the Rathdrum Wednesday Newsletter! Welcome Back after the St


the Rathdrum Wednesday Newsletter! Welcome Back after the St
Welcome to the Rathdrum Wednesday Newsletter!
Welcome Back after the St Patty's
Day Celebration!
Hopefully you didn't forget to wear
something green yesterday! Some belated
St Patrick's Day trivia for you...
Across the country, 11 percent of
residents lay claim to Irish ancestry.
That number more than doubles to 23
percent in the state of Massachusetts.
Corned beef and cabbage is a
traditional St. Patrick’s Day dish. In
Dodge for a Cure
2009, roughly 26.1 billion pounds of
Submitted by Tamie Phelps
beef and 2.3 billion pounds of
cabbage were produced in the United Last Wednesday night the
Timberlake High School
held their annual "Dodge
Irish soda bread gets its name and
distinctive character from the use of for a Cure" tournament.
Last year they raised $347
baking soda rather than yeast as a
& this year $268 for the Rathdrum Relay for
leavening agent.
Life. This tournament is put on by the
Lime green chrysanthemums are
Leadership Class. They are responsible for
often requested for St. Patrick’s Day
this event and also the "Battle of the Buck",
parades and celebrations.
Homecoming, and Mr. THS. It is a year
round class with a lot of work, but they have
At the annual New York City St.
a blast!
Patrick’s Day parade, participants
march up 5th Avenue from 44th
Street to 86th Street. Each year,
between 150,000 and 250,000
marchers take part in the parade,
which does not allow automobiles or
frequently reported ancestry, ranking
behind German.
This year they had eight teams sign up:
Question Mark
Carram Rod
White Boys
Here's Your Lesson
Don't Stop Belleven
There are 34.7 million U.S. residents Big Blue
Dirty Duckin Dipper Dodgers
with Irish ancestry. This number is
more than seven times the population Dodgin Divas
of Ireland itself.
These teams dress up in crazy outfits and
Irish is the nation’s second most
Continued on next page
From page 1: Dodge for a Cure
have a blast playing. The "Here's Your
Lesson" team is all facility. As you can see
they had fun too! We would like to say a
huge thank you to the kids & facility for all
there support!
The BIG winners this year was the “Dodgin'
Say you saw it in the
Rathdrum Weekly News!
The Rathdrum Weekly News is
an independent, locally owned
newsletter published each
Wednesday by Joseph Hume,
with advertising and editorial
offices located at
13785 West Highway 53,
Rathdrum ID 83858.
Editor and submitted articles
are gladly accepted and
published as submitted so long
as the content is within
community standards and
addresses a subject generally
recognized to be of community
The Rathdrum Weekly News
assumes no obligation for
accidental errors in any
advertisement, but will gladly
republish that portion in which
an error has occurred.
The Rathdrum Weekly News
Any Letter to the Editor or
expects its advertisers to
The Rathdrum Weekly News
submitted article may be
respect community decency in
welcomes unsolicited editorial,
rejected outright because of
its messages and that
article, or photographic
possible libelous content or
merchandise and/or services
contributions for possible
reduced in length due to space
being offered are, indeed,
publication within its pages,
constraints. Some minor
available to the general public
but reserves the right to edit
editing may occur. All items
at the stated price or cost.
any materials to conform to
submitted must be signed and
recognized Associated Press
a working telephone number
Any advertising, political or
style guidelines. Editorial
included. The author’s name
otherwise, are accepted on a
contributions, article, and
will be withheld if requested.
“cash-with-copy” basis. The
advertising copy must be at
publisher has the right to deny
the Rathdrum Weekly News by
Advertising submissions also the sale of advertising space to
noon Friday of the week
are accepted at the discretion
a delinquent account.
proceeding Wednesday’s
of the publisher and may be
publication. Letters to the
rejected without cause.
American Legion Post 154 News
On Saturday March 21, at the American Legion District 1 meeting, Post 154 will be
presented with our temporary charter by the Department Commander. We like to see as
many of our members as possible - wearing your hat if you have one.
The District 1 meeting will take place at Gus Zollner Post 36 at 110 W Hill St, Kellogg,
Idaho. Take the 2nd exit, turn right and it is the 2nd or 3rd building on the left next to
It will be on Saturday March 21st. Registration starts at 9 am and there will be some
type of training that morning.
