Welcome to the Rathdrum Weekly Newsletter! Rathdrum City
Welcome to the Rathdrum Weekly Newsletter! Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce Monthly Luncheon an invaluable chance to get to know the current candidates for President of the United States. The first two presidential Tomorrow starting at noon, the Rathdrum debates, and the vice president debate are Chamber is holding their monthly luncheon all available for viewing on YouTube.com. at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Remember, Tuesday November 8th is the Church on Highway 53. day to get out and vote! While you need to have a reservation with the Chamber Office to enjoy lunch catered Sleeper Event by Chartwells Dining Service, you are The Idaho Department of Labor is holding welcome to show up and network with fellow business owners before and after the an employer conference covering the byzantine and endless new overtime meeting. regulations, and Federal and State The featured speaker is Christopher employment laws from 9:00am through Schuessler, a small business banking 4:00pm. relationship manager, and he is going to be talking about small business lines of credit You will be woken up for lunch about noon. and credit cards, vehicle and equipment Trunk or Treat loans, merchant services, real estate financing, and SBA loans. A week from this coming Saturday, on October 29th, the Rathdrum Parks and Third 2016 Presidential Debate Recreation is holding a “Trunk or Treat” event that is open to the public on Main Tonight starting at 6:00pm on most cable channels and many Internet streaming sites Street from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. There will be decorated cars and people handing and services, the University of Nevada in treats out of their trunks. There is going to Las Vegas is hosting the third presidential be a best decorated trunk contest, a debate between Democratic candidate pumpkin carving contest, a costume Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate parade, carnival games, and so much more! Donald Trump. If you would like to have your car in the I would highly encourage stuffing cotton in event or you have any questions, please your ears and hiding under a table until this contact the Rathdrum Parks and Rec at blows over in 20 days. 208.687.2399. On a more serious note, these debates are Calendar Space Available You may be noticing the thinning of events as we are coming to the end of 2016. If your business, organization, or group is hosting an event that is open to the public, we are standing by to help increase attendance. Simply send an email to Editor@RathdrumWeeklyNews.com with what, where, when, R.S.V.P. contact information, and if there is any cost and we will gladly insert it into our calendar. What does it cost for this? Less than five minutes of your time to type it up and hit send. Wanted: Person or persons to help us cover the stories in Rathdrum. Please contact Editor@RathdrumWeeklyNews.com. Wanted: Advertisers to help us offset our ongoing costs. We can accommodate Our calendar is updated daily and published standard size ads from a 1” square to a full weekly in these page, and any size in between. At this pages. If we receive time, we do require camera ready art-work a notice that is too because we don't have the ability or time to late to make the design or re-work an ad. Please contact weeks calendar, we Editor@RathdrumWeeklyNews.com. will include it in our email blast in our too Wanted: Graphics artist able to do piecemeal work. Send a few samples along late for publication with pricing to section. Editor@RathdrumWeeklyNews.com. The Rathdrum Weekly News is Editor and submitted articles an independent, locally owned are gladly accepted and The Rathdrum Weekly News newsletter published each published as submitted so long assumes no obligation for Wednesday by Joseph Hume, as the content is within accidental errors in any with advertising and editorial community standards and advertisement, but will gladly offices located at addresses a subject generally republish that portion in which recognized to be of community an error has occurred. 13785 West Highway 53, interest. Rathdrum ID 83858. The Rathdrum Weekly News Any Letter to the Editor or expects its advertisers to The Rathdrum Weekly News submitted article may be respect community decency in welcomes unsolicited editorial, rejected outright because of its messages and that article, or photographic possible libelous content or merchandise and/or services contributions for possible reduced in length due to space being offered are, indeed, publication within its pages, constraints. Some minor available to the general public but reserves the right to edit editing may occur. All items at the stated price or cost. any materials to conform to submitted must be signed and recognized Associated Press a working telephone number Any advertising, political or style guidelines. Editorial included. The author’s name otherwise, are accepted on a contributions, article, and will be withheld if requested. “cash-with-copy” basis. The advertising copy must be at publisher has the right to deny the Rathdrum Weekly News by Advertising submissions also the sale of advertising space to noon Friday of the week are accepted at the discretion a delinquent account. proceeding Wednesday’s of the publisher and may be publication. Letters to the rejected without cause. Important Dates at