December 2009 - Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210


December 2009 - Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
December 2009
Welcome to our
interactive newsletter!
Lincoln-Way Schools – On Top!
Throughout this newsletter there are links to
articles for easy reading and navigation. There
are also links to the main website – your easiest
way to get the latest information.
incoln-Way High School District 210 continues its competitive climb to the summit
of student achievement. The 2009 Report Card places Lincoln-Way East, LincolnWay Central and Lincoln-Way North as the top three high schools in Will County,
based on the results of the Prairie State Achievement Exam. The PSAE assessment measures
the performance of high school students in grade 11 in reading, mathematics, writing
and science.
Furthermore, all three
schools are in the top 50 in
the south suburbs, and in
the top 11 percent of all
public schools in the state
of Illinois. According to the
Tribune newspaper, LincolnWay East placed 22nd,
Central placed 45th and
North placed 72nd out of
the 656 public high schools
in Illinois.
Lincoln-Way District 210
Lincoln-Way East, Lincoln-Way Central and
continues to implement instructional strategies,
provide staff development opportunities, and design Lincoln-Way North are the top three high
schools in Will County, based on the results of
assessments to measure student progress toward the the PSAE exam.
goal of improving student achievement.
Lincoln-Way Alumni
Foundation News
Lincoln-Way Foundation
Second Chances
Lincoln-Way Links
Submissions from Classmates
from 1956–2006!
Reunion Review
About Us...
Editor: Linda M. Lopez, Foundation Executive Director
Graphic Designer: Randy Baum, Class of 1977
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Lincoln-Way Schools – On Top! (continued)
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Sophomores and juniors at all four LincolnWay high schools enjoy weekly support in
reading and study skills during their advisory
periods. All freshmen have the opportunity
to enroll in the summer Freshman Start
program, which helps to develop study skills
and transition more smoothly into the high
school setting. Special education students
receive targeted math skills instruction and
tutoring. Students who need additional help
in science and math participate in extended
class periods in order to gain a solid
foundation upon which to build.
All Lincoln-Way students may benefit from
educational opportunities that include
academic assistance in core areas during
advisory periods, peer tutoring, and
expanded summer school offerings. Some of
the educational practices that focus on
student achievement include: summarizing
strategies and frequent feedback, a focus on
the vocabulary of a unit in all subjects, as
well as verbal and visual student-friendly
objectives and learning targets.
Classroom teachers receive support and
encouragement to enhance their teaching
strategies in a number of ways. They explore
assessment practices in learning teams,
participate in bi-monthly workshops on
reading strategies, and benefit from a
variety of targeted staff development
workshops, among others.
“Student achievement is what our school
is all about,” said Superintendent Dr.
Lawrence Wyllie. “Lincoln-Way High School
student test scores continue to be above
state and national averages. In addition to
our PSAE results, our core average ACT
score is 23.8 for the Class of 2009.” Wyllie
continued, “We are proud of our faculty and
students, and of these test results. There is,
however, room for improvement. We are
committed to creating a learning
environment second to none, as well as a
staff development program focused on the
improvement of instruction.” I
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December 2009
Page 2
Lincoln-Way students benefit from challenging academic
programs, teachers who are devoted to student
achievement, and a state-of-the-art learning environment.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Letter from Dr. Lawrence A. Wyllie
Superintendent of Schools
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
December 2009
Page 3
Lincoln-Way Alumni...
s the Christmas holidays approach, many of us
find ourselves struggling to complete our to-do
lists, which seem to grow with each passing day.
It is so easy to get caught up in the frenzy that often
defines this time of year. It seems that “Black Friday”
and now “Cyber Monday” launch us into a rush of
activities that begin at the end of November and carry us
through December.
Here at Lincoln-Way, December also brings the end of
the first semester and semester exams. When the final
bell rings on December 23, marking the beginning of
our winter break – students and teachers alike anticipate
special times with families and friends.
Then for the briefest of times, an uncommon quiet
settles over our Lincoln-Way schools. Our buildings,
which are normally home to a multitude of activities from
before sun-up to well after sun-down, are unusually still.
It is as if we, as a community, pause for just a moment to
relish the anticipation of this magical holiday.
