August 2007 - Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210


August 2007 - Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Welcome to our
interactive newsletter!
Throughout this newsletter are links to articles
for easy reading and navigation. There are also
links to the main web site – your easiest way to
get the latest information.
Lincoln-Way Alumni...
Staying Connected!
Foundation News
Lincoln-Way Links
Submissions from Classmates
from 1995–2005!
Reunion Review
Honoring Joe Miller
About Us...
Editor: Linda M. Lopez, Foundation Executive Director
Graphic Designer: Randy Baum, Class of 1977
Vol. 3 • No. 1
August 2007
Come “Home” on September 21...
ll Lincoln-Way alumni are invited to come “home” on Friday, September 21, for our
fourth annual Alumni Homecoming Social. This casual and fun event kicks off prior to
the start of the varsity football game.
Please gather around the “Welcome Alumni” tent with us in the parking lot at Lincoln-Way
Central High School. We will provide the hot chocolate, coffee, snacks and famous Lincoln-Way
cookies. All you need to bring is your Lincoln-Way spirit…and perhaps a group of your LincolnWay friends! Please join us and receive an alumni gift, or purchase some alumni apparel.
Enjoy refreshments, re-connecting with old friends…and make a few new friends. Many of
our guests from previous years created their own mini-reunion. Meet your classmates at the
tent and at game time, walk across to the entry gate with your
special admission tickets and enjoy the game. Feel free to
return to the tent throughout the game.
You may even choose to extend the evening’s
Hear ye,
festivities by planning your own post-game
hear ye…
gathering. Take advantage of this opportunity
Knights Reunite!
to reconnect for an evening…or just for
an hour or so.
We look forward to welcoming
Friday, September 21, 2007 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
you home. If you have any questions,
Lincoln-Way Central High School
please call the Foundation Office at
Lincoln-Way Central vs Bradley
See you on September 21. I
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Letter from Dr. Lawrence A. Wyllie,
Superintendent of Schools
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
August 2007
Page 2
Lincoln-Way Alumni...Staying Connected!
can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed reading
your news in the Alumni Notes section of this
newsletter. It is humbling to experience the depth
of connectivity so many of you maintain to Lincoln-Way.
It is, I’m certain, what makes Lincoln-Way so unique and
special. I want to thank each of you for taking the time to
share your life’s news with us.
Reading your news, which spans graduation years
1955 to 2005, reminds me of the importance of our
history – and the value of your role in both our history
and our future. One of our alum from 1955 wrote about
his memories of the football team practicing in the farm
field across the highway, and the track team practicing on
the gravel circular drive in front of the school. We’ve
come a long way since then. However, we would not be
here but for those who began this journey for us.
Within these pages are notes from those who have
retired from the armed service…and those who today are
in harms way serving far from home and family. One of
our servicemen, Captain Dennis Rufolo, presently in
Baghdad, tells us he looks forward to coming home by
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Thanksgiving to see a State Championship Lincoln-Way
football game. To all who are serving – stay safe, our
thoughts and prayers surround you.
There are among you teachers, attorneys, athletes,
musicians, judges, doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs, artists,
tradesmen…and the list goes on. Some of you are training
for or have participated in marathons and triathlons. You are
parents…some with brand-new lives to guide and care for,
others with grandchildren who enrich your lives. You are
traveling around the United States, and around the country…
by air, motor home or motorcycle. You are simply amazing.
Whatever path you’ve chosen, we are grateful when
your journey leads you home to Lincoln-Way…whether
for a brief visit or extended stay. As you may know, our
landscape is quickly changing. Lincoln-Way North is
defining the skyline now along Harlem and Volmer to
open in fall of 2008; and the earth is moving at Gouger
and Illinois Highway to make way for Lincoln-Way West
in the fall of 2009. Please visit and celebrate our growth
with us, for you are an integral part of who we are today…
and who we will become tomorrow. Stay in touch! I
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
August 2007
Page 3
Foundation News
lose your eyes and imagine living
in a spacious 4 bedroom, 3½ bath,
beautifully appointed new home
located in a lovely subdivision in New Lenox.
Now, open your eyes and take a step toward
making your dreams come true. Purchase a
$100 ticket for the Foundation’s Dream
Home Raffle, and the home pictured here
could be yours.
The Foundation has been conducting this
fundraiser since 1995, when the first house
raffle featured a home built by our students in
the Building Trades Program. Today’s home, like
those in the past, showcases the talents of our
Lincoln-Way students, and the proceeds from
this fundraiser benefit Lincoln-Way students.
You may purchase your tickets online
at, or by calling
866-379-7998. You can also stop by any
Berkot’s Food Store and purchase tickets.
Walt’s in Frankfort and Fuller’s Car Wash in
Mokena are also selling tickets. Don’t delay.
Ticket sales end September 23.
If you would like
to visit the Dream
Home, please join
us for one of our
remaining Open
Houses on
September 9 or
September 23, from
noon to 4:00 pm.
Identify yourself as
an alum and receive
a Lincoln-Way gift.
Tickets $100 Each
The mission of the
Win $400,000 Dream Home or $200,000 Cash!
Lincoln-Way High
929 Cheyenne Lane
School District 210 Foundation for
Crystal Cove Subdivision in New Lenox
Educational Excellence is to creatively
DIRECTIONS: Route 30 to Marley (South), to Marilyn,
generate financial support with which to
turn right, to Cheyenne Lane, turn right.
enrich and enhance the opportunities and
educational experiences of Lincoln-Way
Purchase tickets at
High School District 210 students. The
or call 866-379-7998
Foundation has raised and awarded over
one million dollars to benefit the
All Proceeds Benefit Lincoln-Way High
educational programs of the District.
School District 210 Students!
For more information about the Foundation,
please contact Linda Lopez, 815-462-2976. I
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
August 2007
Page 4
Lincoln-Way Links
his section is designed to help our
alumni stay connected. Tell us what is
happening in your life. Share family
and career news. Let us know about your
children or grandchildren. Send us news
about your vacation. We are excited about
this section of our alumni newsletter. What a
wonderful and easy way to stay connected!
We are delighted that so many of our
alumni sent in their news! If we received your
news after deadline, it will appear in our
Winter issue.
Please send your information and
photos for our next issue to Linda Lopez
Thank you!
Class of 1955
Greg Brown graduated with the first class in 1955,
went to Iowa State for his bachelor’s, then Yale for his
master’s, followed by Duke University where he
completed his doctorate in forestry and botany in 1963.
He and his wife, Laura, are retired and live in Asheville,
North Carolina. He has 5 children, 2 stepchildren, 8
grandchildren and 4 step grandchildren. He remembers
when he was at LW that the football team practiced in
the farm field across the highway and all the games
had to be away. He also recalls that the track team had
to practice on the gravel circular drive in front of the
Class of 1956
Rudy Guzik has three daughters with advanced degrees
and 4 grandchildren. He was divorced, then remarried
and is still living in Frankfort. He owns and operates a
technical consulting company called Imaging Technology
Consultants, which he founded in 1984. You can visit his
website at for more info and a
fairly recent picture.
Class of 1957
Bruce and Judy (Feil) Damerell (photo, upper right)
were married in 1960 and moved to the New York
Mid-Hudson Valley area. Bill started work for IBM and
Judy worked as a nurse until their first child was born.
IBM transferred Bill in 1978 to Fort Wayne, Indiana
where they still reside. They have 3 children and 9
grandchildren. They spent 3 weeks during the summer
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of 2007 touring
North Dakota,
Alberta, Montana,
Nebraska and
Iowa visiting
family and friends.
Judy’s sister, Janet
(Feil) Gullicksen,
also Class of ‘57,
traveled with
Karen (Wade) Ruthenbeck will be celebrating her
50th wedding anniversary to her husband, Glenn, in
November. They are planning a trip out west in
October. She also wanted her old classmates to know
that her brother, Morris Wade (Class of 1957), passed
away last August.
Class of 1958
Lorraine (Redman) Swanberg lives in Port St. Lucie,
Florida and loves it there, but she does miss her family;
they still live in Frankfort. Her oldest son, Bill, plays in
the Air Force Band and is currently in Iraq. Her younger
son, Randy, is a goldsmith. She has 5 grandchildren
ranging in age from 10-24. Her husband, George,
passed away 7 years ago. She had open heart surgery
2 years ago and is feeling great now!
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 5
Class of 1960
Class of 1964 (continued)
Class of 1963
Chuck Miller enlisted in the Air Force in 1961 and
went to tech school at Lowery AFB in Colorado. While
there, he married Charlene Compton and was then
transferred to MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida. After
being reassigned to Davis Monthan AFB in Tuscon,
Arizona, he was accepted into the Airman Education
and Commissioning Program and was awarded a
bachelor’s of science in mechanical engineering from
Arizona State University. After graduating from Officer
Training School and being commissioned as a Second
Lieutenant, Chuck was awarded a master’s degree in
aerospace engineering from the Air Force Institute of
Technology. He spent six years as a flight test engineer
and completed a two-year assignment in Germany.
