Welcome to the Rathdrum Weekly Newsletter! Welcome to 2016


Welcome to the Rathdrum Weekly Newsletter! Welcome to 2016
Welcome to the Rathdrum Weekly Newsletter!
Welcome to 2016!
Family In Need
I remember in the
We have a family in
mid-80's thinking
Blanchard in need.
about how far away
They lost their house
the year 2000 was.
in a fire. Help has
Now we are sixteen
begun, but there is a
Rathdrum Mountain at the end of 2015
years into the new
lot more needed.
millennium. So lets take a look at life 16
Here is the information:
years before the millennium.
In January 1984, Apple introduced the
tragically burned down in the early hours of
Macintosh computer. For $2,495 you
New Year’s day. The cause is unknown but
received a computer with a single 3.5”
there is nothing left of their home. They
floppy drive and 128k of memory. WOW!
have lost everything. Jesse got all of the
January also brought us the “Betamax case” kids out safely and unharmed. His injuries
that made it legal to record TV shows for
required stitches but thankfully there were
the purpose of watching them later, a
no other injuries. Erika Likkel set up an
practice known as "time-shifting."
account for those who would like to help
It was also in January that AT&T was broken with the financial burden they will be
into seven independent “Regional Holding
experiencing. All money raised will go
Companies” (the baby bells).
towards the rebuilding of their lives. There
are also drop off locations for those who
Continued on page 8
would like to donate items. We would like
to at least raise enough money for the kids
Federal Income Tax Due Date
to be ready to go back to school Monday.
has moved in 2016
April 15, 2016, is an official District of
Columbia holiday called Emancipation Day.
As a result, taxpayers will have until April
18, 2016, to file their 2015 returns.
Taxpayers in Maine and Massachusetts get
an additional day to accommodate Patriots
Day, with those state returns due April 19,
Here is the GoFundMe site:
Continued on page 3
Rathdrum Post 154 News
In 2016 let us all, in our own way, pray for
Continued on page 8
How do I sign up for the Rathdrum Weekly News?
While you can pick up a hard copy of this newsletter at the Rathdrum Area Chamber of
Commerce office, Edward Jones of Rathdrum – Debbie Holmes Office, and at the
Rathdrum Weekly News headquarters to name a few, you can sign up to have the
newsletter delivered right to your inbox!
Visiting our website at http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com you won't find much of a
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The Rathdrum Weekly News is
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an independent, locally owned
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The Rathdrum Weekly News
newsletter published each
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Wednesday by Joseph Hume,
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an error has occurred.
13785 West Highway 53,
Rathdrum ID 83858.
The Rathdrum Weekly News
Any Letter to the Editor or
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The Rathdrum Weekly News
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From page 1: Family In Need
Girl 11- size 10-12 pants medium short
Boy 10 - size 10 husky pants
Boy 7 - size 7-8 pants needs size 1 boots
Boy - 3 size 3t
Man's jeans size 34/32 shirt large for her husband
Mom's sizes are 18 in pants and 1x & 2x in shirts.
The children will also need socks and school supplies. Paper, pencils, a backpack,
markers, etc.
LOCATIONS for dropping off donations include the following (I suggest calling location
first, or calling Erika Likkel for more information: 256-348-6139):
Magee's BT Grill 12am- 9pm
26204 ID-41
Valley Baptist Church
contact Adam 208-946-3048
7336 Spirit Lake Cutoff
Bubble Boy Boutique M-S 10am-4pm
5864 W. Main St.
Popeye’s Lounge 8am- 10pm
80 Main St
W. 14th Ave Jefferson St.
Contact Erika Likkel 256-348-6139
Totes will be at locations for donations tomorrow.
I want to thank everyone for their overwhelming love and support. I'm sorry I've been so
quiet and haven't been able to thank each and every one of you personally there has just
been a lot to process and take care of. We love and appreciate all of you so much.
Introducing Tim Herzog, Realtor.
Since Today In Real Estate on page 7 is the first article I am
submitting to this publication, let me introduce myself.
I am your ‘Local Realtor’ right here in Rathdrum, Idaho and have
been licensed since 1991. Over the years I have worked at several
real estate firms in the area and about a year and a half ago came
to Twin Lakes Realty.
My background is diverse with owning small businesses over the
years, co-forming several nonprofit organizations, working as an
unpaid lobbyist and initiating the successful passage of legislation
in Idaho in 2006. I have also been involved in the ‘political arena’
as a candidate for public office several times.
I welcome new clients and offer my 40+ years of combined business and real estate
knowledge and experience to work for you.
