Welcome to the Rathdrum Wednesday
Welcome to the Rathdrum Wednesday
Welcome to the Rathdrum Wednesday Newsletter! Relay for Life of Rathdrum If you live anywhere within the city of Rathdrum, you heard this last weekend we had the 4th Annual Relay for Life of Rathdrum at the Lakeland High School track. The weather was good, albeit it was a bit cold in the wee hours of the morning. There were 8 teams of people on the field that raised $18,263! They are accepting donations through the end of the month. different games ranging from a scavenger hunt, a water balloon toss, a goldfish cracker toss, a cupcake eating contest, Midnight Glo-Stick Bowling, and a PJ fashion show. There was also a Mr Wicked Witch Dress Up and a Karaoke & Cheer Off competition. To help keep us motivated we had music by Clint Darnell, The Wizard of Oz played on the back of the stage, and music by Uptown. The event started about 6pm with the posting of the colors by the Rathdrum Police Color Guard. The cancer survivors took their victory lap and were treated to a dinner provided by Stein's Market. As soon as the survivors made their lap, everyone else started walking. As you made a lap around the track, the first booth you came to was the Relay for Life booth. At this booth, they handed out beads so you could Lakeland Cheer (Source: Facebook) keep track of the number of laps you During the Luminary Ceremony, the track walked. All through the night we had floodlights were shut off. The north side of the track was lined with lit up decorated paper bags, on the bleachers there were bags set out to spell HOPE, and there was a powerpoint celebration / in memory of show on the back of the stage. For your editor, the master of ceremonies of the event, this was the most moving part because I lost my grandmother to cancer many years ago. In the 11 hours of the relay there was one individual who collected 101 beads. At ¼ Ronald McDonald and Clint Darnell (Source: Continued on next page Facebook) From page 1 Relay for Life of Rathdrum mile per lap, that equates out to 25 ¼ miles walked. The Rathdrum Lion's Club collected 197 beads for a total of 49 ¼ miles walked. You will remember me announcing the sponsors throughout the event. Silver Sponsors Lakeland School District Stein's Market Adept Business Services Panhandle State Bank Rathdrum Power LLC. Bronze Sponsors Texas Roadhouse Rathdrum Physical Therapy Friends of the Relay 4th & Main Pizza Debbie Holmes with Edward Jones Investments Golden Spike Estates Granite Enterprises Kelly Kimberline with Farmers Insurance Perfection Tire of Rathdrum Rathdrum Lion's Club Rathdrum Super 1 Foods Regan Equipment Rountree Painting Twin Lakes Village Golf Club Please stop by and thank our sponsors for their support. The Relay for Life of Rathdrum Committee Members: Shanie Campbell-Rountree Susan Walker Monique Wachtel Tristan Campbell Eric Singer Melanie Coffman Christine Norman Tasha Wachtel Tolli Willhite Torrie Chase Raelyn Clemens If you are out and about and happen to bump into one of the committee members, please thank them for their efforts. It takes a lot of effort both in front of and behind the scenes to put on an event! http://www.relayforlife.org/rathdrumid Relay for Life of Rathdrum Facebook The Rathdrum Weekly News is Editor and submitted articles an independent, locally owned are gladly accepted and The Rathdrum Weekly News newsletter published each published as submitted so long assumes no obligation for Wednesday by Joseph Hume, as the content is within accidental errors in any with advertising and editorial community standards and advertisement, but will gladly offices located at addresses a subject generally republish that portion in which recognized to be of community an error has occurred. 13785 West Highway 53, interest. Rathdrum ID 83858. The Rathdrum Weekly News Any Letter to the Editor or expects its advertisers to The Rathdrum Weekly News submitted article may be respect community decency in welcomes unsolicited editorial, rejected outright because of its messages and that article, or photographic possible libelous content or merchandise and/or services contributions for possible reduced in length due to space being offered are, indeed, publication within its pages, constraints. Some minor available to the general public but reserves the right to edit editing may occur. All items at the stated price or cost. any materials to conform to submitted must be signed and recognized Associated Press a working telephone number Any advertising, political or style guidelines. Editorial included. The author’s name otherwise, are accepted on a contributions, article, and will be withheld if requested. “cash-with-copy” basis. The advertising copy must be at publisher has the right to deny the Rathdrum Weekly News by