The stillness does not last, and just as we experience
in our families, life at Lincoln-Way resumes with
renewed energy and enthusiasm. Our buildings light
up with activity throughout the winter break,
welcoming student athletes, morning walkers and
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swimmers, community organizations and religious
congregations. Dedicated teachers filter in to re-work
their bulletin boards, or discuss second semester
curriculum with their peers. Administrators and staff
members continue to focus on the work that needs to
be done in preparation for the weeks and months to
come. Together we embrace the promise to provide
unparalleled opportunities for kids.
As Lincoln-Way alumni, you are all very much a part
of that promise. You helped to shape Lincoln-Way; you
provided the foundation upon which to build. Today’s
opportunities exist in large part because of your love of
Some of you now have students at Lincoln-Way, and
find yourselves walking the halls you once traveled.
Perhaps the halls are new and different, but the sense of
community remains the same. Some of you have moved
out of town. I hope if your holiday travels bring you back
to the area, you’ll take a moment to stop by. We are
always delighted to welcome you.
I sincerely hope that the Christmas spirit of peace, the
warmth of the holidays, and the love of family and
friends will remain with you and bring you much joy in
the year ahead. I
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Foundation News
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
December 2009
Page 4
Lincoln-Way Alumni: Join us in a Valentine’s Celebration!
re you looking for a special way to
celebrate Valentine’s Day? Have you
considered an elegant dinner in a
beautiful setting? Do your plans include dancing
the night away? Are you worried about creating
the perfect celebration? Or, (horrors!) have you
forgotten that long-treasured holiday that
features cupid, candy, flowers and romance?
Worry no longer! Michelle Moyle (Class of
1984), Dinner Gala co-chair and alumna,
extends a special invitation to our Lincoln-Way
alumni to enjoy an evening of dining, dancing
and celebration at the Odyssey Country Club on
Saturday, February 13. “This is a great
opportunity to connect with Lincoln-Way. It is a
lot of fun to get a group of friends together for a
night out. You can even turn the evening into a
mini class reunion.”
The Dinner Gala begins at 6:00 p.m. with
appetizers and an open bar. A Silent Auction,
featuring everything from jewelry and romantic
get-away weekends, to sports packages and
coveted sports tickets will make Valentine giftgiving pleasant and painless! The Silent Auction
opens at 6:00 p.m. and closes before dinner so
guests may enjoy the rest of the evening.
Silent and Live Auctions will provide a chance
for you to give someone flowers for a year,
dinner and theatre packages, a spa day, or an
evening at an exclusive downtown Chicago
hotel. For the sports-minded, there are
wonderful golf packages including Olympia
Fields Country Club and Ruth Lake Country Club
outings, as well as hard-to-get tickets to various
sporting events. If you dare, there is even a
Richard Petty Driving Experience. If something
for the entire family is what you covet, plan a
weekend excursion in an Arnie Bauer van. You
may want to treat the family to a stay at Chula
Vista Resort, complete with water park
wristbands – or stay closer to home and enjoy
the passes to Great America. There are
abundant choices for our Lincoln-Way alumni,
including Lincoln-Way spirit baskets and side-line
football passes to the Lincoln-Way high school
of your choice.
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In addition to auction items, the evening offers
a Champagne Raffle, which features “his and
her” prizes of a beautiful diamond pendant or
32” Toshiba HD LCD TV. “Donations from David
Anthony Jewelers and Mike’s Furniture allow us
to offer extraordinary raffle prizes,” explained
Dinner Gala Co-Chair Linda Ernat. “The Raffle is
open to anyone since the winner does not need
to be present to win.” Tickets to the Champagne
Raffle are $25 each, or three for $60.
“We see the Dinner Gala as a real community
event,” said Moyle. “This is a great way to
celebrate Valentine’s Day – whether you come as
a couple, gather a group of friends, or reserve an
alumni table, we know you will enjoy the
evening. There really is something for everyone.”
