Are nano-composites worth the effort?
Are nano-composites worth the effort?
The mechanics of small objects: Selected experiments from various landscapes H. Daniel Wagner Department of Materials and Interfaces Weizmann Institute of Science GDR Mecano 7-8 April 2011, Poitiers, France Outline Nano-objects and macro-problems Single NT mechanics: Nano-acrobatical exercises Current experiments with polyhedral inorganic fullerene particles From nano-objects to nano-composites The hard question: Are nano-composites worth the effort? Conclusions Nano-objects and macro-problems 70s – 90s: microfiber mechanical tests (complex but became standard) 1991: nano-era (NT, NF, NW, Npillars…) C NT, WS2 NT, MoS NT, ES polymer fibers, but also virus membranes (nm), basilar membrane within the cochlea of the inner ear (mm), nanoplatelets and nanocomposite biomaterials in general… Major testing challenges (handling, gripping, testing, nN forces, nm extensions…) AFM, Hi-res microscopies, nano-indentation / compression / tension / bending / … Some interesting questions (and contradictions) Iijima 1991 Inspiring effect It was conjectured and demonstrated that other layered compounds are likely to form fullerene-type (including nanocylindrical) structures: BN, BC3, WS2, MoS2 Tenne 1992 Tenne et al, Nature, 1992 GRAPHENE Novoselov & Geim 2004 Single NT mechanics: Nano-acrobatical exercises Compression (from TEM observations + modeling) Tensile strength tests Interfacial adhesion tests Lourie, Cox, Wagner Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998 Lourie, Wagner J. Mater. Res. 1998 ~100-150 GPa crit = ENT + (2K/)(L/mr)2 (mr/L)2 Confirmed by molecular dynamics Srivastava, Phys Rev Lett 1999 200 BUCKLING STRESS (GPa) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF SINGLE MWNT BUCKLING OF THICK-WALLED NANOTUBES (h/r = 0.72) 150 strong interface LOWER BOUND 100 weak interface 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 NORMALIZED LENGTH, L/r Lourie, Cox, Wagner Phys. Rev. Lett. 1998 Lourie, Wagner J. Mater. Res. 1998 30 Attaching CNTs to AFM tip - ESEM Barber, Cohen, Kenig, Wagner, Compos. Sci. Technol. 2004 Young’s modulus from single MW WS2 nanotube - buckling OPTION 1 Euler‟s analysis: OPTION 2 Elastica analysis: F E FEuler L2 / 2 I E=170 GPa F y 2 EI cos cos F E ~ 150 GPa Kaplan-Ashiri et al, PNAS 2006 Barber, Cohen, Kenig, Wagner, Compos. Sci. Technol. 2004 Full stress-strain signature of a single MW WS2 NT : E ~ 145 GPa Kaplan-Ashiri et al, PNAS 2006 ( HOW ABOUT CNT STRENGTH? Specifically: What is the role of individual defects (vacancies…) in an almost perfect nano structure ? Are stochastic models still valid ? (and continuum mechanics in general ?) 1. Gao et al., PNAS 2003 Below 30 nm (approx length scale), the material becomes insensitive to preexisting flaws: The strength of a perfect mineral platelet is maintained despite defects. The failure criterion is not governed by the Griffith criterion ( ~ c-0.5). Gao in, Griffith out ? 2. What happens if a finite # of atoms are extracted from the CNT structure? (i) Sammalkorpi et al (Phys Rev B 2004): simulations show that NT strength decreases by 15% with a single missing atom (ii) Mielke et al (Chem Phys Lett 2004): 26% drop of the tensile strength relative to theoretical strength with only a single missing atom ! MM calculations and quantum mechanics in, Griffith and Gao out? 3. To deal with nano-defects (and size effects), can one still rely on traditional stochastic strength models? Weibull‟s statistical model (1950s) - ~ V -1/b (not too many CNT data sets around to verify this…) THE WEIBULL MODEL PROVIDES EXCELLENT FIT IN ALL CASES ! x F ( x) 1 exp 2 1 CVD MW C NTs: = 109 GPa, = 1.7 LN(-LN(1-F)) 0 -1 AD MW C NTs: = 31 GPa, = 2.4 -2 MW WS2 NTs: = 13.3 GPa, = 7.7 -3 CVD C MWNT AD C MWNT WS2 MWNT -4 1 2 3 4 LN(Strength, GPa) 5 6 Weibull in, Gao et al. ‘out’ ? Barber, Kaplan-Ashiri, Cohen, Tenne, Wagner, Compos. Sci. Technol. 