February - Fairhope Yacht Club


February - Fairhope Yacht Club
Volume 48, Number 2, February 2015
From the Commodore
Well, here we are in February. As usual,
it’s probably going to be a chilly month
and only the hardiest mariners will venture
out on the water. You can bet our junior,
high school sailing team and Sunday fun
racer will be among them. We can all be
thankful we live in an area where we do
not have to land lock our boats for several
months to survive the winter.
We had lots of activity around the club
this month with our Fireside Social, the
performance and dance with the Rock
Bottom Band and the return of
Wednesday Bingo. These will just be the
beginning of many fun evenings at our
club this year.
Our biggest event was the Chili Bowl
Regatta and the Chilli Cook-Off hosted by
out FYC Auxiliary. It’s hard to believe this
is the third year for this racing series and
culinary competition. Our ballroom was
transformed into a Mexican cantina complete with a mariachi band and lots of great
chili. Congratulations to Mike Connell,
Roger Stone and Beverly Bradley for taking
1st, 2nd & 3rd as the judges choices and
Harvey Cunningham as the People‘s
Choice winner. Thanks to everyone who
organized, sailed, judged and cooked to
make this annual event a wonderful success.
As I write this month’s column, our
dredging is finally coming to completion.
This has been a longer task than we anticipated but it will vastly improve our harbor.
I will have a full report next month but for
now, thank you to everyone that worked so
hard to complete this project.
Looking forward, we have our annual
Valentine’s dinner and dance, on February
14. Chef Rob and his staff are preparing a
wonderful selection of special offerings
and 2 musical styles to complement your
evening. Check the calendar for the latest
special event Chef Rob has planned for
your dining pleasure.
Gary Garner
Latitude: 30°32’29”N Longitude: 87°54’14”W
The Auxiliary scores again!
Racing and Chili really go together!
Harvey Cunningham won the People’s
Choice at the 3rd Annual Chili CookOff.
The FYC Auxiliary brought their 3rd
Annual Chili Regatta and Cook-Off to a
roaring close on Sunday, Jan 25. Racing
the 3 Sunday races brought out the boldest of our Winter sailors. The winners in
Spinnaker Class, First Place went to Eye
of the Tiger and 2nd to Cherry Baby.
Non-Spinnaker class had the new Hirsh
boat, Ogopogo taking first and Damn
Yankee close behind for 2nd.
Back at the Clubhouse, the Ballroom
was transformed into Rita’s Cantina with
Mexican decorations, Sue tending a bar
and 17 cooks offering their Chili for tasting. The band, looking slightly familiar
behind mustaches and serapes, played
restaurant-quality Mariachi-style tunes.
The Auxiliary had several fund raising
offers that seemed to all be won by a frequent raffle winner, Dell Brown. The
Piñata was also won by Dell but it took a
strong man, John Pisarkiewitz, to break
the Donkey. A total of 142 tasting
spoons were bought and the tasters voted
on the People’s Choice, won again by
Harvey Cunningham. A jury of local
chefs judged the
entrees awarding
1st to Mike
Connell, 2nd to
Roger Stone and
a very close 3rd
to Beverly
The proceeds
from this and a
few other events
will be used to
buy curtains or
screens for wind
protection below the clubhouse making
it more available for events in less than
clement weather.
Las Quatra Amigas pulled off a great
event matching sailing and cooking
for an afternoon of great fun
What’s inside this issue
The Next Mystery Dinner Theatre
GYA Winter meeting Report
Junior Activities
Meet the Staff
Standing Committee Reports
Fleet Surgeon’s Report
Cruising Report
Dauphin Island Race Update
In keeping with the idea that new brooms sweep cleaner, we’ve updated the look of the Mainsheet and
the way we present the information you need to know in order to make your membership more meaningful and make you more a part of the events that shape our club. Let us know if you love the new look
or if we still keep trying to make a Mainsheet you like.
