Jane Stowell Elected Wagner Queen
Jane Stowell Elected Wagner Queen
Jane Stowell Elected Wagner Queen - By Bill Hobokan and Bob Stevenson Highlighting homecorning activities next weekend will be the coronation Of Jane Stowell as Homecoming Queen F r i d a JT night in the auditorium. Chosen from the list of six ,candidates by popular election l a s t Monday a n d Tuesday, Queen Janie I hails from Yonk- 1 ers and is majoring in social psychology. She now resides in South Hall. Born on Sept. 17, 1929, Miss Stowell will be graduated in June. She has been exceedingly active in extra-curricular activities, being on the cheering squatl, girls' baseball team and girls' basketball club. She is also a member of the French Club, the Varsity Play- - ers and the Board of Athletic Control. Finally, shy has served in the capacity of junior prom councilor and sopho~nore class treasurer, and currently is prcsident of Alpha Delta Pi. Privi1egt.s accorded the Queen include a stylish hair-do from Sonia Pyt, a corsage from Chris' Florist Shop and a loving cup from the Wagner Alumni Association. Campus Chest Campaign opes to Pass '49 $ Totall , - Campus Arrival Attired in a fur coat, courtesy of Quality F u r Company, Her Majesty will arrive on the campus before the IVagner-Kings Point football contest next Saturday afternoon in a new Buick convertible, courtesy of Robins Reef Motor Company. She will lead pre-game homecoming festivities and will sit in a reserved section of the stands. Reigns at Homecoming The annual appeal for the Campus Com~nunityChest is now in progress, with collectors soliciting from students, faculty and staff members in an effort to exceed last year's total of $1,900. The solicitation, which will continue through Nov. 23, will be augmented by the annual Chest carnival, proceeds of which are ex-ted to help meet the goal. This year's show is scheduled for < , Friday night, Jan. 19. Thirty per ccrit of the sum raised will go t o the World Student Service Fund, with the Staten Island Community Chest, World Student Christian Federation, United Negro College Fund and S. I. YMCA receiving 25%, 15%, 10% and d% respectively. Last 15% 7 7 united Student Christian Council, S. I. Cancer Committee and American' Federation for Overseas Blind. Contributors may, however, designate their gift for a pariicular organization, whether on the above list o r not. Miss Marcelle Moore is chairman of the Chest committee, which is composed of Jerry ~ r a d l e Charles ~, Hubner and Betty Huf. Miss Susette Meyer is in charge^ of solicitation from the faculty, 1 while Mr. and Mrs. Viohl will cover, the collecting from staff' members. Serving in her court will be Miss Doris Heepe and Miss Lois Vasoll, runners-up in the election. Other names on the ballot were the Misses Evelyn Hall, Kay Otten ant1 Anita Stubbe. Miss Heepe, whose home is in Brooklyn, also stays in South Hall. She is a member of Theta Pi Epsilon, a business ad major, and has been active in various school activities. 1 Miss Vasoll, another South Hall resident, makes her permanent home in St. ,blbans, L. I. She belongs to Thdta Pi Epsilon and several extra-curricular organizations. Following the crowning of the Queen, a football rally, featuring the traditional bonfire, will be held on West Campus next Friclay. The cheerleaders and college band will take part in the celebration and former football players will be introduced along with coach Jim Lee Howell. The Procession Prior to the homecoming game all schc~olorganizations will take part in a parade. Floats will be exhibited and the judges will seI I lect the winner on the basis of This year's budget provides for originality, work involved ant1 the remaining 1.5% to be split equally among the S. I. Tuberculosis final result. aud Health Committee, National The parade, which will begin Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, on West Campus, will proceed along Wagner College road, past Cunard Hall and onto the athletic field. People attending the game will be presented with homecoming pins and the band will entertain at the half. President Walter C. Langsam this week mailed a three-page form 1 The contest will be followed letter to all alumni, marking his fifth anniversary at Wagner. by open house in Cunard, when Reviewing first the purely physical developments since Nov. 2, 1945, Elected Homecoming Queen by Wagner students last Monday and graduates will be able to meet when Dr. Langsam came to The Hill, he noted the matter of registration Tuesday was Miss Jane Stowell of