Congregation Shaare Emeth


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Congregation Shaare Emeth
3 October 2013 | 29 Tishrei 5774
Announcements & Events
Connect With Us!
Noah's Ark First Friday Service
Friday, Oct. 4, 6 p.m.
During this Friday's Shabbat service after birthday
blessings, all young children accompanied by an adult
will celebrate the Torah portion in honor of Noah's
Ark. Following the service, kids will enjoy challah and
juice, participate in a hands-on activity, and meet
some of Noah's animals.
Taste of Hebrew
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7-8:30 p.m.
Have you ever wanted to learn to read Hebrew? Join
Cantor Warner and Marci Thal for a Taste of
In This Issue
Worship Schedule
Life Cycle Events
Announcements and
Noah's Ark First Friday
Taste of Hebrew info
Hebrew, an informational meeting about this year's
adult Hebrew classes (which will be held Wednesday
evenings, 7-8:30 p.m.). RSVP requested to Paula,
Annual Women's Retreat
Friday-Sunday, Oct. 25-27
Join Rabbi Goldstein for Shaare Emeth's Annual
Women's Retreat. The theme this year is "Pearls of
Wisdom," and the weekend will be filled with
opportunities for learning, rest and meaningful
connections with nature, Judaism and each other.
For more information, contact Rabbi Goldstein by
October The Bulletin Updates
* Oct. 3 Shaare Shabbat is in the gymnasium (p.2)
* Oct. 6 B'nei Mitzvah Family Event (the 6th Grade
Parents Meeting) is at 9 a.m., NOT 10 a.m. (p.22)
* Oct. 12 Ner Tamid event has been postponed (p.
* Oct. 25-27 "Annual Sisterhood Retreat" is actually
the "Annual Women's Retreat" (p. 11 & 22)
Do You Know a Shaare Emeth College
Shaare Emeth College Connection helps students
feel connected to Temple when away through care
packages and Facebook posts from our clergy. We
ask families to donate $18 per student to help cover
postage. Please send your check and the student's
name, school, email address, phone number and
Annual Women's Retreat
October Bulletin updates
College Connection
Gemilut Chasidim &
Room at the Inn
Cooking for Peter & Paul
Community Services
Ongoing Collections
Youth groups
Auxiliaries & Clubs
Knitting Group
Yiddish Club
Seniors Group
Torah study
Mah Jongg/card groups:
Mah Jongg 2014 card orders
Israel Now
Humor as a weapon
Jewish Light 50th
anniversary gala
Spaghetti dinner
Rav Gave event
Rabbi Shook's novel
HKJFP volunteers
Worship Schedule
college mailing address (sorry, no P.O. boxes) to:
College Connection, Congregation Shaare Emeth,
11645 Ladue Rd, 63141, or email this info to
Lauren and pay by phone, 314-569-0010.
Scrip Gift Cards
Our most widely purchased Scrip gift cards-Dierbergs, Whole Foods, Starbucks, Amazon and
more--are available in the Temple Office during
business hours and in Sandy's Judaica before Friday
Services. Or, special order from the full list of shops
and restaurants. Contact: Paige Brown, 314-5690010.
Gemilut Chasidim & Tzedakah
Room at the Inn
Monday, Oct. 7, 6 p.m.
Every first Monday of the month we host homeless
guests, serve them dinner and breakfast, play with
their children, keep them company, and provide
transportation. If you would like to volunteer in any
way, contact David Gerst, 636-349-3225.
Cooking for Peter & Paul Community
Sunday, Oct. 27
Every month on a Sunday, volunteers cook part of a
lasagna dinner--pasta, salad, beverage, bread and
dessert--at home to donate and bring to Temple for
the men at Peter and Paul Community Services. If
you would like to help by preparing part of this
Noach Genesis 6:9−11:32
Read about this week's
Check the kiosk inside the
Lobby doors for up-todate locations.