The Mainsheet is published monthly
by the Fairhope Yacht Club, a member of the Gulf Yachting Association
and United States Sailing
Association. Circulation includes all
Fairhope Yacht Club members and
GYA affiliated clubs. The Mainsheet,
Fairhope Yacht Club, P.O. Box 1327,
Fairhope, AL 36533, or e-mail to
by the 20th of the month prior to
Commodore Gary Garner
Vice Commodore John Hirsh
Rear Commodore Randy FitzWainwright
Fleet Captain Ray French
Fleet Surgeon Dr. Margaret
Secretary Joe McIntosh
Glen Cunninngham
Mark Elliot
Tommy Fuller
Sabe Fink
Joe Comer IV
Scott Douglas
Kevin northrop
Treasurer Brian Snider
Memorial Pat Colvin
Entertainment Gwen Ledger
Building/Grounds Harvey
Food & Bev Chair John nelson
Insurance/Marine Safety David Barr
Associates PC Barbara Brown
Sarah Johnston-Cox
Membership Yvonne Hoover
Offshore Randy Fitz-Wainwright
Cruising Tere Mills
Adult Sailing John Helmstadter
Race & Regatta Randy FitzWainwright
Junior Commodore Forrest Pearson
Juniors Advisors Elizabeth & Kelly
Historians PC Barbara Brown
Sarah Johnston-Cox
Guardian John Adams
GYA Coordinator Randy FitzWainwright
Mainsheet Editor nancy Fitzpatrick
Mainsheet Photo Jacque McCants
Long Range Planning
FYC Auxiliary C.Y. Fitzpatrick
Office: Mon-Fri 8:00am-12:00, 1:30-4:30pm
Phone: 251-928-3276 Fax: 251-990-8602
Email: office@fairhopeyachtclub.com
Club Office: 101 Volanta, Fairhope AL 36532
Mailing Address: Box 1327, Fairhope AL 36533
Web address: www.fairhopeyachtclub.com
From the Rear Commodore
The GYA Winter Meeting Report
so we could be in the Ballroom. We
will try to have another before
Dogwood but no date is set.
The Wet & Cool is coming up the
weekend of March 7-8, which is our
Junior regatta and this year we have
added a High School aspect to the
event. There will be four or five course
so we will need a lot of help; if you are
interested please contact me and I'll
put you to work.
The Dauphin Island Race will be
here before we know it and we will
need a lot of help on and off the water.
We have our usual suspects we will be
contacting to help but I hope that if
you are new to the club or have wanted to get involved but didn't know
how, that you will reach out and volunteer. If you contact me or any committee member we will help you find a
place. As I said there is a lot to do.
From helping with the skippers meeting and party Friday night, to the race
on Saturday, helping out on the Island
On the 24th we held a Race
on Saturday and Sunday morning, to
Management Seminar and I want to
thank PC Cathy Cromartie for help- the Return race on Sunday there is a
ing with putting the clinic on, and to spot for everyone who is interested in
all those who came and joined us. The working.
Randy Fitz-Wainwright
weather was chilly so we did a pared
Rear Commodore
down version of Cathy's usual format
We had the GYA winter meeting at
BYC last month; the main topic of
conversation was the New Boat selection. After years of debate the selection committee reduced the choice
down to two boats, the Viper and the
VXOne. Both manufactures had an
opportunity to make presentations at
the Board meeting on Sunday and the
Board will make their choice at
Opening Regatta.
Randy Fitz-Wainwright
GYA Coordinator
Dinner Mystery Theatre
A Mardi Gras theme with humor and death!
the very rich next door neighbor is
found dead in the garden. There are
many interesting characters who add
to the plot. Pinesola, a Mexican maid,
wants to bring all 16 of her bambinos
to America. Cayenna Pepper, a Cajun
chef, works for Mr Dumas and can't
get out of the 13 year contract, even
Julia and Matt Royale are having a
though she wants to be a famous TV
Mardi Gras party at their home. Matt chef. Tiffany is Mr Dumas's new Vegas
is making his New Years resolutions,
Trash wife. Buttram is the shady Butler
even though it’s Mardi Gras because
who is working for himself, more than
his friend lost his wife in a terrible
for the Royals. Gator is a gator
curling iron accident and is having a
hunter/lawyer, a party boy who is too
great time traveling, golfing and dat- poor to marry spoiled princess Alexis,
ing. Matt has decided that his resolu- Mr Dumas's daughter, but intends to,
tion is to kill Julia. After he informs
what ever it costs.
her that she will be dead by next year,
Do you dare miss this? March 7,
they greet their guests downstairs at
Dinner and an evening of fun, intrigue
the party. Soon, however, Mr Dumas, and murder awaits you!