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Community Calendar
Mon Jan 4
– Fri Jan
Wed Jan 6
Adult Dodgeball League
Rathdrum Parks & Rec
For more information please
call 208.687.2399
Hot Shots Basketball
Competition Registration
Grades 4 – 12 and Adult
$10.00 per participant
Rathdrum Parks & Rec
For more information please
call 208.687.2399
Lakeland Community Blood
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
13541 W Highway 53
3:00pm – 5:30pm
Make your appointment at
www.inbcsaves.org or call
Mon Jan
Rathdrum Lions Club
Dinner Meeting
16114 N Meyer Road
Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm
Dinner starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Wed Jan
American Legion Post 154
Executive Committee Meeting
Rathdrum Lion's Club
Meetings start at 6:00pm
For more information contact
Jean Bledsoe at
Rathdrum City Council Meeting
Starting at 6:00pm
Rathdrum City Hall
For more information please
call 208.687.0261 x114
Thu Jan
Lakeland Joint School
District #272
Town Hall Meeting
Starting at 6:30pm
Twin Lakes Elementary
5326 W Rice road
Fri Jan 15
Dr Martin Luther King Jr
Actual Birthday
Sat Jan 16 Manuel Schneidmiller Post 154
Constitutional Speech Contest
American Legion Hall
1138 East Poleline Avenue, PF
For more information please
contact Al or Margaret Ogram
at 208.762.82129 or
Sun Jan
Democratic Candidate Debate
NBC News Democratic Primary
Mon Jan
Martin Luther King Jr Day
Lakeland Joint School District
Martin Luther King Jr Day
(No school)
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meeting
16114 N Meyer Road
Starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Tue Jan
19 – Fri
Feb 12
Daddy Daughter Dance
Dance to be held from 6:00pm
– 9:00pm on
Saturday February 13
Rathdrum Parks & Rec
For more information please
call 208.687.2399
Mother Son Bowling Night
Bowling from 5:00pm – 8:00pm
on Tuesday February 16
Rathdrum Parks & Rec
For more information please
call 208.687.2399
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Wed Jan
Thu Jan
Rathdrum Planning & Zoning
Commission Meeting
Starting at 6:30pm
Rathdrum City Hall
For more information please
call 208.687.0261 x114
Rathdrum Area Chamber of
Commerce Monthly Luncheon
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Mon Jan
Rathdrum Lions Club
Dinner Meeting
16114 N Meyer Road
Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm
Dinner starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Wed Jan
American Legion Post 154
Membership Meeting
Rathdrum Lion's Club
Meetings start at 6:00pm
For more information contact
Jean Bledsoe at
Thu Jan
Republican National Debate
Fox News Republican Debate
Fri Jan 29
Lakeland Joint School
District #272
End of 2nd Quarter (No school
for students)
Mon Feb
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meeting
16114 N Meyer Road
Starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Iowa Precinct Caucuses
Democrats and Republicans
Fri Feb 5
Lakeland Joint School
District #272
K-8 Parent/teacher conferences
8:00am – 12:00pm
(No school for K-8 students)
Sat Feb 6
Republican National Debate
ABC / IJReview Republican
Mon Feb
Rathdrum Lions Club
Dinner Meeting
16114 N Meyer Road
Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm
Dinner starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Tue Feb 9
New Hampshire Primary
Democrats and Republican
Wed Feb
Ash Wednesday
American Legion Post 154
Executive Committee Meeting
Rathdrum Lion's Club
Meetings start at 6:00pm
For more information contact
Jean Bledsoe at
Rathdrum City Council Meeting
Starting at 6:00pm
Rathdrum City Hall
For more information please
call 208.687.0261 x114
How do you get your event added to our
community calendar? It's simple, and it
doesn't cost anything! Just send an email
to Editor@RathdrumWeeklyNews.com with
what, when (date and time), where, cost (if
any), and contact or R.S.V.P. information
and we will get it posted!
In order to make the next weeks newsletter,
we need to have your calendar information
to our office by this coming Friday.
If your event is listed, and something
changes, please let us know as soon as you
can so we can help to get the word out.
Say you saw it in the
Rathdrum Weekly News
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Will the Presidential Election Affect Investment Outlook?
We’re just a few weeks away from the first
caucuses and primaries, so presidential
election season is in full swing. As a voter,
you may be keenly interested in the
election process. But as an investor, should
you be concerned?
year ahead, in terms of the performance of
the financial markets. As mentioned above,
many factors influence this performance,
and at this early stage in the year, we just
can’t predict which of these factors will take
If you take a look back, you might be
somewhat encouraged over the prospects
of the financial markets this year. In the
last 12 presidential election years, the Dow
Jones Industrial Average has been up nine
times and down just three. So, election
years must be good for the financial
markets, right?
