the vagnerian - Wagner College


the vagnerian - Wagner College
the vagnerian
Page 4
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Page 6
April 29, 1960
Vol. 28. No. 13
Wagner College, S. I., N. Y.
Service Held For
To Be Held on May 7
W-ith Ground Breaking
The Edwin Markham Memorla1 servlce in colnmemoratlon
of t h e 108th anniversary of t h e
poet's birth on April 23, was held
o n Monday. April 25,
In the *
by Sulie Wilson
T h e Student Association NomT h e principal speakers a t t h e
service were Dr. Vernon Hamp- inating Committee met a n d conton, president a n d founder of t h e ferred f o r a month t o choose t h e
Association best possible candidates f o r next
which h a s presented 10,000 ar- year's S.A. offices.
ticles on be11a.lf of Edwin MarkA procedure called voting
ham a n d Professor Virgil Mark- (yes, some still do i t ) which will
h a m , son of t h e poet a n d head o f require eve11 less time a n d n o
the English 7)epartment a t Wag- money ( I wonder if t h e business
office knows of t h i s ) will t a k e
Ilr. Rampton, in his speech, place 011 MLy 2 alld 3 in t h e
claimed t h a t Edwin Markham Hawk's Nest. Support your somewas "world-wide i n his scope" what soggy but still graft-free
and t h a t several people "learned campus while you may.
of social consciousness from EdPresident
win Markham."
Frederick Ufferfilge, a memHe,went on t o say t h a t people
were' forced t o listen t o his mes- her of Alpha Sigma P h i a n d t h e
sage whether they wanted t o o r Interfraternity Council, is one of
not because "in every country two candidates for President. H e
where there is lack of dignity is also treasurer f o r t h e Board of
shown to n ~ a n "Edwin Markham Traditions a n d Chairman Of
Homecoming's Pushcart Derby.
l ~ r o m u l g a t e d"social justice."
Dr. Hampton feels that, alThor A. Stensrud, t h e other
though Edwin Markham was a candidate f o r President, was a
sentimental poet, his' sentiment ~ n e m b e rof t h e Platoon Leader's
was expressed in a,"powerful and Class f o r t h e Marines, is Vicedignified" manner in all his President of t h e Semper Fidelis
Club. a n d is a member of t h e
I n f u r t h e r proof of Markham's Service Key Committee a n d of
s t a t u r e a s a poet, Dr. Hanlpton Circle K. H e is chairman of t h e
quoted statements f r o m J o h n L. Song F e s t Committee, is active in
Lewis, "The n a m e of Edwin inter-mural basketball, a n d was
Marklmm will always be re- Float P a r a d e Chairman for
vered": H. L.. Mencken, "I a m Homecoming.
still convinced t h a t 'The Man
Vice Preside~tt
With A Hoe' is t h e greatest poem
As a candidate for vice-presiever written in America"; and
dent, Allen T. F e r r i e offers ext h c editor of t h e Encyclopedia
perience in football and track.
Americana, "Edwin Markham is
H e is a member of P h i Sigma
t h e exemplar of t h e awakened
Kappa a n d Student Council.
social conscience of a l l classes of
Lydia H a a s is a member of
society in America."
Alpha Delta P i , dormitory procProfessor Virgil Markham aetor, was treasurer of her class
copted Dr. Hampton's presentafor two years, was a member of
tion of t h e autographed volume
t h e Dance Committee. She h a s
(Continued on page 2)
been a cheerleader f o r t h r e e
Years, was pianist for t h e Freshman s h o w and o n t h e committee
f o r t h e F r e s h m a n Class CCC
booth. She was also a member
president R~~~~~~
Heindel of Student Council a n d College
of Wagner college today- an- O ~ n c i l , College Choir, Faculty
nounced t h e appointment of' D ~ .Evaluation Committee, c h a p e l
e r a n Student FederaD. ~
i H~~~~~
~ as vice
~ l,resi-~ Choir,
l L u t h~
d e n t of the college and director tion, F a i t h and Life Week, Fiof planning and development, nance Committee, a n d Dormitory
Committee Nanies
Harter Appointed
Vice President
Dr. H a r t e r , who will assume his
Nick Pandullo is Vice-presiduties on September 1 , is presd e n t of Alpha P h i Omega, Treasently assistant to the vice
and a
cellor f o r planning a n d develop- urer O f the Debate
Associamerit a t
universityof Buffalo
a n d is i n charge of t h e public tion
T h e following t h r e e sophorelations services there.
D ~ H,
~ who ~
has ,,is~ p h . ~~ .mores
~ a r e, candidates for Secretary:
Carol Gaise was on t h e
i n political scienre and history
fro111 t h e State University of Freshman Volleyball team a n d
~ and~an M
~ , A , in
law co-chairman for t h e Freshman
from colulnbia university, was Homecoming Float. She is a
assistant professor of political t'lenlber Of the Student
science a t the university of pe\n- Fellowship, Dormitory Council,
Alpha Delta P i , Homecolning
sylvania from 1946 t o 1957.
During World War II he wisC o m m i t t e e a n d Secretary for t h e
attached to ~ d ~ E. iL. ~
G ~ 13oard
~l - of Traditions. She was
on t h e Student Association
ther ill the Soutll Pacific as personnel officer. H e h a s also t a u g h t
Linda Van Nortwick h a s been a
a t t h e University of Missouri a n d
(Continued on page 3)
(Continued on page 3)
The second annual combined Alumni-Parents Day Pro
gram will be held on Saturday, May 7, in conjunction with
the ground breaking ceremony f o r the Horrmann Library
The opening event of the Alumni Weekend, is the
Alumni Golf Tournament, South Shore Country Club, Fri
day, 1o'clock. On Friday evening t h e 10th Anniversary Re
union of the Class of 1950 will be held a t the Meurot Club
Campbell Goes
To L.I. U . '
John W. Campbell, who came
'as Director of Development to
Wagner College in January,
1959, has resigned t o become
Director of Development and Assistant t o t h e President a t Long
Island University. Campbell assumed his new post April 1st.
C?mpbell "pervised
Public RelaInformation* and
coming to Wagner, he was Director of
and asto the president Of
Wide Broadcasting System. Previously, he served as a D~~~~~
relations specialist for the U. S,
Foreign Service in
ica, having
duties f o r the Department of
State in Cuba, Bolivia, Colombia,
and Haiti. From 1952-1955 he
was Consul and
Ogicer in Brazil.
