
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Welcome to our
interactive newsletter!
Throughout this newsletter there are links to
articles for easy reading and navigation. There
are also links to the main website – your
easiest way to get the latest information.
Dear LW Alumni
Alumni Honored with
Lincoln-Way Extra Effort
Win $100,000 – and Support
your Alma Mater!
Foundation Donations
Reach $3 Million
Lincoln-Way Links
Submissions from Classmates
from 1957–2008!
Reunion News
About Us...
Editor: Linda M. Lopez, Foundation Executive Director
Graphic Designer: Randy Baum, Class of 1977
Vol. 8 • No. 1 | July 2012
The Class of 2012: The Tradition
Continues and a New Chapter Begins
efore accepting their diplomas and continuing on to the next chapter of their lives,
members of the Class of 2012 from all four high schools “left their mark” with a unique
class gift for each school.
The class gift from Lincoln-Way Central Class of 2012 is a 5’ by 22’ sign, flanked by the
Knight logo that states: Welcome to Lincoln-Way Central – Where students and athletes
gather to unleash their potential. The sign can be found over the entry to the field house.
Adding to what makes this sign special, is the fact that the sign was created by Lincoln-Way
alum: Tom Evans (Class of 1969).
There will be no doubt about whose
turf you are on when you enter
Lincoln-Way East High School through
the Aquatic Center. The Lincoln-Way
East Class of 2012 gifted the school
with a large mosaic of the Griffin in the
floor leading to the field house.
The Lincoln-Way North Class of 2012
has the distinction of being the first
class that graduated after spending all
four years at North. Senior Class
President Darouny Phouybanhdyt
stated, “We are the first class to
graduate after attending this school for The class gift from Lincoln-Way Central Class of 2012 reminds all that
Central is “where students and athletes gather to unleash their potential.”
four years; that is an honor. Our class
will be the first class to be remembered
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 2
The Class of 2012: The Tradition Continues... continued
for creating a legacy for this school.” Their
class gift is a marquee flanked by three
columns of brick—each in a varying
thickness—to represent the wings of the
Phoenix. The marquee is installed at the
entrance of the school off of Harlem Avenue.
The class gift from the Lincoln-Way West
Class of 2012 spotlights the Warrior Code.
Walk through the main entrance at LincolnWay West, and you will see the 16x16 shield
in the center of the lobby floor, surrounded
by the Warrior Code: Respect, Courage,
Wisdom and Honor.
The Lincoln-Way Alumni Association is
proud to welcome the newest alumni—Class
of 2012. The tradition continues! I
The Lincoln-Way East Class of 2012 gifted the school with
a large mosaic of the Griffin in the floor leading to the
field house.
The Lincoln-Way North Class of 2012 gift is a marquee
flanked by three columns of brick—each in a varying
thickness—to represent the wings of the Phoenix. The
marquee is installed at the entrance of the school off of
Harlem Avenue.
The Lincoln-Way West Class of 2012 highlights the Warrior
Code. Walk through the main entrance at Lincoln-Way West,
and you will see the 16x16 shield in the center of the lobby
floor, surrounded by the Warrior Code: Respect, Courage,
Wisdom and Honor.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
Letter from
Dr. Lawrence A. Wyllie
Superintendent of
JULY 2012
Page 3
Dear Lincoln-Way Alumni...
o you remember how you felt as the
summer days of June and July skipped
quickly past, and August beckoned with the
promise of another school year? Perhaps you
felt a little sad or anxious as summer faded,
and the first day of school approached. Or,
maybe you felt like I do today, excited to
welcome another school year. While much is
accomplished in our schools over the summer,
school doesn’t really feel like school until the
voices and laughter of our students and
teachers bring our halls and classrooms to life.
I look forward to our opening ceremony. I’m
still moved when the marching bands from all
four of our high schools fill our auditorium
with the promise of new beginnings. Though
I’ve experienced this opening ceremony here
at Lincoln-Way for over 20 years, each time
feels like the first. I feel honored to be part of
this Lincoln-Way family—to feel the energy of
our students—and to witness their growth as
they embrace the opportunities provided here
at Lincoln-Way.
Our students are fortunate. They have the
benefits of rigorous academic programs,
teachers who care, an outstanding learning
environment, and countless opportunities to
explore and develop their interests and
talents. This year we will welcome, for the
first time, members of the Class of 2016.