So, instead of worrying about things you
can’t control, focus on those that you can.
For starters, review your investment mix.
Does it still properly reflect your goals, risk
tolerance and time horizon? Over time,
even if you haven’t made many changes to
your portfolio, it can become “unbalanced.”
For example, if you own some stocks that
Not necessarily. In every year, the markets have increased greatly in value over the
years, these stocks may now be taking up a
are influenced by a variety of factors:
larger percentage of your holdings than you
interest rates, inflation, corporate profits,
geopolitical events, economic growth, even had intended, bringing with them a higher
the weather. And it’s safe to say that 2016 degree of risk. Consequently, you might
want to consider selling off some of these
will be no different. At this early stage of
the year, one could say that some of these stocks and using the proceeds to fill in
other gaps in your portfolio.
factors, such as continued low interest
rates and a reasonably strong economy,
On the other hand, if you think your mix of
might bode well for investors. But there’s a investments is not providing you with the
lot of 2016 ahead of us – and it’s
returns you need to help make progress
notoriously difficult for anybody, even sotoward your long-term objectives, you may
called experts, to accurately predict the
need to add some vehicles that can provide
market’s performance over a relatively
you with more growth potential. After all,
short time, such as a year.
it’s 2016 now, so whatever your age, you
are another year closer to retirement.
Still, the market’s history of pretty good
results in presidential election years may
not be entirely random. For one thing, the
White House is never the only office being
contested; elections are also held for every
congressional district and many seats in the
Senate. Consequently, during these
election years, campaigning often takes
precedence over legislating. This
legislative inactivity tends to be welcomed
by the financial markets, which generally
dislike surprises, big changes and new
Will this year look like past presidential
election years, as far as good returns from
the stock market? No one can say for sure.
But if you “vote” for smart investment
moves, you won’t be sorry.
However, you can’t really count on past
trends to provide a certain roadmap for the
Stop by to say Hi! and to pick
up a copy of this weeks newsletter.
Debbie Holmes
Financial Advisor
Edward Jones Investments
6600 W Commercial Park Ave
Suite B
Rathdrum, ID 83858
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Today In Real Estate
Submitted by Tim Herzog, Twin Lakes Realty, Rathdrum
There are many topics pertaining to real estate that I would like to cover starting off the
New Year. Let’s take a look first at the real estate activity this past year in the Rathdrum
and Twin Lakes area. This data includes the areas near and around Rathdrum, Hauser,
Twin Lakes and Spirit Lake. These are the properties our local Multiple Listing Service
(MLS) considers located in Area 4.
The current Active Listings in all categories total approximately (212) listings with prices
ranging from $33,500 to $3,999,000.
Here is a detailed breakdown of Active Listings in Area 4.
Site built homes on less than 2 acres: (72) listed at $120,000 to $549,000 with (7)
pending offers.
Site built homes on more than 2 acres: (23) listed at $170,000 to $3,999,000. Yes,
that is almost 4M!
Site built homes on *leased land: (8) listed at $155,000 to $226,000 with (2)
pending offers.
* These are Lease Hold properties all located in Golden Spikes Estates.
Residential Waterfront Homes: (18) listed at $198,500 to $697,500.
Condo’s: (13) listed at $59,900 to $170,000.
Townhomes: (1) listed at $150,000
Manufactured on leased lot: (3) listed at $33,500 to $82,500.
Manufactured on own lot: (1) listed at $145,000 with pending offer.
Manufactured on acreage: (1) listed at $135,000.
Commercial Buildings: (7) listed from $59,000 to $999,000.
Commercial Buildings, business included: (2) listed at $299,000 to $439,500, (1)
pending offer.
Commercial vacant land: (8) listed at $75,000 to $2,000,000.
Now let’s take a look at the “Sold” information for 2015 in Area 4. Total Sold & Closed in
2015. (441) listings sold with prices ranging from $14,500 to $799,000.
Site Built homes on less than 2 acres: (215) sold & closed from $35,200 to
• Site built homes on more than 2 acres: (70) sold & closed from $115,000 to
• Site built on lease land: (0) recorded in the MLS.
• Residential Waterfront Homes: (11) sold & closed from $110,000 to $470,000.
• Condo’s: (35) sold & closed from $23,000 to $259,900.
• Townhomes: (1) sold & closed at $140,000.
• Manufactured on leased lot: (4) sold & closed from $20,000 to $74,225.
• Manufactured on own lot: (9) sold & closed from $43,000 to $165,000.
• Manufactured on acreage: (12) sold & closed from $92,500 to $265,000.