Yonkers. other class members and profesas of October of each year: (Numbers in parenthesis indicate veterans) sors. A roast becf dinner will '45 '46 '47 r '48 '49 '50 Day Session 374(14) 978(474) 954(510) '999(521) 966(390) 887(169) be served at 6:30 P.M. in thc 462 543 633 186 398 Eve. Session 42 dining hall, with a reservation - - - - - being needed and a charge of Total 416 1164 1362 1481 1509 1500 ' $1.25 having to be paid beforeT h e president pointed out that Improvement Cost hand. "the growth in student body has I t i s also explained that the total At 8 3 0 the alumni will hold been accompanied by a considerable price of acquiring and improving increase in the size of the teaching campus property has been $113,500, its annual dance. This year's faculty, and faculty salaries during and major capital improvements themr will be "Autumn Welthe five-year period were increased during the quinquennium have cost come" and continuous music will an average of 54%." approximately $120,000. be featured. Continuing, the writer says that Discussing the all-important subHighlights of the night-time ject of money, the letter states that "all this was done without any boractivities will be the presentation "when the incumbent president took rowing and without deficit. Each office, the college debt was $117,000, year saw a modest excess of income of prizes to the float winners, the which was divided as follows: mort- over expenditures, and the accumuawarding of the cup to the gage, $67,000; note, $10,000, and lated surplus of $86,000 has now Homecoming Queen and the preborrowed from the endowment, gone wholly into payment of the sentation of the James Robb $100,000. These monies have been first few installments on the cost of Memorial Trophy to the game's the two buildings currently under aid in full and the college is withI but debt." I construction." Miss Doris Heepe Miss 'Lois ~ a & l i I most valuable player. Langsam Cites 5 Years Of Wagner Development Runner- Up Third Place - Page 2 The Wagneria~l Friday, November 10, 1950 I THE WAGNERIAN I\rc37c~s[ITHE HILLTOPPER 1 I4 A publication of the Wagner College Student Associatipn, issued every two weeks from October to June, with the exception of holidays. Office at Wagner College, Staten Island 1, N. Y. Subscription $2.00. 1951 1950 Editor-in-chief ........................ Marvin I. Duskin ATms Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Phil Brittain Sports Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Sabin Mancini Ma.ke-ztp Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . .Arlene Cantor Photograplaer ............................... .Roy O'Brien Circztlation Managers. .... .Emily George and Elleneva Kamp R tisiness Manager. ..........................David Ryffel Faculty Adviser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Mr. Dieckman I (- I Points of View >Ion., So\. '1; By Arnold Wolinitz Dcar lloni, Sorry I coultln't write over the .+Jrr 31021 a B ~ a ~ ~ h a g ? ( wcekend, hut I wa, so busy stucjyirig If not, for a prnny postcard, a bean and enough patience to for two exams totlay t11at I tlitln't get auait acceptance you can join seven tnillion others in one of the a chancc. Tliink I made out all riglit anti am hoping for at least orlc "A," ~ i i o \ texclusive associations in existt.ncc, "The Beanbag Club." I know ho\v important this first term It h i l ~bccome the 111ost exciting rag(, since thc famed pyramid IS. 1'111 going to bed early ilo~lighl ant1 make up for sollie lost sleep. Lately I've been gcttinc only about seven 1 know 1 need eigllt or ( ( l i ~ u r and s STAFF 4 nlnc. Joan Ilanserner Elaine Hendricksoti T,onny Marks I wish you could see our room now. 1-loyd Berg William Hobokan Carol Plumb CI1:trlie sass it looks just like home. TZutli Christeilsen Louise Kehoe Stanley Shapiro Steven Ehbin Morty Kurlantl Seymour Siegler ':'he fcllows at the Iiouse are s\vell Ted Hall Ncil 1,eotlal-d Robert Stevenson t o the pletlgcs. Instead of stupid Frank Hailtligan kIanfred Lichtniann E:tlna' Stone stunts, wc (lo constructive work Ted loving to^^ arountl tlie house. A few of the 1)rotIierstlrink a little, hut J know they rcsl)ect 1lle for 'l)c)lil('l!. saying "No tllanks, I don't tlrink." 