Junior Commodore’s Report
Forrest Pearson
Hello, my name is Forrest Pearson. I am
honored to have been chosen to be the
Junior Commodore for the up coming
year. Plenty of exciting things are going on
with the junior program this spring. So far
there are four regattas planned for the
Fairhope High School sailing team. FYC
will be hosting the Wet n’ Cool High
School Regatta on March 7th & 8th.
Come out and support your junior sailors!
On January 31, we had our third annual
Commodore’s Ball. Doors opened at 6pm and the festivities
ended at 10pm.
Lastly, we had several juniors who sailed in the Chili Bowl
Regatta. Participants were Camille and Pete McGriff who
sailed on My Time, and Liam Bishop on Nepenthe. Pete also
sailed on Patriot.
Until next month, Sail Fast!
Junior Event Calendar
Junior Yacht Club meeting
1st Wed 6:30 pm in the Boat Barn
North U Youth Match Racing Clinic
April 17/19, SYC
Mardi Gras Regattas PYC Feb 21
& NOYC Feb 14/15
North Shore HS Feb 28-Mar 1, PontYC
Wet and Cool, Mar 7/8, FYC
Alfonso Sutter-Laser D14 Chmps,
Mar 14/15, GYC
USODA Gulf Coast Champs,
Mar 21/22, BWYC
MS HS Team Race Champs, Mar 21/22
Dogwood, Mar 28/29, FYC
The Junior Commodore’s Ball was celebrated in style!
The Juniors kicked off their year with
the 3rd Annual Junior Commodore's
Ball. Over 80 members and guests
attended and celebrated their past season with awards, dinner and lots of
dancing (and glowing!). Thanks to all
the parents who helped put the party
together and all the Commodores and
members of the bridge past and present who attended the awards to celebrate our achievements!
Below, our Lipton Team was recognized again!
Above, a fun evening in a very elegant way
Our Juniors have been making friends across the
GYA and some friends from Bay Waveland
came to help us celebrate. Pictured from left to
right: Mallory Edwards(BWYC), Pete McGriff,
James Edwards(BWYC) and Millie Ollinger
The junior program has several
goals for the upcoming year which
include regular clinics, lots of practice
for Jr. Lipton's and a social event every
month. If your parents are members
of FYC, you are a member of the juniors and we would love to help you get
involved. Non-members can join the
juniors for $40/year. Email us at
to receive regular updates.
Please LIKE us on Facebook at Fairhope Jr. Yacht Club!
Restaurant & Bar Hours Of Operation
(251-928-8888 for Dinner Reservations) Happy Hours 4-7pm EVERY NIGHT!
S e a f o o d MardiGrasJ u b i l e e NOYC
6pm PotLuck
Taco Tuesday!
6pm PotLuck
15 Joe Cain! 16
6pm PotLuck
F i re si de S oc i a l
Taco Tuesday!
i Gras
6:30 JrYC
7:30 M’ship
Beer & Bingo
6:30 to 8:30
Movie Night
6pm PotLuck
Taco Tuesday!
Spr ing
Go ur met
To ur !
1st Saturday
WHAT’s Happening at the Club!
First Saturday Grounds Clean-Up!
31 in the fun, meet more members
and help keep your club clean.
Sunday Fun Races: The Sunday Fun
Race Spring Series started 2/1/15,
2:00pm. Just sign in at the bar and
check your handicap start time. If you
need to learn to sail, John
Helmstadter is the designated FYC
sailing instructor and the lessons are
Free to Club members.
Monday night Pot Luck: 6:00, Bring
a dish and enjoy the evening with
FYC members.
Tacos on Tuesday: Sunset on the Bay
and tacos.