• Commercial Buildings: (5) sold & closed from $179,900 to $650,000.
• Commercial buildings with business included: (0) sold & closed.
Continued on next page
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
From page 7: Today In Real Estate
• Commercial vacant land: (1) sold and closed at $125,000.
• *Commercial Condos: (8) sold & closed from $32,000 to $35,000
* All in one location, Mini Storage type condos.
This end of the year data is what I have compiled from the local MLS and any
inaccuracies may be contributed to the author!
Well that should give everyone a good idea on what the local market has done this past
year. Rathdrum properties have been especially in demand and more residential listings
are needed. As long as lending rates don’t rise significantly, 2016 should be a very good
year again for real estate in our area.
For more detailed information or any questions regarding real estate, I am at your
Tim Herzog (208) 651-0566
Twin Lakes Realty
14777 W. Highway 53
Rathdrum, ID. 83858
From page 1: Post 154 News
over telephone service.
2015 was an exciting and productive year.
We created a new American Legion post 1
year ago from a small group of 16
motivated people. We now have 73
members who jump in when help is
needed! We have our permanent charter
and our name - Manuel Schneidmiller Post
154, and are financially sound. That is
really a huge accomplishment that we can
all take pride in. The community of
Rathdrum has welcomed us enthusiastically
and always supports our programs and
events. The Schneidmiller family not only
allowed us to name our post after Mannie
Schneidmiller, but also made a very
generous contribution to our Post.
March brought us Rob Reiner's (remember
Meathead?) mockumentary “This is Spinal
Tap”. It is a movie that chronicled the
fictional comeback tour of the British heavy
metal rockers Spinal Tap.
The new year is ripe with potential and
promises only positive things for Post 154.
May this new year be full of health and
happiness and fondest desires met.
Here is your newsletter link:
Happy New Year!
The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy
was published in April.
Born In the USA, the seventh studio album
by Bruce Springsteen was released in June.
Have you ever played Tetris? Russian
programmer Alexey Pajitnov released the
first version of Tetris in June 1984.
In July 1984, President Reagan declared July
to be National Ice Cream Month, with
National Ice Cream Day on the third Sunday
of that month. The “Moon Treaty” also took
effect with 15 countries ratifying it.
September 1984 introduced us to the
Autobots and Decepticons and their
ongoing battle for the resources necessary
to return to their home planet of Cybertron.
From page 1: Welcome to 2016!
In 1984 we were introduced to the Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles.
This ended the monopoly AT&T had held
Continued on next page
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
From page 8: Welcome to 2016!
How many of you remember Clara Peller
'Where's the Beef?” commercials for
Wendy's? Hulk Mania? Or how about The
Cosby Show?
Footloose with Kevin Bacon is 32 years old
this year. Madonna's Mtv Video Music
Awards rendition of “Like A Virgin” managed
to turn a few heads, and who can forget the
“Revenge of the Nerds?”
Prince Harry (Sep 15), Randall Munroe (Oct
17), Katy Perry (Oct 25), Scarlett Johansson
(Nov 22), Trey Songz (Nov 24), and LeBron
James (Dec 30).
While we are stuck in 1984 lets look at How
Much things cost:
Yearly Inflation Rate USA: 4.3 %
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial
Average: 1211
Year End Federal Reserve Interest Rates:
Just think, in 13 years we will be sending a 10.75%
Average Cost of new house: $86,730
cyborg back to 1984 to assassinate a
Median price of an existing home: $72,400
waitress who's unborn son will lead
humanity in a war against the machines in Average Income per year: $21,600.00
Average Monthly Rent: $350.00
the Terminator.
Movie Ticket: $2.50
Happy 32nd birthday to the following famous 1 gallon of gas: $1.10
and/or infamous people: Kid Cudi (Jan 30),
Dodge RAM 50 Truck: $8,995.00
Olivia Wilde (Mar 10), Sarah Jean
Chrysler New Yorker: $13,045
Underwood (Mar 26), Mandy Moore (Apr
Chevrolet Corvette: $23,392
10), America Ferrera (Apr 18), Mark
Apples: 43 cents per pound
Zuckerberg (May 14), Aubrey Plaza (Jun 26), Bacon: $1.69 per pound
New Laws for 2016
As we gaze around the country, some new laws that are taking effect with the new year.
Texas, the second-most populous state, is joining 44 other states in allowing at least
some firearm owners to carry handguns openly in public places. Under the Texas law,
guns can be carried by those with licenses and only in holsters.
Delaware is allowing people who are in the United States illegally to be licensed to drive.
Currently ten states and the District of Columbia allow this.