The cost of a reservation has remained the same
for many years and is nicely priced at $100 per
person. Approximately $40 of each $100 is a taxdeductible donation. So while you are enjoying
your evening, you can feel even better that you are
making a difference in the lives of thousands of
Lincoln-Way students. To make reservations or to
purchase raffle tickets, please contact the
Foundation Office at 815-462-2974. I
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Foundation News (continued)
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
December 2009
Page 5
Second Chances
veryone deserves a second chance, so
the Lincoln-Way High School District
210 Foundation for Educational
Excellence is offering an opportunity to
purchase commemorative bricks for the Fine
Arts Lobby at each of our four Lincoln-Way
schools. In recent years, commemorative
bricks have only been available for the
Aquatic Centers at Central and East.
So, if you previously missed your chance,
don’t hesitate now! This is a wonderful and
lasting way to commend a teacher,
congratulate a student, or provide a lasting
memory of someone special. You may want
to have a brick with your name and
graduation year. Perhaps you are a LincolnWay family – you can showcase each of
your graduation years!
You may place your order for a
commemorative brick by copying and
sending this order form to the Foundation
Office, or you can go to the Foundation link
at the District website: Click
on “How you can help,” and then select
Commemorative Bricks. If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to contact
the Foundation Office at 815-462-2976. I
Please PRINT name and text as you wish it to appear on the plate.
Three lines of copy are allowed. A maximum of 30 characters per
line, including blank spaces, is allowed. Copy subject to approval of
Lincoln-Way High School District 210.
Deadline for Orders: December 31, 2009.
Donation: $100 per brick.
Please indicate the Lincoln-Way school of your choice:
I Central I East I North I West
Thank you for enclosing $100 per brick.
I My check, payable to: LWHS Foundation, is
enclosed. Check # ________________________
I Please charge my: I
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Please order one brick per form; copy form for additional bricks.
Thank you.
If you have questions, please call Linda Lopez at 815-462-2976.
You can mail your form to: Linda Lopez, Lincoln-Way High School
Foundation, 1801 E. Lincoln Highway, New Lenox, IL 60451
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
December 2009
Page 6
Lincoln-Way Links
his section is designed to help our
alumni stay connected. Tell us what is
happening in your life. Share family
and career news. Let us know about your
children and grandchildren. Send us news
about your vacation. We are excited about
this section of our alumni newsletter. What a
wonderful and easy way to stay connected!
We are delighted that so many of our
alumni sent in their news! If we received
your news after the deadline, it will appear
in our next issue.
Please send your information and photos
for our next issue to Linda Lopez at Be sure to include your
year of graduation and your last name
at the time of graduation.
Thank you!
Class of 1956
Class of 1961
Ralph Eisenbrandt retired from the Indiana
Harbor Belt Railroad in 2000. He is a co-founder
and current president of a local chapter of the
National Association of Retired and Veteran
Railroaders (NARVRE). Ralph recently co-hosted
his last Frankfort Fall Festival Parade telecast. It
was his 35th time announcing the parade on
Labor Day weekend.
Ralph currently serves on the Frankfort
Preservation Foundation Board and is an active
member of the Frankfort-Mokena Tri-Ad group.
The last couple of years he has been lecturing
and presenting on local railroad history. In 2007,
he co-authored an Arcadia Publishing book
titled, The Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway (ISBN
number 978-0-7385-5057-2, LC number
2007924179). Ralph and his youngest daughter,
AnnKaryn Bettenhausen, are currently working
on another Arcadia history series book about
Frankfort and Frankfort Township. He also heads
a committee working on compiling the Frankfort
Fire Department history.
Robert Manzke
and Susan
Paska Manzke
(Class of 1968)
live in Seymour,
Wisconsin and
are proud
grandparents of
twins. Their
Rachel, and her
husband, Dave
Rachel and Robert Manzke with
Giblin, gave
birth to Arianna twins, Arianna and Elijah.
Rose and Elijah
Charles on August 23, 2009 in Madison,
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Lincoln-Way Links
December 2009
Page 7
Class of 1964
Class of 1968
Andrew Demus
traveled to
Ukraine this
summer. He
visited several
sites in Ukraine
occupied by the
Andrew Demus travels to the
Trypillian culture
dating back to the Ukraine included fascinating
archaeological sites.
early Neolithic era.