During their years at Lincoln-Way, they will
make life-long friends, experience joys and
sorrows, come together as classmates, pursue
their goals, and ultimately leave Lincoln-Way
to continue their personal journeys. Much like
each of you has through the years.
Whether you are a member of the first
graduating Class of 1955, our most recent
Class of 2012, or any year in between, you
are part of the legacy that is Lincoln-Way.
We hope that you count your years here
among your most cherished memories.
More importantly, it is our fondest wish that
you still feel a part of this very special place—
because you are the foundation of our past,
and the stewards of our future. You are
Lincoln-Way. I
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 4
Alumni Honored with Lincoln-Way Extra Effort Award
incoln-Way alumni Randy Baum (1977)
and Steve Hogan (1980) were recently
honored by the Lincoln-Way Board of
Education in the 20th annual Extra Effort
Awards. These awards are given to citizens
who have shown exemplary school spirit.
According to Superintendent Dr. Lawrence
Wyllie, “They have truly put forth that ‘extra
effort’ that makes Lincoln-Way High School
District 210 the special school district that it
is today.”
Randy Baum is an active member of the
Lincoln-Way Alumni Association. Dr. Wyllie
recognized that, “Through Randy’s efforts,
the idea of a Lincoln-Way alumni electronic
newsletter has flourished. Randy understands
the importance of communication. He
volunteered his services in 2005 to design the
very first Lincoln-Way alumni e-newsletter
and continues to donate his time to produce
the Alumni e-newsletters.” Randy has also
volunteered at various alumni events held
during Homecoming celebrations at the
schools. Furthermore, Randy donates his time
and talent as a graphic designer to the
Lincoln-Way Foundation for various
marketing projects.
Steve Hogan was recognized for his
extraordinary support of the Lincoln-Way
School District. Dr. Wyllie commented that,
“Steve has been the driving force behind
organizing and growing the Lincoln-Way
High School Alumni Association over the
past several years. As volunteer chairman of
the Alumni Association, he has helped direct
events the alumni group has sponsored,
supported the Alumni e-newsletter, and
most recently spear-headed the effort that
resulted in the Lincoln-Way Alumni online
community. Steve is a strong, positive force
for Lincoln-Way.” In addition, Steve has been
a director for the Lincoln-Way High School
District 210 Foundation for Educational
Excellence since June, 1999. He has served
as president and vice-president of the
Steve was
in helping the
Foundation reach
their $3 million
mark this past year
in donations to
District 210. I
Pictured left to right: Steve Hogan (1980), Dr. Lawrence Wyllie, and Randy Baum (1977).
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 5
A Chance to Win $100,000 – and Support your Alma Mater!
ll Lincoln-Way Alumni are invited to
participate in the Lincoln-Way
Foundation Dream Raffle! The grand prize
is $100,000 – and there are eight $1,000
prizes! There will be no more than 2,000
Dream Raffle tickets sold, so the chances of
winning are greater than they have ever
been. Take advantage of an opportunity to
purchase your ticket to win $100,000
online at
If you would like to purchase your ticket
in person, Foundation directors will be at
Brookhaven Marketplace every Saturday in
August, from 9am to noon. You may also
wish to purchase your ticket at the New
Lenox Walmart on August 12, from 10am
to 2pm. Special incentive prizes will be
available at both locations!
When you purchase a ticket for $100,
you also receive $100 in coupons from the
following businesses: Alsip Home & Nursery,
Aurelio’s Pizza, Ambrosino’s Fine Italian
Foods, Berkot’s Super Foods, Brookhaven
Marketplace, Little Joe’s Pizza, Enrico’s Italian
Dining, Fuller’s Carwash, Gatto’s Restaurant,
Papa Joe’s, Kirby’s Korner Bakery, and Ranch
Lincoln-Way High School District 210
Foundation for Educational Excellence has
donated over $3 million dollars to the District
to enrich and enhance the opportunities and
educational experiences of Lincoln-Way High
School District 210 students. To learn more
about the Foundation, visit, or contact the
Foundation Office at 815-462-2976. I
Purchase your ticket today!