3lct a few girls, hut nothing like 111y sue. About 50 people iii JVagner are trying to tnakc the Student Miill write aaain scon. Your loving son. Association an effective organization. These people attend M'illie II I Edi+orial Some People Have It every SA m e ~ t i n g . They are the people who support clubs, who staiitl ul) ior their rights and bring up significant issues. They 1iel~-)ed create a fighting- Seahawk spirit. They're interested in the condition of Wagner, the new buildings and student facilities. They're proud of Wagner and Wagner, in its own quiet way, appreciates their efforts. T h e $G4 question is why miwe students don't get u p some interest and enthusiasm. H o w ? Start hy ,coming to SA meetings and bringing your reluctant budtlies. 1 hascos of bygone days. And it's all part o f one of the zaniest viewing hours in television. till~ingplace ;it I1 P. h1. on IVNBT, (channel 4) when "l3roadway Open I-louse" I~oldsforth. 0 1 1 AIonda) and IVedncstlay nights RIorey Amsterdam is c.111cc~.but lie h;l>n't caused ~nucllof a stir, being coinplctely over~hr~tlowcti l q his Tuesday, Thursday, 1:riday partner, squire Jerry Lcs\tcr. One can hardly imagine that this T V clown began his career a, a ballet dancer, which he dropped for comedy soon after. * * * ROI-I, it has bern remarlied, brings to mind a particular type o f woman who looks far more appealing with her hair in disarray, her eyelids heavy and her dress falling off her shoulders. If you tidy her locks and straighten her scams, she's a dull thing of a girl. Since hardly any scripts :ire used for the show, many slip-ups occur, inc,rely atlding to the polite pandemonium. * * * Thc supporting cast features a pygmy of a female, about 6'1" tall. labeled Dagnar. Indcrd, one of the most alluring of the IIrnrcst .Sw, f l , f ~ r ~ d\vcal<er ~? s r s sreri anywhere, anytime, anyhow, Dag, a vocalist by I'rrr /rrriRI>l sorry I'zv, rrrissrd n ti.;~tlc.hasn't sung a note yet. And with one glance in her di,.,,,pl, ,,f dtr~l.t.,/lOrlcy,hilt I C / O / drtryeasily without a qrd illto lZ blind d ~ j o~y [the~ p/r.dnr 1'ccti"rl. it is ;ll)parellt that she can pass .qt~l. niglrt (r~r(/I voict'. ptrrijl trt fke ho~~.sr .icvls so tired h y rrridnight fro111htitrg l:chlie\ring herself to be n great literary genius, the buxum bored tlltr/ I zitort riglrt to bed. 1)lontf "d~composes" originill poetry (that's what she calls it) and I , I ,h,t,d nr,lire. of slzinshort stories. diq, I z ~ ~ o dIznr~e d zoirt-d you to nmb * * * t l ~ rfir.st truin. I /lad t r good c.rt'~c.sc .After complt~tinghvr act, n a g seats herself on one side of the tlot tr~kcnnottro girl, irnd then r r r ~ "pul" CI~orlircorrra tlrr,ozf<~lru.lif/~fh(r/ stage and is "on ciimera" nlost of the hour, supposedly to add Iridrozf,r rrroj~.s/rr. "color" to the goings-on. For this alone, more men over 50 have stnl, ,r,o,rt o j lust r?iolrl I I,nd hcen seen perched closer to their screens than ever before. .stud>~irrgGrnrrtrl E d , so I rOlrldl,,l The' format of the Program has it being interrupted by a short i~lritt>. I skortld br doinn t/tl7t rigkt atlvrrtise~nrnteach quarter hour, regardless of what is happening lloa'~btlt yozLcorrrr fir.r/. The girls Iterr arc (1 scld br*rlrlr. on st;lge. OrrP therrl rozrld r7'cr r l ' r r l ~ r r rlro The initial portion is usually devoted to introducing the per- Does Plus Equal Minus? , STELLARVISION Once again midterms are ul)oii US and once again grades come to mind, particularly final gr;tdes, which are recorded for ,, bettcr or worse. A good deal of students are usually dissatisfied with their marks, and some of them rightly so. W h y ? The answer is simple. A student whose average is in the 1,lus bracket is brought sonnel, which includes, besides Lester and Dagmar, Milton DcLugg, (!own to the level of the one whose ayerage is i n thc minus ~ o t s n/oz~rfro111 combination bantlleader and accordionist who is noted for his hit Ynr~rftrnn, l 1 'iIIic column. This practice is tlefinitel?7 unfair to the person +vhose co~npositiyns, "Hoop-dc-(loo" and "Orange Colored Sky ;" Dave * * * grade is higher, since there is certainly a scholastic tlift'erence Strrrt and the Mellowlarlis, singers; Ray Malone, a clever chap M ~ night ~ . between the two levels. v:ith thc. taps, and youthful Wayne Howell, announcer. (I think) T h e situation can be remedied by recording plusses and Hey Boy! Th,c ~r?lraindcr o f thc ti,me finds the ereref perfornzi71.g its minuses on the transcript, o r by changing the system of markFtrncfions a;~zd Lcstcr irrcifi~rg riotous fu~x in tlzc audience. All in ing. Whatta last week with After a couple witched of luck for an koztr loadcd eeith flzirtlz awl mcrrinzeni before hitting all, Let's give credit where cr,edit is due! beasts, I really made out like mad the .wrk, ht. n good Iiftlc Bca~zbaga ~ opcft d your house to "Broadthis weekend. peggycame through 7c4cry O ~ c l House." l ~ Friday night and Charlie (enter, Campus Politics Most of US rct11embe1- our high school student 1)otly (or Gcnera1 Organization) campaigns as fun-filled times of election slogans, speeches, rallies and the like. We of the ~ a g n e r i a nfeel that this practice would be a healthy ant1 enjoyahlc tradition for The Hill to adopt. T h e lone drawback t o this plan would be the possible illfeeling that might develop as a result of campus political parties. B u t a broadminded attitude toward this interesting idea would bring about a n annual event in which all students could partake. Think about it, Wagner! Hide Claws, Try Applause; Back Grid Team Cause An Editorial ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ e~ p . s~h o u~' d a T h" e cheers, , ~ ~compliments ~ a ~ and back-slapping come easily What a There was much when one is on the winning side, but when disheartening denoise the campus cops raided the are heard. place. I'll be o n double pro this feats start piling spring if "F's" and this kind of stuff are all the old songs of praise. Last year, the Wagner gridders rolled up a n imposing keep up. After we got the girls a record of seven wins and one tie, against a solitary defeat. (ha! ha!), we stopped a t a bar, alafter loss of the baclcready half-bagged. They say Charlie This season, the Hawks face the of a winning squad. man warpetl almost to the , > o i ~ put ~ t ' me t o bed about 4 5 0 . Wonder dismal prospect of finishing the Let's save the crying towels un~ two triumphs of illsanity in his racial hatred. who took care of him. Room's a schedule ~ v i t l only til next Year, and if the Hawks are against seven setbacks-a complete Fefkuva mess (no change). Sleep film fails a t clearly, I,oillt again successful, a wailing wall will reversal of form. ill presenting so reasollless alltl lop- IS merely an extra now. As a piece of this type invariably be provitled for the benefit of all in Gotta stop now; I'm shot. I'm sided a character for the tloctor. always shot-can't remember when siriks into maudlinncss, we will grit need. Whcn Widmark's brother dies, lie I wasn't shot. Got pretty well oiled our teeth and follow the prescribetl Instead, save the energy for next works himself into a fury of snarl- with "the boys" last night. fornlula. Saturday, Homecoming Day, and ing vengeance. The showdown is Let's try to avoid the teeth-gnash- try to cheer Jim Lee Howell's Pledge life is wicked; 1'11 be glad a contrived bit of melodrama with when I'm a brother and can make inp ant1 outraged cries and wait for charges to a victory over the Kings the would-be killer holding the the new guys sweat. nest season before indulging in the Point Mariners. Enthusiasm for a , In other winner means little; support when doctor and his brother's ex-wife Take it slow like your lushy custorrlary histrionics. (Linda Darnell) at bay. wortls, this has been a season of re- the going is rocky is all-important. buddy. Bill CINEMASCENE "No Way Out," one of the last of the Negro problem films, is an adroit blending of flashy melod r a m a t i c ~ alttl savagely pointed comment. Wlicn two ,brothers are brought into a county hospital, aftcr they have been n~ouiitled in a running gunbattle wit11 the police, chance has it that tlie attentlant interne is a Negro (Siclney Poitier). 111 itself this woultl nlean nothing, hut one of them (Richart1 Witlmark) is a prising lad) got a couple of Slidemore queens up here for the house party Sat. night. Mine was ~ a n d a and , man, did I! 1 dropped a weed into my pantscuffs and some joker poured a pint illc ~ ' - -- - . w Friday, November 10, 1950 T h e Wagnerian Page 3 - - Upsala Up, 34-6, As lop in Jersey - Gridmen Tackle P M C CORNER Tomorrow Chester - SPORTS - With a large cro\vd of Wagner students expected to accompany Last Friday night the Seahawk pigskinners traveled to East Orange, N.J. the team, the Hawk gridmen will travel to Chester, Pa. to~norrow B y "Red" Duskin and absorbed a 34-6 beating from Upto visit the Perm Military Cadets at 2 o'clock. sala College. But despite the 101)\\:hew! 'I'hese suction soles is killin' me. And the B.O. The home club will field a strong eleven, despite a record of sided score, Coach Jim Lee Howell horn hasn't honlced yet . . . Weec-tweee . . . Did that fantastic two triumphs and five defeats. Its victories have been at the exsaid he was well-pleasetl with his club. little jerk thi111; I didn't see him shovin'? Shoot two . . . How pense of the niloravian Greyhounds, 21-0, and Albripht. 