(6500-2900 B.C.) That’s almost 3,000 years before
the Egyptian pyramids and 5,000 years before the
Greek civilization! He also visited a cave occupied
by the Trypillian people, in which archaeological
digs are currently being conducted. The cave
stretches for 23 kilometers through a series of
underground chambers that were hollowed out
by underground rivers about 25 million years ago.
Andrew has also visited Khotyn Fortress in
southern Ukraine, near the Romanian border. Its
walls have a circumference of several kilometers.
In the 1600’s, an army of over 500,000 Turks laid
siege to the castle, but the
Ukrainians were able to
repel the Turkish army.
Andrew has been
visiting Ukraine since 1975,
when it was still part of the
Soviet Union. He has
traveled all over Ukraine
Khotyn Fortress in
visiting and photographing
southern Ukraine.
castles and fortresses,
some dating back to the
11th century. He has also visited archaeological
sites dating back to over 350,000 B.C., which
was the Paleolithic era in which the
Neanderthals lived. Near Kyiiv, Ukraine, its
capital, he witnessed an archaeological dig
conducted by the University of Illinois. They
uncovered a hut that was constructed out of
mammoth tusks and
bones and occupied
by people from the
late Paleolithic era
(35,000 B.C.).
Susan Paska Manzke: see Class of 1961,
Robert Manzke.
Class of 1972
Richards Mundt
and Gene Mundt
(Class of 1975)
would like to
share their
family’s good
news and
The photo is of the Mundt/Braun
fortune. Their
family. The picture includes
youngest son,
daughter-in-law, Jenny Owens.
John Mundt
Their oldest son, Tom Mundt (Class
of 1997) and Jenny were married
(Class of 2002)
October 3, 2009, in Memphis,
married Sandi
Tennessee. He and Jenny met while
Braun (Class of
attending Syracuse Law School in
New York.
2002) on April
17th of this year.
John and Sandi met and dated throughout their
continued on next page
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Lincoln-Way Links
December 2009
Page 8
Class of 1972 (continued)
Class of 1974
years at LWHS and married after John’s
graduation from Virginia Military Institute.
Their oldest son, Tom Mundt (Class of 1997)
married on October 3, 2009 in Memphis,
Tennessee. He and Jenny met while attending
Syracuse Law School in New York.
You can email Marilyn and Gene at:
Class of 1973
Carol Brougham
received two of
the most
awards given out
annually by the
Carol receives the International
Auxiliary Exemplary Achievement
Air Force
Award from Int. Auxiliary President
Marie McDowell and AFSA
President Michael Carton.
(AFSA) and
Auxiliary. Carol received the 2008 International
Volunteer Service Person from AFSA. This award
is given to one person each year who has
performed the most outstanding dedicated
volunteer service far above the standard
commitment. Carol volunteers in many
capacities and many diverse areas, from animal
welfare to a museum.
Carol also received the 2008 International
AFSA Auxiliary Exemplary Achievement Award.
This is given to one individual annually who has
performed the most outstanding quality service
to the international auxiliary and its members to
support the military families and members
serving in the Air Force and reserve. It is
extremely rare, and may be the first time ever
that one person has been given both honors in
the same year. Competition for the awards is
worldwide. Also, Carol and her husband, Stan,
became grandparents for the first time. Their
daughter, Jennifer and husband Chris, are the
proud parents of a beautiful son, Matthew Ryan
Waldrop, who was born on Sept. 14, 2009. Carol
and Stan live in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.
Sharon O’Meara
Hanley says
“Wow! Has it
been that long?”
Sharon has been
married to
Sharon and her husband,
Michael Hanley
for 15 years. They Michael Hanley.
have 5 children
between them, Sharon’s sons, Michael & Rick
Gear and Michael’s children, Michael, Nathan
and Heidi Hanley-McKernan. They also have
three grandchildren, Logan & Grace Hanley and
Christian McKernan. Sharon and Mike are
empty-nesters, having gotten all five children off
to a great start. They moved to Colorado two
years ago to be close to their grandchildren and
to enjoy the more temperate climate. They live in
the foothills of Rocky Mountain National Park,
and have a beautiful view of the mountains from
their living room window. Sharon is an RN at
Medical Center of the Rockies. She started
continued on next page
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Lincoln-Way Links
December 2009
Page 9
Class of 1974 (continued)
Class of 1975
working for the Heart Center in the cardiac cath
lab two years ago, and recently took a second
position in the Post Trauma Ortho/Spine Unit.