Writers Conference
T h e Fifth Annual New York
City Writers Conference scheduled for Wagner College, J u l y
12-22, has received a gift of
$1000 from a n anonymous donor,
for a Negro instructor, three
Negro fellowships, a n d t h e promotion of Negro fellowships.
The terms of t h e fellowship
g i f t s cover tuition, room, board,
and a n allowance for travel and
expenses. Invitations to nominate
candidates a r e now,being s e n t t o
t h e English departments of
Negro colleges a n d universities
a n d t o outstanding Negro writers. T h e gift is given "in memory
of William Allan Nielsen of
Smith College."
The Stanley Award i n Drama
will again be presented in 1960.
This award, t h e largest given a t
a n y s u m m e r writers conference,
will go to t h e playwright whose
script i s judged t h e best of those
submitted to a panel of judges
headed by H. R. Hays, playwright, novelist, and television
writer a n d leader of t h e Conference's Drama Workshop.
Donor of t h e Award is Mrs.
Robert C. Stanley of Staten Island. Last year's winner, whose
play "The Apple Also Falls," was
selected from 45 plays submitted.
The writer was Gene Radano, a
New York City policeman.
Mr. Corham Munson, veteran
conference leader and distinguished writer, will again be
Conference Director, a s d u r i n g
t h e past four summers.
-On Saturday t h e r e will be a n informal luncheon in t h e Alumn
Dining Hall; Uack-to-Classroom Seminars i n Chemistry, Art, an
displayst and opportunities for parents to collfe
O t h e r lnajor
with faculty a n d staff members.
The following events will t a k e place in Saturday afternoon: Th
Wagner College-Seton Hall baseball game t o be played on t h e Wag
ner Diamond; Ground breaking ceremonies f o r t h e new library; a n
t h e Annual Meeting of t h e Alumni Association. The events f o
Saturday evening include: Receptions for t h e Classes of 1930, 1935
1940, 1945, 1955 a n d 1 9 5 9 ; Alumni Reunion-Banquet, a t whic
Alumni Awards a n d 50-year Keys will be presented; and t h e Sprin
Song F e s t i n t h e Frederic S u t t e r Gymnasium. Chairman of t h
Alumni program i s J a m e s H. Hutchison, Class of '49.
Included o n t h e agenda f o r P a r e n t s a r e a n informal luncheon i
t h e Alumni Dining Hall; meetings with faculty a n d staff; seminar
conducted by t h e Art, Chemistry, History, Nursing a n d Religio
and Phi1osol)hy Departments; a reception for parents i n Beisle
Lounge; t h e Parents' Banquet i n t h e Alumni Dining H a l l ; a n As
sociation of Families meeting i n t h e auditorium a n d a s t u d e n t pre
sentation of Tennessee Williams' "Glass Menagerie."
Co-chairmen for Parents' Day a r e Dr. a n d Mrs. Herbert Wende
ken who a r e also co-chairmen of t h e Association of Families. Stu
d e n t chairman of Parents' Day is Kenneth Graham.
T h e ground breaking ceremony will begin a t 3 g.m. on Saturday
A stand for speakers will b e erected o n t h e oval overlooking t h
broken ground. Assisting i n ,the ceremony along with Dr. Richar
Heindel, Dr. Frederic Sutter, Mr. Harold Mathias a n d Miss Mar
Chichester will be Dr. A1 Beck a n d Dr. Newman of t h e New York
New England Synod.
Essentially of concrete, brick a n d glass, t h e l f b r a r y will have
seating capacity of 420 i n addition t o conference rooms a n d office
I t will hold 100,000 volumes.
W h e n t h e library is ready for use Wagner will be able t o accep
approximately 1 0 0 more students t h a n a t preserit because of clas
room space added in t h e Main Building which now houses t h
library. A target d a t e of July 1, 1 9 6 1 has bsen s e t f o r completion o
t h e library.
Exchange Students Visit
Becomes Case For Police
T h e familiar "I'm working by
n a y through college" routine
was t h e cause of a recent disturbance i n t h e families of Dr.
Richard Heindel a n d Dean J o h n
seemed a n earnest effort toward
self bettermen turned o u t t o be
a case for t h e police.
According to Dead Bacher t h e
incident began i n his home o n
t h e afternoon of April 1 when he
arrived home a t 4:30 p.m. H e
discovered two girls in their
early twenties conversing with
his wife. They supposedly were
foreign exchange students enrolled a t t h e University of Pennsylvania.
T h e two girls, one a n English
major and t h e other a n Archaeology major, were selling subscriptions to magazines. They claimed
t h a t 1)ean and Mrs. Bacher were
referred to them by Mrs. Heindel. Oddly enough, their list of
magazines was largely composed
of obscure publications.
The girls told t h e Bache
t h a t , under t h e exchange pro
gram their travelling expens
had been paid, b u t t h a t they w e
responsible for supplying t h
money for their tuition. The
also mentioned t h a t they we
staying in Manhattan. They d
clined Mrs. Hacher's dinner inv
tation a n d went on their wa
leaving t h e Bachers with t h e im
pression t h a t they were worki'n
their way through college.
The next day, however,
phone call t o Dean Racher fro
the wife of a local doctor intr
duced complications. I t seem
t h a t a t 8 : 30 p.m. of t h e previo
evening t h e two "students" ca
e d o n t h e doctor's wife with t h
s a m e magazine
story. However, a t this hom
they claimed t o be housegues
of t h e Bachers a.nd were driv
to t h e home of t h e doctor by Mr
Hacher who would r e t u r n t o pi
them up.
