December - Fairhope Yacht Club
December - Fairhope Yacht Club
Mainsheet Volume 48, Number 12, December, 2015 Latitude: 30°32’29”N Longitude: 87°54’14”W From the Commodore It's Sunday morning after Thanksgiving and that means I have pushed the deadline to get my last article of the year for the Mainsheet almost as far as I can. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday and enjoyed family, food, friends, and of course football. I had lots of all four the last few days and this morning I am whipped. Yesterday our club was transformed into a beautifully decorated wonderland by the Auxiliary and a few volunteer husbands. I want to thank each of them for giving up their Saturday to provide a wonderful atmosphere for the holidays and events we will celebrate over the next few weeks. We have a lot of activity Around the Rose Race This year instead of the Go Daddy we held the Around the Rose regatta, a race around the fixed compass marks off FYC. To liven things up we had ways to increase the racers ratings, costumes, grills, live pets and more. Byron Yoder increased his Melges 24 rating by 45 points. The race started and finished east of the More Around - Continued on Page 2 Commodore Gary Garner Commodore - Continued on Page 2 Welcome the Season! Once again the Auxilliary has stepped up and the club has been decorated for the holidays! We had a great crew of 14 that requests the pleasure of your company at The Annual Commodore’s Ball worked Saturday morning: Jim & Susan Gilbert, Kate Gibson, CY Fitzpatrick, Diane Seifert, Brenda Pisarkiewicz, Sandra Cashion, Pat Albert, Sandra Bostrom, Jeff Bailey, Alex Correa, Taffy Zadnichek, Elaine Postma and Diane Starr. 7 p m , S a t u r d a y, December 12, 2015 It’s time to think about your Holiday Party plans. Check with Pauline to let our great staff assist you in having the best event of the season at the Club. The Mainsheet is published monthly by the Fairhope Yacht Club, a member of the Gulf Yachting Association and United States Sailing Association. Circulation includes all Fairhope Yacht Club members and GYA affiliated clubs. The Mainsheet, Fairhope Yacht Club, P.O. Box 1327, Fairhope, AL 36533, or e-mail to by the 20th of the month prior to publication. BRIDGE Commodore Gary Garner Vice Commodore John Hirsh Rear Commodore Randy FitzWainwright Fleet Captain Ray French Fleet Surgeon Dr. Margaret MeyersSelby Secretary Joe McIntosh Treasurer Brian Snider BOARD OF GOVERnORS Glen Cunningham Mark Elliot Tommy Fuller Sabe Fink Joe Comer IV Scott Douglass Kevin northrop COMMITTEE CHAIRS Memorial Pat Colvin Entertainment Gwen Ledger Building/Grounds Harvey Cunningham Food & Bev Chair John nelson Insurance/Marine Safety David Barr Harbor John Adams Associates PC Barbara Brown Sarah Johnston-Cox Membership Yvonne Hoover Offshore Randy Fitz-Wainwright Cruising Tere Mills Adult Sailing John Helmstadter Race & Regatta Randy FitzWainwright Junior Commodore Forrest Pearson Juniors Advisors Elizabeth & Kelly McGriff Historians PC Barbara Brown Sarah Johnston-Cox Guardian John Adams GYA Coordinator Randy FitzWainwright Mainsheet Editor nancy Fitzpatrick Mainsheet Photo Jacque McCants Long Range Planning ICRC FYC Auxiliary C.Y. Fitzpatrick Office: Mon-Fri 8:00am-12:00, 1:30-4:30pm Phone: 251-928-3276 Fax: 251-990-8602 Email: Club Office: 101 Volanta, Fairhope AL 36532 Mailing Address: Box 1327, Fairhope AL 36533 Web address: Commodore’s Report, comtinued from Page 1 this month starting with our annual elections at the December General membership meeting this coming Wednesday. Next Saturday we put the Past Commodores through their paces with the Annual Past Commodores Regatta. We always joke about making them sail in Opti's but thankfully the Rhodes 19 fleet has graciously volunteered their boats to keep these old folks safe. Come down and watch from the deck or the gazebo to see who gets bragging rights for the next year. The following week we celebrate our annual Commodores Ball. This is a very special evening and I want to invite everyone to come and enjoy great food and music. This year I have asked Pauline to have extra tables so we can accommodate our members. Santa will be arriving on December 20th so bring the kids down and have their photo made with the jolly old fellow. Finally I'd like to thank all the members who have contributed to the employees Christmas bonus. Our staff does a wonderful job of knowing and taking care of us and its great to show our appreciation for their dedication. You still have time to contribute just stop by the office or call Pat and she can take care of your gift. I hope everyone has a happy and blessed Christmas and don't forget to join us as we ring in the new year with our annual