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 6
Donations by Lincoln-Way Foundation Reach $3 Million Dollars
incoln-Way High School District 210
LFoundation celebrated a historic moment
when its donations to the Lincoln-Way District
surpassed 3 million! On Tuesday, May 8, the
Foundation Board approved a spring donation
of $90,000—taking the Foundation’s total
donations, since inception, beyond the $3
million dollar mark. This most recent donation
funded teacher grant requests for items like
iPads, fully-equipped technology carts,
classroom sets of laptops, graphing
calculators, and novels for all four libraries,
among other items. The Foundation also
funded $20,000 in scholarships to graduating
seniors from all four high schools.We invite
you to join us; show your support for LincolnWay. Please take this opportunity to make a
donation on the alumni website at Gifts from
alumni will keep us connected by supporting
alumni events, the online alumni community,
the alumni newsletter, reunion planning and
so much more! Your gift will also make a
difference in the lives of today’s students by
funding scholarships and departmental
initiatives that enrich educational
The Foundation was founded in 1994, with
a mission to enhance the educational
Lincoln-Way High School District 210 Foundation for Educational Excellence celebrated reaching their $3 Million Dollar
benchmark. The Foundation has donated over $3 million to the District since their inception in 1994. Pictured are:
Superintendent Dr. Lawrence Wyllie, School Board President Dr. Arvid Johnson, Foundation Director Steve Hogan (Class of
1980), Founding Foundation Director Greg Hobbs, Foundation Director Mark Giovanazzi, Foundation Director Julie Kirkeeng,
and Foundation Internal Vice President David Zang.
opportunities for Lincoln-Way High School
students. When the Foundation was formed,
there were only two Lincoln-Way high
schools, and approximately 3,000 students.
Today, the District has grown to four high
schools, serving 7,400 students.
“When Larry Wyllie approached me to be
among the founding Foundation Board
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 7
Donations by Lincoln-Way Foundation continued
directors, to be honest, I hesitated,” shared
Founding Board Director Greg Hobbs
(Frankfort). “He convinced me to make a
commitment to help create a fundraising
board that would one day be among the best
in the country. I’ve served on this board since
1994, and don’t regret the decision to
become a part of this very important mission.
I do believe we’ve responded well to his
challenge to be among the best.”
Founding Director Janet Caschetta (Class
of 1980) has also remained steadfast in her
dedication as a director on the Foundation
Board. Over the years, Caschetta has served
in every leadership capacity, including board
“As we experienced the remarkable growth
of this District, the Foundation Board was
determined to increase our fundraising results
to continue to meet the growing needs of
Lincoln-Way. With annual donations to the
District that range from $200,000 to
$300,000 a year, over the past several years,
we continue to make a difference to our
Lincoln-Way students. As a graduate of
Lincoln-Way, and a parent of Lincoln-Way
graduates, I feel honored to be able to
contribute to the culture of academic
excellence that benefits today’s students.”
Donations from the Foundation are more
vital today than ever. According to
Superintendent Dr. Lawrence Wyllie, “I am
so impressed by the unselfish dedication of
the Foundation board directors. They care
about our students; their hard work makes
a difference every day in our classrooms
throughout the District. In today’s
challenging economic environment, we
really count on their generous support.”
The Foundation sponsors a number of
fundraising activities throughout the year.
Currently, they are working on the Dream
Raffle which offers a grand prize of
$100,000. Tickets can be purchased online
at Other fundraisers in
progress include the Calendar Campaign
and the Partner Program. The Foundation’s
spotlight event each year is the Dinner Gala,
which is held the second Saturday in
February. Commemorative Bricks are
available at all four high schools, and are
displayed in the Fine Arts Center lobbies.
Finally, Cents for Kids is an employee payroll
deduction program which is supported by
the faculty and staff of Lincoln-Way.
“We are fortunate to be part of a very
supportive community,” expressed
Foundation External Vice President Michelle
Moyle (Class of 1984). Our success is
attributable to the generosity of the
individuals and businesses in this area.”
Foundation Executive Director Linda Lopez
added, “I would also attribute our success to
a remarkable board of directors. Every
director not only lends time and talent to
our fundraising efforts, they each make a
personal financial contribution as well.
We have 100% board giving.”
The Lincoln-Way Foundation is also fiscally
responsible. Ninety-five percent of money
raised is donated to the Lincoln-Way High
School District. To learn more about the
Lincoln-Way High School District 210
Foundation, visit their website at, or call the
Foundation Office at 815-462-2976. I
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 8
Calling All Reunion Committee Members!
