February - Historic Competition Motorcycle Club of WA
February - Historic Competition Motorcycle Club of WA
- Walden leather road trousers, black, Ladiesspare. size 10-12 hydraulicMiller brakes. 1.95T tare. Good tyres including Built $50 2004, been across Nullarbor twice and not much else. Offering to Contact byfirst email on ducatista500@hotmail.com HCMCSuellyn members at lower price before I advertise elsewhere - $1,800ono. Can email photos. For Sale FOR SALE: 2507696 1986, complete and running, unlic-- Wanted $1500 ...also.... Scott - 0428Suzuki 444018RGT or 9444 Yamaha TZR upper & side 2 sets, new. Contact Martinover on 0413 435 187 Ford Ranger Ute - 2WD 2.5fairings, Diesel, PJ series 2007, just ticked 50,000k's. Air-conditioned, aluminium tray 2.4mL x 1.8mW, WANTED: Early Honda and also side covers/panels to fit tyres, 1976 CB F&R ladder racks, alloy CB light500 barfuel withtank spotlights, alloy mags, near new rear good550. fronts. Great ute with heaps of go, suit Marc Nesbitt PH: 0400 600 477,toemail: cram@westnet.com.au business/trade/courier. Offering HCMC members first at lower price before I advertise elsewhere - $13,500 ono. Scott - 0428CLASSIC 444018 orRACING 9444 7696 FOR SALE: DUNLOP'S : MWR can supply fresh stock on a demand basis for club members. Contact Murray West: 0407 687engine 759 For Sale : Triumph 750 parts - Billet con rods (USA), Forged 12.1 pistons, CNC alloy barrel (USA) FOR SALE: 4repairs x 4 Ltr Fuchs Silkolene 4 20W-50 4T Motor - Boxes, $50.00 (30% for saving) Allfour Fuel Tank Ali, steel, stainless steel tank repairs, canOil make new each fuel tanks old classics, Ali TIG welding. plug head (vertical) fitted w.Comp titanium valves, Rocker titanium push rods, allgeneral ARP nuts & bolts ClayHarris: Maurer - 0400 645 08E-mail: clay.maurer@casa.gov.au John 0404 215204 944 $4500 ono - Terry Fell 9561 1754 (WA) FOR SALES: MACHINIST AVAILABLE: turning, milling etc, machine. by skilled tradesman - good on rates, top 6142 quality,orphone Terry Wanted - Triumph 3 ormachine 4 platework, clutch to suit 1930’s Contact Annie 9295 email- Bike shipping crate 200cm (w) x 72cm (d) x 130cm (h) wood complies with international standards $200 ono Fell on 9561 1754 51speedie@iinet.net.au - DBT racing leathers, 2 piece,topadded, Suzuki blue, approx women's size 10 (163cm & 62kg) $100 ono Set:of$5950 starterHonda rollers, suit or could be1997 altered for sidecar - also... Wanted. For Sale 125GP Bike - Aero leather jacket, padded, action back pleating, double front zipper, Euro–$25.00. men's 40 $150 For Sale. Daytona Damper. $50.00 ono. Kill switch, new, normally open type. Quick Bike –road setSteering up forblack, AVGas – Quick Shifter – Ignition Curve bender Coolant system auto temp control - Walden Miller leather road trousers, black, size 10-12 $50Engine rebuilt fitted. Bike Comes with race Stands &Ladies Tyre Warmers. Bottom & Top End, run in & ready to Contact Richard Williams. Mob, 0417 953 346 or ralbwilliams@bigpond.com . Contact Suellynavailable by email on(some ducatista500@hotmail.com race, Photos are on the club on website already) FOR SALES: FOR SALE: Suzuki RGT 250 1986, complete running, unlic - $1500 Robert Clarke 0477 240 002Kitand or Email Robclarke36@iinet.net.au - Contact Triumph 675 2007 with: 2010 Factory Race (worth $US10000), Ohlins...also.... shock, Matris fork kit, Bazzaz with TC on the fly, Arrow Yamahacrash TZRcovers upper & side fairings, 2 sets, Contact Martin 0413 exhaust, and knobs, brembo MC,new. spare wheels, raceon glass in435 good187 nick, c/w box of spares etc etc. Fast Trumpy. Not WANTED: CB 500 to fit 1976 CB 550. I amcovers/panels just wondering if there is anyone you know of that would ridden much Early so forHonda sale $9000 firm.fuel tank and also side Marc Nesbitt PH: 0400 600 477, email: cram@westnet.com.au be interested this frame$150 I have here in Adelaide. I was going - Original headers from an early Katana (4 into 2) mufflers are add-onsinbut all there. FOR SALE: CLASSIC RACING DUNLOP'S : MWR to canmake supplyafresh stock on a out demand members. too hard. coffee table of it,basis but for it'sclub all becoming - Suzuki EFE roller 95% complete and almost all together. Red duco. No motor $500 It's in good condition and just needs a clean. Contact Murray West: 0407 687 759 - Oxtar race boots used but serviceable