Registration is $3 per person and $10 for lunch. Lunch will be pizza and salad. They
would like to know in advance if anyone needs gluten free.
Please let Bryan know if you plan to attend as the Kellogg Post needs to plan how much
to buy for lunch. Email him here:
This Week In History
Seems like only yesterday...
March 18, 1974 – Five month old Arab oil embargo against the U.S. was lifted. The
embargo was a result of America's support of Israel during the Yom Kipper War of 1973
March 19, 2003 – The U.S.launched an attack against Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein.
March 20, 1995 – A nerve gas attack occurred on the Tokyo subway system during rush
hour resulting in 12 persons killed and 5,000 injured
March 21, 1918 – The Second Battle of the Somme began as German General Erich von
Ludendoff launched an all out drive in an attempt to win the war. The offensive lasted 16
days gaining the Germans 35 miles of territory.
March 22, 1972 – The Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by
the U.S. Senate and sent to the states for ratification. While 22 states quickly ratified the
amendment, the amendment failed by 3 states before the (extended) June 1982
deadline. To become an amendment to the constitution, 38 states needed to ratify it.
March 23, 1775 – Patrick Henry ignited the American Revolution with a speech before the
Virginia convention in Richmond stating “I know not what course others may take; but as
for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”
March 24, 1989 – One of the largest oil spills in U.S. history occurred as the oil tanker
Exxon Valdez ran aground in the Prince William Sound off Alaska, resulting in 11 million
gallons of oil leaking into the natural habitat over a stretch of 45 miles.
Rathdrum Weekly News -
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Community Calendar
Wed Mar
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
7:00am to 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
Picture Wooden Blocks
$4.00 per block
Bring in pictures
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
Thu Mar
John Brown Elementary is
hosting a public exhibition of
the 18th Annual Science Fair
8:45am – 3:30pm
15574 N Washington
Rathdrum Area Chamber of
Commerce Monthly Luncheon
Shepard of the Hills Lutheran
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Gardening 101
$5.00 per person
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
John Brown Elementary is
hosting a public exhibition of
the 18th Annual Science Fair
8:45am – 3:30pm
15574 N Washington
Zilch Dice Game Night &
$3.00 per person
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
Starting at 6:00pm
Sat Mar
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Mon Mar
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
Fri Mar 20
Spring / Vernal Equinox
How to take the perfect Selfie
$2.00 per person
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
Living Fully Al-Anon
Family Group
Palidash Building
8052 West Main Street
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meetings
16114 N Meyer Road
Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm
Dinner starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Lakeland Joint School District
Town Hall Meeting
Betty Kiefer Elementary
Starting at 6:30pm
Leather Book Covers
Priced by size, $10.00 and Up
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
Kids Craft and Coloring Hour
$5.00 per child
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
Tue Mar
Part 2 to Book Cover or Make
and Take
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Rathdrum Weekly News -
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Wed Mar
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
7:00am - 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
2nd Annual Theater and
Performing Arts Festival
Mountain View Alternative High
Wednesday, March 25th, 2015
Cookies and coffee starting at
Strict 6:00pm first curtain
Timberlake performance at
Mountain View performance at
approximately 6:30pm
Lakeland performance at
approximately 7:00pm
American Legion Post 154
Rathdrum Lion's Club
Meetings start at 6:00pm
For more information contact
Mike Warren 208.771.0122
Basic Yoga
$5.00 per person
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Thu Mar
Mountain View Alternative High
School Reverse Job Fair
1:00pm – 2:30pm
7802 W Main Street
For more information please
contact Krista Beattie at
208.687.0025 or
Intro to Social Media Marketing
$5.00 per person
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Fri Mar 27 Lakeland School District #272 –
End of 3rd Quarter (No School)
Chicken Foot Domino's Game
Night & Potluck
$3.00 per person
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
Sat Mar
Kids Craft and Coloring Hour
$5.00 per child
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Sun Mar
Spirit Lake Seventh-Day
Adventist Church
Cooking Class: “Dinner”
32771 N 5th Avenue, Spirit
Lake, ID 83869
Corner of Highway 41 and
For more information:
3:00pm – 4:30pm
Mon Mar Lakeland School District #272 –
Start of Spring Break (No
Living Fully Al-Anon
Family Group
Palidash Building
8052 West Main Street