Mark your Calendars for September 29.
f you have ever been on a committee to
help plan your Lincoln-Way Class Reunion,
the Lincoln-Way Alumni Association would
like to invite you to a breakfast to thank you
for your leadership. Your commitment to
staying connected to Lincoln-Way and
bringing people together is to be
commended. Organizing and delivering a
class reunion is no easy task! We are very
grateful to you for sharing your Lincoln-Way
pride with your classmates.
The Lincoln-Way Alumni Association would
like to recognize the hard work and
dedication of everyone who has helped
deliver so many fun and amazing reunions
over the years. We thought it was time to
invite our “party planners” to a special
recognition gathering, one that you don’t
have to organize!
You are invited to a Lincoln-Way Alumni
Leader Breakfast on Saturday, September 29.
The breakfast will be held at Lincoln-Way
Central, in the Knights’ Round Table Hall,
from 9am to 10am. Invitations will be mailed
at the beginning of September—and we
don’t want to miss anyone! So, if you have
helped plan your reunion, and are available to
join us on Saturday, September 29, please
RSVP by calling the Alumni/Foundation Office
at 815-462-2976, or by emailing Linda at
We are excited about this opportunity to
thank you personally for all of your hard work.
In the meantime, we look forward to hearing
from you. If you have any questions, please
don’t hesitate to contact Linda in the Alumni
Office at 815-462-2976. I
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 9
Lincoln-Way Links
his section is designed to help our alumni
stay connected. Tell us what is happening in
your life. Share family and career news. Let us
know about your children and grandchildren.
Send us news about your vacation. We are excited
about this section of our alumni newsletter. What
a wonderful and easy way to stay connected!
We are delighted that so
many of our alumni sent in
their news! If we received your
news after the deadline, it will
appear in our next issue.
Please send your information and photos
for our December issue to Linda Lopez at Be sure to include your year
of graduation and your last name at the time
of graduation.
Thank you!
Class of 1957
Class of 1962
Pat Boleman taught for the Moline School
system before retiring after 32 years, and coached
30 basketball and volleyball teams. Whenever not
on the road, Pat enjoys living in a Winnebago RV
in Tucson, Arizona. Travel plans include a visit to
Mokena this summer.
Kathy Geuther Rodman graduated from
Western Illinois University in 1966 with a BA in
French, minor in German. She lived and worked
for four years in Chicago and one year in Los
Angeles, then 36 years in Boston. Kathy moved to
St. Petersburg, Florida in 2007, and now works in
downtown St. Petersburg. Kathy has been in
human resources since 1993, and is currently a HR
specialist with WestCare, a human services nonprofit. Kathy is a widow of six years and has three
lovely and loving stepdaughters. Kathy’s husband,
Mark, was a legal and business consultant in the
beverage industry. Her daughters are married and
live in Los Angeles, CA; Athens, GA; and
Richmond, VA. Tori is a film editor, Shana recently
completed her master’s degree in drama, and
Debra is a college professor and mother of Ronin
(age 2 ½), with a son due in July. Kathy is
considering reducing her work schedule to three
days a week in 2014, when she turns 70… and
she reflects, “How did that happen?” In the
meantime, despite working full-time, she is
having plenty of fun in the sun.
Class of 1961
John R. Mazurek retired at the end of June. He
has been a clinical social worker since the spring
of 1976 and had his own private practice since
September 2001. John claims it has been the
most fun he could have that is legal and comes
with a paycheck, but now he is tired. He plans to
redefine himself and travel, knit, read, play with
dogs, take some classes, sleep until he wakes
naturally, and fix dinner for his wife who won’t
retire for a few more years. John also plans to find
new ways to irritate her so she’ll know that he
loves her.
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 10
Lincoln-Way Links continued
Class of 1964
Class of 1968
Andrew Demus is still
working in custom
landscape design and
installation. He has
always played guitar
and continues to write
and record music.
Andrew recently had a
Andrew Demus
chance to perform
onstage with some
friends. It was a lot of fun... but nerve wracking
because he has not been in a band since his college
days! He and his wife, Brianna, recently returned
from a trip to the Anza Borrego Desert near the
California-Mexico border. He says it is beautiful in a
stark kind of way. Brianna is kicking back and
thinking about going back to work. Their youngest
daughter, Brianna, is starting at the University of
Washington this fall. Their oldest daughter, Alyssa,
is completing her master’s degree in international
security studies at American University in
Washington, D.C. She just completed an internship
in the White House – President’s Office of Cabinet
Affairs. She also worked as an executive fellow in
Governor Schwarzenegger’s administration.