a Glance October Saturday 29th – Trunk or Treat Monday 31st – All-hallows-Eve Trick or Treat November Tuesday 8th – 2016 Election Friday 11th – Veterans Day Thursday 24th – Thanksgiving Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Community Calendar Wed Oct 19 Lakeland Sunrise Rotary 7:00am to 8:00am Lakeland School District #272 Office 15506 N. Washington Street Rathdrum For more information please call 208.687.5765 Idaho Department of Labor Employer Conference covering New Overtime regulations, Federal and State Employment Laws 9:00am – 4:00pm 600 N Thornton Street Post Falls Tickets are $10 each – Limit 2 per company For more information please contact Stacey Hanlon @ stacey.hanlon@labor.idaho.gov Presidential Debate Starting at 9:00pm EST / 6:00pm PST Hosted by University of Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada Rathdrum Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Starting at 6:30pm Rathdrum City Hall For more information please call 208.687.0261 x114 Thu Oct 20 Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce Monthly Luncheon Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran www.RathdrumChamberOfCom merce.com 12:00pm – 1:00pm Mon Oct 24 Rathdrum Lions Club Dinner Meeting 16114 N Meyer Road Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm Dinner starting at 7:00pm For more information please call 208.687.1212 Wed Oct 26 Lakeland Sunrise Rotary 7:00am to 8:00am Lakeland School District #272 Office 15506 N. Washington Street Rathdrum For more information please call 208.687.5765 American Legion Post 154 Membership Meeting Rathdrum Lion's Club Meetings start at 6:00pm For more information contact Jean Bledsoe at Rathdrum154@gmail.com Thu Oct 27 Rathdrum Garden Club October Meeting At the Rathdrum Library Meeting starts at 6:30pm Topic: Fall Final Prep rathdrumgardenclub@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/rath drumgardenclub Sat Oct 29 Trunk or Treat Sponsored by Rathdrum Parks and Rec 5:30pm – 7:30pm Main Street Rathdrum For more information please contact Rathdrum Parks and Rec at 208.687.2399 or via email parksrec@rathdrum.org Mon Oct Halloween 31 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal loween Kootenai County Jail Museum Family Halloween 2016 5:00pm – 7:00pm 7940 W 2nd Street Rathdrum Presentation on “The History and the Mystery” by East Washington Paranormal Group Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Tue Nov 1 Wed Nov 2 Lakeland Community Blood Drive Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 13541 W Highway 53 3:00pm – 5:30pm Make your appointment at www.inbcsaves.org or call 800.423.0151 Lakeland Sunrise Rotary 7:00am to 8:00am Lakeland School District #272 Office 15506 N. Washington Street Rathdrum For more information please call 208.687.5765 Fri Nov 4 Lakeland School District 272 End of First Quarter (No School) Mon Nov 7 Rathdrum Lions Club Business Meeting 16114 N Meyer Road Starting at 7:00pm For more information please call 208.687.1212 Tue Nov 8 – Thu Nov 10 Lakeland School District 272 K-8 Evening Parent / Teacher Conferences Wed Nov 9 Lakeland Sunrise Rotary 7:00am to 8:00am Lakeland School District #272 Office 15506 N. Washington Street Rathdrum For more information please call 208.687.5765 American Legion Post 154 Executive Committee Meeting Rathdrum Lion's Club Meetings start at 6:00pm For more information contact Jean Bledsoe at Rathdrum154@gmail.com Rathdrum City Council Meeting Starting at 6:00pm Rathdrum City Hall For more information please call 208.687.0261 x114 Thu Nov 10 – Fri Nov 11 Lakeland School District 272 First Quarter Report Cards Thu Nov 10 Lakeland School District 272 Grades 9-12 Parent / Teacher Conferences Fri Nov 11 Veterans Day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vet erans_Day Sun Nov 13 Veterans' Recognition Day Doors open at 2:00pm – Program begins at 2:30pm Lakeland High School Commons For more information, to sign up as oldest, youngest, or a WWII vet, call Jean Bledsoe at 509.981.3413, or email at jeanbledsoe@gmail.com ASAP Mon Nov 14 Rathdrum Lions Club Dinner Meeting 16114 N Meyer Road Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm Dinner starting at 7:00pm For more information please call 208.687.1212 Wed Nov 16 Lakeland Sunrise Rotary 7:00am to 8:00am Lakeland School District #272 Office 15506 N. Washington Street Rathdrum For more information please call 208.687.5765 Rathdrum Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Starting at 6:30pm Rathdrum City Hall For more information please call 208.687.0261 x114 Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Investors Should Avoid “Great Expectations” Apart from death and taxes, few events in our world are consistently predictable – and investment returns are definitely not one of them. What can you, as an individual investor, do to cope with the ups and downs of the financial markets and make progress toward your long-term goals? To begin with, you should be aware that the financial markets have fluctuated greatly – daily, monthly and yearly – over the past three decades. Overall, though, the financial markets trended upward, as measured by major indexes such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S & P 500. Of course, as you’ve no doubt heard, past performance can’t guarantee future results. What was responsible for this long upturn? Most experts cite several factors: sharp declines in inflation and interest