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Weight loss Support
Donations Accepted
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Basic Yoga
$5.00 per person
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Rathdrum Weekly News -
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Tue Mar
Photo Bombing Fun
$2.00 per person
Call 208.627.3095 for details
Bubble Boy Boutique LLC
7:00am to 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
Rathdrum Westwood Historical
Society Presentation at the Old
Kootenai County Jail
7940 W 2nd Street
Starting at 3:30pm
For more information please
5864 W. Maine Street Spirit Lake
Wed Apr
April Fools Day
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
7:00am to 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
GEM Committee Meetings
Rathdrum City Hall
Starting at 5pm
Sun Apr 5 Lakeland School District #272 –
End of Spring Break
Mon Apr 6
Wed Apr
Mon Apr
Wed Apr
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meetings
16114 N Meyer Road
Starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
7:00am to 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
Rathdrum City Council Meeting
Rathdrum City Hall
Starting at 6:00pm
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meetings
16114 N Meyer Road
Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm
Dinner starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Tax Day
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
Thu Apr
Rathdrum Area Chamber of
Commerce Monthly Luncheon
Shepard of the Hills Lutheran
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Mon Apr
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meetings
16114 N Meyer Road
Starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Wed Apr
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
7:00am to 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
American Legion Post 154
Rathdrum Lion's Club
Meetings start at 6:00pm
For more information contact
Mike Warren 208.771.0122
Mon Apr
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meetings
16114 N Meyer Road
Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm
Dinner starting at 7:00pm
Rathdrum Weekly News -
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Wed Apr
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
7:00am to 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
Mon May
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meetings
16114 N Meyer Road
Starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Wed May
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
7:00am to 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
GEM Committee Meetings
Rathdrum City Hall
Starting at 5pm
Sat May 9
Pine Grove Cemetery Cleanup
Mon May
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meetings
16114 N Meyer Road
Social Mixer starting at 6:30pm
Dinner starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
Wed May
Lakeland Sunrise Rotary
7:00am to 8:00am
Lakeland School District
#272 Office
15506 N. Washington Street
For more information please
call 208.687.5765
Rathdrum Westwood Historical
Society Presentation at the Old
Kootenai County Jail
7940 W 2nd Street
Starting at 3:30pm
For more information please
Rathdrum City Council Meeting
Rathdrum City Hall
Starting at 6:00pm
Fri May
Lakeland School District #272 –
Flex Day
Mon May
Rathdrum Lions Club
Business Meetings
16114 N Meyer Road
Starting at 7:00pm
For more information please
call 208.687.1212
How do you get your event added to our
community calendar? It's simple, and it
doesn't cost anything! Simply send an
email to
with what, when (date and time), where,
cost (if any), and contact or R.S.V.P.
information and we will get it posted!
In order to make next weeks newsletter, we
need to have your calendar information to
our office by this coming Friday.
If your event is listed, and something
changes, please let us know as soon as you
can so we can help to get the word out.
D'oh! Corrections and Omissions
The title to last weeks lead story was
incorrect. Instead of being Mike and Mary
Mann, it should have read Mike and Debbie
Rathdrum Weekly News -
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Time for Some Financial “Spring Cleaning”
We’ve just about arrived at spring, the time
when many people spruce up their homes,
yards and other parts of their surroundings.
This year, why not extend that practice a
little further and give your financial and
investment environment a good “spring
over your financial landscape, you may also
find areas that are somewhat barren. For
example, you might be adequately funding
your own retirement goals through your
employer-sponsored retirement plan and
other investments, but are you putting
away enough money for your children’s
college education? If not, you might need to
Here are a few suggestions for doing just
“plant some seeds” for potential growth by
investing in a college savings account, such
• Reduce duplication. If you’ve ever
as a 529 plan. And you may need to
worked to “de-clutter” your home, you may continually “nourish” your plan by
have discovered a lot of extraneous items. contributing money each year.