She still loves nursing and has no plans to retire.
Her husband is semi-retired, and enjoys working
at a golf course for the discounted golf perks.
Prior to his retirement, he was an IT systems
Sharon loves bicycling and hiking in the
mountains, and is currently training to hike Longs
Peak this August with a group from the Heart
Center. She doesn’t plan to summit, but hopes to
make it to the keyhole where she can see
through to the Western slope (approx 13,150 ft,
15 mile round-trip hike). Sharon still gets a bit
homesick for Illinois, but she doesn’t miss those
long, bitter winters. For those who want to
reconnect, please email her at
Gene Mundt: see Class of 1972,
Marilyn Richards Mundt.
Mary Murray Maertin and Jeff Maertin (Class
of 1976) live in New Lenox. They have been
working in Mokena at their heating and cooling
company, Maertin Heating, for the past 17 years.
Jeff and Mary have a daughter, Lisa Maertin
(Class of 2006). Both Jeff and Mary volunteer for
the American Legion in New Lenox and the
Mokena Chamber of Commerce. Their passions
include golf and Da Bears.
Class of 1976
Vanessa Lundborg Tucker is married to Roy.
They have been blessed with five children:
Michael (29) is married to Ann and they have
two children, Kaelyn (4) and Eli (1); son, Adam
(27); daughter, Andrea, whom they lost sadly at
18 years old in a car accident (7 years ago) but
she blessed them with a granddaughter, Alyssa
(8); daughter, Cassie (21) and has a daughter,
Andrea Keeley, who is 4 months old; and their
youngest, Cody
(19), is in college
as a sophomore
playing football
for Austin Peay.
Their children
have continued
their educations Vanessa Lundborg…
at the University now and then!
of TN, Middle Tennessee State
University, Bethel College,
Nashville State and Austin Peay
State University.
Vanessa currently lives and works in Tennessee
as the corporate accountant for a company that
owns Ace Hardware retail stores. Vanessa
graduated with a bachelor’s in business and
received her master’s in accounting from the
University of Tennessee. She lives in a very small
town, smaller than New Lenox used to be in
1976, and loves it. Vanessa loves the southern
country living, but is also close to Nashville where
continued on next page
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Lincoln-Way Links
December 2009
Page 10
Class of 1976 (continued)
Class of 1978
Class of 1980
she commutes to work and sees the city sights.
She loves her job, but loves to come home.
Vanessa and Ray are empty-nesters now, but all
of their children and grandchildren are close to
them in love and geography. They all enjoy
Sunday family gatherings, holidays, and for-noreason get-togethers.
Vanessa says that she is very appreciative of
her education from Lincoln-Way High School.
The mission, values, morals, and ethics she
experienced at Lincoln-Way are still with her and
she has based her educational standards for her
children to equal Lincoln-Way. She loves LincolnWay, loves red and black, still calls herself a
Knight and remembers being a Rhythm Knight!
Vanessa misses all her friends of old. She says,
“God Bless to you all!”
Claude Borders owns Ensemble Arts Academy,
in Las Vegas, which was founded on June 1,
2009. The teachers have all attended or obtained
degrees from Julliard, North Texas State
University, Indiana University, UNLV, and the Paris
American Conservatory. Many of the teachers are
active performers in Las Vegas shows such as Lion
King at Mandalay Bay, and Phantom: The Las
Vegas Spectacular. They just finished a successful
summer music camp program. The academy
offers private and group music lessons for all ages
and levels. They also offer music enrichment
programs (tailored to organization needs), as well
as homeschools, private schools, daycare centers,
etc. Additionally they offer Camp Rocks! (for ages
eight and up) Track-Break Music Camps and
Kindermusik (for ages birth to seven.)
Claude’s wife, Bernadette, teaches MS
Orchestra for the Clark County School District.
Their daughter, Rachel (10), plays cello and wants
to be a vet. Their son, Joshua (9), plays violin,
loves Legos and Star Wars, and wants to be a
spy. They attend Canyon Ridge Christian Church.