Advertising submissions also the sale of advertising space to noon Friday of the week are accepted at the discretion a delinquent account. proceeding Wednesday’s of the publisher and may be publication. Letters to the rejected without cause. Season Finale Crawl-a-Mania Story by Pat Coffee August 9th was a whole day of exciting four wheel action on Spirit Lake’s Rock Crawl Track at Volunteer Field. The event was sponsored by the North Idaho Trailblazers; a family oriented club for four wheel enthusiast. All of their events are family friendly and good clean fun for all ages. An example of the family orientation is Pine Creek Racing in the Unlimited Class. Steve Nichols is the driver and his seventeen year old daughter, Rikki, is his spotter. While Steve carefully guides the competition Al Rhodes (Photo Credit: Pat Coffey) Paul Barcimioli (Photo Credit: Pat Coffey) vehicle over rocks and barriers, in and out of holes sometimes deeper than the vehicle, daughter Rikki is out front climbing over rocks and barriers guiding her father. A spotter is very important. They see what the driver can’t. Pine Creek Racing won the points race in the Unlimited Class. North Idaho Trailblazers not only sponsor Crawl-a-Mania events; they also participated in Wheelin’ Warriors. Earlier this year the Trailblazers took several Veterans on a day long back country adventure over snow and ice covered trails. (Devin Heilman, staff writer for the CDA Press, went along and posted complete coverage of the event on March 2, 2014). They also work with the Forrest Service on conservation issues. On some of their trail rides they camp out and maybe do some hunting or fishing when the season is right. They are outdoorsman and snow and ice covered trails don’t stop them. They plan and conduct their events with preserving the wilderness in mind. Paul Barcimioli, a driver from Spirit Lake finished first in the Stock Modified Class for the day and the year. Paul is a tough competitor who never disappoints the crowd. Continued on next page Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 From page 3: Season Finale Rock Crawl-aMania Every vehicle is unique; no two are exactly alike. An example is Al Rhodes’ propane powered Toyota. Al and his Toyota have the crowd’s attention at these events because they know they can count on a great performance. Al finished second for the year in the Super Modified Class. He was just one point behind winner John Swink. second in the Modified Stock Class for the day and second for the year. He had an extra drive shaft but there were issues with the u-joint. Most people leave these events having made new friends. The crowd was friendly. The drivers were approachable; more than willing to answer questions. Erik Bledsoe organized and over saw the day’s events. Erik was a big help in providing information. Kickin' Up The Dust (Photo Credit: Pat Coffey) Steve Nichols and his spotter daughter Rikki (Photo Credit: Pat Coffey) The drivers I talked to agreed that Spirit Lake is a tough track, nobody had an easy day. Steve Steinpriesis broke a back drive shaft, but that didn’t stop him. He finished Steve Steinprieis - Stock Modified Class his climb in front wheel drive. Steve finished (Photo Credit: Pat Coffey) Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Community Calendar Mon Aug 4 through Fri Aug 29 Wed Aug 13 Co-Ed Youth Volleyball 3rd to 6th Graders -Fall Soccer Registration Ages 3 -12 -Flag Football Kindergarten through 6th Grade Rathdrum Parks and Recreation 208.687.2399 Open Arms Real Choices Mobile Clinic McCartney and Highway 41 11:00am – 4:30pm http://www.realchoicesclinic.co m Thu Aug 14 Victory over Japan Day Fri – Sun Aug 15 17 Rathdrum Westwood Historical Society Historic Kootenai County Jail / Museum Tours 12:00pm to 5:00pm http://rathdrumhistory.com Fri Aug 15 Rathdrum Concert Series Rathdrum City Park Spectrum 6:00pm – 8:30pm Sat Aug 16 Taste of Rathdrum BBQ Festival Majestic Park 12:00pm to 10:00pm Wed Aug 20 City of Rathdrum Planning & Zoning Commission Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 6:00pm Thu Aug 21 Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce Monthly Luncheon Twinlow Camp www.rathdrumchamberofcomm erce.com 12:00pm – 1:00pm Fri – Sun Rathdrum Westwood Aug 22 24 Historical Society Historic Kootenai County Jail / Museum Tours 12:00pm to 5:00pm http://rathdrumhistory.com Sat Aug 23 Rathdrum Farmers Market Rathdrum City Park 9:00am – 2:00pm North Idaho Linux Users Group Meeting F1 for HELP 1:00pm – 4:00pm www.nilug.org Sun Aug 24 Twin Lakes Community Schoolhouse Picnic 10017 W Twin Lakes Road Starting at 4pm For more information please call 208.687.8371 or email TwinLakesCommunitySchoolhou se@gmail.com Tue Aug 26 Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce Business After-Hours