(Continued on page 5 )
April 29, 1960
Letters t o the Editor
se the scheduled speaker is unable to be present'
ounvocation on Thursday, May 12, Dr. Heindel has h a * Editor:
ed to be present in the auditorium to answer all
French a n d Algerian controt h a t the student body might offer regarding ex- versies: Algeria, t h e largest
d proposed policies of the college administration. French over sea territory, h a s
itors of this newspaper, a s well a s various inter- been tdrn by civil w a r since 1954.
to promote' this type
dents, have been
t forum
that a
strifes and guerrilla warfare. One
r press conference type of meeting with the Presi- billion dollars is spent annually
e college will serve a dual purpose.
by O u r trea,suryl and half of o u r
we feel t h a t many existing rumors concerning
is stationed in Algeria.
of policy which have ballooned to ridiculous porT h e National Algerian Movemight be answered and
into true prospec- ment, a n d t h e natioAal F r o n t for
y such rumors are started by
popularized by equally uninformed members of Lbieration, two important poljtical parties are both fighting
France and also have differences
d' we are certain that students given an Oppo:- On how t o r u n their Own coundiscuss their proposals and gripes with the
T h e Communist Party, whom
break down a long existing barrier of poor com- try.
we suspect to be behind all the
ns between students and the administration. We
urge t h a t t h e students of this college attend this troubles, has gained much imsince 1957, and is
a s we feel i t may have a lasting effect on the fu- 'Ortance
porting the p.L.N.
ent government and extra curricular program.
ecent meeting of the Student Association two imuestions were discussed. President Mary Chichesthe proposed amendments to the constitution.
Chichester and her revision committee have
or many months on the proposals and have done an
job in accomplishing a modernized and more p r a o
stitution to improve the functioning of Student
econd equally important question involved the
of the menacing jukebox in the Hawk's Nest. The
contention centered on the outrageous, uncontrolle the thing spews into the area, and the poor seleccords t h a t it contains. Rock 'n Roll may be a n exventure, a s well a s a remedy for pent up emotions
agers, but i t is hardly appropriate for a college
ugh a quorum was not present to effectively supasure t o eliminate t h e jukebox, a majority of those
present voted to remove the jukebox and replace
more satisfying form of musical entertainment.
hed fortnightly d u r i n g t h e college year, except d u r i n g
eriods, by t h e students of Wagner College, 631 Howard
t a t e n Island, New York.
tor-in-Chief.. ..................... .James Beau Hammond
V. Lucille Corrier
Editor ........................................................
J a n Henderson
Editor ..........................................................
.................................................................... Joyce Wilson
tor .........................
.......................................Bruce Minor
P e t e r Molnar
Editor ...........................................................
rs ......................................................Carol Durr, J o h n W a r d
ors ..............................................V a n Johansson, J a n e L e e
a n d Circulation ................................................Sylvia Rider
s. ............. .
......................... B o b Leisegang. J u d y Heine,
Rosemary Loffredo, Vincent Romeo
visor.. ..................... .
a Zeller Gross
rials of T H E WAGNERIAN a r e written by t h e editors a n d
ly t h e editors' opinions. Letters t o t h e editor will be
y consent of t h e editors a n d when space permits.
this unnecessary bloodshed but
has failed and Premiers have replaced one another trying t o give
t h e right solution. I think t h a t
a11 our troubles will be ended
once t h e Communist party will
have lost its influences o n t h e '
National Assembly.
I n 1958, f o r t h e second time,
general 3 e Gaulle came back with
his unique resolution to save
~ t C. O ~ . and Mrs. A r t h u r E.
France. His speaches and his Muller of Grymes Hill, Staten
Island, have recently made a generous gift t o Wagner's Library
F u n d in memory of their son. t h e
l a t e Lieutenant A r t h u r E. Muller, J r .
(Gonthmed from page 1)
of E d w h Markham's Biography
T h e gift, t o be applied to t h e
W i t h Etchings By B e r n h a r d library's Economics a n d Finance
Wall, which was presented by section, consists of 40 shares of
Ed win Markham a t t h e American General Motors Corporation compoets congressin Mexico, City, mon stock, 20 shares of Ameriand a n enlarged photograph of can Cyanamid Corporation
the poet which was displayed on
stock, and 2 0 shares of
the stage. .
Phelps Dodge Corporation capiProfessor Markham also ac- t a l stock.
Lieutenant.Muller was comc e ~ t e da letter written by Howa r d Chandler Christie identifying missioner 'as a n officer. in t h e
himself a s t h e a r t i s t of t h e un- Army's combat engineers in
finished portrait of Edwin Mark- 1955, a f t e r his graduation from
h a m which hangs i n t h e second Wes Point Military Academy. H e
floor library. This fact was un- was fatally injured a t Maison
covered by Dr. Hampton.
Forte, France, i n 1958.
professor Markham read "A
T h e g i f t is Mr. Muller's second
Mendecino Memory" written by major contribution f o r t h e lihis f a t h e r a b o u t 60 years ago. H e brary, having previously given
went on t o read, i n part, from Wagner 20 shares of E. I. duPont
"Lincoln, T h e Man Of T h e deNemours common stock a s a
People," written in February, memorial t o Ethel Stebbins.
1900. T h e following lines, according to Professor Markham,
were inspired by his mother a n d
rescued f r o m a n earlier, dis- $
carded poem a s t h e final verse of
"Lincoln" :
Gift Given In
Educational Institution
Undergraduate Classes Leading to LL.B. Degree
Leading to Degree of LL.M.
w Term Commences September 19,1960
A government i n exile h a s been
in Carfop Egypt by t h e
F.L.N. o n September 19, 1 9 5 7 ;
F e r r h a s Abbas was named Premier. This self appointed governmerit was immediately recog;
nized by Libya. Iraq, t h e U.A.R.,
Tunisia a n d Morocco. Our cent r a l government in P a r i s h a s
promises, made hiln become p r e - h i s functions a n d permitted also
mierr and gave the. nation a
the arrest Of Pierre l'agaillnrde'
founded hope. I do t h i n k t h a t t h e a revolutionary chief.
I t is definitely my belief t h a t ,
Fifth Republic a n d president d e
president de
Gaul1e are the surest way of giving back to our country its pres- with t h e united people of my
al f a i rl a n d ~ profitable
tige, power and unity, D~ ~
~ country,
with solution will be fgund to suit
said that he
General Massau was relieved of F r a n c e and Algeria. While persethe F.L.N. only when t h e rebels verance and time, I know that,
will lay down their a r m s , ~t t h e right solution will be discovseems, however, t h a n t h e F.L.N. ered.