Kurt Sangmeister
and Gina Selvas
(Class of 1983)
celebrated their
25th wedding
anniversary on
October 6. Their
daughter, Jordan Kurt and Gina Sangmeister
(Class of 2006) is a senior German major at
Murray State University. Kurt has spent the past
15 years as Court Administrator for the 12th
Judicial Circuit Court in Joliet, IL. Gina is a
fingerprint technician for the Illinois State Police
in Joliet.
Is there an extra 1976 Yearbook out there
somewhere? One of your classmates is looking
for one. If you have one, or know where one can
be found, please contact the Foundation Office
at 815-462-2974. Thank you!
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Lincoln-Way Links
December 2009
Page 11
Class of 1983
Class of 1989
Class of 1990
Bob Wilson completed a bachelor’s degree in
interdisciplinary studies from Governors State
University in April and is enrolled in the master’s
of public administration at Governors State
University. Bob is currently on staff with the
University of Illinois Fire Service Institute as
instructor and is the Assistant Chief of
Operations with the Frankfort Fire District. He
lives in Manhattan with his wife, Laurie. They
have a daughter, Rachel, a junior; a son, Jeremy,
a freshman; and a daughter, Nicole, in 6th grade.
Julie Platek
Guevara says that
once again her
son, Nathan, had
microscopic ear
surgery in Kansas
City on October 2,
2009. This is the
second surgery on
his ear. He had a
bone revision at
Children’s Mercy. Julie’s son, Nathan Guevara
Kathryn Kaysen
Jackson and her
husband, Adam
Jackson, bought a
house in the city
of Chicago in July.
Their bungalow
was built in 1922
and was recently
certified to
participate in the
City of Chicago’s Kathryn Kaysen Jackson
Restoration Project. Their purchase was made
possible by their real estate attorney, and fellow
LWHS alum, Joe Kosteck, (Class of 1990).
w w w. l w 2 1 0 . o r g
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Lincoln-Way Links
December 2009
Page 12
Class of 1992
Class of 1993
Class of 1997
Tawnie Cisneros and her husband, Bill Lindich,
are expecting their first child in March 2010.
Tawnie is the Senior ThoughtPartner at dg&a, an
internal and leadership communication
consulting firm to the Fortune 500. She works
with Abbott, Exelon, Heinz, Lilly, Microsoft,
Qualcomm and Unum, among others, to help
them achieve business objectives through
effective communications with employees and
Noelle Hijuelos is Director of Worship & Music
at Christ Church of Oak Brook in Illinois, where
she serves a 5000-member congregation and
leads multiple choirs and orchestras. Her
husband, Stephen Cannon, is a professional
tenor who sings with Lyric Opera of Chicago.
They perform in duet together throughout the
Chicago area. Noelle has a bachelor’s of music
from Northwestern University and master’s of
music from Ohio State University.
Lisa Miller Cook graduated with a Ph.D. in
musicology from the University of Colorado at
Boulder in May. She is an affiliate faculty member
at the Metropolitan State College in Denver. Her
husband, Paul, is an assistant professor at the
University of Colorado Denver and they have a
daughter, Ruth (4).
Class of 1996
Nadine Miuccio
Schulz moved to
Oak Lawn with
her family after
graduation. She
enrolled at
Moraine Valley
Nadine Miuccio Schulz and
husband, Bob.
College, and
began taking
healthcare prerequisites. After two years, she
decided to enter the field of radiology. She
graduated in 2001, with a degree in Applied
Sciences and passed the boards to practice as an
x-ray technologist. During her training, she
experienced many hospitals, and loved Children’s
Memorial. After she graduated, she applied at
Children’s and got the job. Nadine is an imaging
specialist and board certified in interventional
radiology. She and her husband, Bob Schulz, live
in Monee with Minnkota, a 3-year-old Black Lab.
Bob is a golf professional and is currently working
Erick Kammerer and his wife, Tara Sanders, live
outside of Little Rock, Arkansas. He is a senior
manufacturing specialist for Caterpillar
continued on next page
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Lincoln-Way Links
December 2009
Page 13
Class of 1997 (continued)
Class of 2000
for the New Lenox Park District at Sanctuary Golf
Course as the Golf Director and teaching
professional. When not working, they enjoy their
lake home in Indiana. Bob is a Musky fisherman
and Nadine likes to relax in the boat, dabble in
painting and take photographs of nature and her
family. The next step for them is to expand their
family and possibly move back to New Lenox.