Andrew says, “She’s doing much better than I did
at 24 years old!”
Class of 1965
John R. Tromp retired
from engineering in
2011. He married
Anita in 2012, and
they live in Salt Lake
City, Utah. John says
he enjoys traveling
and “puttering around
the house,” and has a
personal goal of
helping others with
his skills.
John & Anita Tromp
Linda Rivord DeGabriele enjoyed a fall and
winter season of travel. She spent four months at
her home in Florida, a week in Arizona with her
sister, Barbara Rivord Dery (1968) and her
brother, Bob Rivord. Then Linda spent a week in
Minnesota with her youngest daughter, Maryanne,
before returning to Michigan for the summer. Linda
travels with her service dog, “Puck,” (named by her
youngest daughter, Maryanne, after a hockey
puck). Linda enjoyed sunshine, family and activities
everywhere she went. Two of her daughters,
Angela and Suzanne, spent a week with her in
Florida and had the chance to do some indoor
flying. Linda had dinner with her son, Darrell
Graves, in Arizona, and enjoyed a wonderful view
of Superstition Mountain. Maryanne is just
launching her new career in the healthcare field
after graduating from Northern Michigan University
last May. Linda admits to feeling “traveled out” for
now but hopes to see her son, Jeff, in North Dakota
who works on the oil wells. Her daughter, Suzanne,
graduated in May
from Pharmacy
School at the
University of
Michigan and will
be getting married
in September.
View of Superstition Mountain
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 11
Lincoln-Way Links continued
Class of 1969
Mark Petnuch is a
former L-W gymnast
and pole vaulter. After
college he developed
an interest in
adventure sports like
mountaineering, rock
and ice climbing. A
Mark Petnuch, Class of 1969
former middle school
science teacher for
over 20 years, he is now teaching rock climbing
for Vertical Adventure Guides. Mark hopes to
spend this summer kayaking and climbing
between Devils Lake and the Red River Gorge in
Class of 1972
Pat Barten Pruitt
became a first-time
grandmother! Kyle
Edward was born July
7, 2011. Pat is Director
Pat Barten Pruitt,
of Guest Services at
Class of 1972
Silver Cross Hospital,
which recently opened their new facility in New
Lenox on February 28, 2012.
David Foose and his wife, Elizabeth, of Joliet,
Illinois, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary
on May 16, 2012 in Branson, Missouri. David
retired last August after 30 years of service as a
speech-language pathologist for the Dept. of
Human Services and Developmental Disabilities.
Elizabeth is an independent living counselor for
developmentally-disabled adults at Trinity
Services, Inc. They have a 7-year-old Shih-Tzu dog
named Benjie.
Chris Manheim opened his own consulting
company, Manheim Solutions, Inc., after 30 years
as a practicing economic developer. His consulting
niche is conducting ACT WorkKeys Job Profiles for
employers. (They identify what skills are required
for a particular job and then determine the skill
level.) Chris also works on behalf of Workforce
Investment Boards and School District U-46 and
the Northern Kane County Career & Technical
Education Office, and occasionally teaches public
administration courses for Columbia College of
Missouri. His son, Spencer, has an MAT and
teaches computer basics and software for Apple;
daughter Lauren is a fledging model. His wife,
Wendy (Thornwood HS, Class of 1972), continues
to work at the Gail Borden Library in Elgin. Chris
and Wendy have been married for 30 years, and
are both active on local charities and with their
church. Chris is still very much the Boy Scout,
serving as a regional director for the Philmont Staff
Association and helping out the local scout council
with fundraising and training. He also still enjoys
playing the guitar. Checking off the ‘bucket list,’
he joined the Elgin Blue Waves Master Swim Team
and even scored a couple of ribbons in his age
group at the State Finals in April.
Gerald Williams and
his wife, Denise
(Handorf) Williams
(1972) traveled to visit
their daughter, Ariel,
who was studying
abroad in Sweden.
After spending several
days exploring the area
Gerald & Denise Williams,
around Lund, and
Class of 1972
nearby Copenhagen
and Kronborg, they went to Paris and then
Amsterdam. Denise and Gerald were left behind
there as their daughter flew off to Dublin to meet a
friend. Once back home to Pasadena, Gerald was
back to work at the Alternate Public Defenders
office to begin his 25th year representing indigent
defendants in the Los Angeles criminal court
system while Denise takes care of everything else,
as well as knitting scarves and hats for all her
m o r e »
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 12
Lincoln-Way Links continued
Class of 1972 continued
Class of 1985
brothers and sisters. In
January, Ariel returned
to UCLA where she is
completing her junior
year double majoring in
environmental studies
and history.