H c n r i Cohen
does not want to negotiate; and
* * *
the F ~ ~farmers,
~ ~ -who
a r e so well established, d o not Dear Editor:
want t o leave, France cannot
TO all of y o u - ~ e m b e r s of the
definitely deal with Algeria with- Administration, Stali, Faculty,
its own citizens in and Student Body, who helped to
make College Day, April 23rd,
I do believe t h a t it would be t h e tremendous success it was.
impossible for u s t o give Algeria my most sincere thanks-witht o t h e rebels who would soon be o u t you i t would n o t h a v e been
overcome by communism a n d possible.
also France cannot 'ust abandon
Your willingness to meet prosall t h e modernization plans a n d pective students and your help
the newly discovered Assi Mes- with t h e various activities of t h e
saoud oil wells..It would be a dis- day assists greatly in o u r Admisaster if rebels put their hands on sions program.
all these riches.
Our campus visitors were favOur president, I
sure, is orably impressed by a l l they saw
doing once more what is the best and heard.
thing f o r his country; his politic
Again, my thanks.
self-determination is actually
the best for our present situa1)omt)hy P. Screnbcrg
tion; it permitted deGaulle to
College Day C o o r d i n u h r
end the
of Algiers when
. . . WE
". . . a n d
when he fell in a
whirlwind, he went down
As when a lordly cedar,
green with boughs,
Goes down $with a great
shout upon t h e hills,
And leaves a lonesome place
against t h e sky."
A capacity audience comprised
of students a n d faculty were
present t o enjoy t h e morning service.
xt Books Trade Books - Stationery
Cards - Pens - Gifts
Stop I n T o Browse
Harold I. Smith
GIbralter 2-2804
P o r t Richmond, 6. I.
Dr. a n d Mrs. Richard H.
Heindel will hold s reception
at their home, 41 Sunset Terrace, o n Sunday, May 15, f r o m
9 t o 5 p.m. f o r all g r a d u a t i n g
GI 8-8000
Free Phone
On Ramp
i n Terminal
Three-month course lends to a
commission a s a Second Lieutenant. If you are graduaring this June,
You may be eligible for
the new Air Force OfficerTraining
School. Successful completion of the
three-monthcourse wins you a Cornm;ss~on,
and head-start on a bright,
rewarding future in the Aerospace
T h e School is open to men and
graduates. with certain techn'ologicaland administrative
skills. If you are selected for the
School, you will receive
geant pay while a trainee. Graduated officers may later apply for advanced training and graduate study
a t government expense. Male officers may also apply f o r flight traini n as
~ pilots or navigators.
F o r the career-minded young offiw r , the Air Force way of life can be
stimulating, exciting and f u l l o f
meaning. He will be serving himself,
his family and his nation. This is the
Aerospace Age. I t is a time when a
career in Air Force blue has so much
. to offer the young man or woman
6 h o qualifies.
T h e Air Force is seeking only a
select group of college graduates for
admission into O f f i c e r T r a i n i n g
School. However, we'd be happy to
senior who is interested. Just write:
Officer Training school Informat i o n , D e p t . SCL04, B o x 7608,
Washington 4, D.C.
T h ~ e ' sa $lace for tonrorrmu's
leaders on the
AerosPace Team.
Air Force
April 29, 1960
The long Spring
has come to a 'lose
and 4 2 girls
their new pledge pins. These
Alpha Delta Pi-Joan
Linda, Dengel, Dale Dorner, P a t
Dunigan, Dolores Garcia, Barbara
Korker, Peggy Zaleb.
Alpha Omicorn P i - B a r b a r a
Bauerle, Carol Buxbaum, Lorraine Cook, Louisa,Earnst, Linda
Faltin, R u t h Healy, Lois Hofman, Vivian Lasting, Betsy Pinta r d , Phyllis Ricciardi, Sue Rowe,
Lois Schutz, Janet Seekamp, Lyn
Vocke, Robin .Young.
Delta Z e t a - F a i t h Bernard,
Elsie Horsman, Kay Novick, Cynthis d e Heyman, Lyn R a e Zenner.
Zeta T a u Alpha-Joan
Charczuk, Carol Colstrom, Elaine
Hampfler, K a t h y Hannken, Barbara , ~ i ~~~b~~~
~ ~ ~~ , ~
Per, Maureen Hutchison,, J u d y
Mazetti, Linda Molnar, Geri Osti,
R i t a Oun, Ellen Reifler, Arlene
Schert, Baltbara Spellman, Linda
A D P i initiated five new sisl
t e r s o n April2. They a r e Lucille
Corrier, Barbara Gattiker, Gine t t e Hyde, Marg Lis a n d J u d y
McLellan. T h e initiation banquet
was held a t t h e Staaten.
Spring Dance
8' at the
r o t Club. Several a l u m n a e were
there to greet the new sisters
as to enjoy
t h e evening.
Ruth' Lopez, on h e r marriage t o
Pete Andersen: ( T K E ) 9 On March
, On April 6, A 0 P i 'actives welcomed their alums a t a party. All
t h e girls h a d a good time, renewing old acquaintances a n d
catching up o n t h e news.
Mothers of A 0 Pi's met with
their daughters for a luncheon
on Saturday, April 9. This meeting provided a good beginning in
t h e formation of a Motb.erls Club.
On April 10, several A 0 p i
sisters entertained patients a t
Seaview Hospital. Performers
a n d audience alike enjoyed t h e
Delta Zeta held a cosmetics
demonstration on April 6 , in
Beisler Lounge.
'T A
its 'lased
dance On
13*at the
vard, with music by F r a n k
T h r e e girls were initiated a s
sisters of Z T A o n March 5. T h y
a r e Nancy Munch, Beverly
gue, a n d Linda Skrod. T h e initiation banquet was held a t
Lakes Restaurant.
(Continued from page 1)
t h e S t a t e University of Iowa.
P r i o r t o undertaking graduate
studies, h e owned and operated
his own business.
Dr. Harter, who h a s been active i n t h e programming a n d
moderating of educational television and radio programs, is t h e
a u t h o r of many articles a n d coa u t h o r of Propaganda Handbook,
A Guide to Mass Persuasion.
Dr. H a r t e r , who is married a n d
h a s two a d u l t children, is active
with Mrs. H a r t e r in church activities a n d education. An expert
i n Russian affairs, h e will t o u r
t h a t country this summer.
, .
