Brothers Emanues - Congregation Shaare Emeth


Brothers Emanues - Congregation Shaare Emeth
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Congregation Shaare Emeth
29 August 2013 | 23 Elul 5773
Announcements & Events
Connect With Us!
Selichot Program & Service
Saturday, Aug. 31
7 p.m. Screening of the film I Am and discussion
9:30 p.m. Dessert Reception
10 p.m. Selichot Service
In the entertaining and inspiring film I Am, filmmaker
Tom Shadyac steps in front of the camera to recount
the cycling accident that left him incapacitated and his
subsequent investigation into the worlds of science,
philosophy and academia in an effort to discover how
we can improve the way we live and walk in the world.
After this 80-minute film, we will engage in
conversation with a panel of thinkers and doers from
our own community.
Next, join us for a Selichot dessert reception and
service. Selichot are our prayers of forgiveness, and
the Selichot service is one of the most beautiful and
meaningful times that we gather as a community in
Preparing with Purpose Series
Friday, Aug. 30, 5:15-5:45 p.m.
We invite you to learn more about this spiritual season
In This Issue
Worship Schedule
Temple Announcements
Selichot program and
Preparing with Purpose
Junior Congregation
Extended hours at Sandy's
Blog for Elul
College Connection
HH grocery shopping
Holidays and Special
Shabbat Events
Selichot program and
Preparing with Purpose
Lulav and etrog orders
HH information and
and preparation for the High Holidays by joining us in
our final Preparing with Purpose class. This week we
focus on Tzedakah (Righteous Giving and Justice
Seeking), led by Rabbi Bennett.
Would Your K-5th Grader Like to
Participate in Junior Congregation?
Junior Congregation is Shaare Emeth's children's
service and activities program for kids in grades K5. The early registration deadline for children
participating in Junior Congregation was Wednesday,
Aug. 28, for the Rosh Hashanah service and is Friday,
Sept. 6, for the Yom Kippur service. Junior
Congregation is free through these dates, after which
it will cost $10 per child per service. Learn more and
register now.
Pre-Rosh Hashanah Extended Hours at
Sandy's Judaica
Get your Rosh Hashanah cards, honey dishes, and
more at Sandy's Judaica inside Congregation Shaare
Emeth. In addition to our regular hours, the shop will
be open from 3-6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013.
Return: A Blog for Elul
Elul ends Sept. 4!
We hope you've been enjoying Return, our clergy's
daily blog for the month of Elul. If you haven't
yet subscribed but want to, you can do so anytime.
You can also check the blog homepage daily. We'd love
to hear your thoughts. Please comment on their posts
with your own insights!
Do You Have a Child or Grandchild in
Shaare Emeth College Connection helps your college
student feel connected to Temple when away from
home. Each registered student will receive care
packages from the Temple and be included on the
Shaare Emeth College Connection Facebook page
where our clergy post regular messages geared
specifically to our college students.
New Mt. Sinai Annual
Gemilut Chasidim &
Third GUCI camper
Ongoing collections
Room at the Inn
Junior Congregation
Religious School
Auxiliaries & Clubs
Yiddish Club
Cooks and Books
Torah study
Mah Jongg/card groups
Israel Now
Israel and Syria
Community Events
High Holiday helpers
SMJCS car wash
Jewish co-ed bowling
Kesher Birthright Israel
Jewish Light 50th
anniversary gala
Worship Schedule
Deut. 29:9-30:20 and
Deut. 31:1-30
Check the kiosk inside the
Lobby doors for up-todate locations.
Friday, Aug. 30
6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat
We ask families to donate $18 per student to help
cover postage. Please send your check and the
student's info (name, school, college mailing address-sorry, we cannot accept P.O. boxes--email address,
phone number) to: College Connection, Congregation
Shaare Emeth, 11645 Ladue Rd, 63141, or email this
info to
High Holiday Grocery Shopping
Don't forget: the High Holidays are early this year, so
get your Dierberg's, Whole Foods and Shop N Save
cards now. You may even wish to purchase Scrip cards
to donate to our upcoming High Holidays Food Drive.
Stop by the Temple Office to shop in our Scrip box, or
call Paige at 314-569-0010.
Holidays and Shabbat
Preparing with Purpose Series
Friday, Aug. 30, 5:15 p.m.
See Temple Announcements & Events above.
Selichot Program & Service
Saturday, Aug. 31, 7 p.m.