12-7, while Tlie Hawks played one of their best . games to date, losing to an experienc- do you like this smokehouse? This place is gonna go up in the losses were to Scranton, W e s t ed ant1 well-manned team that has lost flames some day and nobody'll know the difference. W h a t a Chester Teachers, Delaware, Lebonly once in six outings. anon Valley and Drexel, all reprecatastastroke . . . Shaddup. Yes you . . . Weee-tweee . . . Oh-oh, IJpsala jumped into the lead at the \r atch this big goon in the bucket . . . \TTatcha gonna do. Sittill' seting larger S C ~ I O O I ~ . T h e Islanders likewise are in the outset when, on the secontl play of Bull, camp there all night? . . . Gimme the ball. The ball. You ~ I T ~ ~ l r n i t or l s a t disa,~pointingseason, the game, a Seeds to Hooper pass .. having also amassed a record of coveretl 65 yards for a touchtlown. Icriow, that rbund thing that bounces W a g n e r cage crew will play Oops, outta bounds. H i t a dame in the puss two wins and five setbacks. From this point until the middle of Sorry tlieT h efirst of a 23-game schcdule Due to injuries, the H a w k s have the second quarter, the Green more madam . . . Yes madam . . . Yes madam No madam Saturday night, Dec. 2, when it lost two starters in the persons of than held its own, scoring one TI]' ~i~~~ the ball, madam! . Weee-tweee . W h a t does-she meets Roanoke College of Salem, I Jack Dicker and Jim Klem. B u t and threatening twice Illore. Va. in the New 1)orp High School the return of Paul Perfette to the The Waener tallv came after Neil want me to do? Buy her a new face t o go with those teeth? Leonard stolen tllc hall frolll -her plate probably comes out like a flyin' saucer anyway. gym. T h e remaining home games backfield has compensated to a played in Curtis High. Rogers on the Upsala 31. Mift Grosz Weee-tweee . Let her sue :. The 600 millionaires that own willT hbe large extent for the absense of the e Seahawks, w h o lost heavily two stars. lunged f o r a yard and after an in- this ioint won't give her the time of dav . b y graduation, will defend their complete pitch, took a Weee-(blurp) . . . Darn near swalfowed the whistle. Fine championship of the Greater New F r o s h Standout pass from Paul Perfette on the 10 and York Conference. Hofstra, one of stuff. Cholce to death right out here in the middle of the court. T h e freshman from New Dorp raced across the goal. Toe Lauro's the eight teams in the conferetlce has passed and run for quite a \Yeee-tweee . . . Oops, there it 'goes again. Sorry madam . . . try for point was low. last season, has dropped out, leav- bit of yardage and has been the he ~ i l l t o p ~ e had r s threatened pre-I i\Jo madam . . . Gimme the ball, madam! . . . No, I ain't pickin'l ing Wagner, Cooper Union, Queens, sparkplug for the Howellmen since viously, right after the llonle club'qlon you, madam . . . I didn't throw the ball out . . . I t was that Adelplii, P r a t t , Brooklyn P o l y and his restoration t o play. by taking the liickoff a n d ' scatter arm, pistle-packin' playmaker over there . . . Weee-tweee Kings Point. Filling in for the ailing Klem as driving to the enemy's 23 The fea- Though%s o f a Basketball Referee ., CAGEMEN IN DEFENSE OF CITY .. had .. I ... . .. .. . - ... I . . 1 . . It7"'un1ber nigh-un . . . Shoot one. ture of this course was a 52-yard pass Halftime. There goes old B.O. Thought that horn would nlav. Perfette to But1 Kenvon Bur Wagner was held on downs. never blast. Chin's bouncin' off m y kneecaps. Lungs are Fumbleitis bustin' . Gotta get t'the dressin' room . . . Stashed a cold After an exchange of fumbles, Bol~ bottle of beer in the shower . . If that clown workin' the other tiurney intercepted an Upsala tos\ ant1 W h a t did h e do that ran it to the opposition,s 25. Agaill side of the court don't beat me t o it half? Last game we worked he said he had blood pressure and the Hawks were stopped on tIowns. During the second half the Howell- a split lip. I'm no insurance risk myself. Lookit all these guys men couldn't organize a n sustained in the .isle trvin' t o break a sDlint record . . 'Irive while thrice lnore. Pardon me Miis? . . . An autograph? Sure thing . . . Urait --On the prevlous Saiurtiay. tile iocais lost to Ursinus at Grylnes HII1, 25-e ~ i i iI ::ripe the sweat outta my eyes . . . Y'weicome . . . Hmtnm. T h e game was decided h v lonr. runs, Not too bad . . . 