Fees: participants not publishing an article – 150 EUR or 200 USD participants publishing an article in Polish – 240 EUR or 320 USD participants publishing an article in English – 300 EUR or 400 USD participants publishing two different articles (one in Polish and one in English) – 400 EUR or 540 USD 20TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE „LOCAL AND REGIONAL ECONOMY IN THEORY AND PRACTICE” The fee covers: accommodation (2 nights 16/17 and 17/18 September), meals, conference participation, article publication cost and one copy of post-conference publication. INVITATION The fee includes VAT (23%) and should be paid to: bank account in: BZWBK II/O Jelenia Góra, no.: 34109019970000000528000070 payment recipient: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny - Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki recipient’s address: 58-500 Jelenia Góra, street: Nowowiejska 3, Poland SWIFT (BIC): WBKPPLPP, IBAN: PL34109019970000000528000070 Transfer title: „KGR Conference” + participant’s name and surname. We have a great pleasure and honour to invite you to participate in the jubilee 20 International Scientific Conference entitled „LOCAL AND REGIONAL ECONOMY IN THEORY AND PRACTICE”. Suggested directions to reach the conference venue form abroad: By car: Click to see conference location and plan your road trip By bus (eg. to Jelenia Góra. Next take a taxi (taxi rank near the bus station) to the conference venue (cost about 20 PLN/5EUR). By bus (e.g., by train (e.g., by plane (e.g. to Wrocław. Next take a bus “PKS” or “KRY-CHA” form a bus station, located next to the railway station, to a bus station in Jelenia Góra (about 100 km, about 40 connections daily, cost about 30 PLN/7EUR). Next take a taxi (taxi rank near the bus station) to the conference venue (cost about 20 PLN/5EUR). If you need help to plan your trip or if you need an “Invitation Letter” for obtaining visa to Poland please write us to: th Organizer: Wrocław University of Economics (Poland), Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism, Department of Regional Economy Conference date: 17-18 September 2012 Conference venue: “Chata za Wsią” Hotel, ul. Górska 1, Mysłakowice near Jelenia Góra, phone: +48 756466058, e-mail:, Poland Conference topics: Are you interested in touristic attractions situated in the vicinity of Conference venue? There are lots of them! Contact hotel staff to extend you stay on your own account ! Click to know more! Click 1 Click 2 Click 3 Click 4 local and regional development: local and regional development directions and assessment, factors and barriers of local and regional development, integrated (sustainable) development in local and regional scale, human capital and social capital in local and regional development, innovations in local and regional development, European regional space development, European Union regional policy, territorial units competition, glocalisation processes, glocalism, local democracy, decentralisation. local and regional development management: financial, legal and organization aspects of territorial self-government units functioning in Poland and abroad, territorial marketing, community entrepreneurship, strategic and operational planning in territorial selfgovernment units, implementation of strategies for territorial self-government units, dissemination of good practice in local and regional development management, ethics and social responsibility in local and regional development management. partnership in local and regional development: national and cross border cooperation between self-governments, relations between territorial self-government units and economic entities, cooperation between self-government authorities and non-governmental organizations. research directions in local and regional development and concepts for academic centres cooperation in their implementation. cooperation of academic centres with territorial self-government units in influencing local and regional development. local and regional development vs. doctoral studies: the concept of doctoral studies vs. local job market expectations, possibilities of cooperation with local and regional businesses in preparing doctoral dissertations by the students of doctoral courses at Wrocław University of Economics. *Part of the Conference, dedicated to doctoral courses, is carried out within the framework of the EU project: “Kuźnia Kadr 2, i.e. strengthening Wrocław University of Economics development potential by means of extending educational offer and training of the academic teaching staff”. Conference goals: Dissemination of research results in the field of local and regional development. Exchange of experiences within the framework of influencing local and regional development. Establishing the debate forum on theoretical and practical aspects of local and regional development. Development of academic centres cooperation with territorial selfgovernment units. Development of national and cross border cooperation of science and research units regarding problems of local and regional development. Conference Committee for Scientific and Programme Issues: Professor Danuta Strahl, Wrocław University of Economics, Poland, The Chairman of Conference Committee for Scientific and programme Issues. Professor Ryszard Brol, Wrocław University of Economics, Poland, The Vice-Chairman of Conference Committee for Scientific and programme Issues. Professor Ałła Melnyk, National University of Economics in Tarnopol, Ukraine. Professor Eckehard Binas, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Germany. Professor Jiří Kraft, CSc., Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic. Professor, René Wokoun, CSc., Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic. Professor Wanda Gaczek, University of Economics in Poznań, Poland. Associate Professor Grzegorz Monastyrski, National University of Economics in Tarnopol. Associate Professor Stanisław Korenik, Wrocław University of Economics, Poland. Associate Professor Elżbieta Sobczak, Wrocław University of Economics, Poland. RNDr. Miloslav Šašek, CSc., Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic. Conference Organization Committee: PhD Eng. Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Eng. Urszula Załuska, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Beata Bal-Domańska, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Dariusz Głuszczuk, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Marian Maciejuk, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Małgorzata Markowska, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Marek Obrębalski, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Andrzej Raszkowski, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Andrzej Sztando, Wrocław University of Economics. PhD Jacek Welc, Wrocław University of Economics. Conference official languages: Polish, English, German, Czech, Ukrainian. Conference website: Post-conference publications: It is planned to publish two post-conference publications in the form of Wrocław University of Economics Scientific Works which are on the Scientific Publications List of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The first, entitled “Local and Regional Economy in Theory and Practice” will be published in English only. The condition for publishing a paper (prepared in English) in it is receiving two positive reviews of which one has to be done by a foreign (non-Polish) reviewer. Based on the agreement signed by the Wrocław University of Economics Publishing House full versions of all articles included in this publications will be additionally and with no time limits available in an online base of scientific publications The Central and Eastern European Online Library, which is to ensure their international popularization. The Wrocław University of Economics Publishing House guarantees professional, linguistic revision of papers. The second publication will include papers in Polish – following the previous years practice. The condition for publishing a paper is its positive review by a Polish reviewer. Abstracts in English of papers included in it will be published in The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Additionally both post-conference publications will be distributed in „ - on-line reading room” service run by Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A. (National Scientific Publisher Joint Stock Company). It is not possible to present the same paper in Polish and English language version for both publications. It is possible to present, by one conference participant, two different articles separately for each publication. Formal requirements to be met are included in the document attached “Guidelines for authors of publications” and at the conference website. Both publications will be printed in 2013. The authors, whose papers receive positive reviews, will sign publishing agreements with Wrocław University of Economics Publishing House. The agreements will be prepared and sent to authors by the Conference Secretariat Office. The authors do not receive any remuneration for their papers. Please send papers (*.doc” or *.docx MS Word) to: Applications: Conference Secretariat Office: Please e-mail the filled in application form to the address You can download application form from this site Conference Scientific Secretary: PhD Andrzej Raszkowski e-mail: Conference programme: detailed conference programme will be sent to participants by email after finalizing registration. Correspondence, applications, publishing contracts etc.: Katarzyna Gondurak MA, phone: +48 509 254 121, e-mail: Dates: Address: Katedra Gospodarki Regionalnej, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki, Nowowiejska 3, 58-500 Jelenia Góra, Poland application for participation – deadline 31 August 2012 conference fee transfer – deadline 17 September 2012 sending full paper text – deadline 17 September 2012