New Years Eve Party, and yes we will have the big screen up so you can keep up with your favorite team. Gary Garner Commodore Around the Rose Race Winners! comtinued from Page 1 East mark and the racers could go around the compass rose in which ever direction they liked, as long as the took every mark on the outside. Byron Yoder finished 1st in the Spinnaker class and Pete McGriff finished 1st in Non Spinnaker. Looking Back at a great Junior Yacht Club year! Junior Honor Awards from 2014 The Special Junior Awards are given each year at the Commodore’s Ball. Last year’s winner of the Boat Cohen trophy, awarded to the Most Improved First Year Junior, went to Parker French. The Marty Cup, awarded to the Junior who is judged to be the best All-Around Junior member with service to the club and fellow sailors was presented to Philip Dobbins Please LIKE us on Facebook at Fairhope Jr. Yacht Club! Restaurant & Bar Hours Of Operation (251-928-8888 for Dinner Reservations) Happy Hours 4-7pm EVERY NIGHT! Sun 11am-8pm Mon 4-9pm(Bar) Tue 4-9pm(Bar) Wed 4pm-9pm Thu 4pm-9pm Fri 11am-10pm Sat 11am-10pm December~2015 1 6 2 3 4 7 8 6pm PotLuck Taco Tuesday! 13 14 16 20 SANTÅ! 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 12 6pm PotLuck 2:30-4:30 Porch Social 6pm PotLuck 9 Pasta Buffet! 6:30 JrYC 7:30 M’ship Meeting Taco Tuesday! Membership Comm. 10 17 Auxillary Lunch 11 Movie Night 6:30pm 18 Seafood Jubilee 25 5 Commodore’s Regatta 12 Commodore’s Ball 19 26 5-7pm 27 28 6pm PotLuck 30 Ladies at the 31 Helm! 6pm PotLuck Taco Tuesday! New Year’s Eve 1 Happy New Year! Holiday Hours will be posted in the Bar and on the website WHAT’s Happening at the Club! Membership Meeting night Pasta Buffet! Chef Rob has put together a special Pasta Buffet on meeting night so you can enjoy a meal prepared for you before attending the meeting. For $10, you can choose the pasta, sauce and ingredients you like. Sunday Fun Races: Join us! Sign in at the bar to know your handicap. Monday night Pot Luck: 6:00, Bring a dish and enjoy the evening with FYC members. Tacos on Tuesday: Sunset on the Bay and tacos. What could be better! 3rd Wednesdays: BEER & BINGO will begin again in February 2nd Fridays: Movie night and supper for our young members while you enjoy the service in the Dining Room. 3rd Fridays: Seafood Jubilee: Local Crab, Oysters, Fish and Shrimp for a great meal. 3rd Sundays: Porch SocialWinter Socials will be earlier, 57pm and frequently by the Fire! H.J. Carter played Bluegrass for us at the November Porch Social! It was a good crowd who came out to hear him play! December 5:The Commodore’s Regatta, the PastCommodores meet in the morning to try their sailing skills against each other with lunch and refreshment afterwards. December 12:The Commodore’s Ball, doors open at 6 with service starting by 6:30. All members are invited to join the Commodore and celebrate the events of the year. Special service award winners are always presented to the membership at this event. Don’t miss the special food and music! December 20: SANTA CLAUS: The jolly old elf will come ashore 2:30-4:30PM to meet the children of Fairhope Yacht Club and listen to their special requests. PORCH SOCIAL: The December Porch Social will be by the Fireside in the Ball Room, 5-7pm with Keith Burns for entertainment! December 31: NEW YEAR’S EVE: Welcome the new year with all the special things we expect at the New Year’s Eve party, a smashing dinner, dancing to the band Tribute, visiting with friends and after the new year arrives, breakfast to make our trip home safer! January 9/10: GYA WINTER MEETING will be at our club. PC Cathy Cromartie will be sworn in as GYA Commodore for 2016. There will be a lot of activity at the Club that weekend as the various GYA committees meet and plan for the upcoming year but the Club will remain open to its members. The GYA Awards Banquet will be on Saturday night in the restaurant. There will be a limited menu for member dining Saturday and seating will be limited to the bar area. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we host the GYA Winter Meeting. January 16: MONTHLY DANCE. Band to be announced! 7:30 -10:30 p.m. January 17: PORCH SOCIAL 5-7 p.m. Inside depending on the weather. January 17: CHILI BOWL RACING, first of three races begin today with the 2nd race on Jan 24 and the last along with the Chili CookOff on Jan 31. Don’t miss the fun and the food as the racers come in to sample the offerings of our best chefs. To enter the Cook Off with your best chili recipe, contact any member of the Auxiliary! Restaurant & Bar Hours Of Operation (251-928-8888 for Dinner Reservations) Happy Hours 4-7pm EVERY NIGHT! Sun 11am-8pm Mon 4-9pm(Bar) Tue 4-9pm(Bar) Wed 4pm-9pm Thu 4pm-9pm Fri 11am-10pm Sat 11am-10pm January~2016 Dinner on New Year’s Eve will be open at 6pm until after New Year’s Day Breakfast-2 or 2:30am. The Bar will be open only from 11am to 6:30pm with complimentary Good Luck Buffet 3 4 5 6pm PotLuck 10 11 Winter Meeting 17 1st Race Porch Social 6pm PotLuck Taco Tuesday! 