Chuck retired from the Air Force as a Major after 23
years and three months of service. For the last 22 years
he has been working for Lockheed Martin in support of
NASA’s Johnson Space Center. He and Charlene have
been married 45 years and raised three sons. Current
hobbies include flying, working on airplanes, riding
motorcycles and home improvements.
have a condo. They have also gone on pilgrimages to
the Holy Land and in Italy, and traveled to England and
Ireland. They would love to go to Australia someday.
Mary (Knapp) Smirl Knox and her husband Jim
enjoyed a vacation to eastern Spain last fall. She’s
wondering if
anyone knows the
whereabouts of
Lorraine Kramer
and Lois Keistler.
She’s looking
forward to her
45th class reunion
in the fall of 2008.
Class of 1961
Judy (Wheeler) Schuelke and Dave Schuelke live in
North Oaks, Minnesota. They have four children and
eight grandchildren. Dave is still a college professor,
teaching at several universities in the Twin Cities area.
Judy works in Christian Formation at their parish. They
enjoy travel to Kauai, Hawaii every spring where they
Class of 1962
Charlie Carnahan is a regional sales manager for
Bayer Pharmaceuticals. He built his retirement house
in Florida in May of 2006, but still commutes during
the week to the Midwest. He has two daughters,
Karen (32) and Kelly (24) who live and work in New
Lenox. He has a beautiful girlfriend named Terry;
they plan on traveling to England, Ireland and Italy
on their first trip in retirement.
Randy Smith has owned his own company, JeffreyCraig, named after his two sons, for the past 35 years.
He’s been married to his wife, Georgia, for 28 years and
she also has two
children. They
have 10
ranging in age
from 12-22. He
enjoys classic cars
and has a ‘57
Chevy with over
100 trophies to its
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Jim Smith and his wife, Liz, own the River Ridge Inn on
the banks of the North Fork of the White River in
Norfolk, Arkansas. Check out their website at
Class of 1964
Dale Hunt and his wife live in Conway, Arkansas.
He volunteers when he is able, after some medical
setbacks. He became friends of sorts with Mike
Huckabee when he had a church in Conway, before
becoming Governor 11 years ago. He’s a member of
the State of Arkansas Republican Committee and the
local Lion’s Club. He has two sons, Todd and Bradley
and a stepson, Chris. He has learned the “Go Hogs”
cheer for their state college and is looking forward to
attending the next class reunion to see if everyone
looks as old as he does!
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
Class of 1965
Barbara (Loebe) Porter is the director of an adult
health care program in Corona, California, and finds it
to be an amazing job. Each day over 90 adults, mostly
seniors, receive medical, recreational and social service
attention. Barbara loves assisting the elderly to find
and retain dignity, positive self-esteem and a warm
sense of community with others. Barbara lost her
husband over 10 years ago, however she remains
active in both the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary
Club. Her immediate family still lives in the LincolnWay area. Many may know her brother, Russ Loebe
who is city manager of New Lenox. Her sister, Mary
Lou Saxon, moved from California to St. Charles,
Illinois this last summer. Barbara hopes to travel home
during the Christmas holidays to visit.
Pattie (DeGries) Montalbano and her husband Al
moved to California in 1978 and both worked on their
second master’s degrees at the University of San
Francisco, and both worked in laboratory medicine in
clinics and medical electronics. They returned to the
education environment and finished education careers
in middle school, high school and district administration.
They then moved to Arizona in 2004 and just retired
this past year. Al teaches several classes at Scottsdale
Community College and Pattie is on the Board of
Directors for the Arizona State Chapter of the American
Society for Clinical Laboratory Science. Additionally they
enjoy golf, baseball, traveling and spending time with
Al’s son and grandchildren who live in Tuscon.
August 2007
Page 6
Class of 1964 (continued)
Sandra (Printz)
Shanahan and
her husband, Pat,
are enjoying their
retirement years
by traveling and
spending time
with family and
friends. Her
husband is a writer
and currently has a
book titled “They called her Jane” which can be
previewed on He also wrote “The
Bull,” which is a crime/drama. You can visit his website
Billie Jean (Hafk) Maslowski has been married to her
husband, Jim, for 27 years. They have 4 children (2
hers, 2 his) and 10 grandchildren ranging in age from 6
months to 20 years old. They enjoy traveling in their
Monaco motor coach or touring on the Harley. She
loved seeing her classmates at their reunion in
September of 2005 and would love to have a multiclass reunion. She hopes all of her old friends keep the
e-mails, cards, letters and phone calls coming!
Janine (Hagen) Brock is a branch director for the
Addus Healthcare Skilled Nursing office in Champaign,
Illinois. She enjoys reading, knitting and sewing,
especially for her 14-month-old granddaughter. Her son
Andrew has returned to college to become an
elementary school teacher after 10 years in the
food/wine business.
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Michael Sinks and his wife, Linda, have recently retired
from GM, but Michael is keeping busy working at H&R
Block. They have 3 grandchildren who keep them really
Class of 1967
Gary Novota
received his
business degree
from Southern
Illinois University.
He lives in Helena,
Montana with his
wife Joy where he
previously owned
a furniture store, but now is a realtor for Select Realty.
Gary has continued his penchant for Judo since college
and is a second-degree black belt instructor. He and his
wife are very active in the cultural arts in and around
Helena, especially since Joy is executive director of Live!
at the Civic. He was a patient at the Mayo Clinic in
2005 and discovered that miracles really do happen
there and he’s one of them!
Class of 1968
Joyce Stephens retired from her career as a secretary
at Argonne National Laboratory after 38 years. She says
that LW taught her all of the typing and shorthand skills
that she used on the job. She and her parents like to
take day trips in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 7
Class of 1968 (continued)
Class of 1970
Class of 1971 (continued)
Linda (Yunker) Englert is a retired school teacher
after teaching for 34 years with the Joliet Public
Schools. She mostly spent that time teaching 4th grade,
but spent the last 5 years teaching junior high and had
a blast! She has two children: Jessica (a teacher), who is
married to Brent Bulmann and living in Rochester, NY,
and Kristian, who is doing his student teaching in
Naperville this fall. Linda loves to garden, read,
volunteer and spend time with her mom. She always
looks forward to getting together with the Class of
1968 quarterly at a local restaurant and exchanging
words of wisdom.
Edward Istel and his wife live in beautiful Medford,
Oregon. He is officially retired from dentistry and
working in real estate development. Their son, Chris,
will attend the University of Colorado in Boulder where
he will be majoring in advertising/journalism with a
minor in Japanese.
account and lives downtown. Jaclyn is 21 and is
studying photography at Southern Illinois University.
Tyler is 17 and is into karate and works at the karate
school. Kaitlyn is 15 and will be a sophomore. She is on
the volleyball team and the dance squad. They have a
Westie named Motown too. David and Kathy enjoy
participating in triathalons. He wants you to drop him
a note at
Class of 1969
Dennis Williams
and his wife have
worked at Pactiv in
Frankfort for the
past 37 years. He
has a daughter
that lives and
works in
Oklahoma City
and his son is
hoping to complete his master’s next year. Dennis likes
to vacation in Oklahoma City so he can see his
Steven Nusbaum is the Assistant Attache for the
Department of Homeland Security attached to the US
Embassy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. His wife,
Patt works at the British Veterinary Clinic in town, and
has been bringing her work home with her as she
rescues abandoned and stray animals and finds homes
for them. They will be rotating back to the States where
he will be working in DHS Headquarters. Steven and
Patt plan to retire in 2009 to Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
They have taken vacations to El Salvador, Saudi Arabia
and Pakistan. They have four grown children, Anne,
Jacob, Christopher and Jeremiah and three
grandchildren, Daniel, Michal and Isabel.
Class of 1971
David Wright and
his wife, Kathy, live
in Washington,
Illinois. They have
4 children. Lynsey
is 24 and is
working for
Paragon Marketing
on their Gatorade
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Class of 1972
David Greene and his wife live in Roswell, Georgia.
Currently though, he is on a two to four year
assignment in Belgium. He was with Fresh Express
when Chiquita acquired the company two years ago.
In January, he accepted the job as VP for Sales and
Customer Development – Europe.
Lorrie (Kirchner) Chaplin and her husband Bob
Chaplin live in Macomb, Illinois where they moved after
graduating from Western Illinois University many years
ago. They both have degrees in counseling and she is
currently the supervisor of the Court Services
Department of the Ninth Judicial Circuit. Lorrie and Bob
have one daughter, Kayla, who is 19 years old and is
pursuing a bachelor’s in nursing at SIUE. They will be
vacationing in the San Juan Islands this summer.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
Class of 1973 (continued)
Lisa (Kurns) Severson and her husband, John, have
3 boys, Josh, Nick and Neil. They also have 2
Rhylee (4) and
Sicily (21 months).
They reside in
Minnesota, so
they fly there as
often as they can.
Lisa will retire in 2
years from the
Valley View School
District where she
has been working
as a school nurse. She’s also looking forward to her
35th class reunion in September.
Clifford White has been a field operations manager
for the City of St. Charles for the past 16 years. He has
2 children, Katie and Danny. Katie will be a freshman at
Coastal Carolina University this fall where she will major
in finance and Danny will be a junior at St. Charles East
High School. Clifford loves to vacation in Myrtle Beach
which is just 7 miles away from Katie’s college.