euro 43 (I am size 10) $75 All Fuel Tank repairs Ali, steel, stainless steel tank repairs, can make new fuel tanks for old classics, general Ali TIG welding. -Suzuki GSX / Katana and Honda CB350 bits, send me an email looking for parts happy to do a box lot deal. (No motors) Nick: 0400if you 063are 063 John Harris: 0404 215 944 -GSXR750 1990/92 USD Forks for rebuilding or parts $150. MACHINIST AVAILABLE: machine work, turning, milling etc, by skilled tradesman - good rates, top quality, phone Terry Glen 0432 119 404 or motoshed@gmail.com - I can email pics of any of the above. Fell on 9561 1754 Wanted. Set of starter rollers, to suit or could be altered for sidecar - also... FOR Honda Steering CR750 replica. engine. 93hp at rear For SALE: Sale. Daytona Damper.836cc $50.00 ono. Kill switch, new, normally open type. $25.00. wheel. Engine built by Gavin Forbes. CR carbs. Running on 98 Contact Richard Williams. Mob, 0417 953 346 or ralbwilliams@bigpond.com . petrol. FOR Marzocchi SALES: forks, White power rear shocks. Not much work since2010 build.Factory Very fast andKitreliable - Triumph 675 done 2007 with: Race (worth $US10000), Ohlins shock, Matris fork kit, Bazzaz with TC on the fly, Arrow P4exhaust, unlimited racecovers bike. 3rd Nationals in Perth and 6th in Island crash andin knobs, brembo MC, spare wheels, race glass in good nick, c/w box of spares etc etc. Fast Trumpy. Not classic last year. Loads of spares, Fairing, Screen, Seat, ridden much so for sale $9000 firm. full- Original sprocketheaders set. Toofrom much list.Katana Bike looks and2)sounds anto early (4 into mufflers are add-ons but all there. $150 awesome. No expense spared in build, over $30,000. - Suzuki EFE roller 95% complete and almost all together. Red duco. No motor $500 Ring for full specifications.$19,500 - Oxtar race boots used but serviceable euro 43 (I am size 10) $75 Nick MillerGSX - P: /0417 911042 E: nickm@globalautocoat.com.au -Suzuki Katana and Honda CB350 bits, send me an email if you are looking for parts happy to do a box lot deal. (No motors) -GSXR750 1990/92 USD Forks for rebuilding or parts $150. Glen 0432 119 404 or motoshed@gmail.com - I can email pics of any of the above. FOR SALE: Motorcycle, Quad Camping Trailer 4FOR FoldSALE: awayHonda BunksCR750 with replica. Mattresses, rego 93hp till 29/04/2015, 7" x 5", fully lock up, Spare wheel steel rim , 836cc engine. at rear Alloy wheels, LED Lights, Tyres 95% tread, 2 x jerry can holders, 2 x ramps inbuilt storage, side awning wheel. Engine built by Gavin Forbes. CR carbs. Running on 98 with poles, inside shelving, bike tie down points, Carpeted, Rear doors become side table, $5000.00 petrol. Marzocchi forks,0439998758, White power rearJoshua shocks. 0437878976 ovno. Phone John Not much work done since build. Very fast and reliable FOR SALES:2007inwith Factory P4 unlimited raceTriumph bike. 3rd in675 Nationals Perth2010 and 6th in IslandRace Kit (worth $US10000),Ohlins shock, Matris fork kit, Bazzaz withLoads TC on the fly,Fairing, Arrow Screen, exhaust, GB crash covers and knobs, Brembo MC, spare wheels, race classic last year. of spares, Seat, glass in good c/w to box spares etc sounds etc. $8500 firm. full sprocket set.nick, Too much list.ofBike looks and - awesome. Ducati 999 2004 Approx 12000km or race bike. Just get on and ride. Just spent $$ on parts: New No expense spared in build, overTrack $30,000. fork seals New race spec chain New 15t front sprocket New air filters New Pirelli SC slicks used one track Ring for full specifications.$19,500 day. New battery, New sprocket carrier. Fitted with: Race filler,Termignoni, Race glass, Race sub frame, Nick Miller - P: 0417 911042 E: nickm@globalautocoat.com.au Showa suspension, carbon bits. Spares: Std sub frame Spare race glass, Spare lever, Original filler, Std shifter. $8000 **Will consider swap / trade / w.h.y. -Suzuki GSX / Katana and Honda CB350 bits, send me an email if you are looking for parts. (No motors) -GSXR750 1990/92 USD Forks for rebuilding or parts $150. -TRAILER: available soon, enclosed race trailer lift up with gas struts, mag wheels, new bearings and tyres with spare, good lights, reinforced draw bars, rego. Will carry two bikes and a few bits. Oldy but a goody $2000 -WANTED GSXR 1990 750 or 1100 motor or whole bike Glen 0432119404 or motoshed@gmail.com - I can email pics of any of the above. CALENDER 2015 - RACE DAYS AND TUNING/RIDE DAYS Hi folks I finally managed to get some dates at Wanneroo. The dates are confirmed; however the THE program may change depending on the views of the 2015 committee. For example if the club decides to run a State Championship the program will need to be changed accordingly. Also the 2015 Committee will have to decide if there is enough time in the day to be able to run classes other than Historic classes at Wanneroo. All Collie Race Dates and Tuning/Ride days will include Rule 20, Juniors, MOTORCYCLE CLUBThese OF W.A. Sportslites for underCOMPETITION 18 year olds, Moderns and Thunderbikes. classes may change however, the final classes will be published in the 2015 Supplementary Regulations. It is proposed to have club funded BBQ’s on the Saturday night of the Collie TT (Saturday April 4) and on the Saturday night of the Coalfields Classic (Saturday October 31). MONTHLY MEETING THIS WEDNESDAY Wishing all members and their families a andCOLLIE Happy Xmas & New Year February First eventSafe - COLLIE Sat -28th Feb/Sun 1st March FebruarySee 28 (Saturday) Day, and youDUE allTuning/Ride inASAP! Season 2015 MarchENTRIES 1 (Sunday) Racing. Southwest Challenge ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2015 COLLIE - April 4 (Saturday) Tuning/Ride Day, and This April Wednesday 17th December April 5 (Sunday) Racing. Collie TT Clubrooms WANNEROO - April - Round One againRacing fellowClub ClubChampionship. members. AprilGreetings 19 (Sunday) Our Clubs AGM will be held this Wednesday 17 DecemberCOLLIE in the Clubrooms at the - May - Round TwoOld Caversham Racetrack May 9Road, (Saturday Tuning/Ride Day,at and (Harrow Caversham) starting 8pm. May 10 (Sunday) Racing Club Championship. I understand that mine will not be the only nomination for Club President. WANNEROO - June - Round Three In addition I believe there will be more than one nomination for some June that 7 (Sunday) Racing Club Championship. of the other official positions so I urge you all to come along and exercise WANNEROO - July - Roundas Four your right to vote. We need as many members possible at the AGM to July 19 (Sunday) Racing Club Championship ensure that the vote clearly represents the view of the majority. COLLIE - August - Round Five Club members August who are15unable to attend the AGMDay, canand authorise another (Saturday) Tuning/Ride member to vote on their behalf. A Proxy Voting Form is available on the August 16 (Sunday) Racing Club Championship. Club website for this purpose. Fill in the form and have your friend hand WANNEROO - September - Round Six they can then vote the form to the Club Patron on the night of the AGM and September 6 (Sunday) Racing Club Championship. on your behalf. COLLIE - September Hargrave Racing. - President September Bill 26 (Saturday) Kings of Collie September 27 (Sunday) Racing. Kings of Collie COLLIE - October RACE DATES 2015Classic INSIDE!! October 31 (Saturday)FOR Racing, Coalfields and Bob Hull at The Island Classic 2015. Pic courtesyCoalfields Graeme Howie - Sport Pixx Sport Photography 1 (Sunday) Racing, Classic www.historicracing.asn.au DECEMBER 2014 FEBRUARY 2015 P.O. BOX 568, SOUTH PERTH W.A. 6951 AFFILIATED WITH MOTORCYCLING WA HCMC OFFICIALS 2014/2015 President: BILL HARGRAVE Vice-President: PETER MACFARLANE Treasurer: MARK LAING-HUGHES Secretary: ANNIE TREGGER Memberships: ANNIE TREGGER Race Secretary: CARRIE GARDNER COMMITTEE MEMBERS: ANNIE DAVID TREGGER GAPES BOB HUMPHREYS BRIAN RICHARDSON MIKE SMITH STEVE CRANE CHRIS MERCER MARC NESBITT 9295 6142 (use this if possible please) or 0415 884 429 (hit and miss) email: whargrave@gmail.com 0418 924 902 or 9279 5349 pemac2@gmail.com 0413 887 152 or 9312 2357 marklin@iinet.net.au 0400 777 572 or 9295 6142 51speedie@iinet.net.au 0400 777 572 or 9295 6142 51speedie@iinet.net.au 9572 9126 c.gardner1@bigpond.com 0400 777 572 or 9295 6142 NEW- 0498 131 478 or (08) 6460 1358 0403 545 049 0432 919 321 0409 529 459 0400 600 477 Juniors: ROB CLARKE Newsletter/Website: Mick Tesser Assistant: Brian Donovan 9206 2604 (After Hrs) 9314 1201 51speedie@iinet.net.au d.gapes hotmail.com mdavey@westnet.com.au inspector.brian1@hotmail.com smith.mike064@gmail.com shwmae59@hotmail.com ccmercer@iprimus.com.au cram@westnet.com.au robclarke36@iinet.net.au