3rd Wednesdays: Beer & Bingo in
the Ballroom. Try your luck and take
home the pot!
2nd Fridays: Movie night and supper
for our young members while you
enjoy the service in the Dining
3rd Fridays: Seafood Jubilee: All the
best from out of the Gulf and Bay
that our Chef can offer. If you’ve
missed this, you’ve missed all your
friends lined up to get the delicious
Crab, Oysters and Shrimp that Chef
Rob has to offer you.
Feb 6, 1st Friday Auxiliary lunch:
11am to 1pm. Come join us as
our Fleet Surgeon, Dr. Margaret
Meyers-Selby speaks to us about
Safety on the Water. You will enjoy a
wonderful group of ladies who are
active working members of the club.
Meet and make new friends. All
members are welcome; lots of interesting projects and plans will be discussed at the meetings.
Feb 14, St Valentine’s Day: Chef Rob
and his staff are cooking up a
delectable event for lovers.
Dinner and dancing are in the
air with the music of band, Doc
Rogers and the Rock Dodgers 6:3010pm!
Feb 15, Joe Cain Day: Our young
members parade with throws in our
parking lot on trailered boats for their
parents and grandparents followed by
a party upstairs with Hot Dogs and
Sodas for the young revelers.
Feb 15, The Porch Social becomes
the Fireside Social! Enjoy the same
good company and food inside warm
by the fireplace.
Feb 26, Spring Gourmet Tour: A
special meal prepared for people who
6pm PotLuck
want a 10-course meal of the best
food and wine parings. Available by
advanced ticket only, this is a gourmet
adventure for your taste buds. The
meal will be served from 7 to 10pm
to a limited number of diners. Can
you imagine a “Fire & Ice Salad?”
That’s only the teaser . . . cost is $80
per ticket plus tax & gratuities for an
evening of culinary delight.
Mar 7-8, Junior Sailing Regatta,
The WetNCool: Our first big Spring
regatta, featuring junior sailors from
all over the Gulf Yachting
Association. We can use your help
and you can see the future of our
yacht club at work on the water!
Mar 7, The Dinner Theatre
returns: Who knows what
they have cooked up for our
evening’s entertainment this time;
rumor has it that the plot involves
Mardi Gras, our favorite time of year!
Mar 28/29, Dogwood Regatta: We
usually have over 100 boats and at
least 6 race courses. Join in the fun
and help put on one of our best sailing experiences. Ask the Rear
Commodore what you can do to
Restaurant & Bar Hours Of Operation
(251-928-8888 for Dinner Reservations) Happy Hours 4-7pm EVERY NIGHT!
Taco Tuesday!
6pm PotLuck
6pm PotLuck
Firesid e
6pm PotLuck
6pm PotLuck
6:30 JrYC
7:30 M’ship
Taco Tuesday!
6 Auxiliary
Mystery Dinner
S eafoo d
J ubilee
Taco Tuesday!
Beer & Bingo
6:30 to 8:30
Movie Night
Taco Tuesday!
6pm PotLuck
Taco Tuesday!
Weekly dinner specials: Wed: Fried Catfish;
Thurs: Country-fried Steak; Fri: Prime Ribs;
Sat: Baby-back Ribs
By Sabe Fink
“I’ve always loved cooking, and being
around food, but I never really thought of
it as a career until the last few years,” says
FYC sous chef Jenny Huggins.
“I started here back before Katrina, in
the old club, doing just about everything
– bussing tables, washing dishes, hostessing, filling in wherever I was needed.”
After the building was destroyed by the
hurricane, Jenny took off for Texas for a
while, where she worked with her twin
brother raising and training horses.
“That’s my other great love,” she explains.
“My dad raises horses, and I always wanted to be a part of that world. I was
thrown, though, when I was a teenager,
and I hurt my back pretty badly. That
took riding as a career off the table for me.
But when I have a day or two off, I head
up to Jackson, where my dad still raises
horses, and I work with him and get my
horse fix.”
After six month or so in Texas, Jenny
found herself back in Fairhope, and
through her mother, Lisa Rillo, a club
member, she heard that Sue was looking
for a bartender for the boat barn.