2005 Barber, Andrews, Schadler, Wagner, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2005 4. N. M. Pugno and R. S. Ruoff (Phil Mag 2004; J Appl Phys 2006): 1 1 2 f n c 1 1 n 2 2a = crack tip radius a = crack length n = # missing atoms c = ideal strength (i) Available carbon-nanotube (CNT) tensile strength data do not obey the “classical” Weibull statistical model. (ii) Role of isolated defects (such as missing atoms) is critical ! Strength is „quantized‟ – Quantum Fracture Mechanics (QFM) QFM in, Weibull out ? 5. C. Klein (J Appl Phys 2007): CNT fracture-strength data are consistent with Weibull‟s model ! No evidence for a lower crack length limit (thus no evidence for insensitivity to pre-existing flaws)! Weibull in, QFM out ? Gao et al. out ? ) Current experiments with polyhedral inorganic fullerene particles (in progress) Inorganic layered materials can form hollow multilayered polyhedral nanoparticles (4 to 300 nm). Excellent tribological and wear resisting properties. Measuring and evaluating the stiffness of individual nanoparticle is non-trivial. In-situ technique for stiffness measurements of individual WS2 nanoparticle 80 nm or larger using high resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM). Elucidation of the compression failure strength and the elastic behavior under uniaxial compression. Tevet et al., Nanotechnology (2010) • A transmission electron microscope (TEM- Philips model CM120) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDS- EDAX model Phoenix) used for the analysis of the powders. Uniaxial compression experiment performed in a high resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM- LEO model Supra, 7426) equipped with a Kleindiek nanomanipulator. Tevet et al., Nanotechnology (2010) Tevet et al., Nanotechnology (2010) From nano-objects to nano-composites ES nanofibers and yarns Capillary tip Polymer solution Fiber formation A solid fiber is generated as the electrified jet is continuously stretched due to the electrostatic repulsions between the surface charges and the evaporation of solvent First patent: 1934 Fiber mat Renewed interest: 1990s Advantages of electrospinning 1. Conventional fiber spinning limited to D > 2 mm 2. Production of continuous polymer nanofibers (unlike submicron whiskers, nanorods, nanotubes, nanowires) 3. Low cost, relatively easy PMMA / CNT NANOTUBES HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ALIGN ! Tensile test in ESEM RT tensile testing (inverted microscope) PMMA / p-CNT (1.5%) electrospun fiber This is somewhat counterintuitive, what is going on? 1. Where on the stress-strain curve does necking start ? 2. TEM observation of necking and final fracture Sui & Wagner, Nano Lett. (2009) PMMA/p-MWNTs PMMA/p-SWNTs STABLE NECKING, EXTENSIVE PULL-OUT Sui & Wagner, Nano Lett. (2009) EXTENSIVE (STABLE) NECKING, NO PULL-OUT ? Sui & Wagner, Nano Lett. (2009) emax (%) σmax (Mpa) E (Mpa) Pnecking (%) Toughness Gc (MJ/m3) PMMA 38.20 84.43 960.09 25.6 25.39 PMMA/pMWNTs 79.70 155.74 2153.83 133.6 107.36 PMMA/pSWNTs 84.55 85.71 902.03 111.5 65.97 What happens when functionalizing the CNT surface? p-MWCNTs 10 nm 100 nm COOH-MWCNTs 10 nm 100 nm ID/IG=1.09f-MWCNTs ID/IG=0.96 10 nm D band – structural defects 100 nm G band – tangential shearing mode of C Covalent functionalization produces defects in the graphene structure, leading to mechanical weakening of the nanotube and, therefore, of the nanocomposite. Sui et al., Appl Phys Lett (2009) ONE-STEP FABRICATION OF YARNS / MICROCABLES MADE OF NANOFIBERS Liu, Tasis, Prato, Wagner, Advanced Materials, 2007 Liu, Eder, Burgert, Tasis, Prato, Wagner, Applied Physics Letters, 2007 MICROCABLES Liu, Tasis, Prato, Wagner, Advanced Materials, 2007 Liu, Eder, Burgert, Tasis, Prato, Wagner, Applied Physics Letters, 