adprint@iinet.net.au briracer93@gmail.com www.historicracing.asn.au Life Members Les Thomas Pam Thomas Colin Golesworthy (Dec.) Geoff Blennerhassett Jeff Simms (Dec.) Ken Vincent Paul Barfoot Alan Warner Mike Tesser Club (General) meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at the Old Caversham Racetrack (Harrow Road, Caversham- see link for map on homepage) at 8 pm. The Club was formed in 1980 and the objectives of the Club are: The preservation and regular usage of Historic Competition Road Racing Motor Cycles & Sidecars in Western Australia and to promote historic motor sport. The Club is affiliated with the controlling body of motor cycle sport - Motorcycling Australia. All events conducted by the Club are done so under the authority of MWA and the General Competition Rules (GCRs) of Motorcycling Australia. Membership is open to anyone interested in historic motor cycles. Ownership of an eligible machine is not a prerequisite. Annual Membership Fees Annual Competitor Membership: $80 Associate Membership: $40 All Philip Island Classic 2015 Pics courtesy Graeme Howie - Sport Pixx Sport Photography www.sportpixx.com.au JUNIORS AND LADIES DAY AT THE RAC TRAINING TRACK - Annie Tregger This was a coaching and ride day organised by Rob Clarke and Bob Humphreys for the Juniors and any Mums who wanted a ride, also other lady riders and ladies who wanted to ride a bike for the first time. Bob asked me if I’d like to bring the old Triumph along for a spin on the track and, of course, I jumped at the chance. Both the Trumpy and myself were there as “token geriatrics”. What a ball we had! We went out in two separate groups - Juniors and Ladies. The Juniors rode around like seasoned campaigners, as did some of the Ladies. The rest of us, never having ridden on a track or maybe never ridden at all, approached the task at a more sedate pace, but it was no less fun for all that. Louise was having her first outing on two wheels and put up a pretty impressive performance, as did the other first-timers. Even when Louise made an excursion into the sand she held it all together and didn’t fall off. The old Trumpy, being rather heavier than yer average 125 and rather lower to mother earth, didn’t like being leaned over too far on the corners, as she let me know with a few sparks now and again. Rob offered me a ride on a 150 - maybe next time. A BIG THANK YOU to Rob and Bob for organising the day - there were plenty of smiling faces at the end of it. Also a BIG THANK YOU to the flaggies, without whom we could not have enjoyed ourselves so much! PHILLIP ISLAND CLASSIC 2015 - Bob Humphreys. WA was honourably represented by 18 riders of which 16 are HCMC members! Tony Hynes had 3 bikes RGV 250. Boyd/Vincent HRD. & Motoplast. Alex Kennedy Gold Star Norton hybrid. Mark Lang Hughes Yamasuki 250 & RGV 250. Peter Macfarlane TR3 Yamaha, RGV 250 & TZ 350. Tony Logan 350 Honda & Suzuki 1100. Nick Miller 350 Drixton & RC Honda 836, Bob Hull CB 500 Honda & RGV 250. Brian Donovan RS 125 RW & RS 125 Honda. George Todoroff RD Yamaha RGV 250 Suzuki. Richard Langdon RGV 250. Mark Nesbitt Suzuki RGV. Luke Hurst RGV 250. Glen Ottley 350 Honda. VFR Honda, Suzuki 1100 GSXR. Sophie Fox VfR 400. Jack Twisse GSXR Suzuki. Warren Davies GSXR Suzuki . A few hitches on Wednesday, we are usually permitted to unload our container like all the other long distance riders, but WA was “ on the nose”. All sorts of reasons given by P.I. eg. no insurance, no security etc. I guess the international bikes aren’t valuable enough to need protection/ Insurance!!? All hell let loose on Thursday morning, (open practise day) after the compulsory 1km queue to get into the circuit,. Tony Logan set about driving the forklift and unloading the container in record time, how a dozen people weren’t run over was a miracle, good job worksafe didn’t appear! Practise went well, Luke Hurst having an off, damaging his bike severely, but able to do make shift repairs for the next day. Tony Hynes had an off, on the 250 Suzuki late on Thursday, and Peter Mac.had trouble with his 2 Yamahas, but the Suzuki kept going all weekend. Oil spills from the overstressed International bikes meant the 5 lap races on the entry form turned to 4 lap races in the programme then to 3 lap races on Sunday. Even big professional promoters can’t fit