12 Taco Tuesday! 19 18 6pm PotLuck 6 Pasta Buffet! 6:30 JrYC 7:30 M’ship Meeting 13 Membership Comm 7 25 6pm PotLuck 14 2 8 9 15 Movie Night 6:30pm Winter Meeting 16 Monthly Dance 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 Taco Tuesday! 26 Happy New Year! Auxilliary Lunch 5-7pm 24 1 Seafood Jubilee 2nd Race 31 Last Race & Chili Cook-Off! Don’t forget the Pasta Buffet Special for $10 on Meeting Wednesday! Weekly dinner specials: Wed: Fried Catfish; Thurs: Country-fried Steak; Fri: Prime Ribs; Sat: Baby-back Ribs IT’S TIME TO BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY!! What about having your family or business Holiday Party at the Club? We can accommodate 15 to 150 - lunch, dinner or cocktail party! Contact Pauline at 928-8888 ext 2. We can help you throw a spectacular event! New Years Eve Menu! Chef ’s Choice Amuse H H HH H ~ Fresh Salad~ H H HH H Choice of : ~ Surf & Turf (Filet & Lobster Tail)~ or ~ Grilled Fresh Halibut with Blood Orange Hollandaise Sauce~ or ~ Chicken Clemenceau~ H H HH H Choice of Dessert: ~ Raspberry Panna Cotta~ or ~ Molten Lava Chocolate Cake~ _____________________________________________ I have started a Facebook Page for the Restaurant for the purpose of instantly notifying anyone who follows the page of events specials and just general goings on concerning the restaurant and lounge. The Facebook page is: Restaurant at Fairhope Yacht Club FYC Auxiliary NewsRobertsdale. It is a full service domestic violence program and rape for our tasting. The table centerpieces by Kate Gibson, Jo-Anne Crawford, Tracy Hirsh, Pat Albert We had a trunk-load of clothes to and CY Fitzpatrick were lovely and swap at the November meeting. covered the fall and Christmas Everyone went home with something themes. The buffet table was full of new to wear and the very few lefttreats for all to enjoy. Thanks to all overs were sent to Goodwill with that participated in making this a fun vouchers for the Lighthouse residents evening. to use. Christmas decorating began on November 28 under the leadership of Susan Russell-Gilbert. Thank you to the nice turnout of helpers. I hope you all enjoy the Holiday décor. December 4th our regular Auxiliary meeting date will be our Christmas Luncheon. Please bring a gift for our exchange. It will be a fun time. Our normal first Friday meeting in January would have been New Year’s We had a great time at the Holiday Day. The date has been changed to Wine and Cheese Party! Pauline Friday the 11th. We will have a and Sue presented “flights of wine” speaker from The Lighthouse in crisis program serving victims in Baldwin County, AL and Escambia County, AL. I think this is something we should all be more aware of and educated about. Please come. We’ll look forward to seeing you in the New Year. The Chili Cook Off races will be Jan. 17, 24, and 31. Following the last race on January 31 will be the Chili Cook Off. Be sure to put this on your calendar. It’s a no miss party!!! Fun at a Country Western Hoedown! Texas TwoStepping in highheel boots brought out the ten-gallon hats and the fringed jackets for a night of dancing to the music of the Jon Miller Band. Stay tuned for news about January’s Dance to be on Jan 16. Who knows what Gwen has in store for us that close to Mardi Gras! Club Sailing Fall Series 11/5/15: FLUKEY FLUKEY FLUKEY. That's what I always told my wife whenever I was late getting back from sailing, and that is what the winds were Sunday - FLUKEY. The wind was generally light and bouncing around directionally about 60 to 90 degrees with an occasional puff or two. It caused some interesting results beginning at the Starting Line with many boats all trying to Start about the same time. Boats were also bunched going around the marks and boats ahead on one leg of the race were behind on another leg and in the end all 9 boats (Yes, it was Great to see 9 boats in the race.) finished fairly close to each other. The course was X-E-S-W-X and Rick Skinner's Skedadle crossed 1st followed by Ben Batchelder's White Hawk in 2nd and Tracey and Don Faircloth's J-22 in 3rd place. Next Sunday's race is the last one in the Fall Series and the Top 3 boats are pretty close: Skedadle 17 Points White Hawk 16 Points Damn Yankee 15 Points Should be an interesting race for them. The rest of us will be out there racing for Pride, and of course FUN. Be sure to check your Start Times as there were quite a few