“I didn’t know how to mix a drink at the
time,” she remembers, “but I was willing
to learn, and I had just turned 21. In fact,
Sue served me my very first legal drink in
the boat barn. I bought a book called The
Bartender’s Bible and I kept it handy. In
fact, it’s behind the bar to this day.”
Jenny began cooking some of the items
on the limited boat barn menu and discovered that she was good at it, and loved
it. She has had no formal culinary training, but says she has learned from a number of fine chefs at FYC and has done lots
of reading, research and practicing.
“I was in college, majoring in psychology,
but my heart wasn’t in it. Then I found
this, and I knew what I wanted to do,” she
says. “I spent a lot of my childhood
watching my grandmother and great
grandmother in the kitchen - they were
down-home cooks, corn bread and blackeyed peas and fried chicken - and when I
started cooking here, I felt like I was
When asked about her plans down the
road, Jenny says, “I know I’m not ready to
own my own place or run a restaurant on
my own, but I would love to be an executive chef at a fine restaurant when the
time is right. But as long as I’m cooking,
I’m happy.”
Just Crusin’
Adams has volunteered to lead a
cruise to Dauphin Island. If you like
to bird watch there are always Osprey
fishing as well as some of the locals.
Michael Connell would like to lead
a cruise through the Delta to the Blue
Gill Restaurant for dinner. Please
check your engine oil and fuel for this
one as it is many hours of motoring.
The cruise for April will be the
Dauphin Island race.
Our cruising buddies from BucYC
Anyone wanting to lead a cruise for
will be cruising over to visit in March. May is welcome to step up. A cruise
On March 14 they plan to cruise over to Ingrams Bayou would be great fun
and visit our harbor, bar and restaufor that time of year. Should be warm
rant. Please come to the club and help enough to swim and Kayak by then.
welcome them for their overnight
visit. They are a fun loving group!
Fair winds and seas and a leak free boat,
We are asking that anyone that
Tere Mills
wants to lead a cruise this year to step
Cruising Captain
up and take one on. So far Milton
The pictures are from the last cruise
to the Blue Gill in 2010, The
Mainsheet, July issue. The fleet
caught many curious eyes as they
passed through the busy port of
2015 Dauphin Island Race Committe Report
The Dauphin Island Race is the
greatest single event on our Bay and
this is what it can look like when the
wind doesn’t cooperate!
The actual racing will start on April
18 with the Warm-Up Regatta out of
Fairhope Yacht Club, a one-day event
with sailors coming from the other
Bay clubs to join the fun. Boats will
begin to gather in our Harbor during
the week and sailors from around the
South will be showing up at the Bar,
meals, the parking lot and talk will be
about sailing. Following the race, a
band and trophies given out with the
usual after-race socializing.
On April 22, our yacht club will
host the Skipper’s Meeting with
music, food, the usual adult beverages
and dignitaries, sponsors and sailors
preparing for the following day’s race.
Participation is not required of FYC
members but you don’t want to be
left out of the party. Three yacht
clubs, Fairhope, Mobile & Buccaneer
share the responsibility of hosting the
race, taking a turn every 3 years. This
year, it’s our turn.
Early Saturday morning, April 25,
sailors and crew will head for the
starting line and the race will be on to
Dauphin Island. At the Island, food,
drinks, rest, relaxation and trophies
await the racers, only to turn around
and head back up the Bay and home
the next morning.
There are many ways non-sailing
members can be a part of this event;
assist in race preparation, be on the
race start team or the Sunday Return
Race finish team, come to the
Skipper’s Meeting on Friday and have
supper with the race participants, put
an ad in the Race Brochure to let
everyone know you support the effort
of your club . . . or maybe, get a ride
to the Island with a friend who is sailing the race. You need to know what
all of us who sail feel about our special Lighthouse at Middle Bay or the
welcome sight of the long bridge to
the Island when it finally comes into
Plans are progressing nicely; bands
have been hired, food for the various
events is set, everyone is getting all
the ducks in a row to make this a
Race to remember. Don’t miss the
fun, partying, working or sailing.