Dr. Leslie Botta, D.C., has recently returned to
the Lincoln-Way area, after living in NY for many
years. Her chiropractic practice is in Orland Park.
At Active Life Chiropractic, she helps many people
of all ages with aches and pains, nutritional
counseling and weight loss. She promises a free
20-minute consultation to all Linocln-Way grads!
Denise (Handorf) Williams,
Class of 1972, and
daughter, Ariel
Class of 1976
Joel Sinkay has lived in
northern California for
the past 23 years. He
owns Leonard’s Bait and
Tackle and operates a
shrimp boat full time.
He is in a relationship
with Valerie Lighbourn,
and says, “Life is great.”
Lori (Pachol) Bueschel and Tim Bueschel (1985)
were married on January 6, 2012, in Custer, South
Dakota. Lori shares this story: “I never thought I
would have a Facebook page, but thank goodness
I was bored one summer day. Tim and I became
friends on the site and chatted from time to time,
just catching up on how things were going in each
of our lives. It is always fun catching up with old
classmates, but gradually our friendship grew into
Class of 1988
Kelly (Kendall) Warner
lives in Jackson, MI with
her husband, Michael,
and two sons, Tyler and
Shane. She graduated
from Eastern Michigan
Kelly Warner, Class of 1988
University and is a
special education
teacher at Michigan Center Jr./Sr. High School.
Class of 1990
Tara Charvat was married to Craig Thiebaud on
April 29, 2012. They married at Our Mother of
Good Counsel in Homer Glen, her parent’s church
(Tony Charvat, Class of 1959, and Kay McCure
Charvat, Class of 1961). The reception was at
Moto Restaurant in Chicago.
Joel Sinkay, Class of 1976
Lori & Tim Bueschel, Class of 1985
much more. Tim was living in Minot, North Dakota
at the time and I was living in Minnesota... not a
bad little road trip for a visit. Things were going so
well over the phone and the internet; it was time
to see how we did in person. There isn’t a day that
goes by where I’m not thankful for having started
a Facebook page, for ‘friending’ the person who
became my very best friend and husband.”
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 13
Lincoln-Way Links continued
Class of 1991
Class of 1996
Class of 1999
Sherry (Scanlon)
Taschetta and her
husband have been
married 11 years, and
had fraternal twin boys,
Joshua and James, on
March 1, 2012. Her
family lives in Wheaton,
Sherry Taschetta, Class of
Illinois. Sherry
1991, with her husband
graduated with honors
from Joliet Jr. College in 1994 with an associate’s
degree in communications, and graduated Magna
Cum Laude from the College of Saint Francis in
1997 with a bachelor’s degree in
communications/graphic design. She works part
time as a freelance graphic designer for her
husband’s business, Wheaton Religious Gift &
Church Supply. They
have one chocolate lab
and a Quaker parrot.
They have enjoyed
vacations in Las Vegas,
Florida, Mexico and
Hawaii—which was
their favorite!
Amanda Rehr-Grampovnik has been a dental
hygienist for 13 years and works in Buffalo Grove
for two amazing dentists and one great dental
team. She graduated from Ferris State University
in 1999. She and her husband, Jeff, have been
married for 8 years. They have one son, Gavin,
3½, and welcomed their daughter to the family
in early July.
Tommy Thompson is currently the co-owner of
a mid-sized construction company, New
Creations Construction & Contracting LLC., in
Schaumburg, Illinois. He is in the process of
selling the company to his business partner,
Mark. Tommy recently earned his Illinois State
license in life and health insurance. He is now
with Bankers Life and Casualty selling annuities,
life insurance, short-term care insurance, longterm care insurance, home healthcare insurance,
and Medicare supplements. As far as family is
concerned, Tommy is happily married to his lovely
wife, Deb. They have a beautiful seven-monthold daughter, Abigail.
Sherry Taschetta’s twins,
Joshua and James
Class of 1998
Mike Jansma earned a B.S. in art education from
Illinois State University and a M.A. in educational
leadership/administration from Northeastern
Illinois University. In 2008, Mike married Lena Bing
and purchased a home in Antioch, Illinois. They
are both currently working as high school art
teachers and coaches. Mike currently teaches art
and coaches sophomore baseball at Round Lake
Senior High School in Round Lake, Illinois.