1,ooks like a eater though . . Last dame 1 took with Rill Fisher racing 80 and 66 out was a real eater. Belted over six champagne cocktails at yartls respectively. $1.25 per, waded through a double steal;, a Baked Alaslca and Wagner took a first period lead was startin' to order benedictine and brandy to line up the when Grosz crashed over from the to culminate a SO-vartl move Per- empties. Makes a nice fence, she says . . . It'll be hamburger fette intercepted a th;ow at rnitlfieltl to and beer for the next one, or else . . . What's that, lady? Autostart the series. graph? . . . Oh sure . . . Step right over here in this quiet little Grosz smashed for 16 yards in two corner. There now . . . W h a t did vou sav vour name was? tries while Perfette tossed a 2 - y a r d 1 Weee-tweee . . . Let's get this second half goin' Or pass to Winkler, who matle eight more do you giraffes wanna stay in this smokehouse all night? . on a sweep, After Grosz I,lowetl This is supposed t o over, LauroVs attemnt for conversion W h o wants to be a kippered herring? was wide. be a college basketball game but I don't see nobody in the first From then on it was all Ursinus, 20 rows under 50. Seniors no doubt . Weee-tweee . Up who scored in the last three quarters l offa the floor . . W h o d'ya think y'are, Strangler Lewis? . to avenge it? losses to tlie Islantlers weee-tweee o f the last two years. Ton=ue's hangin' out so far I'm liable to trip ovcr it - .. . . . ... . . - i ... .. i ... . . . . . basketball brigade i s R a y (Hoagy) Doody, a senior. .. I t will be remembered that last year's club won 19 and tlropped five, the best record ever compiletl by a Wagner five. F o u r of the Roxin' refer':., that's what I should be doin' . . . Work a few teams that defeated the H a w k s will Names of members of this sea- prelims, nice and quiet . . . Then get relief . . . Break it up bops be met again this canipaign, St. soil's g-irls9 basketball team have . . . Gimme the ball. The BALL. Were-twece . . . Substitution Lawrence, Albright, Brooklyn Colbeen announced by Miss Helen1 . . . Here comcs Dracula. A real gland case if I ever saw one. lege and Manhattan. Toebke, coach. TZ'I~C out. I 97ced it as ;uzlclz as tkcsr lzzt!?zan flagstaffs . . . T h e schetlule: T h e y are Jane Stowell, Pat Hare's the clzecrleader . . . Gravel Gertie in bobbysox . . Dec. 2 Roanoke 011-oh. Townsend, Barbara Horvath, Ellen Dec. t; a t F o r d h a ~ n GOY /lead. Let's doublc flip, iriplc-jig a ~ ~siugle d hop, all Dec. 8 Western Maryland ~ ~ l i ~ ~~~b~~~ ~ ~ ~~ k i ~, J~~~ ~ ~ k set this ~ , Heartl, Mickey Schmidt, Chris in out. Il/eee-tweee . . . tf,'ill this thing ever end? I feel like a Dec. 1:s at Kiugs Point Thing, F r a n Gutekunst, Norma cztrcd l o x rinlzt I Z O W . . . I17cee-twece . . . Wlzat habbe7red to that Dec. 16 Clarkson u , Zawadskip tivzckeeprr? Alzotlzcr Stc$kcn Fctchit. W h r c - f w e e c . . . Walki~z' Dec. 20 a t i\,Ianliattan Kayser and Bunny Clauson. . . U'eee-twece . . . Clzargilz' . . . Wcee-tzueec . . . Hackin' Dec. 8.1 a t Cooper Union T h e squad will open its season .i at l'ratt c . . . Oh, forget it kid. T h e Jan. Dee, at at home against . . . Gimme the hall . . . G i ~ ~ z t nthJan. 10 a t h l o ~ a t i a n Irorn. Gal~ne's over. It coztldn't be . . . Weee-tweec. the LIU lassies. Jan. 1:; D i c k i n s o ~ ~ Jan. 17 at Stevens ever, tlicy have tied N.YU, 6-0, lost Jan. 20 Adelplii in an upset to Adelphi, 9-6, and J a n . 27 a t Albright I)owetl by one point in their other Jan. a t St. Peter's Amidst all the glamour of floats, dances and homecoming queens, losses. I n a pre-season scrimmage, Feb. 2 Johns Hopkins the invasion of Grymes Hill by the Kings Point football squad next week W a g n e r (lid not show up too well Feb. c i a t PlllC has been slightly overlooked: However, the Mariners give every indica- against thc team from Garden City, Feb. 9 a t F & i\~l L. I . tion that they will be noticed before the day is over. Feb. 10 a t Gettysbury T h e last time W a g n e r had the misfortune to schedule the Merchant Feb. 1 4 at Hofstra Marine Academy the sailors came out o n top b y a lusty 66-0 score. While ON RADIO Feb. 17 Queens 110 such slaughter is expected on T h e W a g n e r vs. PMC grid Feb. 21 Brooklyn College Homecoming Day, the Seahawks T h e Mariners hage had a medi- g a m e tomorrow in Chester, Pa. Feb. 21 Brooklyn Poly will be facing a rough grid aggre- ocre season s o far, winning two, will be broadcast over W V C H , Feb. 28 at Upsala gation. losing three and tying one. H o w - 740 o n t h e dial, a t 2 P.M. l ~ l a r . :; Kings Point ... ... Girls' Basketball 