2007 MICROCABLE TOUGHNESS Sui et al. (Submitted, 2010) Sui et al. (Quasi-submitted, 2011) The hard question: Are nano-composites worth the effort? FIRST SPECIFIC NANO-EFFECT WITH POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Young’s modulus of fibers unexpectedly high at nano-scale Size effect (diameter) on Young’s modulus PAMPS Polypyrrole A true nano-effect; Cutoff diameter varies ES PMMA Possible explanations for the increase in E with decreasing D 1. Added stiffness originates from the production of additional surface area (Nysten et al, PRL 2000; PRB 2004, and others): Esf g/D3 2. Added stiffness originates from the presence of ‘confined supermolecular structures in amorphous regions’ of the polymer, of size D = 2Lcorr (Arinstein & Zussmann, Nature Nano 2007) Other models exist, none fully satisfactory The hard question: Are nano-composites worth the effort? SECOND SPECIFIC NANO-EFFECT WITH POTENTIAL BENEFIT: Traditional composites: Fiber functionalization increases stress transfer, thus increases composite strength, but decreases toughness (‘brittle fracture’) Nano-composites: Tube functionalization increases stress transfer, and increases toughness Standard fracture toughness of CNT/epoxy nanocomposites P KI 2a W B W 0.886 4.64 a 13.32 a 2 14.72 a 3 5.6 a W W W W 3/ 2 1 a W 4 P – maximum load cm B – specimen thickness W – specimen characteristic length a - crack length before failure Fracture Toughness 1.5 Carbon-based epoxy composites 1.4 1.3 KIc (MPa*m1/2) 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 Pure epoxy Carbon Black NH2-MWCNT (good dispersion) pristine NH2-MWCNT MWCNT (poor (good dispersion) dispersion) pristine COOH-MWCNT MWCNT (poor Carbon dispersion) nanofibers 0.7 0.6 0.0 Lachman et al. Composites A (2010) 44 44 Pullout mechanism at the nano-scale: G pullout L2po i d In traditional (micro)fiber-based composites, lc << Lfiber and Lpo lc So, using the Kelly-Tyson force balance: G pullout 1 i In nanotube-based composites, lc ≥ LCNT and so Lpo LCNT G pullout i In CNT-based composites, enhanced adhesion leads to increased toughness ! (specifically nano-scale effect) Lachman et al. Composites A (2010) 45 (Shear-lag model – Greszczuk) Polymer-CNT interfacial adhesion 160 ■ pristine nanotube pullout ● modified nanotube pullout 140 Similar approach: CNT wetting by various liquids and polymers Barber, Cohen, Wagner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004 Barber, Cohen, Wagner, Nano Lett. 2004 Barber, Cohen, Wagner, Phys. Rev. B 2005 IFSS, average (MPa) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Embedded length, L (nm) Barber et al. Adv Mater (2005) Barber et al. Phys Rev Lett (2004) The hard question: Are nano-composites worth the effort? HOW ABOUT A MULTISCALE (NANO-MICRO, HYBRID) COMPOSITE? Qian et al., J Mater Chem (2010) Bekyarova et al, Langmuir (2007) Kepple et al, Carbon (2008) 30% improvement in ILSS 50% improvement in GIc Qian et al, J Mater Chem (2010) Improvement in Lachman et al., Quasi-submitted (2011) The hard question: Are nano-composites worth the effort? INSPIRATIONAL GUIDING PRINCIPLES FROM BIOLOGICAL NANO-COMPOSITES (i) Optimized particle dispersion and packing through self-assembly (Vf ~ 90-95%) (ii) Optimized interfacial adhesion (iii) Very high toughness Wagner, News & Views, Nature Nanotechnology Dec 2007 Weiner, Addadi, Wagner, Mater. Sci.Eng. C 2000 Weiner & Wagner, Ann. Rev. Mater. Sci. 1998 Last 50 years: micron fiber-based composites revolution LM 61.5 m long blades (17.7 tons) Next 50 years: nano objects-based composites revolution ? MAY 2010 Acknowledgments Israel Science Foundation NES Magnet (IMIC) US-Israel BSF NOESIS (EU) Partners & colleagues XiaoMeng Sui, Noa Lachman, Ofer Tevet Sidney Cohen, Reshef Tenne Philippe Poulin (CRPP Pessac, France) Pulickel Ajayan (Rice) Brian Wardle (MIT) P. Fratzl (Max-Planck Inst., Golm)