Nominations Track
by John Ward
Wagner's cinderman scored a Trenton on April 23rd for a trif Continued jront page 1)
by Vincent 5'. Romeo
Kappa Sigma Alpha held a cheerleader f o r two years a n d 7 8 M t o 57 % victory Over Queens angular meet with Trenton and
Calypso P a r t y a t t h e S.I. Gentle- class t r e a s u r e r ' f o r two years. She College. The Seahawks collected Brooklyn Polytechnic. T h e Seamen's Club last Sat. night. Kappa is Pan-Hellenic Delegate f o r Al- 38 points in track events, while hawks fame will have a chance to
also held their induction dinner pha Delta Pi, a member of Stu- Queens rolled UP 39. There was, see t h e team on home grounds on
t h e r e for t h e i r new brothers o n d e n t Education Association of however, a n appreciable differ- April 30th when t h e Wagner
April 6th.
New York State, a n d a CCC car- ence in t h e field events, t h e Sea- runners face H u n t e r College a n d
l~ t
~ ~ recently ~nival chairman.
~ collecting
i 35 1h ~markers s~t . peter's College.
Car01 Marie Walter is a mem- to Queens 18 %.
induCted nine new brothers: KenThe summaries:
n e t h Behrins, Albert Detmar, ber of t h e College Choir, Alpha
The highlights of t h e nleet
Vincent Fischetti, Matthew Hywere Ward's triple victory i n t h e
Of New
land, Richard Granger, F r a n k
mile, half-mile, a n d two-mile Mi;e: 1, Ward ( w ) ; 2, pescn
Lanza, P e t e r Norden, ~ o b e i t State.
along with P e t e Van Hagen's
( A ) ; 3, Selnlan ( w ) . Time~r'wurer
Plotkin, a n d Donald Roeser. Don
shattering of t h e pole vault rec4~46.
f o r ord.
Rosen Was elected best pledge
440: 1, Schwarz ( Q ) ; 2, Snlith
is a member Of Alpha
a n d t h e prize included a one way
I n t h e mile, Ward kicked out
( w ) ; 3, Arwin ( Q ) . Timeticket by plane t o Boston. T h e in- Delta Pip Varsity Players, College
duction dinner f o r t h e new broth- Choir a n d t h e Bacteriology SOmargin wit h a 4: 46 clockingYard Dash: 1, Finkley ( Q ) ;
e r s was held a t t h e Cove Inn ciety.
seconds Off the Wagner
'2, Hecker ( W ) ; 3, L e Petri
William Wittcopp is also runR e s t a u r a n t on Monday, April 11.
( Q ) . Time-10.0.
ning for Treasurer. H e was Vice- Ord. In the
Phi Omega inducted:
"StOney" Ford
High Hurdles: 1 , Niessner
L a w r e n c e Berkowitz, R 0 n
a ~~~~h and Life Week co- t h e stretch a n d came o u t ahead
( W ) ; 2, Tenet ( Q ) ; 3, Amato
George, J o h n Heinrichs, William and
a t t h e tope by three-tenths of a
( W ) . Time-19.4.
Lewis, Carl Raichle, a n d Nick chairman. H e is a member of p h i second. Ford caught vengeance
Reuter. They were inducted on Sigma Kappa, Varsity Players, in t h e two-mile only to meet with
( W ) ; 2 , Ford
t h e football team, s t u d e n t chrisApril llth.
( & ) ; 3 9 Smith ( W ) '
outtian Association, a n d the ~ ~ t h ~ ~ 2:06.6.
~ Sigma~ P h i is dhaving i~t s
'He is also on kicked him in t h e final fifty
weekend May 14th at the t h e Traffic Committee and Stu- yards.
220 Yard Dash: 1, L e P e t r i ( Q ) ;
in Asbury d e n t Council.
2, IIecker ( W ) ; 3. Schwarz
Freshman Pete Van ,
interested in at( Q ) . Time-24.T.
T h e following three people a r e won t h e pole vault and broke
tending see
interested i n t h e position of the existing record doing so. 220 Low Hurdles: 1
o r a n y Alpha brother.
Executive Secretary:
Van Hagen sailed over t h e bar 220 Low Hurdles: 1, Niessner
Phi Sigma Kappa inducted: R.
Grace Ann Douglas is her class a t eleven feet, bettering t h e old
( W ) ; 2 , Tenet ( Q ) ; 3, Anlato
Ackerson, C. Bergstrom, J. president, a member of t h e record of ten feet, nine inches.
( W ) . Time-28.4.
Bonamo, G. Dale, H. Daniels, F. Dormitory Council,. a n d plays
Two other men, Bob Niessner &-Mile: 1 , Ward ( W ) ; 2, F o r q
DeJulio, K. Drange, D. Em- Varsity Basketball and Hockey.
( A ) ; 3, Pesch. (Q)T Timeand
Don Cavelli, scored ten
meluth, N. Evans, C. Graventine,
Linda F a l t i n is on t h e Wompoints
R. Hanson, F. Hildenbrand, C. en's Basketball team a n d a memevents. Niessner took t h e hurdles Mile ,Relay: 1, Queens; 2, W
Kramer. J. Lange, W. McIntyre, ber of t h e Chapel Choir.
and Cavelli t h e shot Put and
( ~ u r p h y , Kristianf
A. Meyer, H. Meyers, V. MonterSuzanne Rowe is a member of
osso, R. Nelson, R. Neuls, D. t h e Student Nurse Fellowship,
Bob Hecker ties t h e 100 yard
Rebullo, P. Van Hagen.
t h e College Choir, L u t h e r a n StuFIELD EVENTS
T h e editors of this paper would d e n t Club, a n d i s Secretary of t h e dash record of 10.1 while finishs h o t P u t : 1, Cavalli ( W ) ; 2.
ing second in t h a t event.
a t this time like t o cbngratulate Freshman Class.
Menzel ( Q ) ; 37 Finkleberg
a l l t h e men who have been inCouncfzman-at-Large
Conrad Schwartz took his
( Q ) . Distance--42.
ducted into fraternities t h i s
Six people a r e r u n n i n g f o r marks f o r t h e mile b u t when the
gun went off he doubled up and Discus: 1,Cavelli ( W ) ; 2, GevenP i Chi Omega i s holding i t s anLpis Schutz is secretary of t h e
t e r ( Q ) ; 3. McLoughlin ( W ) .
n u a l closed formal a t t h e Rich- College Council, a member of t h e fell to the ground. By t h e time
Distance--6-2 42 ".
mond County Country Club. John Women's Basketball team, a n d a Coach Barbes had convinced
Javelin: 1 , Johnston ( W ) ; 2.