See announcements and events above
Lulav and Etrog orders
DUE TODAY, Thursday, Aug. 29
Bring the beauty of the Holiday into your home. Order
your etrog and lulav sets for Sukkot. The sets are
$36. Orders and payment due by August 29 by
For High Holidays Service Information...
...visit and
download a copy of our High Holidays Booklet.
New Mt. Sinai Cemetery Annual
Memorial Service
Sunday, Sept. 8, 11:30 a.m., New Mt. Sinai
Saturday, Aug. 31
9 a.m. Shabbat Morning
Worship Service
/ Cameron Jacob Stern,
son of Scott and Nicola
Stern, becomes a Bar
9:30 a.m. Torah Study
11 a.m. Shabbat Morning
Worship Service /
Amanda Jordan
Kalishman, daughter of
James and Amy
Kalishman, becomes a
Bat Mitzvah
10 p.m. Selichot Service
Wednesday, Sept. 4
7:15 p.m. Sanctuary
Thursday, Sept. 5
See our High Holidays
page for service times.
Mondays & Thursdays
(except holidays)
7:15 a.m. Weekday
Torah Study
10 a.m. Tuesdays
9:30 a.m. Saturdays
(except holidays)
All services open to the
Streaming Audio Services
Make a Tribute Online
Cemetery Community Mausoleum, 8430 Gravois
New Mt. Sinai Cemetery will once again offer an
annual Memorial Service. Cantor Seth Warner will lead
the service. He, along with Daniel Brodsky and Linda
Blumenthal, will chant the liturgy. Instrumental music
will be played by Silvian Iticovici of the Saint Louis
Symphony Orchestra. The program will include the
names of those interred at New Mt. Sinai since last
Yom Kippur and will conclude with the sounding of the
shofar by the Loewenstein family. Free of charge.
Ample free parking available. For more information,
please call 314-353-2540.
Gemilut Chasidim & Tzedakah
The Third GUCI Camper
On June 29, 2013, the
peacefulness of Shabbat at
URJ Goldman Union Camp
Institute (GUCI) was shattered
when a lightning strike from
an otherwise clear sky left
three campers, including one
of our own, unresponsive.
Thanks to the skill and quick-thinking of GUCI staff, all
three campers survived. However, one camper, Ethan
Kadish, remains hospitalized.
Life Cycles
The Congregation
mourns the loss of
Mary Katzenstein
If you have a lifecycle
event or simcha to share,
please submit it here.
B'nai El Collaborative
B'nai El Collaborative
Michelle Gralnick, Director
B'nai El Collaborative page
Sandy's Judaica Shop
Sandy's Judaica
hours of operation
Run by the Sisterhood
A fundraising campaign in Ethan's honor was
established with the nonprofit HelpHOPELive to assist
with financing uninsured therapies, home
modifications and other injury-related
expenses. Contributions are tax-deductible and used
only for Ethan's injury-related expenses. Make a
charitable contribution or read Ethan's story on Ethan's
HelpHOPELive page or call 800-642-8399.
of Shaare Emeth
Get the Latest . . .
The Bulletin
Ongoing Collections
Tzedakah Recipient: Project Backpack
Our July-September recipient is Project Backpack.
They provides backpacks filled with necessities and
comfort items for children removed from their
homes--usually with nothing but the clothes on
their backs. Learn more. Place your monetary
order form
donations in the Temple tzedakah boxes.
Ronald McDonald House Soda Tab Collection
Place your soda tabs in the collection jug on the
Temple Lobby Tzedakah Center counter.
Knitting with Chesed
Knitting with Chesed (kindness) is looking for
knitters and would also welcome scarves or lap
robes. Place materials in the bin at the Temple
Lobby Tzedakah Center. Contact Brenda for more
Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry
Place your donations of shelf-stable foods in the
wooden bin inside the Main Entrance.
Room at the Inn
Monday, Sept. 2, Labor Day
The Temple serves as a Room at the Inn night site the
first Monday of every month, during which we host
homeless guests, serve them dinner and breakfast,
play with their children, keep them company, and
provide transportation each way. If you would like to
volunteer in any of these ways, contact David
Gerst, 636-349-3225.
Parsha of the week
Listen to c ommentary
and Divrei Torah (URJ)
Quick Links
Youth, Camp & School
High Holidays Junior Congregation
Deadlines Approaching
St. Louis Jewish Light
See Announcements and Events above.