Did you really need three blenders? Did you
have more remote control devices than you • Update your “furnishings.” When you
bought and arranged your home’s
did televisions? As you look through your
furnishings, they might have been perfectly
investment portfolio, you might also find
suited for your needs. But now, many
some duplication, perhaps in the form of
years later, your situation may be quite
multiple stocks of companies in the same
different. Perhaps you’ve said goodbye to
industry. You might want to consider
whether you’d be better off by reducing this grown children who have struck out on their
own, so you might want to make new uses
concentration and using the proceeds to
broaden your investment mix to create new for old rooms. And maybe your old “stuff”
just isn’t as comfortable as it was before, or
potential for growth, income or a
the layout of your furniture isn’t as efficient.
combination of both.
Whatever the case, it may well be time to
• Repair your “roof.” As part of your
update your environment. And the same
exterior spring-cleaning efforts, you might
thing can happen with your financial
examine your roof to determine if you need “house.” To reflect changes in your family
to repair or replace any torn or missing
situation, employment, economic
shingles. After all, a strong roof is essential circumstances, retirement goals and other
to protecting your home. And your
factors, you will need to periodically review
financial foundation needs protection, too
your financial strategy and your investment
— so, review your life and disability
portfolio, and make adjustments as needed.
insurance to ensure they are still adequate
Tidying up your living space may help
to meet your family’s needs. You also
improve your overall outlook on life. The
might want to consult with a financial
same might be said of a financial spring
professional for ways of dealing with the
cleaning — and you won’t even need a
potentially devastating costs of an
extended nursing home stay or another
type of long-term care.
Debbie Holmes
• Plant some “seeds.” Spring is a good time
Edward Jones Investments
for re-seeding parts of your lawn that may
W Commercial Park Ave
be bare. Once you’ve planted the seeds, of
Suite B
course, you’ll need to water and fertilize
them to encourage growth. As you look
Rathdrum Weekly News -
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Letters to the Editor
Graphics artist able to do piecemeal work.
Send a few samples along with pricing to
Re: Rathdrum Weekly News March 11, 2015
Thanks for including the story on Mike and
How do I get an article / calendar
Debbie (not Mary) Mann… every day is a
event / classified / advertisement
trial for them right now and I am glad our
community is supportive and trying to help
published in the Rathdrum Weekly
them out…
Chris Bishop
This is a question that we receive on an
Editor – This would be one of those PEBCAK almost weekly basis. The easiest way to
get something published in the Rathdrum
(Problem Exists Between Chair And
Weekly News is to put it in a LibreOffice
Keyboard) errors. Hopefully we are right
Writer ODT document and send it to
more often than we are wrong! If you
RE: Rathdrum Weekly News March 11, 2015 are stuck using Microsoft Word, please print
your document to a PDF and send both it
You are doing a fantastic job with this
and the original so we can see what you
wanted it to look like. As long as it looks
Joan Genter
like an article, we will run it for no charge
(subject to space availability). If an item
Editor – It is with your support that we are
comes in for insertion into the paper and it
able to continue to publish this newsletter
looks like an advertisement, we would like
week after week!
to collect a reasonable insertion charge that
is used to offset our incurred and ongoing
We are looking for a Volunteer at the
We have had a couple of people call and
Blanchard Community Center / BASIC to
want to submit a story or classified over the
put out 3 sandwich board signs and post
phone. Please put it in an email and send it
flyers around town a week before our
to us. If you don't have email, we will
events. Approximately 1 to 2 hours and
accept a one-off typed or neatly
usually just once a month. Please send an
handwritten note.
email to
For an item to be considered for the next
to let me know if you are interested…
Wednesday's publication, we need to have
thank you!
it to our office the Friday before. Being an
Person or persons to help us cover the
electronically distributed newsletter does
stories in Rathdrum. Please contact
give us some flexibility with our deadlines.
Advertisers to help us offset our ongoing
costs. We can accommodate standard size
ads from a 1” square to a full page, and
any size in between. At this time, we do
require camera ready art-work because we
don't have the ability or time to design or
re-work an ad. Please contact
F1 for HELP
We Clean
Windows but we
aren't janitors!
Rathdrum Weekly News -
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838
Rathdrum Weekly News -
13785 West Highway 53 / Rathdrum ID 83858 / v 208.687.0183 / f 208.687.5838

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