rates, vastly improved worker productivity (largely brought on, for at least a few years, by more advanced and efficient information technology), growth in emerging markets and a long run of strong corporate profits. risk tolerance would normally allow. For example, you might be tempted to pursue some “hot” stocks that you heard about through a friend, co-worker, or one of the socalled experts on the cable television shows devoted to investing. But by the time you hear about these stocks, they may not be so “hot” anymore – and they may never have been so hot for you, given your individual needs, goals and risk tolerance. So, instead of ratcheting up the aggressiveness with which you invest, look for other investment techniques to help yourself advance toward your financial objectives. • Boost your investments in your retirement plans. Contribute as much as you can afford to your 401(k), IRA and other retirement accounts. The earlier you start, the more years you’ll be giving your investments to potentially grow. • Be open to working longer. If you like your job, and you’re prepared to be flexible, you could gain some key benefits by working just a few more years than you had planned. Specifically, you can keep contributing to Can a generally positive investment your 401(k) and IRA, and you also might be environment continue in the years ahead? As able to delay taking Social Security, thereby mentioned above, it’s pretty hard to forecast earning bigger monthly payments when you the performance of the financial markets. do start collecting your benefits. And you can be fairly certain that the market volatility we’ve seen – those large price Investing would be simple if you could always swings – will not disappear any time soon. So count on earning big returns. However, that’s to help position yourself to better withstand not the case. And if the markets are indeed these sharp movements, consider the going to be somewhat unpredictable, then following: you’ll want to take a page out of the Boy Scouts’ handbook and “be prepared.” • Modify your expectations. Don’t count on high or even positive returns throughout all Debbie Holmes your years of investing. Try to “bake in” Financial Advisor reasonable return expectations to your longEdward Jones term investment strategy. A financial 6600 W Commercial Park Ave professional may be able to help you with Suite B this. Rathdrum, ID 83858 208.687.5765 • Don’t make rash moves to “beat the market.” If the market doesn’t consistently This article was written by yield double-digit returns, you might think Edward Jones for use by your local Edward that you need to take drastic actions, such as Jones Financial Advisor. investing much more aggressively than your Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838 Homesteading, Preparedness & Sustainability by Russell S. Spriggs, www.inwPrep.com Free “Bug-out Bag” Workshop, Thursday Evening, Oct. 20 So, what’s all the hype about these “Get Out Of Dodge” bags, that can cost hundreds of dollars? Find out how a neighbor has created a very respectable and locally-sourced “Get Home” bag for 40 bucks! With winter coming, this should be “standard issue” in every vehicle in North Idaho. Check last winter’s issues of the CDA Press to read about those who’ve died in or near their vehicle; let’s put a stop to these tragedies. Details are still being ironed out as this article is being written, so go to www.inwPrep.com for complete info on this FREE event. Meanwhile, here’s what Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, says on the subject: “The primary purpose of a bug-out bag is to allow one to evacuate quickly if a disaster should strike. It is therefore prudent to gather all of the materials and supplies that might be required to do this into a single place, such as a bag or a few storage containers. The recommendation that a bug-out bag contain enough supplies for seventy-two hours arises from advice from organizations responsible for disaster relief and management that it may take them up to seventy-two hours to reach people affected by a disaster and offer help. The bag's contents may vary according to the region of the user, as someone evacuating from the path of a hurricane may have different supplies from someone who lives in an area prone to blizzards, tornadoes or wildfires. “In addition to allowing one to survive a disaster evacuation, a bug-out bag may also be used when sheltering in place as a response to emergencies such as house fires, blackouts, tornadoes, and other severe natural disasters. “Some survivalists also recommend keeping a 'get me home' kit in the car and/or at work. This is a kit to enable a person to get back home from work in an emergency where all transport cars and public transport have broken down.” Russell Spriggs facilitates off-grid, gardening and sustainable living classes. He is a Vietnam era veteran who has actually lived off-grid with solar power, gravity-fed water systems, organic greenhouses, dairy goats, poultry, and 40 years with honeybees. Details at www.inwPrep.com . As an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, he provides basic, affordable classes in Open and Concealed Pistol Safety, confidence and proficiency in the Inland Northwest. See www.PistolProf.com Rathdrum Weekly News - http://www.RathdrumWeeklyNews.com 13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
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