1 - . L It's Kings Point Next Week GAME I ( a ) 1 sneak up on ~t (b) I starve it to death. Mzarrag H o f f l ~ ~ a njunior: , I get home and the T V set is on. I take out my books, lay them prone on the table and establish my thoughts s o that they are conducive to proper education. T h e n 'f relax arid watch the "Howdy Doodp Show." Margie Snyder, junior : I forget the combination of my locker till mid-terms. Rnlpls Carlorti, junior : Find the guy who did it before. Irvitz G e i ~ e.Cc/tz~~a~z, senior : Violently ! F ~ a n k Freer, senior : I don't. Adelaid Hqrlrtsdorfer, f rosli : (I,ooks blank and nods her heatl.) Steve Ebbin, f rosh : I put my books on the desk, jump on them, and beat them. Clzavles Hztbne;, junior : Accutl~ulation of five other brains. Ray Ilp(lrstyt~p,soph : 1 look a t it a little while till I get inspiration. Arlene Sclzwart,-, soph : Take pen in hand and let it do the work. Bob Afc Hale, frosli : I beat it up badly. Bob Olsol~,soph: With fingernails, vile language and criticism of my instructors. I Page 4 The Wagnerian VP's in Action Friday, November 10, 1950 Declaration NOTES Of Dependence , the stilder~t to abolislz it, and do if%By Ruth Christensen T h e second performance of sfifzcte a rzezu text, thereby prebaring Oscar Wilde's "The Importance rL712e~t,in the course of scholflsfic lziIllself fitlly f o l , the exa,rL, of Being Earnest" will be pre* * * T w o new oficers were elected held its first program meeting Thurs- evettts, it becotnes inipossrblr for one sented tonight a t 8:30 in the at the first meeting of the Board of day night, Oct. 26. In conjunction to avoid fuvther dclny in stzdyir~g,When Little willie begins to auditorium by the Varsity PlayPublications last month. Mrs. Scott with the national celehration of United and to m.ruwte, because o f a f e w "F'.r," cramers. n station to euhiclt the gradcs entitle I was elected permanent chairman Nations week, the group was host to got a big exam. Youpre sure Under the direction of Chris and David Ryffel was chosen secre- a team from Wagner's Debate Soci- him, a decent rcsl)ect to the opiiliows For maybe a week he studies Deane, the show, which opened tary. Both took office immediately. like mad; ety, which discussed the topic, Re- of one's parents requires that one last night, inaugurates the Zlst T h e current editors of the Kal- solved: Thnt the Not?-Cominunist Na- sizould hegitt to cram for +!lid-temrs. He reallv worries , (tc.l season of V P affairs. poor lad). lista, Student Handbook, Wagneri- tions Should Form a N e w Interv~a- For w e hold thesr truths to he self-evident: that all students ore He's worked himself in a terrible an, and Nimbus submitted reports tiolral Organization. outlining the procedure for their Charles D'Arrigo and Murray Hoff- created equal; that they are c h r g e d state election of editors. They summed man presented the affirmative case, with certailz unalie~zablesubjects; that W h e n the day arrives to meet his up the requirements for a n editor- while Louise Kehoe and Lloyd Berg a m n g t h e are history, Frewch, ai~d fate. By Carol Plumb ship post in three words: willing- debated the negative side. Philip 0'-the Pursuit o f philosophy; that to H e was ready-at his best, Autuvm Leaves-A chanson im- ness, experience and ability. Keefe, assistant editor of "Product secwre good grades, books are in- And felt prepared t o take the test. ported from France where it was A report was made on the allot- Engineering Magazine" (a McGraw- stituted among stzddents, deriving their T h e questions o n it were not a t all known as "Les Feuilles Mortes." The ments to the various publications Hill publication) acting as judge, de- j w t m e from the will of tlze m e r ; fair. words lost much of their effectiveness from the total student activity fund. cided in favor of the negative. that, whenever any book becmzes use- 'Cause the ones he studied were in the English version but the sad, 111 percentages they are: not even there! George Bardes, president of the less of these ends, it is the right of haunting melody, plus a few hundred a% Kallista IKC, welcomed the audience and ex- 1 ~ A A A A A A A A - - A A A A A A A A ~ A A A A A ~ A A & plugs from the publishers will make Nimbus 5-1/2% pressed the hope that future meetings 4 this a favorite with lonely hearts. Handbook 4% will see a larger turnout. H e said 4 The Thing-What was it? Nobody Wagnerian 16% that the should occupy a prom"Ruth Janren: Formerly with Arthur Murray Studios knows, least of all Phil Harris, who