Nickels a n d his orchestra will Freshman Class Councilor.
Schwartz t h a t he hadn't been
Menzel ( Q ) ; 3, McLoughlin
provide t h e music.
a member of shot, t h e race was over.
(w). Distance-163'1".
The active brothers of Delta Choir.
T h e ' track team will travel t o
(Continued on page 4)
NU a r e playing t h e a l u m n i brothGale Tollefson is Vice-presie r s i n a bowling tournament a t d e n t of t h e Pre-Med Society, i s ,
Bowl f o r Health a n d F u n
Sunset Lanes on April 30th.
Activities Chairman f o r Alpha
Alpha Sig's banner was finally Omicron Pi a n d was Treasurer
retdrned t o Wagner from t h e of h e r pledge class. She is also a
Univ. of Mass.
member of t h e Chemistry SoAutomatic Pinspotters
K e n (Delta Nu) Berg was en- ciety, College Choir, Student
G I 7-9258
gaged t o Barbara Caliendo. J o h n Christian Association, Deutscher
(Alpha Sig) Campi was pinned und Kreis Juliior Prom Committ o Carol Painter. P e t e r (Delta tee, Homecoming Float P a r a d e
N u ) W i r t h was *pinned t o J a n Committee, Social H o u r CommitRoasio. F r e d (Delta N u ) Black- tee for F a i t h a n d Life Week a n d
Look Well With Vince Ladell
well was pinned t o I r e n e Mays.
t h e Wagnerian. She is a proctor
Alpha P h i Omega recent ser- for t h e s t u d y h a l l a n d secretary
vice f o r t h e college involved t h e f o r t h e CCC carnival committee.
blood donations. APO received She was a member of t h e FreshFlattops and Crewcuts
over 100 pledges f o r blood for man-Sophomore Dance CommitS
T h a t Look L o n g
the Red cross.
tee, t h e Freshman Show a n d
Freshman Olympics.
Wendell Kopp is a member of
J u s t off-Hill
1678 VICTORY BLVD. (Opp Acme Mkt. P a r k i n g Lot)
R u t h Healy is a member of
Dormitory Council a n d president
of h e r floor.
Ordera over $3.00
K a r e n Kristianson is Assistant
Delivered to Dorms
Treasurer of Alpha Omicron Pi,
Secretary of t h e Bacteriology
up to 1 0 ~ 3 0
Society. She plays Varsity B ~ S HILL
ketball a n d Hockey. She was a
Near Ulove Rd.
member of F a i t h and Life Week
GI a-0861
Petitions f o r additions t o t h e
slate must be submitted t o J a n
Florists' Telegraph ~ e l i v e r y Henderson by Friday, April 29
provided t h a t they contain ~ i g n a 4585 AMBOY ROAD
t u r e s of 15% of t h e student body
or about 1 5 3 signatures.
Eltingville, S. I., N. Y.
The results of t h e election will
YU 4-9745
be announced a t t h e Student As. 352 VICTORY BLVD.
For All
sociation Banquet on May '5.
Any Victory Blvd.
Bus Goes There
Call: G I 2-288S
Free Delivery
I Y I M ) Y L ~
Madalone's Bowling Center
Diner's Delite 6
Flower Shop
Page 4
Four Seniors
Given Grants
T h e management of "The Andersonville Trial," t h e Broadway
d r a m a t ic triumph s t a r r i n g
F o d r Wagner College seniors,
George C. Scott, Albert Dekker
a n d Herbert Berghof a t Henry two of them Island residents,
Miller's Theater, realizing t h e have been notified of g r a d u a t e
special appeal this page-out-of- awards t h a t will enable t h e m t o
history production h a s for stu- e a r n Ph.D. degrees in science.
dents, h a s s e t up a special stuMiss Joan Frediani of 2 Leod e n t ticket purchasing plan nard Avenue h a s received a Nawhereby seats may be obtained tional Defense Fellowship a t t h e
via a special mail order blank University of ~
without using t h e regular, more fellowship, in zoology, is renuimpersonal, box-office channels.
able f o r three years. ~t carries
These mail order blanks have a cash g i f t of $2,000, $2,200, a n d
been s e n t t o t h e heads of t h e $2,400 f o r t h e first, second, a n d
English, Drama and American , third years respectively, The
History Departments a n d may be award is given to encourage outobtained from them, or from t h e standing studests to prepare for
producers, Darrid - Saidenberg - college teaching a n d research.
Hollywood, 137 W. 48th St., Miss Fredialii, who completed
h e r work a t Wagner i n J a n u a r y ,
N.Y.C. 19.
- ~ ~ h ~~
~ is a~ is ~now~ workiqg
i a s al laboratory
dynamic and exciting drama assista9t a t New Dorp High
which embodies all t h e elements
The second Islander is Charles
of important theater, dealing
with t h e most romantic e r a in I-Iackenbrock of 665 Clove Road
American history a n d presenting who has been appointed Univera melodramatic trial, possessing sity Scholar in Anatomy a t t h e
moral a n d ethical questions of College of Physicians and Surgenorlnous stature. I t takes place eons a t Columbia University o f r
The fellowship carries
hot, summer lnonths 1960-61.
of 1865, when this nation was a g i f t of $1,800 a n d is renewrising from a bloody a n d shatter- able through t h e completion of
ing Civil W a r a n d was stirred t o doctoral studies.
Mr. Hackenbrock, who will
w r a t h when Captain Henry Wirz,
Commandant of t h e infamous c o m ~ l e t e his work a t Wagner
Confederate prison a t Anderson- d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r session, h a s
ville, Georgia, was tried for con- been a Wagner Evening student
spiring against t h e United States. since 1954 while working fulltime a s a curator of reptiles a t
~ i ~ by ~Jose~ F e tr r e r~, "The
ndersonville Trial" was bravo'd I t h e Staten Island Zoo.
The other awards, t o Robert
y t h e New York d r a m a critics.