Jewish in St. Louis
Shirlee Green Preschool
Check out what's happening! Explore our
website or read our brochure.
Religious School 2013-14 Registration
Keep a look out for our Religious School Registration
email or visit the Religious School Website. Questions?
Contact Tammy McNaughton or Liessa Alperin at 314569-1273.
Auxiliaries & Clubs
Jewish Family &
Children's Service
New M t. Sinai Cemetery
Jewish Federation of
St. Louis
Jewish Community
Relations Council of
St. Louis
Religious Action Center
of Reform Judaism (RAC)
Yiddish Club |
Contact: Paula Kanyo (314-692-5372) or Szyfra Braitberg
Union for Reform Judaism
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 7-8:30 p.m.
Shlep to the next meeting and kvel over the Yiddish
words you recognize and enjoy, even if you don't
"speak" Yiddish. Yiddish Club meets the 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.
Next Dor St. Louis
Cooks and Books: Brothers Emanues
Young Children
Wednesday, Oct. 2, 6 p.m.
We are delving into the Brothers Emanues by Ezekiel
Emauel, Rahm's brother. Rahm is now mayor if
Chicago, Ezekiel is a Provost of the U of Penn, and Ari
is a "macher" in Hollywood. Join us! Contact: Eileen
Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth | Contact: Adrienne Eigles
MOSHE: Men of Shaare Emeth | Facebook Group |
Contact: Ken Levine (314-249-0093) or Neil Elias (314-504-7465)
Torah Study
Tuesdays 10 a.m. and Saturdays 9:30 a.m.
Join anytime.
Mah Jongg/Card Groups
Card groups meet regularly throughout the week to
play Mah Jongg and other card games. They are selforganized. To inquire about joining a new or existing
game, please contact Paula Kanyo, 314-692-5372.
Israel Now
Information about Israel -- politics, culture, religion
and more.
Israel to Respond with Force to Any
Attack from Syria.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday
that Israel would respond with force to any attack
Saul M irowitz Jewish
Community School
Concierge for Jewish
Families with
Jewish Parents as
Report a Birth/Adoption
to Shalom Baby
from Syria. Read on.
In The Community
The Cedars is Looking for High Holiday Helpers!
The Cedars at Town and County is looking for volunteers to
transport residents to High Holiday services throughout the
season. Contact Michele Siler to help.
SMJCS High Holiday Car Wash
Sunday, Sept. 8, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on the parking lot of
Pumpernickle's Deli, brought to you by the Saul Mirowitz Jewish
Community School Upper School Classes
Adult Jewish Co-ed Bowling League Informational Meeting
Sunday, Sept. 8, 6 p.m., Brunswick Zone in
Chesterfield. Contact Ken Schwartz, 314-395-5987, by
Tuesday, Sept. 3
GO KESHER! A Taglit Birthright Israel Trip by the URJ
Attend a Birthright Israel trip led by the Union for Reform
Judaism! Registration for the next round of trips opens Sept.
10. Sign up now for registration updates. Applicants referred
by Shaare Emeth will automatically be given priority trip
selection status, so let us know, and we'll give you a referral.
Call or email Shandi in the Temple office, 314-569-0010.
St. Louis Jewish Light Celebrates 50 Years with the Golden
Light Gala
Sunday, Oct. 6, 5:30 p.m., Ritz Carlton
See what's going on in the entire St. Louis
Jewish community by visiting the
Community Calendar.
Affiliation at Congregation Shaare Emeth
Do you know someone seeking AFFILIATION?
If you hear of someone interested in joining a congregation, please encourage them to call
Rosalie Stein in the Temple office, 314-692-5353, for membership information.
Shaare Emeth is proud to be considered one of the leading Reform congregations in North
America. Whether we are celebrating Shabbat together, exploring the insights and wisdom
found in our Torah, or gathering to make a difference in our community, we are a
congregational family dedicated to deepening and enriching our connection to Judaism.
Shaare Emeth is in the heart of St. Louis' dynamic Jewish Community. We are fortunate to
have a beautiful campus at the corner of Ladue and Ballas Roads in Creve Coeur, Mo., a lovely
community in West County St. Louis. You can reach the Tem ple office at 314-569-0010.
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Congregation Shaare Emeth | 11645 Ladue Road | Creve Coeur | MO | 63141

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