adjustments after Sunday's race. 11/22/15: Well, Mother Nature wins again and no one sailed on Sunday. There were a few people around the Club wishing they could go out. Personally whenever I see a weather forecast with a wind speed of 30 I don't go out. So the Fall Series is over and we got in 5 races and had at least 10 boats participating. And the winners are: 1st place-Skedadle 17 Points 2nd White Hawk 16 Points 3rd Damn Yankee 15 Points CONGRATULATIONS HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING -I'm thankful for SAILING among other things. Remember. we will not be keeping score during December and January just because you might have other things to do. Also fairly cold. However if you would like to come out Membership Report November 2015 New Associate Members: Tara McLellan is a nurse practitioner in Pensacola. She and her husband Richard live in Fairhope. She was sponsored by David Lucas. She is interested in all boating including racing. Hayden Montgomery and his wife Carol recently moved to Fairhope from Birmingham. (Their first grandchild lives here.) Hayden was sponsored by Ben Batchelder. Hayden is interested in all boating including racing. Robin Sanders is vice-president of sales and marketing at Performance, LLC. The company provides energy efficient lighting systems to reduce utility costs. His wife is Rebecca (Becky) and they are interested in power boating and cruising. Robin was sponsored by William Pennington. Scott Yeager moved here from Birmingham with his wife Kimberly. He is an attorney in Fairhope. He is interested in the Junior program for his three children. Scott was sponsored by John Helmstadter. New Equity Members: Terry Moore III is married to Beth Moore. Beth is retired. He is interested in power boating and sailing. Terry was sponsored by Dr. Robert McKee. Dawson Morgan also moved to equity. She and her husband Brad live in Fairhope. Dawson is a ceramic artist. The Morgan’s son, Max, has been very active in the Junior program during the past year. Dawson Morgan was sponsored by Bill Goetter. Welcome aboard, Yvonne Hoover, Chair and race, someone could call a course and you can just start at your nominal time. See attached sheet with nominal start times, and there will be one at the book at the bar. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Now note this. THE CHILI BOWL REGATTA will be held on our normal course at our normal times: Sunday, January 17th Sunday, January 24th Sunday, January 31st Followed immediately by the THE CHILI BOWL cook-off with presentation of Sailing awards and Chili Cook-Off awards while you shake off the cold with as many bowls of chili as you can eat. Put this on your calendar. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Remember that our Ship’s Store has FYC-identified items for all your holiday gift-giving needs! Pat keeps a great supply of tumblers, glasses, shirts, caps and other gift items to use or give to show your pride in Fairhope Yacht Club! Cold Water Immersion This is complied from the report given by FleetSurgeon Dr. Bill Goetter at the General Meetingon February 6, 2013. The Dangers from Cold Water Immersion There are 3 distinct phases: Phase 1: The Initial Immersion (you hit the water) is the “cold shock response” which lasts 1-2 minutes. First, you gasp; you can’t control breathing; this will pass but if your head is underwater, it might be your last gasp! Phase 2: ShortTerm Immersion (you’re in the water for 10 to 20 minutes) in water less than 75degrees. The main point here is to get out of the water as soon as possible. Your muscles will gradually fail so swim to rescue. A PDF is essential to prevent drowning! If rescue is not at hand, assume the “Heat Lessening Position” (crossed legs brought up with arms crossed across the PFD which you put on before you went over-board because your arms don’t work well enough to put on and secure a PFD in water that cold) and hope for rescue. Phase 3: Hypothermia which will take about 1hour to become life-threatening. The body starts to shut down the external areas and as the colder blood circulates into the brain, more and more areas shut down, leading to a loss of consciousness and death. Most Cold Water Immersion Deaths are directly caused by:1-No PFD. 2Drowning within feet of rescue. 3-Inability to participate in rescue due to loss of muscle control. 4-Inability to put on a PFD after going overboard. 5-Time in the water related to the coldness of the water. 6-Heat loss is 25 times faster in the water than in cold air. Please support the Members whose Ads support the Mainsheet # !# $ % % # % #% $ % "& % %% %) "& %) $ #' % $ #' $ % ! # # $! # # ) % # () #$ $
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