Ialter Kerr, in t h e Herald Tri- Halling of Bay Shore, N. Y., a n d
une, said: "You're in f o r a Robert Novack of Rochelle P a r k ,
whale of a n evening. It's a wal- N. J., a r e teaching assistantships
loping piece of showmanship. a t P u r d u e University. The assiTheatrically electrifying. The stantships, carrying a stipend of
acting is superb" and t h e Asso- $2,800 annually, will enable
ciated Press called i t "A d r a m a these students to e a r n Ph.D. deof brilliant impact, played with grees i n t h e field of Organic
towering virtuosity. A memor- Chemistry. They a r e t h e third
able dramatic experience, a dra- a n d f o u r t h
awards made t o
matic triumph."
Wagner students by P u r d u e i n
Performances of "The Andert h e past three years.
sonville Trial" a t Henry Miller's
Theater, 124 W. 43rd. St., a r e
nightly (except Sunday) a t 8 : 40
a n d on Wednesday a n d Saturday
T h e Graduate Record Exam.-.*tsrnoon a t 2 a n d 2:40 respecin the
il,atiol, M,ill be
gymnasium o n May 6, at 9:00
All those who plan t o graduate i n June o r a t t h e e n d of t h e
It's Time F o r A Spring
u m m e r school session a r e reII squired
t o t a k e t h e test.
Bring your car i n now f o r
a complete tune-up by
Victory Hill
Service station
G I 2-9396
1 6 0 0 Victory Blvd.
(Corner Little Clove)
S. I. 1, N. Y.
Auto Repairs
Gas and Oil discount t o
college students. W e will
~ i c kup a n d deliver your
car while you a r e i n class.
April 2 9 - ~ a y2
Hound Dog Man
The Seven Thieves
May 3
Madame Butterfly
May 4-10
Mystery Of t h e Deep
Home F r o m T h e Hill
Wagner Students
Attend Seminar
The Staten Island Advance requires t h a t seniors who wish t o
have their graduation notices
printed must submit t h e m by
mail. The notice should include:
glossy photo, name, address, debe earned, major field,
organization memberships,
a ht Wagner.
Send t h e information to: Education Editor, S t a t e 9 Island AdN. Y.
vance, Staten Island
Wagner's Information Office
will submit notices t o t h e homenewspapers Of out-Of-towii
seniors on request. Contact
Frank Hannigan*
Selection Team
To Visit Campus
The U. S. Marine Corps Officer
College campus on t h e 1 3 t h of
May l g 6 0 .
Marine Officers
be here
interview interested students f o r
both the
and air Officer
training programs. These prog r a m s a r e open t o a l l undergradT h e visiting Marine Officers
On the
programs d u r i n g their visit, in'luding
a n d how t o initiate applications.
They will be located i n t h e
Hawks Nest f r o m 9: 30 to 2: 30.
(Continued f r o m page 3)
High Jump: 1 , Ferric ( w ) ; 2,
B~~~~~ ( w ) ; 3, ~
~ (w
t )
Broad J u m p : 1, Menzel ( Q ) ; 2:
Bownes ( W ) ; 3, Smith ( W ) .
% N.
p o l e Vault: 1 , Van Hagen ( W ) ;
2, Ernstoff (Q) ; 3, Steward
( W ) . Height 11'.
YE Old€
REsta u run7
April 29-May 2
Heller I n P i n k Tights
The Female
;\lay 3-6
Too Soon To Love
May 6-10
Rebel Breed
Angry Red Planet
April 29-May 2
Anatomy o f A Murder
Room At T h e Top
May 2-10
Solomon a n d Sheba
T h r e e Came To Kill
April 29, 196,
Lutheran students from 25
states, the District of columbia,
four foreign countries attended the eleventh a n n u a l
washington Seminar f o r ~ ~ t
eran Students here, ~
The 126 students represented
nine theological seminaries, 20
Lutheran colleges and teacher
t two L
~ u t h e r a~n
deaconess training schools, a n d
Seven n o n - l u t h e r a n colleges a n d
in Washington t h e students had a n opportunity t o observe the
government Operation'
discuss current
to clarify t h e responsibilities of
Christian citizenship i n a democracy, and t o appraise t h e role of
Christians in public life.
Five Lutherans in high government positions took p a r t i n
of t h e seminar.
lrhey were: Congressman
H' MOeller (Mo. Synod) Of Ohio;
J. Philip Carlson ( A w . 1, minorfor the House
Government OperaDr.
( A L C ) , assistant director for adin the Atomic EnergY Commission's Division of
Reactor Development, a n d also
fourth vice-president
American Lutheran Church; Mrs.
D' Kearns ( U L C A ) p
Special consultant to t h e Postmaster General; a n d Harold W.
Lieske (Mo. Synod) of t h e Post
Office Department's Office of Research and Engineering.
~t the pentagon, the students
heard addresses on " ~ ~~l~
h ~of
the U.S. ~~~~d F~~~~~
in World
Affairs," "Missile a n d Space Prohgrams," a n d "Character Guidance Programs in the llrmed
State Department officials described t h e citizen's role i n
foreign affairs, told of current
progress toward disarmament,
a n d outline factors in t h e Berlin
The visiting students were also
given a glimpse of t h e nation's
capital a s seen by a Lutheran
who is a newsman. J , william
of United
~h~~~ (UbCA),
Staff, shared ~ i t the
h group his
HI^^^^^^^ Into the Presidential
Church leaders participating
included Dr. Robert E. Van
Deusen, Washington Secretary of
t h e Division of Public Relations
of t h e National L u t h e r a n Council, who discussed
Citizen in a D e m ~ c r a c y , ' ~ Dr.
P a u l M. Orso, executive director
of t h e L u t h e r a n I n n e r Mission
society in the
who talked o n "Christian Social
Dr. Gordon
S. Huffman, president of t h e
American L u t h e r a n Church's
Eastern District, whose address
centered on "An Appreciation of
American Heritage."
Held annually, t h e Washing-
Just a few items:
K a r l Kamp h a s joined t h e circus-I
mean enjoyed t h e circus.
h i A f t el r f o u r Years of being a
nobody a t Wagner College, I a m
proud to announce t h a t I have
made t h e grade. Yes, dear following-I. am now immortal! Next to
an obscenity about my fraternal
affiliation on stall one of the OffHill Gentlemen,s
Lounge my
name has been affixed; a n d along
with me, added to t h e cult of
fame, is ~ o Herman.