Class of 1973
Douglas Richard has been in private law practice for 22
years with Satter, Beyer, Bertram & Gabor in Collinsville,
Illinois. He is involved primarily in property insurance
defense of intentional fire cases and suspicious theft
claims and cases. For 4 years prior to that, he was an
assistant states attorney in Danville, Illinois.
August 2007
Page 8
Class of 1972 (continued)
Jan (Staehling) O’Hanley Hamrin lives in Mokena
and works for Lincoln-Way Special Education. She is
remarried to John Hamrin; they each have two children.
Two of them are are married, so Jan and John are
hoping for some grandchildren in the near future!
Class of 1974
Kim (Ellena) Watson Smith is married to Jerry
Smith who graduated from LW in 1973. They have
been married for 19 years. They collectively have
five grown children. The oldest sun, Bill Smith, 33,
married another LW graduate, Jenny Adams.
Dan Watson lives in Branson, Missouri with his
family. Jeff Smith is an electrical engineer working
at Northwestern Hospital. Amy Watson lives in
New Lenox and was an honor roll student at LW
in 1994 when she was severely injured in a car
accident. She spent 2½ months in a coma and
suffered traumatic brain injury. Two years ago she
graduated as an elementary school teacher and is
working as an aide at Lincoln-Way. She has come full
circle! Dan Smith is the youngest and is attending
classes at JJC. Kim has worked as a reporter for the
Herald News for more than 12 years and her husband,
Jerry, works as a carpenter. They live in a revamped
cottage off the Kankakee River, but enjoy traveling
to Branson and Frankfort to see their grandkids.
Class of 1974 (continued)
James Noonan is currently the
owner and one of three doctors in a
chiropractic practice in Orland Park.
He has 4 children ranging in ages
from 3-20 years old. Dianna is 20
years old and graduated from LW
East and is entering her Junior Year
at Grand Valley State in Michigan.
She is an All-American sprinter and
pole-vaulter. Joe is 18 and just
graduated from LWE. He plans on attending Eastern
Illinois University and is ranked the fourth best young
mens pole-vaulter in the country and will be attending
the Junior Olympics this year in California. Christopher
is 14 and is a sophomore at LWE where he plays football.
Rachel is 3 years old and is a big Wiggles fan.
Class of 1975
(Gericke) Taylor
moved to Arizona
in 1980 and began
teaching at the K2 level. She just
celebrated her
24th wedding
anniversary with
her husband,
David. They have two sons, Lee is 20 and Hunter is 15.
Marianne and David are still actively involved with Cub
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 9
Class of 1975 (continued)
Class of 1975 (continued)
Class of 1976
Scouts. Her sister, Diana Gericke, lives in Arizona too,
but her brother Shane (‘74) lives in a Chicago suburb
and has just published his second book!
sclerosis (MS), which caused loss of vision and renal
carcinoma and was hospitalized 7 times in 9 months.
She now is happy to report that complete vision has
been restored, cancer has been removed with a less than
5% chance of return and her MS is in remission.
Dave Barnes, Jr. and his wife, Lynne, moved to
Houston in 1991 with the Tenneco Pipeline Company.
After 23 years, he is now working for TransCanada.
He wants to build an airplane when he retires; which
they will use to travel. You can visit his website where he is chronicling the
building process. He has 2 sons, Brad and Adam and
a daughter, Sarah.
Mark Hatalla and his wife, Laurie, live in Georgia
where he is being promoted to Fire Captain on August
9th with the Atlanta Fire Department. His wife is in
Fredrick, Maryland working at the FEMA warehouse,
preparing for the hurricane season. They both are on
the disaster medical assistance team in Georgia. They
have 4 children, one is in college, one is preparing for
college and the other 2 are in high school.
Bob Steen is currently living in Kentucky with his wife,
Brenda, after having lived for a quarter of a century in
Germany. He is working as an analyst with Army
Recruiting and Brenda is substitute teaching until she
can get her own classroom. Their son, Daniel, is
halfway to his aeronautical engineering degree at Bob’s
alma mater, University of Illinois. Their daughter,
Megan, will graduate from high school next year and
then be off to Western Kentucky University to major in
history and English education.
Dawn Wilder has been a beautician, a respiratory
therapist, and executive director of Southern Baptist
Ministries. Now she is the Vice President of Prayer &
Spiritual Development at the National Association of
Multihousing Ministries & Congregations. She had a bad
medical year in 2006 after being diagnosed with multiple
Don Lindberg and his wife Wendy celebrated their
25th Wedding Anniversary by taking a month long trip
through Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and
France. Even
though Don is still
digging out from
work that piled up
while gone they
had a wonderful
trip and hope to
make another trip
to the U.K. so that
Don can play all
the “old” golf
Don & Wendy have 3 children: Kristin (24), Karin (20)
and Kamrin (14) and one grandson, Rece (3). Don is a
partner for Sandalwood Oil & Gas, L.P. in Houston, TX
where he serves as Chief Financial Officer.
The next trip for Don is in September to Telluride,
CO to meet with his 2 best friends from LW (Bob
Rauworth and Ron Bonesteel) to celebrate their
50th birthdays.
Pamela (Jurgens) Toepke is married to Tim, and they
are professors at UIC dental college. They have 3
children. Gavin will be marrying Megan Budny. Carly,
will be a senior at University of Illinois and is applying to
law school. Michael will be a senior at LWC this year.
Robin (McCaughn) McClanahan is married to
Raymond and they have 3 kids. Michael is 30,
Shannon is 26 and hold onto your seats…Raymond
Edward McClanahan III, who just turned one, is
named after his dad and grandfather. They also have
three grandchildren. Robin is still a best friend with
Denise (Abels) Hanlin who is living in California.
She is a mother of three: Cassie and twins Matthew
and Mandi. She will be a grandmother soon. Robin is
also a best friend with Dotti Cullotta who is the
mother of 2 boys and 1 girl and still lives in Mokena.
Robin explains, “They have been with me through
every tear and every bit of laughter in my life.”
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 10
Class of 1976 (continued)
Class of 1977
Class of 1978
Gail Lynn (Schofield) Sims received her associate
degree in Nursing at JJC and completed her bachelor’s
in nursing and master’s in nursing in Galveston, Texas.
She married and had 2 sons, Benjamin who is 25 and
David who is 23. Her husband died three years ago
from a sudden heart attack and then Gail moved to
California and began specializing in rehabilitation
nursing. She stopped in New Lenox when she was in
Chicago at a nursing conference and visited LincolnWay. She saw the band practicing and kids in the
auditorium and thought that LWC still looked like a
great place. She took pictures and shared them with
her brother David Schofield and his wife, Dorothy
(Vangor) Schofield.
Diane (Bartkowiak) Davison married Nic on
07/07/07. She owns a hair salon in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Her oldest son, Matthew and his wife, are expecting
their first child in November. Her oldest daughter,
Leann, just married and the couple is expecting their
first baby in February or March. Her son, Kevin (20),
continues to work at General Motors and her youngest
daughter, Ashtyn, works at GM and will be a
sophomore at Ball State University.
Martha Lynn (Matteson) Pisaniello attended
Northwestern Illinois University where she was
roommate to Kathy White (Asbury), and marched in the
band with Peter Schultz. She finished Mayo Medical
School in 1986 and completed her residency in Duluth,
Minnesota where she met her husband Dan. They
practice in a small town between the Adirondacks and
Lake Ontario, which allows them to hike and canoe
with their four daughters. Martha is also wondering if
there will be a 30th Reunion.
Joel Sinkay lives
in Sonoma County,
California where
he owns a Bait &
Tackle Shop and a
shrimping boat
named “The
Queen.” He and
his son Danny
caught a 72”
sturgeon in the
bay near the shop.
Joel would love to hear from old school mates that
might be living or visiting the San Francisco Bay area
and included the Bait Shop phone number, which is
Paul Lockwood lives in Columbus, Ohio where he
holds an administrative position at the Ohio State
University’s School of Music. He is working on his
Ph.D. in Theatre and is the Artistic Director of Evolution
Theatre Company.
Herm Stonitsch married Bobbi and they have a
daughter, Bella, who is 4 years old. He left LW a
year early and attended the University of Chicago
for a while before transferring to Lewis. He got his
bachelor’s degree in accounting and passed the CPA
exam and a few years later received his master’s from
Northwestern. He worked in public accounting, real
estate and construction. Herm moved to Indianapolis
in 1999 and worked for the Indianapolis Colts as the
controller until 2004. (He could have had a ring if he
had held out!) He just returned from a nice vacation
in Rome and Florence.
Class of 1979
Rhonda Robb has a degree in agriculture from the
University of Illinois. After marrying and divorcing, she
now lives with her significant other of 21 years. She
most recently worked for one of’s largest
US facilities as a shipping and outbound traffic
coordinator. Unfortunately, she left that position
because she broke her back in three places. Now she is
a “stay at home” type of person, but has enjoyed
traveling. Her favorite vacation destination is anywhere
in Alaska, however she also enjoys Vancouver and
Seattle. Rhonda currently lives in Kentucky.