Harbor report
Steve Christensen
Well, it’s a beautiful last day of January
and I’m watching our boats not only
repositioning to their respective slips
after dredging, but going sailing! What a
change from that last day in March when
mother nature dropped 10-15 inches on
the area and silted us in pretty well. This
dredging process has been frustrating to
all of us in that there were truly things
that could not be anticipated- sometimes
on a daily basis. Wind, dump closures,
human factors, rain. There were times
that I felt sure that at any moment a lost
Manatee herd was going to wander into
our creek and shut us down for certain.
Whilst I was worrying about manatees,
there were plenty of volunteers that were
worrying more about your boats. All of
you contributed to this process by not
only your membership, but in many
cases, your day to day participation.
There were several instances when I
thought for sure that the club would be
the weak link when it came to getting
boats where they needed to be for the
next day’s activity-IT NEVER HAPPENED! I was truly humbled by everyone’s response on short notice; that led
not only to us moving boats in the dark,
but being ready for what tomorrow
brought. This project went way beyond
what was originally proposed, and certainly was demanding in terms of planning and communication. Extend your
thanks to Dan Herzog for his committee
leadership, Joe Comer for his contractual
work and thanks to the following daily
boat wranglers that stuck it out despite
all the delays should not be over-congratulated, lest it go to their head.
Nevertheless, when you see them please
offer your thanks and a beverage. Mike
Connell (knew yesterday what I thought
of today) Bill Cashion (quality control
and warm boat cabin) Sandy McCall
(even though he threatened to retire)
Bob Haswinkle (his adult leadership and
spoils count)
Photo by Dawson Morgan
From the Fleet Surgeon:
This is going to be divided into 3 sections
with one section each month:
1. Medical supplies needed on board for
day sailing/boating
2. Medical supplies needed for short cruises
3. Medical supplies needed for extended
Day sailing/boating problens usually
involve cuts, splinters, sea sickness,
headaches sect bites, diarrhea, sunburn,
hypothermia, eye injuries, and the like. The
following supplies are suggested from my
review of the literature and personal experiences to have on hand at home and carry
with you on the boat. Having it all in one
place in a container makes this kit easily
portable. Medications requiring prescription are indicated with a “P” and over-thecounter medications with “OTC”. These
are suggestions, not mandates; nor is the
list all-inclusive!
Basic Medicine Kit for Day
Assorted band aids and bandaging material
OTC or prescription antibiotic ointment
Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning wounds
(once opened this loses strength)
Thermometer (not glass)
Rubbing alcohol
Cotton balls
Duct tape (for pressure bandaging)
Wound Seal (brand name) to stop bleeding
Zofran ODT (orally disintergrating
tablets) (P) or OTC anti-nausea medication such as Dramamine
OTC medications for fever/joint
pain/headaches such as Ibuprofen
OTC meds for insect bites such as
calamine lotion
OTC meds for allergies such as Claritin or
OTC Immodium for diarrhea
Silver blanket or other blankets for
hypothermia in cold weather
OTC Solarcaine or aloe containing product for sunburn (can also use refrigerated
Cooling mantle to prevent hyperthermia in
very hot weather
OTC eye wash solution for foreign material in the eye.
OTC cough preparation such as
OTC temporary filling and denture cream
(for those temporaries that fall off, etc.)
Silvadene (P) for burns
OTC medication such as Rolaids for indigestion.
Bandage scissors and medical tape.
If there is someone on board known to
have nose bleeds then small tampons work
great as packing.
If you have found other supplies to be of
help in day sailing, please let me know your
Dr. Margaret Meyers-Selby
Fleet Surgeon
Membership Report
January, 2015
Invited to Associate
Robert Brown
Holt Naff
Amy Rice
Mary Streu
Robert Walters
Approved for Equity
Thomas Davis
Barbara Sheldon
Welcome aboard,
Yvonne Hoover, Chair
Please support the Members whose Ads aupport the Mainsheet
Sailing leSSonS
US Sailing Certified
Finn McCants 251-295-8735

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