Thank you
a l l f o r this undeserved honor.
B u t now o n t o some really
good news! If you remember my
column back in September,
you might recall my dedication
of s a m e t o Professor Evica,
bearded gentleman. Since then 1
have been plagued with questions
about him.
Mr. Evica, who t a u g h t creative
writing here 1957-1959, has been
appointed assistant professor of
general education-communicarion i n t h e Language Arts division
of San Francisco State College.
Mr. Evica holds degrees from
western R~~~~~~ and Columbia
Universities. He is presently a
member of t h e English Department a t Brooklyn College, a n d
has also t a u g h t a t R u t g e r s a n d
Columbia Universities.
On t h e Arts:
I a m glad t o see s o m a s y Wagn e r i a n ~a t t h e a t t h e Metropolit a n Museum of Art, although I
know t h a t Professor Schmidt's
assignments have something t o
d o with it. Another note o n Phillip Schmidt: Have you seen his
On a Donkey? Thursday evening Past, t h e
Aesthetics class,' together with
Dr. Kegley a n d Dean Stern pregented an Art Film on the Life
of Maxim Geki. It was not too
well attended.
The senior
was a gas-I
preferred t h e Eloise Trio plus
Finnegan's Wake
w!h be staged here by the
Varsity Players on April 28, 29,
30. The cast is overworked a n d
underpaid, so please g e t o u t a n d
give Yoor s u ~ ~ 0 r t - 1 d o not t h i n k
t h a t a snowstorm should a c t a s a
Clubs Donate Gifts
In recent weeks
lege has been benefited by
tributions from two Staten Island organizations.
T h e Italian Club of Staten
Island, Inc. has donated $600 t o
t h e Library fund.
Last Sunday, afternoon Dean
Adolph Stern accepted, o n behalf
of t h e college, a gift of $500 for
t h e new chapel from t h e Everyman's Bible Class of Staten
Island. The ceremony was held
in t h e aoditorium.
(Continued on page 5 )
For Royal Dining
Seahawks Flock to
Dancing Nitely
Service Station
The Icings Arms
Free Parking
Clover Rd. a n d Victory Blvd.
GI 2-9575
Hamburgers a n d Steaks
Charcoal Broiled
Page 5
rogram is s e t f o r t h e
rally will be t h e first 1
e American demonstr
the man "most
likely t o succeed?"
T h e meeting, which will
aired by Mrs. Eleanor
It of t h e executive board
nen Williams, Governor of
life insurance.
Randolph, president
Brotherhood of Sleeping
it's really growing fast."
Ben's right! Lutheran Brother-
The meeting is expected
us a card for t h e full story*
be held while t h e S
s a r e i n progress i n
CSNP was founded in
nuclear weapons testing a
of Martin Luther window
(18" x 247, suitable for
framing and display in
home or classroom. Write
Lutheran Brotherhood today.
ng human life on
r e now more t h a
n's aims a n d who will pe
t h e meeting include
lafonte, a Committee s p
ike Nichols a n d Elaine
572 Davis Avenue, \Vest New Rrigllton, S. L., N. T.
(Continued f r o m page I )
called Mrs. Heindel who said
t h a t s h e not only did not refer
time a n d again until t h e director is satisfied.
'Once more from t h e top!" a n d t h e accompanist begins again
d repeats ad infinitum t h e numbers of t h e various performers.
uring rehearsal he is a very important member of t h e company,
u t a t curtain time, h e is hidden away either i n t h e "pit" o r stuck
way i n t h e "wings."
H e played brilliantly a n d i t didn't require exceptional observao n t o realize t h a t each performer glancing toward t h e downstage
ing was seeking confidence from t h e young freshman pianist.
T h e R e d a n d White Bombers, a very snappy chorus line, sparked
ning of t h e show and their routine was faultless. Dianna
was more convincing a s a "Wayward Girl" t h a n her trio was
rol Sullivan a n d J a n Henderson were exceptionally ,entertaining
their respective vocal renditions.
P e t e Molnar made a humorous entrance to his mock convocaion, b u t his poor timing a n d extended attempts a t humor soon
played and upstaged his cohorts until their number had been
ed into sheer child's play. I t wasn't h u m o r o r entertainment,
a n all-out childish display of ridiculousness.
ves was coordinating a n d carrying a n y degree of success t h a t t h e
mber merited. T h e P h i Sig boys came back again to d o a "By T h e
how closed with "Everything's Coming Up Roses" a n d t h e
a n d players made a hasty exit. J u d y R a n k did a fine job of
a n d V. Romeo assisted her.
head, Minn.; Albert F. Wessen,
Fifteen educators have teamed Washington U n i v e r s i t y , St.
t o provide a n answer i n Louis, Mo., a n d Kenneth W.
frompage 4 )
its of t h e National L u t h e r
hristian F a i t h a n d the Liberal Thompson, assistant director,
ts," published this spring by T h e Rockefeller Foundation, New
s h e had never even seen them.
Dean Bacher then notifled t h e
neither t h e police nor t h e District Attorney could d o anything
a b o u t t h e m a t t e r a s no money
had been exchanged and no Contract had been signed.
After discussing t h e role of t h e
ichard J . Zimrnerman.
Among t h e 1 5 essayists repre- administration
\\'INrl'R;R'S TALE
philosophy, literature language
TICE Car Wash
a n d made so coarse
to hide
Trophy fund.
T h e cast includes John Bian-
to t h e fraternity man on campus
with t h e highest scholastic aver-
p a r t m e n t of Christian education, experiences which will assist him
, Raymond Brown, J o h n W. T h e Evangelical L u t h e r a n i n being a responsible growing
~ e b a r t h ,Winfield Scott Andrus,
Church, Minneapolis; Carl L. Christian person.
Mav 8 t h "Works of J a c k Kerouac"
Staten Island 2, N. P.
Bus. GT 2-5030
Res. G I 2-7636; GI 2-8521
( II
M. Kenny Jr.
T h e admission for students is 7 5
cents a n d reservations will be
taken in t h e Hawk's Nest beginning April 25.
Open 7:30 p.m.
CotPee Housq J l e ~ l u
May 1 5 t h Readings from T h e Wagner Literary Magazine
Dom Crocitto, Prop.