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Vol. 3 • No. 1
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August 2007
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Class of 1980
Class of 1980 (continued)
Class of 1981
Susanne (Gordon) Hokkanen recently graduated
Summa Cum Laude from the University of Illinois at
Springfield with a BA is History. She was chosen as the
student Marshal for the graduation ceremony. Susanne
will student teach during the fall semester at Andrew
High School. Upon completion of her student teaching,
she will be certified to teach social studies at the
secondary level (6-12 grades). In addition, on June 23,
2007, her oldest son, Kenneth Hertzog (2001 LincolnWay graduate) married his high school sweetheart
Renee. The newlyweds currently live in Orland Park.
Lenox and Vickie is a production buyer for Panduit
Corp. in Orland Park. They have two children, a
daughter Kara who is a junior at LW Central and a son,
Ryan, who is an 8th grader at Martino. Kevin drives an
off-road racing truck. He is in first place in the standings
with his sights set for a championship.
Ron Hughes is completing his DMA in Music Education
through Boston University. His Treasure Coast Percussion
Ensemble just performed at the Florida Day of
Percussion in Orlando, which is sponsored by the
Percussive Arts Society. This is the fifth time one of his
percussion ensembles has performed at this prestigious
event. Additionally, his Gifford Middle School Percussion
Ensemble just received an invitation to perform at the
2008 Florida Music Educator’s Convention in Tampa.
Dave Kestel is living his dream. He grew up on a farm
in Manhattan, and after his dad retired Dave happily
took over the family farm and loves it. Dave and his
wife, Diana, have an 11-year old daughter, Frankie, who
has been showing cattle in 4-H and other shows for the
last 4 years. Dave says, “It is the coolest thing to see the
kids (some under 100 pounds) lead around cattle that
weigh around 1200 to 1300 pounds.” Dave also
encourages travel to the Bryce and Zion National Parks.
He claims they are so beautiful they almost look fake!
Kevin and Vickie
(Paulsen) Probst
have been
together for 29
years; married for
19. Kevin is coowner of Probst
Collision in New
Bill Smola has been married to his wife, Sandy, for 21
years. They have lived in Lockport, Illinois for the past
seven years. Their son Jeff recently graduated from
Lockport Township High School. He was on the honor roll
all four years, and played basketball, football and
volleyball. Jeff will be attending Western Illinois University.
Bill works for Commonwealth Edison as an account
manager, where he just celebrated his 25th anniversary.
José Antonio (Tony) Tijerino is the president and
CEO of the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. Under his
direction the 20-year old, nationally-renowned
nonprofit has grown to a leadership organization
focused on putting Latinos in a position to lead. His
vision continues with his own family. As father to
Mercedes, and with his wife Dinah expecting again, he
teaches his young daughter to be assertive. Tony has
been honored as an Outstanding Young American, and
was recently recognized as a Latino leader by the
President during a White House ceremony. As a writer,
he has been published in The Washington Post, Miami
Herald, Hispanic Magazine, Latina Style, Hispanic
Business and Latino Leaders Magazine. Tony would love
to hear from other alumni, and encourages them to
contact him at
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Mary (Ingemansen) Mitchell recently enjoyed a
summer vacation out west with her family: Phil, Blake
and Jared. They
took a Hummer
ride in the canyons
by Moab, Utah.
They also visited
Canyon Lands
National Park in
Utah and Rocky
Mountain National
Park in Colorado.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
Class of 1981 (continued)
Sherri Linn Johnston lives in Charlotte, North Carolina
with her husband, Scott White, and their three cats and
one dog. She is an assistant vice president at Carolinas
Medical Center in Charlotte. After graduation from
Lincoln-Way, she attended the University of Illinois for
her undergraduate degree and the University of North
Carolina for graduate school. Sherri visits
Illinois as often as possible; her parents still
live a block from Lincoln-Way East.
Steven Tucker has been married for the past 16 years
to his wife Leslie. They have two sons, 12 year-old PJ
and 10 year-old Eric, and a wire fox terrier. Steven
finished his master’s degree late last year and achieved
his Project Management Certificate – after two years of
work and school he is glad to be done. He is currently a
senior programmer analyst for Great-West Life and
Annuity in Colorado.
Class of 1982
Ronald S. Mailhiot is a Chief Warrant Officer Five in
the United States Army assigned to the Rock Island
Arsenal in Rock Island, Illinois. He returned from a tour
in Iraq in September of 2006. Ronald will have 25 years
in the Army in December. His wife Freida works as a
child care program supervisor and trainer on the Arsenal
and in the local community. His daughter, Kara, just
turned 16 and is learning to drive, as she was not able
to pursue driving school in Germany. Jacob is 11 and
recently finished baseball season, with his team winning
August 2007
Page 12
Class of 1982 (continued)
Class of 1982 (continued)
first place for the season and the tournament. He will be
going into 6th grade at Bettendorf Junior Middle School
this fall. The family now lives in Bettendorf, Iowa after
returning from a 2½-year tour in Germany.
last year he participated in the Harbor to the Bay bike
ride to benefit a local AIDS charity. The ride is a one-day
bike ride from Boston to Provincetown on the Cape,
about 125 miles.
Class of 1984
Class of 1985
Heidi Herder is a 6th grade teacher in Bow,
Washington and lives in Mt. Vernon. She also teachers
German and accompanies 7th and 8th graders to
Germany every other year. Her husband is a drafter for
a timber frame company and works from home. Their
son Max is 10 and daughter Ruby is 6. They recently
returned from an extended family vacation in South
Dakota to see Mount Rushmore.
Maureen (Drewno) Szafran and her husband
Andrew live in Willmette with their three children.
They recently traveled through Europe on a 6-week
trip with their three children Justine (10), Owen (8)
and Walt (6), visiting Paris, Munich, Sienna, Santa
Margherita, Nice, Provence, Cascasonne, Barcelona
and Madrid.
Keith Kohl moved from Chicago to Boston in 2000.
He started with a start-up company, which after several
acquisitions was acquired by IBM where he works as a
director of product
Keith travels
extensively both
for work and for
pleasure. In May
he was in Sydney
and completed the
Harbor Bridge
climb. Keith is
active in the
community and
Dan Loftus and his wife Dawnelle (Norton)
Loftus (Class of ‘97) just welcomed twins on June 21.
Kiera Dawn was born at 3:52 pm (4lb, 8oz) and
Caden Thomas was born at 3:54 (4lb, 13oz). All are
doing well!
Heidi Roering is working at Immanuel Lutheran
Preschool as a teacher. She loves her work and the little
kids. Her husband works at ComEd. They have two
children. Cody is starting at Mokena Junior High in sixth
grade and Mia is going to the Intermediate school in
4th grade. They have a Portuguese water dog named
Rosie, who, along with the family, enjoys their lake
house in Michigan. They plan to travel to Italy to
celebrate their 40th birthdays.
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The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
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August 2007
Page 13
Class of 1985 (continued)
Class of 1986 (continued)
Class of 1987 (continued)
Pete Tortorici attended Purdue University after
graduation from Lincoln-Way and received his BS, MS
and PhD in
engineering all
from Purdue
between 1985 and
1997. He and his
wife have been
married for 10
years and have
four children:
Whitney (22),
Ashley (20), Olivia
(8) and Nolan (4). They just returned from vacationing
on the Big Island of Hawaii. While there, they met the
founder of Medtronic.
Lee Paries has been working in the data warehouse
industry with Teradata since 1999 and is currently a
global account director for eBay and PayPal. Lee enjoys
activities on the west coast, and travels frequently in the
US and internationally for work and pleasure.
Tracy (Wennlund) Nappier married Frank Pignone on
July 30th during her parent’s annual pigroast at Lake
Greenfield. Her
parents, Billy D.
Wennlund (Class
of 1963) and Rose
renewed their
vows the same day
celebrating 39
years of marriage.
Tracy and Frank
live in Lemont,
Illinois with their four children: Jake (7), Anna (8), Trevor
(9) and Frankie (10). Rose and Bill live in Gardner, Illinois
and enjoy the lake with family and friends. Tracy
included a Lincoln-Way cousins picture (left): Front:
Lisa Borelli
1981; Jayna
1982; Amy
Guzek (Been),
1993; Kara
Singer (Wennlund) 1987; Joelle Wennlund, 1985;
Cindy Wilmoth, Class of 1983. Back: Nick Been,
2000; Cass Wennlund, 1984; Jason Been, 1992;
Trent Wennlund, 1990; Billy Wennlund, 1988.
Class of 1986
Amy (Fuller) Evans is a real estate investor/broker and
owns three offices in the Virginia Beach area and one in
North Carolina. Her son Michael graduated high school
in June of 2006 and left for Penn State University in
2007. Her daughter Jessica is 13 and going into 8th
grade. Amy is the little league fast pitch softball coach,
Girl Scout leader and Junior/High/Middle School choir
director. She is also a US Navy Veteran-Persian Gulf and
member of the American Legion Post 232. She invites
alumni to visit her website:
Class of 1987
Karin (Giroux) Insalata and her husband Jim live in
Bloomington, Illinois. They have been married for 14
years and have 3 sons: Anthony (11), Joseph (7) and
Jacob (4). Karin was a gymnast for Illinois State
University from 1987 to 1991. She walked on to the
team her freshman year and earned an athletic
scholarship for the remainder of her education. Karin
received her BS in criminal justice sciences in 1991. Since
graduation she has taught daycare, coached gymnastics
and worked auto claims for State Farm Insurance as well
as Country Insurance. She is currently running an inhome daycare where she cares for four children in
addition to her own. Karin is returning to ISU to pursue
a second bachelor’s degree in elementary education.