all the classes in as per programme. Mixed classes were also an eye opener, one example of many were pre war and 250 classic and 125 Post classic and 250 Post classic all mixed together! The 250 production bikes were re scrutineered for eligibility twice, and some were deemed to be 250 GP class! Tony Hynes broke the pre war lap record on the Ian Boyd HRD, rumours surrounded the cost of the engine rebuild prior to the event, well done Ian and Tony! Russell Jeffries made sure that Ralph Briotti stickers were on the bikes and photos sent straight to Nicola. A Ralph sidecar 14 sticker is now on a post at turn 4, placed by Bob Hull. Club member place getters were 250 Prody. 2nd Mark Lang Hughes & 3rd Peter Mac. P4 350 3rd Nick Miller .Forgotten Era 125 2nd Brian Donovan. Tony Hynes 2nd Pre war. The riders wives, girlfriends, kids and pit crews all pulled together to make this another memorable event for our members. HCMC had 27 bikes entered and all riders did our club proud, finishing at the pointy end of most races. 2015 SUPP REGS CORRECTIONS There are a couple of typo’s in the 2015 HCMC Supp Regs, it is not supposed to read “Rule 20 – Machines up to 31/12/2015 Progresively”. The correct wording should be... 10.2 Other categories - Bullet point one, the date should be 31/12/1995 10.3 Classes - Bullet point fifteen, the date should be 31/12/1995 and progresively should be progressively ANNUAL GUILDFORD HERITAGE FESTIVAL. - Bill Hargrave MA MoMs RULE CHANGE SUBMISSIONS NOW DUE Motorcycling Australia (MA) would like to advise that rule change submissions for the 2016 Manual of Motorcycle Sport (MoMS) must be received by Friday 13th of March. The Manual contains the General Competition Rules, which govern the participation and conduct of Motorcycle Sport in Australia. Changes are sometimes made to these rules to make competition easier or fairer, to reflect changes in technology or equipment, or to make the meaning of the rules clearer. Clubs, State Controlling Bodies and individuals are welcome to submit suggestions for amendments to existing rules, and suggestions for the addition of new rules, to help make the sport better for our competitors. Submissions must be completed on the official Rule Amendment or Inclusion Form and returned to Bronwyn Sorensen via email at rules@ma.org. au no later than 13th March 2015 to be considered. Submissions will be forwarded to the relevant Commission for consideration. To find out more about the Rule Change process or to submit feedback, please visit the MoMS section of the Motorcycling Australia website. Any member who has a pre 1965 bike, race or road and is willing to put it on display for the day can you please contact the Club Secretary by email 51speedie.iinet.net.au or Phone 9295 6142. Space has already been reserved for us but it is limited so we need to know if you can help with the display and the promotion of the club sooner rather than later as they need to know the numbers displaying. We will have club members manning the display all day to take care of the bikes. The HCMC has been invited to put on a display at this year’s Guildford Heritage Festival. The festival is on Sunday 29th of March 2015 from 9:30am to 4:30pm in Stirling Square, Guildford. This year the emphasis is on automobiles, motorcycles and motors of any kind that were part of yesteryear. They are looking for pre 1960 exhibits however they may take exhibits up to 1965. HISTORIC NATIONALS - MALLALA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA - OCT 8th to 11th 2015 Organisers are asking for expressions of interest from members wanting to go to the S.A. Mallala Nationals this year. If they could contact Rory Reibel via email to say their preference if they are going by their own transport of wish to go in the container it would be a great help. We are just trying to get an idea on numbers wishing to go so we can do some planning and bookings. Email or contact Rory on pucks711@iinet.net.au Tony Hynes broke the class lap record on Ian Boyd’s big Vincent at The Island Classic. He looks a little pensive here, probably wondering how much faster can it go! Peter MacFarlane collects another trophy for the cabinet at The Island Classic 2015. All P.I. Pics courtesy Graeme Howie - Sport Pixx Sport Photography
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