Conversely, California, the most populous state, has multiple new laws on gun control.
One tightens a ban on firearms in and around schools. Under the new law, the
prohibition will apply even to most people who are allowed to carry concealed weapons
California and Oregon will become the first states that automatically register eligible
voters when they obtain or renew their driver's licenses. You can opt-out if you wish, but
how many will?
Hawaii is becoming the first state to raise its minimum age, from 18 to 21, to buy or use
cigarettes or e-cigarettes. While the law goes into effect on the 1st, it won't be enforced
until March 1.
Illinois is making it a misdemeanor to leave pets outside during extreme weather.
In Missouri, a new law will link the duration of jobless benefits to the state's
Continued on next page
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
From page 9: New Laws for 2016
unemployment rate. When fewer people are out of work, those claiming the benefits will
be cut off sooner. The maximum length of the benefits will be reduced from the current
20 weeks - already among the shorter periods in the nation - to 13.
Oregonians driving non-commercial vehicles will be allowed to pump their own gas — so
long as they're stopped at a service station in a rural area (counties with 40,000 people
or fewer) between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.
South Dakotans looking to toast the new year can now get wine delivered by mail. A
new law allows adults in the state to order up to 12 cases a year from any properly
licensed winery.
North Carolina, a voter identification law passed in 2013 that requires people to show a
photo ID is taking effect this year. In Idaho we have had to present photo ID since 2010.
The wages are rising in California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Rhode Island, Vermont and West Virginia on Friday January 8th. States with
automatic annual increases effective Jan. 1 are Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Jersey,
Ohio and South Dakota.
Other items of interest this year.
Under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, individuals who choose not to
get health insurance through government exchanges, on their own or via their employers
have to pay an additional tax.
If you do not have health insurance coverage in 2015, you’ll have to pay the higher of
these two amounts:
2 percent of your yearly income above the tax-filing threshold (generally about
$10,150) up to a maximum cost of the national average premium to purchase a
Bronze Plan from the federal healthcare exchange. Or …
$695 per person ($347.50 per child under 18). The maximum penalty per family
using this method is $2,085.
Those costs have more than tripled from calendar year 2014 when the penalty was $95
per person or 1 percent of household income.
The normal tax due date of April 15, 2016 falls on an official District of Columbia holiday
called Emancipation Day. As a result, taxpayers will have until April 18, 2016, to file their
2015 returns.
Are you an expert in your field? Can you
write? We are looking for contributors to
help make this newsletter an area
publication. If you are interested, please
email Editor@RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Rathdrum Chamber Board of Directors 2016
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Rathdrum Chamber Retiring Directors
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Blanchard Area Seniors InCorporated
PO Box 127, Blanchard, Idaho 83804 * 208 437-1037
It is that time of year again (it feels like it was just last week, but it has been a year
already). It is time to thank you for your support of BASIC and the Blanchard Community
Center in past years and to ask you to continue your support in 2016. It will be the best
$15.00 you spend in 2016!
Thanks to one of our wonderful volunteers, BASIC memberships now include some
wonderful coupons that you will receive along with a birthday card (a big thank you to
the donors):
Annie's Country Kitchen - 1 pancake or cup of soup
Stoneridge Resort - 1 round of miniature golf
Bean Buzz - 1 small latte or shot of espresso
La Sierra - 1 frozen dessert bar or soft drink
Blanchard Inn - 1 dessert
Magee's - 10% off entire ticket
4th and Main - 1 small gelato
Your membership helps us to continue offering speakers, programs, fundraisers and
events throughout the year, including weekly breakfasts (by donation), speakers and
programs for all ages, art and cooking classes, a new theater group, stitching and
quilting, free children’s arts camp and much MUCH more! We will be sending out the
2016 Calendar in the next couple of weeks.
Your membership also means you will receive our QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER!
The Community Center does not receive ANY government or taxpayer support. It is
completely run through the hard work of dedicated volunteers who realize the value and
rewards of being independent. If you would like to volunteer, please call the Center at
208 437-1037. We are seeking cooks and helpers for our Country Breakfast program, as
well as at events throughout the year.
Also, building up our membership numbers helps us when applying for grants. Numbers,
as well as faces, make a difference. Your support means a lot, whether you live in the
Blanchard area or not.
BASIC Board of Directors
Executive Director: Barb Hornby / President: Deirell Paine / Vice President: Chris Bishop
Treasurer: Donna Steiner / Recording Secretary: Elsie Vernon
Members at Large: Chuck Hodge & Clancie Pleasants Hodge
Editor: If you want an application, please send an email to BlanchardNews@aol.com.
Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838

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