Jill (Pettice) Stokely and her husband, Steve, live in
Vero Beach, Florida with their 4 year-old daughter,
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The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
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August 2007
Page 14
Class of 1987 (continued)
Class of 1988 (continued)
Class of 1989 (continued)
Wendy (Wheeler) Kessler lives in Plainfield with her
husband of six years, and their four- year old daughter
Emma. Their most recent vacations have been a cruise
last October and a resort in Mexico this past April. They
are also planning a trip to Portland, Oregon for her
brother’s wedding.
Brian Yunker joined the Army Reserves in the 12th
Special Forces Group for seven years, and then went to
Civil Affairs. He graduated from the University of Illinois
in Champaign-Urbana with a bachelor’s degree in
international economics and a minor in German. He
met his wife Kristin there, just after she returned from
England as a Rotary Scholar. While she was teaching
English in Japan, Brian attended a study abroad
language school in Germany. After graduation they
moved to Chicago, where they were married. Brian was
then transferred to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to accept a
position with St. Jude Medical as a sales representative.
Brian and Kristin now have two children: Madeline (9)
and Max (7). The family has enjoyed traveling to Japan,
Bali, Indonesia, Egypt, Italy and England. They now live
in Whitefish Bay and are hosting an exchange student
from Spain.
Scott Carlton and his wife Lisa, just celebrated the 2nd
birthday of their twin daughters, Kendall and Marisa.
They live in Concord, North Carolina. Scott has been a
pilot for a Warren Buffet owned company, Netjets, for
almost 6 years.
Susanne (Yurgin) Popaeko, her husband Jeff, and
two sons live in New Lenox, where they returned (from
Lakeview near
Wrigley Field) just
before the birth of
their first son.
Susanne works
from home parttime as a selfemployed
for various large
companies in the restaurant and consumer packaged
goods industries. She holds a bachelor’s degree in
marketing from Illinois State University.
Class of 1988
Michelle Hobbs is delighted to have finished her first
year of teaching math at Lincoln-Way East! She is
mother to five, four girls and one boy. Her family still
lives in New Lenox and they enjoy vacationing in the
Smoky Mountains and Disney World.
Class of 1989
Bergmark is
pleased to
announce the
birth of his
daughter Emily
Georgia Bergmark
on February 8,
2007 at Morris
Hospital. Christopher, his wife and daughter currently
reside in Coal City.
Michelle (Gremley) Schiller currently teaches English
at Lincoln-Way Central, where she has been since
1997. She has a
master’s degree in
the art of teaching
and is looking
forward to this
school year as she
will be part of the
District’s first
writing center. She
and her husband,
Kyle, recently
enjoyed a parent’s
only trip to Mexico in January to celebrate their 10-year
anniversary. She and her family, Morgan (7), Cameron
(5) and Drew (18 months) recently moved into a new
home in New Lenox. Michelle loves being back in the
community where she grew up and is looking forward
to raising her children here as well.
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The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
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August 2007
Page 15
Class of 1989
Class of 1989 (continued)
Class of 1990 (continued)
Andrea (Tucker) Briones Nabarrete has a bachelor’s
degree in Human Relations from Lewis University and
an MBA from
DePaul University.
She moved to
Colorado in 2001.
She is a manager
of service delivery
managers for IBM.
Andrea married in
2004 in Maui.
They have a oneyear old daughter. Andrea’s best trip ever is the Alaskan
Cruise they took in 2005.
Ray Raparelli is starting his fourth year as a high
school math teacher and cross country/track coach. He
teaches geometry
and AP statistics.
He and his wife
Anne live in Lake
Worth, Florida. Ray
teaches at
Monarch High
School in Coconut
Creek (also
Knights!) Ray and
his wife enjoyed a
vacation this
summer to Blue Ridge, Georgia where they rented a
cabin in the mountains.
Tricia (Higgins)
Murphy and her
husband just had
twins: Arthur and
Katie, born on
June 28, 2007.
Kevin Ortegel and his wife just learned that they are
expecting the birth of their fourth child in March of
2008. The baby
will have three big
brothers: Mason
(5), Elias (3) and
Wyatt (22
months). Kevin
was recently
designated to be a
member of the
NASA Transition
Working Group to
help solve NASA’s
workforce transition challenge from the Space Shuttle
Program to the Constellation Program.
Class of 1990
Tara Charvat joined Valeritas LLC, a medical technology
company, as vice president of marketing and marketing
operations in December, 2006. Valeritas is currently
focusing on developing medical technologies that
improve the quality of life for people with diabetes and
other metabolic conditions. Valeritas is located in
Parsippany, New Jersey. Tara also wants to share that she
will be running the Chicago Marathon in October, 2007.
Melissa Donahue is back in school at the College of
DuPage to finish the education she started a long time
ago. She is very pleased that a paper she wrote on
women’s rights in patriarchal countries that are
transitioning to more democratic societies was
recommended by her sociology professor to be
published in an anthology of student work.
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
White married
Robert on June 9.
Four of her
classmates from
1990 were
Kelly Russell
Rogers, Cindy
Hall Kirchner, Kathy Hall Lesner and Carey Quinn
Yarolimek. Becky and Robert honeymooned in
the Riveria Maya in Mexico. They are
relocating to Atlanta, Georgia.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 16
Class of 1990 (continued)
Class of 1991 (continued)
Class of 1992 (continued)
Mike Steele just started a new career opportunity at
OfficeMax in Naperville as Director of Investor Relations.
Congratulations Mike!
and her husband are trying to start a family, and in the
meantime enjoy their pets: a chocolate lab, a shepherd/
rot mix, a Quaker parrot and many African Cichlid fish.
They are also building a log cabin in Lake Carroll, Illinois,
which will be ready this fall.
evenings and on the weekends. They have traveled to
the island of St. Maarten in the Caribbean and also to
Tanzania, East Africa – and look forward to more trips
when their children get a bit older.
Pamela (Trainer) Berry just married on July 6, 2007.
She and her husband live in Huntington Beach,
California. Pamela started her own business, a dog
product company that specializes in designer dog
collars, harnesses and leads.
Class of 1991
Gretchen Jeffries wants to share that they are
expecting their first baby at the end of October or
beginning of November!
Chris Link graduated in 1999 from North Central
College in Naperville with a bachelor’s degree in
anthropology and religious studies. He graduated in
2006 with a master’s in social work. Currently he is a
licensed social worker (LSW) working in Franklin Park, at
Leyden Family Service. He and his fiancé live in Oak Park.
Sherry (Scanlon) Taschetta graduated with honors
from Joliet Junior College in 1994 with an associate’s
degree in communications, and from College of Saint
Francis in 1997, Magna Cum Laude with a bachelor’s
degree in communications/graphic design. She has been
happily married for 7 years and works as a freelance
graphic designer for her husband’s business: Wheaton
Religious Gift and Church Supply in Wheaton. Sherry
Erica (Schults) Ball and her husband Mike (also
class of 1991) met again at the Class of 1991
10-year Reunion! Mike works for the Calumet City
Fire Department as a firefighter/paramedic, and is
president of the firefighters union. Erica is a critical
care nurse in the Intensive Care Unit at Silver Cross
Hospital, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree
at Loyola to become a nurse practitioner. Both Erica
and Mike are going on a surgical volunteer trip to
Mexico in February with the Thousand Smiles
Foundation to be part of a medical team which
repairs cleft palates and facial deformities for children
living in poverty. They recently rehabbed a house in
Frankfort on an acre and a half. The entire rehab was
environmentally friendly. Erica and Mike have two
children, Michael (2) and Izzie (10 months).
Class of 1992
Melissa (Cramer) Eberts and John Eberts (1993)
have been married for 12 years. They have a 2-year-old
son, Kyle, and another baby on the way. Melissa and
John live in the St. Louis area. Melissa is a stay-at-home
mom and a singer-songwriter. John works for CocaCola by day and runs his own recording studio in the
Heather (Danek) McHale and her husband Kevin
met while in college at Valparaiso University. Heather
currently is a full-time stay-at-home mom caring for
their children, Shane (13 months) and Reannon (3).
Heather has a degree in criminal justice and has
experience working with domestic violence victims.
Dawn (Heidemann) Kraus is a pediatric physical
therapist in Wisconsin. She has been married for five
years, and has a daughter Alyssa, born in June of 2004.
Anil R. Shah, MD, is an
assistant professor in facial
plastic surgery at New
York University. He is a
leading authority in
rhinoplasty, facelift surgery
and injectable fillers and
has written over 50
chapters and articles
regarding this topic. He
currently resides on the
Upper East Side in
Manhattan with his wife
and two-year old daughter.
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The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
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August 2007
Page 17
Class of 1992 (continued)
Class of 1993 (continued)
Class of 1994
Mike Wiese and his wife Jennifer live in St. Charles.
He is a supply chain manager for an automotive
manufacturing company in Itasca. Mike travels a fair
amount for business and has been to India, China,
Turkey and Taiwan over the last 9 months. Mike and
Jennifer have two children, 3 years old and 8 months
Emily (Wesel) Dotzenrod is married and lives in
Manhattan, with her husband and new baby, born in
January. She is an occupational therapist and works in
hand rehabilitation at Good Samaritan Hospital in
Downers Grove.