Michelle Tarrant
Williams and her
husband, Erik
Williams (Class of
1999) welcomed
their first
daughter, Sadie,
on February 28,
2008. They
Michelle, Sadie and Erik Williams.
experienced a
stay in the NICU at Children’s Memorial Hospital
in Chicago. Since then, Erik and Michelle
volunteer for the March of Dimes in an effort to
ensure that all babies are born healthy. Erik was
recently hired on with Invenergy (a clean energy
company) in May, 2009 as a senior accountant.
Class of 1998
Laura Bristow Ramsay
and her husband, Paul
Ramsay, welcomed their
first child, Abigail June,
on April 16, 2009. They
married in November,
2006 and currently live in Abigail June Ramsay,
daughter of Laura and
Belvidere, Illinois.
Class of 1999
Erik Williams: see Class of 1997,
Michelle Tarrant Williams.
Deanna Lozenski has exciting news…she and
her fiancé, Luke Radwanski, are engaged to be
married next year. The wedding will be at St.
Mary Church in Mokena in September, 2010.
She graduated in 2000, so by her 10 year
reunion, she will be Mrs. Radwanski!
Pamela Simon
La Porte married
her college
Nicholas, in June,
2009. Pamela is a
2005 graduate of
Eastern Illinois
University, where Pamela Simon La Porte and her
husband, Nicholas.
she majored in
sciences. She received her master’s degree from
Governors State University in 2007 and is
employed as a physical therapist at Palos
Community Hospital. Nicholas is a 2004
continued on next page
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Lincoln-Way Links
December 2009
Page 14
Class of 2000 (continued)
Class of 2002
Class of 2006
graduate of Eastern Illinois University and is
employed as a web project manager for Dream
Town Realty in Lincoln Park. They currently reside
in Mokena, Illinois.
Rebecca Secord
graduated from
Illinois State
University in 2006
with a Bachelor of
Science in
Rebecca Secord Larson and
criminal justice.
She was married husband, Joshua.
August 9, 2008
to Joshua Larson of St. Charles, IL and a fellow
student at ISU. She graduated from New England
School of Law in Boston in May, 2009 and she is
currently waiting for results from the Virginia Bar
Exam. Rebecca and her husband have settled in
Alexandria, VA. Joshua is currently deployed to
Baghdad with the United States Army.
Lisa Maertin is a geology major at Ball State
University in Muncie, Indiana. Lisa is in her senior
year and has been awarded a scholarship for her
diving skills on the Swimming and Diving Team
at BSU.
Beth Wroblewski and her daughter, Kylie,
moved into their first house this past August.
Kylie is now in third grade and loving it. They also
bought their first horse, Beemer, and Kylie is
going to be in the 4-H this summer. Beth hopes
everyone else is doing well and enjoying their
families and she can’t believe it is going to be 10
years soon.
Class of 2003
Daena Stanek just moved to Dallas to work for
the George W. Bush Presidential Library
Foundation. She moved to Dallas from D.C.
where she served as Senior Presidential Writer at
the White House (2007-2009).
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Our sympathies extend to the families of
those who have lost loved ones.
Pam Barten Kraai (Class of 1977) passed
away suddenly on May 10, 2009 at home
from a heart attack. She was an RN and
worked at the Manteno Veterans Home.
Pam was buried in the Abraham Lincoln
Cemetery. Pam was married to John
“Duke” Kraai for 22 years, and her
daughter, Katie, attends school at Missouri
Valley College in Missouri.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
If your Class plans to celebrate a reunion,
please contact Linda, 815-462-2976, at the
Foundation Office so we can assist, or help share
details through our newsletter.
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
Reunion Review
December 2009
Page 15
alumni band
members from
throughout the
years braved
the cold to
“heat up
with their
at the LincolnWay Central Homecoming game on
October 2. After the performance, everyone had a great
time and enjoyed a special kind of camaraderie at the
Welcome Home Tent, sponsored by the Alumni Association.