Class of 2002
Lauren Tumas will be
marrying Lincoln-Way
alumni Brett
Schumacher (2001)
on August 11, 2012 at
Fourth Presbyterian
Church in Chicago.
They met while living
on the same floor in
the co-ed dormitory of
Manchester Hall at
Lauren Tumas, Class of
2007, with Brett
Schumacher (Class of 2001)
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 14
Lincoln-Way Links continued
Class of 2002 continued
Class of 2003 – Lincoln-Way East
Illinois State University in 2002 and have been
dating for nine and a half years. Lauren is an
assistant editor at InStyle magazine and is also the
president of the American Society of Magazine
Editors junior board, called ASME Next. Brett is
the general manager for two James Leonard
Opticians stores. They live together in Manhattan,
Cassie Fisher and
Shane Roberts got
engaged May 13, 2011
in Riveria Maya, Mexico.
They are planning to
return to the same
resort to be married on
June 22, 2013. They are
looking forward to
continuing their lives
together in Champaign,
Cassie Fisher, Class of 2003
Illinois. Shane works
(Lincoln-Way East)
from home full time
and Cassie works for
First Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust as a consumer loan
officer and branch manager. They are both looking
forward to planning their wedding and spending
the rest of their lives together.
Megan Twietmeyer recently published her first
book of poetry. It’s called Transitions: Poems
About Life, and it is available on Amazon. Megan
currently teaches high school in Fayetteville, North
Class of 2003 – Lincoln-Way Central
Leslie (Cernyar) McNutt was recently promoted
to sales manager at Club Colors in Schaumburg,
Laura Lukas has been
working as a
coordinator at Blue
Plate Catering since
2010. Some notable
milestones have been
helping the company
earn the title of the first green certified caterer in
Chicago, appearing on ABC & NBC news
segments about sustainability, and traveling to
Tampa to speak about eco-friendly business
practices at The Special Events Conference. Laura
lives in Chicago with her fiancé, Joel, and dog,
Farley. She is passionate about running and
completed her second half marathon in April. This
June, she and Joel married in a mountaintop
ceremony in Colorado.
Class of 2005 – Lincoln-Way Central
Michelle Ness will be getting married in October
of 2012. She and her future husband are having a
home built in Crown Point, Indiana which should
be ready in July.
Class of 2007 – Lincoln-Way East
Nicole Garza lives in Itasca, Illinois with her
grandfather. Nicole is pursuing her plans to attend
college and get a job while she helps care for her
two nieces and her nephew. Nicole says that she
is staying with family, and has learned in the past
five years that family is everything.
Laura Lukas, Class of 2003
(Lincoln-Way East)
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 15
Lincoln-Way Links continued
Class of 2007 – Lincoln-Way East continued
Class of 2008 – Lincoln-Way East
Kyle Pieczynski is currently pursuing his master’s
degree in classical guitar performance at Illinois
State University. He is also teaching beginning and
intermediate guitar classes as part of his
assistantship. His projected graduation date is
May 2013.
Danielle Emola is engaged to her high school
sweetheart, Alex Tourlakes, (Class of 2008).
She recently graduated from the University of
St. Francis and is seeking to begin a career in
human relations.
Class of 2008 –
Lincoln-Way Central
Matty Krylowicz had
plans to go to college
for film, but money is
tight. So he decided to
put every penny he had
into making a movie
this summer. It’s a true
ghost story inspired by
one of his cousins.
Matty Krylowicz, Class of
After completing the
2008 (Lincoln-Way Central)
writing process, he
plans to film it at the end of June, and then
premiere it next summer.
Luke Phillip Ross joined the United States
Marine Corps two months after graduation.
He just finished his contract with the USMC,
and is planning on joining the Navy Seals.
Ashley Lewellen
completed her
bachelor’s in forensic
psychology & homeland
security in 2010 and is
completing her master’s
Ashley Lewellen, Class of
in justice administration
2007 (Lincoln-Way East)
this year. She interned
abroad in 2010 in Sydney, Australia with the New
South Wales Supreme Court. She fell in love with
Australia and in 2011 she relocated to Australia and
now lives and works on the Central Coast of New
South Wales.
Would you like to be a
Class Representative?
Become involved with the Alumni Association.