Captain Dennis Rufolo is an Environmental Science
Officer for 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain
Division. He is
currently deployed
in southwest
Baghad. Captain
Rufolo is
responsible for
medical threats
(food, water,
arthropods, waste)
to Infantry Soldiers in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team
and collecting environmental data (air, water, soil, etc.)
to determine potential long-term threats to soldiers.
Awaiting Captain Rufolo’s return is fiancé Jamie
Sanders and black lab Marshall. He will return by
Thanksgiving and
is looking forward
to seeing a State
football game!
Class of 1993
Shaun Beauchamp and his wife Amy have been
married since June of 2003, and live in the Milwaukee
area. They are currently “practicing parenthood” with
their Miniature Pincher, Heidi. Shaun started the Xact
Fluid Solutions division of Behnke Lubricants in August
of 2004. They are in the process of expanding and
hiring engineering support. Their corporate accounts
include Kraft, Bimbo Bakeries, George Weston Bakeries
and several other popular food producers. Shaun invites
his former classmates to visit the family website:
Ken Stellon is married with three children, two sons
and one daughter. He holds a bachelor’s degree from
Arizona State University and an MBA from University of
Notre Dame. Ken is vice president of consulting services
with the Khoury Group, and enjoys vacationing in
Cancun and San Diego.
Jennifer Srutowski married Scott Graham on August
11, 2007 in Dana Point, California. They plan a Cancun
Jennifer is working
on acquiring her
credentials while
employed by the
Palmdale School
District. She
started substitute
teaching this past
year. Jennifer also
wants to share
that her brother Brad is a firefighter in Porterville,
John Wielgat and his wife
Erin welcomed their first child
into the world on October 24,
2006. Their daughter is
Brooklyn Quinn Wielgat.
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The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 18
Class of 1994 (continued)
Class of 1996
Class of 1996 (continued)
Danielle Taylor is living in Knoxville, Tennessee with
her new husband…and expecting a son in November.
Angie (Bingham) Nowak is a medical biller for a
pediatrician/internal medicine office in Orland Park. Her
husband Keith manages a Sherwin Williams Store. They
will be married 5 years in October, and live in Mokena.
Their three-year-old son Kenny is happily anticipating a
little brother in December, who will be named Daniel.
married in June of 2002. Ellen is currently working as
the development director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Eastern Missouri in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. They are
planning to vacation in Disney World in November.
Stephanie (Grider) Newsham and her husband Joel
recently adopted a little boy named Levi Joel Newsham.
He was 5 lbs and 8
ounces, 18 ½
inches long when
he was born on
May 26. After
nearly four weeks
in the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit
he is home and
doing great.
Stephanie and Joel
love being parents!
Shelly Clumpner graduated from Illinois State
University with a degree in mass communications/TV
production in
2001. She worked
for a few years as
a TV director at the
corporate office of
State Farm
Insurance, before
leaving to pursue
her career goals in
California. She
now lives in Los
Angeles and has
for nearly three years. Shelly is currently a TV director
for various live, interactive game shows on the cable
network, GSN-The Network for Games.
Class of 1995
Amanda (Englert) Holuj has a wonderful husband,
Jim, and three great kids: Luke (6), Emma (4) and Lucy
(7 months). She taught early childhood for a number of
years on and off before and after having her family.
Amanda loves working with little kids.
Marty Serauskis is currently employed by Washington
Mutual Bank and works as an information security
consultant. He received his bachelor’s degree in
systems from the
University of
Dubuque in 1999.
He currently
resides in Frankfort
with his fiancé
Melanie; they are
expecting their
first son in
Ellen (Talley)
Carlson graduated
with a bachelor’s
degree in public
relations from
Southeast Missouri
State University in
2000. She met her
husband Eric while
they were in
college, and
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Class of 1997
Catherine (Heyne) Gregait graduated from Northern
Illinois University with a degree in music education.
Immediately upon graduating she moved to
Washington, Illinois to teach music in Peoria. On
December 2, 2006, she married Matthew Gregait from
Geneva, Illinois at Christian Union Church in Metamora.
They live in Metamora, where they are
extremely happy.
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The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 19
Class of 1997 (continued)
Class of 1997 (continued)
Class of 1997 (continued)
Kathy (Kaysen) Murzyn, owner of k2 Career &
Wellness Coaching just co-authored her first book
titled, “Help me Understand: Is
Therapy for Me?” The nonfiction
book presents practical
information about what to expect
from therapy including topics
such as costs, using insurance,
how to know if it is working, etc.
The idea for the book came from
her experiences working in
human services, counseling, and
as a member of the counseling
faculty at Joliet Junior College. To
connect with Kathy on the
experience of writing a book, visit her blog at Kathy lives
in Orland Park with her husband of 12 years and their
two children.
Stacey (Sefcik) Schmidt is a medical dosimetrist at
Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois. She
works in the
Medical Physics
section of Radiation
Oncology and
performs the
treatment planning
and calculations for
radiation therapy
treatments for
cancer. She has a bachelor’s degree in radiation therapy
from Indiana University and plans to be a certified
medical dosimetrist after sitting for her board exam
next June. She has been married for five years to her
husband Nathan, who is a physical therapist and
wound care director at a nursing home. They have
three children, Ryan (2), Kelsey (7½ months), and
Alaina who would be
almost 4, but she
passed away shortly
after birth due to a
lethal chromosomal
abnormality. The family
will take their first
vacation with both
children this summer to
the Outer Banks of
North Carolina.
Dana (Stinson) Sanagustin graduated from Illinois
Wesleyan University with a bachelor’s degree in
nursing in 2001. She worked as a nurse on the cardiac
telemetry/surgical floor at Rush University Medical
Center for three years and then transferred to the
recovery room and worked there for two years.
Dana married Christian Sanagustin, another nurse
who worked at Rush. They moved to Aurora in
December of 2005 and started working at Edwards
Hospital in the cardiac care unit in August of 2006.
They just welcomed their first child on June 4, 2007.
His name is Dylan Christian.
Laura Koch graduated from Illinois State University
with a bachelor’s degree in studio art, concentrating
in graphic design and photography. She has worked
as a freelance designer for a public affairs firm and
currently is the creative service manager at Navy Pier
for the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority.
Laura is currently pursuing classes towards an MBA
in marketing at St. Xavier University. She enjoys
photographing her travel experiences, including trips
to Cabo San Lucas and the United Kingdom. She is
training for the Chicago Distance Classic Half
Marathon. Laura resides in Chicago.
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Bobby Xydis lives in Los
Angeles where he has
resided for the past five
years. He works for the best
woman ever, Leeza Gibbons,
as her executive assistant,
helping manage her office
and her business. When not
at photo shoots, meetings
or special events with Leeza,
he can be found playing
indoor volleyball and
enjoying road trips throughout the beautiful state of
California. His family is still in New Lenox, so he tries
to get back as much as possible. Classmates are invited
to keep in touch by contacting Bobby at
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 20
Class of 1997 (continued)
Class of 1998 (continued)
Class of 1998 (continued)
Jackie (Yasko) Litwiller is employed by Grundy County
Special Education Cooperative as a teacher at Morris
Community High School. She and her husband Ryan
have two sons: Andrew (3) and Chase (15 months).
They currently live in Morris, Illinois, and have recently
returned from a fishing trip to the Boundary Waters.
Sarah Greve is living in the Colette Highlands
subdivision in Orland Park. She says that thanks to
Lincoln-Way’s OE
student program,
she just celebrated
her 10-year
anniversary with
Corporation, now
located on Ellis
Road in Joliet, off
Gouger Road.
Sarah is a business
analyst. She is also
pregnant and expecting a little girl on August 23 with
her partner Carlo Arabian. They are extremely excited
and can’t wait to meet her! Travel is another highlight
of her life. Sarah and Carlo enjoy yearly trips to Toronto
to visit friends and family. They have also visited
Positano, Italy, and Tokyo, Japan.
She and her husband love to travel, camp and spend
time with their families.
Class of 1998
Luke Bonzani still lives in New Lenox, where he
recently bought a new home. Luke will soon marry
another Lincoln-Way alum, Samantha Neylon (2001),
in a September ceremony. Luke has been working as
a Mokena police officer for the last five years. He
graduated from Lewis University with a bachelor’s
degree in criminal social justice, with a minor in
political science. Luke is currently at Lewis working
on a master’s degree in criminal social justice; he will
graduate in December. He plans to attend Northern
Illinois University to earn his PhD in education so he
can teach at the college level.
Melissa Denise
Schultz and
husband James live
in Woodstock,
Illinois. They were
married on July 2,
2006. Melissa is a
6th grade teacher.
Tara Ferro lives in Las Vega, Nevada where she teaches
high school photography and art. Tara is engaged and
planning a June 20, 2008 wedding.
Sarah Thomas
graduated from
Purdue University
in December of
2002 with a
bachelor’s degree
in education. She
currently lives just
outside of
where she teaches
fourth grade. Sarah traveled to Costa Rica for three
weeks where she improved her Spanish, went zip lining
in the rain forest, and whitewater rafting. This past
spring she visited San Francisco and Napa Valley.