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Lincoln-Way Central High School
athletic department honored the
1981 varsity Knights football team
and its coaches at a football game
this past fall.
Team members who attended
were Rick Pedigo, Paul Prospero,
Dave Ernst, Rick Crisione, Glen
Yeager, Bob Wilson, Jim Pitcairn,
Alton Baird, Joe Mackay, Assistant
Coach Jim Gutierrez, Chuck Burks,
Roy Wilhelm, Paul Potocki, Allan
Murray and Rick Renfro.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
If your Class plans to celebrate a reunion,
please contact Linda, 815-462-2976, at the
Foundation Office so we can assist, or help share
details through our newsletter.
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
December 2009
Page 16
Reunion Review
A Cappella Choir Reunion
Lincoln-Way Track and Field Reunion
Would you like to be a Class Representative?
Plans are underway for a July 2010, A Cappella
Choir Reunion for all choir and Singing Knights
members under the direction of Charles Stark for
years 1969 to 1991.
The next meet will be January 30, 2010
Become involved with the Alumni Association.
We are looking for alumni from Lincoln-Way
Community High School, Lincoln-Way Central
High School and Lincoln-Way East High School to
join us as we grow the Alumni Association.
We plan to meet quarterly to discuss ways to
engage our alumni and encourage them to stay
connected. If you are interested, or would like more
details, please contact Linda Lopez at
Tentative schedule:
Friday, July 2, 2010 – Evening social at Lincoln-Way
Central and tour of Music Department facilities
Saturday, July 3 – Morning practice, family picnic
lunch and afternoon practice
Sunday, July 4 – Concert at Lincoln-Way Central
Contact: Dan Werner, Class of 1974, at if you can help locate
choir members, volunteer in any way, or would like
information emailed to you.
11:00 a.m.
Lincoln-Way Central Field House
Al Logsdon
Lincoln-Way Central High School
1801 East Lincoln Highway
New Lenox, IL 60451
Ph: 815-462-2242
Fax: 815-485-7648
All L-W track and field alumni are invited
to gather for a reunion/track meet every
five years. All current and/or former
coaches are also invited along with family
and friends of the athletes and coaches.
Every five years we get the opportunity to
renew friendships and tell even taller tales
about the glories of our track and field
careers. Don’t miss the next event in 2010.
Philosophy: The event is open to all Lincoln-Way
(Central or East) alumni who have
competed in Track & Field or Cross
Country at Lincoln-Way as well as current
and former coaches. Spouses and/or
parents are also encouraged to attend.
This is a REUNION as well as a track meet.
No one is required to compete. Everyone is
encouraged to return to Lincoln-Way to
share in the camaraderie of Track & Field.
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Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 5 • No. 3
December 2009
Page 17
About Us...
he purpose of the Lincoln-Way High
School Alumni Association Planning
Committee is to provide
opportunities for alumni to come back to
visit the school, enjoy reunions, and
reconnect with former classmates, teachers,
and coaches.
The Planning Committee invites you to
help shape the future of the Alumni
Association. Please contact Linda Lopez at
815-462-2976 or to
learn more.
Alumni Planning Committee
Randy Baum, 1977
Jim Gast, 1959
Board of Education
Judy Hageman, 1959
Larry Hansen, 1977
Mandy Hansen, 1978
Steve Hogan, 1980
Foundation Director
Chairman Alumni Committee
Kurt Sangmeister, 1980
Kimberlee Warning Foglton, 1979
Foundation Director
Linda Lopez
Executive Director of the Foundation
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The Alumni Association Planning
Committee suggests that all alumni visit our
website to update your information and check
on upcoming reunions and alumni events.
For further information, please contact the
Foundation Office at 815-462-2976.
Please let us know what you would like to see
in future editions of the newsletter. We would
like to highlight each class, report news on our
alumni, and announce upcoming reunions.
If you have something you would like to
share about yourself in the next newsletter,
please e-mail If you
have a photo that you would like to include,
please submit it with your information.
When submitting information, please
include the following: first and last name,
maiden name (if it applies), class year, address,
telephone number, and e-mail address.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association