We are looking for alumni from Lincoln-Way
Community High School, Lincoln-Way Central
High School, Lincoln-Way East High School,
Lincoln-Way North High School and LincolnWay West High School to join us as we grow
the Alumni Association.
We plan to meet quarterly to discuss ways
to engage our alumni and encourage them to
stay connected. If you are interested, or would like more
details, please contact Linda Lopez at
Reunion Recap
Class of 1968: Reunion
Greetings from Nashville!
The Class of 1968 enjoyed a mini reunion in
beautiful Nashville. They had a great time,
enjoyed food, drink, shows, the riverboat…
and connecting with Lincoln-Way friends!
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
If your Class plans to celebrate a reunion,
please contact Linda Lopez, 815-462-2976, at the
Foundation Office so we can assist, or help share
details through our newsletter.
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 16
Upcoming Reunions
Class of 1962: 50-Year Reunion
Class of 1972: 40-Year Reunion
Class of 2002: 10-Year Reunion
September 28-29, 2012
September 28-29, 2012
September 28-29, 2012
Reunion Chair: Al Schroader:;
Friday: Game/Reception at Lincoln-Way Central,
post game gathering at Gatto’s, first round
free, then cash bar
Saturday: 10:00 am tour of LW Central
Saturday Dinner: 6:30 pm
Little Joe’s in New Lenox
Reunion Chair: Charlene (Pinky) Stewart
Friday: 6:00 pm–Tour of Central before
Homecoming Game; Homecoming Reception;
Lincoln-Way Central
Friday: Post game–gather at Gatto’s or
Saturday: 6:00 pm–Jenny’s Steak House,
$20 per person, cash bar
Reunion Chair: Megan McGushin
Friday: Homecoming Football Game and
Reception; Lincoln-Way Central post game
at Charleyhorse
Saturday: Harrah’s Casino of Joliet
• Advance Tickets: $35 person/$60 couple
Includes cocktail reception/hors d’oeurves and
$10 gaming voucher
• Tickets at Door: $40 per person
Class of 1967: 45-Year Reunion
Class of 1982: 30-Year Reunion
September 21-23, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
LW East Class of 2007: 5-Year Reunion
Reunion Chair: Linda (Istel) Klier 815-469-6943
Friday: Football Game at LW West, 6pm Reception
Saturday: 1:00 pm Tour of LW Central
(Jim Pitcairn);
Reunion Dinner: Holiday Inn Convention Center,
$45 per person
Sunday: Brunch TBA
Reunion Chair: Doug Orcutt
6:00 pm–New Lenox VFW Hall; $25 cash bar
Friday, August 24, 2012
7:00 pm–CD & ME; $15 per person
Class of 1992: 20-Year Reunion
Saturday, September 1, 2012 (Labor Day Weekend)
Reunion Chair: Valerie Skarbek
7:00 pm–CD & ME
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
The OFFICIAL Newsletter of the Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association
Vol. 8 • No. 1
JULY 2012
Page 17
About Us...
he purpose of the Lincoln-Way High School
Alumni Association Planning Committee is to
provide opportunities for alumni to come back to
visit the school, enjoy reunions, and reconnect
with former classmates, teachers, and coaches.
The Planning Committee invites you to help
shape the future of the Alumni Association.
Please contact Linda Lopez at 815-462-2976 or to learn more.
Please let us know what you would like to see in
future editions of the newsletter. We would like to
highlight each class, report news on our alumni,
and announce upcoming reunions.
If you have something you would like to share
about yourself in the next newsletter, please email If you have a photo that
you would like to include, please submit it with
your information.
When submitting information, please include the
following: first and last name, maiden name (if it
applies), class year, address, telephone number, and
e-mail address.
Alumni Planning Committee
Randy Baum, 1977
Angela David, 2004
Kimberlee Warning Foglton, 1979
Jim Gast, 1959
Board of Education
Judy Hageman, 1959
Larry Hansen, 1977
Mandy Hansen, 1978
Steve Hogan, 1980
Foundation Director
Chairman Alumni Committee
Mary Maertin, 1975
Kurt Sangmeister, 1980
The Alumni Association Planning Committee
suggests that all alumni visit our website at to update your
information and check on upcoming reunions and
alumni events. For further information, please
contact the Foundation Office at 815-462-2976.
Linda Lopez
Executive Director of the Foundation
and Alumni Relations
Lincoln-Way High School Alumni Association