Class of 1999
Christina Cherry is working
as a biology teacher at Joliet
Central High School. She has
a bachelor’s degree in biology
and a master’s in education.
Christina is recently engaged
and planning a January 2008
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 21
Class of 1999 (continued)
Class of 2000
Class of 2000 (continued)
Caroline Cunningham graduated from Eastern Illinois
University in 2005 with a bachelor’s degree in social
science and secondary education. She is at Lincoln-Way
East teaching economics, and coaching track and cross
country. Caroline is happy with her career and thrilled
to be back at Lincoln-Way!
Elizabeth Conroy is teaching biology, chemistry and
forensics for Lincoln-Way. She will be starting her
master’s in educational administration in the fall. Her
younger brother is entering his junior year at LincolnWay East…so there is a bit of family rivalry!
Beth Wroblewski lives in Indiana with her 7-year-old
daughter who loves riding horses and is in poms! Beth
is a medic for the hospital and has an amazing time
doing her job. She plans to return to school to begin
her RN studies in the fall. Beth has a family member
who briefly came home from Iraq for the birth of his
daughter and will be returning for another seven
months. Beth asks that we keep him and his new
family in our thoughts and prayers for a safe return.
Matt Fiocca is married, no children. He lives in
Valparaiso, Indiana and works full time as a graphic
designer in St. John. Matt is also working on film pilots
with a chance at Universal Studios, and works freelance
with web/database development. His most recent
vacation included jet skiing in the Bahamas this year.
Robyn (Lyons) McClain will celebrate her 4th
wedding anniversary on August 29th. She and her
husband currently live in Tampa, Florida and have a 21month old daughter, Hannah. They are expecting their
second child on New Year’s Eve.
Brent Ryan lives in Youngstown, Ohio. He is a Judicial
Clerk for a United States District Court Judge for the
Northern District of Ohio for the 2006-2008 term. He
plans to return to Illinois upon the completion of his
Judicial Clerkship. Brent graduated from Case Western
Reserve University School of Law, cum laude, in May
2006. He graduated from Illinois State University,
magna cum laude, in 2002. Brent passed the New York
State Bar exam in July, 2006.
Deanna Lozenski just accepted a new position as an
interactive art director at ARS Advertising in Hoffman
Estates, and just bought a new town home in Carol
Stream. She has been working in the design industry
for about three years and loves her job. Deanna holds
a bachelor’s degree in graphic design from Colombia
College. She says, “Cheers to the future success of all
Lincoln-Way alumni!”
Randy Struthers has realized his dream of working
in a library, which started when he was a student
volunteering in Lincoln-Way’s library during study
hall. He began after high school graduation as an
administrative assistant at Heritage Trail Library System
in Shorewood. From there he accepted a position as
Head of Circulation Services at the Des Plaines Valley
Public Library, and managed a staff of 16 employees.
In December of 2004, he moved to the brand new
library in Plano as the manager of Circulation Services.
Since Randy lives in Mokena, that is quite a commute –
but worth it. His brother, Ronnie (Class of 2002) and
sister Jennifer (Class of 2003) live with their mother
(Eisenbrandt, Class of 1975) who was diagnosed with
lung cancer in 2005 and brain cancer in 2006.
Class of 2001
Erin Mullarkey is currently a student at the
University of Chicago, pursuing an MD/PhD from
their Pritzker School of Medicine, Department of
Neurobiology. After graduating from the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with degrees in
honors biology and chemistry, she began medical
school at the University of Chicago in the fall of 2005.
Erin completed two years of medical school and
decided to devote the next three to four years doing
neuroscience research. She is now conducting brain
development research and hopes to finish her PhD
thesis work in three years. At that time she will go
back to her clinical years of medical school to complete
her residency in Neurosurgery. She is moving to
Wrigleyville in the fall and hopes to enjoy a few
Cubs games next year!
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
Class of 2001 (continued)
Katie Rooney is an underwriter at Colony Insurance
Group in downtown Chicago, as of June 2007. She
lives in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago, and
has traveled extensively. Two of her favorite cities are
San Francisco and Seattle. Katie graduated from the
University of Illinois in May of 2005 with a degree in
liberal arts & sciences – economics.
Wyoming. Brooke and her husband have been living in
Lockport for almost 4 years. Her husband is a
professional golfer who owns a trucking and
freight/logistics business. They often travel to different
golf qualifiers and tournaments. Future plans include
moving to Scottsdale, Arizona!
Mehal Shah is living in Seattle and has been working
for the past two years at Microsoft after graduating
from the University of Pennsylvania. He enjoys hiking
and will start mountain climbing later this summer.
His goal is to climb Denali within the next few years.
Brooke Swisher is attending grad school at the Illinois
School of Professional Psychology, working towards her
doctorate in psychology. She graduated from DePaul
University in June of 2006 with a bachelor’s degree in
psychology and elementary education. In August of
2006, she married her fiancé of 6 years in Jackson Hole,
August 2007
Page 22
Class of 2001 (continued)
T.J. Sagen played baseball for the USA National team
in Germany and France right after high school, and was
then recruited to Western Texas, where he lived for a
time. T.J. now resides in Chicago and works for
JBM/Warner Brothers and manages the rock band,
Disturbed. He is looking forward to a world tour
coming up early next year.
Jon White is a graduate of University of Wyoming
with a bachelor’s degree in health science and physical
education. He is
currently living in
New Lenox and
works at LincolnWay East, and is
looking forward
to teaching
physical education
at North when it
opens in 2008.
Class of 2002
Brian Dornbos married Amy on June 29, 2007. He
graduated from Carroll College last December with
a bachelor’s degree in small business management.
Currently, Brian works downtown Chicago with an
independent insurance firm called Risk Management
Class of 2002 (continued)
Claire (Insalaco) Andresen married Ken Andreson
(Class of 2000) in March, 2007, after dating for 5 years.
Out of the 12 wedding attendants, 11 were LincolnWay graduates. The couple now resides in Mokena,
Illinois where Ken is the CFO at KR Drenth Trucking in
Lynwood, IL and Claire is a special education teacher
at Elim Christian School in Palos Heights, Illinois. The
couple’s bridal party consisted of: (photo, left to right)
Brenna Halpin ‘01, Kimberly Halpin ‘05, Jessica
Halpin ‘03, Ashley Crettol ‘04, Savannah Insalaco
‘07, Amanda Insalaco ‘01 and John Scudella ‘00,
Jim Andresen ‘98, Tony Insalaco ‘04, Paul Stearns,
Derick Surbriggen ‘98 and Mike Murphy ‘98. Ring
Bearer: Alec Redman and Flowergirl: Taylor Insalaco.
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
August 2007
Page 23
Class of 2002 (continued)
Class of 2002 (continued)
Class of 2002 (continued)
Stephanie (Jackson) Phillips is working in the
marketing department of The Horton Group Insurance
Brokerage, one of the largest suburban brokerages in
the United States. She is happily married to Josh
Philips (2003 LW East). They are expecting their first
child, a daughter, in August. Stephanie and her family
live in Frankfort.
Kathy (Perkins) Leverence married Kevin on March
17; they have a beagle named Captain Jack Sparrow.
Kathy is a second grade teacher at Minooka Elementary
School, and is
working on her
master’s in
leadership at St.
Francis University.
Kathy and her
husband recently
traveled to Punta
Cana in the
Kandice Washington graduated last year from the
University of Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in
psychology. Next month she will graduate from the
University of Chicago with a master’s degree in
teaching. Immediately following graduation Kandice
will relocate to Sacramento, where she will be a
founding teacher at a new school called Triumph
Center for Early Childhood Education. Triumph is part
of a network of
schools founded
by former NBA
player, Kevin
Johnson. As a gift
to herself, Kandice
will enjoy a sevenday cruise this
winter to Belize,
Jamaica and
various other
Cara Matlock graduated from Iowa State University in
May of 2006 with a degree in fashion merchandising.
In June of 2006 she started working with Von Maur,
as a sales associate in their Lincoln, Nebraska store.
In August she was moved to Chicago and named
department manager of their Lingerie Department
at their biggest store in the company at Yorktown
Shopping Center. In February, she was once again
transferred to Minneapolis and promoted to floor
manager. By April, she had met her goal of becoming
a buyer of lingerie, and now resides in Davenport, Iowa.
Cara buys for all 23 stores in the company, and loves
her career with Von Maur.
Lauren Waninski graduated from the University of
Illinois with a bachelor’s degree in political science in
2006. She just finished her first year of law school at
John Marshall in
Chicago and is
working as a law
clerk at a Chicago
Law firm. She is a
best friend with
Amylee Hogan
(Class of 2002)
and she will be her
maid of honor at
her upcoming
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Lincoln-Way Links
Class of 2004
Kelly Bartolotta recently married and has just moved
to Austin, Texas, where she is working toward her
master’s degree at the University of Texas.
David Spies has returned to Germany for the third
time to visit his host family since his 2004 graduation.
Upon returning
home he started a
career in
production with
Production Plus
Technologies, Inc.,
and has been
working there for
three years as
foreman and AV
technician on the
road. Some of their clients include Fed Ex, Motorola,
Pioneer, NCAA, Sears and US Cellular.