Friday, Oct. 4
6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat
Service / Noah's Ark First
Fridays / October Birthday
Saturday, Oct. 5
9 a.m. Shabbat Morning
Worship Service / Rae
Ellen Frumson, daughter
of Candice Spector and
Boris Frumson, becomes a
Bat Mitzvah (Sanctuary)
10:45 a.m. Shaare
Shabbat Service
11 a.m. Shabbat Morning
Worship Service / Claire
Elizabeth Frank, daughter
of Patricia and Kenneth
Frank, becomes a Bat
Mitzvah (Sanctuary)
Mondays & Thursdays
7:15 a.m. Weekday
(except holidays)
dinner, email Jen Houser.
Ongoing Collections
Ronald McDonald House Soda Tab
Place your soda tabs in the collection jug on the
Temple Lobby Tzedakah Center counter.
Knitting with Chesed
Knitting with Chesed (kindness) is looking for
knitters and would also welcome scarves or lap
robes. Place materials in the bin at the Temple
Lobby Tzedakah Center. Contact Brenda for
more information.
Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry
Place your donations of shelf-stable foods in the
wooden bin inside the Main Entrance.
Torah Study
10 a.m. Tuesdays
9:30 a.m. Saturdays
(except holidays)
All services open to the
Streaming Audio Services
Make a Tribute Online
Life Cycle Events
The Congregation
Youth, Camp & School
Youth Groups | Contact: Jodi Miller
SE8 (8th grade youth group)
Saturday, Oct. 5 - Join 8th graders from UH, TI
and CRC for our first St. Louis J8M (Jewish 8th
Grade Mixers) event, Six Flags Fright Fest!
Register by Sept. 30 and event cost is $36
(includes ticket & transportation; cost is $10 if
you have a season pass). After Sept. 30 the cost
is $46 (or $20 with pass). RSVP to Staci Tons,
SETYG (grades 9-12 youth group)
Sunday, Oct. 6 - Join SETYG for the first St.
mourns the loss of
Beth Radinsky
Shirley Rosenthal
If you have a lifecycle event
or simcha to share,
please submit it here.
The Collaborative
The Collaborative
Michelle Gralnick, Director
The Collaborative Online
A Legacy of
Louis city-wide event, an afternoon at our own
"Yom Sport." SETYG, UHTYG (United Hebrew),
TIFTY (Temple Israel) and CRC teens will
"compete" in fun and sometimes messy games.
BBQ dinner also included. If you pay the annual
$40 SETYG membership prior to this event, the
event is FREE! If you are not ready to join
SETYG, the event cost is $20. Please RSVP by
Friday, Oct. 4 to Jodi.
All Shaare Emeth Youth Department events can be
paid by credit card by calling Paige, 314-692-5306.
Please tell her for which event you're paying.
B'nai El Congregation:
Courage to Make
Our Lives a Blessing
Sandy's Judaica Shop
Sandy's Judaica
hours of operation
Run by the Sisterhood
of Shaare Emeth
Shirlee Green Preschool
Check out what's happening! Explore our
website or read our brochure.
Auxiliaries & Clubs
Get the Latest . . .
The Bulletin
view a PDF of the current
issue of our monthly
First Session of Knitting Group
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7 p.m., Rubin Library
This will be an introductory gathering. Bring yarn and
needles, if you have them! Further Info: Beth
Tucker 314-878-4069 or Nancy Taxman 636-5360036.
Yiddish Club |
Contact: Paula Kanyo (314-692-5372) or Szyfra Braitberg
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 7-8:30 p.m.
Shlep to the next meeting and kvel over the Yiddish
words you recognize and enjoy, even if you don't
order form
"speak" Yiddish. Yiddish Club meets the 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.
Seniors Group
Monday, Oct. 28, noon, United Hebrew Messing
Join the United Hebrew and Shaare Emeth Seniors
Groups for a special program with Charlie Foxman,
fitness and martial arts expert, who will speak on
"Happy and Healthy Aging." Lunch will be served and
is $8 per person. For more information, call Nancy at
UH, 314-434-3404, ext. 102.