Final action a t the meeting was inent position in Wagner affairs, and *Ann Ames: Formerly with Dale Dance Studios recorded it. But it's one of the cutest to form a committee to investigate corlld only do so with the increased *James Smith: ~ o r m e r l ywith Arthur Murray Studios; formerly manager ) novelties in a long while. o f dance studios a t the "Cloister," Sea Island. Ga., and . the possibility of placing the finan- support of students. the H o t e l Stockton, Sea Girt, N. J. Molarses-A group named Lenny ces of all four publications in a Connors and the Taffy Pullers, or joint-pool. to be iontrolled by the1 Will Teach You t o Dance Expertly NOW! ! something, waxed this one. These Board. Mr. Dieckman was ap4 are singers? This is a song? This is pointed chairman, assisted by Fred A Complefe Course of Coach "Bunny" .Barbes was music? Brockman, Harry Volr, and Dean forced t o cancel this year's crossSIX ( 6 ) PRIVATE LESSONS for Only $14.00 b I've Never Been in Love Before- Bacher. country schedule due t o t h e fact b There's nothing really wrong with At International Relations Club that only four men turned out ' bb this tune. It just souncis like any The International Relations Club for pi-actices. 4 b DANCE other love song. 4 b The Rest Thing f o r M e ir Yo?+ 4 1483 Forest Avenue, Port Richmond, Staten Island r r r r r r r v S T A R T N 0 W ! r r r r r r r v 4 SA 7.6861 Doris Day's cozy little whisper makes b this sound like a good song, which it NEW COMPLETE COURSE % v ~ v ~ v ~ v v v v v v v v v v v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ v v v v isn't. in preparation for the coming examinations Little White Duck-Burl Tves is for REGULAR and SUBSTITUTE LICENSE as out in the country watching the ducks swim around a pond. TEACHER IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS If I W e r e a Bell-If she were, Cominon Branches License No. 1 Mindy Carson declares she'd be ringing, in a ditty from the Broadway 1 bsav. Oral-lntmrvhw T a ts; cotme wll I con- 1 tinue tG datg of exam; - _ show, "Guys and Dolls." If the U n i ~ m ,syshma+ic studpathod includinq iurren+. concise notes; mod* answers. number of records made is any inprevlaus exarnlnatians, well-organized for complete review. Practlce tests and individual guidance to d e v e l o ~skill in answering - qu.s+lons. dication, "Guys and Dolls" has the + Emphasis on newer trends a n d practical teaching' procadures. f Outstandina results in all recent examinations. most fabulous score since "Annie + Reawnableiates. Get Your Gun." At least four tunes ) .k SESSIONS EVERY SATURDAY: 10:OO A.M. to IS4 P.M. or 200 to 5:00 P.M. are candidates for the Hit Parade. ATTEND FIRST SESSION WITHOUT OILlGATlON HARMONIZING O h Babe!-Benny Goodman is back licking the ole licorice stick just like ) Peoples House. 7 East 15th Street (Nr. B'wayl. N. Y. CI ever, with the sextet in back of him. EXPERIENCED SUCCESSFUL INSTRUCTORS Rickey, the guy with the rumbleseat J O H N B. KING HERMAN SCHREIBER voice, who's on leave from the Ravens, ) Esplanade 7-7737 INqersoll 2-6316 handles the breath-controls capably. . RECORDATA .. I' I! 1 NO )(-COUNTRY GOOD DANCERS MEAN GOOD PARTIES i : 1 ' THE FOREST S~UDIOS b 4 't VERSATILE PAIR FOR WEAR EVERYWHERI 1 1 I b - S~~~ttwill suit 4 * b* b b b 4I 4 1 I ' 1 1 1 b I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TeI. Qlbraltar 2-9171 II SUNNYSIDE SERVICE SOCONY PRODUCTS ALL THE STUDENT NEEDS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! 111111 MOBlLUBRlCATlON MOTOR TUNE-UP and BRAKE SPECIALISTS I I I 1 CLOVE LAKE wARMACY I Visit Our SODA FOUNTAIN LUNCHEONETTE 0. S. Runfola, Phrrmacfrt smartest . investment campus man ! Tailored in the COURTESY traditionally fine SERVICE Rose B r o t h e r s , manner from a n exclusive, all- RELIABILITY wool fabric by Pacific Mills that looks and feels I Ir 111l I() Victory Blvd. a t Clove Road Gib 2-5351 wardrobe for any I CLOyE RD. & VICTORY BLVD. Sunnyslde, S. 1. Definitely the 111 111 Wagner College Bookstore like gabardine. Don't cut classes, but get yours soon ! A Pleasant spot right here a t Wagner THE GUILDEN MILK SOFT DRINKS SANDWICHES CANDY CIGARETTES HAMBURGERS SurrCtwill Suits I Contrasting Surr6iwill Slacks BUSINESS SPORTSWEAR WEMNDINO EVENING $1395 Good Food a t Reasonable Prices GARBER BROTHERS Downstairs in the Ad Buildings MR. AND MRS. VIOHL, See Surr6iwill in Staten lsland a+ k4anap.r I63 Richmond Avenue RIOHYOND BOROUGH PUBLISHING & PRINTING OOMPANY l 76 Canal %ec
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