Stacy (Rose)
Surdel is pursuing
a degree in
education and
plans to teach
science to junior
high students. She
has been married
for almost three
years and has a
beautiful two-year
old daughter.
August 2007
Page 24
Class of 2003
Rachel Glim attended Joliet
Junior College and received her
associate of arts degree in the
spring of 2006. She then went to
North Central College to
complete her bachelor’s degree.
Rachel’s major is music education
with an emphasis in choral music,
and a double minor in secondary
education and theatre arts.
However, her passion is theatre
and she has had several
successful roles in over 30 productions. Most recently
the Goodman Theatre of Chicago called her for an
audition for an acting internship.
Class of 2005
Matthew Perkins is working a full-time summer
internship at MSI Data Systems, Inc. in Mequon,
Wisconsin doing web and application development.
He is a junior at Concordia University Wisconsin,
majoring in computer science with a minor in
psychology. Matthew’s plan is to start a career
in computer forensics, or start his own software
development company. He would like to thank
Mr. Voliva and Ms. Ahearn for being two of the
best teachers at Lincoln-Way East.
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Would you like to be a
Class Representative?
The Alumni Association is looking for
individuals who would like to help
“grow” the association. We plan to
meet quarterly to discuss ways to
engage our alumni and encourage
them to stay connected.
If you are interested, or would like
more details, please contact Linda
Lopez at 815-462-2976.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
August 2007
Page 25
Reunion Review
announcements. If anyone would like to be on the
email list or update his or her contact information, just
email Steve at
Kudos to the Class of 1987 Reunion Committee:
Steven Jankowski, Tracy Nappier (Wennlund),
Charyl Harris (Bertucci), Nicki Anderson
(Dombrowski), Sarah O’Brien (Mohney),
Dina Stukel (Giobbia), Karin Lundquist, and
Shawn Doner.
Class of 1972: 35-Year Reunion
Class of 1987 Reunion a Smashing Success
Lincoln-Way High School Class of 1987 held their 20year reunion in July…and enjoyed an entire weekend of
reunion festivities. The fun began on Friday, July 13, at
a “pre-mixer” at Charley Horse 2 in Tinley Park. The
Reunion itself was on July 14, 2007 at the Barber and
Oberwortmann Horticultural Center. A Family Picnic on
Sunday, July 15, was the culminating event of the
weekend’s activities. One hundred and eighteen
alumni, along with 70 spouses and guests participated.
Due to the great success and positive feedback, the
committee will announce several periodic outings
through the use of and
Additionally, they will be planning a 25th Year Reunion.
Classes of 1986 and 1988 may also be interested in the
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Saturday, September 15, 2007
6:00 pm to Midnight
23320 S. LaGrange Road, Frankfort
• Casual Attire
• $50 per person, which covers caterers, servers, and DJ
• Cash Bar
• Make checks payable to: Class of 1972 Reunion
• Contact: Nicki Putts via email at
• Reunion website:
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
Reunion Review
Class of 1998: 10-Year Reunion (In 2008)
July 26, 2008, 6:30 pm
23320 S. LaGrange Road, Frankfort
• Casual Attire
• Cost: to be determined
• Contact information:
Kerry Edlund McFarland
Julie Quinn Isaacson
Class members from the Class of 1998 have started the
planning process. Please contact John Pascarella or
Katie Stillwell at
Class of 1968
Is hosting informal gatherings…from breakfasts to
bonfires. For information contact Harry Gramse at
Send Us Your News!
Class of 1997: 10-Year Reunion
October 26, 2007, 8:00 pm
The Red Room at Joe’s
940 W. Week Street, Chicago, IL
• $50.00 per person
• Tickets available in advance only; they will not be sold
at the door.
• Invitations are being mailed. If you have any
questions, please contact Tracy (Konrath) Conroy
or Kelly (Marlaire) Grude at to learn more about
the Class of 1997 10-Year Reunion.
August 2007
Page 26
Class of 1988: 20-Year Reunion
Extending Thanks...
We would like to exend thanks to all
of the alumni who shared their news
and pictures with us for this edition
of Knighthood.
A very special thanks goes out to
graphic designer, Randy Baum, Class
of 1977, who graciously donated his
time and talent to bring this
newsletter to life.
Finally, heartfelt gratitude extends
to all members of the Alumni
Planning Committee for their
commitment to keeping our LincolnWay family connected. I
– Linda M. Lopez, Editor
Alumni Committee Liaison
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
August 2007
Page 27
Honoring Mr. Joseph Miller...
f you ask Lincoln-Way
alumni who they
remember as their
favorite teacher, chances are you
will get a wide range of answers.
Chances are also pretty good
that the name Joe Miller will
surface more than a few times.
Jim Maguire, Class of 1985,
feels confident that there are
many alumni who share his
gratitude for having had the opportunity to
experience the dynamic and dedicated Mr.
Miller. That is why when Jim and a few of his
fellow classmates learned of Joe Miller’s 2007
retirement they planned an initiative that
invites other alumni to join them in honoring
Mr. Miller in a special way.
“A few of us started brainstorming ways in
which we could contribute something to
Lincoln-Way that would really capture Joe’s
spirit,” said Maguire. John Gustafson (Class
of 1985), who now works for an organization
that promotes and recognizes best practices,
helped to zero in on a way to
enable future students to benefit
from Joe’s experience. He pointed
out that that few organizations
effectively capture and share the
knowledge assets of departing
It just happens that there is a
unique opportunity to do this as
Joe has recently written a book
on teaching “On High School
Teaching: A Guide to the New and Relatively
Clueless,” which covers every aspect of
teaching at the high school level and is
written in a friendly, professional voice. “It
became obvious- why not give every new
teacher at Lincon-Way a copy of Joe’s book?”
“What better way to honor Mr. Miller
than to attempt to share some of his spirit
and expertise with other Lincoln-Way
teachers and their students? By providing
each new teacher with this book, Joe Miller’s
excellence will continue to live on at LincolnWay,” added Maguire.
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Maguire and Gustafson invite alumni
to join them in honoring Joe Miller by
donating any amount to a special fund
that will be used to purchase this book for
every new Lincoln-Way teacher beginning
in 2007-2008. Checks may be made out to
the Lincoln-Way High School District 210
Foundation. Since the Foundation is a 501c3,
donations are tax deductible. Simply mail your
check to the Foundation Office at Lincoln-Way
High School District 210, 1801 E. Lincoln Hwy.,
New Lenox, IL 60451. You will receive a letter
from the Foundation acknowledging your
donation. The Foundation will also share the
names of those participating in this special gift
with Joe Miller.
Joe Miller taught at Lincoln-Way for thirtythree years, sharing his passion for teaching
with literally thousands of young people. He
is now living in Hawaii, spending time with
his wife and watching his granddaughters
grow up. I
See next page for donation form.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
August 2007
Page 28
Donation Form: Honoring Joseph Miller
Please accept my donation toward the purchase of copies of Joe Miller’s book,
“On High School Teaching: A Guide for the New and Relatively Clueless” to be
given to each new teacher at Lincoln-Way beginning in the 2007-2008 school year.
■ Enclosed is my check in the amount of $
Payable to: Lincoln-Way High School District 210 Foundation.
Since the Foundation is a 501c3, donations are tax deductible.
■ Please charge my donation to the following: ■
Card Number _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Complete this form and mail (with your check, if applicable) to the Foundation Office, Lincoln-Way High School District
210, 1801 E. Lincoln Hwy., New Lenox, IL 60451. You will receive a letter from the Foundation acknowledging your
donation. The Foundation will also share the names of those participating in this special gift with Joe Miller.
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 3 • No. 1
August 2007
Page 29
About Us...
he purpose of the Lincoln-Way High
School Alumni Association Planning
Committee is to provide opportunities
for alumni to come back to visit the school,
enjoy reunions, and reconnect with former
classmates, teachers, and coaches.
The Planning Committee invites you to help
shape the future of the Alumni Association.
Please contact Linda Lopez at (815) 462-2976
or to learn more.
Please join us
for the
Fall Welcome
Home Event!
Don’t miss an
opportunity to
connect with
your classmates.
Alumni Planning Committee
Randy Baum, 1977
Paul Brown, 1963
Jim Gast, 1959
Board of Education
Sam Giordano, 1975
Judy Hageman, 1959
Larry Hansen, 1977
Foundation Director
Mandy Hansen, 1978
Steve Hogan, 1980
Foundation Director
Chairman Alumni Committee
Mary Maertin, 1975
Kurt Sangmeister, 1980
Kimberlee Warning Foglton, 1979
Foundation Director
Linda Lopez
Executive Director of the Foundation
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
The Alumni Association Planning
Committee requests that all alumni visit our
website to update your information and check
on upcoming reunions and alumni events.
For further information, please contact the
Foundation Office at (815) 462-2976.
Please let us know what you would like to see
in future editions of the newsletter. We would
like to highlight each class, report news on our
alumni, and announce upcoming reunions.
If you have something you would like to
share about yourself in the next newsletter,
please e-mail If you have
a photo that you would like to include, please
submit it with your information.
When submitting information, please
include the following: first and last name;
maiden name (if it applies); class year; address;
telephone number; and e-mail address.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association