Streaming Audio
Listen to Shabbat and holiday
servic es held in the Sanc tuary
via streaming audio (must have
most recent Java installed)
Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth | Contact: Adrienne Eigles
Please note: The address to send your reservation for
the Women's Retreat is incorrect on the invitation
sent to Sisterhood members. The zip code should be
MOSHE: Men of Shaare Emeth | Facebook Group |
Contact: Ken Levine (314-249-0093) or Neil Elias (314-504-7465)
Torah Study
Tuesdays 10 a.m. and Saturdays 9:30 a.m.
Join anytime.
Mah Jongg/Card Groups
Self-organized card groups meet regularly throughout
the week to play Mah Jongg and other card
games.They are self-organized. To get in touch with
Quick Links
a group leader or inquire about a new game, please
contact Paula Kanyo, 314-692-5372.
Attention Mah Jongg Players: 2014 Card Orders
It is time to order your 2014 cards; orders are being
taken by Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth and must be
received by Jan. 15, 2014. Prices: $8 regular, $9
Please make checks out to Sisterhood of Shaare
Emeth and send with your order to: Soozi Waxman,
1344 Glenrock Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. If
you have any questions please call 314-878-8267 or
send an email.
Israel Now
Information about politics, religion and
culture in Israel.
Israel's Ambassador to the U.N.,
deploys wit as a stealth
diplomatic weapon
Excerpt: This past July, Ron Prosor, Israel's
ambassador to the United Nations...was
supposed to be chairing a staff meeting, but Iran and
Syria had just announced their candidacies for the
U.N.'s Human Rights Council, and Prosor wanted to
make sure that the absurdity...was not lost on the
press. "Putting Iran and Syria on a Human Rights
Council is like putting the Godfather in charge of a
witness-protection program."
read more
St. Louis Jewish Light
Jewish in St. Louis
Jewish Family &
Children's Service
New M t. Sinai Cemetery
Jewish Federation of
St. Louis
Jewish Community
Relations Council of
St. Louis
Religious Action Center
of Reform Judaism (RAC)
Union for Reform Judaism
Next Dor St. Louis
Saul M irowitz Jewish
Community School
Concierge for Jewish
Families with
Young Children
Jewish Parents as
Report a Birth/Adoption
to Shalom Baby
In The Community
St. Louis Jewish Light Celebrates 50 Years with
the Golden Light Gala
Sunday, Oct. 6, 5:30 p.m., Ritz Carlton
Spaghetti & Fresh Salad Bar Dinner Mirowitz
Sunday, Oct. 13, 6-7:30 p.m. B'nai Amoona
Aish welcomes Rabbi Gavriel Friedman (aka Rav
Gav) to the JCC - free event, tickets required
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m.
TI's Rabbi Emeritus, Mark Shook, Published Novel,
The Ezra Scroll
Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry Needs
For more volunteer information, please call Anna
Lehrke, 314-812-9386.
See what's going on in the entire St. Louis
Jewish community by visiting the
Community Calendar.
Affiliation at Congregation Shaare Emeth
Do you know someone seeking AFFILIATION? If you hear of someone interested in joining a
congregation, please encourage them to call Rosalie Stein in the Temple office, 314-6925353, for membership information.
Shaare Emeth is proud to be considered one of the leading Reform congregations in North
America. Whether we are celebrating Shabbat together, exploring the insights and wisdom
found in our Torah, or gathering to make a difference in our community, we are a
congregational family dedicated to deepening and enriching our connection to Judaism.
Shaare Emeth is in the heart of St. Louis' dynamic Jewish Community. We are fortunate to
have a beautiful campus at the corner of Ladue and Ballas Roads in Creve Coeur, Mo., a lovely
community in West County St. Louis. You can reach the Tem ple office at 314-569-0010.
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Congregation Shaare Emeth | 11645 Ladue Road | Creve Coeur | MO | 63141