Highlands Day Spa 4365 Inverness Drive Post Falls 5:30pm to 7:30pm City of Rathdrum Parks & Recreation Commission Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 6:00 pm Wed Aug 27 Open Arms Real Choices Mobile Clinic McCartney and Highway 41 11:00am – 4:30pm http://www.realchoicesclinic.co m City of Rathdrum Cemetery Board Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 6:00pm Fri – Sun Aug 29 31 Rathdrum Westwood Historical Society Historic Kootenai County Jail / Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Museum Tours 12:00pm to 5:00pm http://rathdrumhistory.com Mon Sept Labor Day 1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab or_day Rathdrum Lion's Club Labor Day Pancake/Sausage Breakfast Lion's Clubhouse at the corner of Meyer and Hwy 53 $5.00 each / $20 family of 5 7:00am to 11:00am Wed Sept 3 Gem Committee Meeting Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 5:00pm Sat Sept 6 Dutch Oven Cookery Rathdrum City Park Starting at 8:00am Rathdrum Adventure Race Rathdrum City Park Starting at 8:00am Rathdrum Lion's Club Auction to benefit Nutritional Backpack Program Starting at 10:00am until everything is gone Lion's Clubhouse at the corner of Meyer Road and Hwy 53 Tue Sept 9 Rathdrum City Council Meeting Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 6:00pm Wed Sept 10 Open Arms Real Choices Mobile Clinic McCartney and Highway 41 11:00am – 4:30pm http://www.realchoicesclinic.co m Thu Sept Patriot Day 11 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patr iot_day Sat Sept 13 Rathdrum Farmers Market Rathdrum City Park 9:00am – 2:00pm Last Scheduled Day for the 2014 Season Wed Sept 17 City of Rathdrum Planning & Zoning Commission Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 6:00pm Thu Sept 18 Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce Monthly Luncheon Shepard of the Hills Lutheran www.rathdrumchamberofcomm erce.com 12:00pm – 1:00pm Mon Sept September Equinox 22 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sep tember_equinox Tue Sept 23 City of Rathdrum Parks & Recreation Commission Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 6:00 pm Wed Sept 24 Open Arms Real Choices Mobile Clinic McCartney and Highway 41 11:00am – 4:30pm http://www.realchoicesclinic.co m City of Rathdrum Cemetery Board Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 6:00pm Thu Sept 25 Rosh Hashanah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ros h_hashanah Sat Sept 27 North Idaho Linux Users Group Meeting F1 for HELP 1:00pm – 4:00pm www.nilug.org Wed Oct 1 Gem Committee Meeting Rathdrum City Hall Starting at 5:00pm Be sure to check our community calendar often! Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Lakeland School District 272 Calendar AUGUST 04 Secondary Principals & 1 Admin Assistant report 11 Elementary Principals & 1 Secretary report 12 Principal & Secretary meeting & breakfast 18 Remaining Admin Assistant(s) & Secretaries report 20 & 21 Elementary (K-6) School Registration open 12pm to 7pm 20 Secondary (7-12) School Registration open 9am-3pm 21 Secondary (7-12) School Registration p[em 12pm to-7pm 22 Secondary (7-12) School Registration open 9am to-3pm 25 All Teachers report/New Teacher report for district/building orientation 26 General Meeting, Curriculum Day & Benefits Fair 27 Curriculum Day 28 Teacher Classroom Set Up Day 29 Beginning of four day Labor Day weekend SEPTEMBER 01 Labor Day (Holiday, No School) 02 First Day of School for Students OCTOBER 03 Curriculum Day (No school for students) 31 End of 1st Quarter - No school for students NOVEMBER 06 K-12 Evening Parent/Teacher conferences, until 7pm 24 District Wide Conference Day 8:30 a.m to 7pm 25 Flex Day (No school) 26-28 Thanksgiving Break (No School) 27 Thanksgiving Day (Holiday, No School) DECEMBER 22 Christmas Break begins 25 Christmas Day (Holiday, No School) JANUARY 01 New Years Day Holiday 05 School Resumes 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School) 23 End of 2nd Quarter - No School 29 K-8 Evening conferences until 7 p.m. 30 K-8 conferences 8:00am to 12:00pm (No school for K-8 students) FEBRUARY 16 Presidents' Day (Holiday, No School) MARCH 27 End of 3rd Quarter - No School 30 Spring vacation begins APRIL 05 Last day of spring vacation MAY 15 Flex Day 25 Memorial Day (Holiday) JUNE 03 Seniors last day 04 Lakeland High School Graduation - 7pm 05 Last Day for Students- Early release @ 1:30 pm Timberlake High School Graduation - 6pm 08 Curriculum Summit Planning Day - No School 09 Last Day for Teachers School Schedule can be found on the Lakeland 272 School website at: http://web.lakeland272.org/cms/page_view? d=x&piid=&vpid=1244873732597 We will be incorporating the school calendar into our community calendar. Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Avoid Expensive Errors When Paying for College It’s just about Back-to-School time again. If you have young children, you might be hustling them to the store for backpacks and binders. But if you fast-forward a few years, you can envision driving your kids a little farther — to their college dorms. And when that day comes, you’ll want to be financially prepared. So you’ll want to avoid making costly mistakes when preparing for, and paying, those big bills. Here are some of the most common of these errors: • Not saving enough — Only half of all families with children under 18 save any money for college, according to a recent study by Sallie Mae, the country’s largest originator of federally insured student loans. You might find it easier to save for college if you automatically move a set amount each month from your checking or savings account to a college savings vehicle. • Not considering vehicles with growth potential — The same Sallie Mae study found that more parents use a general savings account than any other method of saving for college. But since most savings accounts these days pay only a minimal rate of return, you will have trouble getting the growth potential you need to achieve your college savings goals. Consider working toward your college savings goals by investing in a vehicle specifically designed for college, such as a 529 plan or a Coverdell plan. There are differences between these plans, such as contribution limits and tax treatments, but both allow you to invest for growth potential. As with any investment account, there are risks involved, including market risk. • Stopping your savings once your children are in college — Unless your children plan to take an awful lot of credits, they’re not going to finish college in just one year. Consequently, you’ll want to keep investing in your plan or other college savings vehicle while your children are in school. • Taking out 401(k) loans — Your employer may allow you to take out a loan against your 401(k) to help pay for college. But this may not be a good idea for two reasons: First, when you remove money from your 401(k) — even if you plan on eventually paying it back — you will slow the potential accumulation in your account, thereby depriving yourself of resources you will eventually need for retirement. Second, should you leave the company, you might have to repay the loan within a limited number of days. • Not using available tax credits — Depending on your income, you might qualify for the American Opportunity tax credit, which is worth up to $2,500, provided you spend at least $4,000 on college expenses. Check with your tax professional to see if you qualify for this credit and how to most effectively incorporate it. And be careful you don’t waste the credit, because you may not be able to use it and your plan distributions at the same time. Paying for college can be challenging — but if you can avoid making the above mistakes, you’ve got a better chance of getting your kids through school without derailing the progress you’d like to make toward your other financial goals. Debbie Holmes Financial Advisor Edward Jones Investments 6600 W Commercial Park Avenue Suite B Rathdrum, ID 83858 208.687.5765 Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Presenting a check for $1000 to the Rathdrum Food Bank from the proceeds of the Rathdrum Lions Club Car Show at Rathdrum Days (from left) Rathdrum Lion Cherry Heitstuman, Linda McGrew, Cathy Morse, and Marissa Manning A Note from your editor: I was recently contacted by Chief Fuhr from the Rathdrum Police Department. As soon as the details are hammered out, we will be inserting a police incident report! We are still looking for some assistance in covering the stories of Rathdrum. My day job has literally exploded so I am finding myself putting this newsletter together later and later in the evening in the hours before publication. If you have an event coming up, that is open to the public, or even open to an RSVP, the sooner you can get it into us, the sooner it will hit our community calendar. To have your event listed on our calendar is free. From the time I started my master calendar on Saturday May 24th, it has grown to 13 pages of just events around Rathdrum. It would not surprise me if it hit 20 pages by the end of the year. If you care to submit an article to run the week before your event, we would be happy to run it, space permitting. If you want to help us offset some of our costs, and promote your business at the same time, we have a variety of advertising spots available at (what I hope is) a reasonable price. If you see something in error, please let us know so we can set the record straight! Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
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