:30 Joseph Molnar, Nelly Isyagi, John Walakira, Gertrude Atakunda
:30 Joseph Molnar, Nelly Isyagi, John Walakira, Gertrude Atakunda
Thursday 3:30 Sunrise Room Joseph Molnar, Nelly Isyagi, John Walakira, Gertrude Atakunda, Karen Veverica, Levi Kasisira, William Tollner, James Bukenya, Claude Boyd, Theodora Huyha, Khalid Sallie Auburn University, Makerere University, , Uganda National Fisheries Resources Research Institute, Alabama A&M, University of Georgia http://watercharity.org/images/quan/uganda_ map.gif Hydrology, Water Harvesting, and Watershed Management for Food Security, Income, and Health: Small Impoundments for Aquaculture and Other Community Uses Provide project overview Summarize activities to date Identify expected outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Effects of Watershed-Water Quality-Aquaculture Interactions on Quantity and Quality of Water from Small Catchments in South Africa and Uganda Surface Catchment Development and Sustainability Evaluation for Multipurpose Water Supply for Meeting Aquaculture and Other Water Needs Evaluation and Improvement of Production Technology: Case Studies of Small-Holder Cage Culture in Watershed Reservoirs and as an Alternative Livelihood for Fishers Market Assessment and Profitability Analysis of Aquaculture Enterprises in Uganda Training and Outreach in Uganda and Surrounding Nations Stimulate commercial aquaculture in Uganda through model fish farms Promote proven, feed-based production practices for tilapia (O. niloticus) and catfish (C. gariepinus). Establish domestic supply of floating feed Catfish production manual Input suppliers guide 1. 2. 3. 4. US PI: Claude E. Boyd, Auburn University Host Country PI: Khalid Salie, Stellenbosch University, South Africa; Levi Kasisira, Makerere University Objectives: Evaluate watersheds and measure water quality in ponds to determine possible effects of pollution from watersheds and cage culture operations on multiple water use (Ho: cage culture and pollution from catchments do not degrade water quality in ponds) Establish runoff potential of watersheds and prepare water budgets for ponds to assess the volume of water available for consumptive use and effects of ponds on downstream flow. (Ho: Ponds do not reduce downstream flow) Estimate the amount of transitional and wetland habitat resulting from small ponds and make a general description of the flora and fauna of these habitats (Ho: Ponds do not result in loss of habitat for wildlife) Assist Ugandan investigators use South African data to verify models. 1. 2. 3. 4. US PIs: E.W. Tollner, Herbert Ssegane University of Georgia; Claude Boyd, Joseph J. Molnar, Auburn University; James Bukenya, Alabama A&M University Host Country PIs: Levi Kasisira, Makerere University Host Country Collaborators: Peter Mulumba, Monica Karuhanga Beraho, Makerere University; Nelly Isyagi, Gulu University Objectives: Develop GIS suitability maps based on soils, topography and climate. Evaluate currently successful operations in terms of wetland impacts. Demonstrate a pond model for use in locating and constructing ponds to protect wetlands and enhance biodiversity. Extrapolate model findings to other sites having similar physical suitability based on runoff capture, water quality, as well as economic and social potential. 1. 2. 3. Lead PI: Joseph J. Molnar, Auburn University, USA Other Investigators: Karen Veverica, Auburn University, USA HC-PI: Gertrude Atakunda, Uganda National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) Other HC Investigators: John Walakira (NaFIRRI); Monica Karuhanga Beraho, Theodora Hyuha, Makerere University; Nelly Isyagi, Gulu University, Gulu Objectives: Evaluate cage culture performance among small-holder farmers in Uganda through on-farm trials. Document case studies of demonstrator farmers using cage culture technologies and best management practices on watershed reservoirs in four Uganda locations. Conduct site visits, fish farmers symposia, a trade show, and training programs for fishers, farmers, donors, NGOs and government authorities to disseminate information about fish farming in Eastern Africa. 1. 2. 3. US-PI: James O. Bukenya, Alabama A&M University HC-PI: Theodora Hyuha, Makerere University, Uganda. Other HC Investigators: Nelly Isyagi, Gulu University Objectives: Conduct economic evaluations of selected aquaculture enterprises to enable producers, extension personnel, and other decision makers to more accurately assess the potential of commercial aquaculture enterprises in Uganda. Assess financial mechanisms used in fish production, marketing and processing in terms of marketing-related financial flows and transactions. Identify investment requirements, credit needs, and financial channels for aquacultural development, and how these could be augmented to provide better services to the sector. US-PI: Joseph J. Molnar, Auburn University HC-PI: Nelly Isyagi, Gulu University and Aquaculture Management Consultants Ltd Other HC Investigators: Monica Karuhanga, Makerere University Objectives: 1. Conduct Annual Farmer to Farmer training events involving producers from Kenya and Tanzania. 2. Organize Annual Fish Farmer Symposiums to disseminate project research results, provide reliable technical information, and share producer perspectives on fish farming industry trends and conditions.
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Karen L. Veverica Dept of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures Auburn
Karen L.
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