and the Dudley
Commodore Howard Opening Awards
Trish and Teresa…always planning
Debbie Mack, Secretariating
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Bismark and Teresa just givin’ stuff away
Bill, le’chef du jour (nice job Bill!)
Two leading stalwarts of the club, our own, Doug and Jerry!
Cruise Chair Seth and experienced cruiser Melinda,
opening the bar
Marilynn and Master Easley on safety boat duty
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While it might seem like score keeping is a laid back
job, you should try recording the times of 5 boats
finishing within 5 seconds…Well done, Donna!
Suzie, the master planner and her apprentice…
…..and a good time was had by all….
Volunteers for the High Sierra Alternate Regatta
For the second year GCYC will be hosting an alternate regatta to the well-known High Sierra Regatta due to low water
levels at Huntington Lake. Volunteers are needed to help out. Of particular need is for preparation/serving of continental breakfasts Saturday and Sunday, and lunch on Sunday before the awards. We’re also looking for small tractors or
electric carts to help pull dinghies up to the parking lot. If you’d like to pitch in, please contact me at commodore@gcyc.net or at 272-6969.
Thanks! (Howard the Commodore)
Flying Junior Sailboat for Sale – Contact Port Captain Bryant Cockroft for
more information:
530-265-5196 or email cockcroft@hughes.net
Asking $600
13.25’ molded plywood and fiberglass club racer, centerboard dinghy, fractional sloop, in fair/good condition
with nearly new Pineapple sails.
No trailer
Oday 23 for sail and for sale!
We got a new one, so this one must go...... Bella Donna comes with an easy roller trailer with a new axle and surge brakes,
new lights this year too. Boat has had a lot of work done on it in the past few years: Bottom painted 2 years ago with anti-fouling, most of the standing rigging replaced, along with the hatch runners. Comes with Simrad GPS/chart plotter/depth finder,
compass, VHF radio, solar charging panel and 2.5 horse Honda motor. 5 bags of sails (2 mains, 2 - 110 jibs and one North
150 Genoa, all well used but serviceable) Great family boat! 2K lead keel keeps it upright when the wind really kicks up.
Sleeps 5, 3 in the main salon, 2 in the Vberth.Contact Howard or Donna Hendrich for more information and a test sail if you're
really interested. (530-272-6969)
Gold Country Yacht
PO Box 813
Grass Valley, CA 95945
On the Web
See us at:
I have a 1987 Macgregor 26 D for sale $4500.00
Will consider trades, full or partial. Tom Grimaldi 209-617-2115